Quantum physics for dummies: the essence in simple words. Even a child will understand. More precisely, especially a child! Six Facts About Quantum Physics Everyone Should Know Which Characteristics Describe Quantum Physics

Kvantinė fizika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. quantum physics vok. Quantenphysik, f rus. quantum physics, f pranc. physique quantique, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

This term has other meanings, see Stationary state. A stationary state (from Latin stationarius standing still, motionless) is the state of a quantum system in which its energy and other dynamic ... Wikipedia

- ... Wikipedia

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PHYSICS. 1. The subject and structure of physics F. the science that studies the simplest and at the same time the most. general properties and laws of motion of the objects of the material world surrounding us. As a result of this generality, there are no natural phenomena that do not have physical. properties... Physical Encyclopedia

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The science

Quantum physics deals with the study of the behavior of the smallest things in our universe: subatomic particles. This is a relatively new science, only becoming one in the early 20th century after physicists began to wonder why they couldn't explain some of the effects of radiation. One of the innovators of the time, Max Planck, used the term "quanta" to study tiny particles with energy, hence the name "quantum physics". Planck noted that the amount of energy contained in electrons is not arbitrary, but conforms to the standards of "quantum" energy. One of the first results of the practical application of this knowledge was the invention of the transistor.

Unlike the inflexible laws of standard physics, the rules of quantum physics can be broken. When scientists believe they are dealing with an aspect of matter and energy research, a new twist of events appears that reminds them of how unpredictable work in this field can be. However, even if they do not fully understand what is happening, they can use the results of their work to develop new technologies, which at times can only be called fantastic.

In the future, quantum mechanics could help keep military secrets as well as keep your bank account safe and secure from cyber thieves. Scientists are currently working on quantum computers, the capabilities of which go far beyond the limits of a conventional PC. Divided into subatomic particles items can be easily moved from one place to another in the blink of an eye. And perhaps quantum physics will be able to answer the most intriguing question about what the universe is made of and how life began.

Below are facts about how quantum physics can change the world. As Niels Bohr said: "Those who are not shocked by quantum mechanics simply have not yet understood how it works."

Turbulence management

Soon, perhaps thanks to quantum physics, it will be possible to eliminate the turbulent zones that cause you to spill juice on an airplane. By creating quantum turbulence in ultracold gas atoms in the lab, Brazilian scientists may be able to understand the workings of the turbulent zones encountered by planes and boats. For centuries, turbulence has baffled scientists because of the difficulty of recreating it in the laboratory.

Turbulence is caused by clumps of gas or liquid, but in nature it seems to form randomly and unexpectedly. Although turbulent zones can form in water and air, scientists have found that they can also form in ultracold gas atoms or in superfluid helium. By studying this phenomenon under controlled laboratory conditions, scientists will one day be able to accurately predict where turbulent zones will appear, and possibly control them in nature.


A new magnetic semiconductor developed at MIT could lead to even faster energy-efficient electronic devices in the future. Called "spintronics," this technology uses the spin state of electrons to transmit and store information. While conventional electronic circuits only use the charge state of the electron, spintronics takes advantage of the electron's spin direction.

Processing information using spintronics circuits will allow data to be accumulated from two directions at once, which will also reduce the size of electronic circuits. This new material injects an electron into a semiconductor based on its spin orientation. The electrons pass through the semiconductor and become ready to be spin detectors on the exit side. The scientists say the new semiconductors can operate at room temperature and are optically transparent, meaning they can work with touch screens and solar panels. They also believe it will help inventors come up with even more feature-rich devices.

Parallel Worlds

Have you ever wondered what our life would be like if we had the ability to travel through time? Would you kill Hitler? Or would you join the Roman legions to see the ancient world? However, while we're all fantasizing about what we'd do if we could go back in time, scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara are already clearing the way to repair past grievances.

In an experiment in 2010, scientists managed to prove that an object can simultaneously exist in two different worlds. They isolated a tiny piece of metal and, under special conditions, found that it moved and stood still at the same time. However, someone may consider this observation as delirium caused by overwork, yet physicists say that observations of an object really show that it breaks up into two parts in the Universe - we see one of them and not the other. Theories of parallel worlds unanimously say that absolutely any object falls apart.

