How to test a new refrigerator. What should you pay attention to when delivering household appliances to your home? Refrigerator won't turn on

Has your equipment stopped turning on and working? First of all, diagnose the motor - this part is called the “heart”. How to check the refrigerator compressor? If you do not want to contact service center and pay the master, we will tell you how to do the work yourself.

The operation of a refrigerator of any model (Atlant, Indesit, Stinol) is generally the same. It is based on the circulation of refrigerant (freon) in the system. Initially, the refrigerant is a gas, the pressure that the compressor creates causes it to enter the condenser. There the gas cools, turns into liquid and flows into the evaporator. When heated, the liquid returns to its primary state and repeats the cycle.

Therefore, if there are problems with the operation of the compressor, it will not create pressure or there will be insufficient pressure for normal operation.

The degree of cooling - the temperature in the chamber - is regulated by a thermostat. From it the signal goes to the motor start relay, which starts the whole process.

A motor-compressor is located on the rear side of the unit housing. It is fixed in special oil and coated protective casing, which you can see in the picture.

The electric motor consists of a starting and operating winding, as well as a relay.

Three terminals are connected to the housing, one of which is common. The other two lead to the start and run windings. The latest models of refrigerators are equipped with an electrical circuit that can regulate the speed of the engine.

Functionality check

For what reasons does the compressor stop working:

  • Burnt out. This happens as a result of a sharp surge in voltage and increased load.
  • The start protection relay is broken.
  • Wiring faulty.

It happens that the device hums and works, but there is no cold in the chambers. The reason may be the release of freon gas. Then it is better to contact a specialist who will detect the leak and refill the system.

To find out whether the device is working or not, use a multimeter. Once you get to the motor, you need to make sure that the housing does not break through, otherwise it may cause an electric shock. This most often happens in old refrigerators. Attach the multimeter probes to the body and each contact in turn. If the display shows “∞”, then everything is in order. If numbers appear on the display, the winding is faulty.

To perform further diagnostics, you need to remove the casing and open access to the compressor. For this:

  • Disconnect the wiring from the contacts.
  • Cut through the motor tubes that connect it to other parts.

Important! Before you begin, find out what type of refrigerant your refrigerator uses. This gas may be explosive.

  • Unscrew the casing mounting bolts and remove from the housing.
  • Disconnect the relay by removing the screws.

  • Now take a tester and measure the resistance between the contacts.
  • Apply test leads to the right and left output terminals. Normally the resistance will be 30 ohms. The top right will show 15 ohms and the top left will show 20 ohms.

Based on the motor model and the refrigerator itself, the values ​​may differ ± 5 ohms.

  • If the readings do not match, the device is faulty. If a break appears somewhere, the conventional or inverter motor must be replaced or repaired.

The compressor passed the test, but the equipment does not work? So, proceed to further tests, but not with a tester, but with a pressure gauge.

  • You need to measure your blood pressure.
  • Connect a hose with an outlet to the discharge fitting.
  • Start the engine.
  • Measure your blood pressure.
  • The readings with a working device should be 6 atm and rising. In this case, you need to quickly turn off the pressure gauge, otherwise it will break.
  • If the pressure does not reach 6 Atm, such an engine can be installed in medium-sized refrigerators. The readings reach 4-5 atm, which means the motor can be used in single-chamber refrigerators. A compressor with a pressure of less than 4 atm is inoperative.

The serviceability check has been passed, but there is no result. The unit still does not turn on. In this case, you can establish the operability of the motor by connecting directly, without a starting relay.

Important! Such work is life-threatening. Such diagnostics can be carried out either by a master or an experienced person.

All refrigeration technology is quite complex and it is for this reason that it must be checked at the time of purchase, before delivery. Experts strongly recommend performing a performance test directly at the point of sale.

Thus, you can not only save yourself from the need to immediately contact a service center, but also avoid disputes with the manufacturer about the possibility of your fault for the breakdown.

What should you check directly in the store?

Of course, the main purpose of refrigeration units is to freeze food and cool it. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to check these functions in a store, because to do this you will need to place some products on the refrigerator shelf and wait for the result, and no store will allow this.

All that remains is a visual assessment of the product, which must be carried out thoroughly. This is due

in that any scratch may indicate that the unit has been subjected to some kind of physical stress.

When purchasing, you should carefully inspect the unit from all sides. You can ask managers to wipe down the unit to remove dust from it, which can easily hide small scratches on paint coating. Among other things, all shelves, drawers, compartments, handles and other elements must be intact.

