How to clean cast iron grates on a gas stove. How and with what to clean the grate on a gas stove? Oven and boiling water

The efforts and results of household chores are often not adequate to each other. What a shame it is when you spend the whole day cleaning, but the kitchen is still far from ideal cleanliness. The hardest part to clean is the grate. gas stove- all surfaces are already shining, but it is still covered with a layer of fat and dark soot. It is almost impossible to prevent their occurrence: even the most careful housewives sometimes run out of broth, and the oil boiling in a frying pan splashes hissingly onto the stove. If you do not want to follow the example of pensioners who wrap metal rods in foil, you will have to learn how to clean the grate of a gas stove from grease and carbon deposits.

In fact, cleaning the grate of a gas stove can take very little time. Not only modern household chemicals, but also folk recipes help to quickly clean the gas stove grate from any dirt. Our grandmothers easily used them, and we, in pursuit of super-efficient technologies, simply forgot. However, home methods do not cancel industrial achievements, but only complement them and offer an alternative. We have collected both in one article so that you can compare, choose and clean the grate on a gas stove exactly as it is most convenient for you.

Cleaning a gas stove: features, rules and precautions
Care household appliances and keeping it clean is the responsibility of every housewife. Therefore, first of all, let us allow ourselves the banal, but most true advice. Try not to let the gas stove run its course, do not let it heavy pollution her bars. It's better to schedule a regular cleaning session for your gas stove grate and stick to it with discipline, even if it doesn't seem too dirty to you yet. It will be much more difficult to clean the grate on a gas stove from old carbon deposits.

Unfortunately, real circumstances do not always obey our plans. A dirty stove may be added to your purchased apartment, found in a rented home, or hopelessly damaged by neighbors, tenants and/or other untidy friends. If you happen to be the cleanest person present, then you will have to clean the grate of the gas stove. And in this difficult matter, the following information will be useful:

  1. Gas stove grates look almost the same, especially when dirty: black, slightly rough thick rods. But in fact they are made from different materials. There are at least three grating options: cast iron, enameled and steel. Each material requires a special approach, otherwise, instead of cleaning the gas stove grate, you may break it. If throwing away your grate and buying a new one isn't in your plans, find out exactly what it's made of. If the prospect of losing the grate doesn’t scare you, then it’s better to do it right away and buy a new one than to clean the grate of your gas stove from old grease.
  2. Gas stove burners pose a real threat to the health and even life of household members. If the stove is new and in perfect working order, then there is no need to worry. But if you need to clean an old gas stove grate that's many years old, it doesn't hurt to take extra precaution. Remove the grate from the stove and clean it separately from the rest of the surface. Avoid getting water and/or detergents from the grate onto the burners and especially into them.
  3. For effective cleaning time should not be spared on the stove grates. It is easy to understand the desire to quickly clean the grate of a gas stove, but this is only possible in the case of minor surface contamination. Old carbon deposits will have to be pre-soaked in hot water or detergent solution. This in itself is not difficult and does not require much effort. Another thing is important: after washing, wipe dry and dry the grill properly. Otherwise, the next cleaning will not take long. The fact is that drops of fat and food particles stick faster to a wet grill.
Considering the listed difficulties, the prospect of washing the gas stove grate more often doesn’t seem like such a burden, right? Preventative measures always pay off, especially in matters of cleanliness and hygiene. And although the producers household chemicals They promise miraculous results from using their products, we will try to clean the gas stove grate inexpensively, without extra costs.

How to clean a cast iron grate on a gas stove?
If your stove grate is made of cast iron, there are pros and cons. On the one hand, cast iron is famous for its thermal conductivity, which helps create culinary masterpieces. On the other hand, cast iron requires careful handling and specific cleaning; it should not be hit, subjected to strong pressure, scraped or placed in the dishwasher. So how do you clean a cast iron grate? Choose the appropriate method:

  • The wedge is knocked out with a wedge, and carbon deposits are removed from the cast iron by heating. If possible, take the dirty grate to the dacha and singe it over the fire there. Some of the carbon will fall off when heated, the rest will simply burn. By the way, this same method can be used to clean cast iron cookware: cauldrons, frying pans, etc.
  • You can also heat the cast iron grate on the stove. This is an unpleasant procedure, so open the windows in the apartment and send the children for a walk in the yard. Turn on the hood and burners and wait for the dirt and grease to burn off in the fire.
  • The husbands of some housewives advise cleaning the stove grate with car engine cleaner. This tip is worth listening to, because car enthusiasts are very protective of their iron horses and will not put them at risk.
Carbon deposits readily come off the grate under the action of hot steam. But where can you find its source at home? If you don't have a steam cleaner with good pressure, use old-fashioned method. Place a baking sheet with water on the bottom of the oven, and place a stove rack above it. As the water evaporates in a hot oven, the steam will reach the grate and pieces of soot will fall off.

How to clean the steel grate of a gas stove?
Stainless steel is not afraid of either water or abrasives. You can safely put it in the dishwasher and not bother yourself with manual cleaning. If neither you nor your close friends have a dishwasher, you will have to clean the steel grate of the gas stove yourself:

  • Scrape off carbon deposits with a stiff abrasive material. This could be steel wool, soda or river sand, choose an affordable product.
  • Acidic detergents are suitable for cleaning steel gratings. Apply them liberally to the surface of the rods, place the lattice in a basin and leave overnight. In the morning, all that remains is to wash off the remaining chemicals and carbon deposits with water.
Once the grate is clean, prepare a mixture of laundry detergent, clear glue and soda ash in a ratio of 1:2:6, respectively. Apply to grate and let dry. Subsequently, when the need arises to clean the stove grate again, rinse it with water and see how the carbon deposits come off along with the soda-adhesive layer, which then simply needs to be renewed.

How to clean the enameled grate of a gas stove?
Enameled surfaces are susceptible to scratches and chips, so the grate will have to be treated with the same care as the surface of the stove. However, there are quite effective and inexpensive methods for cleaning it:

  • Enameled metal is cleaned with a melamine sponge. It cannot be called very cheap, but taking into account the economical consumption and visible results, this product justifies the cost. Use a melamine sponge according to the instructions: moisten it with water and wipe the dirty grate from all sides.
  • Instead of chemical stove cleaners, you can try to clean the grates with natural products: mustard powder or vinegar. Both have a solvent effect, but it is advisable to soak the grate in the solution for several hours.
To be honest, almost any detergent copes with cleaning the stove grate. The difference between them is only in the exposure time: some, more expensive, work quickly, others, simpler, require soaking overnight. But in any case, when applied detergent composition take care not only about the grate, but also about yourself: wear thick rubber gloves and do not take them off during direct contact with the solution.

Simply put, patience and soaking in hot water are more effective than expensive drugs when we're talking about about the need to clean the gas stove grate. Moreover, most of the modern formulations are based on the same substances, acids or alkalis, as ordinary vinegar, soda and other available products. But maintaining cleanliness somehow outstrips all other clever methods. Take care of the order in your home, and let it always be neat and cozy!

Clean the grates depending on the material. Steel and enamel structures can be washed in the dishwasher with special and household solutions. It is better not to clean enamel with abrasives (soda, sand), steel wool or brushes. Cleaning with a melamine sponge is allowed. Cast iron rods do not tolerate well high humidity and physical impact, but are resistant to calcination.

Among the finished products, choose liquids and sprays for the stove: Selena, Sanitol, “Antifat Lima”, Gold Unicum, Sanita gel “Antifat”, Reinex, Cif, Super Sanitar, Synergetic, “Shumanit”. Suitable household substances include soda, salt, dry mustard, vinegar solution, soap, and ammonia. Use steam and boiling water to remove the greasy layer. Make sure that dirt does not accumulate, then you won’t have to clean the structures for a long time.

If you don't wash the grates regularly, a layer of grease and soot accumulates on them. It is problematic to wash the surface of old dirt. Pre-soaking in combination with chemical and physical action is often required. Let's take a closer look at how to clean the grate of a gas stove.

What is the difficulty of cleaning the grates from a gas stove?

Removable structures do not fit into the sink, cast iron ones are too heavy, and stationary ones are difficult to rinse from below.

