Artificial stone sinks description. Artificial stone sink - how to choose the best? Conditions for installing sinks made of stone and stainless steel

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Artificial stone sink for the kitchen: how to choose, installation, surface care, features

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Any kitchen should correspond to its purpose, that is, be comfortable, beautiful and functional. For creating comfortable interior not every user is ready to spend a lot of money on purchasing equipment and furniture. A sink made of natural stone will cost the property owner a significant amount of money. The solution to this situation would be an artificial stone sink for the kitchen. In the article we will get acquainted with the nuances of choice, as well as the pros and cons of using such a product.


Features of the material

The material in question contains several components:

  • Marble crumbs, quartz or granite particles.
  • Polymer binder.
  • Pigment dye of the required color. Its presence in the composition allows you to give the sink shades of natural stone.

This composition contains granules of real stone, which gives reason to talk about the naturalness of the products. An acrylic sink is considered completely artificial, because it contains aluminum hydroxide, acrylic resins, and polymethylmeracrylate. The strength of the entire structure depends on the proportion of the last element in the base composition. Some users write reviews that the bottom of acrylic sinks falls off after several years of use. This suggests that the manufacturer added a minimal amount of the most expensive component, polymethylmeracrylate.

To protect against external aggressive environments, a stone kitchen sink is coated with a special protective solution called gelcoat. This substance blocks pores in which dirt, moisture and unpleasant odors can accumulate. Special antibacterial preparations are applied to the surfaces of some sink models. This layer protects the product from pathogens throughout the entire operational period.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before purchasing a stone sink for your kitchen, you need to familiarize yourself with its strengths and weaknesses. Let's start with the advantages of the material:

  • Good resistance to aggressive environments. The surface of the products can withstand contact with chemical solutions, but is afraid of abrasive substances (this does not apply to all models).
  • Sufficient moisture resistance. Thanks to the protective layer, the material does not absorb water into the pores.
  • When water from a tap hits a stone, it does not create the noise inherent in stainless steel products.
  • No stains from uncleaned liquid form on the sink.
  • The material can withstand temperatures within 180-280 degrees.
  • No unpleasant odors.
  • A huge number of color models.
  • Possibility of manufacturing sinks according to specified overall dimensions.
  • Long period of operation.
  • Possibility of repairs for minor surface damage.

The main disadvantages of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone are the high price, as well as the significant mass of products. The price of stainless steel analogues is an order of magnitude lower. The disadvantages also include the instability of some models to sudden temperature changes, the possibility of cracks appearing on the surface of monolithic products that are combined with the countertop.

Embedded models are considered a more promising option than combined designs, so many users prefer the first products. If there is a need to combine a countertop with a sink, then they must be made from the same materials, but the parts must be independent. If there are chips and cracks on one part, there is no need to replace the second.


How to choose the right sink

In order for the sink to last as long as possible, you need to learn how to choose and use it correctly. In this case, the area is taken into account kitchen area, the number of dishes that will be washed. Another important criterion is the cost of the model.

What is artificial stone made of?

The strength of the sink, its stability and others will depend on the composition of the material. specifications. The best proportions of stone chips and polymer binders are considered to be 80:20. Maximum strength is observed in sinks made from granite chips. There are no traces left on the surface of such products after exposure to abrasives. Quartz models have properties similar to granite parts. At the same time, marble sinks are quite capricious, they are afraid of scratches, and with slight mechanical stress, chips form on the surface.


Shape and size

The sizes of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone can be different. A large sink is convenience, functionality and luxury, but such a product is suitable for spacious rooms. When installing a sink in a small kitchen, it is recommended to select narrow, shallow products with round or square shape. To save space in a small room, you can install a corner sink.

The basic parameters of the products do not matter if they are installed in a spacious kitchen. In most models, the bowl is made in the shape of a circle; other popular options are rectangle and oval. Some materials for the corner parts of the room are made in the shape of a trapezoid. In spacious rooms you can install sinks with wings, here you can put dishes for drying. If you use two bowls, then you can put various foods for defrosting or vegetables for washing in a small container.

If a special machine is provided for washing dishes, then the sink is used only for rinsing cutlery, cups and bowls. When hand washing dishes with 3 or more occupants, choose a wide and deep sink. This container will accommodate a sufficient number of cutlery.


Number of bowls

Large sinks can be divided into two or three bowls. The choice of such a model is justified only if the housewife cooks a lot. In this case, one bowl will be used for stacking dishes, another for preparing and cleaning food, and another for defrosting. Similar options relevant for restaurants and cafes, as well as apartments where many residents live.



Most models of kitchen sinks are matte, but there are products with a surface that imitates metal. The color of the kitchen sink should be as close as possible to natural stone. The range of such products includes 8-12 shades, but some manufacturers reduce the palette to 4-6 colors.

The most popular shades are:

  • anthocyanin, chocolate color;
  • white and beige shades;
  • grey colour.

When purchasing a sanitary fixture, make sure that the color of the product matches the overall interior of the room.



The price of sinks is in the range of 3-8 thousand rubles. It all depends on the composition and overall dimensions. Foreign models have a wide price range from 5 to 100 thousand. The most expensive are large, complex-shaped sinks consisting of several bowls.

The best option for an apartment would be a product costing 12-20 thousand rubles. Models cheaper than the specified price range are available from unscrupulous manufacturers. Such companies save on binding components, which ensure the strength properties of the product. If handled incorrectly, cracks and chips may appear on the surface of the material. In addition, unsightly stains can form on low-quality sinks. They are formed when the surface comes into contact with hot objects.


