Methane gas generator using food waste. Do-it-yourself biogas: gas from manure at home, installation for farming, video on how to get methane. What is biomethane

The technology is not new. It began to develop back in the 18th century, when Jan Helmont, a chemist, discovered that manure emits gases that are flammable.

His research was continued by Alessandro Volta and Humphrey Davy, who found methane in the gas mixture. At the end of the 19th century in England, biogas from manure was used in street lamps. In the mid-20th century, bacteria were discovered that produce methane and its precursors.

The fact is that three groups of microorganisms alternately work in manure, feeding on the waste products of previous bacteria. The first to start working are acetogenic bacteria, which dissolve carbohydrates, proteins and fats in the slurry.

After processing the nutrient supply by anaerobic microorganisms, methane, water and carbon dioxide are formed. Due to the presence of water, biogas at this stage is not able to burn - it needs purification, so it is passed through treatment facilities.

What is biomethane

The gas obtained as a result of the decomposition of manure biomass is an analogue of natural gas. It is almost 2 times lighter than air, so it always rises. This explains the artificial production technology: free space is left at the top so that the substance can be released and accumulate, from where it is then pumped out for use for one’s own needs.

Methane greatly influences the greenhouse effect - much more than carbon dioxide - 21 times. Therefore, manure processing technology is not only an economical, but also an environmentally friendly way to dispose of animal waste.

Biomethane is used for the following needs:

  • cooking;
  • in internal combustion engines of automobiles;
  • for heating a private house.

Biogas produces a large amount of heat. 1 cubic meter is equivalent to burning 1.5 kg of coal.

How is biomethane produced?

It can be obtained not only from manure, but also algae, plant matter, fat and other animal waste, and residues from the processing of raw materials from fish shops. Depending on the quality of the source material and its energy capacity, the final yield of the gas mixture depends.

The minimum amount of gas obtained is 50 cubic meters per ton of cattle manure. Maximum - 1,300 cubic meters after processing animal fat. The methane content is up to 90%.

One type of biological gas is landfill gas. It is formed during the decomposition of garbage in suburban landfills. The West already has equipment that processes waste from the population and turns it into fuel. As a type of business, it has unlimited resources.

Its raw material base includes:

  • food industry;
  • livestock farming;
  • poultry farming;
  • fisheries and processing plants;
  • dairies;
  • production of alcoholic and low-alcohol drinks.

Any industry is forced to dispose of its waste - it is expensive and unprofitable. At home, with the help of a small homemade installation, you can solve several problems at once: free heating of the house, fertilizing the land with high-quality nutrients left over from manure processing, freeing up space and eliminating odors.

Biofuel production technology

All bacteria that take part in the formation of biogas are anaerobic, that is, they do not need oxygen to function. To do this, completely sealed fermentation containers are constructed, the outlet pipes of which also do not allow air from the outside to pass through.

After pouring the raw liquid into the tank and raising the temperature to the required value, the bacteria begin to work. Methane begins to be released, which rises from the surface of the slurry. It is sent to special pillows or tanks, after which it is filtered and ends up in gas cylinders.

The liquid waste from bacteria accumulates at the bottom, from where it is periodically pumped out and also sent for storage. After this, a new portion of manure is pumped into the tank.

Temperature regime of bacteria functioning

To process manure into biogas, it is necessary to create suitable conditions for bacteria to work. some of them are activated at temperatures above 30 degrees - mesophilic. At the same time, the process is slower and the first product can be obtained after 2 weeks.

Thermophilic bacteria work at temperatures from 50 to 70 degrees. The time required to obtain biogas from manure is reduced to 3 days. In this case, the waste is a fermented sludge that is used in the fields as fertilizer for agricultural crops. There are no pathogenic microorganisms, helminths and weeds in the sludge, as they die when exposed to high temperatures.

There is a special type of thermophilic bacteria that can survive in an environment heated to 90 degrees. They are added to raw materials to speed up the fermentation process.

