Landscape design of a small summer cottage. Landscape design of a dacha plot: beautiful design ideas. Dacha plot landscape design

Landscape design today gives many opportunities to implement any bold ideas And original solutions. It includes the construction of all kinds of reservoirs - from pools with waterfalls to small ponds with streams, and the creation of beautiful flower arrangements, and lawn design. Fruit trees and vegetable beds no need to exclude either. At the right approach you can bring all the elements together, bringing to life a holistic and harmonious picture. This will be your summer cottage.

Creative abilities, a designer's eye, the availability of funds and time will help transform your territory, make it comfortable and attractive for work, relaxation, and receiving guests.


Landscape design of a summer cottage is a responsible and at the same time very exciting task. First you need to draw up a project and clearly define where and what zones you will have. Much depends on how much space the dacha allows to unfold.

Decor personal plot involves the use of modern trends. At the moment, the trend is naturalness interspersed with progress, which means that you should try to create a pristine corner of nature on your territory using elements of modern technology.

That is, you have to combine incompatible things and do it in such a way that your creation exudes harmony and does not represent chaos.


There are several directions for designing a garden plot:

  • If you took as a sample English style , keep a sense of proportion. In such a garden, everything should be thought out to the smallest detail. And the most important nuance is the walking alleys. They are accompanied by a large lawn or lawn, front garden, gazebo, pond, fruit trees. The zones are separated by hedges. There must be flower beds of the same shape; ridges and mixborders also serve as decoration.

Arranging an English garden requires a lot of space. If you have 12 acres at your disposal, you can safely begin work.

  • This also applies to regular style. But there are some tricks to putting it into practice. There must certainly be a center around which the rest of the objects are located. in a certain order. Strict geometry and symmetry - here character traits this style. In addition to flower beds and neatly trimmed lawns, sculptures and fountains are a must.

  • The complete opposite of this style is considered landscape. It's more free. Here the main elements are flowers, plants, trees. But it's all settling down with a skillful hand designer. Alpine slides and rock gardens will become the main decoration of this small corner of nature.

  • Many people loved the style "Provence", which also suggests various interesting solutions. To successfully create this beauty, you must have pink and blue plants, herbs, fruit trees, garden furniture. But the main element of this wonderful corner is considered to be lavender. The name of the architectural style speaks for itself. Various buildings come to the fore: bridges, terraces, arches, steps.

  • IN Japanese style, the main design element will be stones and a pond. Branches and all kinds of driftwood will do. But everything should show restraint and sophistication. No riot of colors.

  • And if you want to have Russian estate, it’s not difficult to create. First of all, organize an area with a house and a vegetable garden, flowers. There certainly must be simple gazebo, entwined with greenery, to welcome guests. A bathhouse will be a completely useful element. And even a pond with ducks will fit well into the overall landscape. Let everything be worthy, but without frills and pretentious compositions.


The simplest one is rectangular. It is easily divided into zones that can be arranged at your discretion. If you have 4 acres, then it is appropriate to place flower beds with different flowers near the house. Hydrangea paniculata is considered the queen of the garden. Its delicate flowers will decorate any garden; it blooms beautifully and is easy to form. Design the interior of a terrace or veranda based on your preferences.

You can place furniture for tea drinking, a cabinet with dishes, even hang photographs on the wall of the corresponding theme.

It is easy to make a circular layout based on a rectangular one. Components - flower beds, lawns, flower beds, greenery. Decorative elements are placed in the corners.

The main thing in the diagonal layout are diagonal parallels. With this layout you can visually enlarge a small area. The free layout allows you to fantasize in any direction, but accents still need to be placed, otherwise the garden will lose its attractiveness.


The number and size of zones depends on the volume of the site. All of them must be designed in the same style. Of course, every dacha needs a recreation area, as well as a utility and garden area. They are the most important, because at the dacha we work in the garden and vegetable garden, and, of course, we spend our free time usefully. Even for small courtyards, decoration in the form of flowers and decor is a must.

If space allows, you can also arrange a dining room on fresh air, and a playground, and a sports area.

Your cozy patio will become even more pleasant to relax in if you plant grass for the lawn. In addition to beauty, it also brings many benefits. It has a good effect on the soil, makes the air cleaner, and can even save you from unnecessary noise.

Garden paths are also an important design component. They can be made from the most different materials: gravel, paving stones, natural stone, concrete tiles, brick covering, decorative tiles, pebbles. Along the paths you can make flower-shaped borders and plant decorative trees. Pine, spruce, and thuja trees will improve your area.

The main decoration of your territory can be a flower garden. The main thing is to choose the right plants so that the flowering time occurs at different times. Then the bright colors will delight you all season long.

The arrangement of flowers may vary. These are flower beds, group plantings, ridges, mixborders. With the help of ridges, lawns and paths are often framed.

Sometimes flowers are not planted in the ground, but placed in vases, pots, flowerpots, adhering to the general design style.

An original solution would be to place an arena. We fill the area with sand, plant succulents and similar plants - and now we have a piece of the desert.

Compositions made of driftwood or stones would be appropriate next to it.

If your site is located on a slope, this needs to be taken into account when designing your landscape. Alpine slides, waterfalls, and cascades will look good on such a site. You just need to think carefully about how all this will look in reality.

On the territory of a country house, it is imperative to arrange a recreation area with a barbecue or even a fireplace. You can make a zone directly under open air. But it will be even more comfortable under a canopy, especially in the rain. Yes and from sun rays It's nice to take refuge in the coolness. It would be great if there was a body of water nearby. A children's playground can also be located nearby.

