How to knit network nodes correctly. How to knit a fishing net? Step-by-step instructions, diagram. Materials and tools

How to weave a net?

Fishermen sometimes use nets to catch fish. It is not necessary to buy a network in a store; you can make it yourself. Previously, every fishing lover knew how to do it. The method of weaving cells is simple, if you have the necessary tools at hand. It will take a lot of perseverance and patience, as this is quite painstaking work. In this article we will look at how to weave a network.

Materials and tools for weaving

In order to weave a high-quality net that can withstand mining and exposure to water, you should choose a durable material. It could be:

  • nylon or nylon thread;
  • fishing line;
  • regular sewing thread of a dark color, which should be strong and thick.

In addition to the material, you will need the following tools:

  • shuttle - a device with which the weaving process takes place;
  • bar - a ruler measuring the size of the cell.

If it is not possible to purchase a shuttle in a store, it can be cut from a thin sheet of plastic, wood or metal. It should be slightly smaller than the bar in order to pass freely through the network cells. You can use a piece of ruler, wood, or plastic as a bar. Before weaving nets for fishing, you need to wind a fishing line or thread onto the shuttle.

Net weaving process

When everything is prepared for work, you can begin to create fishing tackle.

You can read about how to weave a network in the simplest way in the article.

It is believed that the net is not a sporting tackle, but sometimes it is difficult to do without it, and many anglers use it successfully, and many do not mind learning how to make it at home. Fishermen use nets while allowing commercial fishing in the seas and rivers. The net is also used in regions where fish is the staple food. These are remote villages where fish are caught with nets even in winter. Naturally, in such cases no one thinks about fishing with a feeder.

In order to connect the network, special tools are needed. As a rule, the grids are different and differ in the width of the cells. It all depends on how large the fish you intend to catch. The size of the cells is formed by the bar, which is an integral part of the knitting tool. The width of the bar used determines the dimensions of the meshes of the fishing net.

The second part of the tool is a shuttle, which is not difficult to make yourself or, in extreme cases, purchase at a store that sells fishing accessories. It should be noted right away that the bar and shuttle are made for a specific cell size of the future network. A smaller shuttle can be used to weave nets with large cells (but the bar must be of the appropriate size), but nets with smaller cells cannot be used, since the shuttle simply will not fit into a cell smaller than itself.

The shuttle is designed to wrap material around it and use it to tie knots. The material you can use is cord or monofilament fishing line. It is clear that a lot of material will be required to make the net, and therefore the material will be required in reels. The thinner the line, the more catchy the net, because such a net is hardly noticeable in the water. Color does not play a major role, since at a depth of 5 meters the fish does not distinguish color. A fishing line net has a number of advantages over nets made from other materials. It does not rot, dries very quickly and is more durable. The knots that are used when knitting nets can be different. When using fishing line as a working material, a double clew knot is used.

Look at the video on how to weave such knots:

Uni Line (chameleon) fishing line from the Japanese company Momoi Fishing is widely used for these purposes. This fishing line has a unique coating that makes it virtually invisible in water. The nets woven by the Chameleon are more catchy.

Net fabrics made from fishing line are called “dolls” and are widely used in the national economy.

Shape and size

Networks come in various forms:

  • Single-walled. The simplest form and has upper and lower selections. These selections are attached to the cores, which are located on both sides of the network. The height of the veins is 20 percent less than the network.
  • Two- or three-walled. Complex shaped networks called tangles. This is due to the fact that the fish get entangled in it.

The length of the networks can also vary and can range from 20 meters or more. The height of the nets (for industrial fishing) ranges from 1.5-1.8 meters. Accordingly, the nets also have different cell sizes depending on the size and size of the fish:

  • 20mm – for live bait and small fishing;
  • 27-32mm – for roach and perch;
  • 40-50mm – for bream and crucian carp;
  • 120-140mm – for trophy pike.


First, the main part of the network, called del, is woven. From such individual pieces, a large network is assembled, which, in turn, is fixed to a more durable base, which is used as a braided cord or strong rope. This technological operation is called “planting”. The fit could be 1:2, 1:3 or perhaps 1:15. Delhi can be purchased in a store and “planted” at home, which, by the way, many do. At the moment, Finnish and Russian ones are considered the best deals.

