How to cut a swan from a wheel step by step. How to make a swan from tires: cut out a craft from old tires. How to cut a swan from a tire with step-by-step instructions

Swans have long chosen not only ponds and lakes; they are increasingly found on personal plots. On the green lawns you can see entire flocks of swans made from car tires. Designers called this trend trash art (from the English trash-art) - art that involves old trash.

The name is new, but the idea of ​​creating beauty from waste appeared a long time ago. Extraordinary miracle birds have decorated more than one yard or garden. If you like this kind of art, we suggest you get acquainted with the technology of making swans in more detail.

How to make a swan from a car tire

Beauty on the site can be made from scrap materials, but you must understand that this is work, not pampering. In order for miracle tire swans to bloom in your garden, you will need:

  • Old tires;
  • Electric jigsaw or grinder (grinder);
  • Electric drill;
  • Nippers, pliers;
  • Chalk for marking;
  • Metal rod;
  • Dye.

Which tires to choose

For swans, old, well-worn tires from passenger cars mobiles. Moreover, the rubber should be as worn out as possible, worn down to the limit. Such tires are called bald. The worse the material looks, the easier it is to work with. Do not take studded tires, especially imported ones.

If you have the opportunity to choose, it is better to take rubber with a nylon cord. Such material can be cut simply with a knife. Tires with metal cords are more difficult to process; in this case, you cannot do without special tools.

Alternatively, in search of suitable materials, you can contact your nearest tire shop. Usually, in such places they are happy to give away unwanted tires. One swan needs one tire. If you want to experiment with the shape of birds, take several. Before starting work, the rubber must be washed and dried. It is better to carry out all work on outdoors.

Marking the diagram on the tire and cutting

The appearance of the swan depends on the marking scheme. During operation, the tire will need to be turned out. The difficulty of this process will depend on how you make the cuts.

How to make a birdhouse with your own hands is described.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan with your own hands

Tire markings for making a garden swan.

Use chalk to divide the tire in half. Then outline the beak, head and neck. The length of the neck together with the beak should be more than half the circumference of the tire. The R13 wheel has a circumference of 180 cm, respectively, for the neck you need to measure about 95 cm. For a proportional head you need 10 cm, the beak length is 9 cm.

How to cut from a wheel

Step-by-step instructions for cutting from a tire:

  • The tire must be cut along the marked lines. A knife can handle old-style tires with a nylon cord. To make the job easier, prepare a soapy solution and dip the cutting object into it from time to time.
  • Metal cord will not yield to a knife. You can use grinder. You should work exclusively outdoors, and do not forget to wear closed shoes and work gloves.
  • Please note that working with tires increases the consumption of laps. You will need about 3 disks per swan. In addition, heated rubber does not spread the most best smell around, smoke and soot are guaranteed. The grinder cuts quickly, but is not environmentally friendly.
  • It's more pleasant to work with a jigsaw. To wind the file you need to make a hole. You can use a chisel or drill. Wear on jigsaw blades increases when working at high speeds. The best option– work at lower than average speeds using a saw with a reverse tooth. This way you can saw through the metal cord without any problems: the reverse stroke of the saw will simply tear it, and the low speed will prevent the rubber from heating up too much.
  • For adherents of hand tools, a metal file is suitable. It will also cope with steel cord, but the speed will be lower. What are traffic jam tracks from? plastic bottles, stated.
  • The splint should be cut along the contour of the neck and head; transverse cuts are not needed. As for the sequence, the biggest mistake that beginners make is to completely cut out one side of the neck. If you cut the tire on one side, it will be quite difficult to cut the other.

  • The next stage is the tail. Its length is about 25 cm. It will become an additional decorative element and will make it easier to turn the tire out. It is cut out in the same way.
  • The workpiece must be turned out. The process is labor-intensive and looks like this: the workpiece is placed with the cut part down, it is pressed down with a foot and pulled, turning the side parts up. The central part needs to be pushed through.
  • Now the design really resembles a swan. The side half rings need to be lowered down. If you took a tire with a metal cord, then the edges need to be processed with a grinder. But even such a procedure will not be able to completely smooth out the protruding reinforcement. Therefore, swans made from steel cord tires are suitable only for decoration, but not for children's playgrounds. Touching sections with protruding wires is unsafe for adults, let alone children. Find out more about crafts made from tires for the playground.
  • In order to give the swan the desired shape, the neck should be strengthened. For fastening, you need to drill two holes along the entire length of the neck every 15 - 20 cm. They need to be located along the center line. Brackets made of thin soft wire are inserted into the holes. Use staples to secure thick steel wire. It will need about 1.50 m. The lower end is fixed on the inside of the neck, at the base of the splint, the upper end is fixed at head level.
  • The swan is almost ready, you just need to bend its neck appropriately and make eyes out of rubber. They can be fastened with screws. For decoration, the edges of the wings are cut, then the notches resemble the plumage of a bird. If you want to have a swan princess in your garden, make a crown from a plastic bottle.

How to decorate

In order for the birds to look extraordinary and aesthetically pleasing, they need to be painted correctly. For swans, the color usually chosen is white or black. Silver and gold sculptures look good. Any durable paint for exterior use will do.

It is good to decorate rubber with oil, enamel and nitro paints. Do not forget that any paint is applied to a clean, dry surface. Correctly applied paint adheres well to the sculpture, does not deform and lasts quite a long time. Leftover car paint aerosols will do. Then the work will go quickly. An evenly painted surface can be decorated using acrylic paints. Draw the head, beak, plumage. Such swans look more naturalistic.

