How to make paste at home. How to make a paste from flour or starch for wallpaper. “Super” glue and other special compounds

Paste, in my opinion, is the most accessible and relatively cheap glue, which is so necessary when working in technology papier mache(PM). It is done quite easily and quickly, in a matter of minutes and in your hands indispensable assistant:) I'll tell you how to cook it. Maybe someone already knows how, but for others it will be the first time.

What is needed for the composition of the adhesive paste?! Flour, any measuring container, depending on the volume of the mass made, water and a whisk. The recipe itself: 1 part (glass) flour + 3 parts (glasses) water.
Take 1 part flour
Pour into a saucepan
Add 1 part water

Whisk well

Add 2 more parts of water

Mix everything well again
Place the saucepan with the mixture on the fire
Bring to a boil, stirring the mixture continuously with a whisk.

The mass should be homogeneous, without lumps. If such an incident occurs, then you just need to strain the cooled glue through gauze.
Pour the finished glue into a container with a lid and store it in the refrigerator. Let me add right away: it is advisable to store it for a short time, because this product is closer to food, it has the property of an expiration date, like any food product
That's the whole trick, easy and accessible! Natalya was with you!

Cooking paste for children's creativity
Probably many in last time dealt with paste during appliqué classes kindergarten. It is not by chance that paste is used: it is completely harmless and easy to use.

The word itself " paste"came to us from German language and means " glue made from starch or flour"(which is the whole technology of its preparation). The product is 100% natural! It contains absolutely no foreign chemical impurities, which means it does not irritate the skin and does not cause allergies. Therefore, the paste can be useful for many home crafts.

For example, it is most convenient with paste glue products using papier-mâché technique, it can also be used in the manufacture of frame souvenir toys and for any applications made of paper or fabric.

Very quickly and does not require any material or time costs from you. So let's get started! You need: flour, water and hands. Suitable instead of flour starch, and it makes absolutely no difference whether it is potato or corn.

Take a convenient bowl in which you will knead and brew paste. Absolutely any container into which a whisk or fork can easily fit is suitable for mixing.

Pour into a cup 2-3 tablespoons flour or starch, then pour half a glass cold water and stir quickly until homogeneous pulp.

Water is always poured into flour, rather than flour poured into water - this way the paste will be better stirred. Particularly thrifty owners can, for this purpose, collect leftover flour from baking, sifted through a fine sieve (this will be counted in the list of your virtues in the column “Saving natural resources”)

Exists little technological secret, which only physicists or wizards can explain: to prevent the paste from souring and forming lumps, you need to stir it in a cup “ salting" - that is in the course of the Sun, clockwise. But if you are used to it differently, then interfere as you prefer.

Now you need some flour flour brew with boiling water in the amount of about one glass. Mathematicians can focus on the proportion of 1:15, but in general, more often the proportions of the ingredients for the paste are taken by eye, because small differences in consistency do not affect its adhesive properties.

Pour boiling water in a thin stream into the flour mixture while stirring vigorously, the paste thickens and becomes homogeneous.

If it “slowly thickens,” you can pour it into a small fireproof container and hold it on the stove for a little while (stirring, stirring, stirring), at medium temperature, literally for about 5 minutes (depending on your stove), but do not bring it to boiling.

Paste heated on the stove will begin to “puff” slightly and form small bubbles on the surface. Quickly remove this from the heat and cool in a window or in a large bowl with cold water. The cooled glue will become a little thicker, so it is better to immediately prepare it taking this circumstance into account. A thinner glue will be easier to work with.

That's all! Paste ready to be your reliable assistant in the creative process!

And what’s valuable is that you can cook it in literally three minutes (including washing up).

And now - a few practical nuances.

From starch it turns out more transparent-looking paste(reminiscent of jelly), and made from flour - cloudy whitish(reminiscent of sauce). Both stick equally well.

Don't make “strategic reserves”! Boil the paste It’s better to use small portions so that it’s enough for an hour or two of work. Working with fresh paste is definitely more pleasant.

