Medical Central Scientific Library MMA named after. Them. Sechenov. Central Scientific Medical Library

Central Scientific Medical Library
First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenova
(CNMB) Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation
Type academic library
A country Russia Russia
Address Russia Russia, Moscow
Nakhimovsky Ave., 49
Founded 1919 (building 1978)
Fund volume 3 million copies
Access and use
Number of readers 120 000
Other information
Director Loginov Boris Rodionovich (since 1989)
Web site
Central scientific medical library on Wikimedia Commons

Central Scientific Medical Library of the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I. M. Sechenov (TsNMB) Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation- a branch medical library designed to serve scientific and practical healthcare workers.

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    Russian zemstvo medical literature, medical publications are presented educational institutions, medical societies, a collection of Russian medical journals (from the end of the 18th century), works of classics of Russian medicine, unique editions (from the 16th century) of the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, etc.

    Initially it was located on Kudrinskaya Square, in the former “Widow's House”.

    In 1978, a special building was built for the library (architect E.P. Vulykh).

    In 2001, it became part of the largest educational scientific and clinical center in the country - the Moscow Medical Academy named after. THEM. Sechenov as the Central Scientific Medical Library (TSNMB).

    Currently, the Central Scientific Library has a unique collection of scientific publications on medicine and healthcare, a repository of practical experience in the field of medicine, as well as one of the best centers in Russia for the development and implementation of information library technologies.

    Library collection

    The library's collection includes 3 million copies (more than 1.5 million titles) of domestic and foreign medical literature (including scientific works, translations, dissertations, abstracts, deposited manuscripts, etc.).


    Every year, the library is visited by about 120 thousand specialists from different regions of Russia, the CIS and other countries, who have at their disposal comfortable reading rooms accommodating more than four hundred reading places.

    The library's book output exceeds 400 thousand units per year. Since 1988, the library has maintained an electronic database on medicine and healthcare, “Russian Medicine,” covering more than 80% of all published and unpublished materials in the industry.


    The main direction of the library's scientific and methodological activities is the development, testing and implementation of the Russian-English version of the thesaurus for indexing medical publications, used as an information retrieval language in the Russian Medicine database. This work has been carried out in collaboration with the US National Library of Medicine since 1989.

    Being part of the largest educational and clinical center in the country - the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenova - CNMB carries out research activities, provides practical assistance to libraries and organizes a system of advanced training for medical library workers.

    On the basis of the Central Scientific Library, the Federal Electronic Medical Library (FEMB) is being created, which should ensure radical modernization information support medicine and healthcare, as a result of which the most important information in digital form will be available in all educational, scientific and medical institutions via the Internet in compliance with copyright requirements. To date, the FEMB is part of the unified state information system in the field of healthcare as a reference system.


    Formed on May 1, 1919. The library included collections of books and journals from state medical institutions of Russia (Medical Council, Military Medical Scientific Committee, etc.), transported from Petrograd to Moscow, as well as the Society of Russian Doctors, etc.

    Russian zemstvo medical literature, publications of medical educational institutions, medical societies, a collection of Russian medical journals (from the end of the 18th century), works of classics of Russian medicine, unique editions (from the 16th century) of the works of Hippocrates, Galen, Avicenna, etc. are presented.

    Initially it was located on Kudrinskaya Square, in the former “Widow's House”.

    In 1978, a special building was built for the library (architect E.P. Vulykh).

    In 2001, it became part of the largest educational scientific and clinical center in the country - the Moscow Medical Academy named after. I.M. Sechenov as the Central Scientific Medical Library (TSNMB).

    Currently, the Central Scientific Library has a unique collection of scientific publications on medicine and healthcare, a repository of practical experience in the field of medicine, as well as one of the best centers in Russia for the development and implementation of information library technologies.


    The Central Scientific Medical Library, which is the main branch medical library, designed to serve scientific and practical healthcare workers, performs the following functions:

    • is government agency scientific and technical information on medicine and healthcare
    • is a scientific and methodological center for the network of medical libraries in Russia
    • is the recipient of a free Federal copy of publications
    • is a national repository of dissertations on medicine and pharmacy
    • is an all-Russian depository of medical literature
    • is a participant in the international book exchange with foreign libraries
    • is a member of a single state system interlibrary loan
    • is a cultural and educational institution of particular social significance
    • is an international Russian MEDLARS center
    • is a member of the International Library Association (IFLA) and the Russian Library Association

    Library collection

    The library's collection includes 3 million copies (more than 1.5 million titles) of domestic and foreign medical literature (including scientific works, translations, dissertations, abstracts, deposited manuscripts, etc.).


    Every year, the library is visited by about 120 thousand specialists from different regions of Russia, the CIS and other countries, who have at their disposal comfortable reading rooms accommodating more than four hundred reading places.

    The library's book output exceeds 400 thousand units per year. Library user services are provided at the level of modern information technologies. Since 1988, the library has maintained an electronic database on medicine and healthcare, “Russian Medicine,” covering more than 80% of all published and unpublished materials in the industry. There is an online center that provides access to the database via the Internet.


    The main direction of the library's scientific and methodological activities is the development, testing and implementation of the Russian-English version of the thesaurus for indexing medical publications, used as an information retrieval language in the Russian Medicine database. This work has been carried out in collaboration with the US National Library of Medicine since 1989.

    Being part of the largest educational and clinical center in the country - the First Moscow State Medical University named after. I.M. Sechenova - CNMB carries out research activities, provides practical assistance to libraries and organizes a system of advanced training for medical library workers.

    The Federal Electronic Medical Library (FEMB) is being created on the basis of the Central Scientific Library, which should ensure a radical modernization of the information support of medicine and healthcare, as a result of which the most important information in digital form will be available in all educational, scientific and medical institutions via the Internet in compliance with the requirements copyright. To date, the FEMB is part of the unified state information system in the field of healthcare as a reference system.


    • Information content
    • Information and library services for priority categories of readers (doctors of medical sciences)
    • Training on how to search for information in the Central Scientific Library database
    • Information services based on domestic and foreign databases


    Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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    Medical Central Scientific Library named after I.M. Sechenov was founded on May 1, 1919. The first publications to appear there were books and journals from various Russian medical institutions - the Military Medical Scientific Committee, the Medical Council, the Society of Russian Doctors, etc. They were transported to Moscow from Petrograd. Copies of Russian zemstvo medical literature, publications of medical institutions, and an extensive collection of Russian medical journals dating back to the end of the eighteenth century were presented there. As well as the works of classics of Russian medicine and unique editions of the works of Avicenna, Hippocrates, Galen. In 2001, the library became part of the largest educational and scientific center in Russia - the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov. At the same time, the name of the Central Scientific Medical Library (CSMB) was assigned to it. Currently, the Central Scientific Library has a collection of unique scientific publications on medicine and healthcare. It is a repository of practical experience in the field of medicine, as well as a leading Russian center for the development and implementation of information library technologies.