Probably every gardener at the dacha or in the garage has one or a number of old car tires lying around that should have been thrown away a long time ago, but, as always happens, there is not enough time, and then the beloved rhetorical question appears: “Suddenly will you ever need it? This option will really come in handy if you want to make an original and cute decoration for your garden.

To decorate and personalize your suburban area, we suggest making it from an old car tire a white swan, which, unlike its counterparts from nature, will never have the desire to fly away from you to the south.

We asked a jack of all trades, Victor Katrich, who knows how to do almost everything that might be needed in a summer cottage, to talk in detail about the intricacies of making an unusual swan. The master happily responded to our proposal and, moreover, together with his assistant Sergei, clearly demonstrated the manufacturing process, giving our summer cottage another magnificent bird.

Tools and materials
Before you start making a swan, you need to stock up on the tools and materials that you will need in the process of painstaking work, but subsequently pleasing with its magnificent result. You will, of course, need an old car tire, several self-tapping screws, a flexible metal strip (for fixing the swan neck), a tube of red paint and two cans of white paint.

You also need a grinder with metal discs (preferably diamond ones), because... A car tire has metal fibers in its consistency, making it stronger, which complicates the sawing process. We will also need a drill to drill holes in the metal bar and attach the swan's neck to it for a more durable fixation.

Stages of work on cutting a swan from a tire

To begin with, we divide the car tire into two equal parts (180 degrees) with chalk, drawing two stripes. One line will become the beginning of the head and tail, the other line will be the base of the swan's neck.

For your comfort and safety, work should be carried out in thick clothing and a respirator, because When sawing, a tire emits acrid smoke, and a spark that accidentally hits the skin can leave a small but unpleasant burn.

It is best to saw a tire with a grinder by moving away from you, again, for safety reasons.

Sawing a tire, you can also use electric jigsaw with metal files. The big advantage of a jigsaw is that when interacting with it, the tire does not emit odor or smoke, and this, of course, makes the work much easier.

We begin to form the head and tail: to do this we make zigzag cuts across the tire (photo 1, 2). From the triangle formed in the middle, which is the beak of a swan, a neck will stretch along the tire, ending at the line marked on initial stage white chalk.

Photo 2 clearly shows the place of the base of the neck, at which, to more clearly indicate its beginning and the subsequent spread of the wings, we make two cuts at an angle of 45 degrees (photo 3).

Next comes one of the most difficult stages of work, which requires quite a lot of physical effort - turning the tire inside out. It is better to do this together and on a hard surface, this will make it much easier to cope with a stubborn wheel. In photo 4, 5 we see that the master does this with his foot, stepping on the outer part of the tire and holding the rest of its parts with his hands.

Having carried out all the above manipulations, we get an almost finished body of the future swan (photo 6, 7).

In order for the swan neck to have a rounded shape, be flexible and long, thereby justifying its name, it must be secured with a flexible metal plate, which should be slightly narrower and longer than the swan’s neck.

Bulgarian from metal sheet cut out the piece we need (photo 8), then drill holes in it at a distance of 10 cm from each other (photo 9).

We attach the plate using self-tapping screws from the inside of the neck (photo 10, 10a), starting from the beak, not forgetting to simultaneously bend your neck at the desired angle.

This stage is completed by screwing the plate to the chest of the swan. (photo 11,12)- this is done for greater stability, so we cut the plate a little longer than the neck.

If you want to use a swan as decorative flower bed, you can attach round pieces to the sides plywood sheet so that the plant soil does not spill out (photo 13).

We attach the finished swan to a flat board so that it does not “fly away”.

Swans made from car tires are a decoration for many gardens and summer cottages. Simple crafts made from old tires even belong to a certain direction of creativity called trash art (literally - “art made from garbage, unnecessary rubbish”). Resourceful gardeners and summer residents have been making such birds since Soviet times, so we can say that there are work techniques that will ultimately help you get a beautiful and high-quality craft. If you are wondering how to make a tire swan, please follow us!

Well, let's get down to business. How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands? First of all, we will prepare everything necessary for creativity:

  • An old tire (or several old tires if you want to decorate your garden with a whole bunch).
  • Jigsaw or grinder (angle grinder).
  • Electric drill.
  • Pliers, wire cutters.
  • Technical knife.
  • Chalk, marker for marking.
  • Metal rod.
  • Paint for the future animal.

Choosing tires

To get beautiful and durable swans from tires, the first thing you need to do is choose suitable material for works. So, what will be most useful to us:

  • Old tires from passenger cars. In this case, the emphasis is placed precisely on their age and wear - the tires must be worn to the limit. Motorists also call such tires “bald”. In a word, the more hopeless the material is for the driver, the better it is for our tire swan (how to make garden decoration, we will analyze in detail further).
  • But imported tires, especially studded ones, will not be so good for crafts.
  • The best option is rubber with a nylon cord. You can simply cut it with a knife. But if the cord is metal, then there is no way to do it without special tools (we have listed them).

You don't have to be a car owner if you want to know how to make a swan out of a tire. You can go to a tire shop for the material - they will give you your used tires. Calculation: one swan = one tire. If you are not confident in your abilities and want to experiment, then you can take more tires.

The work is best done outdoors, in the same garden. Tires need to be prepared for the process - washed and dried thoroughly.

Now let’s move on to step-by-step instructions on how to make a swan from a tire.