If there is still some amount of paste left after yours, you need it Keep refrigerated by closing the lid or placing it in plastic bag so as not to collect odors and become airy. Or you can glue up the loose corners of wallpaper in your apartment.

If the paste becomes too thick during storage, it can be slightly diluted again with boiling water (1-2 tablespoons) and stirred thoroughly.

During storage adhesive qualities of the paste decrease slightly every day. A soured or moldy paste left in the refrigerator, of course, should be thrown away...

The paste, even if slightly dried, is easily washed off the skin with warm water and soap. But if you drop paste on clothes, furniture, or the floor, it is better not to wait for it to dry, but to immediately wipe it off with a damp cloth.

If in the process of creativity tries to persistently taste the paste - do not interfere with him. If the paste is fresh, and not from the day before yesterday, then there will be no harm. And the child, most likely, will not like to eat the paste, because it tastes like an unleavened thick flour sauce or jelly, and the child will quickly stop this activity)

Each of us in childhood, during labor lessons, when making various crafts, used a paste that each mother cooked and poured into a small jar. Now it’s time for us to make sure that the child performs the applications safely and quality material. for children's creativity? This is precisely the topic that is discussed in the article. Here we present to our readers a recipe for flour paste for appliques and creating products using the papier-mâché technique. In the second part of the article you can read the instructions for preparing such an adhesive mass from potato starch. Study the information and choose the paste option that suits you. I wish you a high-quality result.

Flour paste. Recipe and step-by-step instructions

Method number 1. Sift wheat or rye flour (a quarter of a large glass) through a fine sieve and mix with cold water (200 grams) in a bowl. Pour 1 liter of water into a thick-bottomed saucepan and heat. Then add the flour mixture here and mix well. Place the container on low heat. Cook the mixture for three to four minutes, remove from heat and leave to cool, stirring occasionally. That's all. Then use the paste for its intended purpose.

Method No. 2 - recipe for paste prepared in a water bath. In a bowl, mix 1 liter of water and 4 large spoons of flour. Place the vessel with this mass in a large saucepan with hot water, thus organizing a water bath. Bring the paste to a boil, pour another 200 grams of water into it and boil for about 5 minutes. Cool the glue in a cool place.

The paste recipe presented above contains only natural ingredients, so you can store it in a warm place for no more than one day, after which it deteriorates, acquiring an unpleasant odor and changing its consistency. If there is any amount of this material left after work, try storing it in the refrigerator. But this method will help preserve the glue for no longer than a day or two. It is better to cook the paste in small portions at a time.

Starch paste. Recipe

Measure 10 large spoons of water into a glass. In a separate saucepan, mix 1 large spoon with part of the water from a glass. The solution should have a consistency similar to sour cream. Stir until all lumps disappear. Boil the remaining water and pour it in a thin stream into the bowl with the starch mass, stirring it. If this amount of liquid is not enough and the glue turns out thick, add a few more tablespoons of boiling water.

It is important to know that starch paste is used warm. Such material can be stored for no more than five hours. Therefore, it cannot be prepared for future use. During cooling, a film forms on the surface of the glue. Try not to let it get on the product and damage it. appearance.

Now you know a paste recipe (and more than one) that performs its function well and is absolutely harmless to the child. And it’s not scary if a little fidget gets dirty in this material during moments of needlework. It is easily washed off clothes and washed off the body. Let creativity be a joy for children!

Modern household chemicals, it seems, has already covered all aspects of repair and creativity, so there is no need for a person to prepare glue with his own hands. However, there are situations when it is better to work with glue whose ingredients are known, natural and hypoallergenic. Let's figure out how to make a paste from flour so that a child prone to allergies can use it. Such glue should not only be safe, but ideally edible. Naturally, in terms of adhesive abilities it should not be inferior to industrial analogues.

What is paste

It is known that paste was widely used in cosmetic repairs premises. This glue was used to attach wallpaper to the walls. Typically, wallpaper paste was made from starch, but for children's crafts it is better to use a version made from wheat flour. Wheat flour contains gluten protein; It is he who is responsible for the ability to tightly connect paper parts. Flour paste is used, for example, in the papier-mâché technique. For various works You can vary the thickness of homemade flour glue.