To extend the life of the sink, it is necessary to purchase special accessories that will protect the stone from mechanical damage. Cheap models with reduced technical characteristics especially need such protection.

To prevent cracks and chips, install a basket in the sink. This detail will prevent the surface from being damaged by an accidentally dropped object. The basket can be used for washing vegetables and fruits. Special stands for hot dishes will help prevent the appearance of pigment spots.



The most popular brands of kitchen sinks are:

  • German manufacturer Blanco, which supplies the market with models made of silgranite.
  • The company Schock (Germany) produces sinks from crystallight.
  • The Franke company (Germany) uses fragranite as the main raw material.
  • The French manufacturer Benthor Corporation uses novoquartz or cermat to make sinks.

All of these raw materials (tegranite, crystallight, silgranite and fragranite) differ little from each other. The composition of the main components in the products remains unchanged, 80% comes from stone chips, the remaining 20% ​​from binders.

The main difference between the products of various foreign companies is their own patented production technology. Features present in materials such as novoquartz and cermat. The raw materials here include binders, acrylic, rubber, and fiberglass. It is necessary to understand that a high-quality sink will have an appropriate cost, so when choosing a sink, give preference to well-known manufacturers who have been able to collect positive consumer reviews.

Installation nuances

Installation of sinks made of artificial stone should be carried out by specially trained personnel. This is due to the fact that the products must be installed in a countertop made of the same material, and this causes certain difficulties. Unlike the average user, experts will do the job in such a way that the gap between the work surface and the sink remains masked. At self-installation this is unlikely to be achieved.

Installing a stone sink into a regular countertop can be done independently, but the master must follow the instructions. On initial stage work, it is necessary to cut a hole to fit the dimensions of the sink. Standard overhead sinks have a size of 60*60 centimeters. In this case, the user must draw the outline of the model on cardboard and transfer it to the tabletop. In wooden kitchen board 4 holes are made along the contour, then a piece of material is cut out with a jigsaw. To prevent the excess part of the tabletop from damaging the floor, during work it is necessary to fix the position of the part with screws.

At the next stage of work, the edge is cleaned with sandpaper and treated with sealant. For the same purpose, you can use sealing tape, which can be purchased at a specialty store. Next, carefully lift and install the sink into the countertop; special bolts are used to fix it, securing the product in the lower part.

After installing the sink, begin installing the mixer. This one is sanitary technical device fixed on the sink. It is then connected to the pipeline for hot and cold water. The sink drain is connected to the siphon, and the protruding sealant at the connection points is also removed.


Nuances of care

Numerous reviews from consumers who have already installed a stone sink in their kitchens indicate that such a product does not require special care, but you still need to know some nuances. The surface of the material can suffer from various mechanical forces, for example, the fall of a heavy object causes chips and cracks to appear. Such defects are difficult to repair; in some cases, the sink has to be replaced.

It is not advisable to install hot objects on stone products. A kettle of water heated to 80 degrees can cause stains. Clean the surface with soft sponges without abrasive substances, as such particles can cause scratches on the product. Solution concentrated acid and bleach are considered detrimental to stone. Do not break the tightness of the joints during operation, this causes mold to appear at the joints and can lead to damage to the wooden tabletop.

The sink is one of the central kitchen appliances along with the stove and refrigerator, and any housewife knows how important it is to have a comfortable, practical and beautiful sink. However modern market plumbing offers such a wide range of products that an unprepared buyer can easily get confused and buy something that is not exactly what suits him personally.

We want to tell you how to choose a sink in the modern variety of models.

Review of materials and selection criteria

Stainless steel

The first thing you should pay attention to when choosing a sink is the material from which it is made. Its strength, reliability, durability and many other important characteristics will depend on this.

Today on the market there are many models from the most different materials, the most popular of which are:

  • Stainless steel;
  • Ceramics;
  • Fake diamond;
  • A natural stone;
  • Various polymers and plastics;
  • Non-ferrous metals;
  • Enamelled black steel or cast iron.

Let us immediately note that the last two positions are in the least demand for quite objective reasons, since new materials confidently surpass them in characteristics. At the same time, the price of new materials, if higher, is quite justified; At the same time, it does not remove popular models from the sphere of financial capabilities of the general consumer.

Let's start the review with the most popular and affordable material for sinks today - stainless steel. This is an alloy of steel with an alloying metal - zinc or chromium. Today, for the production of kitchen sanitary ware, chromium martensitic steel grades AISI 304 and AISI 316L are used, which are completely safe and approved for use in the food industry.

They look great in a variety of interior styles, from country to high-tech and postmodern.

In addition, they have a number of characteristic advantages:

  1. Affordable price. This is one of the most important criteria, on the basis of which the products became so popular;
  2. Corrosion resistance. The material is not afraid of moisture, detergents, does not rust or change color;
  3. Strength and elasticity. This type of metal, with its high strength, is able to withstand elastic deformations, as a result, falling dishes do not break;
  4. Easy care. Washing and disinfecting the device does not cause any problems;
  5. Easy DIY installation;
  6. Great appearance , which remains throughout the entire life of the product.

Important! When choosing, it is best to purchase a model with a welded deep bowl and a wall thickness of at least 0.8 - 1 mm. It is also desirable to have a sound-absorbing pad.

