How to care for a pet parrot. Light and temperature conditions. Budgerigars: proper care. Cell selection and placement. How to equip a budgerigar’s “home”

Pets are different - some have cats that walk around the house like plush ones, while others prefer feathered friends. Like all other animals, parrots require special care. Unfortunately, not all breeds can boast long life, but a person can extend it a little and make the pet’s life comfortable.

Cell selection

The cage is the first thing you will have to face. Stores offer huge selection all kinds of cages, you need to be able to for your pet. If your parrot is the same size and has the average height of a budgerigar, then you won't need large cages.

One parrot will feel good in such a cage; it will also be an acceptable option for two individuals, although ideally the size should be larger.

It is necessary to buy only metal cages, as plastic and wooden ones will quickly deteriorate. The cage must be vertical, as parrots need a place where they can stretch their wings, even if only for a short time. As for the shape, the most optimal option would be one where the cage has at least several corners where the parrot can hide. The roof can be of a wide variety of shapes.

Cages for hamsters are absolutely not suitable. If you nevertheless decide to use such cages, then you should take a closer look at high multi-level dwellings, where you can carefully pull out or remove the sheathing and shelves in order.

It is also worth remembering that honey is poisonous to birds, so its use is under no circumstances allowed. Finding out the metal composition of a finished cage is quite difficult, but this information will be useful if you decide to make the cage yourself.

Housing preparation

The cage has been purchased, what next? Next you need to purchase all the necessary accessories and items. For example, you need to take care of a convenient drinking bowl. Another important thing is perches and at least some toys. Let's look at these points in more detail.

What kind of feeder and drinker should be for parrots?

The best option for feeding feeders would be metal bowls that can be fixed at a height.

Such bowls will resist bird beaks and will always be accessible. They can be open, but with high sides so that food does not fall out. The feeder, if the cage has a special door, can also be attached to the outside of the cage.

As opposed to a bowl, the drinking bowl should not be open, otherwise it will be inconvenient for the birds to drink the water and it will quickly become dirty. In stores you can easily find a good drinking bowl - they are a vertical container from where water flows into a special hollow, from where parrots can drink water.

Perches are a necessary attribute of a parrot's home; these cute birds spend most of their time on them, and they sleep on them. You can use metal rods or thin pipes as poles, but this is not the best option, albeit more durable. - this is a slippery material, it is uncomfortable for birds to hold on to it. It’s better to buy wooden perches; you can make them yourself by taking a stick of suitable diameter. The diameter of the pole should be the size of the paw so that it can be almost completely encircled.

As entertainment for the parrot, you can place inside the cage, various twigs, perches and even small bridges.

Feeding the parrot

Of course, like any creature in this world, parrots need food. You can find it in any pet store in the form of ready-made dry grain mixtures. They form the basis of the diet and there is enough variety to satisfy the needs of any bird. However, there is no limit to perfection, if you want your favorite bird to live long and happy with you, to show off its colorful feathers and to be always cheerful, then this is the only way to go.

Sometimes parrots also require live food. They can be fed sprouts of different grains, for example, wheat sprouts or oats. Just grow them yourself and inspect them before giving them to your pet. You can sometimes give seeds and nuts as treats, but only in small quantities. The fact is that they are too fatty for small parrots, so they can be harmful in large doses.

For some, it may be a revelation that parrots love to eat juicy apples, pears and even fruits such as oranges and lemons.

They will not refuse strawberries, currants, raspberries and gooseberries. Sometimes they can be given bananas, melon and watermelon. Vegetables include cucumbers, beets and corn. In general, parrots can have a very rich assortment, since the vegetables and fruits given here are only a small part of the list of allowed products.

You can give greens, fruits and vegetables in dry form. If necessary, the bird can even be tamed to puree.

Caring for a parrot and its housing

Dirt in a cage is not only a bad smell, but also a source of various diseases that can occur in your beloved pet.

For this reason, it is necessary to maintain good hygiene in the parrot's habitat. Here are some tips to help you in this matter:

Cover the cage tray with paper, it is better to use special type. It should be changed daily, so there will be no smell or pathogenic bacteria. And waste collection will be much easier - just roll up the paper and throw away the contents.