What do you need to make paste?

To cook a paste from flour, you need to take a suitable pan and a second container with a volume of at least half of the selected pan. You also need a fine colander or a large sieve. Be sure to have a stirring spoon ready to get rid of any lumps. Naturally, you need a stove, and if you have to cook in field conditions, then you can use a tourist stove or a gas burner.

The materials for flour paste you will need are flour and water. If you are preparing a starch version, then it is recommended to add PVA glue to it for better adhesion.

What kind of flour should I take?

The choice of flour for paste is the opposite of what we select for pies and other homemade baked goods. It is better to cook the paste from low-grade flour, since it contains more small particles of bran than in premium. It is worth paying attention to such a product as wallpaper flour. The name itself indicates what it is used for - for wallpapering walls. Bran particles contain large quantity viscous gluten than the middle part of the grain.

As for the crop ground into flour, the best would be wheat, corn or rye. Rice and buckwheat flour do not contain the required amount of sticky substances, so they are not suitable. Rye flour for paste is used with caution because it can leave dark marks. If you need to make a paste from flour for dark surfaces, then rye flour will be the best, as it has excellent adhesive properties.

Additional Ingredients

A number of ingredients are added to the flour paste to improve adhesive properties. To ensure that papier-mâché structures adhere well, wood glue is added. True, it can make the surface darker. A substitute can be gelatin, previously diluted with water. The ratio of flour and glue (diluted gelatin) will be 200:75.

If you need to ensure the whiteness of the surface, for example, when wallpapering a ceiling, then you can use PVA glue. You can, for example, make a paste from corn starch and add “Stolyar” glue there - PVA with a water base.

It is good to add vitriol to wallpaper glue. Since flour paste is an attractive delicacy for household insects, it is advisable to scare them off with something. The role of the “scarecrow” in such a composition is played by vitriol. It also protects against fungus.

When flour glue is used in textile decorations, it is recommended to add vanilla sugar to add shine.

Glue recipe made from flour and water

When you need to cook a paste from flour for children's creativity, it is advisable to do without additives. There is no guarantee that the child will not taste the glue. Especially if the child knows that the paste was made from completely edible flour. That is why you can only add ingredients that are used in food - gelatin, sugar, vanilla.


If you take glue from flour and water, then you need to take two parts water to one part flour. If you need a thicker solution, you will need three quarters of flour to a whole part of water. If you measure by glasses, then for a liquid paste you need to take one glass of water and half a glass of flour. For more strong solution You will need ¾ cup flour per glass of water.

Cooking time

The actual process of cooking the paste takes a little time, only 4–5 minutes of boiling, but do not forget about preparatory stage when flour is dissolved in cold water. It will also take time to strain the paste from lumps through a colander or sieve. Before work, the paste will have to be cooled, especially if a child has to deal with it.

Use and storage

Flour paste is capricious in storage, just like food products. It’s not worth preparing a lot of flour glue at once for future use. If there is any unused glue left, you can store it in the refrigerator for a couple of days. The cold makes the paste thicker and will have to be diluted before use. warm water.

If you find that the glue has a sour smell, digest the composition and let it cool. If there is a need to make a paste for future use, then you will have to add a little alcohol or vodka to it as a preservative. It is clear that such glue cannot be used by children without adult supervision.

How to cook paste at home

Making paste at home is not at all difficult. The main thing is to know a few rules:

  • Flour should initially be diluted in cold water to avoid getting “dumplings” in boiling water.
  • The proportions of the glue are determined by the desired thickness.
  • For children's creativity, glue with inedible additives is not used.
  • If an error occurs in the proportion, you can weld a little glue of greater or less thickness (as necessary) and dilute ready paste new composition.
  • Boiling water will help get rid of the excess thickness of freshly made paste.

For wallpapering

As wallpaper glue It’s good to use two types of paste:

  • starch;
  • from rye flour.