However, these problems are completely solvable. It is more difficult to clean the surface from burnt fat or carbon deposits.

Constantly being heated over a fire, stuck pieces of food lose moisture and literally eat into the surface. “Unsticking” a strong film of dirt becomes problematic. In addition, dust sticks to the sticky layer, making the situation worse. That is why you need to wipe not only the stove, but also the grate after each cooking, as well.

Preparing for cleaning

First, find out what the rods are made of. Then select a suitable substance and prepare rubber gloves, sponges, rags, brushes.

The choice of cleaning method depends on the design. If the bars are removed, things will go easier and faster. Inspect the grille and remove the rubber and plastic parts to avoid damaging them during cleaning. Soak the structure with the cleaning agent in a suitable container.

It is more difficult to wash the bonded hob design. You won't be able to soak it. You will have to clean the grate directly on the stove. For convenience, use different brushes to reach all corners. Place foil or oilcloth under the structure so as not to stain the surface of the stove during cleaning. Be sure to turn off the gas before cleaning.

Features of cleaning grates made of different materials

Select substances according to the material. They make cast iron, steel and enameled structures. Each material has its own characteristics.

Cast iron grate

Cast iron is a heavy alloy that can withstand high temperatures, but afraid of excess moisture. Cast iron grates can be calcined over an open fire, but it is not advisable to scrub them with hard brushes and metal objects. Try not to hit the material. More dirt sticks to chips and scratches, which means the grille will get dirty faster.

Enameled steel grille

The top grate, covered with enamel, is cleaned carefully, being careful not to scratch or hit the surface. The enamel chips easily, leaving unprotected gaps on the surface. Clean the enamel grill with a mixture of mustard and vinegar solution and soap.

Stainless steel grill

Stainless steel rods withstand the effects of abrasives, acids and water. The steel grate can be washed in the dishwasher. Carbon deposits are removed with sand, soda, and steel wool. Fat can be removed with any liquid containing acid.

Ready-made degreasing products

Buy household chemicals specifically designed for the oven. Read the label carefully to determine which material the substance is suitable for. The table shows sprays for cleaning gas stoves from grease.

Table 1. Ready-made liquids for gratings

Name Manufacturer Volume, ml price, rub.
Selena Russia 500 110
Sanitol Russia 250 60
"Lyme Anti-Fat" Russia 500 120
Gold Unicum Russia 500 165
Sanita gel Anti-grease Russia 500 75
Reinex Germany 750 270
Cif Hungary 750 150
Super Sanitar Russia 500 65
Synergetic Russia 500 250
"Shumanit" Israel 500 450

Important . Use substances strictly according to instructions. Be sure to wear gloves and ventilate the area while working.

Thermal ways to clean the grate

Using high temperatures, carbon deposits and grease are removed. The choice of method depends on the grating material.

Steam method to clean the grate of a gas stove

Hot steam is applicable to any material.

Use a steam cleaner effectively. The tool will be able to remove grease and carbon deposits from the grate and the surface of the stove. Use a round brush head. Set to 140°C.

If there is no steam generator, use the oven:

  1. Place a deep baking tray on the bottom of the oven.
  2. Pour water into it.
  3. Place a wire rack on top or place it in water.
  4. Turn on the oven at 200°C and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  5. Turn off and leave to cool.
  6. Remove the grate and wipe with a sponge.

Heating the grate to clean carbon deposits

To clean the cast iron grate of the stove from carbon deposits, use an open flame. It's better to make a fire in the country house. Put on a work mitt and grasp the grill by the edge. Hold it over the flames on one side and the other to burn upper layer soot. Wipe off any remaining residue with a sponge and dishwashing gel. Rinse cold water and wipe dry.

If you take precautions, heat the metal rods over gas burner. Do not create a draft in the kitchen. If possible, turn on the hood.

Boiling water to remove dirt, grease, carbon deposits

Try cleaning the steel grate by soaking it in boiling water.

Soaking is long, but current method cleaning

Fill your basin or bathtub hot water and immerse the structures so that the liquid completely covers the surface. Add any detergent - liquid soap, dish gel, soda, vinegar solution, citric acid. Leave until completely cool. Rub with a brush or foam sponge and rinse.