Before each meal, the drinking bowl and feeder should be cleaned. This can be done with a sponge and a small brush, which can be found in hardware departments. The same brush will help clean inner part drinking bowls

Instead of paper, you can put special hygienic sand on the pallet, in which parrots can even bathe. It will keep it clean and fresh. It needs to be changed at least once a week.

After purchasing a feathered friend, do not think that he will immediately flock to your hands and fearlessly communicate with you. This requires not only time and getting used to, but also training. How this process works:

1) On the day of purchase, the parrot must be moved from its carrier into a cage. He must do this on his own. If you help him, the pet may develop a persistent dislike for your hands, remember this;

2) After relocation, the parrot does not need to be disturbed, because it is experiencing...

During the first week, try to disturb him as little as possible.

Don't be alarmed if he sits motionless and doesn't react to anything - this is one of the defensive reactions;

3) After a week, you can start taming. The feeder is removed for a while so that the parrot has time to get hungry. As soon as this moment comes, a small amount of food is taken into the palm and the parrot is lured. This procedure must be repeated every day until the parrot gets used to the hand.

4) After getting used to the hand, the bird can already be released to ventilate around the house, but this should be done no earlier than after a month of living in the cage.

Do not let children play with them after a parrot appears in the house, just let them watch from afar. Keeping your parrot calm during the first week of relocation is very important.

As you can see, caring for a pet may not be as simple, but also not as difficult as you might think. At first, some points may be incomprehensible to you and seem excessive, but you will quickly get used to them, but the benefits for your pet will be enormous. Some types of parrots have the ability to train and speak, so if you wish, you can teach your pet some phrases or actions. Do not forget that a person is responsible for those he has tamed!

Video about a domesticated Corella parrot

If you want to have cheerful talkers in the house, budgies are suitable, the care and maintenance of which will not bring much trouble, but must be systematic. Birds need conditions that do not pose a threat to their lives, and that contribute to the favorable flow of their life processes - adaptation, communication.

What does a budgie look like?

The bird has the following characteristics:

  • size about 18 cm without tail, wings 10 cm each;
  • tail – elongated, stepped, 8-10 cm;
  • limbs - reddish or bluish, with 4 long fingers and curved claws;
  • eyes - dark blue, with white or yellowish edging;
  • the beak is strong, curved, like that of birds of prey. A cere with nostrils is noticeable at its base;
  • the tongue is short and thick; if caring for budgies is accompanied by their upbringing, then the birds begin to copy human speech.

The bird attracts with its catchy, beautiful outfit and cheerful, sociable disposition, ease of maintenance, and the ability to make it tame. It’s always interesting with such a pet - he is noisy and talkative, plays with toys (bell, mirror), imitates the singing of birds and human speech. The most gifted remember up to 600 words and small phrases.

Colors of budgies

Wild wavy flowers are lemon-colored. The wings, back and head are covered with stripes of yellow and a little black, the lower part of the back is brilliant green, the tail is blue, and there are dark spots on the throat. Budgerigars, the care and maintenance of which are carried out in captivity, are divided into two color groups:

How many years do budgies live?

Owners are concerned about the question of how long budgerigars live in order to adjust their menu, for example, when caring for and maintaining an elderly individual, a lighter diet may be needed and. IN wildlife with many dangers and epidemics, their lifespan is 8-10 years. Budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, with high-quality food, constant access to fresh greens and fruits, and the possibility of daily flights, can last up to 10-15 years of age.

How to determine the age of a budgie?

Before that, you need to find out his age. A young bird is better tamed, speaks faster and gets used to a new environment and owners more easily. The difficulty is that a pet at 5 years old looks the same as at 15. Only by purchasing a young chick before the first moult can you be sure of its age, then it is difficult to determine it.

Juvenile males have a cere purple, in the female it is beige or blue with a light border around the nostrils. The plumage of chicks is more faded, there is no white iris on the eye (up to 6 months), the wave goes all over the head (after molting at 4 months, it disappears in the front part), their beak is darker than that of adults. Birds purchased from breeders have rings on their paws with the year of birth - they are used to determine the exact age.