Composite materials

The second place in popularity after stainless steel is occupied by composite materials, which are commonly called artificial stone. This material is somewhat more expensive than stainless steel, but has a number of significant advantages.

To make stone sinks, various mineral bases are used - quartz, marble or granite chips, etc. Next, the base is mixed with a polymer binder, most often acrylic resin, and formed by vibration casting into the desired product. High-quality models contain at least 80–94% mineral base.

Sinks made of quartz agglomerate and marble chips have the following advantages:

  • Covered with gelcoat working surface can serve for at least 10 years without loss of visual appeal and shine;
  • The material does not absorb odors, is not afraid of acids and alkalis, detergents and household chemicals;
  • The sink is absolutely silent, unlike its metal counterparts;
  • The strength of composite stone surpasses even natural marble and granite;
  • The products have a solid and expensive appearance and perfectly complement the kitchen interior.

Important! When choosing a sink, beware of fakes and low-quality products with a low mineral content. Give preference to well-known brands and ask for certificates of conformity indicating the composition of the composite.


Ceramic products have long established themselves as the most hygienic and resistant to conditions of use as plumbing fixtures. Porcelain and sanitaryware are the undisputed leaders in terms of resistance to corrosion, external beauty and surface cleanliness.

However, in a kitchen sink, their use is complicated by their low impact strength and tendency to chip when heavy metal utensils fall, which, alas, is inevitable. Therefore modern kitchen appliances ceramics have to be treated with special coatings, which, however, still do not provide a 100% guarantee of protection.

In this regard, the cost of really good ceramic models is quite high, and most often such products are classified as luxury plumbing fixtures. There are also difficulties with self-installation devices due to their heavy weight and the risk of cracks and chips.

Important! Porcelain stoneware products are often offered as ceramic sinks. He is enough quality material and surpasses ceramics in strength.

What else to pay attention to

So, you have decided for yourself which sink is better - steel, stone or ceramic. Now let's talk about other criteria that should be taken into account when choosing.

For convenience, we will simply list a number of tips that will help you choose the best quality and most suitable model:

  1. Sinks made of natural stone require careful care, are afraid of acids, absorb some pigments and odors, and are also very expensive and difficult to install;
  2. A copper or aluminum sink is too soft and will quickly become covered with scratches and other mechanical damage;
  3. You should think in advance what type of faucet you want to see on your sink and select a model taking into account the method of its installation;
  4. Equally important is the way the sink is installed on the countertop. There are overhead, mortise and integrated models, this must be taken into account in advance;
  5. Think about which bowl shape will be most convenient for you. Now models with two and three bowls are becoming popular, it is also important to think about depth;
  6. Modern products are often equipped with auxiliary accessories - dryers, colanders, cutting boards etc. Choose the set that suits you best;
  7. Please pay attention to the installation method of the product. The instructions for self-installation should be clear and feasible for you.

Important! Give preference to proven and well-known brands and manufacturers, purchase certified products in branded stores. This will protect you from counterfeit products.


Choice kitchen sink Given the current range of models, this is not an easy task. However, if you know the main classes of products and their features, this task is greatly simplified.

Additional information on choosing sinks is in the video in this article.

On modern kitchen, thanks to relatively new technical developments in the field of functionality, you can find an alternative to almost everything except the refrigerator and kitchen sink. While some kitchens may not have space at all for a traditional stove, the same cannot be done with a sink: no dishwasher can perform all the functions of a conventional sink.

Temporal "evolution" in the field household appliances constantly improves “smart” gadgets, making them more and more functional and convenient to use in the kitchen.

In the area of ​​excellence, kitchen sinks are no exception:

  • They take on new, more convenient forms;
  • The functionality of their use is expanding;
  • The materials used are being improved.

An artificial stone sink for the kitchen is one of the latest innovations that has rapidly gained popularity and trust among consumers.

What kind of material is artificial stone? What are the undeniable advantages of such a sink? What are its advantages? Are there any disadvantages? How to choose a sink made of natural or artificial stone and install it yourself? In the following review you will find answers to all your questions.

Artificial stone sinks for the kitchen: what are they?

Not many manufacturing companies around the world make stone sinks, but all of them have won the trust of customers. The production technology, like the material itself, may differ, but the quality of the product, durability and ease of use, except in cases of fakes, never do.

Artificial stone is a multilayer composite material, which includes:

  1. Natural stone chips;
  2. Polymer binders and acrylic resins.

Externally, artificial stone is very similar to natural stone, but due to its plasticity it is very easy to process. The material is waterproof, since all the micropores of its structure are filled with polymer resin.

Sinks of various sizes, shapes and designs are made from artificial stone, color solutions and modifications.

Artificial granite and acrylic stone: what is the difference

You can often find negative customer reviews about artificial stone sinks.

They say different things about them:

  • The bottom falls off after pouring boiling water into the sink;
  • Traces from hot dishes remain;
  • Minor damage appears from mechanical influences;
  • Stains from fresh food remain forever.

Apparently, the above disadvantages indicated the use of sinks made of a cheaper material - acrylic. Integrated sinks are much more difficult to maintain and more capricious to use. The reason for this may be the choice of a product of low cost, and, accordingly, low quality.

In such products, the production technology of sinks and countertops is often violated.

The seam between the sink and the countertop often opens up due to careless use or poor-quality glue. In order for the sink to become one with the surface adjacent to it, you need to carefully select the manufacturer and treat the product with care during operation.