To “land” the network yourself, you need to mark the cord and calculate which cells will need to be attached in the marking places. For example, a net with 30mm mesh should be attached every 16 centimeters. This is a 1:3 fit, which involves fastening every third cell every 16 centimeters. The technology is as follows:

  • Take a shuttle and attach a fishing line to it;
  • The end of the line from the shuttle is tied to the outermost cell, and this outermost cell is tied to the picking cord;
  • Then the shuttle is threaded through the calculated number of cells;
  • At the mark on the cord, the cell is attached to the cord;
  • Repeat the movements until all the cells are attached to the cord.

Here's a video of how to plant and tie knots:

The net will not perform its functions if it is not equipped with weights and floats. Without these elements, the network will sink to the bottom and lie there in the form of a shapeless and useless thing. Special cords can be used as such elements.

In this case, the design is somewhat simplified, and the time spent on this procedure is reduced.

Chinese networks

These cheap nets are widely popular among fishermen. They are really knitted in China, which cannot be said about Finnish networks, which are not always made in Finland. The cheapness of Chinese nets allows you to simply leave them if they get caught, and if they get damaged, you can throw them away without regretting it at all. They come in different lengths, sometimes allowing you to cover a large part of the reservoir. At the same time, they are not of good quality, since the Chinese save on everything. Questions arise very often. The Chinese can save on sinkers, and such a net is not able to submerge in water. Very often they use low-quality knots (simple ones), which can come undone during fishing. Knowing this, many fishermen, when buying Chinese nets, correct them, eliminating defects, after which they can be used for fishing. The Chinese use regular white fishing line to weave their nets.

Twisted mesh fabric

A very large contribution to the search for new materials for amateur and professional fishing was made by Japanese scientists who came up with a mesh made from twisted fishing line. Such canvases have unique qualities and are recognized throughout the world. A fishing line twisted from several individual fibers is called a multimonofilament thread. Such a thread can include from 3 to 12 separate, less thin threads. When purchasing such products, by looking at the inscription on the packaging, you can find out how many fibers are twisted into one thread. For example, if you see the inscription 0.17x3mm, then this indicates that 3 threads with a diameter of 0.17mm each are twisted into a single thread.

Mesh fabrics made from twisted fishing line have the following characteristics:

  • Mesh fabrics have increased softness and elasticity;
  • Unnoticeable in water;
  • UV and salt water resistant;
  • To knit them, a double knot is used;
  • Nylon thread is used to tie them.

Landing net

A fishing net is a fairly serious structure that not everyone can weave and then “land.” But you can easily weave a landing net or cage from fishing line. For the landing net, a seamless “stocking” is knitted, which is then attached to a ring with a handle. Such a landing net is practically invisible in the water and does not alarm the fish when landing.

To weave a seamless network from which you can make a landing net, watch the video:

The Momoi Fishing company not only produces net fabrics, but also produces other accessories for fishing, and hand-knitting is used. Landing nets for landing fish of various sizes and designs are very popular among fishermen. All designs of this company are designed in such a way that they are easy to use, reliable and durable.

Any gear can be knitted from fishing line: nets, tops, etc. Their advantage is durability and lightness, and their invisibility in the water for fish makes them very catchy.

  • Methods of weaving nets ⇩
  • Manual method ⇩
  • Knitting machine ⇩
  • Shape and size of the network ⇩
  • Weaving fishing nets with your own hands ⇩
  • What tools will you need ⇩
  • How to tie a knot ⇩
  • Network altitude climb ⇩
  • The process of weaving fishing nets ⇩
  • Machine for knitting fishing nets ⇩
  • Preparation ⇩
  • The process of knitting a net on a machine ⇩
  • Tie the tackle yourself or buy it? ⇩

A fishing net allows you to catch fish without being constantly nearby. This is a convenient way for those who are on a camping trip and fish just to get food.