Now scientists are trying to figure out how to "jump over" the moment of collapse and enter the world that we do not see. This time travel to parallel universes should theoretically work, since quantum particles move both forward and backward in time. Now, all scientists have to do is build a time machine using quantum particles.

quantum dots

Soon, quantum physicists will be able to help doctors detect cancer cells in the body and pinpoint exactly where they have spread. Scientists have discovered that some small semiconductor crystals, called quantum dots, can glow when exposed to ultraviolet radiation, and they were able to photograph them using a special microscope. Then they were combined with a special material that was “attractive” to cancer cells. Upon entering the body, the luminous quantum dots were attracted to cancer cells, thus showing doctors exactly where to look. The glow continues for quite a long time, and for scientists, the process of adjusting the points to the characteristics of a particular type of cancer is relatively simple.

While high-tech science is certainly responsible for many medical advances, humans have been dependent on many other means of fighting disease for centuries.


It's hard to imagine what a Native American, a shamanic healer, and the pioneers of quantum physics could have in common. However, there is still something in common between them. Niels Bohr, one of the early explorers of this strange field of science, believed that much of what we call reality depends on the "observer effect", that is, the connection between what is happening and how we see it. This topic gave rise to the development of serious debates among quantum physicists, however, an experiment conducted by Bohr more than half a century ago confirmed his assumption.

All this means that our consciousness affects reality and can change it. The repeated words of the prayer and rituals of the shaman-healer's ceremony may be attempts to change the direction of the "wave" that creates reality. Most of the rites are also performed in the presence of multiple observers, indicating that the more "healing waves" come from the observers, the more powerful their impact on reality.

Object relationship

The interconnection of objects can further have a huge impact on solar energy. The interconnection of objects implies the quantum interdependence of atoms separated in real physical space. Physicists believe that the relationship may be formed in the part of plants responsible for photosynthesis, or the conversion of light into energy. The structures responsible for photosynthesis, the chromophores, can convert 95 percent of the light they receive into energy.

Scientists are now studying how this relationship at the quantum level can affect the creation of solar energy in the hope of creating efficient natural solar cells. The researchers also found that algae can use some of quantum mechanics to move the energy it receives from light, as well as store it in two places at the same time.

quantum computing

Another equally important aspect of quantum physics can be applied to the computer realm, where a special type of superconducting element gives the computer unprecedented speed and power. The researchers explain that the element behaves like artificial atoms, as they can only either gain or lose energy by moving between discrete energy levels. The most complex atom has five levels of energy. This complex system ("kudit") has significant advantages over the operation of previous atoms, which had only two energy levels ("qubit"). Qudits and qubits are part of the bits used in standard computers. Quantum computers will use the principles of quantum mechanics in their work, which will allow them to perform calculations much faster and more accurately than traditional computers.

There is, however, a problem that may arise if quantum computing becomes a reality - cryptography, or the encoding of information.

quantum cryptography

Everything from your credit card number to top-secret military strategies is on the Internet, and a skilled hacker with enough knowledge and a powerful computer can empty your bank account or put the world's security at risk. A special encoding keeps this information secret, and computer scientists are constantly working to create new, more secure encoding methods.

Encoding information inside a single particle of light (photon) has long been the goal of quantum cryptography. It seemed that the scientists at the University of Toronto were already very close to creating this method, since they managed to encode the video. Encryption includes strings of zeros and ones, which are the "key". Adding a key once encodes the information, adding it again decodes it. If an outsider manages to get the key, then the information can be hacked. But even if the keys are used at the quantum level, the very fact of their use will certainly imply the presence of a hacker.


This is science fiction, nothing more. However, it was carried out, but not with the participation of a person, but with the participation of large molecules. But therein lies the problem. Every molecule in the human body must be scanned from two sides. But this is unlikely to happen anytime soon. There is another problem: as soon as you scan a particle, according to the laws of quantum physics, you change it, that is, you have no way to make an exact copy of it.

This is where the interconnection of objects manifests itself. It links two objects as if they were one. We scan one half of the particle, and the teleported copy will be made by the other half. This will be an exact copy, since we did not measure the particle itself, we measured its twin. That is, the particle that we measured will be destroyed, but its exact copy will be reanimated by its twin.