Although acrylic sinks have little strength compared to artificial stone, they are light in weight. And this greatly simplifies the processing of the material and makes it possible to create sinks different designs and forms.

The main and, perhaps, the only advantage of acrylic sinks is that small defects in the form of thermal marks, cracks, chips or scratches are eliminated on their surface. The sink can be restored to its original appearance by sanding, but you can’t do it yourself.

Stone sinks cannot be repaired or restored if they fail, but they are much stronger, more stable and more durable.

You should know that marble sinks or sinks made of artificial granite are not afraid of stains, mechanical stress, or temperature changes. They are not subject to deformation from contact with hot surfaces and are not prone to destruction from various types of influences.

If marble or granite sinks allow stains, chips and cracks to appear, this may be a factory defect, a fake or not. correct installation.

Kitchen sink: important points (video)

Stone kitchen sink: pros and cons

In addition to the high quality and durability of stone products, artificial stone sinks have a number of undeniable advantages.

"Pros" of a stone sink:

  1. Due to the waterproofness of the material, dyes and acids do not eat into the smooth surface.
  2. The homogeneous non-porous structure of artificial stone prevents the spread of bacteria and microorganisms in the sink.
  3. Grease deposits, beetroot and blood stains are not a problem for sinks made of artificial stone. They are easy to clean and easy to maintain.
  4. The heat resistance of artificial stone speaks for itself: the sink will not leave marks from hot objects or react in any way to temperature changes.
  5. Respectable appearance, a wide selection of colors, models and functionality are the characteristic features of stone sinks.
  6. Sound absorption ability is a fairly significant criterion. Often a person is annoyed by the noise of water flowing from the tap, which this surface suppresses.

The disadvantages of artificial stone sinks include their rather high cost: the production of composite materials costs manufacturers twice as much, hence the price.

Possible defects or poor-quality installation of the sink are rather miscalculations rather than disadvantages.

How to choose a kitchen sink made of artificial stone

How to choose the right stone sink so as not to end up with an unscrupulous distributor? What will help protect against counterfeiting? Some simple steps will lead to the correct choice of such an expensive plumbing fixture.

Deciding on a budget

The cost of sinks made of artificial stone is from Russian manufacturers varies from 3,200 to 8,000 rubles - it all depends on the material, shape and functionality of the plumbing fixture. The price for a car wash from European manufacturers is much higher - from 5,500 to 12,000 rubles. The most expensive models German quality can cost up to 100,000 rubles. These are high-tech corner sinks with a complex structure, having several bowls of different sizes and shapes and advanced functionality.

A sink of normal quality can also be found in the middle price category - from 12,000 to 25,000 rubles.

Which stone to choose

The durability and performance of the sink depends on the stone chips included in the composite.

Stone sinks can be:

  • Marble;
  • Granite;
  • Quartz.

Deciding on colors

From a practicality point of view, the darker the material, the less easily soiled it is.

The colors of artificial stone sinks are close to the shades of natural materials. Stone sinks can be brown, white or beige and gray with a metallic tint.

For customers who are particularly picky in terms of design, some Russian manufacturers make sinks in colors atypical for natural materials - pink or green.

If you pay attention to user reviews, the most practical is a two-tone color option for the plumbing fixture.

Dimensions and shape

The sizes and modifications of stone sinks are not much different in terms of assortment from the parameters of their metal counterparts. Sinks come in frontal, corner, with different depths and number of bowls. You can choose the best option for yourself, size and shape, as well as other parameters by watching the video.

Choosing a kitchen sink (video)

Let's protect ourselves from counterfeiting

In order not to waste money and not end up with a destroyed or damaged plumbing fixture after a couple of weeks of use, it is important to meet all the criteria the right choice truly a quality product.

Important points when choosing a sink:

  • Do not buy goods “on the street”. Very often, dubious retail outlets and shops offer counterfeits of both European brands and Russian brands. The pros and cons of such “distributors” are obvious.
  • Cheap goods - low price. If you want to profitably buy an expensive sink, there is a great risk of ending up with nothing. There are often sinks on sale that, in all respects, look like products from expensive brands and brands, with a significantly reduced price. A buyer who purchases a counterfeit product will not be able to use the product warranty if necessary.
  • Every “brand” has its own cost. If a “good-natured” seller offers to buy a sink “from the same factory”, but at a lower cost, arguing that the difference in price is an overpayment for the brand, it is better to refuse the purchase. Remember: it is important for the seller to sell the product at any cost.

After purchasing a sink made of natural or artificial stone, its correct installation is important. You can do it yourself or use the services of a master.

Installing a kitchen sink with your own hands (video)

If you are making dramatic changes to your kitchen, you should pay attention to sinks made of natural or artificial stone. They have improved performance capabilities, are more durable and are less finicky to clean. Wide choose sizes, shapes and modifications will allow you to purchase exactly what you need, weighing all the pros and cons. You can install the sink yourself or seek help from specialists. The main thing is not to buy a fake.

Good luck with your choice!

Examples of kitchen sinks made of artificial stone (photo)

Everything about choosing a good sink made of artificial stone: the 5 most common problems, a review of prices and manufacturers than stone better than stainless steel how not to buy a fake, photo granite sinks in the kitchen interior - here.