On the other hand, connecting the network yourself is, although painstaking, but quite simple work. Why do it yourself? After all, it’s quite possible to buy a network canvas? In fact, this tackle can be made in different ways.

  • It can be made from fishing line, or from nylon cord. In the first case, it will be much less durable, but removing the caught fish from it will be relatively simple. If you use a net knitted from nylon threads, its strength will be much higher. On the other hand, when you take fish out of it, you run the risk of greatly confusing it.
  • In addition, options are available with different cell sizes and with different numbers. You cannot be sure in advance that this particular type of fishing tackle will suit you.
  • It should also be noted that it will need to be equipped for fishing. For example, attach weights. It is not always convenient to do this with purchased gear.

Methods of weaving nets

It is quite possible to do it manually. Of course, this will require some labor, but the manufacturing process itself is not particularly difficult. The most well-known methods of carrying out such work are hand knitting or work using a special machine for this. Let's look at this in more detail.

Manual method

In order to make a fishing net in this way, you will need very few tools. To do this, you will need a shuttle, which is easy to make yourself, a plate resembling a ruler (this tool is called a template) and a strong wire loop to which the cord is attached at the very beginning.

In the future, the entire network is gradually connected node by node. First, half loops of the first row are made, then, row by row, and the rest of the part.

Knitting machine

In order to slightly reduce knitting time, there are special machines. There are several varieties. We are not considering here industrial machines that are used for the production of fishing nets. The most common type is the following type of machine.

Let's talk a little about how this device works. The entire body is made of aluminum tube. The shuttle is also made of this material.

In its front part there is a special slot through which the thread will pass. The shuttle has an oblique cut located at an angle of 45 degrees.

  • There is a recess at the back of the hook to secure the bobbin. It has the shape of a cone and its depth is two and a half millimeters. This hole is designed to secure the bobbin.
  • This part must be made of bronze, processed on a lathe according to the drawing provided. This part must move freely inside the shuttle.
  • Aluminum is used to make the shuttle plug. In the center of the shuttle there is a narrow hole of 2-3 millimeters so that the second end of the bobbin can be fixed. The plug should be inserted tightly and not move during operation.
  • It will also be necessary to provide a shuttle travel limiter. It will need to be made from an aluminum plate.

Network shape and size

Although at first glance it seems that most of them are made in a rectangular shape, in fact their application can be very different:

  • The trawl is more like a bag. The leading edge is shaped like a circle. When fishing with a trawl, it is as if they grab the fish and pull it to the surface.
  • Purse seines are used in a similar way, but their operating principle is slightly different. In this case, the net is pulled precisely by the lower and side walls. The net is installed vertically, the lower part is weighted with weights.
  • Gill net. The principle of its operation is that the fish gets caught in it by being caught by the gills. It is also installed vertically for fishing.

Weaving fishing nets with your own hands

Suppose you decide to knit such a tackle with your own hands. What do you need for this? You need very little.

What tools will you need?

  • Of course, a shuttle is needed. It looks like this.

It has exactly this shape so that a cord or fishing line can be wound around it in a certain way. First, a small loop is made on the cord and hooked onto the tongue.

Then it is pulled down, passes through the notch and approaches the tongue from the back. Then it covers him and goes down. After this, the lower recess passes through and is again brought to the tongue from the front side, goes around it and goes down. This pattern is repeated until the entire cord is wound.

  • In addition, you need a template. In appearance it resembles an ordinary school ruler. Its width is half the size of the cell in the network we are creating. You can make it from plastic, wood or other similar material.
  • You need a wire hook to which the cord will initially be attached at the beginning of the netting process. It is attached to a wall or something similar where we will be working.

How to tie a knot

Despite the fact that at first glance the knot seems complicated, it is actually quite simple to knit. The movements required for this are very simple. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Here we will tell you how the loops are knitted. They are all made in the same way as described in this figure.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • First, the cord is wrapped first from above, then from below the template.
  • Then the shuttle is carried through the previous loop and brought to the template again. You need to press it with your thumb.
  • The shuttle is then threaded between the two starting cords.
  • Then carefully tighten.