You can make an outdoor dining area. Let a path lead from the house to it. It’s wonderful if there are spreading trees nearby. If not, you might want to think about an awning in case of rain. The dining room will also look good in the gazebo, which will become part of the interior.

Composition options

The best decorations for any site are ponds. First, consider the size of the area, and then decide which type of source will suit you best.

If you have a plot of more than 10 acres, you can build both a swimming pool and a fish pond.

It must be taken into account that any body of water must be in harmony with the overall design style.

When choosing a regular style, the pool must comply with strict geometric shapes and be rectangular in shape. Landscape style implies something lighter, airier, casual streams using natural materials are suitable.

Having a well on your personal plot wouldn’t hurt at all. It will also have practical benefits. And if you decorate it with taste, it will become a decorative component. Construction of a well, of course, will require certain costs, the main thing is choose the right place for its location.

An alpine slide can improve your site. Its creation may be a labor-intensive process, but then you will fully enjoy the results of your labor. Stones and plants are its main components.

The most important decoration of the garden is flowers. And here the choice depends on you, climatic conditions and site design. Roses of all varieties always look luxurious in any garden. You can create compositions using other colors.

The rose's neighbors can be verbena, cosmos, and fragrant gillyflower. These plants love the sun. Lavender, speedwell, delphinium, and asters will be wonderful additions to roses.

Hydrangea blooms from early summer until late autumn. And she can also be given a place in the flowerbed next to the rose bushes.


It is impossible to imagine a dacha without plants and grass. It is the juicy, tender greenery that is so pleasing to the eye and gives us pleasure when, after a working week, we finally immerse ourselves in the world of nature. Therefore, pay due attention to landscaping.

Plants play a big role in decorating a country house. vertical gardening. With its help you can decorate a fence or wall, hide a bench or surround a gazebo. It is common to use grapes, sweet peas, and hops for these purposes. But now many have been conquered by clematis. A variety of shapes and shades allows you to experiment as you please. They look great either on their own or in combination with other plants.

With the help of greenery, you can decorate any border, which is indispensable for demarcating zones, framing lawns, lawns, flower beds, and beds.

When planting, do not forget to consider what kind of lighting the shrubs and plants need. Do they like sunlight or need shade? Give low-growing trees a place on the south side, and tall trees will do well on the north side.

Before planting anything, decide on the color scheme of the area, choose three or four shades, and create compositions based on them. You yourself will soon get tired of too much diversity.

If you are a beginner gardener or have moved to a different climate, listen to your neighbors and seek advice. They will probably be willing to share their experience with you, and you will insure yourself against mistakes.


For many, the theme of lighting in their backyard ends with a lantern at the entrance and a lamp on the terrace. Organizing real lighting that can transform the entire area in the evening is not a job for the lazy. She demands creative approach, investments and time. To get started you need a correctly developed scheme - in what places and what types you will install.

Modern garden decor is impossible without lanterns, light bulbs, lights and other luminous objects.

The main lighting is functional, which we cannot do without. These are lamps near gates, gates, entrance doors, on the veranda or terrace. We pay minimal attention to decorative lighting, and it’s completely in vain.

Paths where ornamental trees grow - pines, thujas, junipers - can be decorated with the help of built-in lamps. Special columns are produced that emit light, which will also become a good decoration for your garden in the evening.

Using decorative lighting, create spot accents, highlight a specific flower bed or a specific tree. To implement this solution, use ground-based mini-spotlights. They also provide multi-colored lighting thanks to special glass.

It should be taken into account that it is preferable to buy energy-saving lamps, and it is better to install the lighting so that technical and decorative lighting are switched on separately from each other.


Decorating a site with your own hands is not at all difficult. Any available materials will do for this purpose, you just need to find the right use for them. But any landscape requires basic arrangement. After all, fences and paths, decorated with taste, are also part of the overall idea.

Fences made of stone, brick and metal in dachas are becoming increasingly popular. To make them look less boring, you can liven them up with climbing plants or ornamental trees. But, indeed, fences made of wood can become part of the design. They can be decorated however you like. Such a fence will definitely attract people's attention; it will be difficult to pass by.

A corrugated fence is also easy to decorate with the help of paintings or stencils. Provided that you use high-quality paint for your work, the paintings will not lose their color and beauty for a long time.

But among the simplest and most win-win options is a hedge. By trimming the crown, you can make the shape you need. Choose trees and shrubs for such a fence taking into account the height you need.

Paths are another important touch in the design of a summer cottage. Without them, everything loses its meaning, the territory will not look well-groomed.

As with other decorative components, you need to choose the material that matches the overall concept. If there are sculptures, fountains, or clear forms in the garden, choose stone. IN country style Wooden paths will fit perfectly. Paths made of gravel or paving stones can perfectly delimit zones.

The choice of materials is very large, for every taste and budget. If you have a vegetable garden at your dacha, it also needs to be decorated. Just dug up beds are becoming a thing of the past. When arranging a vegetable garden, you can also show your abilities and use your imagination no less than when decorating flower beds or an alpine hill.

Imagine how fun triangular beds with carrots will look, and next to square ones with cabbage, if they have an appropriate fence, and next to beautiful paths and some cute animal figurines. You can plant flowers along the edges of the beds for beauty. Fences for beds can replace hedges. Thanks to this design, you can achieve an interesting effect.