5 most common problems with artificial stone sinks

Reading reviews on the Internet, it is easy to find quite a lot of complaints about artificial sinks. Having surveyed the site's readers, we have collected the five most popular complaints and concerns, due to which many people prefer the good old, proven stainless steel kitchen sinks.

  1. “A stone sink will develop stains over time. On a light sink there are dark stains (from coffee, tea, red wine, beets, juice, etc.), on a dark one there are light stains (something hot was accidentally put on).”
  2. “Due to boiling water, the sink may crack, and hot dishes should not be placed on the surface of the stone.”
  3. “If you accidentally drop heavy dishes, the sink may break, chip or crack.”
  4. “Such a sink requires daily care, all you will do is clean it”
  5. “Artificial stone is not at all like natural stone, it looks like plastic”

Our review will help you figure out which of this is true and which problems can easily be avoided by simply choosing the right sink.

Myths or truth?

If you read about how the bottom of a sink made of artificial stone fell off after boiling water was poured into it, how it cracked when a pan or heavy knife fell into it, how it was left with traces of hot dishes, you were almost certainly talking about an acrylic sink integrated into the countertop , and not about a mortise composite sink made of artificial granite or marble.

Sinks made of artificial granite are stain-resistant. The photo shows a model from Longran.

Granite sinks are not afraid of stains (if they appear, they can be easily cleaned with ordinary detergents and a sponge) or hot objects. If a granite or quartz sink is cracked, chipped, or stained, the reason may be a manufacturing defect, or you have come across a fake (read below for how to avoid being scammed).

But sinks made of acrylic stone are much more capricious and require more maintenance.

Integrated sinks made of acrylic stone are easy to distinguish from built-in models made of granite

The most common reason problems with acrylic sinks - choosing a cheap material of low quality (for example, from Chinese manufacturers) and/or violating the countertop production technology.

Acrylic stone, which is used for countertops and integrated sinks, is much inferior in strength to artificial granite. But it is much easier to process and sands well. You can easily make a sink of any shape from it, and the border between it and the countertop will be completely invisible.

But despite the fact that the seam is not visible, it is there. And with a strong impact, vibration or sudden temperature change, this seam can “open up”. Especially if the craftsmen who made the countertop cheated, violated technology or used low-quality glue.

If you want a sink without seams that will completely “merge” with the countertop, choose the manufacturer carefully, handle it carefully, and it will faithfully serve you for many years.

The big plus is that surface defects in an acrylic stone sink can be easily removed. Thermal marks from a hot frying pan, small chips, cracks and scratches can be removed by sanding; the seams can be sealed. But for this work it is worth inviting a specialist.

Built-in sinks made of artificial granite cannot be repaired, but problems with them are many times less than with acrylic ones.

When purchasing a sink, be sure to find out the composition of the material and read the manufacturer’s recommendations on how you can and cannot handle it.

5 reasons why a stone kitchen sink is better than stainless steel

  • Stone sinks have beautiful colors and textures (you can match them exactly to the color of the countertop) and stylish design, they look nobler than steel and will harmoniously fit into the interior of any kitchen. Especially if it is modern classics, country or Provence.
  • Compared to stainless steel, such sinks are absolutely silent - you will not be annoyed by the sound of water or the clanging of cutlery on the steel surface.
  • They are deeper than stamped steel sinks.
  • Smears and splashes on the surface of the stone are practically invisible, but on metal every drop is visible.
  • Pleasant to the touch.

Round sinks made of artificial stone are an excellent option for a small kitchen.

6 more important advantages:

  • European-made artificial granite and quartz sinks can withstand temperatures up to 280 degrees, Russian ones - up to 180 degrees. Compare: a baking sheet just out of the oven has a temperature of about 230 degrees.
  • A high-quality granite sink is very difficult to break or scratch under normal household conditions.
  • There are no pores on the surface of the artificial stone, so dirt and odors are not absorbed into it.
  • Large manufacturers offer sinks with a special antibacterial coating - it prevents dangerous microbes from multiplying on the stone surface. Franke has Sanitized®, Schock has Schock-AntiBac®, Longran has Microstop®, etc. Manufacturers claim that antibacterial protection is permanent throughout the entire life of your sink.
  • Artificial granite and quartz do not fade over time.
  • High-quality composite material is absolutely environmentally friendly and safe.

Model Liverpool LIR1080.515 from Longran, material - Rock artificial granite

3 minuses

  • A significant disadvantage of stone sinks is their high price. On average, a composite sink costs twice as much more expensive model made of stainless steel of a similar configuration.
  • An inexpensive composite sink does not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, is more sensitive to boiling water, hot dishes and stains, and owners of a stainless steel sink do not think about it at all.
  • There is a higher risk of buying a fake

Is it difficult to maintain a granite kitchen sink?

Any sink requires careful and regular care. It’s just a myth that stainless steel will look perfect on its own.

“A steel sink looks perfect only before the first use,” our reader Anna wrote in her review. — I used to have a stainless steel sink, and it wasn’t cheap, for 13 thousand, but now it’s made of artificial stone. I didn’t notice much difference in care. Both need to be rinsed and wiped dry regularly. All the drops of water were visible on the surface of the stainless steel - I kept spraying it with product and wiping it. And since our water is hard, we had to clean the deposits every week. With artificial stone (I have a sand-beige sink) this is much easier. No problems with stains yet. But I wash it every week - after washing it is like new.”