This knot will not tighten under tension. Each subsequent node is made in the same way.

Network altitude climb

This stage is the creation of the basis for weaving the entire network. We are talking about knitting a chain of cells connected by common sides. The number of cells is taken such that they make up the entire height of the network.

Subsequently, cells are connected to them row by row, ultimately forming the entire network. After the first row is knitted, a strong cord is threaded through it and its ends are secured. On this basis, the fabric is knitted further.

Fishing net weaving process

The figure demonstrates how to correctly wind the cord onto the shuttle. This must be done before starting work.

These drawings do not need detailed explanations, but I would like to note that the key point is to carry the shuttle twice inside the loop being created. It is this that allows you to create a cell, the position of which will not change under voltage.

The last two pictures show the process of creating stitches after creating the first row. The knitting of the knot itself occurs exactly the same as before.

Fishing net knitting machine

Using a machine can speed up such work. So, although it will take some effort to create, if you plan to do a lot of net weaving, using one can improve your efficiency.


  • In order to start working, the bobbin must be carefully inserted into the shuttle. After this, it will need to be closed with a stopper.
  • After this is done, the shuttle must be inserted into the body (with the plug facing forward, push it all the way).
  • After this, the sharp part of the shuttle will be located at the bottom of the machine. In this case, the limiter should not reach it by 2 - 3 millimeters. Such a hole is necessary for the movement of the cord during the manufacturing process of the net.
  • The thread must pass through the slot of the shuttle and it must be tied to the net.

The process of knitting a net on a machine

  • For loom knitting we also need a template. First, the thread is passed over it, then it is brought around from below and threaded into the previous loop.
  • The cell thread should now pass under the shuttle and come out from above it.
  • Pull the shuttle to the template and press the thread with your thumb.
  • We draw the thread from the shuttle to the left in relation to ourselves and thread it, while grabbing one or two threads. In this case, the loop once again passes from the bottom of the shuttle to the top.
  • In this case, the cord that passed on the left needs to be pulled slightly towards you, while passing through the bottom of the machine. Now we tighten the knot and move on to the next cell of the network.

Tie the tackle yourself or buy it?

Of course, the modern market offers many different network fabric options. At the same time, their industrial production is of very high quality.

If compared with homemade options, the former will be significantly superior in quality. There are only two main drawbacks: the fairly high price and the need to look for exactly the option you need.

If you make the tackle yourself, then you can make exactly what suits you best. In addition, when purchased, it often has to be modified in order to be used for fishing. So the decision in each case must be made taking into account the specific circumstances.

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Landing net: features of choice, types, making it yourself

A landing net is necessary in order not to miss the fish at the last stage of fishing. At the moment, there are various convenient product options available on the market. The product resembles a regular butterfly net. The whole difference is that it is much more reliable and can withstand heavy loads.

Types of tackle

  • The landing net can be equipped with a handle with a telescopic or plug connection. A plug connection involves the presence of several elbows inserted into one another. Telescopic - when one knee extends from the other. The first option is preferable, since in this case the rigidity is greater, which means the likelihood of breakage is also minimal.
  • The handle can be made of either composite material or carbon fiber. The cost of the second option is much more expensive.
  • It is convenient if the head of the landing net (a hoop with a net) can be removed from the handle. In this case, you can purchase as many different heads as you need.
  • Different types of fishing require different weaving of fishing line - small or large. For example, for roach you do not need a landing net with a large head. For feeder fishing, on the contrary, you will need a large fishing line.

You can find out which fishing line to choose for the feeder.

It is worth paying attention to the material from which the mesh is made.

There are types such as:

  • wicker;
  • nylon;
  • knitted;
  • rubber.

The disadvantage of nylon nets is that the hooks get tangled. But nowadays, nylon meshes are also sold, impregnated with a special compound that prevents tangling. Also, the nylon mesh peels off the scales of the fish, which is unacceptable if the landing net is used for competitions. The best option in this case would be a rubber network. It stretches well and will not damage the fish. Another plus is that the product sinks quickly, as it is heavy.