For the first option, take a liter of water and half a kilogram of starch. Dilute the starch with cold water, stir, put on the fire and very slowly begin to heat. You need to continue heating the paste until it thickens. Be sure to stir the glue all the time while cooking.

For the second option, you will need two pans: a larger one and a smaller one. The water is divided in half between these pans. A large container is placed on the fire until it boils. Rye flour is diluted in a smaller container and mixed thoroughly. For wallpaper, you can add one and a half grams of vitriol to the flour. The mixture is carefully poured from the “cold” container into the hot one. The composition needs to be stirred. Cook for no more than 5 minutes.

For papier-mâché

Recipes for papier-mâché paste vary. In one of them, it is recommended to take three glasses of water and one glass of flour. Add a pinch of salt to the water. Sift the flour and add warm water to one glass for now. You need to mix everything thoroughly, then add two glasses of water, already heated. Bring the mixture to a boil and cook for 10 minutes to thicken. The paste must be cooled before use.

Video: starch paste

How to make a paste from flour for children's creativity, how to make a starch paste for wallpaper - all this can be seen in the video. Sometimes it is better to see the process once than to present it by description.

Without any binding components children's creativity, neither in construction are indispensable, and their role is usually played by glue, but it is not suitable for all actions. For example, when wallpapering a room or working with papier-mâché, it is much wiser to use paste. At home, it can be prepared in a few minutes; even a child can master the technology, and it doesn’t matter which recipe to study.

The simplest paste recipe is made from flour. This is what children are taught to cook in labor education classes, and it is considered a safe and easy-to-use means for holding light materials together: for paper, for leaves, for seeds - flour paste is suitable for absolutely everything. It is used not only when creating any crafts, but also when sealing cracks in old wooden windows.

To cook flour paste at home, you only need a sufficient amount of water and the flour itself. In most cases, they use wheat as the most affordable and available in every home, but professionals advise using coarsely ground rye to enhance the binding effect. True, a paste based on rye flour will have dark shade and may be noticeable when working with light-colored materials.

To cook the paste, you need an enamel bowl, pan or even a bucket (depending on the volume you need). Cold water is poured into the container, and as soon as it boils, flour is introduced into it in a thin stream. As soon as the grains of flour touch the water, you need to start stirring the liquid, otherwise the flour will simply accumulate on the surface and then settle into a dense lump. Despite the fact that the paste is a “fighter of the invisible front”, and its appearance is not striking, the consistency should be made as uniform as possible. Therefore, pour in the flour very carefully and stir the mixture continuously.

The amount of flour is rarely calculated in advance: it is added by eye until the mass begins to resemble batter. When it cools, it will thicken, so it’s better not to add flour rather than to overdo it: then you’ll have to heat the paste again, add warm (!) water, and lightly boil it again. The approximate ratio of flour and water for paste is 1:3 or 1:4. It also varies depending on the orientation of the product: if you want to treat wallpaper with paste in order to place it on the wall, a ratio of 1:2.5 is possible (for vinyl wallpaper), and 1:3 (for thin ones).

It is worth noting that if you are preparing a paste for paper wallpaper, before it begins to cool, it is recommended to add a little ordinary wood glue (for dark wallpaper) or PVA glue (for light wallpaper) into the finished mass. It is advisable to carry out the cooking itself after boiling the paste in a water bath to reduce the likelihood of bubbles appearing on the surface of the composition.

Read also:

Paste for papier-mâché:composition features

By by and large, for papier-mâché, a universal version of flour paste is used, but it is made more liquid (flour to water 1:5 or more), and ingredients such as PVA glue and glycerin are often added. In this case, even the cooking technology may differ from that given above.

Pour the sifted flour into an enamel bowl and fill it with cold water in the same volume: i.e. 1 part flour and water. The ingredients must be whisked to form a thick mass without lumps. After this, the remaining parts of water are poured in (2 or 3, since for papier-mâché the paste is boiled very liquid), the container is placed on the stove, and the liquid is brought to a boil. At the same time, the mass still needs to continue to be stirred and lightly beaten. When the flour has completely dissolved in the water, add 5-10 ml of glycerin, remove the container from the burner, and drain the resulting liquid through gauze. The paste is used only when cooled (to room temperature).

