How is the name Paul translated from ancient Greek? Pavel: the meaning of the name, character and fate

Do you want to know what awaits a guy with this name, what unites people who bear it? Today the topic of our article is Pavel: the meaning of the name character and the fate that awaits a boy with this very beautiful name. We will begin, as in other articles, with the history of its origin...

The Apostle Paul appears in the Bible. Many boys were named after him.

  • The name Paul is of Latin origin and means “small” or “small”;
  • There is a hypothesis that there is also the meaning “junior”, which was relevant in some families when the names of father and son coincided.

What will the boy be like?

From early childhood, Pasha has been distinguished by a calm, kind, sympathetic character. He is rarely capricious, attentive, obedient, efficient, and very attached to his parents.

Friends come to Pasha for advice and share their most secret things with him.

Moderately active, he likes to communicate with friends, but he often prefers reading books or intimate conversations with his mother to noisy games.

The boy is generally very sympathetic and responsive. He is one of those who will be the first to give up his seat to his grandmother on the bus or help carry a heavy bag to a neighbor.


At school he is diligent, attentive, ready to absorb large amounts of information, can patiently explain the material and help his classmates who are lagging behind with their homework.

He himself is an average student, he likes only selected subjects, such as history, literature, geography. It is they who satisfy his need to understand the world and understand himself.

There are no problems with teachers, he never enters into conflicts, is balanced and ready to calmly and wisely resolve issues that arise.


In the company of friends, he is known as fair and honest, ready to stand up for an unjustly offended comrade or simply stranger. He is often trusted to resolve disputes and difficult situations.

Pavel grows up as a calm and obedient child, to the delight of his parents. He willingly completes tasks around the house, rarely conflicts with his family, and helps with his sister or brother, if he has one.

Pasha has a particularly close, trusting relationship with his mother; he needs her love and approval, and often comes to share his thoughts and experiences.

He does not refuse to take part in children's games, loves to tell and listen to stories, but he himself rarely initiates games.


He has a thoughtful, contemplative character. He is rather a homely boy who prefers reading books to noisy games with children. He has a rich imagination, and he likes to think about the stories he has just read in peace and quiet, to imagine how it could really be.

He loves animals, periodically brings street cats into the house and is ready not only to play with them, but also to take care of them, unlike most children of his age.

Description of an adult personality

His character doesn't change much with age. The young man remains as calm, balanced, and reasonable. Friends are drawn to him because they can always count on a confidential conversation, advice and sympathy.

He approaches issues thoughtfully and thoughtfully; thanks to his strong intuition, he grasps undercurrents and easily finds a way out of the situation.

He has an even relationship with those around him; he rarely shows emotions in public, but he is ready to listen carefully and give practical advice.

He has enough friends who like his calm balance, ability to delve into the essence of the problem, sympathize and empathize.

Pavel has a rich inner world, a wonderful memory, he reads and rethinks a lot, and easily gets into the essence of things and processes.

During his student years, he does not often take part in noisy celebrations and parties; his friends have to persuade him and even force him to go out. At the same time, he often attends conferences, participates in discussions and debates on topics that interest him in the student community.

Work and profession

A young man approaches his choice of profession carefully, thinks for a long time and weighs it. By character he is close to:

  • Story;
  • Philosophy;
  • Natural Sciences;
  • Oratory;
  • Jurisprudence;

Having decided on the direction, he does not deviate from the path, goes only forward and, as a rule, achieves good results.

Colleagues value Pavel for his reliability, responsibility and hard work. He knows his work well, does it efficiently and in a timely manner, and is ready to help his colleagues if necessary.

Things are usually going well with finances, he knows how to work hard and hard, and therefore his work is rewarded accordingly. If needed additional funds, the young man is ready to take on a part-time job and can work purposefully even at night.


His hobbies are also calm, giving him the opportunity to be alone with himself. He can collect classic books, antiques, write stories, and do modeling. Loves opera and theater.

Family and relationships

Pavel loves his wife with a calm and even love, without drama or hysterical emotions.

Girls like a friendly, calm, easy-going young man. It is easy for them to communicate with him, as he is ready to listen and carry on the conversation.

He chooses his wife very carefully and marries quite late. As a rule, his marriage is successful. In the family, he is the head, earns money, solves issues and problems, smoothes out conflicts. At the same time, he does not hesitate to help his wife with housework and takes part in household chores and family life.

He loves children very much, raising them in an atmosphere of trust and mutual respect. At their early age, he plays with them with pleasure, and during his school years he is ready to patiently and willingly do his homework with them.