In the garden, in addition to trees and flowers, it is advisable to place an alpine slide, rock garden, and pond. This will add zest to your site. A body of water does not have to be amazing, in the form of a waterfall or a raging river. Even a small stream or pond will fill your soul with harmony and lift your spirits when you decide to relax in the country and enjoy peace and quiet.

This photo gallery will tell you how to design the site, and maybe give you your own ideas.

There are a number of rules that are best followed so that the garden does not turn into a pile of ideas - incomprehensible and inharmonious.

In the presence of small plot give up massive structures that will not bring beauty, but will only clutter the space. Create light, airy compositions. Alternate miniature buildings with flower beds and shrubs.

High fences made of concrete and brick are also a bad option for a summer house. It will visually reduce the area and create a feeling of enclosed space. A picket fence or chain-link fence with climbing plants is the best option.

Tall trees are also not suitable for a small area. Their powerful root system and a voluminous crown will reduce your ability to implement design ideas.

Not big trees they look no worse, especially if you approach their planting creatively, plant them in groups, and create compositions.

Drawing up a plan with all the details should be the first step towards registering the site. This can be done using special computer programs or reproduced on paper indicating all the buildings, flower beds, paths, pond, vegetable garden, recreation area, location of garden figures and figurines, if any.

You should also decide on the style. It depends on what trees and flowers you will plant and what materials you will use. A wide variety of trees and flowers may be unnecessary. It is better to decide on certain types and varieties, and successfully place the plants on the site.

The most optimal placement flower beds are at the entrance, and it is better to use asymmetry.

Plants in containers are a great solution for small areas. In addition, you can grow flowers, vegetables, and even small trees in them.

The advantage of a small plot is that its arrangement requires less time, effort and investment, and you will get no less pleasure from relaxing at your dacha when you arrange everything according to the plan you have come up with.

Beautiful examples

Gazebos and pergolas in the garden are not only comfort and convenience, but also decoration. Plant flowers and climbing greens nearby. A small pond nearby will look very harmonious. Along the edges you can place stones of different sizes, plant shrubs and flowers that love moisture. Be sure to add some lighting here. And you can put it near a pond garden figure. Maybe it will be a heron by the stream, or maybe a frog will settle on a stone. In the evening, you can have tea in the gazebo, set the table for guests, listen to the murmur of the stream and enjoy the coolness of the evening.

Advantages of a small plot

For arranging a small recreation area, 5-6 is enough square meters. You can build two compact pergolas from timber and slats. You can place them so that they stand at an angle, or there is an option to place them parallel to each other. They can be connected to each other, and a bench can be placed in the middle. climbing roses and wild grapes will successfully complement the composition. Flowers and climbing greenery will create a feeling of harmony. Just imagine what a magnificent relaxation area it will turn out to be. It seems to be nothing complicated or expensive, but it will give you so many pleasant moments.

Gardeners, as a rule, always have some outdated things that, if desired, can be given a second life. They make great crafts. Here are just a few options.

New life for old things

Have you ever thought that in old rubber boots you can create two small flower beds with bright colors. Looks interesting. As well as old kettle with cups that will hold small flowers.

The materials for flower beds are old chests of drawers, carts, tubs, and tires. With a new look at old things, everything can come into use and look very beautiful.

It has become a fashionable phenomenon that can often be found now to decorate old bicycles. It is enough to strengthen it well, paint it in desired color and place baskets of flowers or flowerpots on it. Looks very stylish.

Landscape design of a personal plot or private yard is not just the ability to transform the area around the house, it is the real art of creating beauty and harmony of your “I” with the surrounding nature. Only at first glance everything is simple - I planted several fruit-bearing trees on the site, a couple of bushes near the entrance, laid out a flowerbed and covered the rest of the space with a lawn. But what to do if such a scenario does not meet your requirements on the aesthetic side of the issue. If in your dreams you saw a well-groomed summer cottage or a small backyard, where you can relax in a hammock in the fresh air or have lunch with the whole family in a cozy gazebo, or maybe read a book near a small pond?

How to arrange the area near country house or a private household, so that both the owners would be pleased to look at the fruits of their labors, and the guests would have something to surprise? We hope that our selection interesting projects landscape design created for areas of the most different sizes and shapes, territorial location and practical purpose, will help you be inspired for “gardening” exploits on your own site.

Planning the design of the area near the house

After a dusty and noisy city, it’s so nice to plunge into an oasis of greenery and freshness, which is located in your own backyard of a private household, or go to the country on the weekend and plunge into a world of incredible closeness to nature. But in any case, it will be necessary to work hard to create not only a green, blooming space, but also practical place for relaxation with the whole family and in the company of friends and acquaintances.

Before you start planning landscape design on your territory, you will have to work on paper or in a special planner program:

  • indicate the exact dimensions and shape of the site;
  • mark existing buildings (house, garage, etc.) on the plan;
  • mark the buildings that you would like to build (place absolutely everything on the plan - from a doghouse to a gazebo), even if it seems that the building is small and there will always be a place for it, it is better to take everything into account right away, there is always not enough space, no matter how much there is was;
  • divide the entire site into segments - squares, each of which will contain one or another design element (this will make it easier for you to evenly distribute all landscape elements, especially if the site is large);
  • mark all the perennial plants that are already growing on the site and plan to plant new ones (remember the distance between trees and in relation to buildings and structures);
  • mark the location on the plan engineering systems(irrigation and water supply of ponds, fountains and cascades, lighting), perhaps at this stage you will need specialist advice.