First of all, let's outline the outline of the future bird. How to make a swan from a tire at this stage:

  1. Using chalk, divide the length of the tire into two halves.
  2. The second step is to draw the neck, head and beak, focusing on the middle marking.
  3. The length of the element from the base of the neck to the beak must be greater than 1/2 the circumference of the tire. For example, if the latter is 180 cm, then we need to measure at least 95 cm.
  4. To make the head proportional, make its length 10 cm. The beak will then be 9 cm.

Cutting out the neck, head and beak

The instructions on how to make a swan from a tire continue with the next step - cutting out the figure. Here's what's important for us to consider:

  1. We cut the tire along the contours of the head, neck and beak.
  2. If we have an old-style tire (with a nylon cord), then we can handle it without any problems with just a technical knife. We recommend dipping the blade into a soapy solution from time to time to make your work easier.
  3. If the tire has a metal cord, you will have to turn to a grinder. It is better to work with the grinding machine on fresh air. Take care of your safety - closed shoes and clothing, and protective gloves are required.
  4. If you are using a grinder, then it will take up to 3 for one swan grinding wheels– rubber increases their consumption well. This method of work is fast, but not environmentally friendly. Heated rubber will have a characteristic smell. We must not forget about soot and burning.
  5. Following step-by-step instructions, you can also cut a swan from a tire using a jigsaw - working with this tool will be much more pleasant than using a grinder. But in this case, you need to make a hole in the tire to start the saw. You need a drill or chisel.
  6. How to use a jigsaw? The wear of its blades will increase from working at high speeds. Therefore, it is optimal to reduce the latter below average, and also to use a file with a reverse tooth. And this optimal solution. The reverse tooth will tear the metal cord, and low speeds will not allow the rubber to heat up.
  7. How to make a swan from a tire with your own hands using a mechanical (hand) tool? You can use a regular metal file. It can also handle iron cord, but the progress of the work will slow down and you will have to put in more effort.
  8. We cut and saw the neck only along the intended contour - no transverse cuts are needed here!
  9. Here newcomers are admitted big mistake, which makes their work many times more difficult. They begin to cut out the neck completely on one side - right or left. This is not true. We act in small sections - we cut a little on the right, then the same amount on the left, etc.

Tail cutting

We continue to imagine how to make a swan from tires (step by step instructions):

  1. The last cutting step is the tail. Its outline must also be pre-marked with a marker or chalk. The approximate length is about 25 cm. It is cut according to a similar pattern - we saw a little along the left contour, then the same amount along the right, etc.
  2. The tail is not only purely decorative element. He will help us cope with the next stage - turning the tire out. Thus, its transformation from ugly duckling into a beautiful swan.

Turning the structure inside out

Now we have come to the most difficult and crucial moment in the story, telling you how to make a swan out of a tire step by step (look for photos with tips throughout the article).

The process of turning the figure inside out is quite labor-intensive - the tire is laid with the cut part down. Then it is pressed down with your foot and pulled in such a way as to turn the side parts up. The central area of ​​the figure is pressed down. This is how she now more or less looks like a swan.

Final works

We complete the transformation procedure from the ugly duckling:

  1. Lower the resulting lateral semicircles down.
  2. If you used tires with a metal cord, you will have to additionally process the edges with a grinder. However, this will not completely rid the bird of protruding reinforcement. Therefore, it is permissible to use such a swan to decorate garden or summer cottages, but not a children’s playground. But even in this case, you need to be careful - install the structure where you cannot accidentally touch the protruding reinforcement.
  3. We continue to look at how to make swans from tires (the photo will help you navigate the sequence of work). The next step is to strengthen our bird's neck. To do this, paired holes are drilled opposite each other along its entire length every 15-20 cm. They are located strictly along the center line.
  4. Staples made of soft thin wire are inserted into the holes made. In turn, a thick wire is attached to them. You need to cut off a skein of at least 1.5 m. We fix the lower part on the inside of the base of the neck, the upper part on the top of the head.

Composition design

That's almost all, our swan is almost ready. Left a little:

  1. Bend his neck at the desired angle.
  2. Eyes can be cut out from leftover rubber. They are screwed to the head with screws.
  3. To make a semblance of feathers, make notches on the lower ones. internal parts wings
  4. It is easy to make a swan princess from our composition by making a crown for a rubber bird from an ordinary plastic bottle.

Coloring the composition

To complete the image of the royal bird and make our creation more aesthetically pleasing, it needs to be painted. For rubber swans, they mainly choose white and black paint - to match the natural color of living birds in nature. But they look no worse garden sculptures, coated with gold or silver materials. The main thing is that the paint you choose should be durable and intended for outdoor use.

For rubber, enamel, oil and nitro dyes are best suited. We will apply any paint only to a dry and clean surface! If you follow this rule, the color will easily and evenly decorate our swan. The paint will not crack or deform and will retain its attractive appearance for a long time.

If this is not yet enough for your aesthetic sense, you can turn to acrylic paints. With their help, it is easy to draw a beak, eyes, and a semblance of plumage.

Location of garden sculpture

So, our handsome swan is completely ready. Now all that’s left to do is decide where best to place it. Let's turn to zoology. The natural habitat of swans is water bodies. Therefore, our composition will look wonderful next to artificial pond, a fountain on your site. It is also possible, having thought through a suitable stand, to install it “floating” on the surface of this mini-reservoir. By the way, if you didn’t know, you can actually build an imitation of it from that car tire!

Tire swans look good as decorations on an evenly trimmed lawn. Many gardeners decorate their flower beds with birds. You can even color the bird suitable shade to combine with the flowers that grow there.