Particular attention should be paid sealing rubber, because it is this that will ensure the tightness of the unit, and therefore directly influence its stable operation. If the seal is defective, this should be immediately reported to managers and a replacement should be requested.

When visual inspection has come to an end, it’s time to check the refrigerator for operation and noise. Of course, there are quite a lot of people in the store, but if you listen, you can easily understand how exactly the unit works. First of all, you should compare its noise level with other models.

For this purpose, managers should be asked to connect 2 or 3 refrigerators with approximately the same characteristics to the power supply network. If the difference is too obvious, it means that there are some problems that will soon make themselves felt.

The final stage is verification freezer and evaporator. Here it is strictly forbidden to have even small scratches and barely noticeable indentations, examples of which can be seen in the photo. If they are detected, you should immediately inform the manager, because this unit is immediately recognized as unfit for use.

Among other things, in some stores you can immediately check the refrigerator for leaks using special lamps. But, unfortunately, today this is still a rarity and only a few symptoms of incorrect operation can tell whether there is a refrigerant leak.

What role do external small defects play?

If, when examining the refrigerator upon purchase, you find small dents or scratches on it, this should be taken very seriously. The fact is that these defects could appear as a result of improper transportation during delivery or some kind of shock.

Most often, initially they are expressed only in minor external damage, but over time, the unit may require serious repairs. There are often cases when, having ignored one or another external defect, the refrigerator was sent to its owner and served him faithfully. BUT... only until the warranty period expires.

As for small cracks in plastic and glass. This should not be overlooked. If the glass already has a small crack, then as soon as you start using it direct purpose, that is, as a shelf, it will quickly shatter into fragments. If you pay attention to plastic elements, then under the influence of low temperatures they will become even more fragile, which means that a small crack will turn into a chip or cause a complete breakdown of the part.

What to do if a defect is discovered?

If, when checking in a store, you find any, even the most minor, defect, you should immediately report it to the manager. There are cases when store personnel assure the buyer that all defects will be corrected within two to three days and do everything possible to ensure that the buyer picks up the goods. The fact is that if minor scratches or cracks are found at home, the buyer can be accused of improper transportation during delivery or installation.

It is for this reason that in no case should one succumb to the assurances of managers, but demand documentary evidence of these promises. It is imperative that a defect report be drawn up, which indicates all possible nuances. If you have this document, you will be able to prove the manufacturer’s fault if after some time your refrigerator simply stops working normally, and an expert will tell you that the main cause of the malfunction was a defect that occurred several years ago.

Among other things, it would not hurt to talk with the senior manager of the trading floor and instruct him to monitor this situation. One way or another, having received the documents and not finding any technical faults, you can safely take the unit home, not forgetting that you have already reported all external defects, and you have 2 more weeks left to thoroughly check the functionality of all modes and functions unit.

Important to remember!

  • The fatal mistake many owners make is that they simply bring the unit home, plug it in and start using it in standard mode, instead of checking all its functions.
  • You should also take into account the fact that within 15 days, in accordance with current legislation, the buyer has every right to return or exchange the unit. But, as soon as this period ends, if a malfunction is detected, you will have to contact the appropriate service center.
  • Among other things, it is important to remember that as long as the warranty card is valid, it is strictly prohibited to disassemble or repair the unit yourself.

Otherwise, it is automatically removed from warranty service. If we're talking about about rearranging the door (on models that support this), then this process is covered by the warranty, but can be carried out free of charge only once.

A refrigerator is purchased once every few years, so its purchase is approached with special care. It may take more than one day to choose a model and brand that meets all the requirements, and the same amount of time to choose the place of purchase. But even when all this has already been done, it is too early to relax. It is important to check the refrigerator before purchase or after delivery. What should you pay attention to?

Visual inspection

No matter how much the couriers and loaders rush you, do not give in. Carry out a thorough inspection of the outside walls of the refrigerator. This is best done in a well-lit room (so narrow corridor and especially the entrance will not fit). Place the refrigerator in the center of the room or hall if you are checking it in a store, and walk around from all sides, look at the coating from different angles. And if it is sealed and in the original packaging, ask to remove it.

Pay special attention to the handles and levers. All of them must be intact, without cracks or chips, well attached and rotated in the desired direction and back.