A decrease in temperature leads to a decrease in the activity of thermophilic or mesophilic bacteria. In private households, mesophylls are more often used, since they do not require special heating of the liquid and gas production is cheaper. Subsequently, when the first batch of gas is received, it can be used to heat the reactor with thermophilic microorganisms.

Important! Methanogens do not tolerate sudden changes in temperature, so in winter they must be kept warm at all times.

How to prepare raw materials for pouring into the reactor

To produce biogas from manure, there is no need to specially introduce microorganisms into the liquid, because they are already found in animal excrement. You just need to maintain the temperature and add a new manure solution in time. It must be prepared correctly.

The humidity of the solution should be 90% (the consistency of liquid sour cream), Therefore, dry types of excrement are first filled with water - rabbit droppings, horse droppings, sheep droppings, goat droppings. Pig manure in its pure form does not need to be diluted, as it contains a lot of urine.

The next step is to break down the manure solids. The finer the fraction, the better the bacteria will process the mixture and the more gas will be released. For this purpose, the installations use a stirrer that is constantly running. It reduces the risk of a hard crust forming on the surface of the liquid.

Those types of manure that have the highest acidity are suitable for biogas production. They are also called cold - pork and cow. A decrease in acidity stops the activity of microorganisms, so it is necessary to monitor at the beginning how long it takes for them to completely process the volume of the tank. Then add the next dose.

Gas purification technology

When processing manure into biogas, the following is obtained:

  • 70% methane;
  • 30% carbon dioxide;
  • 1% impurities of hydrogen sulfide and other volatile compounds.

In order for biogas to become suitable for use on the farm, it must be cleaned of impurities. To remove hydrogen sulfide, special filters are used. The fact is that volatile hydrogen sulfide compounds, dissolving in water, form acid. It contributes to the appearance of rust on the walls of pipes or tanks if they are made of metal.

  • The resulting gas is compressed under a pressure of 9–11 atmospheres.
  • It is fed into a reservoir of water, where impurities are dissolved in the liquid.

On an industrial scale, lime or activated carbon, as well as special filters, are used for cleaning.

How to reduce moisture content

There are several ways to get rid of water impurities in gas yourself. One of them is the principle of a moonshine still. The cold pipe directs the gas upward. The liquid condenses and flows down. To do this, the pipe is laid underground, where the temperature naturally decreases. As it rises, the temperature also rises, and the dried gas enters the storage facility.

The second option is a water seal. After exiting, the gas enters a container with water and is cleaned of impurities there. This method is called one-stage, when biogas is immediately cleaned from all volatile substances and moisture using water.

Water seal principle

What installations are used to produce biogas?

If the installation is planned to be located near a farm, then the best option would be a collapsible structure that can be easily transported to another location. The main element of the installation is a bioreactor into which raw materials are poured and the fermentation process occurs. Large enterprises use tanks volume 50 cubic meters.

In private farms, underground reservoirs are built as a bioreactor. They are laid out of brick in a prepared hole and coated with cement. Concrete increases the safety of the structure and prevents air from entering. The volume depends on how much raw material is obtained from domestic animals per day.

Surface systems are also popular at home. If desired, the installation can be disassembled and moved to another location, unlike a stationary underground reactor. Plastic, metal or polyvinyl chloride barrels are used as tanks.

By type of control there are:

  • automatic stations in which the filling and pumping out of waste raw materials is carried out without human intervention;
  • mechanical, where the entire process is controlled manually.

Using a pump, you can facilitate the emptying of the tank into which the waste after fermentation falls. Some craftsmen use pumps to pump gas from cushions (for example, car inner tubes) into a treatment facility.

Scheme of a homemade installation for producing biogas from manure

Before constructing a biogas plant on your site, you need to become familiar with the potential hazards that could cause the reactor to explode. The main condition is the absence of oxygen.

Methane is an explosive gas and can ignite, but to do so it must be heated above 500 degrees. If biogas mixes with air, overpressure will arise, which will rupture the reactor. Concrete may crack and will not be suitable for further use.