Dishwasher on high temperature

Steel and enamel grills can be washed in the dishwasher. At high temperature and humidity, cast iron rods will become more fragile. Remove additional non-metallic elements from the bars and place the rack in the dirty dishes compartment. Run the cycle at high temperature, and then check how clean the surfaces are. If carbon deposits remain, repeat washing. After the procedure, be sure to wipe the grill dry.

Mechanical removal of carbon deposits from the grate

Big problem represents soot that is formed due to stuck pieces of food. If you do not wash the stove immediately after cooking, the adhering dirt hardens and burns tightly during the next cooking.

Sandpaper, knife: pros, cons

Scrape off heavily burnt fat from the grate with a knife, steel wool or sandpaper. Use the edge of a knife to pick up any large pieces of dirt that have stuck on. Add a drop of dish gel and rub with sandpaper or a washcloth until the deposits are completely gone. Rinse and wipe dry.

The method is applicable only to steel rods. Handle the cast iron surface with care: the material is too fragile and is quickly damaged by mechanical stress. Sandpaper will leave marks on the enamel deep scratches that will spoil appearance and will make the grate more vulnerable to dirt.

Melamine sponge

Foamed plastic removes dirt and grease without the use of soap or cleaning gel. Moisten with water and rub dirty areas until foam forms. Rinse with water and wipe dry.

Hard brushes

Stiff toothbrushes work well for cleaning heavily soiled areas. Wet the brush in water and dip it in baking soda. mustard powder, salt or dish gel. Rub the dirty areas and leave for a while, then rinse and wipe dry.

Effective ways to clean grates using home remedies

To clean grease from rods, use homemade recipes. Solutions and mixtures can destroy greasy deposits without damaging the surface. Most substances are suitable for cleaning any material.

Cleaning with baking soda

Effective method for cleaning steel and cast iron rods. It is not advisable to clean enamel, since soda is a fine abrasive that leaves scratches. Prepare the mixture:

  1. Add to baking soda little water to make a paste.
  2. Distribute over surfaces.
  3. Leave for half an hour.
  4. Rub with a brush and rinse under warm water.

For best results, mix hydrogen peroxide with the powder to form a paste. Apply the mixture to dirty areas and rub lightly. Rinse under running water.

To distribute the baking soda evenly, place it in a durable bag. Pour some water, insert the structure inside and tie it. Shake to distribute the mixture and leave for three hours. During this time, shake the bag periodically. Remove and rinse.

Cleaning with soapy water

The easiest and cheapest way to clean the grate from the stove.

Prepare the gel:

  1. Grate half a bar of laundry soap.
  2. Mix the shavings with hot water to make a paste.
  3. Apply the mixture and leave overnight.
  4. In the morning, scrub with a brush and rinse.

Using Vinegar

Vinegar will help you quickly clean a grate made of any material:

  1. Fill the bathtub with hot water.
  2. Add half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Immerse the structure and leave it overnight.
  4. Drain the water the next day
  5. Scrub and rinse the rods.

Mustard will enhance the effect:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of vinegar solution into 100 g of mustard powder.
  2. Add some dishwashing liquid.
  3. Stir and apply the mixture to the rods.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Rub with the rough side of the sponge and rinse.

Combine with soda:

  1. Dissolve 100 g of soda in a bowl of water.
  2. Pour in half a glass of vinegar solution.
  3. Place a wire rack and leave for two hours.
  4. Remove and rinse.

Advice . You can soak not only with a vinegar solution. Add mustard, soda or dish gel.

Cleaning with ammonia

To clean any material, prepare a mixture of powder and ammonia:

  1. Mix half a glass of washing powder with a teaspoon ammonia.
  2. Pour in hot water to form a solution.
  3. Dip a sponge in the liquid and wipe the dirty areas.
  4. Leave for 15 minutes and rinse.
  5. Wipe dry with a clean cloth.

Don't forget to wear rubber gloves. Instead of washing powder, put laundry soap, grated on a fine grater.