4 main rules, which will extend the life of any, even the most inexpensive and capricious sink, are very simple:

  • start caring for your sink immediately from the moment of purchase, then it will look like new for a long time
  • After use, rinse the walls and bottom of the sink well, ideally wipe its surface dry with a napkin
  • place pots or baking trays on a special stand made of cork or metal
  • Before pouring boiling water into the sink, open the cold water tap.

For other opinions and reviews about artificial stone sinks, see the comments in this article. Share your experience - leave your comment!

Choosing a stone sink in 6 simple steps

Step 1. Decide on a budget

Prices for mortise sinks made of artificial stone from Russian manufacturers start at 3,200 rubles for the simplest and most compact model. Double bowl sinks domestic production in online stores in Moscow you can find from 5900 rubles. Upper threshold prices for Russian kitchen sinks are on average 7.5-8 thousand rubles.

Prices for European stone sinks made of artificial granite start from 5.5-6 thousand rubles for products from Polish manufacturers. Models from Blanco, Franke, Schock (all from Germany) cost on average from 11-12 thousand rubles and reach 90-100 thousand rubles for technologically advanced corner sinks of complex shape with several bowls. Most imported granite sinks in the mid-price category can be purchased for 12-25 thousand rubles.

Model BLANCO DALAGO 45 from Blanco, material – Silgranit

Step 2. Which artificial stone is better?

Artificial stone is a modern composite material consisting of two main components: stone filler (crumbs) and polymer binder resins.

Each manufacturer has its own composition of artificial stone, its own components, its own production technology and, as a rule, a patented name. Blanco has Silgranit, Franke has Fragranit, Schock has Cristalite and Cristadur, Longran has Longstone and Rock, Alveus has Algranit, etc.

How durable the sink will be, how long it will last and whether it will resist stains and hot dishes depends on what kind of stone chips it is made from. There are three options: granite or marble chips and quartz sand.

The higher the proportion of granite, the stronger the artificial stone, easier to maintain and more durable. Ideal composition - 80% granite chips or quartz, 20% - acrylic additives. This material is several times stronger than natural granite.
Sinks made from marble chips (so-called cast marble), especially if they contain polyester resins, are less durable. They are more sensitive to temperature changes, mechanical shocks, scratches, and their color may change over time. But they cost significantly less than granite ones.

The standard warranty period for artificial stone sinks is 12 months from the date of purchase. Some manufacturers in the mid- and high-price categories have more. For example, Schock has 5 years.

Step 3. What color of stone sink is the most non-staining?

The color palette of stone sinks is very close to natural stone. Therefore, the range is not very wide and is limited to natural colors: dark (shades of anthracite and chocolate), light (white and various shades of beige) and gray. From Russian manufacturers you can find colored stone sinks, for example, pink or light green.

Most stone options are matte, but each collection, as a rule, has at least 1-2 options with a metallic effect.

Most manufacturers offer from 6 to 12 colors. But keep in mind: some sink models are only available in basic 4-6 colors.

If you are concerned about stains, do not choose a plain white or black sink. Most practical option for the kitchen sink - speckled artificial stone (dark to light, light to dark). Any stains and dirt on such a surface will not be noticeable.

Step 4. Choose a shape and size

The options and sizes of artificial stone and stainless steel sinks are not much different. We talked in detail about how to decide on the size of the sink in this article. After reading it, you will learn what the optimal depth of the bowl should be so that your back doesn’t hurt and water doesn’t splash around, and what parameters you need to keep in mind to make using the sink comfortable.

If your kitchen has a dishwasher, you can get by with a small round or square sink without a drain. However, it must be deep enough to rinse a frying pan, large pot, or baking tray.

A good solution for a corner kitchen set— a spacious corner sink with one or two bowls. It can be rounded or trapezoidal in shape and is specially designed for installation in corner floor modules. This sink allows you to effectively use the space in the corner. A suitable size model can be selected even for small kitchen. But such sinks are more expensive than regular ones. Models Russian production will cost an average of 6-9 thousand rubles, foreign - from 14 thousand rubles.

Compact corner sink made of artificial stone with one bowl in a small kitchen

Step 5. How many bowls should the sink have?

The number of sections depends on your preferences and the size of your kitchen.

If the kitchen is small, you will almost certainly have to abandon models with 2-3 bowls. It is much more practical to buy a small sink and allocate space for a compact built-in dishwasher 45 cm wide or a small tabletop one.

The most compact sinks have one round or rectangular bowl without a wing. They are practical and roomy: small size compensates b O The greater depth of the bowl is 19-20 cm. Therefore, they are better suited for small kitchens. If you have a convenient built-in wall cabinet dish dryer, there is no special need for a wing.

A glass board is a convenient accessory that will increase usable area table tops

Do you cook a lot and often? If the countertop space allows, do not skimp on convenience - buy a sink with at least two bowls different sizes. In one you will wash dishes, in the other you will use fruits, herbs or defrost meat, berries and other frozen foods. Practical and very hygienic.

For a large sink with 2-3 bowls, you should buy a faucet with a pull-out spout - it will be much more convenient to use.

Before choosing a new sink, spend a few days observing what exactly you do in the sink area. How much food do you have to defrost? What quantity of fruits-vegetables-greens and how often do you wash? This will help you choose optimal size additional bowl - not too big, but not too small.

Step 6. Selecting accessories

Modern accessories turn any sink, even a budget one, into an ergonomic washing center and seriously make the housewife’s life easier. Read more about what they are in this article.

