Lecture on the creation of a perpetual motion machine. Perpetual motion machine and prospects for its development. What types of perpetual motion machines exist?

Human nature is such that from time immemorial people have tried to create something that works on its own, without any outside influences. Subsequently, this device was given the definition Perpetuum Mobile or . Many famous scientists of different times tried unsuccessfully to create it, including the great Leonardo da Vinci. He spent several years creating a perpetual motion machine, both by improving existing models and trying to create something completely new. Having finally figured out why nothing worked, he was the first to formulate the conclusion that it was impossible to create such a mechanism. However, the inventors were not convinced by his formulation, and they are still trying to create the impossible.

Bhaskara Wheel and similar perpetual motion machines projects

It is not known for certain who and when first tried to create a perpetual motion machine, but the first mention of it in manuscripts dates back to the 12th century. The manuscripts belong to the Indian mathematician Bhaskara. They describe in poetic form a certain wheel, with tubes attached to it around the perimeter, half filled with mercury. It was believed that due to the flow of liquid, the wheel itself would rotate endlessly. Using approximately the same principle, several more attempts were made to create a perpetual motion machine. As usual, no luck.

Models built on the principle of the Bhaskar wheel

Perpetual motion machine from a chain of floats

Another prototype of a perpetual motion machine is based on the use of Archimedes' law. In theory, it was believed that a chain consisting of hollow reservoirs would rotate due to the buoyant force. Only one thing was not taken into account - the pressure of the water column on the lowest tank will compensate for the buoyancy force.

Perpetual motion machine operating according to Archimedes' law

Another inventor of a perpetual motion machine is the Dutch mathematician Simon Stevin. According to his theory, a chain of 14 balls thrown through a triangular prism should begin to move, because there are twice as many balls on the left side as on the right, and the lower balls balance each other. But here, too, the insidious laws of physics thwarted the inventor’s plans. Despite the fact that four balls are twice as heavy as two, they roll on a flatter surface, therefore the force of gravity acting on the balls on the right is balanced by the force of gravity acting on the balls on the left, and the system remains in equilibrium.

Stevin's perpetual motion model and its implementation with a chain

Perpetual motion machine with permanent magnets

With the advent of permanent (and especially neodymium) magnets, the inventors of perpetual motion machines became active again. There are many variations of magnet-based electric generators, and one of their first inventors, Michael Brady, even patented this idea in the 90s of the last century.

Michael Brady working on a permanent magnet perpetual motion machine in 2002

And the video below shows a fairly simple design that anyone can make at home (if you collect enough magnets). It is unknown how long this thing will spin, but even if you do not take into account energy losses from friction, this engine can only be considered conditionally eternal, because the power of the magnets weakens over time. But still, the spectacle is mesmerizing.

Of course, we have not talked about all the options for perpetual motion machines, because human imagination, if not endless, is very inventive. However, all existing models of perpetual motion machines have one thing in common - they are not eternal. That is why the Paris Academy of Sciences decided not to consider perpetual motion projects since 1775, and the US Patent Office has not issued such patents for more than a hundred years. And yet, in the International Patent Classification there are still sections for some types of perpetual motion machines. But this only applies to the novelty of design solutions.

To summarize, we can only say one thing: despite the fact that it is still believed that the creation of a truly perpetual motion machine is impossible, no one forbids trying, inventing and believing in the impossible.

In the 1950s, Romanian engineer Nicolae Vasilescu-Carpen invented the battery. Now located (though not on display) at the National Technical Museum of Romania, this battery still works, although scientists still do not agree on how or why it continues to work at all.

The battery in the device remains the same single-voltage battery that Karpen installed in the 50s. For a long time, the car was forgotten until the museum was able to properly exhibit it and ensure the safety of such a strange contraption. Recently it was discovered that the battery works and still produces a stable voltage - after 60 years.

Having successfully defended his doctorate on the topic of magnetic effects in moving bodies in 1904, Karpen certainly could have created something out of the ordinary. By 1909, he began researching high-frequency currents and the transmission of telephone signals over long distances. Built telegraph stations, researched environmental heat and advanced fuel cell technology. However, modern scientists have still not come to common conclusions about the operating principles of his strange battery.

Many conjectures have been put forward, from the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy in a cycle process, the thermodynamic principle of which we have not yet discovered. The mathematics behind his invention seem incredibly complex, potentially including concepts like the thermosyphon effect and scalar field temperature equations. Although we have not been able to create a perpetual motion machine capable of generating endless and free energy in huge quantities, nothing stops us from enjoying a battery that runs continuously for 60 years.

Joe Newman's Energy Machine

In 1911, the US Patent Office issued a huge decree. They will no longer issue patents for perpetual motion devices because it seems scientifically impossible to create such a device. For some inventors, this meant that the battle to have their work recognized as legitimate science would now be a little more difficult.

In 1984, Joe Newman went on the CMS Evening News with Dan Rather and revealed something incredible. People living during the oil crisis were delighted with the inventor's idea: he introduced a perpetual motion machine that worked and produced more energy than it consumed.

Scientists, however, did not believe a single word Newman said.

The National Bureau of Standards tested the scientist's device, which consists largely of batteries charged by a magnet rotating inside a coil of wire. During the tests, all of Newman's statements turned out to be empty, although some people continued to believe the scientist. So he decided to take his energy machine and go on tour, demonstrating its operation along the way. Newman claimed that his machine outputs 10 times more energy than it absorbs, meaning it operates at over 100% efficiency. When his patent applications were rejected and his invention was literally trashed by the scientific community, his grief knew no bounds.

An amateur scientist who didn't even graduate from high school, Newman didn't give up even when no one supported his plan. Convinced that God had given him a machine that would change humanity for the better, Newman always believed that the true value of his machine had always been hidden from the powers that be.

Robert Fludd's water screw

Robert Fludd was the kind of symbol that could only appear at a certain time in history. Part scientist, part alchemist, Fludd described and invented things at the turn of the 17th century. He had some rather strange ideas: he believed that lightning was the earthly embodiment of the wrath of God, which strikes them if they do not flee. That being said, Fludd believed in a number of principles that we accept today, even if most people did not accept them back then.

His version of a perpetual motion machine was a water wheel that could grind grain by constantly rotating under the influence of recirculating water. Fludd called it a "water screw." In 1660, the first woodcuts depicting such an idea appeared (the appearance of which is attributed to 1618).

Needless to say, the device did not work. However, Fludd wasn't just trying to break the laws of physics with his machine. He also looked for a way to help farmers. At that time, processing huge volumes of grain depended on flows. Those who lived far from a suitable source of running water were forced to load up their crops, haul them to the mill, and then back to the farm. If this perpetual motion machine were to work, it would make life much easier for countless farmers.

Wheel of Bhaskara

One of the earliest references to perpetual motion machines comes from the mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara, from his writings in 1150. His concept was an unbalanced wheel with a series of curved spokes inside filled with mercury. As the wheel rotated, the mercury began to move, providing the push needed to keep the wheel spinning.

Over many centuries, a huge number of variations of this idea have been invented. It is quite clear why it should work: a wheel that is in a state of imbalance is trying to bring itself to rest and, in theory, will continue to move. Some designers believed so strongly in the possibility of creating such a wheel that they even designed brakes in case the process got out of control.

With our modern understanding of force, friction and work, we know that an unbalanced wheel will not achieve the desired effect, since we will not be able to get all the energy back, nor will we be able to extract it much or forever. However, the idea itself was and remains intriguing to people unfamiliar with modern physics, especially in the Hindu religious context of reincarnation and the circle of life. The idea became so popular that wheeled perpetual motion machines later found their way into Islamic and European scriptures.

Cox watch

When the famous London clockmaker James Cox built his perpetual motion clock in 1774, it worked exactly as the accompanying documentation described, explaining why this clock did not need to be wound. The six-page document explained how the watch was created based on "mechanical and philosophical principles."

According to Cox, the watch's diamond-powered perpetual motion machine and reduced internal friction to almost no friction ensured that the metals used to construct the watch would degrade much more slowly than anyone had ever seen. In addition to this grandiose announcement, many presentations of new technology back then included mystical elements.

Besides the fact that Cox's watch was a perpetual motion machine, it was a brilliant watch. Encased in glass, which protected the internal working components from dust while also allowing them to be viewed, the clock operated from changes in atmospheric pressure. If the mercury rose or fell inside the hour barometer, the movement of the mercury would turn the internal wheels in the same direction, partially winding the clock. If the watch was wound continuously, the gears would come out of their grooves until the chain loosened to a certain point, after which everything would fall into place and the watch would begin to wind itself again.

The first widely accepted example of a perpetual motion clock was shown by Cox himself in the Spring Garden. He was later seen at week-long exhibitions at the Mechanical Museum, and then at the Clerkenville Institute. At that time, the display of these watches was such a miracle that they were depicted in countless works of art, and crowds regularly came to Cox wanting to gaze at his wonderful creation.

"Testatika" by Paul Baumann

Watchmaker Paul Baumann founded the spiritual society Meternitha in the 1950s. In addition to abstaining from alcohol, drugs and tobacco, members of this religious sect live in a self-sufficient, environmentally conscious atmosphere. To achieve this, they rely on a miraculous perpetual motion machine created by their founder.