Famous namesakes

  1. Paul I, 1754-1801 Russian Emperor from 1796 to 1801, son Peter III and Catherine II the Great. He had 4 sons: Alexander, Konstantin, Nikolai, Mikhail and 6 daughters. Paul's fate turned out to be so gloomy and tragic that later Russian tsars were no longer given this name.
  2. Pavel Stepanovich Nakhimov, 1802-1855 Russian naval commander, admiral. Commanding a squadron of the Black Sea Fleet during Crimean War 1853-1856, Nakhimov discovered and defeated the main forces of the Turkish fleet near Sinop. He was mortally wounded in June 1855 on the Malakhov Kurgan during the defense of Sevastopol.
  3. Pavel Mikhailovich Tretyakov, 1832-1898 Moscow merchant who founded the first museum of Russian art. Without any special education, Tretyakov studied art history on his own. Collecting paintings of the Russian school became his life's work. The patron spent more than a million rubles on purchasing the collection, completing and expanding the gallery building from year to year.
  4. Pavel Petrovich Bazhov, 1879-195 0 Russian writer, folklorist, journalist. Author of the book of Ural fairy tales “The Malachite Box”.
  5. Pavel Bure, b. 1971 Famous Russian ice hockey athlete. Forward for CSKA 1989-1991, NHL club Vancouver Canucks 1991-1998, Florida Panthers 1999-2002, New York Rangers since 2002. In the hockey and sports world he is known by the nickname “Russian Rocket”.

There are some names whose original meaning does not coincide with our usual idea of ​​their bearers, with their real characteristics.

It is unlikely that any of the stronger sex would like it if, for example, they were called “Baby Ivanovich” or “Baby Alexandrovich” in a work environment. But the original meaning of the name Paul is precisely this - from Latin “Paulus” is translated as “baby”.

True, linguists say that the origin of this name has a slightly different semantic connotation: “Paulus” is translated from the language of the ancient Romans as “younger,” and most often it was used to call the youngest child. The name came to the territory of today's Russia thanks to Christianity and one of its apostles - Apostle Paul. This name was “to the taste” of representatives of different social strata, not only because it is of Christian origin, but also due to its ease of pronunciation and good compatibility with different patronymics.

This name is popular both in Orthodox countries and in Catholic ones - precisely because it is of Christian origin. There are several known popes who took this name for themselves after their elevation to the rank. The Apostle Paul was chosen as their patron by cities, including St. Petersburg, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky and London, and entire states - Malta, and admirers of the saint often named their sons after him.

The name Pavel in everyday life is transformed into the diminutive forms Pasha and Pavlusha, Pava and Pavlik. IN European countries Pavel turns into Paul, Pablo or Paolo.

"Kids" in childhood

Men bearing the name Paul do not at all look like “babies”, as one might conclude, having only learned the origin of the name. Pavel's character is quite masculine and “adult”. And in order to understand more precisely who Paul is, the meaning of the name for his real life, you need to take a closer look at the following points:

  • How is little Pasha behaving?
  • What are the characteristics of an adult male?
  • How is his personal and professional life?
  • Health, name day and some other features of Pavel.

If parents want their newborn son to not lose touch with his family as he grows up, then the name Pavel is exactly what is suitable for their boy. IN childhood Pasha is usually kind-hearted and sympathetic, and the rules established in the family do not cause him to protest. If he has brothers and sisters, the boy is very attached to them.

Pasha is a sociable child; he enjoys playing with friends, but he does not like dangerous adventures and even dissuades his daredevil peers from such adventures. An open character, which is expressed in sociability, in the desire to play and explore the world, is balanced by a view of life that is quite reasonable for childhood the world.

His behavior is logical and reasonable, he gets down to business only after thinking, so haste is not typical for this child. And parents will have to come to terms with some of the slowness with which Pasha acts. But this slowness should not be mistaken for laziness - this is how a boy learns about the world around him and acts most effectively.

His slowness and prudence have one important positive side, which is not typical for every boy. If he believes that he needs to do something, he will certainly do it and will finish the job he has started. This typically male behavior has a special meaning for Pavlik from the first conscious years of his life.

IN primary school Pasha is far from an exemplary student; it is difficult for him to sit still if a school subject does not fully capture his attention. But his restless character does not prevent him from studying quite well - his mentality allows him to generalize information and draw the necessary conclusions. And this skill sometimes turns out to be more important than ordinary cramming.

Pasha rarely becomes a leader in the class because he is quite modest. But he is never deprived of friends. Other boys - and girls too - are drawn to him because he knows a lot for his age and knows how to talk about it in a fascinating way.

Teenager and man

As a teenager, Pasha remains a fairly calm and reasonable guy; Pavlikov’s parents are rarely familiar with all the “charms” of adolescence among boys. A balanced and sociable character allows him to maintain good relationships with both his parents and friends acquired in childhood. Friends especially appreciate in a boy named Pasha his sincerity, responsiveness and ability not only to empathize, but also to come to the rescue.

Moreover, he helps not only his comrades - in family affairs, parents can well count on the help of the matured Pavlik. Sometimes the older generation is confused by the fact that it is in adolescence that Pasha begins to show his contradictory character: despite his kindness and responsiveness, he can radically change his appearance - “turn” into a real dandy or a “kick-ass” informal.