The set of accessories for sinks made of artificial stone and stainless steel is not much different. The only specific point is that if you have an inexpensive composite sink, we recommend using a special metal basket for dishes. It will additionally protect the surface of the stone from accidental damage, and if you drop the cup, it will not break. In addition, the basket is convenient for washing vegetables or fruits.

Some sinks have perfectly smooth, polished walls, and the bottom has a specially soft corrugation, invisible to the eye, but slightly rough to the touch. There is no need to worry - this is not a defect: different surface textures are associated with production features and are quite useful with practical point vision. Drops of water do not linger on the smooth walls, which means they do not leave marks. On a rough bottom, dishes slip less, and with strong pressure, water splashes less.

Mixer BLANCOTIVO-S from Blanco, material – Silgranit

Faucet to match the sink

The ideal companion for a sink and countertop made of artificial stone is a faucet of the same color. But keep in mind: sometimes the color of the faucet and sink may differ from each other by 1-2 tones. Manufacturers do not consider this a defect and explain it by the difference in production technologies: sinks are made solid, and the faucet coating (moisture-resistant powder enamel) is applied by spraying.

By the way, some manufacturers have sinks and mixers certain colors may cost more than others. For others, the cost does not depend on the color.

In a small kitchen there is a built-in dispenser for liquid soap especially convenient - there is nothing superfluous on the tabletop

Beware, fake!

When choosing a sink made of artificial stone, it is important not to run into a fake. In construction markets and dubious shops you can find counterfeit products not only from European brands, but also from relatively inexpensive Russian brands. For example, popular domestic manufacturers “Granfest” and “Polygran”.

“Craftsmen” play on the desire of buyers to buy an expensive sink cheaper, churning out “clones” that are only externally similar to the original, and without complying with the necessary technical conditions. If you buy a fake sink, you will not be able to use the warranty if problems arise. The most common of them are the appearance of cracks, leaking seams, deformation of the bowl or a falling off bottom.

If you hear from the seller that “this sink is the same as [famous brand], from the same factory” or “why overpay for the brand,” it is better to refrain from purchasing.

Often a fake can be distinguished by poor quality packaging. For example, there is no manufacturer’s logo on the box; it is made of soft cardboard, easily wrinkles and quickly loses its appearance. “Branded” packaging is made of thick, moisture-resistant cardboard. Inside it there are stiffening ribs that fix the sink and reliably protect it from damage. Some manufacturers protect their products with a holographic sticker or a molded raised stamp.

When purchasing, carefully inspect the sink. A fake may have errors in geometry, because of which it will not fit perfectly to the countertop. Another alarm bell is that the price is significantly lower than that of other sellers.

If you have any doubts, do not be lazy to contact the manufacturer (contacts can be found on the official website) or its major dealer. And buy a sink in specialized online stores with a good history, large showrooms or kitchen studios. As a rule, a list of official representatives can always be found on the manufacturer’s website.

Model Bristol BSR790.480 from Longran, material - Rock granite

Is it worth buying a kitchen sink?

When ordering a kitchen, a good designer-consultant will always tell you which sink will best suit the chosen set. However, if a salon representative is too insistent in recommending only certain washes, this is a reason to be wary.

As a rule, kitchen showrooms and studios work with a certain, rather narrow, circle of suppliers. There are no guarantees that they are not simply trying to “sell” you stale inventory balances, and even with a decent markup. Write down the model and manufacturer of the sink, read reviews, look for analogues - it is quite possible that you will buy a better quality sink for less in an online plumbing store.

The kitchen should not only be functional, but also comfortable and beautiful. At the same time, I would like not to spend a lot. Monolithic a natural stone costs a lot. Therefore, the stainless kitchen sink was replaced by a sink made of artificial stone - we will describe its pros and cons in this article.

Artificial stone is a mixed material that includes several components:

  • Stone chips (granite, marble or quartz);
  • Polymer for gluing crumbs;
  • The composition includes dyes in small quantities. With their help, artificial material accurately conveys the natural shades of natural stone or is painted in other colors.

The composition described above includes natural stone. Therefore it is partly natural. But acrylic stone can be called 100% artificial. This does not exist in nature. It is made from acrylic resins mixed with aluminum hydroxide and polymethyl methacrylate.

Important: The strength of a kitchen sink made of artificial stone depends on the last component - reviews often contain information that the bottom of such acrylic sinks simply falls off. This means that the manufacturer spared polymethyl methacrylate, the most expensive substance.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before you have a stone sink for your kitchen, you will have to study the pros and cons from all sides.

Let's start with the advantages:

  • Resistance to aggressive environments (the material does not react when in contact with chemicals, except abrasives);
  • Moisture resistance (closed pores make the surface waterproof);
  • Water hitting an artificial stone does not make any noise;
  • There are no white spots left from water;
  • Resistance to temperatures 180-280 degrees (depending on the quality of the product);
  • Lack of odor that appears when bacteria multiply on the walls of the sink;
  • The color remains bright during use;
  • The material is environmentally friendly;
  • A range of different colored models are available;
  • It is possible to manufacture a sink according to individual parameters;
  • At proper care the sink retains its original appearance for up to 10 years or longer;
  • If mechanical damage occurs, it remains possible to make repairs.