Read also:

A paste cooked not with flour, but with starch, has both undeniable advantages and some disadvantages. The latter are unpleasant smell from the finished product, which appears after 5-6 hours, so the starch paste is cooked in a very small portion and for immediate use. But its advantages depend on the chosen starch: corn starch is recognized as the best, since the mass turns out to be the most pleasant in consistency, the paste quickly saturates the material, dries no less quickly, and fixes perfectly. Rice and potato starch performed slightly worse. And any starch allows you to make the fact of using the paste unnoticed, since the liquid will not leave stains.

PVA glue is sometimes added to the starch paste, all with the same purpose of enhancing the fixation of parts, as well as changing the shade of the finished product - the paste will become almost completely transparent. This happens as follows:

  • 1 part of flour is poured into a small container, after which 1 part of hot water (boiling water) is carefully poured into it. You should immediately start whisking the mixture while you pour in the water.
  • At the same time, water in the amount of 3 parts is brought to a boil on the stove. As soon as the water boils and all the starch lumps have dispersed in a small bowl, the contents of the latter are poured into boiling water and the mixture is carefully whisked.
  • Immediately after this, the container is removed from the stove, the paste continues to be mixed, giving it homogeneity. As soon as it cools to room temperature, PVA glue is introduced into it. The amount of glue per 1 liter of paste is approximately 100 ml.

In some cases, starch is calcined on a baking sheet in the oven before cooking it so that its lumps darken until Brown. Then it is ground and passed through a sieve, and after that it is mixed with water. Occasionally 1-2 tbsp is added to the starch. sugar to enhance adhesiveness.

The modern consumer has the opportunity to buy any one suitable for different types of work. But there are situations when there is simply no way out: for example, gluing lasted until the night, all hardware stores were closed, and there was not enough wallpaper glue. How to make a paste with your own hands, what types of adhesive compositions can still be prepared at home and how to use them - about all this in our material.

Read in the article

In what cases can paste be useful?

Paste is a universal composition. It's easy to make yourself and easy to use. After drying, it leaves no marks and is easily washed off the fabric. Where is the paste used:

Where is it used? Description

In renovation work
Used for filling gaps in cracks, for priming walls before and painting, for wallpaper.

In gardening
For sticker small seeds on landing strips from paper. For this purpose they use toilet paper, it quickly collapses under the influence of moisture. A safe paste based on natural materials will not prevent plants from developing normally.

In children's creativity
The safe, natural composition of the adhesive substance can be used with children of any age. It not only easily washes off the child’s clothes and hands, but also will not cause harm if accidentally swallowed or gets on the mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

In needlework
The paste will be needed for scrapbooking, papier-mâché, and making interior items from fabric and thread. It is used to impart rigidity.

In a word, paste is a very useful composition in everyday life that should always be at hand. And you can prepare it literally in a matter of minutes.

How to make paste: quickly and easily

Before we talk about how to prepare a paste for, let’s figure out what the advantages of paste are over ready-made composition factory made? It turns out there are a lot of them:

  • it is easy to prepare at home from materials that any housewife has;
  • manufacturing costs are minimal (homemade composition will cost two to three times cheaper than purchased glue);
  • The paste is universal and can be used for any type;
  • home remedy does not contain toxic substances or other compounds hazardous to human health. It does not cause allergic reactions.

And now about how to prepare the paste. We have selected some of the most popular tips on how to make wallpaper pastes from flour or starch.

Several options for making paste from flour

The adhesive composition can be made from wheat, corn or rye flour. For our purposes, second or even third grade flour will be useful. Its larger particles have increased viscosity, which is good for the paste.

Advice! For the perfect adhesive, use whole wheat flour.

An important point: to ensure that the adhesive composition is not noticeable on the paper, use wheat flour for light wallpapers, rye flour for dark ones.

Additives and proportions

Advice! If you decide to add PVA to the paste, please note that dark wallpaper it may be noticeable. In this case, it is better to use wood glue.