Next, it is necessary to carry out “reconnaissance on the ground” - find out the characteristics of the soil and the flow of groundwater (if any), identify places of stagnation of water and, if necessary, carry out drainage. You also need to decide on the level of hilliness of the site and find out whether you want to level the soil or leave the pristine landscape of a private area.

Choosing a color palette for landscape design

Cleverly selected color palette landscape design, can transform and make even the simplest and low-budget project unique. But for such a harmonious appearance of your summer cottage or garden plot, you need to take into account color scheme elements that can be divided into the following groups:

Elements of natural landscape. These are bushes, trees and other plants, hills and stones, ponds and paths that were created by nature itself. Whatever you choose to leave in to add a natural feel to your landscaping will impact the color palette of the area. It is important to take into account that natural shades will change depending on the time of year and the climate of the area where you are located.

Objects of architecture. This is, first of all, the main building of the house and its extensions - garage, veranda, terrace, bathhouse, greenhouse. As well as bridges, gazebos, canopies and other buildings. The facade of the building and the elements of all buildings must be in a harmonious color combination. This does not mean that it is necessary to paint all buildings the same color. Perhaps some building on your site is destined to become an accent spot, stand out from the general background and take on the role of a focal point. But more often than not, it is the house that becomes the focal point around which the entire concept of decorating the surrounding area is built.

Items of social and decorative landscape. This group includes all plantings, ponds, rock gardens and flower beds that were created by the hands of the designer or the owners of the site. In this case, the possibilities for manipulating shades and halftones are endless, using flowering plants you can create a unique colorful “carpet” of plantings that will change throughout the warm season (usually from April to October in our country). Ultimately, entire avenues of evergreens can be used to provide a consistent dominance of color in your garden or backyard area.

Other site design elements. These include garden paths and platforms, decking and platforms, sculptures, hammocks and swings. All these elements leave their mark on the overall color scheme of the area near your country house or private home. In matters of creating a certain mood in landscape design, it is the color palette that plays a key role. By using color combinations you can disguise the imperfections of the territory, visually enlarge the space or give it a certain shape, without resorting to drastic actions.

Relaxation area with barbecue or fireplace

Most of our compatriots, who have become the happy owners of a summer cottage or who have decided to improve the yard of a private household, decide, first of all, to organize a place for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. For some, it is enough to build a barbecue and put a couple of garden chairs; for others, a major canopy with a dining group near the outdoor stove is needed and soft zone, composed of garden chairs and sofas. There are as many opinions as there are owners of private houses. But we are sure that from the proposed options for organizing a place for relaxing cooking on a fire, you will be able to find an inspiring project.

Barbecue equipment can be installed under a canopy on a wooden deck. But for a barbecue or Russian stove you need a separate area, preferably on an area paved with stone or clinker bricks. For the convenience of cooking over a fire, it is better to place a couple of chairs and a small table next to the grill. The choice of materials for garden furniture is now wide – plastic, wood, rattan, metal and their combinations. Furniture made from plastic is the cheapest. But also practical. Wicker products made from natural rattan look very respectable and even festive, but their price is high. Based on your financial capabilities and the planned frequency of using furniture for outdoor gatherings.

Even in small yard you can compactly, but at the same time safely place the necessary attributes for cooking on fire. It would be most logical to place a small dining group here so that you can dine in the fresh air and try the freshly prepared dishes.

If we talk about an open lesion, then, as a rule, it is performed round shape. The logical design of the rest area next to it is again a circle. The harmonious and compact shape of the recreation area not only fulfills the functionality assigned to it, but is also able to decorate any garden plot or private yard.

The capital construction of a garden kitchen under a canopy and an adjacent outdoor fireplace requires a lot of effort and financial investment. But the cost similar project depreciates quite quickly, considering how often everyone wants to cook and eat food in the fresh air.

Outdoor dining

A wonderful opportunity to dine with the whole family outside or host an outdoor dinner party should not be missed. Moreover, this does not require much effort. Of course, you will need to purchase a dining set for the street (choose light but durable table options; it is better to take folding chairs or armchairs or easily assemble one into one if you place them vertically). It will be easier for you if your dining area is sufficiently mobile, because in the winter or simply in bad weather you will need to put the furniture under a canopy or bring it indoors.

It is better to place a table and chairs for outdoor dining on a platform paved with stone or any other tile. This way you can provide sufficient stability for the furniture and at the same time prevent metal garden furniture, for example, from sinking into the ground.

If you choose a table with a hole for installing an umbrella (there are plenty of such models among garden furniture), you will be able to provide your family with the opportunity to dine outside on hot sunny days.

Also, an umbrella for sun protection can be installed, if necessary, next to the outdoor dining table. But remember about weights to stabilize the structure in windy conditions.

The canopy looks incredibly beautiful, the frame of which is made of wood, and the role of an awning is played by climbing plants. Any food at such a table will taste better in the romantic and pleasant atmosphere created by man together with nature.

Garden paths and lawns

It is the combination of garden paths with a lawn (if there is one on your site) that forms the landscape design pattern. Paths not only provide free movement around your yard or garden plot, but also form certain segments of the landscape.

Some people like the clear geometry in the arrangement of paths, for others it is more pleasant to look and walk along winding stone paths that go around certain landscaping objects of the site. Paths can be paved with different material– paving stones, stone, clinker or regular bricks, fine gravel and decorative pebbles. Paths made of combined materials look beautiful and practical. For example, you have large stone slabs along the path of the garden path, and fill the space around it with fine gravel.