The machine, called Testatika, can take supposedly unused electrical energy and turn it into energy for the community. Due to its secrecy, scientists were unable to fully examine the Testatica, although the machine became the subject of a short documentary in 1999. Not much was shown, but enough to understand that the sect almost idolizes this sacred machine.

The plans and features of Testatika were revealed to Baumann directly from God while he was serving a prison sentence for seducing a young girl. According to the official legend, he was saddened by the darkness of his cell and the lack of light for reading. Then he was visited by a mysterious mystical vision, which revealed to him the secret of perpetual motion and endless energy that can be drawn directly from the air. Members of the sect confirm that Testatika was sent to them by God, also noting that several attempts to photograph the car revealed a multi-colored halo around it.

In the 1990s, a Bulgarian physicist infiltrated the sect to learn the design of the machine, hoping to reveal the secret of this magical energy device to the world. But he failed to convince the sectarians. After committing suicide in 1997 by jumping out of a window, he left a suicide note: “I did what I could, let those who can do better.”

Bessler wheel

Johann Bessler began his research into perpetual motion with a simple concept, like the Bhaskara wheel: apply weight to the wheel on one side, and it will be constantly unbalanced and constantly moving. On November 12, 1717, Bessler sealed his invention in a room. The door was closed and the room was guarded. When it was opened two weeks later, the 3.7-meter wheel was still moving. The room was sealed again and the pattern was repeated. Opening the door in early January 1718, people discovered that the wheel was still turning.

Although a celebrity after all this, Bessler remained tight-lipped about how the wheel works, noting only that it relies on weights to keep it unbalanced. Moreover, Bessler was so secretive that when one engineer snuck a closer look at the engineer's creation, Bessler freaked out and destroyed the wheel. The engineer later said that he did not notice anything suspicious. However, he only saw the outer part of the wheel, so he could not understand how it worked. Even in those days, the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine was met with some cynicism. Centuries earlier, Leonardo da Vinci himself scoffed at the idea of ​​such a machine.

Yet the concept of the Bessler wheel never completely went away. In 2014, Warwickshire engineer John Collins revealed that he had been studying Bessler's wheel design for years and was close to solving its mystery. Bessler once wrote that he had destroyed all the evidence, drawings and drawings about the principles of his wheel, but added that anyone who was smart and quick-witted enough could understand everything for sure.

Otis T. Carr UFO Engine

The objects included in the Copyright Register (third series, 1958: July-December) seem a little strange. Even though the US Patent Office long ago ruled that it would not issue any patents on perpetual motion devices because they could not exist, OTC Enterprises Inc. and its founder Otis Carr are listed as the owners of the “free energy system,” “peaceful atom energy,” and the “gravitational engine.”

In 1959, OTC Enterprises planned to carry out the first flight of its “fourth-dimensional space transport” powered by perpetual motion. And while at least one person got a brief look at the jumbled parts of the heavily guarded project, the device itself was never revealed or "off the ground." Carr himself was hospitalized with vague symptoms on the day the device was due to make its first journey.

His illness may have been a clever way to avoid the demonstration, but it was not enough to put Carr behind bars. By selling options on technology that did not exist, Carr interested investors in the project, as well as people who believed that his device would take them to other planets.

To get around the patent restrictions of his crazy designs, Carr patented the whole thing as an "entertainment device" that would simulate trips to outer space. It was US Patent #2,912,244 (November 10, 1959). Carr argued that his spacecraft worked because one had already flown away. The propulsion system was a "circular free energy foil" that provided an endless supply of energy needed to propel the vehicle into space.

Of course, the strangeness of what was happening opened the door to conspiracy theories. Some people have suggested that Carr actually assembled his perpetual motion machine and flying machine. But, of course, he was quickly clamped down by the American government. The theorists could not agree: either the government does not want to disclose the technology, or it wants to use it independently.

Perpetuum Mobile by Cornelius Drebbel

The weird thing about Cornelius Drebbel's perpetual motion machine is that while we don't know how or why it worked, you've definitely seen it more often than you think.

Drebbel first demonstrated his machine in 1604 and amazed everyone, including the English royal family. The machine was something like a chronometer; it never needed winding and showed the date and moon phase. Driven by changes in temperature or weather, Drebbel's machine also used a thermoscope or barometer, similar to Cox's clock.

No one knows what provided the movement and energy for Drebbel’s device, since he spoke of curbing the “fiery spirit of the air,” like a real alchemist. At that time, the world still thought in terms of the four elements, and Drebbel himself experimented with sulfur and saltpeter.

As stated in a letter from 1604, the earliest known representation of the device showed a central ball surrounded by a glass tube filled with liquid. Gold arrows and markings tracked the phases of the moon. Other images were more elaborate, showing a car adorned with mythological creatures and gold embellishments. Drebbel's Perpetuum mobile also appeared in some paintings, particularly by Albrecht and Rubens. In these paintings, the strange toroidal shape of the machine does not resemble a sphere at all.

In his self-proclaimed "incredibly true life story," David Hamel claims to be an ordinary carpenter with no formal training who was chosen to become the guardian of the eternal energy machine and the spacecraft that would operate it. After an encounter with aliens from the planet Kladen, Hamel claimed to have received information that would change the world - if only people would believe him.

While this is all a bit disconcerting, Hamel said his perpetual motion machine uses the same energies as spiders jumping from one web to another. These scalar forces nullify the pull of gravity and make it possible to create a device that will allow us to reunite with our Kladensky relatives, who provided Hamel with the necessary information.

According to Hamel, he has already built such a device. Unfortunately, it flew away.

After working for 20 years to build his interstellar device and engine using a series of magnets, he finally turned it on and this is what happened. Filled with a glow of colorful ions, his anti-gravity machine rose into the air and flew over the Pacific Ocean. To avoid a repeat of this tragic event, Hamel is building his next car from heavier materials, like granite.

To understand the principles behind this technology, Hamel says you need to look at the pyramids, study some forbidden books, accept the presence of invisible energy, and think of scalars and the ionosphere much like milk and cheese.

Natural thermal energy is firmly fenced off from practice by the inviolable Law of Conservation of Energy and the notorious First and Second Principles of Thermodynamics. I will not touch upon the Lomonosov interpretation of the Law of Conservation of Energy and Matter: by the way, it is the first in the world: It says: “ All changes that occur in nature are of such a state that if something is added to something, then the same amount will be subtracted somewhere." Simply put, what you put in is what you take out. And no increase! This is sacred. But the truth of the Beginnings is in doubt. Why did you dare call them notorious? "Second Law of Thermodynamics" R Udolf Clausius, being a follower of Sadi Carnot, formulated in 1850, when modern physics was in its infancy and many discoveries were yet to come.

However, the second Beginning immediately became a classic. Clausius proceeds from the fact that energy is converted from one type to another, with losses, and, in the end, the remaining heat is irretrievably dissipated in the surrounding space. “Even more terrible, even more wonderful”: according to him, heat cannot be converted into mechanical work with a coefficient close to unity, and therefore “ A process is impossible, the only result of which would be the transfer of heat from a colder body to a hotter one.” Moreover, Clausius generally vetoed the perpetual motion machine. Didn't it prompt him to commit this blasphemy? Aristotle? Several hundred years BC he came to the conclusion that “Continuous movement can only be allowed among the celestial bodies, but in the sublunary world it is unthinkable.”.

perpetual motion machine (from English - perpetual motion machine)

The postulates of the Second Principle were supported by the great scientist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin). In his opinion, “It is impossible to produce work by cooling and using up all internal energy systems. Note that in all cases a closed, isolated system without heat exchange with the environment is implied. But we exist in an open system, where energy reserves are inexhaustible. And why is it necessary to use all the energy? In the first case, even a small fraction of it will be enough. It is more difficult not to take into account the denial of the possibility of spontaneous transfer of heat from colder bodies to hotter bodies. And, after all, this is precisely where the ban on the creation of a thermal perpetual motion machine automatically stems. When statistical thermodynamics, based on molecular concepts, was created, an amendment was made to the Second Principle. Turns out " The transfer of heat from a cold body to a hotter one is in principle possible, but this is a devastatingly unlikely event.

And in nature the most probable events are realized" Either in the forehead or in the forehead! As if to confirm this thesis, no one has yet managed to make the energy transfer from a colder body to a hotter one. But a perpetual motion machine needs to still do work. Don't consider this statement "Napoleonic". But I dare say that I succeeded. He came up with his first perpetual motion machine, naturally inoperable, back in 1934, when he was in the 6th grade of a Ukrainian school in the city of Pryluky. He returned to this hobby fifty years later, under somewhat unusual circumstances. In August 1986, Vice-Rector of the Peoples' Friendship University. Patrice Lumumba V. Shkadikov invited me to conduct an inventive seminar with a group of students. But between me and a dozen “volunteers” - immigrants from African countries - there turned out to be a difficult obstacle to overcome - a complete misunderstanding of the language. But the translator was far from technical and could not help with anything. But communication took place.

As a warm-up, I suggested that young people create an air humidifier. This topic interested them. Of course, we visited several household appliance stores and looked at humidifiers of various types. All of them were electric. It is not interesting to invent on this basis. What if we use the idea Johann Signer, I suggested. He created the world's first hydraulic turbine - Segner wheel. It is located in a horizontal plane, and instead of knitting needles there are tubes with curved ends. The fluid flowing out of them has a reactive force and causes the wheel to rotate. But in our case it would not be a humidifier, but a “flooder” of the room.