Domestic budgies are not picky, but their care and maintenance require compliance with light and temperature conditions. Chronic lack of sleep or hypothermia can cause colds, molting, self-plucking, and loss of appetite in birds. Keeping budgies:

  1. Lighting. Daylight hours should be 10-12 hours in winter and 12-14 in summer. At night, the cage is covered with a cloth.
  2. Ultraviolet. UV rays favor the production of vitamin D3 in birds and the absorption of calcium by their bodies. With proper content in summer period the pet needs to be arranged sunbathing– 30 minutes a day. In winter, artificial UV lamps are placed above the cage.
  3. Temperature. Optimal - +22-25Gdeg;C, sudden changes and drafts are not allowed. When caring for and maintaining a pet in a sick state, it is heated with 40 W lamps.
  4. Activity. Birds should fly for 20-30 minutes a day. It is important to close the windows and ensure that the pet does not bump into dangerous objects.

Budgerigar Cage

It is recommended to keep parrots in a rectangular cage made of metal rods. Its minimum size is 40x25x40 cm, when you plan to breed budgies and buy a couple of pets, the dimensions of the home must be increased. Until a nesting house is installed for them, they will not reproduce. A home for budgerigars, which are cared for and maintained at home, is equipped with:

  • retractable bottom;
  • perches 1.2 cm thick;
  • feeders for grain and additional feed;
  • drinking bowl;
  • Coarse calcined sand is poured onto the bottom.

House for budgies

As a rule, a budgerigar does not reproduce at home in a species enclosure. In order for a couple to have an instinct for procreation, another house needs to be inserted into it. When keeping several pairs in an enclosure, each needs to build such a structure, otherwise the females can beat each other to death. For one couple, a horizontal plywood house with a height of 15 cm and a bottom of 25x15 cm is suitable; it is hung at the top of the house. Arrangement:

  • The lid of the box is removable to put things in order;
  • a tap hole with a diameter of 5 cm is cut on the side at a distance of 3 cm from the top;
  • A perch is attached under the hole for lowering and raising birds into the house.

Nest for budgies

A convenient nest for budgies is built inside a plywood box. To keep the female and chicks, sawdust is placed on the bottom of the house in a layer of 2 cm, a special recess for laying is made in the litter - 8 cm in diameter and 1.5 cm deep. Otherwise, the eggs will roll out all over the box or the girl will throw out all the shavings when arranging the nest. As a care correct height Calcium powder is poured onto the bottom of the chicks' skeletons.

Caring for budgies at home

Caring for birds does not take much time. How to care for a budgie:

  • change the water in the drinking bowl daily;
  • take care of feeders and drinkers every day - wash them with hot water And baking soda, wipe dry;
  • Place the bathing suit in your home once a week and remove it after the procedure;
  • With proper care, a thorough cleaning should be carried out once a month - the cage and equipment should be washed with chamomile decoction and dried.

What to feed your budgie?

Birds have a fast metabolism, so the main food should always be present in the home; with proper care and maintenance, it is important to diversify it with herbs, vegetables, and fruits. What do budgies eat:

  • the basis of the portion is grain mixtures, consisting of approximately 70% millet different types, 10% oats, 20% - wheat, canary, hemp, flaxseed;
  • fresh vegetables: cucumbers, Bell pepper, beets, carrots;
  • greens: parsley, radish tops, lettuce, dandelion, spinach, clover;
  • fruits: pineapple, apricots, quince, cherry, grapes, bananas, watermelon, strawberries, plums, raspberries, citrus fruits.

Reproduction of budgies

A young couple over the age of 1 year can be allowed to breed; the process begins in the summer, when there is a lot of green food available. The couple is provided with 16 hours of daylight, a week before mating they are saturated with vitamins - they are given egg mixtures with semolina and carrots, greens, and chalk. How to determine the gender of a budgie (after 3-4 months):

  • in males the cere is bright lilac;
  • in females it is beige or brown with white edging of the nostrils.

