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Zagitova: young people should be curious

On February 28 in Perm, at the youth forum "Perm Period", which takes place in the workshops of the former Shpagin plant, Yulia Zagitova, author of the telegram channel "Breaking Trends", spoke. Yulia went from a journalist at a small newspaper in Bashkortostan to a member of the secretariat of the Russian Union of Journalists. She knows absolutely everything about modern media. She has her own telegram channel. In addition, Yulia Zagitova gave more than 25 educational online lectures for journalists from all over Russia. Julia began her performance with a sweet smile, which certainly captivated the audience. Everyone sitting in the small hall began to wait with great interest for what would happen next. “Hello everyone, I’m Yulia Zagitova, I run my own telegram channel, and today I want to tell you about media trends,” says the girl and turns on her presentation. Julia talks about how the global Internet has undergone changes in ten years. I learn that previously only 5% of people accessed the Internet from mobile devices, but now that number is as much as 24%. In addition, the percentage of readers of the paper press has decreased significantly - by 45% for newspapers and by 56% for magazines. Next, Julia talks about new media habits. She claims that only 45% of people read texts to the end. And I thought... And really, now no one has time for anything. And that’s why we sometimes don’t even read messages to the end, let alone the news? Yulia Zagitova gives very valuable advice, which will clearly help those who want to advance in the media sphere: “Guys, be sure to take into account what will be in the picture, use a minimum of text in the credits and give people only interesting facts.” At the end of her speech, the journalist spoke about the most important thing, as it seemed to me. She gave some useful advice on how to write texts so that they are interesting to readers: keep it simple, communicate with the reader, experiment with formats, make illustrations yourself and, of course, determine how you are useful. I managed to interview Yulia: - How did your career begin? - I started with a regional newspaper in my city, where the population is 50 thousand. The newspaper was called “Victory”, and I was an environmental journalist. - And how did you get to where you are now? - I am a curious person, and it seems to me that journalists should be curious. Secondly, I have an internal motor, and this is the most important thing, because if there is no internal motor, then procrastination (putting things off - author) can easily eat you... from head to toe, and I try to fight it in every possible way, so I'm constantly moving. - Yes, you are right, you need to be interested in everyone in this area, otherwise nothing will come of it. What advice can you give to the most novice journalists, still “young and green” students? - First of all, don’t be lazy. Secondly, in in social networks spend not just time for communication, but earn money from them. Thanks to this, you will be able to carry out your free time on social networks with benefit, and if you spend it without benefit, then you need to control this matter. If this control is not there, then you will spend a lot of time in vain. I really want the younger generation to finally understand this! After talking with her, I wanted to create my own project. I think the most valuable thing for people is to become a motivation for others. Yulia Zagitova did it. / 2 d. 14 h. 25 min. back next

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Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the objective assessment of our work, the support and attention that you pay to the internal affairs bodies. 2018 was full of important socio-political events for our country...

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100th anniversary of forensic units in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Department of Special Expertise No. 3 ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory

The physical and chemical laboratory is located separately from other police services. Entrance here is prohibited to outsiders. But a special pass was issued in my name and here it is, the holy of holies of the Forensic Expertise Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory, the pride of the unit is the Special Expertise Department No. 3. Determine whether the headlight was on in the car at the time of the crash...