We decided to create an evaporative air humidifier. We didn't find this in stores. They organized something like a competition of ideas. The simplest and most fundamental proposal was to keep the wheel, but rotate it 90 degrees and “plant” it on a horizontal axis. The wheel is made of separate sectors, as in the ancient Indian perpetual motion machine. Thus, the evaporating surface was in a vertical plane. The humidifier became overgrown with other parts like a snowman: the tubes were replaced with sectors isolated from each other. They covered them with cotton fabric, and instead of curved knees, appendages were attached to the sectors. Once again we discussed everything, made drawings and made a model.

With this “title”, on October 1, 1988, it was entered into the State Register of Inventions under number 1455040. Structurally, the engine is not complicated: a disk rotor rotates on a horizontal axis, consisting of 6 sectors isolated from each other, covered with cotton fabric. As the engine becomes saturated with moisture, lower sector, the balance of the rotor is disturbed, and due to the imbalance, the system begins to rotate. The sector emerging from the water is replaced by the neighboring one, and the rotation becomes continuous. Thus, the engine directly converts the heat of the surrounding air into mechanical work. In other words, there is a spontaneous concentration of thermal energy dissipated in the environment. True, due to my lack of competence, I cannot justify the principle of operation of the engine: On one side, the rotor surface evaporates moisture, and therefore cools. The surrounding air, having a higher temperature, has the right to “legally” transfer heat to the rotor. It's clear as day. But, on the other hand, by giving off heat, the air itself cools.

Therefore, it has no right to transfer heat to a cooled rotor. An obvious contradiction. How to resolve it? To the author of these lines - a correspondent for the magazine " Inventor and innovator"I was lucky to communicate with Pavel Kondratyevich Oshchepkov, an outstanding scientist and a wonderful person.

Let me briefly tell you about one of my meetings with Pavel Kondratievich, which left a noticeable mark on my heart and memory. Somewhere in the late 80s of the last century, I somehow dared to bring him and show him my “perpetual” (thermal) engine in action. Pavel Kondratyevich did not consider it an example of a typical energy inversion, because the transition of thermal energy in it occurs with relative equality of the thermal state of the surrounding air and the engine rotor. However, he noted: “The example of the concentration of scattered energy is not without interest.”

He devoted his entire life, with the exception of many years of undeserved prisons and camps, to the formation and study of energy inversion (concentration and practical use of the scattered energy of nature). Oshchepkov also invented and brought to practice a new direction in science and technology - introscopy (intravision) and, most importantly, he invented, developed and practically implemented radar (systems and devices for detecting remote objects, including aircraft). This is one of the greatest inventions of our time, recognized throughout the world.

His electric imagers were mass-produced and they were adopted by the Red Army. At the very beginning of the Great Patriotic War, more precisely on July 21, 1941 at 17.00, the Air Defense troops, using devices invented by Oshchepkov, discovered two hundred fascist aircraft in the air at a distance of 200 km from Moscow. According to the calculations of the pedantic German warriors, this armada was supposed to destroy the city not even to ruins, but to the ashes of Pompeii. After all, Moscow at that time occupied a small territory and fit within the ring railway.

The defenders of the capital, warned, managed to put their anti-aircraft artillery on alert, fighter planes took to the air, and having lost two dozen aircraft in the air battle, the Nazis shamefully turned back. The capital and its inhabitants were saved from imminent disaster. I won’t hide it and say in advance: The main purpose of this publication is to initiate the submission of P.K. Oshchepkov for the Nobel Prize (posthumously). He deserved it. Unfortunately, a few years later, in 1992, Pavel Kondratyevich left the world that was unkind to him. Eternal memory to him! But let's return to the beginning of our conversation. Talking about inventions and not touching on the perpetual motion machine is as absurd as conducting a wedding without music. If only because the inventors of the perpetual motion machine were essentially the first power engineers who were centuries ahead of official science, if not in knowledge, then in the search for new sources of energy. Perpetual motion, for eight centuries now, has been an incurable disease and a scare for all mankind.

Hypothetically, one can imagine that humanity was divided into three “orders” - those who, at least once in their lives, were surprised by the manifestation of the powerful forces of nature and thought about their practical use. Those who tried to build a perpetual motion machine, and, finally, those who devoted their entire conscious life or a considerable part of it to it. Fortunately, such patients are in the minority. But in all times and peoples, next to the creators of the propeller engine there have always been spies and overseers who directly or indirectly condemned and even persecuted them for this activity. Deniers of perpetual motion are active and aggressive. They exist even now - both in the bureaucratic environment and in science. And, what is especially dangerous, they have penetrated the education system, and also condemn and hinder.

Moreover, this is a monster, as he once put it Vasily Trediakovsky, « oblo, mischievous, huge, snarling and barking" The trouble is that classical thermodynamics is objective and based on the inviolable laws of nature. Its postulates are set out in university textbooks and are professed by official science. This is an immutable truth that cannot be disputed. However, it is possible and necessary to change its understanding, interpretation and make some adjustments. Especially in terms of perpetual motion. We are, of course, talking about those that are based on the use of natural energy. However, not all builders of perpetual motion machines adhered to this restriction. For eight centuries now, this has been an incurable disease and a frightening disease for all mankind.

Hypothetically, all the inhabitants of the planet can be divided into three “orders.” Some, at least once in their lives, were surprised by the manifestation of powerful free natural energy, the origin of which is not always obvious. And they thought: “Take it - I don’t want it!” Regardless of the result, always negative, this work was not useless. Let's not forget that the creators of the perpetual motion machine were essentially the first power engineers who were centuries ahead of official science, if not in knowledge, then in the search for new sources of energy.

Not only poorly educated and random people passed through this school of sophisticated thought, virtuoso skill and selfless work. Attempts creating a perpetual motion machine Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, Ivan Kulibin, Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and many other great and not so notable personalities were not missed. Their legacy is priceless and can serve as a clear example of the creation of structures whose operating principles are still applicable today in a variety of fields of technology. Moreover, let us pay attention that many “perpetomobilists” went down in the history of technology as the creators of original and useful machines and mechanisms.

Needless to say, this is not accidental, but in connection... It is appropriate to refer to an interesting confession Leonardo da Vinci: « What a pity that smart people waste so much good energy on such empty attempts! I was able to create my machines only because I realized the hopelessness of the idea of ​​perpetual motion". As you know, in the manuscripts of the great encyclopedist there are many incomprehensible unsaid thoughts. Let's try to understand the meaning of the last phrase. Is there any special subtext to it? Isn't Da Vinci hinting that it was this hobby that contributed to success in his diverse technical creativity? The fact is that the construction of a perpetual motion machine of the feasible or fantastic “impossible” is inevitably associated with knowledge of technology, the ability to design, the ability to mentally build models, and, as it were, “climb into their insides in order to virtually “test” them in action.

Drawings of a perpetual motion machine by Leonardo da Vinci

This may be inherent in an intelligent person initially or acquired by a beginner during the creation of a perpetual motion machine. I am sure that someone who has attempted to create a perpetual motion machine is more likely to become a real engineer, designer, inventor than someone who has never been interested in this. Even the construction of simple mechanisms and, even more so, combining them into more complex ones is in itself impossible without basic knowledge of mechanics and the laws of nature. In addition, this activity develops creativity, the ability to create various devices in the mind and transfer them to paper or another storage medium in a form understandable to others. The moral of “this fable” is this: Let’s open the way to the perpetual motion machine. Let’s provide the youth with the opportunity to create it, the creators. We will help and encourage you in this.

Maybe we’ll even include a free competitive lesson on this topic in the school physics curriculum. Well, at least once a week or once a month. This will undoubtedly have a multilateral positive effect. " You, my friend, have gone overboard“, another education official will say. " Who needs a perpetual motion machine in the current crisis and troublesome times?" Ah, here it is, necessary and useful! Firstly, economically, because it can serve as a real technical means of modernizing the economy and mastering the energy of nature. And, what is much more significant, this is an effective reason and incentive for the polytechnic education of young people and the cultivation of innovative thinking and action.

What do you think about this?



Artist, architect of consciousness, thinker comprehending new horizons of information space

They often talk about “perpetual motion”, “perpetual motion” both in the literal and figurative sense of the word, but not everyone is aware of what, in fact, should be meant by this expression. A perpetual motion machine is an imaginary mechanism that continuously moves itself and, in addition, does some other useful work (for example, lifts a load). No one has been able to build such a mechanism, although attempts to invent it have been made for a long time. The futility of these attempts led to a firm conviction in the impossibility of perpetual motion and to the establishment of the law of conservation of energy and the fundamental statement of modern science. As for perpetual motion, this expression means continuous movement without doing work.

§ 1. Details

* Bed
* Bracket-beam
* Front-vertical stabilizer (y+,y-;z+,z-)
* Horizontal damper (x+,x-)
* Rotor
* Drive accelerator

§ 2. Materials used

* Bed - dielectric, non-metal (porcelain, carbon fiber);
* Bracket - beam - dielectric, non-metal (porcelain, carbon fiber);
* Restrainers - dielectric, permanent magnet;
* Rotor - magnet, lead;
* Drive accelerator - magnet, lead.