When keeping a pair intended for reproduction, a nest box is placed in the cage; within a month, the female lays 4-12 eggs and incubates them for 20 days. After this, the chicks hatch - blind and without feathers. A week later they begin to see the light, after 10 days the fluff sprouts. During the first weeks, the mother takes care of them - she feeds the chicks with crop milk, then gives them softened adult food. After 30-35 days, the babies leave the nest. They are kept and cared for in a separate cage when they are already eating on their own. After 1-2 clutches, the nest is removed so that the female can rest.

How to tame a budgie?

Wavys are very smart and friendly. They are careful, but even a distrustful pet quickly makes contact. The main thing in training is patience; everything must be done without haste. How to tame a budgerigar to your hands:

  1. After the store, your pet does not need to be disturbed for several hours so that he gets used to the environment.
  2. The house is placed at human eye level, so the bird can better see who is approaching it.
  3. The taming process begins by offering the pet his favorite treat through the bars, affectionately calling his name. In case of failure, attempts are repeated the next day. As a result, the bird will take the treat out of curiosity.
  4. Next you need to try to feed the bird from your hands in the cage. It is better to do this in the morning when she is hungry.
  5. Afterwards, you need to teach the parrot to sit on your finger by slipping it under the perch. They soon understand what they want from them.
  6. Then you can offer the bird treats outside the cage. There is no need to chase the parrot - he should come to the hand himself as soon as he gets used to the situation.

How to teach a budgie to talk?

Wavys are able to repeat human words, each individual has its own degree of talent - some talk a lot, others less. How to teach a budgie to talk:

  • It’s better to buy a young male and conduct lessons in a quiet place;
  • first you can learn his nickname, repeat the word clearly and legibly. When he remembers it, move on to the next one;
  • start with easy words, lessons become more difficult gradually;
  • it is important not to forget to praise the bird and give treats;
  • the more time spent on training, the more extensive lexicon parrot;
  • You can record several phrases on the player and place them near the bird.

Diseases of budgies

Domestic budgies that are not properly cared for and maintained may become ill. This happens due to poor quality food, non-compliance with hygiene rules, lighting, and temperature conditions. Budgerigars - common diseases and treatment:

  1. Cold. Symptoms are sneezing and runny nose. Care in this case: irradiate the bird table lamp 40 W, give vitamins, put chamomile decoction in the house.
  2. Damage by ticks and feather eaters. Signs: itching, self-plucking, feathers spoiled by holes. Moving insects are visible in the tray. Down-eaters are expelled with the drug Frontline, applied to the back of the head. Ticks are destroyed with aversectin and novertine ointment, applying the product with a brush to the paws, beak, cere, and cloaca.
  3. Delayed oviposition. Sign: the female does not leave the bottom of the cage, breathes heavily, and a swelling forms near the cloaca. Girls lay eggs even in the absence of a male. A stuck egg can be released if you drip Vaseline oil into the anus and place a heating pad covered with a cloth at the bottom. If it doesn’t help, you need to take the female to a doctor, otherwise she will die.

The Budgerigar can relieve sadness and loneliness and entertain children. He will sing his simple song and learn to talk. The bird will have fun traveling around playground, and splash water while swimming. You can watch her for a long time.

Budgerigars from the wild live in large numbers at home and are bred in nurseries and by hobbyists. Hundreds of new species have been developed. It’s just not possible to accustom them to other climatic conditions. Keeping a budgerigar at home so that they live long and are active consists of many factors. Birds must be provided with:

  • a complete diet;
  • air temperature and humidity;
  • lighting and Sun rays;
  • absence of drafts;
  • proper care budgerigars;
  • communication;
  • regular classes;
  • bathing;
  • rest, sleep.

If everything is organized correctly, then keeping parrots at home will not become burdensome. But the wavy will cheer you up with its songs and tricks, and will live longer than the average age for its species - 8 years.

The question of how to keep a parrot at home is asked not only by novice poultry farmers, but also by people whose bird is sick, inactive, or, on the contrary, a lot of mischief. If you decide to get a wavy, you should first get a cage. She must be:

  • quite spacious;
  • made of stainless mesh or wire;
  • with a retractable cleaning tray;
  • large door;
  • properly equipped;
  • stand in a comfortable place.

A budgie should be comfortable in a cage

Having brought the bird home, it is released into a cage and left undisturbed for several days. The pet needs to get used to the new place, as they are very shy. While the parrots get used to it, care and maintenance at home consist of adding food and changing water with minimal disturbance to the bird.