Another way to make original, but at the same time incredibly functional paths is to fill the space around concrete slabs small pebbles. Against the backdrop of a green, perfectly trimmed lawn, such paths look amazing and create an orderly and harmonious environment in the local area.

Nowadays, you can easily purchase a ready-made lawn for your site; it will be delivered in rolls and spread on your territory with an individual adjustment to the curves of its shape. But you can do it the old fashioned way and sow a cleared area for a lawn, wait for germination and trim it depending on your preferences. But in this case, it is important to immediately say that no one can achieve the ideal density of seedlings the first time; you have to re-sow the grass in the bald spots and monitor the new growth. In any case, you will need timely watering of the lawn (think over the irrigation system in advance) and regular mowing (you can also rent lawn mowers, but it is more rational and more profitable to purchase a garden unit).

When there are no boundaries between the lawn and the extensive plantings in the flower beds, an incredibly harmonious and natural atmosphere is created in the yard or area. In a festive green robe, your yard will be pleasing to the eye, and give the owners the opportunity to take a break from the concrete and glass structures of the big city.

Artificial ponds as an element of landscape design

To make the environment of your summer cottage or small courtyard more harmonious, use water in any form. Swimming pools, small ponds or just bowls of water that continuously flows - perfect option to create a calming and relaxing environment.

Not a single oriental landscape design is complete without the use of a natural or artificial reservoir, but Asians know a lot about creating a peaceful and balanced atmosphere.

What could be better than having the opportunity to plunge into the cool waters of a swimming pool located in the local area on a hot summer day? Of course, to organize a pool on your site it will be necessary to involve specialists and even heavy construction equipment. But all the costs (time, effort, energy and financial resources) will be paid off by the incredible opportunity of owning your own mini-reservoir on your personal plot or in the courtyard of a private house.

A place to relax on a plot with a soft zone

Having the opportunity to relax in the lap of nature, I would like to do it with maximum comfort– in the shade of trees or an awning, on soft sofas or armchairs. You can set up such a platform either on a wooden deck or platform, or on a platform paved with stone or concrete.

If we talk about upholstered furniture for outdoor use, then it is more practical to use rattan or any other wicker furniture with removable soft seats and backs. Typically, the upholstery textiles of such pillows can be easily cleaned with a damp sponge, or the covers are removable and washable in a washing machine.

How to Landscape a Small Lot or Small Backyard

If you are very limited in the area of ​​​​the plot, then you will need, first of all, to set priorities and decide what is most important to you - to be able to relax in the shade of trees, have dinner with the whole family in the open air, or set up an area for preparing shish kebab and barbecue. Or maybe you need a place for a playground or a place to walk your pet?

No matter how you distribute the segments of outdoor recreation that are important to you, you cannot do without fencing your territory. To brighten up the appearance of a boring fence, plant climbing plants or low trees near it, which will create a natural atmosphere. In such an environment, you can at least for a while forget about the noisy city outside your backyard.

But what if your backyard is just a piece of land that you have converted into wood flooring? Or you don’t even have a backyard, but you have some free space on the roof. There is a way out of any situation. The next few images of design projects for arranging such mini-segments for outdoor recreation are proof of this.

1069 Dix https://www..pngDix 2015-05-13 19:56:23 2018-11-30 11:20:51 A kaleidoscope of ideas for landscape design of a site

If you have a summer cottage, that’s great! Even if it’s very small, that’s okay too! After all, the landscape design of a small area can be arranged in a very original way. It is in this article that you will learn how to arrange a photo of 10 acres with your own hands, and also view the photo design of a summer cottage photo.

Basic rules for designing a small plot of land

Before you start creating your own landscape design for a small area, you should learn some rules and features of this issue, which are quite simple. Namely:

Say no to bulky and massive structures. Of course, if there is no building on a summer cottage, it is not entirely convenient, so there should be one. But it doesn't have to be too bulky. Small buildings one floor high are appropriate here. It is better if they are distributed throughout the entire territory of your summer cottage. For example, so that the bathhouse and household. the buildings were located at some distance from each other and from the house. Read all about the layout of the bath here. But the gazebo can be completely “hidden” in a nook, enlivening it with vegetation. Be sure to look at the landscape design of the summer cottage photo.

Do not build blind fences. In fact, if the fences are blank and bulky on a very small area, this is completely incompatible! After all, enclosing yourself with such a fence can only create the feeling that you are in a cage. And this can have a very negative impact on your health and your mood. That's why best option fences - a miniature, small fence, a light gate, along the perimeter of which landscaping will gracefully curl, visually increasing the size of the site and giving it aesthetics. Landscape design of a summer cottage photo will show you how to do it correctly.

You should not clutter up the space with too tall trees on the site, especially those that are too branchy and will be located on a site less than 8 acres in size. After all, over time, such trees will grow not only in height, but also in breadth. At the same time, they will take over the already small space of your dacha. Therefore, choose those trees that belong to low-growing varieties. They can also be used quite effectively, while saving space. Look at the landscape design of a dacha plot with your own hands, a photo of 10 acres, and you will see that these are not miracles! In addition, you should not “arrange” trees throughout the entire dacha area; it would be better if they were placed compactly, thus saving space.

Photo design of a summer cottage photo

Draw up your own design projects, look at landscape design photos in catalogs - all this will help make your dacha a piece of paradise.