Resourceful summer residents make an impromptu flowerbed out of the swan itself! To do this, the bird is placed on another car tire for stability, which can also be painted in a harmonious color. Suitable soil is poured inside it, seeds or seedlings are planted. The composition can be watered and fed, because the rubber is quite resistant to such influences. Imagine how great it will look that your swan seems to be floating out of a cloud of flowers!

It is a little troublesome, but very beautiful in the end, to make a special pond for homemade birds. To do this, a small pit is prepared, the bottom of which is covered with dense polyethylene (it is important to securely fix it with stones on the “shores”). Pebbles are poured into the bottom, and then the space is filled with water. To prevent water from stagnating, you can periodically take it for watering and simply add fresh water in return.

Crafts from car tires

If you've enjoyed turning used bald tires into something truly beautiful, then we recommend looking no further than swans. As we have already said, you can build a flowerbed or mini-pond from tires.

If you have small children, then it’s a good idea to make a play corner for them on the site, decorating it with compositions from the same tires and scrap materials:

  • From one tire and plastic bottles stuck into it, we make a sun, coloring it in yellow and drew a face.
  • Tires placed on top of each other can make not only a summer snowman, but also an Olympic bear and bunny. The main thing is to successfully paint the product.
  • From old tire By attaching pieces of old rubber to it, you can get a nice fish.

But folk craftsmen don’t stop at decor. Tires are used to construct a comfortable and functional country furniture! These are poufs, chairs, armchairs, tables and children's swings. It’s already a classic to use used tires as fencing.

So we looked in detail at how to make a handsome swan from car tires. Follow the instructions, experiment to decorate your site with real masterpieces!

Each of us would like to have cleanliness and order around his house or dacha. Not everyone manages to achieve this; moreover, caring for the flowers that adorn their garden plot is not so easy. Everything requires a lot of time and effort. However, there is a solution to this problem! You can make crafts from scrap materials that would delight you every day and would absolutely not require constant care. Very simple and at the same time looks beautiful craft - swan from a tire.

Materials for making a swan with your own hands:

  • tire;
  • jigsaw;
  • drill;
  • plate;
  • screws;
  • water-based paint.

The process of making a swan from a tire:

1) First you need to prepare the tire for work. It is desirable that the tire be bald and without unnecessary bends.

2) It is necessary to draw the swan’s head along its width along the lines, starting with the beak, which is a rectangle 9 cm long and 2 cm wide. We continue, without lifting our hands, to draw the head. It is 2 times wider than the beak, but the length remains the same - 9-10 cm.

3) Smoothly move on to drawing the neck on the tire. You need to draw lines from the head to more than half the circumference of the tire. Often, the cut line of the tire itself does not coincide with the image of the neck, so it is necessary to draw straight lines very carefully so as not to fall into the cut.

4) Where you drew the beak, you need to mark the swan’s tail with a line, measuring 20 cm.

5) The most difficult stage in the work begins: cutting out the drawn key, neck and head. This must be done first with a drill, and then with a jigsaw file, and cut 5 cm alternately on each side.

6) After this, you need to turn the tire out, giving it the shape of a swan. The widest part that remains bends inward, and this is the support of your craft.

7) Without fastenings, the swan’s neck will not hold, so it is necessary to drill holes in the neck and head and attach the bird’s head to the plate.

8) The swan's eyes are cut out of rubber and screwed into inconspicuous screws.

9) The swan is ready, you can show your creativity and start painting it. In order for the craft to become crystal white, you will have to paint it several times, each time waiting until it dries completely.

If you want your swan to look as natural as possible, you can make a lawn around it, and also put it in another tire, painted the color of water.

This concludes our master class, more crafts for the dacha can be seen in

For many Russians, a summer cottage is not only a place where vegetables and fruits grow, but also a relaxation area for soul and body. Decorative ponds, garden gnomes, flower beds, paths, etc. – there are a huge number of ways to decorate a vegetable garden. Recently, crafts made from waste, such as plastic bottles and old car tires, have become popular. There are many benefits to giving a second life to old items. Step-by-step instructions for learning how to cut a beautiful swan from a tire yourself will help you make such a craft!

  • Firstly, it is environmentally friendly, because things will not rot in a landfill for centuries, polluting the environment.
  • Secondly, it’s always nice to create comfort and decorations with your own hands.
  • Thirdly, it is profitable; such decorations will require a minimum of financial investments, because every motorist’s tires wear out. You can come up with a lot of decorations for the garden from them: small flower beds, fences, artificial ponds and much more. Figures of animals and birds carved from tires are also gaining popularity. If you decide to decorate yours too garden plot, read the master class.

How to cut a swan from a tire with step-by-step instructions

To cut a swan from a tire you need:
  • Worn car tire
  • Grinder saw
  • Jigsaw
  • Thick wire, rod or steel plate
  • White and red paints for exterior use
  • You should work outside, as the grinder heats up the rubber, and this gives off a strong burning smell
  • Be sure to wear thick mittens or gloves
  • Feet must be in closed shoes

We study safety precautions when cutting a shape from a tire

Let's get started - step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan from an old wheel

For work, you need to choose the oldest tire, as thin as possible and, as they say, bald. The more worn the rubber is, the easier it will be to work with. If you have a choice, it is better to give preference to a tire with a nylon or nylon cord rather than a steel one. To do this, the tire itself should not have the “steel” marking. The latter are difficult to cut, and they are also dangerous both during operation and during further use: it is better not to place such a bird on the playground to avoid cuts in children.