Particles of God

Scientists are using their very huge creation, the Large Hadron Collider, to explore something extremely small but very important - the fundamental particles that are believed to underlie the origin of our universe.

God Particles are what scientists claim give mass to elementary particles (electrons, quarks, and gluons). Experts believe that the particles of God must permeate all space, but so far the existence of these particles has not been proven.

Finding these particles would help physicists understand how the universe recovered from the Big Bang and evolved into what we know about it today. It would also help explain how matter balances with antimatter. In short, isolating these particles will help explain everything.

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Quantum physics (aka quantum theory or quantum mechanics) is a separate branch of physics that deals with the description of the behavior and interaction of matter and energy at the level of elementary particles, photons and some materials at very low temperatures. A quantum field is defined as the "action" (or in some cases angular momentum) of a particle that is within the size range of a tiny physical constant called Planck's constant.


Planck's constant

    Start by learning the physical concept of Planck's constant. In quantum mechanics, Planck's constant is the quantum of action, denoted as h. Similarly, for interacting elementary particles, quantum angular momentum is the reduced Planck's constant (Planck's constant divided by 2 π) denoted as ħ and is called "h with a dash". The value of Planck's constant is extremely small, it combines those moments of impulse and designations of actions that have a more general mathematical concept. Name quantum mechanics implies that some physical quantities, like angular momentum, can only change discretely, not continuous ( cm. analogue) way.

    • For example, the angular momentum of an electron bound to an atom or molecule is quantized and can only take values ​​that are multiples of the reduced Planck constant. This quantization increases the orbital of the electron by a series of integer primary quantum number. In contrast, the angular momentum of nearby unbound electrons is not quantized. Planck's constant is also used in the quantum theory of light, where the quantum of light is a photon, and matter interacts with energy through the transfer of electrons between atoms, or the "quantum jump" of a bound electron.
    • The units of Planck's constant can also be thought of as the time moment of energy. For example, in the subject area of ​​particle physics, virtual particles are represented as a mass of particles that spontaneously emerge from vacuum over a very small area and play a role in their interaction. The life limit of these virtual particles is the energy (mass) of each particle. Quantum mechanics has a large subject area, but Planck's constant is present in every mathematical part of it.
  1. Learn about heavy particles. Heavy particles go from classical to quantum energy transition. Even if a free electron, which has some quantum properties (such as rotation), as an unbound electron, approaches an atom and slows down (perhaps due to its emission of photons), it goes from classical to quantum behavior as its energy drops below ionization energy. An electron binds to an atom and its angular momentum with respect to the atomic nucleus is limited by the quantum value of the orbital that it can occupy. This transition is sudden. It can be compared to a mechanical system that changes its state from unstable to stable, or its behavior changes from simple to chaotic, or it can even be compared to a rocket ship that slows down and goes below the liftoff speed, and orbits around some star or another celestial object. Unlike them, photons (which are weightless) do not make such a transition: they simply traverse space unchanged until they interact with other particles and disappear. If you look up into the night sky, photons from some stars travel light years unchanged, then interact with an electron in your retinal molecule, emit their energy, and then disappear.

In 1803, Thomas Young directed a beam of light at an opaque screen with two slits. Instead of the expected two streaks of light on the projection screen, he saw several streaks, as if there was an interference (superposition) of two waves of light from each slot. In fact, it was at this moment that quantum physics was born, or rather questions at its foundation. In the 20th and 21st centuries, it was shown that not only light, but any single elementary particle and even some molecules behave like a wave, like quanta, as if passing through both slits at the same time. However, if a sensor is placed near the slits, which determines what exactly happens to the particle in this place and through which particular slit it nevertheless passes, then only two bands appear on the projection screen, as if the fact of observation (indirect influence) destroys the wave function and the object behaves like matter. ( video)

The Heisenberg uncertainty principle is the foundation of quantum physics!