Cleaning with salt

Prepare a salt solution and clean any surface:

  1. Dissolve two tablespoons of salt in 500 ml of water.
  2. Dampen the sponge and wipe the rods thoroughly.
  3. Without rinsing, leave it overnight.
  4. Wipe in the morning damp cloth and wipe dry.

Remove any remaining dirt with the following mixture:

  1. Combine 25 g of soap shavings with 20 g of soda ash.
  2. Add 50 ml of vinegar solution.
  3. Stir and wait for the reaction to complete.
  4. Lubricate dirty areas and leave for a couple of hours.
  5. Rub and rinse.

Caring for the grate on a gas stove

To avoid scrubbing a layer of dirt off the grates at home, follow the care recommendations:

  1. Cover the hot frying pan with oil with a mesh or lid.
  2. Monitor food preparation: do not allow milk or soup to “run off”.
  3. Without waiting for it to cool down, wipe the structures after cooking.
  4. Wipe the washed structure dry.

Monitor the condition of the grate and try not to run the surface of the rods. Keep detergent and a sponge on hand to quickly remove any dirt that appears.

For more information, watch the video:

Larisa, February 4, 2019.

As a result of daily cooking, the stove grate inevitably becomes dirty and quickly becomes covered with a layer of fat and soot. It's difficult to remove. The fact is that we usually pay attention to such contamination when the layer is already quite thick. The problem of how to clean the grate of a gas stove worries almost all housewives, so it is necessary to consider the most effective methods.

Types of pollution

When we use a stove, dirt inevitably appears on the grate. First of all, this is fat and food residues that spilled out during boiling. However, there are always other sources:

  • dust that forms in the house and enters open window, settles on the grate and, due to the high temperature, is tightly welded to it and creates carbon deposits;
  • pet hair: cats can climb onto the stove to warm themselves;
  • lint from the clothes of people who cook, especially if they are wearing a warm jacket or robe.

Since there are always many sources of pollution, and we are too lazy or forget to wipe the entire kitchen every day, the question of how to clean the grate of a gas stove always remains relevant.

Features of cleaning structures made of different materials

You can clean the grill with ordinary detergents, which are sold in abundance in household chemical stores. However, they can damage the surface and irritate the skin of your hands. Therefore, when cleaning, you must wear rubber gloves, and this is quite inconvenient. Folk remedies will be much more useful and even more effective.

When deciding how to clean the grate of a gas stove, it is worth considering the material from which it is made: enamel, steel or cast iron.

  • Mustard powder is most suitable for an enamel surface: it needs to be diluted with water to the consistency of thick sour cream, applied to the surface, rubbed with a dishwashing sponge and rinsed with warm water. Such a grid is completely contraindicated for “aggressive” chemicals and iron brushes and meshes, it needs to be cleaned as delicately as possible. In general, this design is best washed in a dishwasher with a special washing liquid. If there is no such equipment or the grate is too large and does not fit into it, you should resort to the help of mustard.
  • The steel grate can be washed with dishwashing detergent using a sponge or stiff brush. Such a surface is not afraid of either a metal brush or “aggressive” household chemicals. It is better to soak it overnight and clean it in the morning. Both mustard and regular sand are suitable for it.
  • The cast iron grate of a gas stove is the most difficult to clean. Hard scrapers and strong household chemicals are also unacceptable for working with it. Preheating is necessary for best results. However, it is very undesirable to wash it in the dishwasher.

Working with cast iron products

Preparing the cast iron grate:

  • turn on the stove, heat the structure over an open fire, the impurities will begin to fall off;
  • put the pan to boil so that the steam gets to the dirtiest places;
  • heat the oven, place a heat-resistant dish with water in it, wait until it boils and insert a wire rack: under the influence of steam, dried pieces of fat and soot will fall off, you need to heat for about 15 minutes;
  • you can use a steam generator;
  • When cleaning the stove grate in a country house or in a private house, you can heat it over a fire.

During heating, an unpleasant smell arises from burning fat, which is also quite harmful, so during this process you should open a window in the kitchen.

In this case, contact with water should be minimal; you can wet the grill only at the very end when washing off the product, but it is better to simply wipe it with a damp cloth.

