Pickled salted herring with onion and vinegar. The best appetizer is herring, onion and vinegar. Apple marinade for herring

You can use any herring. However, to choose it, you must have special art. To avoid purchasing a damaged product:

  • Herring should be purchased from a trusted place.
  • It should be free of dents, damage and “rusty” spots.
  • The abdomen is light silver in color, and the back is dark, black and blue.
  • There should be no red liquid oozing from the fish.
  • If possible, taste the brine. Feel the excess salt and taste of acid - do not buy the product.
  • Also avoid stale, weathered herring from the display case; the fish should always be in brine.
  • And after buying herring, ask the seller to pour a little brine into the bag with the herring.

Let's start cooking with vinegar and oil, step-by-step recipe with photos.


Herring – 2 pieces

Onions – 2 pieces

Vinegar – 3 tablespoons

Refined vegetable oil - for seasoning snacks to taste

Green onions - a couple of sprigs (can be frozen)

To prepare a delicious cold appetizer “Herring with onions, vinegar and oil”

1. First of all, peel, wash and chop the onion into half rings about 3 mm thick. Put it in a deep container, add vinegar, pour hot water and mix. Hot water in the onion will remove the sharpness and make it softer and more tender. Let the onion marinate, stirring it occasionally. Onions can spend an unlimited amount of time in the marinade, from 10 minutes to 2 hours. The main thing is not to forget to stir it.

2. In the meantime, let's take care of the herring. Now there is a lot of controversy about whether it is necessary to skin it. I still adhere to the idea that it is better to remove the film, then the skin of the fish will be more tender. So, we’ll make a shallow longitudinal cut along the back from head to tail, this will make it easier to remove the skin. Next, from the head or tail, whichever is more convenient, we will pry up the skin and slowly begin to pull it in the opposite direction. We will try to remove it in one go.

3. Carefully rip open the belly so as not to damage the insides.

4. Take the caviar or milk from the fish, cut off the head immediately behind the gill covers, the tail closer to the caudal fin and 5 mm of the abdomen on both sides.

5. Then divide the fish into two fillets, disconnecting the ridge.

6. Wash the fillet thoroughly, clearing the inner cavity of the dark film that covers the walls of the fish. Remove all large rib bones and, if possible, visible small bones along the spine. Dry the fillets with a paper towel.

7. Remove the onions from the marinade, press them with your hands to drain all the liquid and place them in a herring serving dish.8. Cut the herring into pieces about 1 cm thick.

If you find bones when cutting, remove them.. Place the herring on a plate, giving it the shape of a fish. Although this is for aesthetes. You can arrange the pieces on the plate as you like.

9. In a deep container, mix about 30-50 grams of vegetable oil (to taste) with 1 teaspoon of vinegar and pour this sauce over the herring. Finely chop the green onions and sprinkle on top of the fish.

The herring with onions, vinegar and oil is ready and can be served.
While preparing the cold herring appetizer, you can boil the potatoes in their jackets, or you can cook them in the microwave. This will take about 10-12 minutes. Serve hot potatoes as a side dish for an appetizer.

Tender herring: as many as 10 recipes!

I think I won’t exaggerate if I say that 99% of our population loves herring!
We eat it in almost any form! And not only on holidays!
Well, here is not a large selection, 10 recipes on how to make lightly salted herring at home, marinate with or without spices, with vinegar or just salt, and maybe even with sugar….

In general, there are different options for salting and marinating herring and other fish! For every taste!

1. Herring (an incomparable way of pickling)

We have salted herring using this recipe many, many times and we have always been pleased with the result!!
Take 1 kg of fresh frozen herring of good quality.
Gut, remove skin and cut into pieces.
Place the fish in an enamel saucepan.

Prepare the filling in advance:
3 onions cut into rings
10-12 tbsp. l. water,
1 tsp Sahara,
1-2 tbsp salt (without a slide),
0.5 tsp ground black pepper,
1 dec. l. vinegar (essence),
2st. l. ketchup,
1/2 tbsp. vegetable oil.
Boil everything together with the onion, cool and pour over the fish. Place in the refrigerator.
In a day, the delicious herring will be ready!!!
Well, very tasty!!
I used table vinegar

2. Herring "GENTLE"
I prepared this recipe for the first time and the result exceeded all expectations.

The herring turned out to be tender, juicy, and indecently tasty. Take note, it's quick, easy, and really delicious.