First, you need to draw a “pattern” of the future swan on the tire. Mark a point in the middle and from there draw a beak that smoothly turns into the head and neck of the bird. When working with an R13 tire with a circumference of 1.8 m, the dimensions are approximately as follows: beak length 8-9 cm, head 9-10 long and 7-8 cm wide. The neck at the beginning has a width of 4-5 cm and is closer to the body thickens to 8-10 cm. Its length is about 75-80 centimeters.

The swan's body should remain undivided and should not be cut: this part is where the wings and neck are connected to the head.

Swan carving diagram:

After completing the drawing of the swan from the wheel, the cutting process begins. It's quick to cut with a grinder, but this heats up the rubber and gives off a strong smell of burning and soot. Therefore, many craftsmen prefer to make notches for the jigsaw blade using the same grinder, drill or chisel, and continue cutting with it. It is convenient to use a blade with a reverse tooth at low speeds. This way the material will heat up less, there will be no soot, and control over the process is better due to the low speed of operation.

It would be correct not to cut out one side completely and then the other, but to make small cuts on both sides one after the other. It’s much more convenient to work this way, the rubber doesn’t bend as much, and the likelihood that it will turn out symmetrically increases.

Next, you need to unscrew the workpiece. It's not long, but it's quite hard physically. To do this, you need to lay the cut part to the ground, press it down with your foot and pull the resulting wings up. The result should look something like the photo.

After this, you should secure the shape of the neck. To do this, you need to make holes in it in pairs at a distance of 15 cm from each other and insert soft wire staples into them. Use them to attach a rod or steel plate to the bird's neck from above. Next, bend the part so that it resembles the neck of a swan.

After cutting and shaping the swan, all that remains is to install the figurine in the selected area and decorate it. It will be beautiful to make not just one bird, but a couple at once. Paint the body white and the beak red. Draw eyes or form them from buttons, stones, pieces of rubber.

You can also make a stand from another tire lying on its side. An artificial pond or its imitation, for example, made of stones, will look very useful.

In addition to the swan, you can make other crafts with your own hands from tires. All you need is a little imagination and time.

Video on the topic of the article

Many car owners have unnecessary old tires. It will no longer be possible to use them for their intended purpose, but make an original decoration for a front garden, playground or flower bed kindergarten is quite real. This publication will tell the reader about how a swan is made from old tire.

The resulting work can be used not only as decoration, but also as an excellent flower bed. There are many methods for its production, but they are all divided into two groups: with or without tire inversion. We will consider the first option.

To make a swan from an old tire, you will need:

  • Old car tire. Please note that it must be worn out, with a worn out layer of rubber and without metal inserts. The fact is that using such material, making a swan from an old tire will be the most effective.
  • Strong wire. It will be useful for fixing the neck of the future bird in an even position so that the swan looks proud and slender. Otherwise, the rubber will dangle and ruin the whole look.
  • Screws (several pieces).
  • Chalk (for marking).
  • Drill and drill bit 3-4 mm.
  • A jigsaw or a sharp, durable knife.
  • Bulgarian.
  • Paint in white and red shades.

Making a swan from an old tire: step-by-step instructions

The masterpiece will look nice if you create something like a pedestal for it from the same tire in which you can plant flowers. If you want to make more original wings, then you have to painstaking work: cut a lot of feathers from plastic bottles, repaint them White color and form a wing, fixing the feathers on both sides. Make two wings and attach them to the tire.

Making swans from old tires is a very interesting creative process, which results in unusual decorative elements!

Beautiful noble swans have long chosen not only lakes, but also summer cottages. On green lawns, near artificial reservoirs and graceful birds made from old tires took up residence in the gardens. This is a universal garden decoration and local area. Tire swans look appropriate near an artificial pond, a well, on a children's playground, at the entrance to a house or gazebo. In addition, some models also have a practical purpose - for example, they are used for growing flowers. Unusual flower bed can play a leading role in the flower ensemble of the garden. Despite the fact that creating swans from tires has become extremely popular among summer residents, the products are not repeated. Every gardener tries to add a “zest” to his masterpiece and decorate his plot with an original, exclusive exhibit. Let's take a closer look at several options for creating swans from old tires.

How to choose a tire for a swan

The quality of the finished product and the ease of performing the work largely depend on the tire used. When choosing a material, preference should be given to an old tire with the following characteristics:

♦ High degree of wear - the tire should have a minimum of studs and be almost “bald”.
♦ The presence of a nylon cord on the tire (it is difficult to cut a tire with a metal cord).
♦ A longitudinal pattern will significantly facilitate the work process; it is better to avoid making a swan from a tire with a transverse pattern.

Advice! The tire marking should not contain the inscription “Steel”, which indicates the presence of metal reinforcements in the tire

DIY tire swan

To work you need to prepare following materials and tools:

✔ tire
✔ wire for staples
✔ a metal pond about 1.5 meters long (the rod can be replaced with a steel bar) to support the swan’s neck
✔ paint for decorating the finished swan
✔ white chalk for marking
✔ roulette
✔ jigsaw or construction knife with a powerful blade
✔ pliers
✔ grinder
✔ drills with a diameter of 3 and 10 mm

Before starting work, the tire must be cleaned, rinsed and dried. To implement your idea, it is better to choose a cloudless day so that cutting the tire and assembling the swan can be done outside.