Why this is important: Even minor dents and chips can cause further damage to your refrigerator. And since mechanical damage is not a warranty case, you will have to pay for repairs out of your own pocket.
If external defects are detected, ask to replace the equipment or draw up a report in which the detected defects will be indicated and listed. If during an external examination you do not find any defects, feel free to look inside.

Internal inspection

Before purchasing a refrigerator, it is also necessary to conduct an internal inspection; it may take much longer, since there is a lot to check:

The internal refrigerator compartment must be intact, without cracks, dents or other mechanical damage. Also pay attention to the smell, new refrigerator smells like plastic. If the refrigerator has already been in use, it will retain the smell of food or chemicals used to remove this smell;
drawers - in the freezer usually consist of a main block and a removable decorative panel. The joints may be flimsy or the fasteners may not fit securely into the grooves. The same applies to all removable parts of the refrigerator, for example, shelves on the doors;

Glass shelves inside refrigeration chamber– it is necessary to pull out each one separately and carefully inspect it. The slightest crack will lead to further damage. Also check the places where the shelves are placed: all grooves and guides must be smooth, without dents and clearly correspond to the shelves.

Why is this important: any defect inside the refrigerator can later lead to the breakdown of one or another part, the replacement of which will be expensive and will be paid out of your pocket.

The inspection could end here, but you can also check the compressor block.

Inspection compressor unit

Yes, if you are not knowledgeable about compressors, there is nothing to see there. And simply by inspection it is difficult to determine performance. But you can identify mechanical damage and defects.

In new models, the compressor block is usually hidden behind special panel. You can ask to have it removed. Make sure that all the tubes are in their places, that is, not sticking out open - the cooling circuit should not be damaged, otherwise, when turned on, all the freon will evaporate, and you will pay not only for the purchase, but also for repairs.
Why is this important: checking the refrigerator and, in particular, the compressor before purchasing will save you from costly repairs in the future, since it is almost impossible to prove that damage was on the refrigerator before use without a preliminary inspection.

Checking the functionality of the refrigerator before purchasing

You can check the functionality of the refrigerator before purchasing only in the store or a few hours after its delivery. It is strictly forbidden to turn on the refrigerator immediately after delivery, as oil from the compressor motor may have entered the system with the refrigerant. Therefore, it is important that the refrigerator sits (usually from 2 to 16 hours, depending on the delivery conditions), and only after that it can be plugged in.

It usually takes one or two days to understand how the refrigerator works: pay attention to how quickly it reaches operating temperature, noise during operation and operating time. Try to load it with products gradually so that the compressor can cope with the load.

Checking documents for the refrigerator

After the inspection, do not rush to sign the delivery forms; check and carefully study the set of documents that comes with the refrigerator. So, you must be provided with:
instructions in Russian;
warranty card;
sales receipt;
purchase and sale agreement (in some cases).

Carefully check the entries in the warranty card: the serial number of your refrigerator should be indicated there (you can find it inside the refrigerator compartment or on back wall outside), the date of sale is indicated, there is a signature responsible person and store seal. The information on the receipt must match the information on the coupon - the model of the refrigerator and its equipment.

Why is this important: if there are errors in the warranty card, then when you contact the service center, even during the warranty period, you may be refused free repair or replacement of parts, since the data does not match.
Only after everything has been checked, the refrigerator is perfect condition, and the documents are filled out correctly, you can sign the documents on delivery of the goods.

You have 15 days to check the functions of the refrigerator, its functionality and serviceability. If during this period you identify a malfunction, you have every right to replace the product, of course, if the cause of the malfunction is not mechanical damage. Then you will either have to prove that the dents and scratches were caused during delivery, or pay for the repairs yourself. Therefore, check the refrigerator very carefully before purchasing, this will help avoid problems in the future.

Continuing the topic of verification household appliances. Today we will talk about how to check a refrigerator when purchasing or upon delivery.

A refrigerator is a rather expensive piece of equipment that is purchased for more than one year, and you need to take the purchase of a refrigerator seriously. Now I will not develop the topic of how to choose the best and most suitable refrigerator for you. We will assume that you have already decided on the model and all that remains is to pay the seller and take your new assistant home. And before you take this important step, you must check your new acquisition.

A refrigerator is a type of household appliance whose performance simply cannot be fully verified at the time of purchase. Why, I hope, is clear. And the sellers will convince you of the same. But! You can still check some things.