1 kg fresh frozen herring
0.5 kg onions,
vegetable oil

The herring must be very fresh, choose carefully using all known methods: smell, touch, torture the sellers.
Peel the herring from skin and bones,
cut the fillet into thick pieces, you can make them larger, like in my picture, or you can do it like in the “store” interpretation (in plastic flat jars they sell “microscopic”, 1 cm thick, pieces of herring in oil, the cost of which for 200 grams is equal to the cost of a kilogram of fresh herring)
Cut the onion into rings (half rings).
Rub the herring pieces with salt.
Place a layer of herring and a layer of onion in a liter jar.
Lay tightly.
Pour vegetable oil on top to the brim of the jar.
Place the herring in the refrigerator for 5 hours.

Next time I should try experimenting with seasonings. I think if you add paprika or coriander, for example, it will be even tastier.

Bon appetit! Don't swallow your tongue!

3. Herring in marinade from Oikumene
You will need:
salted herring (preferably lightly salted) 2 pcs.
red and white onions 2 pcs.
wooden skewers

For the marinade

Water 1 l
salt 2 tsp.
sugar 4 tsp
vinegar 30% 1-1.5 tbsp.
Bay leaf
black peppercorns


Chop the onion as you like. Place the onion in the boiled marinade, bring to a boil, and remove from the heat. Cool completely. And you can try it, add salt or sugar, vinegar, whatever you like best.

Peel the herrings and divide into fillets. Cut each fillet lengthwise into 3 pieces. Roll into rolls and skewer

4. Lightly salted herring according to home recipe

Ingredients of the recipe Herring Salt Sugar Ground pepper Bay leaf Peppercorns

Method of preparation: Salted herring, salted herring, no matter how you say this phrase, everything turns out delicious. As soon as you think about it, you immediately want to eat a few pieces, or maybe not even pieces, but the whole fish. Homemade herring is no worse than store-bought herring, and believe me, it’s even tastier. There are a great many culinary recipes confirming this. Here, for example: we take a herring, clean it from the entrails and bones, and in short, prepare the fillet. Cut into small pieces, add salt and pepper in a cup, pour over vegetable oil. The main thing here is to hold on and not gobble up all this food before 2 hours. Although I can’t always stand it, I start eating almost immediately after cooking, I only have time to wash my hands. This is, so to speak, “dry” salting. Here is the recipe for “wet” pickling. Clean the fish and cut into slices. Sprinkle with pepper and chopped onion. Add a little table vinegar and vegetable oil. Prepare a saline solution: add salt to boiling water. Usually I take 2 tablespoons for 1 liter, but this is all prepared to your taste and depends on the size of the fish. Once the salt has dissolved, remove from heat and cool for 5 minutes. Pour in the fish and you can eat in half an hour.

5. You can cook salmon, trout, herring, herring, flounder, mackerel and other fish lightly salted.
Naturally, the fish must be very fresh, in the sense that although it is fresh-frozen, it is FRESH-frozen. In this way, you can cook fish very quickly... in a few hours it is ready, large fish are salted the next day.
We fillet the fish, that is, we cut it along the spine, remove all fins and bones visible to the eye, there is no need to remove the skin.
Next, prepare a mixture at the rate of 100 g of salt and 10 g of sugar per kilogram of fish.
I also add fish seasoning from a bag or whatever seasonings I like to the mixture.
All! Rub the fish thickly with this mixture,
pour our mixture into the bottom of the bowl,
Place the fish skin side down; if you get a second layer, then place it on top of the first, skin side up.
Sprinkle more salt on top and place in the refrigerator.
I tried this herring today after just two hours...with fresh potatoes. Incomparable! When serving, chop onion into the fish and season it with butter... I’m not saying that it’s an indispensable thing with beer

6. Not only herring, but also pink salmon is salted in 5 minutes!
This is not a big blitz recipe!

Take raw pink salmon, separate from the bones, remove the skin,
cut into thin pieces, place in a bowl,
add salt and pepper to taste, a little sugar, sprinkle with chopped onions, crush a clove of garlic, pour over vegetable oil.
Let stand for 5 to 15 minutes.
The dish is ready to eat.