The physical and chemical laboratory is located separately from other police services. Entrance here is prohibited to outsiders. But a special pass was issued in my name and here it is, the holy of holies of the Forensic Expert Center of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory, the pride of the unit - Special Expertise Department No. 3. Determine whether the headlight in the car was on at the time of the collision? Yes. Compare microparticles paint coating, found on the clothes of a victim in an accident, with parts of the alleged car? Please. Within these same walls, botanical and soil science examinations, studies of writing materials and documents, glass and ceramics, marking substances, paint and varnish materials and coatings - a total of 15 types of expert specialties. The leader, police lieutenant colonel Irina Alekseevna Plyusnina, greets you from the doorway. I note that the team is quite young, the employees look no more than thirty years old. It turns out that mostly graduates of the Perm Pharmaceutical Academy, the chemical department of the Perm State National Research University, and the chemical technology department of the Perm Polytechnic University work here. As in any other research center, employees work in white coats, only under them are officer's shoulder straps and police uniforms. The laboratory occupies several rooms. Everything that is not suitable for research by geneticists, computer scientists, linguists, traceologists, fingerprint specialists, ballistas and handwriting experts goes here. These can be a wide variety of and even unexpected items, for example, knobs for tank guns; micro-objects: specks of dust, threads, fibers, drops, spots. One day, barrels containing an unknown metal were discovered in the Solikamsk region. The samples were sent to Special Expertise Department No. 3. The staff conducted a study and concluded that it was nothing more than a lithium compound. Sometimes in front of a specialist there is only a pale trace of paint, a dab of glue, a piece of glass, dust or ash... For a professional, this will be more than enough. For example, to produce the most popular research today on narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors, potent and toxic substances, 0.005 grams is often enough for a specialist. The gas chromatography method can easily cope with the task. We take a look around the premises. On the tables and special stands, only microscopes seemed familiar, the rest were massive gas chromatographs with various detectors, IR and UV spectrophotometers, a multifunctional digital analyzer for the quality of motor gasoline, an automatic analyzer of the fractional composition of petroleum products, an automatic multi-range viscometer for determining the kinematic viscosity of petroleum products and other unprecedented curiosities. The last three, by the way, are only available to Perm police. Not a single forensic unit in the system of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs has such a resource. The Perm region is one of the oil-producing regions with main oil product pipelines that attract lovers of easy money. Requests for research on oil and petroleum products are received by the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory regularly, including from neighboring regions: Udmurtia, Yekaterinburg, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug. - Either at a gas station the fact of selling low-quality fuel is revealed, then the investigator raises the question of whether the object belongs to flammable or combustible liquids, then it is necessary to find out whether the liquid is a commercial product (gasoline suitable for refueling the corresponding cars. - Author). In this case, using the available wide range of analytical equipment, the specific type of petroleum product is determined: gasoline, or diesel or marine fuel. Often the liquids being tested turn out to be not commercial products, but a mixture of hydrocarbons of various petroleum fractions,” explains Lieutenant Colonel Irina Plyusnina, head of the special examination department No. 3 of the ECC of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory. The laboratory has a collection of commercial samples of petroleum products. They are used in research. Not every region can boast of such an opportunity. But Permians can! - Our employees underwent special training at the Institute of Petroleum Chemistry of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Tomsk). Both the qualifications of our personnel and the equipment of our laboratory allow us to conduct studies of petroleum products for compliance with GOST standards. With our conclusions, we often draw clean water dishonest entrepreneurs. An unscrupulous company supplied almost three dozen tons of liquid of dubious origin under the guise of heating oil to one of the region’s sanatoriums. The samples fell into the hands of chemists at the forensic center. According to the documents, everything was clean, but the customer suspected that the product might be counterfeit and, as a result, dangerous for use. Scientists in uniform confirmed this. As a result of the study, it was established that the provided liquid differs from heating oil in morphological characteristics (color, smell, consistency), fractional composition, qualitative hydrocarbon composition and, accordingly, is not heating oil. The chemist expert also indicated a whole range of terminology unfamiliar to the average person in his conclusion. It would be very dangerous to use a liquid of this composition as fuel to heat a sanatorium in which hundreds of people live. Meanwhile, Irina Alekseevna suggests going to the next office. In the hands of one of the employees, jewelry glitters: rings, a chain and earrings. “Do you think this is gold?” – The law enforcement officer asks me. “Of course,” I answer without hesitation. “Here’s the sample: 585.” Not even a minute passed before I lost faith in my rightness. A device that allows you to determine the alloy composition of a piece of jewelry without using destructive methods is called an X-ray fluorescence analyzer. In one of the stores of a large jewelry chain in our city, an employee was suspected of replacing gold jewelry and selling “linden” under the guise of real ones. They even opened a criminal case for theft. The damage amounted to hundreds of thousands of rubles. In order to establish the truth, the jewelry confiscated from the display cases was brought to the elemental analysis laboratory. As a result of the examination, it was established that the presented products were made of an alloy based on a precious metal - silver, and had a coating containing precious metals: gold and palladium. This does not stop them from being jewelry, however, is selling silver at the price of gold a fraud? By the way, an employee of the jewelry chain was fired and brought to justice. “The study of metals and alloys, markings on metal products, polymers and other materials is the specialization of Sergei Aleksandrovich Shardin,” says Irina Alekseevna. – For example, a weapon is stolen, the criminal tries to immediately destroy the number marked at the manufacturer or replace it with a new one. He destroys the old numbers, adds new ones and considers himself “insured”, not realizing that the original marking has not disappeared without a trace. It is invisibly present on the product, you just need to be able to restore it. Sergei Alexandrovich does this masterfully. Counterfeit alcohol is a problematic issue not only in our region. Counterfeiting brings losses to the copyright holder and enriches criminals; it may contain components that are dangerous to life and health. Measures aimed at combating the circulation of counterfeit goods alcoholic products, are carried out by employees of interested police services throughout the region. Thus, in Solikamsk last year, the illegal activities of a man who organized the supply and sale of counterfeit alcohol and alcohol-containing products were stopped. During the operational activities, a truck was installed, from which more than three hundred canisters of alcohol-containing liquid with a capacity of 10 liters each were unloaded, as well as alcoholic beverages in glass bottles. In total, over 4.5 thousand units of counterfeit alcohol products were seized. The product was examined by specialists from the Special Expertise Department No. 3. “Vodka, cognac, and alcohol were submitted for examination,” recalls Irina Plyusnina. - We have established that alcoholic vodka products do not meet the requirements of GOSTs specified on the labels of the bottles provided. Based on our findings, a criminal case was initiated. And there are many such examples. After spending a day in the laboratory, I realized that almost everything can be researched. If you have the ability to extract information from the material traces that surround us everywhere. For example, an expert at the scene of an incident finds green fluff, and an investigator, when searching a suspect’s home, comes across a green sweater... Or another case from real practice... Drug police detained a citizen with hashish wrapped in plastic. Detectives found exactly the same film in the dealer's apartment. The expert's conclusion about the identity of these objects will form the basis of the charges. You just need to be able to recognize the invisible. In the physical and chemical laboratory of the Special Expertise Department No. 3 they can do this. Professionals, in a word. They are also very pleasant to talk to, friendly and modest people. "Dossier 02. Kama region"