At first, only one person enters the room, comes close to the cage and adds food. This is the one who has enough time to deal with the parrot in the future. During the adaptation period, he should talk to the bird in a calm, quiet voice, in a chant, drawing out the words, as if in a song, while being at a distance from the cage. In this case, the person’s head should be at the same level as the bird or lower. There is no need to look closely at the occupant of the cage; this is a sign of hostility in birds and animals.

The parrot must adapt to the cage

The younger the budgie, the faster it adapts. For those born from tame parents, 2–3 days will be enough. For a bird brought from a store, especially an adult female, adaptation may take 2 weeks.

The chick will sit hunched over and may even refuse to eat on the first day. The new environment frightens him and makes him stressed. During this period, it is advisable to cover the lower corner of the cage with plywood or completely close one side from the outside. Create the illusion of a hidden place for the bird, not visible to enemies.

If possible, other family members should not enter the room, much less make noise, run, scream or shine on the cage. Budgerigars become attached to people and are friends with animals, but you need to get acquainted gradually, when the bird gets used not only to the new environment, but also to the person who is dealing with it.

The bird must get used to the new environment - do not frighten it

Once the budgerigar gets comfortable, care and maintenance become easier. Now, while talking to your pet, you can freely clean the cage and teach it to first sit on your finger or hand, then take it out of the house.

In the wild, birds are accustomed to covering several kilometers per day. A sedentary lifestyle will not benefit your pet. Before releasing the wavy to fly and just walk around the room, you need to create safe conditions:

  • close windows, doors and vents;
  • remove vases, figurines and other objects that he might knock over;
  • hide the wires;
  • close all cracks where the bird can fall or climb;
  • cover everything that is difficult to wash off from traces of the pet’s vital activity.

Before releasing the parrot, do not forget to close the window

When you let your parrot out for a walk, there must be someone in the room. Even with adequate food, a well-fed bird will want to try wallpaper or plaster. A curious parrot may chew on wires and get its claw caught in the carpet pile and upholstery.

The air conditioner should be turned off. Once exposed to a stream of cold air, a budgie will immediately catch a cold. Birds are very sensitive to drafts, cold and heat.

The cage should be spacious. Then the parrots will feel comfortable, care and maintenance will not cause much trouble. For one bird minimum dimensions cells 45:45:60 cm. For two more – 60:60:80 cm. If there are several parrots, or you are planning to have a couple and chicks, you need to set up an aviary for them.

If two parrots live in a cage, they should not be crowded

The inside of the bird's housing should not contain plastic objects, painted or with sharp edges. Dishes must be made of glass, porcelain or stainless metal. Everything else is made of wood and natural fabrics.

The pichuga housing equipment includes:

  • perches, crossbars - 2 or more;
  • rocker;
  • bell pendant;
  • feeder;
  • drinking bowl;
  • ware for sepia and mineral supplements.

It is advisable to add a mirror and several toys hanging on the floor. A tree branch is inserted into a spacious cage. The wavy will travel along it, stretching its legs, pecking, gnawing.

Set up your parrot's cage correctly

Cell walls are made with cells smaller size parrot's head. Otherwise, the curious bird will try to crawl through and get stuck. If she is not pulled out in time, she may die.

The enclosure should be placed near the wall away from drafts. There should be no TV or radio nearby. Loud sounds will scare the bird.

If wavy is bought for children, then no younger than 5 years old, even better for primary schoolchildren. With them the bird will find mutual language, will be willing to communicate and study together. Kids are more impulsive, they run, scream, and can disturb the pet by pushing toys into the cage or knocking on it. In terms of intelligence, a budgerigar's development is compared to a 2-year-old child, and it must be treated accordingly.

In a house where there are birds, caring for, feeding and keeping parrots become habitual activities. Nutrition should be complete and varied. It consists:

  • corn;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • sepia;
  • vitamin and mineral supplements;
  • twigs.

Do not feed your bird onions and garlic because they have a strong odor.