Drawing development and product marking

The marking scheme determines the appearance of the finished product. Here is an example of developing a drawing of a homemade swan for a tire with the following characteristics:
✔ R13 marking
✔ width - 165 mm
✔ circumference - 180 cm

The sequence of applying markings to the tire:

❶ For ease of marking and symmetrical design, you can draw a thin center line on the tire. Some tires have a longitudinal axle initially.
❷ Apply two marks that will visually divide the tire into two parts.
❸ Draw a beak and head on the tread side of the tire. The length is counted from the first transverse mark:
✔ beak length - 9 cm;
✔ beak width - 4 cm;
✔ head length - 12 cm;
✔ head width - 8 cm.
❹ The neck is drawn from the head. At the beginning, the width of the neck is about 5 cm, and closer to the body - 10 cm. The neck marking ends at the second transverse division.
❺ The final element of the drawing is the tail. The main part of the tail is already drawn, its fork is the swan's beak. It remains to draw two parallel lines approximately 30 cm long. The distance between the lines is 8 cm (the width of the head).

Tire cutting

Cutting a tire is the most labor-intensive process in making a swan, requiring the performer to have certain skills in working with tools, patience and extreme caution.

Important! Hands must be protected - wear strong work gloves. It would be a good idea to use special glasses.

Let's look at how to cut a swan from a tire using the markings. When working, adhere to the following rules:

❶ The cutting is done in the direction from the base of the swan's neck to its head.
❷ A thinned, worn-out tire can be cut with a sharply sharpened shoe knife.
❸ To cut thick tread you will need to use a grinder. However, this process is quite risky, and during operation there is a lot of smoke and the smell of burning rubber.
❹ The best option is cutting with a jigsaw. A couple of initial holes can be made with a grinder, and then worked with a jigsaw.
❺ For a jigsaw, you need to choose a file with frequent teeth. Tire cutting operations should be carried out at medium speed with a power tool.
❻ Cutting must be done in parallel on both sides, alternately making cuts of 4-5 cm.
❼ To simplify the work, you can put a wooden block inside the tire. As cutting progresses, the timber must be moved.

After finishing cutting, it is necessary to process the edges of the product. If the swan is made from a tire with a metal cord, then a grinder will be required for grinding. Nylon threads can be cut sharp knife.

Assembling a swan from a tire

All work on assembling a swan can be divided into the following stages:

❶ Using a little force, turn the tire inside out. As a result, the product will acquire the required “wingspan”.
❷ Strengthening the swan's neck and head:
✔ starting from the head to the tail at a distance of 15 cm, make paired holes (diameter - about 3 mm);
✔ prepare fasteners from soft wire - staples;
✔ insert the staples into the holes;
✔ starting from the tail, lay a metal rod, securing it with the installed staples.
❸ Give the swan’s tail and neck the desired shape by bending the rod.

The homemade exhibit is almost ready, all that remains is to give it an aesthetic appearance and install it on the site.

Painting and decorating a swan from a tire

Before painting, you need to check again that the figure does not have sharp edges or protruding wires. Especially if the swan will serve as a decoration for the playground.

Select for painting paint material, weather resistant. Color - at the request of the manufacturer. You can choose classic tones - black/white or create an original installation by painting the swan in a bright color.

It is better to paint the swan's beak with red paint, and make the eyes from wide bolt heads or pieces of rubber tires. You can create an imitation of plumage on the bird and make small cuts on the wings. A crown made from a plastic bottle will give a swan a regal and noble appearance.

Swan without turning the tire out

Let's give a simpler example of how to make a swan from a tire. Before work, the tire must be prepared: washed and dried.

Algorithm for creating a swan without turning the tire out:

❶ Apply two parallel lines on the sides of the tire (spaced from the edges - about 3 cm). The length of the lines is ½ the circumference of the tire.
❶ Using a knife or jigsaw, make cuts along the marked lines.
❸ Bend the tire parts to different sides. You should get swan wings.
❹ Cut a strip in the middle of the tire - this will be the neck, head and beak of the bird.
❺ Shape the swan’s body and neck - install a strong frame (metal rod or steel plate). The frame is fixed with wire or invisible screws.
❻ Make swan eyes from tire scraps.
❼ Paint the swan with white paint, the beak with orange or red.

Swan - flower bed made of tires

You can make it from a tire beautiful flower bed, giving it the shape of a swan. The work is performed in the following sequence:
1. Apply markings to the prepared tire. On one side of the tire, draw two lines in the shape of half rings.
2. Cut the tire along the lines to the middle.
3. Cut the cut out middle into two parts (later this will be the head and neck).
4. The second side of the tire can be completely cut off.
5. Step on outside tires and turn it inside out.
6. Connect the two cut sides of the tire together and shape the head and neck. Secure the structure with wire.
7. Trim off the excess part of the side, leaving a strip 5-8 cm wide.
8. Cut out the decorative edge and bend it to the outside.
9. Paint the swan.

DIY tire swan diagram, step-by-step instructions and master class. The swan is a beautiful, graceful bird, but they love it not only because of such qualities. She is a real symbol of love, tenderness, inseparability, purity.

Therefore, many people often make crafts in the form of swans from paper, wood, plastic bottles, ice and many other materials. Another interesting material is a car tire.

What you will learn from this material:

Let's look at how to make a swan from a tire step by step.

  • 1 What tools will you need?
  • 2 Tips for choosing tires
  • 3 Step-by-step instructions
  • 4 Where and how to place
  • 5 Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

What tools will you need?

To make a beautiful and graceful swan from a tire with your own hands, you should approach the task responsibly and prepare in advance necessary items. You will need the following materials and tools:

  • tire without studs;
  • jigsaw or knife;
  • paint - white or any other, as well as yellow and black;
  • paint brushes;
  • metal staples;
  • drill or sharp nail;
  • elastic wire or metal rod;
  • pliers.