In Chusovoy, traffic police officers, together with representatives of the Public Council, the Education Department of the local administration and the Center for Children's Creativity, held the annual creative and educational competition “Main Road”. Its goal is to promote road safety and attract the attention of young people to the problem of children's road traffic...

In Chusovoy, traffic police officers, together with representatives of the Public Council, the Education Department of the local administration and the Center for Children's Creativity, held the annual creative and educational competition “Main Road”. Its goal is to promote road safety and attract the attention of young people to the problem of child road traffic injuries. This year, the participants were 7 teams of students from the industrial technical school and high school students of the Chusovsky municipal district. Contestants had to go through four stages and show their knowledge of traffic rules in a creative way. In the first round, the guys passed the theoretical exam offered to candidates for obtaining a driver’s license, showed practical skills in providing medical care injured in an accident, demonstrated the skill of figure-driving on a bicycle. In the next competition, the teams presented their creative performances to the jury on issues of promoting road safety. Bright, creative numbers called for compliance with the rules of safe behavior on the road. The most interesting and exciting was the dance and music stage, during which the guys portrayed road signs and showed the movement of vehicles. In addition, videos revealing the main theme of the event were presented to the jury. When preparing competition materials, participants showed high level technical work, as well as acting. The winners received gifts, and the organizers awarded the absolute winners of the competition a challenge cup. At the end of the event, police officers and social activists noted that the competition contributes not only to the study and repetition of traffic rules, but also to the development of the creative potential of teenagers. Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory

Speech by the Minister of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, General of Police of the Russian Federation Vladimir Kolokoltsev, at an extended meeting of the board of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the objective assessment of our work, the support and attention that you pay to the internal affairs bodies. 2018 was full of important socio-political events for our country and major international sporting events. They largely determine...