It is advisable to peel fruits, especially store-bought ones. You should not give your budgie candied fruits, smoked and candied pieces of fruit, only fresh, cut into pieces and berries:

  • plum;
  • peach;
  • apple;
  • pear;
  • banana;
  • grape;
  • cherry;
  • raspberries.

Wild berries are given in winter, the dried ones are steamed:

  • currant;
  • strawberries;
  • sea ​​​​buckthorn;
  • cowberry.

A budgerigar quickly becomes attached to a person

You just need to put your hand into the cage and repeating “to me” in a calm, even voice, hold your finger in front of the perch on which the bird is sitting. You can hold a treat in front of the parrot, but give it only if he does everything correctly.

You can lightly touch the bird's chest. She will lose her balance and subconsciously step forward onto her hand. She should be affectionately praised and given a treat.

You can remove the parrot from its native cage after it gets used to the person, will confidently move to the hand and sit calmly on it. The remaining classes are conducted outside the cage.

If you want to have a talking budgie in your house, you need to buy a young chick at the age of 2 - 3 months. Age can be determined by the plumage on the head. Before the first moult, the feathers from the wax to the back of the head go in waves. From 4 to 6 months they fall out and straight ones grow in their place.

If you want a bird to talk, choose a male

The parrot must be kept separately. If he communicates with other birds, even canaries, then he will repeat after them and will not need to communicate with a person.

If budgies have settled in the house, their maintenance includes water treatments. Once a week, birds should be placed in a cage or attached next to a special door for a bath. You can buy it in the store. Plastic bottom and transparent dome on top to protect against splashes.

If your bird is afraid to get into the bath, place a saucer of water next to its cage. The depth should not exceed 2 cm.

Caring for budgies at home to produce offspring

For a long time after the birds were brought to Europe, scientists could not obtain offspring from them. Then the birds, their habits and characteristics were studied. As a result, the budgie received care at home. Now you can breed wavy birds in captivity.

Parrots mate forever. The female chooses. If the first time she does not recognize the male you offered her, do not insist, take him out of the cage. Try running it for a couple of hours the next day. Perhaps they will get used to each other. If one of the parrots sits ruffled and refuses to communicate, it will not be possible to bring them together. Try to bring another male. It is best if the birds meet in an aviary where there are many similar parrots. An established couple cannot be separated. The wavy ones will be sad.

A nest made of plywood is placed in the cage. The bottom is lined with dry grass or sawdust. In captivity, a bird cannot build it; you must create comfortable conditions for them. The hole - the entrance - must be made at such a height that the small chicks do not accidentally fall out, and the fledged ones can climb - 5 - 6 cm from the floor of the nest.

The male will feed the female, then the chicks, until they fledge and learn to feed themselves. When the babies leave the nest, it must be removed. The female can sit on the eggs again. This will weaken her greatly. We have to take a break for a year and a half. Then the mother and her children will be able to live a long time. Scientists have noticed that chicks from a female weakened by bearing eggs and brooding live less than their counterparts born from a strong bird.

The parrot is currently quite common poultry . It was domesticated several hundred years ago. There are few families who have never kept a parrot at home. If you decide to have a feathered pet at home, you should know basic rules for its content. Then he will live with you happily ever after, to your delight.

The first days of a parrot at your home

  1. Before you purchase the parrot itself, I need to buy him a cage, equipment in it and food. Only then can you go after the bird itself.
  2. Approximately two to three weeks the parrot must be in quarantine. If you already have other parrots, do not immediately place a new tenant with them.
  3. When you bring your bird home, do not force him out of the carrier he was transported in. Simply open the carrier and cage doors and place them together. The parrot will move from place to place on its own.
  4. First time try not to bore your pet, don’t get close to him or touch him, let him get used to the new living conditions. Don't cause him more stress.
  5. Come up with a sonorous name for your parrot (the article Names for Boy Parrots will help you).

In your parrot's cage The following inventory must be present- feeder, drinking bowl, bathhouse, perches. In addition, the presence of river sand, crushed eggshells And charcoal. All this is necessary for normal digestion of your pet.