Thanks to the 1927 discovery, thousands of scientists and students are repeating the same simple experiment by passing a laser beam through a narrowing slit. Logically, the visible trace from the laser on the projection screen becomes narrower and narrower after the gap decreases. But at a certain point, when the slit gets narrow enough, the spot from the laser suddenly starts getting wider and wider, stretching across the screen and fading until the slit disappears. This is the most obvious proof of the quintessence of quantum physics - the uncertainty principle of Werner Heisenberg, an outstanding theoretical physicist. Its essence is that the more precisely we define one of the pair characteristics of a quantum system, the more uncertain the second characteristic becomes. In this case, the more precisely we determine the coordinates of the laser photons by the narrowing slit, the more uncertain the momentum of these photons becomes. In the macrocosm, we can just as well measure either the exact location of a flying sword, taking it in our hands, or its direction, but not at the same time, since this contradicts and interferes with each other. ( , video)

Quantum superconductivity and the Meissner effect

In 1933, Walter Meissner discovered an interesting phenomenon in quantum physics: in a superconductor cooled to minimum temperatures, the magnetic field is forced out of its limits. This phenomenon is called the Meissner effect. If an ordinary magnet is placed on aluminum (or another superconductor), and then it is cooled with liquid nitrogen, then the magnet will take off and hang in the air, as it will “see” its own magnetic field of the same polarity displaced from the cooled aluminum, and the same sides of the magnets repel . ( , video)

Quantum superfluidity

In 1938, Pyotr Kapitsa cooled liquid helium to a temperature close to zero and found that the substance had lost its viscosity. This phenomenon in quantum physics is called superfluidity. If cooled liquid helium is poured onto the bottom of a glass, it will still flow out of it along the walls. In fact, as long as the helium is chilled enough, there are no limits for it to spill, regardless of the shape and size of the container. At the end of the 20th and the beginning of the 21st centuries, superfluidity under certain conditions was also discovered in hydrogen and various gases. ( , video)

quantum tunneling

In 1960, Ivor Giever conducted electrical experiments with superconductors separated by a microscopic film of non-conductive aluminum oxide. It turned out that, contrary to physics and logic, some of the electrons still pass through the insulation. This confirmed the theory of the possibility of a quantum tunneling effect. It applies not only to electricity, but also to any elementary particles, they are also waves according to quantum physics. They can pass through obstacles if the width of these obstacles is less than the wavelength of the particle. The narrower the obstacle, the more often the particles pass through them. ( , video)

Quantum entanglement and teleportation

In 1982, physicist Alain Aspe, a future Nobel Prize winner, sent two simultaneously created photons to oppositely directed sensors to determine their spin (polarization). It turned out that the measurement of the spin of one photon instantly affects the position of the spin of the second photon, which becomes opposite. Thus, the possibility of quantum entanglement of elementary particles and quantum teleportation was proved. In 2008, scientists were able to measure the state of quantum-entangled photons at a distance of 144 kilometers, and the interaction between them still turned out to be instantaneous, as if they were in one place or there was no space. It is believed that if such quantum-entangled photons end up in opposite parts of the universe, then the interaction between them will still be instantaneous, although light overcomes the same distance in tens of billions of years. Curiously, according to Einstein, there is no time for photons flying at the speed of light either. Is it a coincidence? The physicists of the future do not think so! ( , video)

The Quantum Zeno Effect and Stopping Time

In 1989, a group of scientists led by David Wineland observed the rate of transition of beryllium ions between atomic levels. It turned out that the mere fact of measuring the state of ions slowed down their transition between states. At the beginning of the 21st century, in a similar experiment with rubidium atoms, a 30-fold slowdown was achieved. All this is a confirmation of the quantum Zeno effect. Its meaning is that the very fact of measuring the state of an unstable particle in quantum physics slows down the rate of its decay and, in theory, can completely stop it. ( , video english)

Delayed choice quantum eraser

In 1999, a group of scientists led by Marlan Scali sent photons through two slits, behind which stood a prism that converted each emerging photon into a pair of quantum entangled photons and separated them into two directions. The first sent photons to the main detector. The second direction sent photons to a system of 50% reflectors and detectors. It turned out that if a photon from the second direction reached the detectors that determined the slot from which it flew out, then the main detector recorded its paired photon as a particle. If a photon from the second direction reached the detectors that did not determine the slit from which it flew out, then the main detector recorded its paired photon as a wave. Not only was the measurement of a single photon reflected on its quantum-entangled pair, but this also happened outside of distance and time, because the secondary system of detectors recorded photons later than the main one, as if the future determined the past. It is believed that this is the most incredible experiment not only in the history of quantum physics, but quite in the history of all science, as it undermines many of the usual foundations of the worldview. ( , video English)