We will need:
For 1 kg of sprat or herring:
Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs.
Peppercorns - 10 pcs
Cloves - 3 pcs (if you don’t like them, you can do without them)
Salt - 4 tbsp.
Sugar - 2 tbsp.
Cut the herring into fillets (I also remove the skin, but not always)
Place in a deep dish.
Make the brine:
Boil 1 liter of water with bay leaves, pepper, cloves, add salt and sugar. Cool.
Pour brine over the fish. place the plate on top (like a weight).
I also add ground black pepper directly to the fish.
The fish is ready in a day. Stand at room temperature.


8. Homemade herring

I never buy ready-made herring fillets in plastic jars. The most delicious herring is the whole one from the market. Of course, it’s more hassle, but it’s worth it. I offer you a recipe for herring in a classic marinade. I usually use sunflower oil, both refined and unrefined. But not olive.


1 herring
- 1 onion
- 2 tbsp. lemon juice
- 2 tbsp. vegetable oil
- 0.5 tsp. mustard beans
- 0.5 tsp. coriander
- greenery

Method of preparation: clean the herring, gut it, remove the backbone and bones. Cut the prepared fillet into pieces and place in a bowl. Cut the onion into half rings. Add onion, vegetable oil, lemon juice, mustard, coriander, chopped herbs to the herring. Mix everything well and put it in a jar. Place in the refrigerator.

9. Herring in marinade
Cut the fish into pieces and place in a jar mixed with onions and carrots. Add seasonings: bay leaves, 1 teaspoon allspice, 2 teaspoons mustard seeds, 1 tablespoon salt.
Pour over cooled marinade
Marinade: boil 300 grams of 6% vinegar with 100 grams of sugar. Cool.
Place in the refrigerator for 2-3 days to soak in the marinade.

If you make it from lightly salted or salted herring, everything is the same, except for the salt.

400 g herring fillet

0.5 tbsp. chopped dill


0.5 tbsp. Sahara

3 tbsp. vinegar

1.5 tbsp. water

5-6 peppercorns

2 bay leaves

5 carnation stars

0.5 tbsp mustard seed

10 black peppercorns

2 small carrots

2 red onions.
Cut the carrots into strips, the onion into half rings.
Bring the marinade components (except vinegar) to a boil, then remove from heat, pour in vinegar, stir.

Cut the herring fillet into slices about 1 cm thick, pour in the slightly chilled marinade, sprinkle with dill, and put in the refrigerator.
The dish will be ready in 2 days.

How to prepare the most popular appetizer on the holiday table with a glass of cold vodka - pickled herring with onions and vinegar? Find out the step-by-step recipe with photos in this review.
Recipe contents:

In our country, absolutely everyone loves herring and in any form: spicy and lightly salted. At the same time, even in its presentation there is a classic: the herring is supplemented with vinegar marinade and onion rings. And, despite the huge number of recipes for salads, appetizers and herring rolls, only this combination is considered ideal. Pickled herring with onions and vinegar is the most popular appetizer on the holiday table. A piece of herring on a slice of rye bread is an ideal snack to accompany the essential attribute of the feast - vodka. Fish stimulates the appetite and goes well with many dishes. The appetizer has different taste qualities, excess salt is smoothed out, and the fish itself will acquire an interesting spicy aftertaste. This carcass is stored longer, and the bones become softer thanks to the marinade.

When buying herring, pay attention to the quality of the fish, because... It is this criterion that affects the taste of the finished dish. A good fish has clear eyes. If the fish is headless, then refrain from such a purchase, because... the head is an indicator of its suitability. Also, do not give in to the temptation and do not buy gutted fish, otherwise you risk running into a low-quality product.