  • Set up a cage with a parrot at your eye level. This way you will have eye contact with a bird. She will get used to you faster.
  • The cage with the parrot should be well lit, but direct sunlight will be harmful to the bird.
  • Do not place the cage on drafts - parrots often catch colds. But there is no need to place the bird’s home next to heating sources - radiators, heaters.
  • The cage must be cleaned daily. Dirt, droppings and debris accumulated during the day should be removed. In addition, replace the bedding and wash the drinking bowl and feeder with hot water and baking soda every day.
  • Needed monthly spend time in a cage with a parrot general cleaning . To do this, soak a cloth in a solution of chamomile or wormwood and thoroughly wipe the entire cage.

Once every three months, the parrot's home should be sanitized. To do this, take a soft foam sponge, make a solution of one liter of water and three teaspoons of soda. Dip a sponge into the solution and work everything thoroughly.

Do not play too loud music in the room where the parrot's cage is located. Don't try to pet the parrot, it gets scared. It’s enough just to talk kindly, quietly and calmly with your pet.

What do parrots eat?

The main food for your feathered friend will be a grain mixture, which is sold at any pet store. Everything else that you give the bird will be in addition to the main diet. For example, you can give millet, oats, wheat, millet, seeds. Although parrots love sunflower seeds, you should not give them too much. This can negatively affect the parrot's health.

It is useful to treat your parrot with sprouted grains, especially in the cold season. The fact is that sprouted grains are a source of vitamin E. Give sprouted grains in small quantities, once a day - in the morning.

Pay special attention to the quality of the grain you buy for your pet. Otherwise, he may get poisoned and die. Look to see if there is visible mold on the grain mixture or if there is an unpleasant odor.

  1. Additionally can you feed a parrot leaves and stems of some plants. This can be dandelion, lettuce, spinach, alfalfa, clover and regular green grass. You need to collect green plants to feed your parrot away from the roadway.
  2. It's good to treat your feathered pet green herbal flour. To do this, you need to collect fresh plants, dry them in the oven, grind them into flour and give them to your parrot.
  3. Treat your pet to fruits and berries. This is useful. But be prepared for the fact that they will eat them without pleasure or not at all.
  4. Egg mixture is very useful for a parrot. To make it, hard-boil an egg and chop finely. Add finely grated carrots and some ground crackers to the egg.
  5. Offer only settled water to your parrot. When the water stands for several days, all harmful impurities will disappear from it.

Don't forget that poor nutrition for your pet is a direct path to digestive upset. And this is stress and illness of your pet.

Parrot diseases

Parrots, like all living beings, too may get sick. Let's look at the most common diseases.

  • Cold. The main symptoms that your parrot has a cold- inflammation of the eyes, difficulty breathing, runny nose, sneezing. To cure your pet, you need to put infrared lamp so that it shines directly on the cell. If you don’t have such a lamp, then a regular one will do.

  • Psittacosis. Symptoms: diarrhea, difficulty breathing, watery eyes, runny nose. Treating yourself is almost impossible unless you are a veterinarian. Otherwise, prohibit children from approaching the feathered pet, and consult a doctor as soon as possible.
  • Diarrhea. Symptoms: a change in the consistency of the droppings, the parrot sits on the floor of the cage. If for some reason you cannot see a doctor, then you can do the following. Rinse your pet's anus, give him chamomile infusion. In addition, remove all food from the cage and provide only easily digestible food.
  • Poisoning. Everything happens very quickly. Before you even notice the symptoms, your parrot will die. Therefore, to avoid such a situation, never use air fresheners, varnishes, or deodorants in the room where the bird’s cage is located. You cannot use paint or smoke in this room. In addition, the cause of poisoning may be poor quality food.

Most common cause illnesses and deaths of domestic feathered pets is non-compliance with the basic rules for the care, maintenance and nutrition of a parrot. Therefore, if you try to adhere to these rules, your parrot will live with you for a long time and become your faithful friend!

In the article we will cover the topic: budgie care and maintenance at home.

You will learn how to feed, choose a cage, walk and monitor the health of the wavy.

A budgerigar is a small bird that comes in light green, green, blue, white, yellow, and other colors. There are no red wavy ones.


The cage should be comfortable, and with horizontal rods (preferably). Caring for budgies at home involves regular, daily changes of food and water. 1-2 times a week you need to wash the bottom of the cage and pour a thin layer of sand on it.