Let me start with the fact that most often it is not possible to check the refrigerator at the time of purchase due to the fact that you will only see a sample on the display window, and your refrigerator will be delivered from the warehouse. Thus, you will only see it at the time of delivery. This is fine. The main thing is not to rush to sign the form that store representatives will intrusively push on you, rudely hinting that they are in a hurry. Don't believe what they say you have 15 days to check your refrigerator. Of course, they exist - these are 15 days, according to the law, but you can return or exchange the refrigerator within this period only if you discover a defect that arose through the fault of the manufacturer. That is, any mechanical damage will not be considered such a defect. Therefore, before you confirm with your signature that you have no complaints about the product, you must carefully and without haste inspect your new item.

But let's talk in more detail about how to inspect the refrigerator.

First: inspect the external walls of the refrigerator.

It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting. Under no circumstances do this in the dim darkness of the entrance or in the corridor, where the lighting often leaves much to be desired. Only in good, preferably daylight, lighting.

Why? – you may ask.

Yes, because not all flaws can be seen in poor lighting. Moreover, on the front wall, that is, on the doors of the refrigerator, there may be small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle and with a certain incidence of light rays.

So first check carefully side walls refrigerator. After this, if the goods were delivered to your home, place it in the place where it will be used in the future and look at it from the outside. different points rooms. If you pick up the refrigerator from the store yourself, then find in trading floor brightly lit place, place the refrigerator there and also carefully look at all the walls from different angles.

Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

There should be no cracks, otherwise the handle will not last long, and a new one will be expensive.

Second: inspection of the compressor unit.

I would like to clarify right away that in many modern refrigerators the compressor installation location is hidden by the manufacturer behind a special decorative grille. Of course, you can remove it, but whether to do it or not is up to you. The grille is usually attached to several self-tapping screws.

I understand perfectly well that for absolute majority For buyers, an inspection of the compressor block will not yield anything. Clearly, we are not experts. Yes, and a specialist appearance is unlikely to be able to determine the functionality of the refrigerator cooling system. So why bother looking then? Yes, then, to identify mechanical damage, if any.

For example, after an impact during transportation, a compressor may fly off its mounts or become warped. This can lead either to its failure or to more noisy operation during operation. Do you need it?

For clarity, I would like to show a photo taken in our sales area on a BOSCH refrigerator.

Pay attention to the circled area. With a quick and inattentive inspection, you most likely will not notice anything.

But let's take a closer look.

Now the torn tube is clearly visible. The cooling circuit is broken and the first time you turn it on you will hear freon whistling out. Therefore, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. And the saddest thing is that this disadvantage is mechanical damage and, therefore, is not covered under warranty. Repairs will cost you a tidy sum, at least 1000 rubles.

Believe me, such mechanical damage is not an exceptional case or even a rarity. You just haven’t had to watch how new refrigerators are loaded, unloaded and transported...

Third: internal inspection of the refrigerator.

So. Just because we haven't found any flaws on the outside of our new refrigerator doesn't mean there aren't any. Be sure to carefully inspect the refrigerator and freezer compartments inside.

Open the freezer compartment and take out all the drawers, if there are any, of course. We inspect the internal plastic walls for damage or cracks. Be sure to inspect the boxes themselves, especially in the places where the main box with the front decorative panel is attached. These very fasteners can be broken. Pay attention to the photo, see how flimsy they are.

And here's another one.

Of course, I don’t want to scare you, but I’m almost sure that most manufacturers deliberately make such unreliable fasteners so that they break as often as possible. For what? Then, in order to sell spare parts later. This is an amazing profit! This decorative front panel for a freezer drawer costs from 500 to 1000 rubles.

By the way, the same fasteners may be on the front panels of the drawers inside the refrigerator compartment. Let's also look at the photo.

I would like to make a reservation right away that not all refrigerator models have such shortcomings. On many, the fastenings are made strong, and on many similar ones decorative panels no at all. But you, as a buyer, must be ready for anything. That's why I'm focusing on this fact.

I specifically marked the place on the end of the groove for the shelf that you need to pay attention to. It is in these places that plastic damage often occurs. It is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect, and it is mechanical damage, which means it is not covered under warranty. Of course, this will not affect the main operation of the refrigerator, but you must agree that it is very unpleasant.

And, of course, don’t forget to inspect the refrigerator itself for damage or cracks in the plastic.