§ 3. Description of parts

* Bed - ensures the integrity of the structure, serving as a platform for the assembly and operation of the unit;
* Bracket-beam - mounted on the frame, fixes the front-vertical damper;
* Front-vertical damper - limits the movement of the rotor along the “y” and “z” axes;
* Horizontal damper - limits the movement of the rotor along the "x" axis;
* Rotor - being in a space limited by magnetic fields along the x, y, z axes, it can perform rotational motion around its axis under the influence of the drive accelerator;
* Drive accelerator - drives the rotor.
§ 4. Operating principle

The rotor is driven by the drive accelerator, and, being in a space limited along the coordinate axes, has the ability to rotate only around its own axis. This is achieved through the action of sedatives. Permanent magnet U.p. acts on the plates of the opposite pole located on the rotor teeth. The magnetic field arising between these two poles causes the plates on the rotor to move away from the U.P., thereby causing the rotor to rotate. The shape of the teeth (angle of inclination, angle of attack) determines the direction (sign of the moment) and speed of rotation of the rotor. Being in zero gravity, the force of gravity will not act on the rotor, and if the unit is placed in a vacuum, the force of air resistance will not act on it.

§ 5. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the operation of the unit

A necessary and sufficient condition for the eternal operation of the unit is the presence of an airless environment (vacuum). The desired condition is the absence of gravity. In theory, the ideal case is that the unit is located outside the Earth’s atmosphere, in outer space.

* Be in the room where the unit is operating without radio protection equipment;
* Touch live parts of the unit;
* Touch the rotor;
* Try to stop the unit rotor on your own.

The described project surfaced many times subsequently in all sorts of modifications.
Published with abbreviations, read in full: http://www.lisenko.ru/handycraftindustry/information/perpetum

  • What types of perpetual motion machines exist?

    Question: What types of perpetual motion machines exist?

    Answer: None. But, despite this, there is a classification of perpetual motion machines.

    Perpetual motion machine (perpetuum mobile) - is divided into perpetual motion machines of the first kind and the second kind. The reasons why they cannot be constructed are called the first and second laws of thermodynamics. The realization that the creation of a perpetual motion machine was impossible prompted the Paris Academy of Sciences in 1775 to refuse to consider all such projects (the reason was approximately the following: there is no such thing as a freebie).

    A perpetual motion machine of the first kind was supposed to work without extracting energy from the environment.

    A perpetual motion machine of the second kind is a machine that reduces the energy of a thermal reservoir and converts it entirely into work without any changes in the environment.


    The French Academy of Sciences, which once refused to accept projects for perpetual motion machines, thereby slowed down technical progress, delaying for a long time the emergence of a whole class of amazing mechanisms and technologies. Only a few developments managed to break through this barrier.

    One of them is a watch that does not require winding, which, ironically, is now produced in France. The source of energy is fluctuations in air temperature and atmospheric pressure during the day. A special hermetic container “breathes” slightly depending on changes in the environment. These movements are transmitted to the mainspring, winding it. The mechanism is thought out so finely that a change in temperature of just one degree ensures the clock runs for the next two days. If it is in good working order, this mechanism will function exactly as long as the Sun shines and the Earth exists, that is, almost forever.

  • A perpetual motion machine and a flying saucer depot appeared in the State Duma

    What do voters-inventors bring to deputies?

    Oh, how many wonderful discoveries the State Duma archives are preparing for us! How many fantastic things lie on its dusty shelves. Here you can see a perpetual motion machine and a secret superweapon, a spring power plant and a flying saucer depot, as well as many hundreds of other crazy projects of Russian inventors.

    I was led to this treasury of Russian thought by a document signed by the Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Education, Alexander Shishlov. It seemed a little strange to me. I couldn't even believe my eyes. On a Duma form carefully registered by the office, the deputy dispassionately notified the unknown addressee: “Dear Alexander Ivanovich! In your letter to the State Duma, you set out your hypothesis about the catastrophic changes that took place on Earth as a result of the fall of a giant asteroid. The question you raised is not included in the range of issues referred by the Constitution to the jurisdiction of the State Duma."

    Overwhelmed by a vague fear for the Earth and the Constitution, I flew into the above-mentioned committee like a giant asteroid. There they told me: “Ha! We have a lot of such goodness!” They showed me bulging folders with letters from other thinkers, and asked me not to worry about the asteroid. This voter A. Dubinin from the city of Rybinsk finally solved for himself the mystery of the death of dinosaurs.

    Dubinin, of course, decided to inform the world about the discovery with the help of the Duma. As a result, the Science Committee was bombarded with letters that self-critically began with the epigraph “We sing a song to the madness of the brave” and ended with the proud signature “academic degree and title “Wise.” In them, the author introduces the deputies to the details of the history of the killing of dinosaurs by meteorite. “If the fall (meteor ita) happened during the day,” writes Dubinin, “then the Earth would have gone into interstellar space and turned into a wandering planet. If it had been at night, the Earth would have fallen into the Sun and burned." Our planet was lucky: the impact occurred in the area of ​​the pole. However, there was an ambush here too - the planet began to sway, which is why "the south and north poles began to change places." And they did it this is three times. “With such a rocking, the water began to move, and everything that breathed and moved, everything that grew and blossomed, everything died in the watery abyss.”

    It’s hard to work with them,” committee member Mikhail Lobanov sighs heavily, “fortunately, security doesn’t allow inventors into the Duma.” We go out to them ourselves. The main thing here is not to turn your back on them... There was a story in Moscow twenty years ago, when one crazy inventor cut off the head of an innocent official. Sometimes you look at such a Kulibin and think: I wonder if he took a knife with him?

    A perpetual motion machine on springs will replace the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station

    Alas, the geniuses of the Russian land rarely spoil the Duma Science Committee with useful inventions. If the work is serious, the author is given the coordinates of the relevant institute. But more often than not, a conversation with an inventor resembles an anecdote.

    Once a man came to the committee, says Mikhail Lobanov, with the development of a superweapon. Presents an official document that he was sent here by the FSB. We are, of course, terribly intrigued. We ask, where are the drawings? He is surprised: why? I, he says, invented the red button. You press it and all the enemy’s nuclear weapons explode. We are curious: how to do this? The guest, arms akimbo, says: “I brought you an idea. And your task is to implement it.”

    The deputies are already accustomed to the ebullient energy and folk art. It is more difficult with the most legendary layer of creators - with the numerous inventors of perpetual motion machines. For the most part, these people are quite sane, but the desire to deceive the laws of physics drives them into a frenzy. For example, pensioner Pozdnyakov from Moscow is waging an unequal war with the whole world, defending his “energy converter” - a spring power plant that would provide more energy than the Dnieper Hydroelectric Station without any costs. He sent the deputies his book “The Third Patent War” - a multi-page chronicle of the enemies of technological progress walking through the offices. It began like this: “In my thoughts, during free hours, combinations of wheels, gears, and springs were built...” Now the pensioner’s inspiration, which came “in his free hours,” has to be studied by the committee and written for the thousandth time that “energy converter” is not included in the range of issues referred by the Constitution to the jurisdiction of the State Duma."

    How aliens built a station on the Moon

    And yet, sometimes deputies bring joy to unfortunate inventors. For example, one of them sent an enthusiastic letter to the committee: “I received your response on February 28, 2003. It was the first response received from a government agency in thirty (!) years of my repeated appeals to them.” And although the Russian genius then began to talk about aliens: “I remembered that an expedition to our solar system of our stellar neighbors built an interstellar communication station and a UFO depot on the Moon (after which he will probably receive a paper from the Duma that “the lunar UFO depot is not included in the circle issues related to the Constitution..."), - for the first time in my life I was happy for the deputies. They can, when they want, do something nice for the voter.

    “But I still believe that the new Lomonosov will soon come to Moscow,” one of the committee employees admitted to me. - Otherwise, why the hell would I delve into these drawings and calculations!

    And he pointed his finger at the thick folder of inventions of Russian voters.


    Alexander SHISHLOV, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Science and Education:

    Inventions as such are not within our competence. The task of the Committee on Science and Education is to develop legislation to help the inventor at the state level. For example, by adopting the new Patent Law, we were able to protect intellectual property by establishing the priority of the inventor's right to the product he created. If we do not respect and support inventors, we will simply put an end to Russian science and industry.