Video: Biogas from bird droppings

To prevent the pressure from tearing off the lid, use a counterweight, a protective gasket between the lid and the tank. The container is not completely filled - there should be at least 10% volume for gas release. Better – 20%.

So, to make a bioreactor with all the accessories on your site, you need to:

  • It is good to choose a place so that it is located away from housing (you never know).
  • Calculate the estimated amount of manure that animals produce daily. How to count - read below.
  • Decide where to lay the loading and unloading pipes, as well as a pipe for condensing moisture in the resulting gas.
  • Decide on the location of the waste tank (fertilizer by default).
  • Dig a pit based on calculations of the amount of raw materials.
  • Select a container that will serve as a reservoir for manure and install it in the pit. If a concrete reactor is planned, then the bottom of the pit is filled with concrete, the walls are lined with bricks and plastered with concrete mortar. After this, you need to give it time to dry.
  • The connections between the reactor and the pipes are also sealed at the stage of laying the tank.
  • Equip a hatch for inspection of the reactor. A sealed gasket is placed between it.

If the climate is cold, then before concreting or installing a plastic tank, consider ways to heat it. These can be heating devices or tape used in “warm floor” technology.

At the end of the work, check the reactor for leaks.

Gas quantity calculation

From one ton of manure you can get approximately 100 cubic meters of gas. Question: How much litter do pets produce per day?

  • chicken – 165 g per day;
  • cow – 35 kg;
  • goat – 1 kg;
  • horse – 15 kg;
  • sheep – 1 kg;
  • pig – 5 kg.

Multiply these figures by the number of heads and you get the daily dose of excrement to be processed.

More gas comes from cows and pigs. If you add energetically powerful plants such as corn, beet tops, and millet to the mixture, the amount of biogas will increase. Marsh plants and algae have great potential.

The highest is for waste from meat processing plants. If there are such farms nearby, then we can cooperate and install one reactor for everyone. The payback period for a bioreactor is 1–2 years.

Biomass waste after gas production

After processing manure in a reactor, the by-product is biosludge. During anaerobic processing of waste, bacteria dissolve about 30% of organic matter. The rest is released unchanged.

The liquid substance is also a by-product of methane fermentation and is also used in agriculture for root feeding.

Carbon dioxide is a waste fraction that biogas producers strive to remove. But if you dissolve it in water, then this liquid can also be beneficial.

Full utilization of biogas plant products

In order to completely utilize the products obtained after processing manure, it is necessary to maintain a greenhouse. Firstly, organic fertilizer can be used for year-round cultivation of vegetables, the yield of which will be stable.

Secondly, carbon dioxide is used as fertilizing - root or foliar, and its output is about 30%. Plants absorb carbon dioxide from the air and at the same time grow better and gain green mass. If you consult with specialists in this field, they will help you install equipment that converts carbon dioxide from liquid form into a volatile substance.

Video: Biogas in 2 days

The fact is that to maintain a livestock farm, the energy resources obtained can be a lot, especially in the summer, when heating the barn or pigsty is not needed.

Therefore, it is recommended to engage in another profitable activity - an environmentally friendly greenhouse. Remaining products can be stored in refrigerated rooms - using the same energy. Refrigeration or any other equipment can run on electricity generated by a gas battery.

Use as fertilizer

In addition to producing gas, the bioreactor is useful because the waste is used as a valuable fertilizer, which retains almost all nitrogen and phosphates. When manure is added to the soil, 30–40% of nitrogen is irretrievably lost.

To reduce the loss of nitrogen substances, fresh excrement is added to the soil, but then the released methane damages the root system of plants. After processing the manure, the methane is used for its own needs, and all nutrients are preserved.

After fermentation, potassium and phosphorus pass into a chelated form, which is absorbed by plants by 90%. If you look at it in general, then 1 ton of fermented manure can replace 70 - 80 tons of ordinary animal excrement.

Anaerobic processing preserves all the nitrogen present in manure, converting it into ammonium form, which increases the yield of any crop by 20%.