Surely you have questions about what and how to register not large plot in the country? What is the best way to place buildings so that they don’t get too crowded? A hint for you - country house projects photos for 6 acres. And also the information below.

It is more correct to organize a small flowerbed on the sides of the entrance to the house, or it can be opposite it. Thanks to this definition, you can enjoy the beauty of planted flowers immediately when you step onto the porch. There are 2 options:

  • Prepare old unnecessary vases. Car tires are also suitable. On one side they expand slightly and fill with earth. Plant flowers - perennials - in flowerpots. A larger and taller flower is planted in the central part, and smaller ones are planted closer to the edges.
  • Choose a place for a flower bed, mark on it the shape of an oval, the width of which is 1 m, length 1.5 m. Plant a large flower in the center, with smaller ones around it.

Place to rest

Such a corner is actually easy to set up, especially if you use curly ornamental plants or roses that weave. To fence an area of ​​up to 6 sq.m. you will need:

  • Measure the appropriate size of the area from the selected corner for the resting place. Mark its edges. Eg. The size is 6 sq. m.
  • Measure 3 meters along one of the walls of the fence, from the corner, and 2 meters along the other wall. Accordingly, you will have two parts (side and back).
  • Set aside a segment measuring 2 m from the point indicating 3 meters. This segment should be such that it runs parallel to the wall at a distance of 2 meters. And arrange a post whose height corresponds to the height of the fence.
  • Stretch the wire between the back of the wall (3 m) and the installed post.

Thus, you have the basis for a comfortable stay. See our country house projects photos for 6 acres!

In a relaxation corner you have arranged yourself, you can put a bench, plant climbing roses or grapes, as well as other plants that will delight you for more than one season. Also see landscape design photos.

2014-09-05 113


Landscape design at the dacha is an important element in creating a beautiful and cozy atmosphere. Before you decide what exactly you want to get in the end, you first need to create a plan where the entire plot will be divided into zones, determine a budget, since without it you will be doing the landscaping of your dacha with your own hands for a very long time, you will not have enough funds then to one thing, then to another.

After determining what exactly you want, you can begin planning. To do this, a plan is created and each zone is assigned a specific design element or combination of several elements. All in in this case depends only on your imagination, funds, as well as the availability of materials and plants.

The landscape of a summer cottage, as in principle all landscape design, is something more than just “landscaping and landscaping”. Creating gardens is a real art that has a history of more than a thousand years. Fashion changes, even styles change, but gardens remain.

Unlike gardening and horticulture in their usual form, the main task of which is more agricultural (increasing productivity, etc.), landscape design is a general and even universal discipline.

The main task of landscape design can be called creating beauty in combination with various amenities, beauty and the use of building infrastructure. This science can be either a special case or more general concept, in which already we're talking about about special planning, where landscape design schemes for a summer cottage are used.

Water features

Reservoirs and ponds in this design occupy important place and are particularly popular among customers, as well as landscapers themselves. In this case, you need to decide what you want to get from the reservoirs.

For example, ideas for landscape design of a summer cottage with a water environment can be both practical and purely aesthetic in nature. That is, you can use a reservoir for some purpose, for example, use water from it to irrigate your area, or make an artificial lake that will simply please your eyes. Landscape design projects for a summer cottage involve both of these options, and sometimes combine them.

Selecting the type of pond, required materials, as well as requirements, creating a pond with my own hands, purchase specialized equipment and its maintenance various plants for ponds, living creatures for reservoirs - this is all that you will need to take care of when creating such a project.

Landscape design of a summer cottage is not limited to standing types of reservoirs. These could also be:

  • ​ fountains;
  •  water mills;
  •  circulating rivers;
  •  cascades and waterfalls.

Plants and flowers

Growing flowers at your dacha always requires some time, as well as financial costs, and personal efforts from you to create various flower beds. However, the most important thing is the desire to decorate the country landscape as competently as possible.

Today there are simply a huge number of plants, as well as species design solutions, which can be used for a summer cottage. These can be classic options, such as alpine slides, mixed or modern. Everything again depends on what style it is decided to use for the overall design.


Landscape at the dacha with your own hands necessarily involves the organization of garden paths. With the help of such a seemingly simple detail, you can create a truly unique solution that will have no analogues.

The most important component in the landscape of a dacha are the paths that lead to gazebos, rock gardens, sheds or a parking lot. That is, they are not only aesthetic in nature, but also practical, since you must use them all year round no problem. Therefore, it is extremely important to think through everything down to the smallest details, and then bring them to life.

The buildings

The buildings will help you with the practical arrangement of a place for your relaxation and entertainment. The landscape design of a summer cottage, the plan of which often implies the presence of buildings, is more inclined to the fact that the buildings should be more practical in nature.

Most often, buildings can be:

  • ​ gazebo;
  • ​ tandoor with a small open kitchen;
  •  Tool shed;
  • ​ children's playground and much more

Landscaping at the dacha with your own hands involves a combination general design and buildings, that is, you do not have to do everything in Japanese style, and for example a gazebo in European style.

The fact is that such a solution will look inorganic and, frankly speaking, will spoil the overall impression. Although some designers propose making modern design options, combining several types of styles, this issue should be approached extremely carefully in order to avoid mistakes.


It is also an important element, which for the most part serves an aesthetic component, since there is no need to fence yourself off from someone on your site. In most cases, a fence that runs along the boundary with neighbors is not considered a design fence.