There are situations when the natural composition of the glue attracts small insects - and. If there is such a danger, add a little copper sulfate to the composition. A quarter of a level teaspoon is enough for a kilogram of flour.

Important! Do not use wood glue, PVA or copper sulfate when making paste for children's creativity!

To glue heavy ones, you need to make thick glue. For light paper ones, less flour is added to the composition.

Proportions for flour paste:

Amount of flour (grams) per 1 liter of water Supplements For what purposes can it be used?
100 For gluing plain paper
50 — 100 4 tablespoons wood glueFor making papier-mâché
120 — 150 ½ cup wood gluePrimer of walls for wallpaper
120 — 150 1/6 teaspoon copper sulfateFor gluing simple paper wallpapers
200 — 250 14 teaspoons copper sulfateFor wallpaper made of thick embossed paper
200 Glass of wood gluePrimer of walls for heavy wallpaper
300 — 400 A glass of wood glue, a teaspoon of copper sulfate

The most common paste is made from one hundred grams of flour and a liter of water. By changing the proportions, you will get a thicker or thinner version.

Important! The paste must be prepared immediately before use. Already two hours after preparation, it will begin to rapidly lose its adhesive properties. For this reason, there is no point in preparing homemade glue for future use.

How to change the thickness of glue

While you work, the paste “infuses” and gradually becomes thicker. To return it to the state you need, take a mixer and add hot water one tablespoon at a time, thoroughly mixing the entire mass.

For your information! Diluting finished homemade glue with water negatively affects its quality. To avoid this, after dilution it is necessary to bring the composition to a boil.

Another problem: the glue was too liquid. To correct the consistency, in a separate bowl, dilute the flour with cold water until creamy, boil the glue again and gradually stir the mixture, pour an additional portion into it.

For your information! If you start pouring dry flour into the paste, you will get lumps that cannot be stirred with anything. I'll have to throw out the whole batch.


Now let's look at how to make glue from flour for... Here are the two most proven recipes:

Paste recipe for light wallpaper

Take 8 tablespoons of flour and pour about 1.5 cups of cold water into them, stirring constantly. Pour the resulting mixture into boiling water, constantly stirring the hot mixture with a spoon in one direction. After all the glue has boiled, wait another three minutes, continuing to stir constantly. Then remove the container from the heat and leave to cool.

Paste recipe for heavy wallpaper

Heavy wallpaper will require a thick adhesive. For it you need to take 16 tablespoons of flour per liter of liquid. The cooking principle is the same. But there is a variant of the composition that differs from the traditional one in increased strength. If you add gelatin, alcohol and glycerin to the mixture, you get PVA. This glue can be used from any material.

Proven recipe for starch paste

The starch composition is distinguished by the fact that it is completely transparent and does not leave marks on either wallpaper or fabric. How to make a paste from starch?

For homemade glue, you can use potato or corn starch. The proportions of starch paste are the same as flour paste. 8 tablespoons for liquid glue and more for thick ones.

To prepare the mixture, the starch is first diluted with cold water, and then boiling water is poured into the resulting creamy mass, stirring constantly, until the required thickness.

Advice! Before using starch, sift it through a sieve and remove any lumps.

You can also add vitriol, PVA and wood glue to the starch paste.

Method for preparing papier mache paste

For papier mache you will need an adhesive compound with salt. The proportions are as follows: for 3 glasses of water (750 ml) you will need a glass of flour and half a teaspoon of salt. How to prepare papier mache paste:

  • Mix flour and part of the water, add salt. Mix better with a mixer, this way no lumps are guaranteed to form;
  • Afterwards, the mixture is gradually poured into boiling water, boiled for 10 minutes and cooled.

As a result, you will get a fairly thick glue that will securely secure the pieces of paper in the structure. In some cases, the paper may need to be pre-soaked in adhesive composition. For this purpose, a liquid paste is made from 1/3 cup of flour and a liter of water.