Install perches in the cage. Store-bought plastic ones are more convenient and easier to clean. But for birds it is better to install wooden perches. It is more natural for birds to sit on them and this is how their nails wear down naturally.

Caring for a parrot involves walking them regularly. You may not need to close the cage at all during the day. But be sure to close the windows or install Mosquito nets. To prevent birds from gnawing wallpaper and littering throughout the room, install branches in the corner where birds can free time. And on the floor of the corner, lay a durable material that can be changed regularly.

If you are not comfortable keeping the cage door open all the time, you can walk your parrots daily for 15-40 minutes. And then put him in a cage.

In order for parrots to fly into the cage, they need to be given food only there. If they get hungry, they'll get pregnant themselves.

Another way to catch a budgie is to turn off the lights. They see poorly in the dark. Therefore, remember where the bird landed, turn off the light and catch it.

Caring for a budgie in the summer also involves installing a bathtub in the cage (sold in pet stores). Not every wavy will swim, but it’s worth a try. Set it for several days in a row - they might want to swim.

Caring for budgies also involves placing the cage in right place. This should not be a kitchen or bathroom where there is a lot of fumes. It is better if it is a room where people are constantly present. In summer, you can place the cage on the balcony for several hours.

Attention! Do not place the cage in direct sunlight, as the birds may get sunstroke and die.

At night you can cover the cage with a blanket. After all, you still watch TV for a long time, sit at the computer. And the birds need to sleep so that nothing disturbs them.

Caring for budgerigars during molting

Budgerigars molt, and this is normal. In a few weeks they will grow feathers and everything will be fine. But during this period, try to stress them less physically, because it is difficult for them to fly. Make sure your diet is varied and balanced.

Caring for budgies while on vacation

If you need to leave the birds for a certain period, then it is better to entrust them to close people who know how to care for them. And if you leave the house for 2-3 days, then you can leave the parrots on their own - they will survive.

But, you need to prepare diligently. You should put an additional feeder, and also sprinkle seeds on the floor of the cage. Also, provide an additional drinking bowl with water. Turn on the radio that won't let the birds be sad.

Do not feed food that spoils quickly. Like grated chicken eggs.

Life expectancy of budgerigars at home

In the wild, budgerigars do not live long, about 5 years. They have many enemies + it is not always possible to find food and water.

But at home, with proper care, parrots can live 10 years or more. Although main reason Various diseases leave behind death.

Tips on how to care for a parrot at home

Let's give a few more tips that will allow your little parrot to live a long and happy life:

  • Parrots often like to sit on the floor or on top of unlocked interior doors. For this they can be crushed and they die. Remember this.
  • Do not leave containers with water open: vases, pots, toilets. Often parrots drown in them.
  • Cover all containers containing salt or household chemicals. It will be bad if your pet eats this and dies.
  • Attach fresh twigs to the cage fruit trees(apple tree, pear tree) and a piece of chalk (sold in pet stores). Both of them enable birds to naturally grind down their beaks. And chalk will also replenish the bird’s body with calcium, which is needed for good development bones, feathers, beak.

What can you feed your budgie?

Let us briefly describe what you can feed budgies. The basis of the diet consists of millet, oats, sunflowers, and various grass seeds. You can prepare mixtures yourself, or purchase ready-made ones at pet stores.

It is difficult to imagine feeding budgies without additional food. Grated hard-boiled eggs are suitable for this. You can grate carrots or beets with them (one at a time).

Let's continue the description of what parrots eat at home. You can stuff a piece of sweet apple between the twigs. It will become a source of vitamins for your charges.

Don't forget to give water and change it every day. IN winter period You can add a few drops of lemon juice to the water.

How to teach to speak

An article about budgies would be incomplete without mentioning how budgies can learn to talk.

You should know a few facts:

  • Parrots don't speak intelligently. They just repeat what they heard before
  • Males speak best. You need to learn from young years,
  • Birds learn to speak in a calm environment, there is no need to shout at them,
  • Sit around the cage for a while and talk to the birds. This will help develop the parrot's confidence and learning,
  • Not all birds speak, but that's okay, they are still beautiful!