By the way, when you examine the inside of the refrigerator, take a sniff. It should smell like plastic and not any other foreign odors. Suddenly your new refrigerator is no longer new, and it has already been sold to someone once. Then they returned it and repaired it, but they hide this fact. I can say from experience that it is very difficult to remove the smell of food once it has already been in the refrigerator. If it succeeds in any way chemicals, then these same products will leave their smell, which is unusual for a new refrigerator. Be carefull!

At this point, the inspection of the refrigerator can be considered complete. Yes, this process may take some time. Yes, the seller’s representatives can express their indignation at the loss of this time. But it’s “purple” for you! The main thing for you is that your new refrigerator is NEW and without flaws.

All that remains is to check that all the necessary documents are available:

  • Operating instructions in Russian,
  • Branded warranty card,
  • Cashier's check.

Please note that if there is a serial number on the company warranty card, it must match the number on a special tag that is attached to the inner wall of the refrigerator compartment, usually behind drawer. But maybe you’ll find it somewhere else.

Yes, here’s another moment! If you purchase a refrigerator from a display case, that is, one that is on the sales floor of a store, then you can try to check its performance. The rules for selling certain types of goods include the following clause:

“At the buyer’s request, he must be familiar with the structure and operation of goods, which must be demonstrated in assembled, technically sound condition. Goods that do not require special equipment for connection are shown in operating condition.”

This means you can demand or ask that your refrigerator be connected to an outlet. After that, walk around the store for about twenty minutes and check if it has started to freeze. Of course, for so much short term The refrigerator will not reach operating temperature, but you will definitely be able to see whether it is freezing or not. If the refrigerator operates on the no-frost system, then it will be noticeably colder inside than outside. If the drip system is used, then frost will begin to form on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment, and the same will happen in the freezer compartment. If you don’t notice any changes after 20 minutes, the “Danger” button should work. Something is wrong! Wait another 20 minutes, and after that, if there are no noticeable signs of operation, then feel free to abandon such a refrigerator.

Now you know how to check a refrigerator upon purchase or delivery.

Good luck with your testing!

Good luck with your inspection.

A refrigerator is a type of household appliance whose performance simply cannot be fully verified at the time of purchase. But you can still check something.

Let me start with the fact that most often it is not possible to check the refrigerator at the time of purchase due to the fact that you will only see a sample on the display window, and your refrigerator will be delivered from the warehouse. Thus, you will only see it at the time of delivery. This is fine. The main thing is not to rush to sign the form that store representatives will intrusively push on you, rudely hinting that they are in a hurry. Don't believe what they say you have 15 days to check your refrigerator. Of course, they exist - these are 15 days, according to the law, but you can return or exchange the refrigerator within this period only if you discover a defect that arose through the fault of the manufacturer. That is, any mechanical damage will not be considered such a defect. Therefore, before you confirm with your signature that you have no complaints about the product, you must carefully and without haste inspect your new item.

But let's talk in more detail about how to inspect the refrigerator.

First: inspect the external walls of the refrigerator

It is necessary to inspect the external walls of the refrigerator in good lighting. Under no circumstances do this in the dim darkness of the entrance or in the corridor, where the lighting often leaves much to be desired. Only in good, preferably daylight, lighting.

Why? - you may ask.

Yes, because not all flaws can be seen in poor lighting. Moreover, on the front wall, that is, on the doors of the refrigerator, there may be small dents that are noticeable only at a certain angle and with a certain incidence of light rays.

Therefore, first carefully inspect the side walls of the refrigerator. After this, if the product was delivered to your home, place it in the place where it will be used in the future and look at it from different points in the room. If you pick up the refrigerator from the store yourself, then find a brightly lit place in the sales area, place the refrigerator there and also carefully look at all the walls from different angles.

Be sure to carefully inspect the handles on the refrigerator and freezer doors, especially at the fastening points.

There should be no cracks, otherwise the handle will not last long, and a new one will be expensive.

Second: inspection of the compressor block

I would like to clarify right away that in many modern refrigerators the compressor installation location is hidden by the manufacturer behind a special decorative grille. Of course, you can remove it, but whether to do it or not is up to you. The grille is usually attached to several self-tapping screws.

I understand perfectly well that for the vast majority of buyers, inspecting the compressor block will not yield anything. Clearly, we are not experts. And a specialist in appearance is unlikely to be able to determine the functionality of the refrigerator cooling system. So why bother looking then? Yes, then, to identify mechanical damage, if any.