The best homemade glue recipes for different jobs

A little science to fully understand the process of preparing adhesive compositions:

  • sealants are mainly composed of organic resins and water;
  • acetone, gasoline and ethanol can act as solvents for hydrocarbon substances and serve as the basis for glue;
  • For elasticity, plasticizers are added to adhesive mixtures, these can be different types liquid or dishwashing detergent;
  • To prevent the glue layer from shrinking, wood dust or sand is added to it;
  • To increase the durability of polymer adhesives, a catalyst is added to them - salt or acid.

And now several options for homemade glue that may be useful to you.

How to make PVA glue at home that is no worse than factory glue

We have already said that you can make PVA glue at home. It's not as difficult as it seems. PVA glue recipe:

The composition will require 1 liter of distilled water, a bag of gelatin, 4 grams of pharmaceutical glycerin, a glass of alcohol and 150 grams of wheat flour.

A day before, glycerin is poured into a glass of water and left to swell. After gelatin, flour and water diluted to a creamy state, glue is boiled in a water bath. After the mixture begins to thicken, glycerin and alcohol are added to it.

For your information! For better bonding of parts, before applying glue, the surface should be cleaned of dirt and dust and, if necessary, the porous material should be primed.

Homemade PVA can be stored at room temperature up to six months.

How to make glue from polystyrene foam and gasoline for gluing metal

This recipe is almost half a century old. In Soviet times it could be found in magazines young technicians.

How to do:

  • fill the container with gasoline of any brand;
  • cut the foam into small pieces;
  • Gradually immerse the foam in the solvent.

As a result, you will get a homogeneous mixture, elastic, like chewing gum.

To connect metal parts, you need to degrease the surfaces, spread the resulting glue, wait about ten minutes and press firmly. Leave under pressure for a day.

Some argue which better adhesives from polystyrene foam: in gasoline or acetone? The dispute is in vain - both options have the same gluing strength.

How to make glue from acetone and linoleum for leather, porcelain and metal

How to make super glue at home from nail polish solvent and a piece of old nail polish? Everything is very simple! cut into small pieces, the size of a five-ruble coin. Afterwards, they should be filled with acetone in an airtight container and left overnight in dark place. During this time, the linoleum should completely dissolve. If this does not happen, just wait a few more hours.

It will securely fasten the parts of a broken porcelain vase, the back wooden chair, or parts of a metal candlestick.

How to make glue for electrical parts

How to make conductive adhesives with your own hands - many radio amateurs think about this. By default, the mixture should include conductive metal powders, binder polymers and solvents. The easiest option is to add graphite powder to any superglue. To do this, simply sharpen a simple pencil and use graphite rod powder. The only negative is that graphite has high resistance.

To make homemade conductive glue, take the previous recipe with linoleum and acetone, add powdered silver and graphite to the composition. The amount of filler is selected experimentally, but on average the proportion required is: 30 grams of silver x 15 grams of graphite x 60 grams of glue. Handle all ingredients carefully and store in an airtight container. glassware. This glue dries on parts in a quarter of an hour.

How to make moisture-resistant casein glue

If you manage to get your hands on casein powder, the task is very simple. The powder is poured with water and left for three to four hours. Separately in hot water Borax is diluted in a ratio of one to seven. This mixture is poured into casein water and heated to seventy degrees. After half an hour the glue can be used.

How to do hot glue at home from milk? If casein powder is not available, a similar composition can be made from regular milk. It is fermented and filtered through filter paper or cotton wool. Afterwards, the paper or cotton wool is filled with water and boiled until the substance evaporates - this will be the desired casein. Next follow the recipe.

Another recipe for hot glue is made from rosin, flour, aluminum alum and water in proportions, respectively, 1.5 x 40 x 10 x 3. All fillers are filled with water, the composition is heated over low heat until thickened. The glue is used hot. Once cooled, it is unsuitable for use.

What else can you make glue from:

  • from cottage cheese and slaked lime. The ingredients are mixed until smooth and used for gluing fabric and wood parts;
  • from drying oil and wood glue. 3 parts of wood glue are heated in a water bath until dissolved, then 1 part of drying oil is added and mixed. This composition is also used hot. It is not afraid of water and sticks tiles perfectly.