    Vladimir VORSOBIN

  • Perpetuum mobile

    A perpetual motion machine, a perpetuum mobile (lat. perpetuum mobile, literally - perpetual motion), an imaginary machine that, once put into motion, would do work for an indefinitely long time, without borrowing energy from the outside. V. contradicts the law of conservation and transformation of energy (see Energy conservation law) and is not feasible. The ability to operate such a machine for an unlimited time would mean obtaining energy from nothing. The first projects of V.D. date back to the 13th century. (Villars d'Honnecourt, 1245, England; Pierre de Maricourt, 1269, France). The idea of ​​V. d. gained wide popularity in the 16th and 17th centuries, during the era of the transition to machine production; until the 19th century, the number of V. d. projects . steadily increased. The idea of ​​​​creating V.D. occupied not only self-taught dreamers with little knowledge of the basics of physics, but also some scientists. By the end of the 18th century, due to the futility of centuries-old attempts to implement V.D., the conviction of the impossibility became stronger among scientists its creation, and from 1775 the French Academy of Sciences refused to consider VD projects. In the mid-19th century, with the establishment of the law of conservation of energy and, the fundamental impracticability of VD was proven. Despite this, futile attempts to create VD were made by uninformed inventors and in subsequent times. In many VD projects, the force of gravity is used. An example of such a project is shown in Fig. 1. In such mechanisms, a certain heavy body makes a closed path; when it is lowered, exactly the same amount of work is returned as was expended to raise it. Therefore, such mechanisms can perform work only due to the initial reserve of kinetic energy imparted to them at start-up; when this reserve is completely used up, the flow will stop. More complex are VD projects, in which mechanical energy is converted into other types of energy (electrical, thermal, etc.). In contrast to mechanical VDs, they are called physical VDs. The design of such VDs is, for example, a combination of an electric motor and an electric machine generator (dynamo). But since no transformations of energy can increase its total quantity, V. d. of this type are also impracticable. The idea of ​​the impracticability of V. d. often served as the starting point for important scientific conclusions. Thus, S. Stevin in his<Началах равновесия>(1587) considers a chain of 13 balls thrown through a trihedral prism (Fig. 2). If the right side of the two balls were not balanced by the left of the four, the chain would spontaneously go into perpetual motion, which is not actually observed. From here Stevin derived the law of equilibrium of forces on an inclined plane. In addition to the indicated V. d., called V. d. of the 1st kind, they also consider V. d. of the 2nd kind - an imaginary periodically operating machine that would completely convert into work the heat it extracts from surrounding bodies (ocean, atmospheric air or other practically inexhaustible natural sources of heat). However, V. d. of the 2nd kind is also fundamentally unfeasible. Although it does not formally contradict the law of conservation of energy, it is in contradiction with the second law of thermodynamics. It should be distinguished from V. d.<мнимые>V.D. - mechanisms that operate using natural energy reserves (solar, nuclear, etc.). Such mechanisms can work for a very long time, but they have nothing in common with the idea of ​​V.D.
    Lit.: Planck M., The principle of energy conservation, trans. from German, M. - L., 1938; Kudryavtsev P.S., History of physics, part 1, M., 1956.
  • Russian scientists have created a prototype of a “perpetual” engine

    The Moscow Research Institute of Space Systems (NII KS) is developing a “perpetual” engine that can be used both in space and on Earth. “For several years now, the institute has been working on a so-called propulsion device without the release of reactive mass,” Valery Menshikov, director and scientific director of the Scientific Research Institute of CS, said on Wednesday.
    According to him, “scientists have already created a prototype of an unconventional type engine.” “The movement of the experimental apparatus occurs due to the movement of a liquid or solid working fluid inside it along a certain trajectory, reminiscent of a tornado in shape,” Menshikov explained. “At the same time, in the resulting movement effect, we may be observing an unknown phenomenon of interaction of the working fluid with fields, the nature of which has been little studied, such as, for example, the gravitational field,” he added. “We have already managed to record a thrust of up to 28 g on the prototype, but it is only observed for a few minutes,” said Yuri Danshov, head of the department at the Scientific Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering. “It may seem that this value of thrust is extremely small, but if such thrust is applied to a satellite weighing 100 kg for 20 minutes, it will be able to raise its orbit by more than 2 km,” the scientist noted.
    The operating life of such an engine will be at least 15 years, its developers claim, the maximum number of starts is about 300 thousand. Electricity from solar panels is used to power the engine. In order to maintain the purity of the experiment when measuring the thrust of the mock-up, experts believe, the device must be tested in space or dropped into a deep shaft, where the effect of weightlessness is created when falling. “Official science compares research in this area with attempts to create a “perpetual motion machine,” but the largest Western companies are dealing with this problem very seriously and investing significant funds in development,” Menshikov said. According to scientists near Moscow, the propulsion device can be used not only for controlling and correcting the orbits of spacecraft and orbital stations. “This environmentally friendly engine may be used in air and ground transport in the future,” Menshikov noted.

  • Perpetual motion machine created

    Today there are 20 devices operating in the world with an efficiency of 300-500 percent. 20 perpetual motion machines provide more energy than they consume, says Anatoly Akimov, director of the International Institute of Theoretical and Applied Physics of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. - Where do they get it from? From a vacuum. If a vacuum gives rise to elementary particles, then for physics there is not even a question of whether there is energy there. There is, you just need to be able to take it.
    The simplest device is that of Professor Potapov, the testing of which I attended at NPO Energia. A vertical pipe through which an electric pump drives water. At first the water is cold. After 40 minutes - 90 degrees, impossible to touch with your hand. But there is no heater in the pipe.
    The water rotates in a spiral. Of course, not everything is so simple: it is necessary to calculate the spiral itself, in a certain place to place a divider that turns the water into a straight flow. Result: the electric motor consumes 1 kW of energy and. The amount of energy released by water in the form of heat corresponds to 4 kW.
    But these are toys. Energy can be extracted from a vacuum 10E81 times more than from a nucleus, which is the subject of thermonuclear physics. Moreover, if the best minds of humanity are unsuccessfully struggling with the problems of elementary particles, building giant accelerators tens of kilometers in diameter (they cost billions), then the first samples of “perpetual motion machines” are already working.
    - Why don’t you sell the patent to industrialists and start mass production?
    - The simplest samples are being produced. And then they approached us and offered us money. We, in turn, proposed creating an enterprise with 50:50 shares and starting production. This didn't suit anyone. New technologies are burying almost all the most profitable forms of business. There is a fear that patents will be bought not to be used, but to be shelved.

    Non-existent perpetual motion machine

    Before the law of conservation of energy was discovered, for centuries attempts were persistently made to create a machine that would allow more work to be done than the energy expended. It was previously called "perpetuum mobele".
    A perpetual motion machine is an imaginary but unrealizable engine that, after being put into operation, performs work for an unlimited period of time.
    This is how the remarkable French engineer Sadi Carnot wrote about the importance of a perpetual motion machine for humanity: “The general and philosophical concept of “perpetuum mobile” contains not only the idea of ​​motion, which after the first shock continues forever, but the action of a device or some collection of such, capable of developing an unlimited amount of driving force, capable of consistently bringing all bodies of nature from rest, if they were in it, breaking the principle of inertia in them, capable, finally, of drawing from itself the necessary forces to set the entire Universe in motion, support and to continually accelerate its movement. This would really be the creation of a driving force. If this were possible, then it would become useless to look for a driving force in streams of water and air, in combustible material; we would have an endless source from which we could endlessly draw."
    Perpetual motion machines are usually constructed using the following techniques or combinations thereof:

    1. Lifting water using an Archimedean screw;
    2. Rise of water using capillaries;
    3. Using a wheel with unbalanced loads;
    4. Natural magnets;
    5. Electromagnetism;
    6. Steam or compressed air.

    The idea of ​​perpetual motion was very popular in the Middle Ages. The possession of such a secret of such an engine seemed more tempting than even the art of making gold from base metals. Many people have dealt with this intractable problem. Among them there were even people with a good education for those times. It is known that many of Newton’s works contain designs for perpetual motion machines. Several sketches of the perpetuum mobile were also found in Leonardo da Vinci's notes.
    The most common model of a perpetual motion machine, based on the use of a wheel with unbalanced loads (Fig. 1). The machine consists of two wheels (pulleys) placed at the top and bottom of a tower filled with water. An endless rope with light boxes attached to it is thrown over the pulleys. The author of the project assured that the boxes on the right in the picture, floating up under the influence of Archimedean force, make the wheels rotate. In place of the pop-up boxes, others will enter the water, maintaining “perpetual motion.”
    Relatively few attempts have been made to create perpetual motion machines of the second kind. To operate a conventional heat engine, you must have a heater and a refrigerator. The task of creating a heat engine that could perform mechanical work using a heater seems very tempting.
    It can be calculated that by cooling the world's oceans by just one degree, it is possible to obtain energy sufficient to meet all the needs of humanity at the current level of energy consumption for 14,000 years.
    Engines that operate due to the difference in energy arising in time and space appeared a long time ago. Some of them operate on a very simple and quite clear principle. But there are also those that can be mistaken for perpetual motion machines of the second kind: figuring out why they work is not at all easy.
    It is believed that the first such device was made by the Dutchman Cornelius Drebbel (1572 - 1634), a talented engineer and physicist. In 1598 he patented and nine years later demonstrated it to the English King James I<вечные>watches that did not require winding: their weights were raised by constantly changing atmospheric pressure.
    In the early 60s. XX century The toy, which in the USSR received the name<вечно пьющая птичка>or<птичка Хоттабыча>(Fig. 2).
    A thin glass bulb with a horizontal axis in the middle is soldered into a small container. The free end of the cone almost touches its bottom. A little liquid is poured into the lower part of the toy, and the upper, empty part, is covered on the outside with a thin layer of cotton wool. A decorative beak, a stand in the form of paws and a feather tail complete the look of a funny bird. Place a glass of water in front of the toy and tilt it, forcing it<попить>. And then something amazing happens: without waiting for a second invitation, the bird begins to bend down two or three times a minute and dip its head into the glass. Time after time, continuously, day and night, the bird bows until the water in the glass runs out.
    The mechanism of this phenomenon is clear: the liquid in the lower container evaporates under the influence of room heat, the pressure increases and displaces the liquid into the tube. The upper part of the toy overweights, it tilts, and the steam goes into the bird’s head. The pressure equalizes, the liquid flows into the lower container. Now she outweighs and returns the bird to its original position. After some time, the process is repeated. At first glance, the second law of thermodynamics is violated here: there is no temperature difference,<птичка Хоттабыча>only takes heat from the air, i.e. it works due to<монотермического источника>. But this is only at first glance.
    It is not in vain that the bird dips its head into the glass; the water from the wet cotton evaporates intensively, cooling the upper ball. A temperature difference between the upper and lower vessels arises, due to which<живёт>bird. If evaporation stops (the cotton wool dries out or the air humidity reaches the dew point), the bird, in full agreement with the second law of thermodynamics, will stop moving, and even Hottabych will not help it.
    Many unfounded hopes have also been generated by simple household devices - air conditioners. Some of their models can not only cool the room, but also heat it, taking heat from the cold street air. Research shows that for every kilowatt of electrical power supplied to such a device, 2.5 kW of heat is released in the room - much more than from a simple heater. But this does not mean that the air conditioner violates the second law of thermodynamics. It just works like<тепловой насос>, like a regular refrigerator, which also<выкачивает>heat from the freezer into the kitchen.
    And although electricity<тепловой насос>uses much more efficiently than a heater, at least half of it is still lost. The power of such<псевдовечных двигателей>very low: the differences in temperature and pressure at which they operate are too small. Therefore, they cannot compete with traditional energy sources and power plants and will not solve the world’s energy problems.
    A perpetual motion machine is a romantic dream of ascetics who tried to give humanity unlimited power over nature, a coveted source of enrichment for charlatans and adventurers; hundreds, thousands of projects that were never implemented; ingenious mechanisms that seemed about to start working, but for some reason remained motionless. There is some kind of mystery hidden in the very idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine, something that makes people search and search for its secret.