If you want to cut one swan from a tire with your own hands, then one tire is enough; if you want to make a cute couple or a whole group, then, of course, the number of car tires should correspond to the number of “feathered” specimens.

It is best to use worn, scuffed, old passenger car tires. It is this material that is easier and more convenient to work with. It is also optimal to use domestic products.

You should not make garden decorations with your own hands from foreign-made tires, with spikes, or with a metal cord.

Before you start, you need to clean the material from dust and dirt and let it dry.

DIY tire swan step by step

A creative event requires caution and attentiveness. Before starting work, put on thick gloves and safety glasses. And follow the step-by-step instructions on how to cut a swan from a tire:

  • Take the tire and make a mark with chalk along which you will cut beautiful bird. Depends on this scheme future view decorations. First you need to divide the wheel into two parts, mark the head and neck, they should correspond in length to half the wheel. Then outline the body, wings, tail. A photograph with a swan marking diagram will come to your aid:

  • Then you need to cut the swan out of the tire; for this you can use a jigsaw or a sharp knife. You need to cut according to the diagram drawn in chalk.

Advice! Don't cut out one side first and then try to do the other. The process will be very labor-intensive and inconvenient. It is recommended to cut the swan parallel, working on each side.

  • Cut it out? Let's start creating a realistic bird shape. To do this, lay the material with the cut part down, step on it with your foot and pull to turn out the side elements.

  • Now you need to fix the swan's neck from the tires, otherwise it won't hold on. This can be done according to the following scheme: make two holes along the neck for every 10-15 centimeters (using a drill or a regular nail, if you don’t have the first tool), such holes need to be made in the body of the bird, insert metal staples into the paired holes, secure wire around the neck and torso, secure it with staples using pliers.
  • The next step is to paint the swan from the wheel. It is necessary to choose durable paints; nitro paint, oil paint, enamel paint, and car paint in aerosol form are suitable. Traditionally, white is used, but you can use any other color to create a custom bird on your site. The tip of the head should be painted orange or yellow tint To imitate a beak, you also need to paint the eyes black or blue, and you can also paint on the feathers. To design such details, you can use acrylic paints.

Step-by-step instructions for making a swan from a tire

Where and how to place

And now the work on making the decorative bird is behind us. Surely the question arises - where is it better to place a swan so that it looks beautiful and organic? Let's look at some of the most popular and interesting options:

  • IN artificial reservoir. The swan is a waterfowl, so for it a body of water is habitat a habitat. And even an artificial swan made from tires will look natural in.

  • On a blue tire that imitates water. It is not necessary to have an artificial pond in your dacha or garden; you can make an imitation of it from a tire painted blue or light blue.

  • Make a flowerbed on a swan. You can place the bird in any visible area of ​​the garden and make it into a flower bed with your favorite flowers.

  • Swan on a stone flowerbed. The product will look interesting on any flower bed made of stones. Read about how to make such a flowerbed in this material.

  • The product can be placed on a bed that imitates a pond. It can be covered with sand, stones painted blue, and decorated with plants or flowers.

Photo gallery for ideas and inspiration

Although all the designs for making the product are very similar, you can decorate your garden with an artificial bird in different ways. And all options will differ in individuality and style.

DIY tire swan photo

The photos below prove it:

Almost anyone can make an elegant garden decoration. And such decoration will cost very little. After all, old car tires can be bought at a low cost or received for free. But the work requires concentration and diligence, following the instructions and job description, but the beautiful bird will decorate your yard for many years. To learn how to make other decorations from old car tires, read this article.

Master classes on making a swan from tires with your own hands

Once every few years, all motorists replace old tires with new ones, leaving used tires in tire shops, taking them to a landfill or storing them in a garage. It’s scary to imagine how much such rubber trash is generated every day in a single city or town. But some part of it, once in the hands of a skilled person, is still useful, turning into mini-fences, flower beds and funny sculptures for the playground.

There is even a separate direction of design art based on the use of garbage, junk and used items to create decorative elements. It has its own name - trash art.

Swans have become quite popular products made from old tires, with which zealous owners decorate their plots or adjacent areas. Rubber birds can be found in public walking areas and on children's playgrounds.

Someone would also like to have such a swan, but does not know how to make it. But after reading this article, which will describe in detail the technology for making swans in two versions, he will eliminate this gap in his knowledge.

Swan from an old tire

Despite the simplicity of the design, making a swan from tires is physically difficult, so it is better for women not to take on such work. Well, you can’t do it without a special tool.

What to cook

The set of tools depends on the age and quality of the old tire, so first we’ll talk about choosing it.

The easiest way to work is with an old and as bald tire as possible, which is definitely not studded. It will be easier to mark and cut out the bird if the treads run along the circumference.

It is advisable to choose not modern tires with a metal cord, but old ones with nylon or nylon, since metal is difficult to cut, and in the finished product the reinforcement threads will protrude on the edges, which is very dangerous.

Note. The protruding ends of the cord can be sanded with a grinder, but they will not be completely removed.

So, for work we will need:

  • Electric jigsaw or hand saw for metal. Although a grinder will cope better with thick rubber with a metal cord. And a very worn one can be cut with a sharp knife like a shoemaker’s.
  • Electric drill for drilling holes.

  • Pliers and wire cutters.
  • Flexible metal rod or thick wire for the frame.
  • Chalk or wax pencil for marking.
  • Thin wire.
  • A wooden block with a length equal to the inner diameter of the tire.
  • Exterior paint.

It is also worth taking care of protective equipment - thick gloves, closed shoes.