  • Calorie content per 100 g - 144 kcal.
  • Number of servings - 2-3
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Lightly salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Table vinegar - 1 tbsp.
  • Refined vegetable oil - 4-5 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 0.5 tsp.
  • Onions - 1 pc.

Step-by-step preparation of pickled herring with onions and vinegar, recipe with photo:

1. Peel the onions, rinse under running water and chop into thin half rings. Transfer it to a plate, sprinkle with sugar and sprinkle with table vinegar. Press it down lightly with your hands and leave to marinate while you work on the herring.

2. Remove the film from the herring, cut off the head, tail and fins. Rip open the belly and remove the entrails. Fillet the fish, removing the backbone. Remove the remaining seeds and rinse under running cold water, removing the inner black film.

3. Dry the fillet with a paper towel, cut it into portions with a sharp knife and lightly sprinkle with vinegar.

4. Place the fish on a herring bowl or convenient serving plate.

5. Place pickled onions on top.

Rarely is a feast complete without herring. It is served as a separate dish or used to create salads, sandwiches and snacks. You can buy ready-made fish, but it’s not at all difficult to prepare herring marinated in vinegar yourself, at home.
The secret of any tasty dish is very simple; it lies in the correct selection of ingredients and strict adherence to the recipe. Therefore, before moving on to cooking methods, you should find out how to choose the right fish for marinating.

According to many housewives, in order to cook delicious herring in vinegar, it is better to pay attention to the Pacific or Atlantic varieties. The fact is that the meat of sea creatures often contains harmful and toxic substances, while ocean meat is safer.
In addition to habitat, it is worth paying attention to other criteria. It is better to avoid counters with headless herring, since they may be stale, and choose a suitable specimen from the whole ones. Signs of high-quality and good products are:

  • large sizes, rounded sides and thick back;
  • elasticity of the body;
  • absence of stains and damage to the skin (if the scaly cover is damaged, this will not affect the quality);
  • gills dark red;
  • convex, shiny eyes, without films or clouding;
  • adjacent fins;
  • normal smell, without any traces of bitterness or rot.

On a note. It is believed that males are much tastier than females. You can determine the gender of an individual by paying attention to its head in the part where the mouth is located. In males it has an elongated shape, and in females it is round.

After purchasing a suitable carcass, you should think about other components for the marinade. Choose strong, medium-sized bulbs. It is permissible to take both an ordinary “turnip” in a golden husk, and a white or red variety.

For pickling, you need regular table vinegar (not essence!), but you can also use grape vinegar. It is not recommended to take the apple variety due to its specific smell.

Classic recipe for herring in vinegar with onions

To make classic herring in vinegar and onions at home, you will need the following ingredients:

  • fish carcass;
  • 3-4 onions;
  • Bay leaf;
  • peppercorns;
  • table vinegar 9%.

Operating procedure:

  1. Separate the head from the carcass, cut off the tail and fins.
  2. Rip open the belly with a knife and remove the entrails, then peel off the skin.
  3. Carefully remove the ridge, separating the side parts of the carcass.
  4. Select small seeds from the pulp. To do this, it is better to use tweezers.
  5. Wash the fillet in cold water, cut into small pieces and place in a deep bowl.
  6. Peel the onion turnips, chop into half rings and add to the fish.
  7. Dilute the acid with water in a ratio of 1:3 and pour over the herring so that the liquid completely covers the product.

This completes the process of preparing salted herring with vinegar and onions. Now it should marinate for 6-8 hours, and then you can drain the liquid from it and serve.

Advice. To make the fish especially soft and tender, before you start marinating, you can first soak it in milk for 40-50 minutes.

Spicy herring in vinegar with onions

To enhance the taste of fish, it is not enough to simply season the herring with vinegar and add onions to it. To create an original snack you will need various seasonings.

To make a snack, you need the following products:

  • fish carcass;
  • a pair of onions;
  • acetic acid;
  • 15-20 g mustard seeds;
  • peppercorns;
  • 80-100 g sugar;
  • a mixture of herbs;
  • hot pepper pod;
  • suitable seasonings.