This substance is not dangerous for the root system and can be applied 2 weeks before planting crops in open ground, so that the organic matter has time to be processed by soil aerobic microorganisms.

Before use, the biofertilizer is diluted with water. in a ratio of 1:60. Both dry and liquid fractions are suitable for this, which after fermentation also goes into the waste raw material tank.

Per hectare you need from 700 to 1,000 kg/l of undiluted fertilizer. Considering that from one cubic meter of reactor area up to 40 kg of fertilizers are obtained per day, in a month you can provide not only your own plot, but also your neighbor’s, by selling organic matter.

What nutrients can be obtained after manure processing?

The main value of fermented manure as a fertilizer is the presence of humic acids, which, like a shell, retain potassium and phosphorus ions. Oxidizing in air during long-term storage, microelements lose their beneficial qualities, but during anaerobic processing, on the contrary, they gain.

Humates have a positive effect on the physical and chemical composition of the soil. As a result of adding organic matter, even the heaviest soils become more permeable to moisture. In addition, organic matter provides food for soil bacteria. They further process the residues that have not been eaten by anaerobes and release humic acids. As a result of this process, plants receive nutrients that are completely absorbed.

In addition to the main ones - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus - the biofertilizer contains microelements. But their quantity depends on the source material - plant or animal origin.

Sludge storage methods

It is best to store fermented manure dry. This makes it more convenient to pack and transport. The dry substance loses less useful properties and can be stored closed. Although such fertilizer does not deteriorate at all over the course of a year, it must then be sealed in a bag or container.

Liquid forms must be stored in closed containers with a tight-fitting lid to prevent nitrogen from escaping.

How to store manure on the plot for fertilizing the garden: the best ways

Biogas is a substance that contains a large amount of methane. It is obtained as a result of the rotting of various organic wastes. Biogas produces large amounts of energy, which makes it possible to use it for heating or fuel vehicles. The use of manure as an alternative source of energy has recently been of great interest to farmers. A do-it-yourself biogas plant will perfectly cope with the task.

When choosing the type of installation for gas release, you need to rely on the weather and climatic conditions of the region. For Russia the following types are offered:

Installation for biogas production with manual loading of raw materials

(Mixing and heating of raw materials in the reactor is not carried out)

This version of a do-it-yourself biogas plant is the simplest of all existing ones. Approximately 1 to 10 cubic meters should be placed in the reactor. Such an installation processes quite a lot of raw materials per day - from 50 kg of manure or more. There are no unnecessary parts in the installation: a reactor, a container for raw materials, a device for selecting and using biogas, a device for unloading waste.

Such a device is perfect for use in hot areas, then you don’t have to heat or mix the processed raw materials. It is used in industrial mode when heated within 5-20°C. Conveniently, the resulting biogas is immediately sent for use in household appliances. All processed raw materials exit through a specially made outlet.

Using the drawings, you can create a similar biogas plant with your own hands without significant effort and expense. Even the most inexperienced beginner can do it. There is absolutely nothing complicated here, but there are some nuances that are worth discussing in detail.

First you need to clearly know: how much manure do you have on your farm? That is, how busy your installation will be. The volume of the future reactor will depend on this. Next, we determine: where will the installation be located? You need to choose a place based on the principle: safe and comfortable.

Then you can start looking for parts for a future source of alternative energy. We will install pipes for loading and unloading raw materials. We arrange the reactor of the device into the pit and secure the loading tank and the gas outlet itself well. Let's start with the final part, installing the top part and the cover.

It is imperative that the reactor be sealed so that nothing unnecessary enters it. To do this, it is necessary to carry out a check after its assembly. The installation must be painted and insulated. That's it, you can finally start working. Avoid exposure of the manufactured device to sunlight. The best way to do this is to use a sunshade panel.

Biogas plant: manual loading and mixing of raw materials

This option is also very convenient and does not require significant financial investments. But if we talk about usefulness and operational efficiency, then this model with manual loading and the ability to mix raw materials wins significantly.

A manufactured installation of this type is more suitable for small farms. The recommended reactor volume is in the range of 1-10 cubic meters. m. The device can process from 50 to 200 kg of manure per day.