Comrade Supreme Commander-in-Chief! First of all, I would like to express my gratitude for the objective assessment of our work, the support and attention that you pay to the internal affairs bodies. 2018 was full of important socio-political events for our country and major international sporting events. They largely determined the priorities in organizing the operational and official activities of our Ministry. The personnel ensured law and order during the election campaign for the election of the President of the Russian Federation and on the single voting day. Significant forces were involved during the preparation and holding of the World Cup. High-profile crimes and offenses, including those committed by football fans, were not allowed. The safe holding of the tournament was facilitated by the creation of “tourist” police units in the host cities. Identification and access control systems for stadiums using a personalized spectator card have proven themselves to be successful. These are domestic developments that have been highly appreciated not only by the FIFA leadership, but also by fans from different countries. The Russian experience has interested the organizers of the upcoming European Football Championship and the 2022 World Cup. In accordance with your instructions, Vladimir Vladimirovich, a similar control system will be used during matches of the football Premier League and the Russian Cup. Despite all the difficulties, the internal affairs bodies have proven that they are capable of ensuring law and order and the safety of citizens during any events, including world-class ones. Last year, work continued to optimize the organizational structure. The target order is seven hundred staffing units which were transferred to territorial authorities. Mainly to regions adjacent to the state border of the Russian Federation. The allocated resources were used primarily to strengthen the units on migration, criminal investigation, and patrol services. Great importance was attached to strengthening human resources and developing departmental educational organizations. When selecting and placing managers, the system of forming and training a personnel reserve was actively used at both the federal and regional levels. Issues of social security for employees remained a priority. Last year, the number of families who received one-time payments for the purchase or construction of residential premises almost tripled. Particular attention was paid to the state of official discipline and legality. Including within the framework of the implementation of the National Anti-Corruption Plan. Over the past seven years, the number of notifications received from employees about the facts of contacting them with proposals of a corruption nature has increased 14 times. The effectiveness of checks on the accuracy and completeness of information on income provided by personnel has increased. At the same time, the activities of internal security units to restore order within our system have been intensified. They account for almost 70% of detected crimes committed by employees of internal affairs bodies. However, it is necessary here additional measures. We constantly demand from managers at all levels to strengthen control over their subordinates. React harshly to every instance of abuse or failure to fulfill official duties. At the same time, ensure transparency and objectivity in the assessment of certain actions. One of the main conditions for effective work is updating the material and technical base of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry. Their equipment with basic types of weapons, military and special equipment was 77%. This, among other things, made it possible to fulfill the assigned tasks in in full. 190 types of modern weapons were purchased. 33 objects of general civil and special purpose were put into operation. At the same time, a number of problems remain in the field of construction, reconstruction and major repairs of departmental buildings and structures. We have already discussed the current situation and measures to improve it several times. The direct responsibility of the heads of the relevant departments of the central apparatus and territorial bodies is to keep this issue under control. Today we are faced with large-scale tasks to modernize the information technology infrastructure of internal affairs bodies. I mean the creation of a unified population register, a biometric identification system, and the transition to issuing electronic identity cards and driver’s licenses to citizens. Introduction of qualitatively new methods and technical means information processing is also relevant in the context of countering criminal threats in cyberspace. Considering the high degree of deterioration of the equipment currently used, we count on the necessary budget funding in this matter. Last year, the development of the departmental segment of the system for providing public services continued. There were over one hundred million of them. And this does not take into account the most popular one - providing information about administrative offenses in the field of traffic. In general, citizens rate the quality of government services provided to them quite highly. Nine are already available in multifunctional centers. Their list on the Unified Portal is expanding. Interactive methods of submitting applications are being introduced. This allows you to process the necessary documents remotely. Solving problems related to increasing the availability and quality of government services in the migration sphere, of course, is complicated by the 30 percent reduction in the number of specialized units when they transfer to the Ministry. However, as practice has shown, for many territorial bodies the personnel problems that arose did not become a serious obstacle to organizing effective work. All that remains is to take into account their experience and take appropriate measures. Increasing the safety of citizens on the streets and in other in public places contributed to the implementation of the complex preventive measures, the work of police squads in a single deployment system. The number of crimes registered here last year decreased by almost 5%, serious and especially serious crimes - by 3%. People's vigilantes and representatives of various law enforcement associations provided significant assistance. With their participation, about ten thousand persons who committed criminal offenses were detained, about four hundred and fifty thousand administrative offenses were suppressed. The capabilities of the law enforcement segment of the “Safe City” hardware and software complex were actively used. More than twenty-eight thousand crimes have been solved with its use. In total, over two hundred and sixty-five thousand CCTV cameras and almost one thousand two hundred “citizen-police” emergency communication terminals have been deployed in populated areas of the country. In the course of measures to prevent illegal behavior, a significant place is given to working out the residential sector. Last