  1. First you need to make a marinade: add acid to a pan of water and put it on fire. The liquid must be taken in such a quantity that it is enough to cover the cut pieces.
  2. When the acidified water boils, add seasonings, chopped hot peppers and simmer over low heat for 3-4 minutes, then remove the container from the burner and cool the marinade.
  3. While the spicy mixture is cooling, prepare the fish: cut off the head, separate the tail, remove the backbone and small bones, wash and cut into pieces.
  4. Peel the onions and chop into half rings, then mix with the fillet and place in a plastic container or glass jar.
  5. Season the herring with the prepared mixture and put it in the refrigerator.

After 10-12 hours, the fish will be ready to eat. You need to drain the liquid from it, season it with vegetable oil if desired and sprinkle with green onions.

Herring with onions in oil and vinegar

To quickly and tasty pickle herring, use not only acetic acid, but also refined vegetable fat.

To prepare a dish this way, you will need:

  • salted herring carcass;
  • several strong onions;
  • acetic acid to taste;
  • 30-50 g granulated sugar;
  • peppercorns;
  • seasonings for fish;
  • 50-70 ml odorless vegetable oil.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Peel the onions, wash and cut into half rings.
  2. Place the slices in a bowl, sprinkle with sugar, and then pour in a mixture of acid and water so that it completely covers the contents.
  3. Separate the head, tail, fins from the carcass, peel and remove the entrails.
  4. Remove the backbone and small seeds, then wash the pulp and cut into portions. If it is too salty, you should soak it in water for a quarter of an hour.
  5. Mix the fillet with pickled onions without draining the liquid, add vegetable oil and place in the refrigerator.

Fish prepared according to this recipe can be served after 45-50 minutes, but in order for it to be well soaked in the marinade, it is better to let it sit for at least 3 hours.

Herring is deservedly loved by many for its delicate meat structure, moderate fat content and remarkable ability to harmonize with any side dishes. Herring and “salted fish” are essentially synonymous. Although fish is prepared in other ways, we most commonly present it in a marinade of onions and spices.

Onions act both as a source of juice for pickling and as a complete component of the finished snack. There is practically no particular difference in its variety, but usually choose a medium-sized white onion. But herring, of which there are actually quite a few species, most often comes to our table from the Atlantic. That’s what they call it – Atlantic, sometimes adding “Norwegian” for especially large and fatty ones.

Herring with onions - general principles of preparation

For pickling, you should use freshly frozen herring. It is pre-thawed, but not completely, by placing the carcasses in slightly salted cold water. Thawed fish should be slightly cold and quite firm.

Afterwards, the thawed fish is gutted. If necessary, cut off tails and heads with a knife. Remove, very carefully, the skin and separate the fillet. According to some recipes, filleting is done after salting.

Herring carcasses or fillets are cut into pieces or left whole. After this, the fish is poured with brine, marinade, or simply rubbed with a mixture of salt and sugar.

Onions can be added directly during salting, after the herring has been in the brine for some time, or to ready-made, salted fish. Chopped carrots are often added along with onions.

You can pickle herring and onions with or without vinegar, replacing the harsh preservative with more gentle lemon juice.

Vinegar is added to the marinade. Pieces of lemons are layered between fish and vegetables while they are placed in a container.

When salting, be sure to add spices and seasonings, which give the fish a special aroma and its own specific taste.

Instant herring with vinegar and onions


Fresh frozen herring – 2 pcs.;

Two tables. spoons of salt, or just coarsely ground;

Onions - the more the better;

A teaspoon of 6% table vinegar;

Three laurel leaves;

Peppercorns – 3 pcs.;

Three peas of coriander;

Carnation – 3 umbrellas;

Two tablespoons of sunflower oil.

Cooking method

1. Place the fish to defrost in advance. When it has completely thawed, carefully gut the carcasses, cut off the heads and tails with a knife and rinse each one under the tap in cold water.

2. Then, starting from the tail to the head, remove the skin from both fish. In the same direction, moving a knife near the ridge, separate the fillet and cut it into pieces.

3. Dilute coarse non-iodized salt in 400 ml of drinking water and pour the brine over the herring pieces placed in a bowl. Leave on the table for 2 hours.