The best folk recipes

The problem of how to clean a cast iron grate (and those made of other materials) can be solved with the help of ammonia, dry mustard, vinegar, laundry soap or soda.

The easiest way to cleanse is to use alcohol or mustard. You need to spray the grate with ammonia from a spray bottle or apply the powder with a damp cloth, leave for an hour or two in plastic bag or in a basin, then thoroughly treat with a sponge and rinse with warm water.

A mixture of laundry soap and office glue is also effective. You need to clean the grille in it as follows:

  • grate 72% soap, pour into a container that can fit the grill, pour water, add glue (150 ml), mix thoroughly;
  • to boil water;
  • place the structure in the mixture, “cook” over low heat for about an hour;
  • remove and wash without allowing to cool.

To avoid burning your hands, you should take a potholder or wear special mittens.

Recipe with soda:

  • put the grate in a bag or trash bag, pour soda into it (a whole pack), pour water;
  • tie the bag and shake it thoroughly so that the soda dissolves and covers the entire structure;
  • shake the bag periodically for 2 or 2.5 hours;
  • After this time, rinse thoroughly.

Similarly, you can wash the cast iron grate with soda and vinegar:

  • half a pack of soda and half a standard pack of vinegar should be dissolved in water in a large container;
  • put the structure there;
  • soak for 2 or 3 hours;
  • Rinse.

Saline solution is also effective:

  • pour 2 tbsp into 0.5 liters of water. salt;
  • Spread the surface with this product and leave overnight;
  • In the morning, wipe with a damp cloth or sponge, and then dry;
  • after this you should mix grated laundry soap, soda ash and vinegar (25, 20 and 50 g, respectively);
  • spread this mixture onto the dry grate;
  • Wipe off after 2 or 3 hours.

This additional cleaning will help better get rid of old dirt.

Coca-Cola and similar harmful carbonated drinks are well suited for cleaning: the phosphoric acid they contain dissolves the fat.

Cast iron grates are heavy and quite difficult to clean, so to make it easier to get rid of carbon deposits and grease, it is recommended to wipe the structure with a damp cloth after each meal preparation. There is no need to wait for it to cool completely; it is better to clean it while it is warm. If the condition of the structure is neglected, it is necessary to soak it in a cleaning agent. Wash with a soft cloth. If the structure can be disassembled into parts, it is better to do this - this will make it much easier to clean.

In search of an answer to the question of how to clean the grate on a gas stove at home, housewives often forget about the rules for organizing this procedure. As a result, the effect is weak, or they harm their health. Therefore, it is always important to follow the following rules:

  • when using household chemicals, as well as soda and vinegar, you should wear gloves;
  • the cleaning agent must be applied to the surface evenly, preferably in a thick layer, and kept for as long as indicated in the instructions;
  • after rinsing, it is necessary to wipe the grill dry, because new drops of grease, dust, etc. will very quickly stick to the wet surface, and besides, the water contains detergent particles and salt; if they are not removed in time, stains will remain;
  • when we clean the stove, we need to ventilate the kitchen, especially if we work with chemicals;
  • the grate should be removed from the stove, and if this is not possible, an oilcloth should be placed under it so that the product does not get on the surface and burners (it is better to clean them separately).

To make the stove less dirty, it is important to choose the right utensils for cooking and carefully control this process. It is better to take a frying pan with high sides - this way there is less chance that fat will splatter during frying, and if possible, you should cover it with a lid. Be sure to carefully monitor so that boiling soup or milk does not run away, and if this happens, you must wipe it off immediately, without waiting for it to dry out.

You can also prepare a special mixture to protect the gas stove grate from grease and other contaminants. You need to mix the soda washing powder and glue (6:1:2) and spread on the surface. This protective layer will collect all the dirt. The next time you clean, simply wipe the grill with a damp cloth.

The surface of the stove gets dirty quickly and has to be cleaned frequently. However, it is important to know not only what to clean with, but also how to prevent the appearance of soot. Careful cooking and regular cleaning will make it easier to deal with dirt. Numerous home remedies can also clean it well.