year, local police commissioners placed over two hundred and thirty thousand citizens on preventive registration. Targeted work has made it possible to reduce the number of crimes committed under the influence of alcohol and drugs, domestic crimes and those with previous convictions. I must say that the workload on employees remains very, very high. There are no other ways to optimize their activities other than freeing them from unusual or redundant functions. Currently, the preparation of the Concept for the development of this service is being completed. The document also provides for increasing the level of resource provision for district police officers. The most important component in solving the problems of prevention is the prevention of delinquency among minors. It should be noted that Taken measures led to a decrease in the number of crimes committed by them or with their complicity. In order to combat criminal behavior against teenagers, the emphasis is placed on preventing the dissemination of information that causes harm to them. In total, over twenty-five thousand eight hundred resources containing destructive content were blocked on social networks last year on the initiative of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. At the same time, it is impossible to completely protect our children from violence, cruelty, and negative psychological impacts solely through the efforts of the police. This problem goes far beyond the competence of one department and requires consistent coordinated steps. A large amount of work was carried out by migration departments. Over the past three years, they have adapted to the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and, despite objective difficulties, are improving the quality of public services provided to the population. Last year, a new Concept of state migration policy was approved. 22 ministries and departments are involved in its implementation. One of the tasks outlined in the document is to provide compatriots living abroad with the maximum favorable conditions for relocation to Russia. In pursuance of your instructions, Vladimir Vladimirovich, changes have been made to the current legislation providing for simplified procedure providing temporary residence permits and residence permits to foreign citizens. We are talking about the category of people who speak Russian, want to live and work in the Russian Federation and are able to integrate into our society. When applying for citizenship, additional preferences are provided for qualified specialists in demand by the economy of our country. Along with this Ministry, work is underway to simplify the procedure for foreign citizens entering Russia for tourism purposes. Taking into account the positive experience of using an electronic visa in the subjects of the Far Eastern federal district, from July 1, such a mechanism will be implemented in the Kaliningrad region. In the future, it can be broadcast to federal cities and adjacent regions. Last year, four hundred and thirty thousand verification activities were carried out in the migration sphere. About one million six hundred thousand administrative protocols have been compiled. Over two hundred and fifty thousand decisions have been made to ban entry to foreign citizens who have violated Russian legislation. Positive trends are observed in ensuring road safety. Last year, the Government approved the Strategy of the same name prepared by us. She set priorities for the next five years. The system for automatically recording traffic violations has been further developed. Compared to 2017, the number of stationary complexes increased by 27%. Their total number is about twelve thousand. Almost 106 million offenses have been identified using the system. The preventive effect of its use is also quite noticeable. Where such technical equipment is located, a decrease in the number of incidents and the severity of their consequences has been noted. The activity of citizens taking a principled position and assisting the police in identifying violators on the roads is growing. The result of joint actions was an increase in the level of road safety. The number of accidents, as well as deaths and injuries, has decreased. In terms of the rate of reduction in mortality in road accidents, the target indicators provided federal program for 2018, achieved. The internal affairs bodies have made a significant contribution to ensuring transport security. In total, more than five hundred sixty thousand were accompanied last year passenger trains. Every day, about a thousand police officers were involved in this. Over two thousand violators were suspended from air transportation. Together with the Russian National Guard, the safety of the transport crossing through the Kerch Strait has been ensured. There were no illegal acts of interference in the activities of the facility. One of the main factors determining the attitude of citizens towards the police is the confidence that their rights and legitimate interests will be protected. Last year, internal affairs bodies solved about nine hundred thousand crimes, every fifth of which was serious and especially serious. Almost eight hundred and forty thousand persons who committed criminal offenses were identified. The detection rate of murders, intentional inflictions of grievous bodily harm, and robberies has increased. The overall balance of unsolved crimes has decreased. The involvement of organized groups or criminal communities in the commission of fifteen and a half thousand crimes has been proven. The activities of more than nine thousand leaders and active participants in criminal structures were stopped. There is no doubt that with the adoption of the amendments introduced by you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, to the State Duma to the current criminal legislation in relation to this category of citizens, the process will become more progressive. The decisive evidence in exposing the perpetrators is the expert’s opinion. Today, the internal affairs bodies carry out 49 types of forensic examinations. Unique methods that have no analogues in the world have been introduced. Using the nuclear magnetic resonance method, previously unknown drugs are identified and subsequently placed under control. The use of olfactory expert techniques makes it possible to isolate and examine odor information on objects seized from crime scenes many years ago, and to identify individuals using it. During the reporting period, the practice of applying judicial fines expanded. This criminal law measure is designed to optimize the investigation of non-serious offenses. Additional efforts are aimed at combating fraud, primarily using bank cards, Internet, means mobile communications. In order to inform citizens about ways to protect themselves from such acts, the necessary information is posted on the official website of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Crimes committed through computer and telecommunication technologies require special attention. With an almost twofold