4. Mix vinegar with vegetable oil, and cut the onion into small half rings.

5. Remove the herring from the brine and rinse with water.

6. Take a clean bowl, or preferably a glass jar, and place pieces of herring in it, alternating them with spices, herbs and onions. Then fill everything with vegetable oil and cover the jar with a lid.

7. You can wait another hour, but if your mouth is watering, you can eat right away.

Lightly salted herring with onions “Dutch style”


Two carcasses of fresh herring;

Half a lemon;

Six teaspoons of granulated sugar;

Two onions;

Four teaspoons of coarse salt;

One large carrot;

Bay leaf – 6 leaves;

10 peppercorns (you can use half white pepper).

Cooking method

1. Remove the tails and heads from the gutted fish, remove the skin and wash each fish well. Then carefully separate the fillets and cut each into portions.

2. Cut half of a medium lemon into the thinnest circles possible, grate the carrots coarsely, and cut the onion into half rings.

3. Place several onion half rings, a bay leaf, a piece of lemon and a small pinch of carrots on the bottom of a half-liter or liter jar.

4. Sprinkle the vegetable layer with half a teaspoon of sugar, season with a pinch of coarsely ground peppercorns and lightly add salt (about a pinch of salt).

5. Then place pieces of herring on top and again a layer of vegetables seasoned with salt, spices and sugar, then place the fish again. Alternate layers until you fill the containers to the very top.

6. Cover the filled jars tightly with nylon lids and put them in the refrigerator for two days.

7. When serving, it is advisable to pour the herring prepared in this way with vegetable oil.

Recipe for herring with vinegar and onions – “Herring – Heh”


Three carcasses of fresh frozen herring;

Small carrots – 3 pcs.;

Two onions;

Three small cloves of garlic;

A teaspoon of coarse salt;

9% vinegar – 200 ml;

Two tables. spoons of quality sesame seeds;

50 ml of high quality vegetable oil;

Four tablespoons of light soy vinegar.

Cooking method

1. Thaw the herring well, gut it, remove the heads and cut the carcasses into small pieces.

2. Place the fish in a bowl and cover with table vinegar for half an hour.

3. Pass through a press or grate the garlic on a fine grater, the carrots on a special grater designed for preparing Korean salads. Chop the onion into half rings.

4. Pour vinegar over the edge from the bowl with fish. Add chopped vegetables, pour in soy sauce, oil and sprinkle everything with sesame seeds, salt and mix well.

5. Cover the bowl with a lid and place in the refrigerator for three hours.

Quick herring with vinegar and onions


Herring carcasses – 2 pcs.;

Five tablespoons of apple cider vinegar;

Two teaspoons of coarse salt;

Half a teaspoon of granulated sugar;

Black pepper (peas) – 10 pcs.;

A small pinch of coriander seeds;

Two large onions.

Cooking method

1. Pour a glass of purified drinking water into a small saucepan. Add sugar and salt, pour in vinegar and heat slightly, stirring constantly. Do not make the marinade too hot; warm it enough so that the sugar and salt dissolve well.

2. Separate the fillet from the herring and cut it into one and a half centimeter pieces.

3. Then take a clean jar and place the fish in it, alternating layers of herring with layers of onion, peppercorns and coriander seeds.

4. Pour the well-chilled marinade into the jar and leave, covered, for a day.

Homemade salted herring with onions


Two fresh frozen herring carcasses;

One and a half tablespoons of salt;

Half a teaspoon of white granulated sugar;

Three small bay leaves;

Five peas of allspice;

Two buds of cloves;

Half a teaspoon of coriander (seeds);

Dill (seeds) – 1/2 tsp.

To submit:

Lenten aromatic oil;

Lemon juice;


Granulated sugar;

Salad onions.

Cooking method

1. Bring half a liter of filtered drinking water to a boil. Add salt, add granulated sugar, omit all the spices and seasonings and continue to cook the marinade at a low simmer for about five minutes.

2. Pour some cold running water into a small basin or bowl, add a little salt and stir. Place frozen fish in water and thaw it, but not completely. Herrings should be slightly cold, slightly hard and elastic.