When fishing without an assistant, it is best to give preference to a head with floats. They will help keep the landing net afloat.

Features of choosing a landing net

There are three characteristics that a good landing net should have.

It should be:

  • strong;
  • light;
  • long.

It is important that the weight of the product does not exceed 300 grams. After all, control occurs with one hand, and if there is no assistant nearby, taking more weight will be problematic.

When fishing from a cliff, it is better to choose a product length of at least 4 meters. Such gear will allow you to fish far from the shore and will not allow your prey to escape. It is known that the further from the shore you fish, the less chance it has of breaking off. But, as a rule, on store shelves there are products with a handle 1–2 meters long; they are suitable for wading fishing.

Modern models have a detachable knee. This allows you to unfasten it from the handle in a timely manner and bring the fish directly to the fish tank.

  • When choosing a fishing accessory, you should pay attention to the type of fish, the fishing location, and the material from which the hoop is made. It can be made from either valuable wood or simple wood.
  • Also, the described type of gear should be compact, this is necessary for ease of transportation.
  • Collapsible options are easy to transport; solid products are more compact.
  • Be sure to check all the joints of the product in the store. There should be no backlash or squeaks. Landing nets with plastic arches are not the best option either; they can bend, and the fish will simply jump out and leave. Choose an aluminum mount.
  • The size of the landing net is selected based on needs. So, for an average fish weighing no more than 10 kg, you can take a 36–42-inch option. Large fish need a product of size 50 or 52. Professionals recommend choosing large landing nets. Who knows what kind of fish you'll catch? In any case, it will be better if the whole thing fits, and not just her head.

Fishing landing net (video)

We make the landing net ourselves

You can make a fishing accessory with your own hands. To do this, you first need to find a suitable handle.

It can be done from:

  • metal hollow tube;
  • telescopic rod;
  • ski pole;
  • bamboo rods.

Simply put, it should be a reliable and durable stick.

The next step is to attach the hoop with the mesh. Making a hoop with your own hands is very simple. To do this, take a strong wire and bend it into the desired shape.

The most convenient ones are triangle and quadrangle. For beginners, the best option would be a triangular shape.

The rim can also be solid or foldable. Folding hoops are more compact, but when catching large fish it is better to give preference to solid options.

The mesh must be strong, otherwise there is a risk that it will break just when prey gets into your landing net. The diameter of the mesh is larger than the diameter of the hoop. You can use the remains of an old fishing net.

You can learn how to make a kwok with your own hands.

The landing net is necessary so that when fishing, the catch does not break off and float away. You should choose gear based on what kind of fish you intend to catch and on what terrain. Among other things, you can make a comfortable and durable product with your own hands.

Even in ancient times, fishing was the only available trade, a means of survival for entire generations of people. Even in modern times, this type of hunting has not lost its previously acquired fame. This activity is a favorite hobby for many millions of people - an excellent form of free time. Spending your day off fishing is a great solution. Weaving nets is one of the main ways to increase your own catch many times over.

Business Basics

A wide variety of gear is used for such things as fishing. Nets are the most popular way to quickly and easily get a large amount of catch. That is why, if you want to combine your favorite hobby and a pleasant pastime, you can choose the method of fishing using fishing nets.

It's quite easy to create them even with your own hands. Weaving nets by hand for beginners, as well as for professionals, will not be difficult - anyone can master this craft.

The process of knitting fishing nets will be helped by experts, videos, of which there are a huge number on the Internet, as well as many different and very detailed step-by-step diagrams. Here are a few main points:

The weaving of the networks themselves is always carried out according to a huge variety of patterns. If the reader is just beginning to understand the basics of how to knit a fishing net, step-by-step instructions will be quite simple and understandable. You should not immediately take on complex and intricate ways of doing this work. A seine needs a machine, a scarf - these are the primary preparations. In a fishing store, the buyer will definitely not be left unattended and will be helped to choose everything he needs.

So, when starting to complete the task, first of all you need to stock up on threads. Professional fishermen and people who weave nets for sale call this material delhi. In the modern world, fishing nets are most often woven using synthetic fabric materials. Usually there are two options in this role:

  • Nylon derivatives.
  • Nylon and other elastin-containing tissue structures.