Landscaping at the dacha using fences can also be used to separate zones of the site from each other. For example, on your site there is a garden, a vegetable garden and a recreation area. You have the opportunity to separate them from each other with decorative fences, which can be made of any material. The main thing is that the fences fit harmoniously into the overall concept. There is no point in building heavy and bulky structures, since the main task is to separate zones, and not to hide what is behind them.

Decorative elements

These elements speak for themselves. They are used naturally to give your site a unique look. Today it is no longer recommended to use arrogant figurines of gnomes or animals, as this speaks more of a lack of taste than of originality by the owners of the site.

When you decide to order landscape design for your summer cottage, you should definitely think about this point. Can be used as such elements:

  • ​ flowerpots;
  •  lighting;
  •  decorative fountains;
  •  patio;
  • ​ sculptures and much more.

In this case, these elements will fit perfectly into absolutely any stylistic decision, the main thing is correct selection, not contradicting each other.

A selection of landscape design photographs

, this is not only a neat design of the local area, but also a wonderful opportunity to bring your ideas and dreams to life. There are many elements and nuances in this design direction. It is not at all necessary to complete special courses; our review will help you create a luxurious landscape design for your summer cottage on your own. You can see photos of the most interesting layouts as we go through our review. So let's hit the road amazing world landscape design, design ideas and original ideas.

In fact, the concept of landscape design of a site appeared not so long ago, but the origins of this trend date back to ancient times. Ancient gardens first appeared in Persia, Babylon and Ancient Egypt. Various types of flowers were planted in these areas, and ponds were covered with nymphs and lotuses. An example of amazing landscape art of past centuries are the Hanging Gardens of Babylon. Landscape art was formed in China and Japan. A special oriental style arose there, in which every natural element has a symbolic meaning.

The basic principles and laws of landscape design have been created over centuries. Currently, landscape design of a personal plot is an integrated approach to the design of the territory. It is assumed that the space should be in harmony with the internal feelings of the owner and reflect his interests and tastes.

Landscaping is a real art with certain laws, principles and rules.

The improvement is based on the following components:

  • planning and design. To get a thoughtful design, it is better to transfer all ideas to paper. This will allow you to divide the entire space into functional zones, as well as competently plan systems and;
  • an important stage of registration is. In this case, you should take into account the shape, color palette and general style of landscape design of the garden plot.

It is worth noting the basic principles of design:

  • integrity. Location of identical elements in different areas of the site;
  • simplicity. Everything is natural in nature and therefore should not be used complex shapes and too many shades;
  • principle of balance. It can be either symmetrical or asymmetrical;
  • design content. Assumes harmonious combination different cultures;
  • smooth transitions. Tall trees are planted in the background, then medium and short ones in front.

In this video you will find various tips on arranging a site and landscaping it.

For your information! Now the trend is the desire for pristine and naturalness. A fashionable solution is an alpine slide and a Russian garden combined with elements of technological progress.

Basic styles of landscape design for a summer cottage

Before we begin creating landscape design for our summer cottage, let's look at popular styles.

Classic landscape design of a summer cottage: photos of options

Landscape design in a classic design presupposes clear geometric lines. The composition is necessarily complemented by eye-catching decor in the form of waterfalls or ponds. Classic design requires a lot of space. It is suitable for landscape design of a plot of 15 acres.

The following elements are often used:

  • bodies of water;
  • sculptures;
  • furniture sets;
  • paths;
  • plants.

Ponds are often made in regular geometric configurations. These are round, oval and rectangular shapes. Objects must be framed by trees or.

Terraces that rise above the ground will fit perfectly into this style. An indispensable attribute of the classics are sculptures. Furniture sets are made from forged elements, and stone products.

Landscape style

Landscape or English style is especially popular. The main design feature is the smoothness of the paths and the use of natural materials for decoration. Asymmetry and calm colors can be used. There should be no sharp corners or clear lines on the site.

When creating alpine slides, the following rules apply:

  • symmetry does not apply;
  • imitation of a real mountain landscape;
  • stones of different shapes, textures and sizes are used.

The alpine slide must have dimensions. It is not recommended to place it near a wall or. Elements such as uneven reliefs, wild flowers and ponds of irregular configurations are used.

In the photo below you can see what the landscape design of a landscape garden looks like:

Landscape design can be complemented by a beautiful gazebo

Country style design and photo examples

The rural country style was first used in Europe. It is worth noting the following design features:

  • the site must have yellow sunflowers, orange pumpkins, tomatoes and flowering fruit trees;
  • small architectural forms are made of wood;
  • wicker fences, winding paths and supports for climbing crops will fit perfectly into the design;
  • various antique things are used - watering cans, cart wheels and low fences made of poles;
  • flowers, shrubs and trees are planted without any clear planning. It is important to create a sense of casualness;
  • will fit into a log exterior, a garden bridge or a small picket fence.

Rustic landscape design is especially suitable for a small area.

Eastern style and features of its application

The eastern direction is suitable for landscape design of a plot of 4–6 acres. Flower beds with bright vegetation, domed ones and fountains with all kinds of mosaic patterns are used as the main decorative elements. For eastern exteriors it is required.

When designing this style, it is not necessary to use expensive materials. Beautiful elements can be made from available materials. For example, a mosaic ornament can be made from the remains of ceramic.

Asian style for a simple area

Asian gardens have a history of more than one thousand years. We are mainly talking about Chinese and Japanese design.

Main difference Japanese garden- conciseness. A small area is enough to decorate. In this case, one tree and many stones can be used. The design necessarily includes water, plants, architectural elements and stones.