3. Cut off the heads, gut and wash the fish carcasses under running water, removing the black film from the belly.

4. Cut each fish crosswise into two-centimeter pieces and place in a jar.

5. Then pour warm (not hot) marinade over the herring pieces and leave on the table until completely cooled, covered with a lid.

6. After this, put the jar of fish in the refrigerator and leave it there for four days.

7. Remove the skin from the salted pieces of fish, remove the backbone and carefully select all the bones.

8. Place in a bowl and pour over the aromatic vegetable oil.

9. Cut the onion into thin half rings and pour over boiling water. Then quickly cool the onion rings under cold water and strain off the remaining liquid well. Lightly salt, add sugar and lemon juice to taste. Stir and place on the herring.

“Long-lasting” lightly salted herring with onions


Fresh frozen herring – 2 carcasses;

Two onions;

One large lemon;

A large spoon (heaped) of coarsely ground salt;

100 ml vegetable oil.

Cooking method

1. Gut the slightly thawed fish (do not cut off the heads), rinse and rub each fish well with salt on all sides. Don't forget to coat the inside of the belly of each fish with salt.

2. Then place on a large sheet of foil and wrap it well. Using your hands, crimp the foil tightly, trying to press it as tightly as possible to the fish carcasses. Place the “packaging” in a bag and put it in the refrigerator for two days.

3. Remove the salted fish from the foil, remove the skin and separate the fillets from the bones. Remove all small seeds using tweezers and cut into pieces.

4. Cut the onion into thin rings, remove the zest from the lemon and cut it into small pieces.

5. Place a layer of fish on the bottom of a clean glass jar. Place onion on it in a thin layer, spread lemon slices over it and sprinkle everything with vegetable oil, then fish again.

6. Fill the entire jar in this order, the last layer must be “lemon”.

7. Seal the jar with a nylon lid and place in the refrigerator for three hours.

Herring with onions, carrots and lemon


Two fresh frozen herrings;

A tablespoon of coarse table salt;

One and a half spoons of sugar;

Lemon – 1, large;

Onion - three heads;

Carrot – 1, small;

Coriander, hot red pepper - to taste;

Large bay leaf;

Sunflower oil, fresh green onions and dill for serving.

Cooking method

1. Grate the carrots on a “Korean” grater, cut the onion and lemon separately into rings or half rings, at your discretion. Mix carrots and onions.

2. For gutted herring, separate the fillet from the bones and backbone and cut it, slightly diagonally, into small pieces.

3. First put vegetables in a liter jar, then pieces of fish. Place a thin layer of lemon on it, then again vegetables, fish, etc., place the vegetable layer last. When filling the container, lightly sprinkle each layer with sugar mixed with salt.

4. Cover the filled jar with a lid and place it in the refrigerator. It is advisable to turn the jar over twice a day so that all the pieces of fish are in the oil. In two days the herring will be ready.

Herring with vinegar and onion in tomato “Korean style”


Non-fragrant vegetable oil – 150 ml;

Two carcasses of fresh frozen herring;

Two spoons of thick, bright scarlet tomato;

A teaspoon of hot hot pepper;

5 peas of aromatic pepper;

Three large onions;

One teaspoon of red paprika;

Five tablespoons of 9% table vinegar;

A small pinch of coriander and the same amount of sugar.

Cooking method

1. Place the fish carcasses to thaw in water.

2. Pour vegetable oil into a thick-walled saucepan. Add tomato puree and stir well. Sweeten, salt, omit all the spices and herbs and bring to a boil over low heat. When the marinade boils, cook it with constant stirring for up to a minute and remove from heat. Pour in table vinegar and stir well.

3. Gut the herring well, separate the fillet and cut it into pieces no more than 2 cm thick.

4. Place fish pieces in a small plastic container or glass jar, layering each row with onion rings. Pour over the cold marinade and leave in the refrigerator for 13–15 hours.

Herring with onions - cooking tricks and useful tips

When skinning a fish, do it only from the tail to the head. Otherwise it will come off along with the meat.

Partially thawed herring after salting will turn out denser with elastic meat.

When filling jars with fish and onions, lightly press down the layers with your hand. The herring will salt faster.