What is the advantage of such threads? Almost every experienced fisherman will never go fishing without a set of fishing rods among his gear. And all fish lovers, young and old, know how to weave a net from a fishing line.

In order for the mesh to hold its given shape well and efficiently, it should be woven using specialized auxiliary ropes. Most often they can be found in fishing stores under the name "landing laces." You can also try using wire. You need to take it of medium thickness. You must remember that wire is not as reliable a material as a professional tool made in a special factory.

After all this, be sure to pay attention to selecting the right size sinkers and at least several types of floats. It will be best if the selected samples have a smooth surface without roughness or nicks. The rounded shape also fits perfectly into the overall picture of how to weave a fishing net.

List of basic materials that can be selected for the float:

  1. Polystyrene foam and any of its derivatives. Particular attention is paid to the paint. There is no need to save money with this item - otherwise the product will quickly lose its attractive working appearance.
  2. Birch bark. An excellent alternative to polystyrene foam. It holds its shape well, but will soften over time, so it is better to cover the float with several additional layers of waterproof varnish before use.
  3. As an alternative to the first two options, you can also try using wooden floats. There is even specialized paint for wooden wobblers.

Sinkers can be made with your own hands. Cuttings of old pipes or baked clay are perfect for these purposes.

In order to avoid the sharp edges of the sinkers breaking through the mesh, they must first be treated with sandpaper. A special metal file is also required.

The preparation process begins

Knitting for beginners at home implies a mandatory detailed consideration of the available tool that will be used. The first thing is, of course, the shuttle. It is a kind of similarity to a large fishing needle. With the help of it, the process of knitting the network takes place.

Now attention is drawn to the presence of a bar and at least one set of rulers. The plank is popularly called a template, so in the store you can ask about the availability of items under these two names. The object looks like a kind of plate, which has very smooth, jewelry-turned edges. This device will subsequently determine and fix the size of the cells in the finished fishing net.

The item can be purchased in a special store or made with your own hands at home. To do this, you need one basic item: a large pre-prepared plywood sheet. Plastic is also perfect for solving the task of making a shuttle.

It is better to produce the workpiece using a previously produced standard template. You can find and download it on the Internet. Fortunately, there is plenty of such goodness there. After all the preparatory work, it is imperative to spend a little time processing the tools. Its edges need to be sanded in great detail using the same sandpaper.

The middle of it is reproduced using a strong chisel. The material from which the future shuttle is made must be very strong and quite rigid so that under the influence of a chisel, sandpaper and human force it does not crumble into pieces, and then withstand its period of operation.

For such purposes, you need to take plastic or plywood measuring at least three centimeters in thickness. It is these three centimeters that will make up the total width of the shuttle. Its length can reach from thirty to forty centimeters.

You need to keep in mind: if the bar (prepared template) that is used in knitting a fishing net with your own hands has certain dimensions, then the size of the product resulting from it will be two to three centimeters smaller than the template. This aspect must be taken into account in the process.

Manufacturing of the product

If the manufacturers have correctly completed all the previous points, then how to tie a fishing net with your own hands is no longer something unusual and at least somewhat difficult. Now that all the necessary materials and tools have been purchased, you can safely get down to business. Be sure to review the technique chosen by the performer on how to knit a fishing net - for any unclear aspects or sequence of work.

First of all, the selected rope, thread or part of the fishing line is wound onto the base of the shuttle. Performing these actions, the author seems to alternately apply a piece of weaving to one side of the instrument, then to the other. All threads must be placed strictly in the center - otherwise the network may unravel already in the first stages of working on it.

Before you start winding, be sure to tie a thick rope or something similar in a convenient place. This needs to be done in the form of a small ring. In some cases, you can replace this rope with wire. You should select it carefully - looking closely at fairly thick and dense specimens like numbers ten and twelve.

The work is carried out sitting: weaving a network is a rather lengthy and painstaking process. It will take a lot of time. But you shouldn’t regret it under any circumstances. The result will be a very high-quality product that will serve its owner for many years of excellent and comfortable fishing in all weather conditions.