Perhaps the most difficult thing in all homework– wash the gas stove. And while the surface itself is easy to deal with, washing the grate, as a rule, is constantly put off until later.

As a result, it becomes more and more difficult to wash it, and the layer of dirt accumulated on the rods only spoils the whole picture.

As a result, every housewife sooner or later wonders how to wash the grate of a gas stove at home.

Determining the material

Immediately before washing, you need to remember what material this part was made from. gas oven. You will have few answer options:

  • steel rods;
  • enameled metal;
  • cast iron.

The fact is that each of these materials requires its own care.

Cast iron

Cast iron is a very finicky material and therefore quite difficult to clean. He is afraid of water, so he cannot be washed in the dishwasher.

Simply scraping off the fat with a knife is also not an option: along with the fat, you can also scrape off particles of the material itself. The only way is incandescence.

This can be done directly above the stove itself, over a fire in the country house or in the garage blowtorch. Heat the fat until it is all burned and the dry residues fall off.

It’s also a good idea to entrust this important task to men who will remove dirt using metal brushes and an electric drill.


As a rule, these are lattices with very smooth surface. But the range of your influences is quite large.

The easiest way to clean the grate of a gas stove is to use such a miracle household appliances, How Dishwasher.

Remove all the rubber elements from the grill and place it in the dirty dishes compartment, after pouring more detergent into it. The incandescent method is also suitable here; you can also scrape off the dirt with a sharp object.


How to clean the steel grate of a gas stove from grease? In this case, a strong caustic agent will do.

Place the dirty element in the bathroom or cover the area where cleaning will take place with oilcloth. Apply the detergent evenly to the rods and leave overnight. In the morning, all you have to do is rinse with water.

How else to clean the grate of a gas stove from carbon deposits? To do this, you can use one of the following tools:

  • Soak the grate in a basin or tub filled with very hot water. Add any detergent there. If you are against household chemicals, use baking soda or vinegar. Leave everything for a few hours and then rinse as usual.
  • Some people recommend using a car engine cleaner. Removes any dirt, while being harmless and easily washed off with water.
  • When cleaning, you can also use a stainless steel sponge. It will cope with dirt better than a regular sponge.
  • Dry mustard also helps. Apply it evenly with a damp cloth and let it sit. Then wash as usual.
  • Warm sand also cleans perfectly. True, you will have to rub for quite a long time.


You can find a video tutorial on the Internet showing how to clean the grate of a gas stove. In any case, a few final tips wouldn’t hurt:

1. Carry out any work only with gloves, especially if you work with aggressive substances.

2. After the grate is washed, it must be wiped dry. The fact is that fat will easily stick to places where water droplets remain.

3. Wash the stove and all elements on it as soon as they become dirty.

Kitchen hood - important element equipment that creates comfortable conditions for preparing and eating food. Untimely cleaning of the filter and grill reduces the performance of the unit, allowing the formation of soot in the kitchen. Exhaust hood to eliminate unpleasant odors and prevents the formation of soot, it is also necessary to clean it periodically. An increase in operating noise and a decrease in productivity are the first factors in the contamination of cleaning equipment. How to clean the inside of a hood, if even the outside cannot be washed with a sponge and detergent? The presence of a suction effect attracts evaporation particles to the surface of the unit, thereby forming a sticky coating of fat on the device.

Cleaning kitchen hood- a rather labor-intensive process. It must be completely disassembled before washing. But the most difficult thing in the process is the direct cleaning of the mesh and filter from soot and dirt. Depending on which material body and parts are made, selected special remedy for cleaning. Which product needs to be used is usually indicated in the instructions for the device. Incorrectly used detergent can damage the components of the unit. Therefore, it is very important to know how to clean the hood in the kitchen correctly.

Before you begin cleansing, there are several steps you need to take:

  • study in detail the manufacturer’s instructions and recommendations on cleaning specific parts;
  • study the list of collapsible sections of the structure;
  • disconnect the equipment from the power supply;
  • dismantling and disassembly is carried out according to the description of the process in the technical documentation - this will allow you not to lose parts and put them back correctly.