For example, after an impact during transportation, a compressor may fly off its mounts or become warped. This can lead either to its failure or to more noisy operation during operation. Do you need it?

For clarity, I would like to show a photo taken in our sales area on a BOSCH refrigerator.

Pay attention to the circled area. With a quick and inattentive inspection, you most likely will not notice anything.

But let's take a closer look.

Now the torn tube is clearly visible. The cooling circuit is broken and the first time you turn it on you will hear freon whistling out. Therefore, the refrigerator will not perform its functions. And the saddest thing is that this defect is mechanical damage, and, therefore, is not covered under warranty. Repairs will cost you a pretty penny.

Believe me, such mechanical damage is not an exceptional case or even a rarity. You just haven’t had to watch how new refrigerators are loaded, unloaded and transported...

Third: internal inspection of the refrigerator

So. Just because we haven't found any flaws on the outside of our new refrigerator doesn't mean there aren't any. Be sure to carefully inspect the refrigerator and freezer compartments inside.

Open the freezer compartment and take out all the drawers, if there are any, of course. We inspect the internal plastic walls for damage or cracks. Be sure to inspect the boxes themselves, especially in the places where the main box with the front decorative panel is attached. These very fasteners can be broken. Pay attention to the photo, see how flimsy they are.

And here's another one.

Of course, I don’t want to scare you, but I’m almost sure that most manufacturers deliberately make such unreliable fasteners so that they break as often as possible. For what? Then, in order to sell spare parts later. This is an amazing profit! This decorative front panel for a freezer drawer costs from 500 to 1000 rubles.

By the way, the same fasteners may be on the front panels of the drawers inside the refrigerator compartment. Let's also look at the photo.

I would like to make a reservation right away that not all refrigerator models have such shortcomings. On many, the fastenings are made strong, and many of these decorative panels do not exist at all. But you, as a buyer, must be ready for anything. That's why I'm focusing on this fact.

I specifically marked the place on the end of the groove for the shelf that you need to pay attention to. It is in these places that plastic damage often occurs. It is almost impossible to eliminate such a defect, and it is mechanical damage, which means it is not covered under warranty. Of course, this will not affect the main operation of the refrigerator, but you must agree that it is very unpleasant.

And, of course, don’t forget to inspect the refrigerator itself for damage or cracks in the plastic.

By the way, when you examine the inside of the refrigerator, take a sniff. It should smell like plastic and not any other foreign odors. Suddenly your new refrigerator is no longer new, and it has already been sold to someone once. Then they returned it and repaired it, but they hide this fact. I can say from experience that it is very difficult to remove the smell of food once it has already been in the refrigerator. Even if it is possible to use any chemical means, these same means will leave an odor that is unusual for a new refrigerator. Be carefull!

At this point, the inspection of the refrigerator can be considered complete. Yes, this process may take some time. Yes, the seller’s representatives can express their indignation at the loss of this time. But it’s “purple” for you! The main thing for you is that your new refrigerator is NEW and without flaws.

All that remains is to check that all the necessary documents are available:

  • Operating instructions in Russian
  • Branded warranty card
  • Cash receipt

Please note that if there is a serial number on the branded warranty card, it must match the number on a special tag that is attached to the inner wall of the refrigerator compartment, usually behind the drawer. But maybe you’ll find it somewhere else.

Yes, here’s another moment! If you purchase a refrigerator from a display case, that is, one that is on the sales floor of a store, then you can try to check its performance. The rules for selling certain types of goods include the following clause:

“At the buyer’s request, he must be familiar with the structure and operation of the goods, which must be demonstrated in assembled, technically sound condition. Products that do not require special equipment for connection are shown in working condition.”

This means you can demand or ask that your refrigerator be connected to an outlet. After that, walk around the store for about twenty minutes and check if it has started to freeze. Of course, in such a short period of time the refrigerator will not reach operating temperature, but you will definitely be able to see whether it is freezing or not. If the refrigerator operates on the no-frost system, then it will be noticeably colder inside than outside. If the drip system is used, then frost will begin to form on the back wall of the refrigerator compartment, and the same will happen in the freezer compartment. If you don’t notice any changes after 20 minutes, the “Danger” button should work. Something is wrong! Wait another 20 minutes, and after that, if there are no noticeable signs of operation, then feel free to abandon such a refrigerator.

Now you know how to check a refrigerator upon purchase or delivery.