increase in their registration, only every fourth crime is solved. The heads of territorial bodies are required to take all measures to improve the organization of the work of units involved in the investigation of criminal cases, to ensure the proper level of interaction. During search activities, police officers identified the location of over fifty-four thousand persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation and court. At the same time, they were actively involved various channels international cooperation. Two stages of the interstate operational and preventive Operation Search were carried out, as a result of which 7,700 suspects and accused were detained. With the assistance of the National Bureau of Interpol of Russia, 72 persons who committed mostly grave and especially grave crimes were extradited. A search was carried out for missing persons. The location of thirty-three and a half thousand citizens has been established, of which more than five thousand are minors. Volunteer organizations took an active part in the search activities. With their help, about three thousand people were discovered. Currently, volunteer groups have been formed in seventy-six regions. Almost every second has concluded cooperation agreements with the police. We intend to continue to expand this practice. In the sphere of combating drug crime, the main emphasis was placed on combating its organized forms, closing smuggling channels, eliminating network distribution schemes, and undermining the material base of the drug business. The implementation of the Anti-Drug Policy Strategy Implementation Plan continued. At the initiative of the Ministry, state control measures were established in relation to thirty new psychoactive substances. During the reporting period, a number of special operational and preventive measures were carried out, including in an interstate format. Together with Roskomnadzor, the Internet is monitored in order to identify and block sites that promote drug use and distribute illegal drugs. In total, over two hundred thousand drug crimes were documented last year, most of which were committed by internal affairs agencies. Almost 96 thousand persons who committed such acts have been identified. The number of cases of drug sales we have identified, as well as crimes related to their smuggling, has increased. An extremely important area is to ensure the economic security of the country. The departments of the Ministry's system account for more than eighty-five percent of crimes of this category out of those identified by all law enforcement agencies. The main emphasis is on suppressing acts committed on a large or especially large scale, in organized forms, as well as those of a corrupt nature. Further steps have been taken to decriminalize the most significant sectors of the economy and social sphere, including the financial and credit sector. As part of interaction with the Bank of Russia, work has been organized to remove unscrupulous organizations from the microfinance market. Their share since the Central Bank was vested with the functions of a mega-regulator has amounted to 4%. Another painful topic is the situation with municipal waste. Last year, an additional set of measures was carried out aimed at suppressing activities related to their illegal transportation and placement. As a result, 70 crimes were identified involving violations of the rules for handling environmentally hazardous substances and waste. Over fifty persons who committed them have been identified. The number of administrative protocols drawn up increased by almost a third. In addition, facts of unjustified inflated tariffs for waste disposal services have been documented. In the Chuvash Republic alone, in one such criminal case, the damage caused to citizens and organizations amounted to about two hundred million rubles. The territorial bodies of the Ministry are focused on identifying such crimes. Of course, the activities carried out should not disrupt the work of bona fide business entities. However, we are now in a position where current standards legislation comes into certain conflict with the objective capabilities of the law enforcement system. A significant number of requests received, including from representatives of the business environment, require a full range of investigative actions. They often insist on conducting forensic examinations and analyzing numerous financial transactions and accounting documents. The law allows this to be done only within the framework of a criminal case. In response to our proposals for applicants to go to court to restore their allegedly violated rights by business partners, as a rule, we hear a categorical denial and a demand to initiate a criminal case. Citizens perceive some of the subsequently dismissed cases of this category as a negative of the entire law enforcement system, imagining this as pressure on business. We discuss the problems that exist here, including on the platform of the Interdepartmental Working Group for the Protection of the Rights of Entrepreneurs under the auspices of the Prosecutor General’s Office. We work closely with the Presidential Administration and the Supreme Court. We actively participate in the development of solutions to decriminalize legislation. I must say that the workload on investigators regarding ongoing criminal cases and materials is constantly increasing. At the same time, their number in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is over last years decreased from fifty-four to forty-five thousand. It is obvious that in such conditions additional measures are necessary, including organizational and staffing measures. These are, among other things, the issues that you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, drew attention to during your annual address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. Last year, we also continued a set of measures to protect the rights of participants in shared-equity construction. The number of detected crimes in this area increased by 80%. To protect budget allocations allocated for the most important infrastructure projects and federal target programs, monitoring of the activities of auction commissions for placing government orders has been organized. A number of criminal cases have been opened regarding the theft of funds aimed at preparing and holding the FIFA World Cup and the upcoming World Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk. The level of criminalization of the fuel and energy complex remains high. A significant number of offenses are recorded here, including theft of enterprise assets, tax evasion, tapping into pipelines, and trafficking in counterfeit petroleum products. The heads of departments of the economic bloc are simply obliged to intensify their work. First of all, this concerns the North Caucasus Federal District, where the problem is most acute. Aggressiveness in suppressing corruption crimes, including those committed by representatives of executive and legislative authorities, has been maintained. As a result, a number