An important element of the garden is bonsai or dwarf trees, which are grown using special technology. Patio can be decorated with accents of Japanese culture - screens, decor made of stones and trees, and lanterns. Asian landscaping is ideal for landscape design of a small plot of 4 acres.

The Chinese garden is based on the traditions of Feng Shui. The layout is carried out taking into account the harmonious relationship of Yin and Yang. The landscape is complemented by magnificent elements of Chinese culture: interesting architectural forms and original lanterns.

Exotic at the dacha

The exotic direction allows you to use the most extraordinary ideas. Interesting compositions can be made from different materials. It could be a stone. Exotic plants and small ponds are also used. This landscape design is recommended for a summer cottage plot of 10 to 20 acres. However, it may have an irregular shape.

For decoration, a variety of plants, a bright color palette, etc. are used. Among the trees you can choose plum, Tatarian maple and cherry. The design can be complemented with honeysuckle, barberry and Japanese quince.

Bamboo or barberry are used as screens and hedges. You can put cacti or dracaenas on the terrace. A hammock or can be used as garden furniture.

Free style

Free style allows you to bring the most incredible creative ideas to life. The main elements include large trees, climbing crops and all kinds of flowers. You can mix several styles at once.

This video presents the most popular styles:

Stages of planning the landscape design of a country house and plot

You can do the planning of landscape design near your house with your own hands. Existing types the layout can be seen in the photo.

Planning has the following options:

  • geometric planning allows you to divide the plot into the territory;
  • landscape used for landscaping;
  • mixed variety planning Suitable for different areas.


You can make a plan yourself. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Draw the outlines of the territory on the sheet;
  • mark all natural bodies of water and uneven terrain;
  • mark all buildings outside the perimeter. This must be done to maintain all the necessary distances;
  • define all areas of illumination;
  • Note the prevailing wind direction and cardinal directions.

The table shows the main layout options:

Kinds Peculiarities
Rectangular layoutLandscape design of a rectangular plot is especially popular. It allows for convenient zoning and is suitable for creating geometric designs.
RoundThis design is created from a rectangular version using lawns, green spaces and flower beds. Straight forms are masked with decorative elements.
Diagonal layoutIt is a layout of diagonal parallels. The diagonal option allows you to visually enlarge the boundaries of the territory.
Open planThe natural terrain is used, which is decorated with various design elements. At the same time, it is important to organically place accents.

Creating a design first involves designing and landscaping.


Correctly executed zoning will help make a large area more comfortable or visually enlarge a small area. The division into functional zones is carried out both for the design of a plot of 15 acres and 4 acres. You can see interesting photos and projects on our website.

The territory can be divided into the following zones:

  • garden area;
  • rest zone;
  • dining area;
  • sports area.

The area divided into separate areas should look like a single whole. One zone should smoothly transition into another.

Lighting device

An important component of the exterior is lighting. It performs many functions. Properly placed light can highlight all the advantages of a site and disguise shortcomings.

Use lighting to decorate your summer cottage with your own hands. Best ideas you can look at the photo. Landscape lighting performs the following tasks:

  • lighting functional zones and sites. Lighting is necessary for a terrace, gazebo, garage or pool;
  • protection from strangers on the site. Lights in every corner deter intruders;
  • decoration of the territory. Lighting, shrubs, ponds and various architectural forms are used.

Construction of paths and platforms

An important design element is the garden path. Depending on the a certain style Tracks of different sizes, shapes and materials are used. The central paths should be more solid. The mosaic decor looks great.

The following material is used for garden paths:

  • gravel;
  • a natural stone;
  • pebbles;
  • covering from ;
  • paving stones

Platforms and paths should be combined with the main style of the exterior.

For your information! To prevent the paths from becoming overgrown with weeds, it is recommended to lay a film under the backfill. And to prevent weeds from penetrating into the gaps between the tiles, they are planted lawn grass and moss.

Design of a summer cottage: basic landscaping methods

An important stage in arranging a summer cottage is landscaping. In this case, different methods are used for design.


If you plan to place a cascade or fountain in the water, then the reservoir should be placed close to a source of electricity.


With the right approach, a pool can become not only a place of relaxation, but also a magnificent decoration.

You can use a ready-made bowl as a basis. This will facilitate the work on arranging the water structure.

The design of the area with the pool deserves special attention. It should complement the main design of the territory. Multi-colored stones, picturesque rocks or bright plants are suitable for decoration. When creating a landscape design for 12 acres, you can install not only a swimming pool, but also add a waterfall.


A pond is one of the simplest reservoir structures. It is suitable for almost any area. The pond is decorated with natural materials and a variety of plants.

A small pond can become part of a landscape composition. Its purpose is to decorate the garden. Decorative pond decorated with fountains, lighting and bridges.

Do-it-yourself garden structures in the landscape design of a summer cottage

The grill should not be placed next to perennial plants or close to households. If a canopy is used, then you need to consider a hole for the chimney.


To build a gazebo, you should choose the most picturesque place on your summer cottage. It would be good if there was a body of water nearby. The building should be placed on a hill.

Gazebos can be of different configurations - polygonal, with or without a roof. And also made of wood, forged elements, bamboo and other materials. The patio, which is located in the area adjacent to the house, is popular. This structure is made of stone, tile, wood or concrete.

You can decorate a recreation area with the help of weaving crops. You can place a barbecue next to the gazebo.