Homemade installation with mixing, heating and manual loading of raw materials

For greater efficiency and better fermentation of raw materials, it is best to consider a heating system. The device can operate at temperatures up to 35°C in mesophilic mode and up to 55°C in thermophilic mode.

To heat raw materials, it is best to use water-heating boilers, which is also economical, since it runs on produced biofuel. The raw materials that remain after production are excellent as fertilizer. It is stored in a special container. This essential substance is also suitable for breeding worms.

Do-it-yourself biogas plant with a gas holder, pneumatic mixing of raw materials and heating it in the reactor (manual loading)

A home installation for producing biogas can be equipped with a gas holder, which is designed to store the produced fuel. A device for automatic gas pumping is also installed. In this case, loading, as in previous types of installations, remains manual.

In the reactor, it is possible to mix the raw materials pneumatically, using the resulting biogas. It can be equipped with anything to make work easier; the process can be fully automated. A special feature of this model is the ability to work at different temperatures for manure fermentation.

Installation with a gas holder, manual preparation, pneumatic loading, mixing of raw materials and its heating in the reactor

This device is perfect for both small and medium-sized production. It will be able to process up to 1.5 tons of manure per day (minimum amount 0.3 tons). The proposed reactor volume is 5-25 cubic meters.

The pneumatic system is used to load and mix raw materials. But the preparation is carried out manually. Heating carried out in the reactor occurs due to heat exchange with a water heating boiler. The latter also runs on the produced biogas. Waste is unloaded in two ways: through one pipeline, raw materials are supplied to the storage facility for collection, and through the second, for loading onto transport and removal directly to the field.

The extracted biogas is automatically selected and a gas tank is provided for storage. The installation has no temperature restrictions.

Mechanical preparation of raw materials (which is a feature of this model) is carried out using a compressor, which supplies the material to the loading hopper from a special container. The reactor is fed using compressed biogas, which is also used for heating. Gas is withdrawn automatically into the gas tank. This do-it-yourself biogas plant can be used in large and medium-sized farms at different fermentation temperature conditions.

How to make a Biogas plant with your own hands - video

To get a visual representation of the process of obtaining gas from manure and the operation of industrial installations, you can watch the presented video.

Modern society is increasingly trying to use alternative sources of electrical energy, this helps to cope with the problem of resource conservation in the world, and also allows us to minimize costs for this or that type of work. To achieve their goals, people have adapted to using the energy of natural elements: water, wind, soil, sun, and in addition to using non-standard types of fuel, which easily replace traditional ones.

A biogas plant for your home will allow you to obtain the source of energy produced – biogas – on your own. This fuel will find its application in the everyday life of any person. Let’s figure out what the main advantages of this design are, for what purposes it can be used, and how to make a simple biogas plant with your own hands.

Application area

What is such a device used for? For the production of ecological fuel, biogas, which can be used on farms, in everyday life, and in enterprises.

Biogas can be used to generate heat, electricity, and as automobile fuel. The configuration and content of the installation has many variations, depending on the power required for each specific case, the type of primary raw materials used and the final product obtained. On the Internet you can study various photos of biogas plants that differ from each other in certain parameters.

The operating principle of a biogas plant is extremely clear, so its use is permissible always and everywhere. The main factor influencing the need and feasibility of installing a unit at a certain location is the provision of a sufficient volume of organic raw materials for work, which will be needed in the process.

How does it work

In order to understand the principle of operation, it is necessary to understand the structure of a biogas plant. A standard unit includes the following components, parts and parts:

  • container for primary organic raw materials;
  • crushers of too coarse material (various mixers, mills), allowing to obtain smaller fractions of raw materials;
  • gas holder – a container in which produced biogas is accumulated;
  • reservoir, container, reactor where the fuel production process is carried out;
  • tubes through which primary raw materials are delivered to the biofuel production tank;
  • a system that allows you to transfer biogas from the reservoir to the gas tank and to the next stages of processing;
  • automated systems, security and process control systems.