  • PERPETUAL MOTION is not on a flat Earth

    He who lives forever is forever right.
    Don Yuan.

    In all Encyclopedias of the World it is written:

    “It is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine, since this contradicts the Law of Conservation and Transformation of Energy and.”
    Just miss one word and the revelation above turns everything on its head.
    It is impossible to create a perpetual motion machine on a flat Earth.. In fact, in my interpretation. The law on conservation and transformation of energy is interpreted as follows:
    In the world, only what moves exists? Galaxy, Solar System. Earth: everything is in perpetual motion.
    The Earth-Moon system serves as a clear confirmation of the essence of the Perpetual Motion Machine. The Moon not only revolves around the Earth forever, but also performs a gigantic job on our planet of moving the waters of the World Ocean: ebb and flow,
    Artificial satellites of the Earth and the Sun are, in principle, perpetual motion machines created by the mind and hands of man.
    It is difficult to believe that a person living in an eternally moving world and realizing this (!) will suddenly begin to assert that the Perpetual Motion System, i.e. There is no REALLY EXISTING WORLD, and there cannot be.
    But there has always been and is an alternative to Chernobyl for Homo sapiens. You just need to admit that a perpetual motion machine exists in nature and learn to use its energy.

  • Goodbye "perpetual motion machine". Long live free energy!

    One cannot but agree that the expression “perpetual motion machine” in its modern interpretation has acquired the meaning of a mockery of luminaries at ignoramuses who do not know the basics of physics and dream of an abundance of energy out of nothing. The expression "perpetual motion machine" is a sad example of creating an effective ingrained negative label in a skillful counter-propaganda disinformation effort to impose necessary science and technology policies and contain technical information. Therefore, attempts to rehabilitate the concept of “perpetual motion” give only the opposite, negative result instead of promoting the use of advanced scientific knowledge and technologies. Stop banging your forehead against the wall, defending and justifying the “perpetual motion machine”! It's time to change the "defensive" tactics being imposed on scientists. Let official science now “justify” why it has brought modern theoretical physics to the point of absurdity, unable to explain anything, not to mention technologies that ruin Nature and threaten the existence of Humanity on Earth! .
    My “epiphany,” my understanding of the real state of affairs in science and technology, was rapid and shocking. This was preceded by acquaintance with the works of V.A. Atsyukovsky, A. Chernetsky, R. Avramenko, V. Avramenko, A. Melnichenko and others. In the simplicity of his soul, at the beginning the patriot’s resentment was “strangled” that our brilliant scientists were the first to discover unlimited sources of energy and , create “perpetual motion machines”, improve fundamental knowledge, and no one not only in our country, but also abroad does not “beat the timpani”, does not “blow the fanfare”. Our ideological atmosphere at that time did not even give rise to seeds of doubt about the reason. There could be only one reason - “the blindness of bureaucrats from science”; there was a strong belief in the “good master”. Time passed, and “the master still didn’t come” - this was already strange, to say the least, especially since “perestroika” was in full swing. The shock came after gaining access to the world's scientific and technical information via the Internet.
    It turns out that since the middle of the 19th century, along with traditional technologies and devices, there have been operating and patented a wide variety of so-called self-sustaining devices (from mechanical to electrical). Self-sustaining devices are devices that, after being put into operation, generated sufficient energy to carry out the technological process and maintain the operation of the device, i.e. not requiring additional energy and (fuel) from outside (Free Energy, Zero Point Energy, etc.). Moreover, the power expended to start the device could be many times less than the power received during its operation (devices with efficiency>1 (overunity)), which indicated exchange processes with the subtle environment (ether, physical vacuum), an environment that is always real a participant in the process, and not a passive spectator. And it was on these metabolic processes that these inventions were based - in John W.Keely - these are consonant waves of the ether (Sympathetic Vibration), in Nikola Tesla, Thomas Moray (T.H.Moray), Bruce de Palma (Bruce DePalma) is radiant energy.
    Thus, it turns out that for more than a hundred years, Humanity has not been able to introduce technologies based on free energy and, i.e. not requiring the extraction and transportation of fuel, using the energy of the subtle matter of the environment - ether, physical vacuum.
    One of the fundamental laws of the Universe is the law of freedom of choice. We all know its role and consequences in everyday life, but it plays an equally, and perhaps even more important, role in the development of science, when at the starting point of history science is faced with the choice of which development path to take. Official science has made its choice - it has declared that Einstein’s relativistic concept of empty space is the only true and unshakable one. In 1964, the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences issued a closed resolution prohibiting all scientific councils and journals, scientific departments from accepting, considering, discussing and publishing works criticizing Einstein's theory. It was already possible to openly prohibit the publication of articles about “perpetual motion machines”; such a prohibition is contained in the open provisions of most physics journals and scientific councils, because The decision of the French Academy of Sciences (1775) to ban the consideration of any type of models of the so-called “perpetual motion machines” has not yet been canceled.
    We, armed with the principle “don’t take anything for granted, only what you let through your consciousness,” will return back to the starting point of history and analyze whether this is really so.
    John Worell Keely (1827-1898), an outstanding American naturalist of the 19th century, when told that he was wasting his energy trying to build a “perpetual motion machine,” was openly perplexed and answered: “Look around. In nature, endless (perpetual) motion occurs everywhere.” . Planets rotate continuously, life tirelessly revives and prospers, molecules continually vibrate, exciting countless vibrations of subtle media around them. How this is accomplished and how it is maintained is a special question, and for explanations here one must turn to the Creator. But this is the actual state of affairs. And Therefore, it is completely natural and legitimate to strive to master these eternal movements and put them at the service of suffering humanity.” Keely's words can be listened to because he not only defended such views, but also achieved amazing results in terms of practical application of them. Keeley mastered such elusive movements of ethereal media and built many mechanisms that operate using unknown and still hidden from our understanding of the deep energies of the universe.
    Keely's laboratory was filled with numerous and completely incomprehensible structures with strange names, such as: Librator, Sympathetic Transmitter, etc. They included musical instruments (zither, oboe, etc.), as well as tuning forks, large and small organ pipes, hollow spheres, cones and disks, to which thin knitting needles made of gold and platinum were attached here and there. Separate and apparently independent blocks of this incredible design were connected by freely hanging silk threads, and one of them (the longest) stretched across the entire laboratory to a large (weighing a ton!), also not very clear mechanism, with wheels, cylinders and gears . Kili sat down at his workplace and touched the strings with a bow or fingers, producing the first sound. The entire system, which apparently was a complex and precisely tuned acoustic resonator, responded, began to sound, and suddenly - lo and behold! - a huge mechanism in the corner of the laboratory began to move by itself: wheels were spinning, pistons were knocking, etc. Kili awakened unknown energy and made it work!
    In those days, no one doubted the existence of ether. It was thought of as a luminiferous substance and was considered absolutely necessary simply for the very existence of light (electromagnetic) vibrations.
    John Keely believed that any material formation (“molecular aggregate”), no matter how small it may be, is in a state of continuous internal vibrations and excites something similar to sound vibrations in the space surrounding it. In addition, each such formation is capable of responding to vibrations coming from outside, and in a different way, depending on whether or not this external vibration is consonant with its own tone. If the vibrations of two bodies are consonant with each other, the bodies attract, but if there is dissonance in their sound, they avoid each other. All physical forces arise as a result of a certain coordination (or mismatch) of the wave characteristics of the vibrational fields that unite all things. Vibrations play the role of organizing and controlling everything. Moreover, the beginning is not energetic. Vibrations do not transfer energy, but only a stimulus to absorb or release it - that is, to transform it from latent forms into manifest forms. The energy itself is everywhere in the space surrounding us and penetrating us, and in unlimited quantities. Perpetual motion occurs everywhere and always. Energy reserves in nature are limitless. We do not create or waste this energy, but we can, having learned the laws, transform it into forms convenient for us. To do this, you simply need to coordinate the actions of individual “molecular aggregates,” and this can be achieved by achieving their consonance.
    As we can see from the example of John Keely, at the point of choosing the path of scientific and technological development there was plenty to choose from!