The hand-woven mesh turns out to be quite dense - not a single fish will be able to break through it. The product will be reliable, meeting all the criteria that a picky owner will put forward for its use. Fishing with such good equipment will only be a joy for every lover of this action.

Fishing is not an easy business. It will be very nice to make your task a little easier, even knowing that the incumbent is not doing hard work in order to feed his family, but his own weekend hobby. And yet, no matter what the current situation is, it is always nice to get a big catch, while spending less effort on catching the fidgety fish itself.

Direct weaving

First, one layer of thread is pulled through the prepared ring. A small loop is made from it. It should reach six to eight centimeters in length. It is necessary to quickly attach a bar to the bottom of the knot - it should always be at hand by the worker.

Now the shuttle goes to the bottom, directly below the template. After all this, the thread needs to be pulled back through the ring. It should seem to envelop the shuttle. You shouldn’t tighten it too tightly, but you shouldn’t loosen the thread or leave it hanging either. In everything you need to notice the golden mean.

Here you can tighten the thread and gently press it with your finger. When working with fishing line, there is a risk of cutting yourself and even seriously injuring yourself - you should be extremely careful in this process. After all the operations performed, the resulting loop is carefully tied into a small knot. You shouldn’t tighten it too much either - everything is done in moderation.

Time to create nodes

First you need to create the first cell for the future fishing net. But the action must be continued. All techniques for knitting net knots are discussed in some detail in order to understand how to knit a fishing net. The thread from the ring, passing under the template, is pulled from above it to the surface of the shuttle. Further, parallel to the previously laid section, part of the fishing line is also stretched. Three threads are clamped with all fingers on the left hand.

The shuttle is then pulled between the fishing line, which is tied directly to the ring, and two subsequent threads. It is imperative to store enough material between the fingers and the shuttle so that there is some sagging of the part. If you try to push a shuttle into it, you will get a knot. When the loop is completely on top of the template, the knot can be considered tightened.

If the appropriate operation is repeated several times, the following nodes will be obtained. They are then tightened more firmly to ensure greater reliability.

It's time for strapping

After the first cell and its node have been formed, it is necessary to tie the entire ring in the same way. Any experienced fisherman can give the author excellent practical advice on how to knit a net. The thread is laid along the top of the template. It is then passed underneath and threaded through the ring. At this stage, the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with cells 60 by 60 millimeters with a total of 25 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the ring.

All nodes must be performed at a strictly fixed distance. After 21 loops (or other required number) have been cast on, the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted. So, it is repeated exactly until your entire product is tied around the perimeter of the network.

Over time, the weaving process will take very little time. Therefore, creating a Delhi on your own will not be particularly difficult for a trainee. When using nets, the fisherman does not have to take an active part in the process all the time. After the fishermen have installed all the prepared gear, you can enjoy the beauty of the surrounding nature, and in the evening return to your own home with a large amount of catch. Having mastered at least several mesh knitting techniques well, you can not only make it, but also repair it if the need arises. Big catch!

Attention, TODAY only!

To understand how to start knitting a fishing net, you need to consider the materials involved in the process. First of all, you will need threads.

Fishermen call them delhi. Modern nets are woven from synthetic materials (nylon, nylon, etc.)

d.). At the same time, the parts turn out to be more durable, do not rot or collapse for quite a long time.

Experienced fishermen claim that nets made of synthetic materials are more catchy.

In order for the net to hold a certain shape, it is woven on special ropes called landing laces. It could also be wire.

It is also necessary to select the material for the sinkers and floats. They should be smooth, preferably round in shape. Foam plastic, birch bark or wood are suitable for floats. To prevent the material from collapsing, it is coated with appropriate paint.

Handy tool

When learning how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the tool at hand. First of all, you will need a shuttle. This is a kind of needle with which the network will be knitted. It is also necessary to prepare a bar or ruler. It is also called a template. This is a plate with smooth edges. It determines the size of the cells.