Quantum superposition and Schrödinger's cat

In 2010, Aaron O'Connell placed a small metal plate in an opaque vacuum chamber, which he cooled to near absolute zero. He then applied an impulse to the plate to make it vibrate. However, the position sensor showed that the plate vibrated and was at rest at the same time, which was exactly in line with theoretical quantum physics. This was the first time to prove the principle of superposition on macroobjects. In isolated conditions, when there is no interaction of quantum systems, an object can simultaneously be in an unlimited number of any possible positions, as if it were no longer material. ( , video)

Quantum Cheshire cat and physics

In 2014, Tobias Denkmayr and his colleagues split the neutron flux into two beams and made a series of complex measurements. It turned out that under certain circumstances, neutrons can be in one beam, and their magnetic moment in another beam. Thus, the quantum paradox of the Cheshire cat's smile was confirmed, when particles and their properties can be located, according to our perception, in different parts of space, like a smile apart from a cat in the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland". Once again, quantum physics turned out to be more mysterious and surprising than any fairy tale! ( , video english.)

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Despite the sonority and mystery of today's topic, we will try to tell what does quantum physics study in simple words, what sections of quantum physics have a place to be and why quantum physics is needed in principle.

The material offered below is accessible to anyone for understanding.

Before ranting about what quantum physics studies, it would be appropriate to recall how it all began ...

By the middle of the 19th century, mankind had come to grips with the study of problems that could not be solved by using the apparatus of classical physics.

A number of phenomena seemed "strange". Some questions were not answered at all.

In the 1850s, William Hamilton, believing that classical mechanics is not able to accurately describe the movement of light rays, proposes his own theory, which entered the history of science under the name of the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism, which was based on the postulate of the wave theory of light.

In 1885, after arguing with a friend, the Swiss physicist Johann Balmer derived empirically a formula that made it possible to calculate the wavelengths of spectral lines with very high accuracy.

At that time, Balmer could not explain the reasons for the revealed patterns.

In 1895, Wilhelm Roentgen, while studying cathode rays, discovered radiation, which he called X-rays (later renamed rays), which was characterized by a powerful penetrating character.

A year later, in 1896, Henri Becquerel, studying uranium salts, discovered spontaneous radiation with similar properties. The new phenomenon was called radioactivity.

In 1899, the wave nature of X-rays was proved.

Photo 1. The founders of quantum physics Max Planck, Erwin Schrödinger, Niels Bohr

The year 1901 was marked by the appearance of the first planetary model of the atom, proposed by Jean Perrin. Alas, the scientist himself abandoned this theory, not finding confirmation of it from the standpoint of the theory of electrodynamics.

Two years later, a scientist from Japan, Hantaro Nagaoka, proposed another planetary model of the atom, in the center of which there should have been a positively charged particle, around which electrons would orbit in orbits.

This theory, however, did not take into account the radiation emitted by electrons, and therefore could not, for example, explain the theory of spectral lines.

Reflecting on the structure of the atom, in 1904 Joseph Thomson was the first to interpret the concept of valence from a physical point of view.

The year of birth of quantum physics, perhaps, can be recognized as 1900, associating with it the speech of Max Planck at a meeting of the German Physics.

It was Planck who proposed a theory that united many hitherto disparate physical concepts, formulas and theories, including the Boltzmann constant, linking energy and temperature, Avogadro's number, Wien's displacement law, electron charge, Boltzmann's radiation law ...

He also introduced the concept of the quantum of action (the second - after the Boltzmann constant - the fundamental constant).

The further development of quantum physics is directly connected with the names of Hendrik Lorentz, Albert Einstein, Ernst Rutherford, Arnold Sommerfeld, Max Born, Niels Bohr, Erwin Schrödinger, Louis de Broglie, Werner Heisenberg, Wolfgang Pauli, Paul Dirac, Enrico Fermi and many other remarkable scientists, created in the first half of the 20th century.