    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) - "The Electric Prometheus", the "forgotten genius" as he was called, also harnessed the energy of the environment through electrical devices.
    “Our task,” Tesla wrote, “is to develop means of obtaining energy from reserves that are eternal and inexhaustible, to develop methods that do not use the consumption and consumption of any “material” media. Now I am absolutely sure that the implementation of this idea will not just around the corner. ? The possibilities for developing this concept, which I am engaged in, lie precisely in using the clean energy of the surrounding space to operate engines anywhere on the planet" (1897).
    Tesla also had to “fight off” the omnipotence of the label “perpetual motion machine”!
    To understand Nikola Tesla's energy and environmental principles, it is necessary to return to the historical roots of electrical science. From Franklin's time until the early twentieth century, electricity was thought of as a liquid that flowed through conductors and, like the steam that powers steam engines today, could condense from that medium. The condensers of our day were then literally understood as refrigerators for storing cooled steam in accordance with those views.
    Until the latest scientific paradigm shift, physicists believed that all matter consisted of some kind of primordial substance. This primary substance was the ether of Maxwell and Kelvin, which filled the environment.
    Regarding temperature, Tesla wrote that “in the light of present knowledge we can liken the electric potential to temperature.” Creating an area of ​​lower temperature in a relatively higher environment means creating a stable lower electrical potential. Relative to the environment, the device that creates this area of ​​low voltage (pressure), relative to the surrounding space, can be considered as a self-cooling device.
    In his article in Century magazine, Tesla raises the question of thermodynamics in a section entitled: "The Possibility of a Self-Sustaining Engine...Motionless, Yet Capable of Extracting Energy from the Environment." Tesla challenges the claim regarding the impossibility of refrigerated machines to be powered by heat derived from this medium with a simple thought experiment.
    If two metal rods were stretched from the ground into outer space, the temperature difference between the ends of the rods would induce an electric current in them, which could be driven by an electric motor. The result is a device that cools the environment and operates from the heat of this environment.
    With this example, Tesla does not refute the Second Law of Thermodynamics, but shows the narrowness of its popular understanding. He does not deny the most basic condition, according to which energy flows from a warm environment to a cold one, from a high state of energy to a lower state. What Tesla does show by this is that a good design can make a device work using changes in the movement of energy and from a higher energy state to a lower one, without creating a "perpetual motion machine". Those. rational use of natural energy gradients and. He began his understanding of free energy precisely from this. Nikola Tesla proposed using the natural electrical potential gradient of the Earth (US Patent N685958).
    Let's consider this issue in more detail. What is meant by the concept of perpetual motion? How is he criticized?
    A “perpetual motion machine” is a self-sustaining system (device), i.e. which does not require additional energy from the object launching it for a long time after applying a one-time effort to its launch for its maintenance.
    It is clear that the word “eternal” immediately emotionally cuts off all systems, because we cannot guarantee (support) anything for half a year, not to mention Eternity! Those. this expression is clearly a "swamp". And a thinking person himself can name quite a few examples of this class of devices and systems, from a simple pendulum to the rotation of the Earth and living nature. The second part is energy consumption. Calculation of energy costs is deliberately not considered, or when considered, it is replaced by the law of conservation of energy and, forgetting that this is the energy of the system (environment), and not the additional energy of the “launcher”, the key word here is the impossibility of “eternal”.
    The second method, “perpetual motion machine” - the impossibility of devices with an efficiency greater than 1, they say, the conservation law is violated.
    In this case, there is a balancing act of manipulating the concept of efficiency in the right direction (again replacing the “triggering” energy of the environment). Let me remind you that efficiency is a simple technical concept that characterizes the efficiency of a device (system). Efficiency is the ratio of the useful power of a device (Nп) to the expended power (Nз), or in other words, the useful work to the expended work. The key word here is useful, i.e. minimal participation in the processes of the “launching” object, and this is precisely what is forgotten.
    Let us give some of the simplest and most obvious examples.
    A hydraulic ram is a simple and ingenious water-lifting mechanism. Using minor natural gradients of potential and - the difference in liquid level (for example, from the slope of a river bed), a hydraulic ram lifts liquid to a height of several tens of meters, without using a motor or additional energy for its work.
    The operation of a hydraulic ram is based on the so-called water hammer - a sharp increase (gradient) of pressure in the pipeline, when the flow of water is instantly blocked by a valve. A hydraulic ram works as follows: from a reservoir, under the influence of a natural hydraulic slope (pressure gradient), upon startup, water flows through a pipe into the device and flows out through the baffle valve. The flow speed increases, its pressure increases and reaches a value exceeding the weight of the valve. The valve instantly blocks the flow, and the pressure in the pipeline increases sharply - a water hammer occurs. The increased pressure opens the pressure valve, through which water enters the pressure cap, compressing the air in it. The pressure in the pipeline drops, the pressure valve closes, the pressure valve opens, and the cycle repeats again. The air compressed in the hood drives water through a pressure pipe into the upper reservoir to a height of up to 50 meters.
    The first hydraulic ram was built in the city of Saint-Cloud near Paris by brothers Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier in 1796, 13 years after their famous hot air balloon.
    As we see, the principle of operation of a hydraulic ram is simple - obtaining a potential gradient when interacting with an obstacle, while the constant natural pressure gradient (in space) of the reservoir is transformed into a pressure gradient in time, and since the duration of interaction of the flow with the obstacle is very short (water hammer ), then the resulting induced (secondary) pressure gradient in the pulse reaches very large values ​​compared to the primary triggering natural pressure gradient.
    So, regulating the time of interaction of the flow with an obstacle - creating short dynamic pulses of interaction, ensuring the formation of very high pressure gradients in the pulse, makes it possible to increase the force of interaction (pressure) many times over, i.e. enhance the power of natural flow. This is exactly what was needed in the competition with energy-consuming technologies - high power devices!
    Now we can return to the efficiency of such a device.
    If we need to raise water from the river to the height we need, and in our natural channel due to the natural pressure gradient the water flow of the river simply flows out, does it do our useful work for us in raising the water? No!
    If we place a hydraulic ram on this stream and it can lift us part of it (Q) to a height (H), we will be able to use this part of the water, for which we do not expend any power (Nз=0), in the required quality, and benefit. In this case, nothing beyond natural happens, all conservation laws work, but we get useful work from useless (or harmful, if it is flooding).
    And since the pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of useful power (Nп) to expended power (Nз):

    Efficiency=Nп/Nз=rgQH/ Nз=rgQH /0=?

    Then its efficiency is much greater than unity and tends to infinity. This indicator is not very informative. And if we consider such a device as a power amplifier, then a more informative indicator would be the ratio of the permissible flow rates of liquid with the pressure provided by the hydraulic ram to the speed of the natural flow. The gain of such a device can reach several tens of times.
    With such an unbiased approach to efficiency, you yourself can easily find many more examples around us.
    For example, a siphon - a device for pumping water - in order for it to do useful work, you only need to spend work on filling it with water, then it works (does useful work) on its own, without additional intervention. You will immediately remember about the level difference (pressure), but the level difference existed before the siphon was launched and will exist (if the water does not run out) after, but it was a useless factor, not used usefully. Only in a siphon does it allow you to raise the liquid to the required height in order to overcome an obstacle without applying additional power, using only natural power to your advantage.
    Or for example, a jet pump, a pendulum, wheel inertia, etc.
    Let me remind you once again that if we are talking about efficiency, we should not replace it with conservation laws, as is always done, but see only the usefulness of using the system and its energy capabilities in our own interests.
    Systems of this kind can, with a clear conscience, be called free energy devices.
    Living Nature makes full use of this energy for its own benefit and is not decreeed by the ban on “perpetual motion”, and scientists from such a ban only throw up their hands in surprise why the cockchafer flies or there is a paradox with fish that develop more power than is theoretically possible.
    That is, free energy is the rational use of energy and the system (environment).
    So, by regulating the time of interaction of the flow with an obstacle, changing the dynamics of interaction, it is possible to ensure a significant increase and strengthening of the voltage gradient (and therefore power) of the process. If you enhance the natural gradient of the system, then this is already “free” energy, i.e. "eternal" as long as there is a natural voltage gradient, the engine. This principle can be implemented in devices that use, instead of water, any other fluid that has natural flows (voltage gradients in the environment) - air, temperature, electrical, biofield, etc.
    So, starting with the use of the natural electrical gradient of the Earth's potential (US Patent N685958), Nikola Tesla, 100 years after the appearance of the hydraulic ram, created its electrical analogue - known as the Tesla transformer (US Patent N1119732).
    We know that between different points in the Earth's atmosphere, located at different altitudes, there is a difference in electrical potentials. On average, near the earth's surface, the magnitude of the change in potential a with height is about 1.3 V/cm. Therefore, Nikola Tesla proposed placing one metal plate as high as possible above the surface of the earth, and burying the second into the ground. By connecting these plates with conductors to opposite plates of the capacitor, the capacitor can be charged. By connecting a spark gap and a primary coil to the capacitor, you can adjust the spark gap so that an electric discharge occurs between its electrodes and a current flows through the coil in one direction, which, after a quick discharge of the capacitor, stops and the capacitor begins to charge again. Process: charge - discharge - current pulse is repeated periodically. If you place a secondary multi-turn coil inside the primary coil, one end of which is connected to a grounded plate, and the other to a spherical electrode (terminal) or load, then the current pulse in the primary coil induces (induces) an amplified electrical pulse of high voltage current in the secondary multi-turn coil.
    Having now compared the operation of the Tesla transformer and the hydraulic ram, one can be convinced of their complete analogy:

    1. - Discharger - shock valve.
    2. - The discharge in the arrester is a water hammer.
    3. - Secondary coil - pressure manifold.
    4. - The constant natural low potential difference between the air electrode and the ground in the primary circuit is converted into a short-term, but high electrical potential in the secondary circuit. Those. again it is obvious, on the basis of the natural free potential difference (pressure gradient), obtaining a high-power force impulse!