You can buy a shuttle in a store or make it yourself if you wish. To do this, you will need to prepare a sheet of plastic or plywood. The workpiece is cut according to a specific template. Its edges must be sanded with sandpaper. It's easier to knock out the middle with a chisel.

The material must be sufficiently rigid. To do this you will need plastic or plywood no thinner than 2-3 mm. The width of the shuttle is approximately 3 cm, and the length is about 25 cm. If the bar (template) by which the width of the cell is determined is small, then the width of the shuttle should be even smaller.

Ring tying scheme

After creating the first cell and knot, you need to tie the entire ring. Experienced fishermen will tell you in detail how to knit a fishing net. The scheme of this process corresponds to the procedure discussed above. The thread is laid again over the template. It then goes underneath it and is threaded through the ring.

Then the thread is brought to the finger and pressed. Next, make 2 knots. If you want to make a network with 50x50 mm cells with a total of 20 pieces, there will be 21 loops on the wire ring.

All nodes must be made at the same distance. After 21 loops (or other required number) have been cast on, the threads are carefully removed from the template. The next row is knitted.

Weaving a network

If you are interested in how to knit fishing nets with your own hands, you need to consider subsequent weaving. It is not removed from the wire ring until about 10 rows have been created. In this case, you will get a network with 5 cells in length.

If you stretch this product, you will get a structure about 2 m in size. During assembly (planting), the network will shrink. The reduction will be about 1/3. In this case, the network will be 1.3-1.5 m long.

This work is painstaking and requires a sufficient amount of time. To shorten the process, you can try making nodes using a different technology.

Tightening a complex knot

The technology presented above allows you to understand how to knit fishing nets with your own hands. Node diagrams may differ slightly. Some of them are easy to knit, but it takes a lot of time.

To make the process go faster, you need to master the technology of weaving complex knots. After the thread is placed on the template and pressed, it is lowered down. Next, grab the line with the little finger of your left hand. At the same time, it is stretched between the template and the finger.

Next you should pay attention to the shuttle. The index finger of the right hand is pressed against it. By moving towards you, the thread is captured and left on the shuttle. Then the captured fishing line is pulled towards itself. With your right hand, move your finger down and away from you at the same time.

The thread crosses. The right hand with the shuttle is carried to the cell. The index finger moves away from him. The tip of the shuttle is threaded into the next cell. The thread is thrown off for him. The shuttle is threaded further and the thread is tightened.

When learning how to properly knit fishing nets, you need to tighten a complex knot. The template moves close to the captured cell. With your left hand you clamp the place where the knot will be tightened later. Now the line is dropped from the little finger. Next the knot is tightened.

This process may take a long time at first. But your hands will gradually get used to it, and you will be able to knit the net with almost automatic movements. You can even watch TV and do work.

Deley repair

When studying the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you should pay attention to the repair of parts. Sometimes it is necessary to tie up pieces damaged during fishing. If you need to reduce a row, then at subsequent levels the number of cells is reduced. To increase the width of the sections, a shuttle is threaded through one window 2 times.

To cut off damaged cells, mark this area along the edge. Next, the damaged segments are removed near the node. In this case, 2 threads coming out of it are cut off at once. This way you can remove a whole row. The cells are also cut obliquely.

If necessary, 2 pieces of networks can be connected and one new one can be made from several old ones. To do this, pieces of nets are hung by their outer segments on a nail. The edges of the two pieces put together are stretched. The shuttle is threaded 2 times into each pair of windows. A knot is made every 5-7 cells.

You can bind a thread alternately to segments of one and another network. This is a more reliable way. In this case, the shuttle movements are performed in the same way as when weaving a regular weave. The thread should be the same thickness as in both pieces of old nets.

Repairs will need to be done sooner or later. There are also no great difficulties in this process.

Having familiarized yourself with the technology of how to knit a fishing net, you can create your own fishing tackle. Over time, the weaving process will take very little time.

Therefore, creating a delhi yourself will not be difficult. When using nets, the fisherman does not have to participate in the fishing process all the time.

After installing the gear, you can enjoy your outdoor recreation and return home with a big catch.