If you cannot find a suitable tire, you can always ask for it at any tire shop, where the choice is much wider. And not even one, but several in case unsuccessful attempts or the desire to make several birds.

Preparation and marking

All preparatory work consists only in the fact that the tire is thoroughly washed from dirt and dried. Of course, it is better to perform all manipulations with rubber not in indoors, but on the street, since there will be a lot of dirt, and the smell when cutting it is not the most pleasant.

Before you start drawing the outline of the bird on the tire, you need to put two transverse marks on it, dividing the circle in half. It will be easier to maintain proportions with them.

Advice. Before you start marking, draw a thin center line around the entire circumference of the tire to make it easier to maintain symmetry.

  • Marking begins by drawing the beak, starting from the transverse mark. It can be any shape - pointed or rectangular, whichever you prefer and whichever is easier to cut. Its length is 8-10 cm.
  • Next, the beak goes into the head, about 8 cm wide and 10-12 cm long.

  • Then the contour narrows again to 4 cm - this will be the neck. Its length to the base should be 5-6 cm more than half the circumference. That is, having reached the second transverse mark, you need to continue the neck lines a little more. Moreover, a little earlier they need to begin to gradually expand - this expanded part will become the breast of the bird.

  • We return to the beginning of the marking and draw the tail. We already have its beginning, it is formed by the lines of the beak. It remains to draw two more parallel lines 20-25 cm long along the edges of the flat part of the tire.

Cutting Outline

There is nothing special in the process of cutting rubber along the intended contour. The main thing is to choose suitable tool and adapt.

  • When cutting soft tires with a shoe knife or a hacksaw, the least amount of dust is generated and there is practically no smell, but it is difficult and time-consuming. To make your work easier, the knife blade should be washed periodically with soapy water.

  • The fastest, but also the most “smelly” method is cutting with a grinder, since the rubber gets very hot. In addition, it is not the most economical: each bird takes three circles.

  • The best option is cutting out with a jigsaw. We recommend using it at medium speed to prevent rapid wear of the files from strong heat. Files should be selected with fine reverse teeth, especially if the rubber is threaded with a metal cord. Before starting work, you need to make a hole in the tire for the saw using any convenient tool. For example, a drill with a thick drill or a chisel and a hammer.

Start cutting from the base of the neck, carefully cutting out the head first. Then they return to the starting point and continue to form the swan’s neck with longitudinal cuts. At the same time, you should not make the cut entirely on one side, otherwise you will not be able to make a parallel cut - the tire will lose its rigidity and will vibrate strongly. It is better to move in small cuts of about five centimeters, moving alternately from one side to the other.

Advice. To reduce vibration, insert a suitable length of block inside the tire and change its position as you go.

Having cut out the entire front part, you can move on to the tail. And then, to make turning it easier, cut off the edge of the tire along the inner diameter that bends inward. But not all of it, but only half between the transverse marks.

Formation of sculpture

Another labor-intensive manufacturing stage is turning the workpiece inside out. To do this, lay it on the ground with the cut part down, step on the convex central part with one foot, and pull the side ones towards you. As a result, you will end up with something that looks like a dying swan with its neck hanging limply. It needs to be shaped.

You can start with the wings formed by the side half rings, cutting their edges with beveled teeth to imitate feathers. But this is optional. But you need to bend your neck beautifully. For this we will need a metal rod and wire.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  • Starting from the middle of the head to the end of the neck, on both sides of the center line we make paired holes with a drill in increments of 15-20 cm.

  • We cut segments from soft wire and bend them with brackets with a base equal to the distance between a pair of holes.

  • We insert the brackets into the holes.

  • From a metal rod we cut a piece length from the head to the end of the neck and fasten it with wire brackets, twisting their ends with pliers.

  • We bend the rod, forming the bend of a swan neck.

The bird is almost ready. All that remains is to paint it with white paint, and the beak with red or black, and screw pieces of rubber in place of the eyes with small screws

Swan made of tires, plastic bottles and foam

By spending a little more time and using some other discarded materials, you can create an even more beautiful and similar sculpture.

In addition to the items listed in the previous chapter, we will additionally need:

  • Scraps of metal reinforcing mesh;
  • An old hose from a vacuum cleaner or a piece of corrugated plastic pipe;
  • 30-40 pieces of white plastic dairy bottles;
  • A piece of foam.

Let's get started.

Image Description

Cut the tire crosswise and cut out the bird's tail from one cut side with a knife or jigsaw. Cut off the inner edges of the tire that curve inward, and make transverse cuts in the middle. Using them, bend the tire into a ring again and secure with bolts.

We attach a strong but flexible wire to the bird’s body in the manner already described. Its free end on one side should be equal to the length of the neck and part of the head. We make the second end shorter, only to use it as a pin for fixing in the ground.

Cut off the bottom and neck of plastic bottles, and cut out 6 feathers from the remaining part.

We screw the feathers to metal mesh thin wire, starting from the bottom edge and gradually moving up.

Using a sharp knife, cut out a swan's head from polystyrene foam and paint it.

We put a corrugated hose on the bent wire, paint the resulting workpiece with white paint, and then attach the head to the end of the wire.

We attach the wings to the sidewalls of the tire with self-tapping screws.

This is the bird you should get as a result. From a distance, she could easily be mistaken for alive.


Now that the problem of waste disposal is acute all over the world, each of us can make a small contribution to its solution. One way is to reuse old, worn-out items. The bonus will be an original garden figurine on your personal plot and a pleasant feeling of pride in a job well done.