of high-ranking officials were brought to criminal liability. In total, we have documented over twenty-three thousand corruption crimes. Separately, I would like to dwell on the problem of compensation for damage in economic and corruption cases. In its decision, the Ministry interacts with the Central Bank and the Deposit Insurance Agency. However, out of two hundred and sixty-eight billion rubles, only half has been reimbursed. Today, there are a number of factors that hinder more efficient work. In accordance with the provisions of the criminal procedure law, investigative authorities are required to seize property and bank accounts to compensate for future damages. However, it is not always possible to identify and install them in sufficient quantities. Often, at the time of the investigation, a significant part of the assets has already been sold by the accused. In addition, criminal schemes are widely used to quickly transfer stolen funds abroad through offshore companies and their subsequent legalization. Legal status such jurisdictions do not allow acceptance effective measures on restoration property rights victims. Interaction within the framework of generally accepted procedures often makes the results of the investigation dependent on the discretion of foreign competent authorities. The fight against extremism remained among the priority areas. A number of measures have been taken to prevent and prevent interethnic conflicts. There were no offenses that could seriously provoke an escalation of tension in society. The algorithm for interaction with Roskomnadzor and Prosecutor General's Office to restrict access to Internet resources containing prohibited content. Contacts with law enforcement agencies developed foreign countries . First of all, with colleagues in the CIS, SCO, CSTO. In the near future, together with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the procedure for ratifying the Shanghai Cooperation Organization Convention on Countering Extremism will be completed. It lays down the legal basis for the formation of international partnership mechanisms in this area. Thanks to targeted preventive work and suppression of the activities of extremist organizations, it was possible to reduce the total number of crimes of this nature. Within the limits of their authority, the bodies and divisions of the Ministry participated in neutralizing the terrorist threat. An integral part of countering modern criminal challenges is international police cooperation. The Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs makes a significant contribution to strengthening ties in the law enforcement sphere in the post-Soviet space. First of all, on the platform of the Council of Ministers of Internal Affairs of the CIS member states. The closest contacts have been established with partners from the countries of the Eurasian Economic Community. The dialogue with foreign colleagues through Interpol is expanding. Despite attempts by some states to politicize the activities of this organization, it still remains a universal mechanism for police cooperation. Interpol's capabilities were especially in demand by Russian law enforcement agencies during the World Cup. Over twenty-six million checks have been carried out on the databases. About a hundred cases of foreign citizens using stolen or lost documents in order to enter the territory of the Russian Federation have been identified. Constructive interaction is built within the framework of police training. Currently, more than two thousand students from sixty-four countries of the world are studying in educational organizations of the Ministry’s system, almost half of them are studying in higher education programs. *** In general, the measures taken in 2018 contributed to improving the operational situation in the area of ​​responsibility of the internal affairs bodies. The trend towards a reduction in both the total number of registered crimes and individual, most dangerous types has continued. Positive changes in the sphere of law and order and security are also recorded by sociological studies. According to the results of population surveys over the past period, citizens’ confidence in the protection of their personal and property interests from criminal attacks has increased. This is extremely important for us and is an additional incentive to increase efforts and further strengthen interaction with civil society. Nevertheless, the situation in the field of public safety remains difficult. Her condition continues to be affected Negative influence a number of external and internal factors. Taking into account the current situation, priority attention should be paid to suppressing the activities of extremist structures and combating drug trafficking; control over migration processes. Serious challenges and threats to the country's security are posed by the uncontrolled functioning and development of computer and telecommunication technologies, which are accompanied by the intensification of illegal activities. Moreover, the problem is not only the quantitative growth of cybercrime, but also its spread to almost all areas. Modern information Technology are widely used in drug trafficking, propaganda of destructive ideology, when committing various types of fraudulent activities, illegal financial transactions and other illegal acts. Therefore, life itself forces us to fight against anonymous and uncontrolled services, the use of instant messengers for criminal purposes, and “gray” SIM cards. Of course, we are not talking about a banal ban or tightening of access to certain network resources, for which we are often reproached. However, we must understand that the problem cannot be solved without adequate legal regulation of the Internet environment; increasing liability for posting prohibited content online; formation of legal, organizational and technical mechanisms for responding to illegal activities in this area. This is the only way we can ensure the safety of our citizens in cyberspace. The efforts of the bodies and divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in the coming period will be aimed at countering these and other threats and challenges to the country’s internal security. Primary attention will be paid to the implementation of national projects approved by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 7, 2018, and the implementation of the tasks set by you, Vladimir Vladimirovich, at today’s meeting. *** At the end of my speech, I would like to thank the personnel of the Ministry for their responsible attitude to business, high professionalism, perseverance and courage shown in the performance of their official duty. Let me also express my gratitude to the heads and employees of interacting departments, representatives of the chambers Federal Assembly, and public organizations for constructive and fruitful cooperation in the interests of our citizens, state and society. We look forward to its further development across the entire range of joint tasks. Thank you for your attention. The report is finished.