To become more familiar with the structure of the unit, you can study the diagrams and drawings of biogas plants, which will clearly display all the components and components of the equipment.

The principle of operation is based on fermentation and subsequent decomposition of the initial raw materials (which can be various agricultural or industrial wastes, for example, manure, forest products) in the bioreactor of the installation. This process occurs under the influence of special bacteria.

As a result of the processes carried out in the reservoir, biogas is produced, consisting of methane, hydrogen sulfide, CO2, ammonia, N, etc.

The main stages of the processes occurring in the device:

  • supply of organic raw materials in containers;
  • grinding and further transportation of loaded waste into the reactor, simultaneous heating of the biomass;
  • the beginning of the decomposition process in a sealed bioreactor, the ideal temperature for its operation: + 40 degrees Celsius;
  • formation of biogas (in a gas holder) and biofertilizer (in a special separate reactor tank);
  • the entry of biogas into the purification system and its further intended use by humans (for household consumption, heat or electricity generation);
  • use of biofertilizer from the reactor for its intended purpose.

How to do it yourself

A biogas plant for farming or household use can be made by a person who has the necessary tools, knowledge of plumbing and basic welding skills.

The sequence of actions taken will be as follows:

  • manufacturing the body of the bioreactor, which is used to carry out fermentation (the container can be made of metal or concrete);
  • installation of covers on top of the tank, holes in the side walls necessary for loading and, accordingly, unloading raw materials;
  • installation of a gas tank;
  • construction of a pipeline from the gas tank to the place of consumption of the final product (this design must include valves and protective elements - various valves, valves, etc.).

Installing a biogas plant at a dacha, in a country house, on a farm, or in production will allow you to receive not only economic benefits, but also achieve other positive results, namely in the environmental and energy aspects.

Using such a device, the consumer will not only receive environmentally friendly fuel, several types of energy and biological fertilizer, but will also significantly reduce the opportunity costs that could have been incurred in the absence of such a unit.

Photo of biogas plant

Biogas is a gas produced by the fermentation of biomass. In this way you can get hydrogen or methane. We are interested in methane as an alternative to natural gas. Methane is colorless and odorless and is highly flammable. Considering that the raw materials for producing biogas are literally under your feet, the cost of such gas is significantly less than natural gas, and you can save a lot on this. Here are the numbers from Wikipedia “From a ton of cattle manure, 50-65 m³ of biogas is obtained with a methane content of 60%, 150-500 m³ of biogas from various types of plants with a methane content of up to 70%. The maximum amount of biogas is 1300 m³ with a methane content of up to 87% can be obtained from fat.", "In practice, 300 to 500 liters of biogas are obtained from 1 kg of dry matter."

Tools and materials:
-Plastic container 750 liters;
-Plastic container 500 liters;
-Plumbing pipes and adapters;
-Cement for PVC pipes;
-Epoxy adhesive;
- Open-end wrenches;
-Gas fittings (details in step 7);

Step one: a little more theory
Some time ago, the master made a prototype of a biogas plant.

And he was bombarded with questions and requests to help with the assembly. As a result, even the state authorities became interested in the installation (the master lives in India).

The next step the master had to do a more complete installation. Let's consider what it is.
-The installation consists of a storage tank in which organic material is stored, and microorganisms process it and release gas.
-The gas thus obtained is collected in a reservoir known as a gas header. In the floating type model, this tank floats in suspension and moves up and down depending on the amount of gas stored in it
-The guide pipe helps the gas collector tank to move up and down inside the storage tank.
-Waste is fed through a supply pipe inside the storage tank.
-The completely recycled suspension flows through the outlet pipe. It can be collected, diluted and used as plant fertilizer.
-From the gas manifold, gas is supplied through a pipe to consumer appliances (gas stoves, water heaters, generators)

Step two: choosing a container
To select a container, you need to consider how much waste can be collected per day. According to the master, there is a rule where 5 kg of waste requires a container of 1000 liters. For a master it is approximately 3.5 - 4 kg. This means the capacity needed is 700-800 liters. As a result, the master purchased a capacity of 750 liters.
Installation with a floating type of gas manifold, which means you need to select a container such that gas losses are minimal. A 500 liter tank was suitable for these purposes. This 500 liter container will move inside the 750 liter container. The distance between the walls of the two containers is about 5 cm on each side. Containers need to be selected that will be resistant to sunlight and aggressive environments.