The disadvantages of artificial stone sinks include:

  • High cost of products. Compared to the price may differ by 2 or more times;
  • Low quality material does not tolerate sudden temperature changes;
  • You cannot place very hot objects (with a temperature above 180-280 degrees) on kitchen sinks made of artificial stone;
  • The products are quite heavy;
  • Sinks combined with a countertop (monolithic) are often damaged, cracking so that they can no longer be repaired. You will have to replace both the sink and the countertop.

Sinks embedded into the countertop are a better option than combined sinks. Therefore, give preference to them. If you really want the sink and countertop to merge with each other, let them be made of the same materials, but be independent elements. If one of them is severely damaged, there is no need to replace the other.

Criterias of choice

In order for you to be satisfied with the wash, you need to decide in advance on the desired parameters. You need to take everything into account: the area of ​​the kitchen, its design, the estimated volume of dishes that you will wash. Not the last criterion that you will be guided by when choosing is the cost of the product. How to choose a sink for the kitchen so that you don’t have even a shadow of doubt about whether you did the right thing?

Stone composition

The strength of the sink and its stability depend on the composition of the stone and the ratio of its components. The ideal ratio of stone chips to polymers: 80% and 20%. The most durable sinks will be made from granite chips: they do not leave scratches, and they can withstand the fall of a body weighing 2 kg from a height of 150 cm. Quartz analogues are almost as good as granite ones. Marble sinks are capricious: scratches quickly appear on them, chips easily form, but repairing such a product is much easier.

Shape and size

A large sink made of artificial stone is a plus, the only minus is that it will not fit in a small kitchen. Therefore, when limited area choose narrow but deep (about 20%) shells without wings of a square or round shape. A good solution is to buy corner sink, which uses one of the corners of the kitchen.

For a large kitchen there are no restrictions; from above the bowl can look like a circle, oval, rectangle, square, and in corner versions it can be in the form of a trapezoid. If the kitchen is spacious, then pay attention to the wings. Convenient to place on them washed dishes For pre-drying.

And in a small sink combined with a dishwasher, it is convenient to put food for defrosting and vegetables and fruits for washing.

If you wash dishes in a special machine, the size of the sink may be small. It will only be used to rinse bowls and utensils while cooking. If the dishes are washed by hand, and the number of people living in the house is more than 2-3, then the sink should be wide and deep. Then it will hold enough dirty dishes.

Number of bowls

Large sinks may have one, two or even three bowls. This choice will be justified only when you cook a lot. In this case, you put the dishes in one bowl, and wash and clean the cooking products in the other. This is true for large families and cafes.


Most sinks are matte, but there are some with a metallic effect. The color of a kitchen sink made of artificial stone is close to natural. Typically, manufacturers offer an assortment of 6-12 shades, but sometimes it is reduced to 4-6. The color palette may be small, but compared to stainless steel, which has no choice at all, is a plus.

Possible shades:

  • Dark (anthracite or chocolate shades);
  • Light (beige and white);
  • Gray.

Note: If you want to purchase a colored sink for your kitchen, then pay attention to Russian-made products. From them you can choose red, green, blue: any color to your taste.


Russian-made artificial stone sinks cost in the range of 3,000-8,000 rubles, depending on the size and composition of the product. Foreign analogues can be purchased from 5-6 thousand rubles. The price range here is wide - up to 100,000 rubles (these are complex-shaped sinks with several bowls). For an apartment, the optimal price range is 12-20 thousand.

Reports of difficult-to-maintain and low-quality artificial stone kitchen sinks - reviews from buyers on a small budget. Suspiciously cheap models are found from unscrupulous manufacturers who skimp on expensive materials that ensure the strength of the products. As a result of careless handling, cracks and chips form. And contact with hot surfaces leaves unsightly stains that cannot be hidden by anything.


To extend the life of your sink, purchase accessories that will protect the stone surface from mechanical damage. Protection is especially needed for cheap options, the quality of which is almost half that of their expensive counterparts. You will need a basket that will prevent the sink from breaking if an object falls from a height. It is also convenient to wash vegetables and fruits. Buy additionally coasters that will protect the stone from hot dishes.

Rules of care

To keep your sink always looking like new, you need to use it correctly and take care of it regularly. Follow the rules:

  • Start care from the day of installation;
  • After washing the dishes, go over the walls and bottom with a sponge and detergent and rinse them with water. Then wipe dry;
  • To place hot dishes, use metal or wooden trivets;
  • To prevent cracks from temperature changes, turn on cold water before draining the boiling water.

Tip: If you don’t want to dry your sink often, buy a white, beige or variegated sink. Water will also leave a light salt coating on them after drying. But on light and variegated surfaces they are lost. Then care comes down to washing the sink only once a week.

Popular brands

  • The German company Blanco produces products from silgranite;
  • The German company Schock produces crystallite sinks;
  • The German company Franke uses fragranite as a material;
  • The German manufacturer Teka makes sinks from tegranite.
  • The French company Benthor chooses between kermat and novoquartz when making sinks.

Silgranite, crystallight, fragranite and tegranite are the same thing: 80% granite chips and 20% resins. The names differ only because each company has its own patented technology for producing artificial stone. Each of them is unique, despite the same composition. The only difference is kermat and novoquartz, which contain quartz, fiberglass, rubber, acrylic and resins.

Kitchen sinks made of artificial stone are beautiful and practical. In order not to be disappointed in the choice, you just need to understand that a quality product cannot be cheap. Therefore, choose sinks from famous manufacturers, which collect only positive reviews from their customers.