If you want to know how to wash a kitchen hood, follow the following standard procedure:

  1. Remove the top surface of the housing.
  2. Extract mesh, closing the internal cleaning system.
  3. All details and retainer they must be removed and soaked in a separate container with soapy water, since they will also have a greasy coating on them.
  4. Take off filter.
  5. Unscrew the pipe that discharges polluted air into the ventilation hatch.

After you have managed to dismantle the device and remove all the dirty parts, you can both wash the hood from grease and process all the elements, including the outer casing.

Methods for cleaning a kitchen hood

The most affordable and effective means of cleaning any kitchen hood from grease are home remedies. How can you clean the hood if it is not used very intensively and the cooking process occurs occasionally? The cleaning interval can be 6 months, using regular dishwashing detergent and a sponge. All parts and the air filter will be washed with a soapy solution. But before cleaning, you should make sure that it can be washed and not replaced.

To make the removal of dirt easier and faster, you need to clean it quarterly.

If a sticky coating with a thick layer of greasy dirt forms on the mesh, it will be necessary to use stronger agents. Options for cleaning a kitchen hood may be as follows.

Cleaning with baking soda

Treatment with soda solution

This is the fastest, safest and cheap way cleaning the mesh. The procedure includes the following steps:

  1. Selecting a container in which you can boil the grate in solution, depending on its dimensions. If it is large and does not fit into any pan, you can take any dish into which it will fit in width and clean both sides in turn.
  2. Preparation of soda solution: 0.5 tbsp. Dilute soda in 3 liters of water.
  3. The cleansing process takes 20-30 minutes, depending on the degree of contamination.

In a boiling soda solution, particles of any origin are separated without scratching the structure.

Treatment with ammonia

If the stains are old, and when boiling in the soda solution, there are residual stains left, you can wash the hood grate with ammonia. For these purposes you will need 0.5 tbsp. alcohol diluted in 3.5 liters of hot water. Considering that ammonia has Strong smell , it is better to carry out the procedure in a mask so as not to burn the mucous membrane, and also to open the window. The soaking process will take 1-1.5 hours, after which the mesh can be washed under running water and dry with a towel or napkin.

Ammonia for cleaning

Soap solution

Using a soap solution requires rough cleaning of the hood from grease, since a sponge will be of little help for these purposes. Here you will need plastic or metal scraper. To prepare the solution, you need to dissolve ordinary 72% laundry soap in hot water, with a concentration of 0.5 bars of soap per 3 liters of water. Small parts You can even boil it, rub the mesh with a solution and begin mechanical processing.

Acetic acid

If you don't know how to clean a greasy hood grate, try this method: treatment acetic acid is also effective means for removing sticky dirt. The smell is pungent, so access must be provided fresh air. Rub all the elements with a sponge soaked in vinegar. 7-10 minutes are enough to separate contaminants. After treatment with an acidic solution, the parts should be washed in running water.

Lemon acid

For mild stains, you can use lemon; as in the case of acetic acid, it can break down fat particles. Treating the hood body with lemon is very effective, as it also attracts dirt and soot forms on it. Instead of lemon juice, you can use dissolved citric acid at the rate of 2-3 tbsp. for 1 liter of water.


This method is used for old fatty formations when the hood has not been cleaned for a long time. For these purposes it is used drain pipe cleaner, you can try oven cleaners. If the consistency is liquid, you should soak the grate and other parts for 10 minutes and rinse with hot water. The powder should be first diluted in water and then processed.

The cleansing process will take no longer than any other treatment kitchen appliances. Regular cleaning of the filter, even in ordinary soapy water, will prevent soot from settling on the grille and other internal details. If available, you can wash the exhaust hood elements in the dishwasher. Regular maintenance of exhaust equipment will reduce the time required to clean all parts of the structure and prolong the performance of the unit.

Cleanliness in the kitchen is very important for any housewife. We can say that the methods described in the article are suitable not only for cleaning hoods. Vinegar, lemon acid and soda are used to clean the most different surfaces. To keep your kitchen sparkling, check out the rules for cleansing and its cousin, . Many people do not suspect, but the dishwasher also needs regular cleaning, and ours will tell you how to do it correctly.