Step Three: Preparing the Tank
Cuts the top off the smaller tank. First, he makes a hole with a knife, then saws it with a hacksaw blade along the cut line.

The top part of the 750 liter container also needs to be cut off. The diameter of the cut part is the lid of the smaller tank + 4 cm.

Step four: supply pipe
An inlet pipe must be installed at the bottom of the larger tank. Biofuel will be poured inside through it. The pipe has a diameter of 120 mm. Cuts a hole in the barrel. Installs the knee. The connection is secured on both sides with cold welding epoxy glue.

Step five: pipe for draining the suspension
To collect the suspension, a pipe with a diameter of 50 mm and a length of 300 mm is installed in the upper part of a larger tank.

Step six: guides
As you already understood, a smaller one will “float” freely inside a large container. As the internal tank fills with gas, it will heat up and vice versa. To allow it to move freely up and down, the master makes four guides. In the “ears” he makes cutouts for a 32 mm pipe. Secures the pipe as shown in the photo. Pipe length 32 cm.

4 guides made of 40 mm pipes are also attached to the inner container.

Step seven: gas fittings
The gas supply is divided into three sections: from the gas manifold to the pipe, from the pipe to the cylinder, from the cylinder to the gas stove.
The master needs three 2.5 m pipes with threaded ends, 2 taps, sealing gaskets, threaded adapters, FUM tape and brackets for fastening.

To install the gas fittings, the master makes a hole in the upper part (formerly the lower part, i.e. the 500 liter cylinder is turned upside down) in the center. Installs the fittings, seals the joint with epoxy.

Step Eight: Assembly
Now you need to place the container on a flat, hard surface. The installation location should be as sunny as possible. The distance between the installation and the kitchen should be minimal.

Installs smaller diameter tubes inside the guide tubes. The pipe for draining excess suspension is extended.

Extends the inlet pipe. The connection is fixed using cement for PVC pipes.

Installs a gas accumulator inside a large tank. Orients it along the guides.

Step nine: first launch
For the initial start-up of a biogas plant of this volume, about 80 kg of cow manure is needed. Manure is diluted with 300 liters of non-chlorinated water. The master also adds a special additive to accelerate the growth of bacteria. The supplement consists of concentrated juice of sugar cane, coconut and palm trees. Apparently it's something like yeast. Fills this mass through the inlet pipe. After filling, the inlet pipe must be washed and a plug installed.

After a couple of days, the gas accumulator will begin to rise. This began the process of gas formation. As soon as the storage tank is full, the resulting gas must be vented. The first gas contains many impurities, and there was air in the storage tank.

Step ten: fuel
The process of gas formation has started and now we need to figure out what can and cannot be used as fuel.
So, the following are suitable for fuel: rotten vegetables, peelings of vegetables and fruits, unusable dairy products, overcooked butter, chopped weeds, waste from livestock and poultry, etc. A lot of unusable plant and animal waste can be used in the installation. The pieces need to be crushed as finely as possible. This will speed up the recycling process.

Do not use: onion and garlic peelings, eggshells, bones, fibrous materials.

Now let's look at the question of the amount of loaded fuel. As already mentioned, such a capacity requires 3.5 - 4 kg of fuel. Fuel processing takes from 30 to 50 days, depending on the type of fuel. Every day adding 4 kg of fuel, within 30 days about 750 g of gas will be produced from it daily. Overfilling the unit will lead to excess fuel, acidity and lack of bacteria. The master reminds that according to the rules, 5 kg of fuel is needed daily per 1000 liters of volume.
Step Eleven: Plunger
To make loading fuel easier, the master made a plunger.