On February 26, 2019, 87 crimes were registered in the Perm Territory. Police officers solved 73 crimes, of which 56 were in hot pursuit.

Yesterday at 15:10 o'clock. A traffic accident occurred in the Kirosky district of Perm. On the street In Svetlogorskaya, a Lada Largus car driven by a resident of the village was moving in the direction of the Western Bypass. Frol was born in 1957. According to preliminary information, in the area of ​​house No. 5, the driver hit a pregnant girl born in 1994, who...

Yesterday at 15:10 o'clock. A traffic accident occurred in the Kirosky district of Perm. On the street In Svetlogorskaya, a Lada Largus car driven by a resident of the village was moving in the direction of the Western Bypass. Frol was born in 1957. According to preliminary information, in the area of ​​house No. 5, the driver hit a pregnant girl born in 1994, who was crossing the roadway on an unregulated pedestrian crossing. As a result of the accident, the victim suffered head and hip injuries. The girl refused hospitalization. It was established that the man had previously been brought to administrative responsibility for violating traffic rules. Currently, an investigation into the traffic accident is underway and all the circumstances of the incident are being established. Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory

In the Kama region, state traffic inspectors provided assistance to citizens involved in road accidents

In the Perm region yesterday morning, an accident occurred on the Tchaikovsky - Kukushtan highway near the village of Alnyash. A car in which two men were traveling from Yoshkar-Ola to Yekaterinburg flew into a ditch. In a matter of minutes, a traffic police crew from the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Chaikovsky district arrived at the scene of the incident, consisting of senior police lieutenant Sergei Makarov and lieutenant...

In the Perm region yesterday morning, an accident occurred on the Tchaikovsky - Kukushtan highway near the village of Alnyash. A car in which two men were traveling from Yoshkar-Ola to Yekaterinburg flew into a ditch. In a matter of minutes, a traffic police crew from the Russian State Traffic Safety Inspectorate for the Chaikovsky District arrived at the scene of the incident, consisting of senior police lieutenant Sergei Makarov and police lieutenant Nikolai Zhigulev. First of all, state traffic inspectors were convinced of the safety of life and health of citizens. The participants in the car accident were not injured, they were only frozen. The policeman gave one of them his gloves, and both of them were given hot tea. Then law enforcement officers took measures to evacuate the car from the deep snow. The driver sincerely thanked senior police lieutenant Sergei Makarov and police lieutenant Nikolai Zhigulev for their help in difficult situation, sensitive and attentive attitude.

On February 25, 2019, 90 crimes were registered in the Perm Territory. Police officers solved 70 crimes, 55 of them without delay

Yesterday at 08.30 o'clock. A traffic accident occurred in the Kirovsky district of Perm. On the street Avtozavodskaya in the direction of st. Fedoseev was driving a Renault Duster car driven by a resident of the regional center, born in 1991. Opposite house number 24 st. The Avtozavodsk driver hit a pedestrian, a woman born in 1979. By pre...

Yesterday at 08.30 o'clock. A traffic accident occurred in the Kirovsky district of Perm. On the street Avtozavodskaya in the direction of st. Fedoseev was driving a Renault Duster car driven by a resident of the regional center, born in 1991. Opposite house number 24 st. The Avtozavodsk driver hit a pedestrian, a woman born in 1979. According to preliminary information, she was crossing the roadway at a controlled pedestrian crossing at a prohibitory traffic light. The victim was taken to hospital with injuries to her face and arm. Currently, an investigation into the accident is underway and all the circumstances of the incident are being established. A local resident born in 1958 contacted the Solikamsk police department with a complaint about robbery. The victim reported that she was at her home on the street. Comintern. Her unemployed, previously convicted son, born in 1978, came to her, openly stole her laptop and disappeared. Law enforcement officers located the attacker and detained him. A criminal case has been opened into the robbery and an investigation is underway. Press service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the Perm Territory

Needless to say, Perm loves events. Something will happen here, something will happen there. In a city with a population of more than a million people, you can’t do without this. There are so many accidents every day: due to inattention, due to slippery roads, due to drivers drinking alcohol.

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If you tell your colleagues about this, you will raise your rating. In a large metropolis, which is Perm, accidents happen around the clock. Somewhere a pipe burst, and somewhere there was a fire. Sometimes cars fall through along with a piece of asphalt. Visit our page and you will know everything about the incidents in the Perm region.

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Natural disasters also periodically throw up news: where the wind blows off roofs, where a flood floods a populated area - journalists cover everything. Some write, others read, and the whole society is aware. A world without news would look gray and uninteresting. But, thanks to our page, there is always something to read.