Scientists managed to understand the nature of elementary particles with unprecedented depth, study the interactions of particles and fields, reveal the quark nature of matter, derive the wave function, explain the fundamental concepts of discreteness (quantization) and wave-particle duality.

Quantum theory, like no other, brought mankind closer to understanding the fundamental laws of the universe, replaced the usual concepts with more accurate ones, and made us rethink a huge number of physical models.

What does quantum physics study?

Quantum physics describes the properties of matter at the level of micro-phenomena, exploring the laws of motion of micro-objects (quantum objects).

The subject of quantum physics are quantum objects with dimensions of 10 −8 cm or less. It:

  • molecules,
  • atoms,
  • atomic nuclei,
  • elementary particles.

The main characteristics of micro-objects are rest mass and electric charge. The mass of one electron (me) is 9.1 10 −28 g.

For comparison, the mass of a muon is 207 me, a neutron is 1839 me, and a proton is 1836 me.

Some particles have no rest mass at all (neutrino, photon). Their mass is 0 me.

The electric charge of any micro-object is a multiple of the electron charge equal to 1.6 · 10 −19 C. Along with the charged ones, there are neutral micro-objects, the charge of which is equal to zero.

Photo 2. Quantum physics forced to reconsider the traditional views on the concepts of waves, fields and particles

The electric charge of a complex micro-object is equal to the algebraic sum of the charges of its constituent particles.

Among the properties of micro-objects is spin(literally translated from English - "to rotate").

It is customary to interpret it as the angular momentum of a quantum object that does not depend on external conditions.

The back is difficult to find an adequate image in the real world. It cannot be represented as a spinning top due to its quantum nature. Classical physics cannot describe this object.

The presence of spin affects the behavior of micro-objects.

The presence of spin introduces significant features into the behavior of objects in the microcosm, most of which - unstable objects - spontaneously decay, turning into other quantum objects.

Stable micro-objects, which include neutrinos, electrons, photons, protons, as well as atoms and molecules, can only decay under the influence of powerful energy.

Quantum physics completely absorbs classical physics, considering it as its limiting case.

In fact, quantum physics is - in a broad sense - modern physics.

What quantum physics describes in the microcosm cannot be perceived. Because of this, many provisions of quantum physics are difficult to imagine, in contrast to the objects described by classical physics.

Despite this, new theories have made it possible to change our ideas about waves and particles, about dynamic and probabilistic description, about continuous and discrete.

Quantum physics is not just a newfangled theory.

This is a theory that has managed to predict and explain an incredible number of phenomena - from processes occurring in atomic nuclei to macroscopic effects in outer space.

Quantum physics - unlike classical physics - studies matter at a fundamental level, giving interpretations to the phenomena of the surrounding reality that traditional physics is not able to give (for example, why atoms remain stable or whether elementary particles are really elementary).

Quantum theory gives us the ability to describe the world more accurately than was accepted before its inception.

The Significance of Quantum Physics

The theoretical developments that make up the essence of quantum physics are applicable to the study of both unimaginably huge space objects and extremely small elementary particles.

quantum electrodynamics immerses us in the world of photons and electrons, focusing on the study of interactions between them.

Quantum theory of condensed matter deepens our knowledge of superfluids, magnets, liquid crystals, amorphous bodies, crystals and polymers.

Photo 3. Quantum physics has given humanity a much more accurate description of the world around us

Scientific research in recent decades has focused on the study of the quark structure of elementary particles within the framework of an independent branch of quantum physics - quantum chromodynamics.

Nonrelativistic quantum mechanics(the one that is beyond the scope of Einstein's theory of relativity) studies microscopic objects moving at a relatively low speed (less than), the properties of molecules and atoms, their structure.

quantum optics engaged in the scientific study of the facts associated with the manifestation of the quantum properties of light (photochemical processes, thermal and stimulated radiation, photoelectric effect).

quantum field theory is a unifying section that incorporates the ideas of the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.

Scientific theories developed within the framework of quantum physics have given a powerful impetus to the development of quantum electronics, technology, quantum theory of solids, materials science, and quantum chemistry.

Without the emergence and development of the noted branches of knowledge, it would be impossible to create spacecraft, nuclear icebreakers, mobile communications and many other useful inventions.