    And so on in all areas, you just need to look at everything more broadly from a Unified position, and not blinker your eyes with the templates and prohibitions of “perpetual motion machines” imposed on us “from above.”
    To replace the concept of “perpetual motion”, it is necessary to introduce new visual concepts supported by real examples from practice, for example, self-organizing, self-sustaining, living systems. A striking example of which are objects of living nature and vortex technologies - the works of Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958). The bottom line is that a flow, if properly organized in the form of a dynamic structure (examples of which are atmospheric vortices, tornadoes, Langmuir vortices in reservoirs), can simultaneously act as a pump that increases the energy of the flow generating it, given that both electricity and heat and light are flows of matter, then hydraulic models may well help us in understanding such “perpetual motion machines”. A clear and compelling example of such devices is a simple trout, which can stand almost motionless in a mountain stream, the speed of which is tens of meters per second! And no one noticed this paradox, but Viktor Schauberger noticed and developed a new direction in technology - vortex technologies, covering devices from power supply to flying saucers and ecology. In addition to trout, such anomalous energy manifestations are known as Gray’s paradox, who, having determined the energy capabilities of a dolphin and comparing them with the power necessary for its movement, came to the conclusion that the required power is seven times greater than the possible! And also May beetles and similar beetles, which theoretically cannot fly. A technical example of our days is the Potapov heat generator and others like it, sold here and abroad.
    Why does it happen that energy-independent technologies are little known to anyone and no one needs them?
    And all because inventors, scientists, science in general are hostages of the financial, political, social interests of the wealthy clan and hostages of money in general. A striking example here is Nikola Tesla. A brilliant scientist, on whose patents all electrical devices were actually introduced, from transformer substations of two-wire power lines to AC electric motors, having sold his patents for these developments, even before their implementation was completed, he developed the fundamentals of energy supply on the principles of not requiring devices for transmitting electricity and through wires, developed a number of methods and devices for generating electricity at any point in space using self-sustaining devices. But, alas, the flywheel of knocking out money from the funds invested in the electrification of countries has already started spinning, the taste of power over energy-dependent peoples has borne fruit. Nikola Tesla failed to introduce his free energy devices and fuel-free generators. The possibility of free use of energy did not suit those in power and his talent was directed to solving secret military programs. And a total duping of science began, its classification and disinformation. Those who disagreed were intimidated or physically destroyed. As a rule, these developments were transferred to the military department under the pretext of the country's national security and their civilian use became impossible or was of a purely militaristic nature.
    All this made it possible to slow down the process of introducing environmentally friendly technologies that do not require the extraction and transportation of fuel for almost a hundred years, to polarize society into the poor and the rich, exacerbating social contradictions and bringing the Earth’s ecology to the brink of an abyss.
    But science, just like a hundred years ago, stands at the same fork in the road and must start all over again, taught by bitter experience.
    If the expression “perpetual motion machine” is a propaganda label, then the 2nd law of thermodynamics is already, figuratively speaking, a “gendarme” that reinforces the imposed official dogmatism, the “rut”. Real vortex self-organizing and living systems have negative entropy, i.e. According to the 2nd law of thermodynamics, they have no right to exist, but for some reason no one concludes that the law is incorrect! Because the use of incomprehensible mathematical concepts that need to be gotten rid of is also a technique of misinformation. After all, what does positive or negative entropy mean in physical language? It’s just a system that dissipates or concentrates matter, but banning the concentration of matter is more difficult than abolishing the existence of systems with negative entropy that no one understands! So they look for a defect in the device or explain it as a miracle of Nature. But, as St. Augustine correctly noted: “A miracle is not something that contradicts the laws of nature, but something that contradicts our knowledge of these laws.”
    In the meantime, all living things fall into the category of “miracle” or exception to the 2nd law of thermodynamics. Judge for yourself, according to A. Leninger: “...living organisms are open systems... They are characterized by the so-called stationary state, which is a state of an open system in which the rate of transfer of matter and energy from the environment to the system is exactly balanced the rate of transfer of matter and energy and from the system. Therefore, the molecular logic of living things includes the position that a cell is a nonequilibrium open system, a machine for extracting free energy from the external environment (useful form of energy and utilized by the cell), resulting in an increase in the entropy of the environment ".
    Schrödinger said that “a living organism is in a state of negative entropy, and therefore can preserve its internal structure only by drawing energy from its environment... The existence of life in general contradicts the second principle of thermodynamics, according to which the sum of energies in a closed the system remains unchanged... In living systems, negative entropy always occurs, the value of which is precisely a measure of the orderliness and organization of the structure... The state of entropy appears in living organisms only from the moment of their death." He further noted that this contradiction is apparent, but it is removed if we consider the organism in the cosmic system.
    Apparently, the organism cannot be considered a closed system; it is characterized by autonomy, which provides for exchange with the external environment. The thesis about the equality of the transfer of matter and energy from the environment to the body and back is questionable. On the contrary, the body is able to accumulate energy and substances from the external environment, for example, in the form of fats and carbohydrates, and constantly spend them on updating its structure, while releasing energy into the external environment in the form of heat, radiation and waste products. The organism finally “settles” with the environment only after death.
    It’s time to listen to the words of I. Prigogine expressed in a lecture at his Nobel symposium: “Classical thermodynamics, in essence, is the theory of “destruction of structure”? But classical thermodynamics must somehow be supplemented with the theory of “creation of structure” that is missing from it.
    And take seriously the promotion and consideration of ideas about the dynamic formation of matter, which can raise science to a qualitatively new unifying level of knowledge and overcome the crisis.
    Vladimir Berdinskikh

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  • When it comes to perpetual motion, the main problem is confusion in wording. For some reason, some people believe that a perpetual motion machine is a machine that moves constantly, that it never stops. This is true, but only partly.

    Indeed, if you once installed and started a perpetual motion machine, it will have to work until the “end of time.” To call the life of an engine “long” or “long” is to greatly understate its capabilities. However, it is no secret that a perpetual motion machine does not and cannot exist in nature.

    But what about planets, stars and galaxies? After all, all these objects are in constant motion, and this motion will exist constantly as long as the Universe exists, until the time of eternal, endless, absolute darkness comes. Isn't this a perpetual motion machine?

    It is in answering this question that the confusion in wording that we talked about at the beginning is revealed. Perpetual motion is not a perpetual motion machine! The movement itself in the Universe is “eternal”. Movement will exist as long as the Universe exists. But a so-called perpetual motion machine is a device that not only moves endlessly, it also produces energy as it moves. Therefore, the definition given by Wikipedia is correct:

    On the Internet you can find many projects that offer models of perpetual motion machines. Looking at these structures, you might think that they are able to work without stopping, constantly producing energy. If we actually succeeded in designing a perpetual motion machine, the consequences would be staggering. It would be an eternal source of energy, moreover, free energy. Unfortunately, due to the fundamental laws of physics of our Universe, the creation of perpetual motion machines is impossible. Let's figure out why this is so.

    Physics of perpetual motion

    In our Universe reigns supreme law of energy conservation. According to this law, energy is always conserved. This means that energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Instead, it simply moves from one state to another. In order for movement to occur constantly, the energy of the system must always remain constant and not be released anywhere. From this fact alone it follows that a perpetual motion machine cannot be built.

    Why? To maintain constant movement, we must meet many requirements for our device:

    1. The machine should not have any “rubbing” parts. Any moving part must not touch other parts. The friction that will be created between the parts will eventually cause the engine to lose its energy. Creating a smooth surface is not enough because there are no perfectly smooth objects. Heat will always be generated by the friction of two parts (heat generation requires energy, so the engine will lose energy).
    2. The machine must operate in a vacuum (without air). This point is directly related to the reason stated in the previous paragraph. Operating a machine outside of a vacuum will cause it to lose energy due to friction between moving parts and the air. Although the loss of energy due to friction between engine parts and air is very small, remember that we are talking about perpetual motion machines. That is, if the slightest loss mechanism exists, then the motor will eventually lose its energy (even if it takes a very long time).
    3. The engine should not produce sound. Sound is also a form of energy transmission. If the machine makes any noise, it leads to loss of energy. Although this problem will disappear if the engine is running in a vacuum, since sound cannot travel in a vacuum.

    And even if we assume that someday we will be able to meet all these conditions and build a device that will move forever. Will we be able to get energy from it? Yes, but only the energy that was used to set this device in motion. A perpetual motion machine in real life will simply store the energy initially transferred to it. We must remember that energy cannot be created; it is always only transformed from one form to another. So, if you manage to build the perfect machine that can move forever, you will need energy to run it. This is the only energy you will eventually get back.