Don't be afraid of this - the search for yourself has great importance for Pavel. It is better to treat this condescendingly and with humor, and point out some shortcomings or absurdities very gently and correctly - this is exactly the approach that the grown-up son will appreciate positively. Pavlik will take any rejection or aggressive desire to “correct” him with hostility, and his relationship with his parents can seriously deteriorate.

The character of an adult man becomes somewhat more contradictory and tougher than in childhood and adolescence. Nevertheless, in his communication he tries to be diplomatic and balanced, which allows him to maintain good relations not only with his circle of friends, but also with unfamiliar people and colleagues. However, you should not expect that this man will be lenient towards impudent behavior - he organically does not tolerate rudeness and selfishness.

At the same time, his character becomes demanding: he not only strives to do everything almost perfectly, but demands the same from those around him. Doing everything “on the level” is of particular importance for Pavel - after all, he takes very hard even the slightest failures. At the same time, he knows how to draw conclusions from his defeats and will certainly achieve success next time.

But Paul’s character does not require everyone’s attention to his own person. He doesn't like being the life of the party, although he still knows more than most and his wit is "above average." But Pavel’s friends need to remember one rule: you need to be sincere with him and not go into conflict, then the relationship will remain friendly for many years.

Love and marriage

Of course, it is very interesting what the name Pavel means for its bearer in the sexual and love aspect. Most often, the friendly environment of both Pavlik and the already grown man is not only male; among his friends there are many representatives of the fair sex. But Paul has one thing important rule: he will never create false illusions in a girl who has sympathy for him, if he himself does not have tender feelings for her.

Despite this, in their youth these men have many sexual partners, but he makes the choice of his “only” quite late. For him, complete unity is important not only in the mental and intellectual aspects, but also in the sexual.

Moreover, sex for Pavel is not only bodily pleasure, but also aesthetic. Therefore, he gives one of the priorities to the environment in which his dates take place. In this, his sense of taste and style is not changed at all - his partner will simply be fascinated by the romantic atmosphere.

For Pavel, intimate relationships are one of the indispensable conditions of a marriage; for him, a relationship with his wife without sex is simply not possible. Wherein family life does not in any way diminish Pavel’s sense of style and good taste.

Moreover, if he feels that his beloved wife is somewhat “not up to” his level in this regard, he gradually begins to educate her. For example, she gives perfume that not only suits her, but is also popular today. He may even give his wife cosmetics or jewelry that he thinks will help his woman look elegant.

The meaning of the name Pavel for occupations own business- not the most favorable, but such a direction in his life is also possible. To do this, a man needs constant motivation, which his responsibility cannot ignore. Ambition and vanity are not his characteristics, so income from commercial activities Pavel’s income will not be exorbitant: enough for a decent life and a little more on top.

But wherever fate takes Pavel, a very important quality can help him - he knows how to withstand life’s difficulties. In addition, priority attention to own opinion and sometimes almost complete disregard for the opinions of others (except for those whom he dearly loves) can make his life, if not completely happy, then certainly calm.

The ability to negotiate with people also plays an important role in this. So if you like conflicts and showdowns, then Pavel is not a person in your social circle. One of the passions that Pavlik acquires in childhood and retains until old age is the desire to learn and study the world around him. So Paul will never refuse to go on a trip if he has such an opportunity.

As for Orthodox baptism, since Paul is the name of a Christian saint, it is given at baptism. According to the calendar, Paul's name day falls on July (29), August (10, 12, 30) and September (3, 5, 10, 12, 15, 17). Author: Olga Inozemtseva

Among Russian names there are many beautiful ones, both male and female. They all have an interesting and beautiful sound, which is why they are popular in different parts of the world. With the birth of a child, all parents think about what to name their baby, so they may be interested in the question of what the name Pavel means.

Many believe that a name predetermines a person’s character and destiny, so it is important to know the interpretation and approximate description. At the same time, it will be interesting to read about the origin of the name Pavel. It came from Byzantium and became very popular in Rus' among Orthodox people.

Now it is extremely common; several million people wear it in the CIS countries alone. It is quite possible that this is explained by the fact that the name Pavel is not only beautiful, but also endows a person with good personality traits. For example, courage, friendliness, love of work, thirst for knowledge. Such men know how to achieve their goals and do it in the shortest possible time.

The meaning of the name Pavel is unambiguous - with Latin language translated as “small” or “small”. Perhaps this is due to the fact that many people named Pavel cannot boast of being tall and having a large physique.

As a child, a person named Pavel is a favorite of his parents., because he is a very kind, calm and affectionate boy. He is eager to learn from early age, since he is interested in various disciplines, especially mathematics, computer science and chemistry. There is a high probability that in the future he will become a programmer, and a very good one at that. The characteristics of the name Paul indicate that the person is endowed with high intellectual abilities and diligence. All this has a beneficial effect on study and work.

In adolescence, the bearer of the name Pavel is different calmness and prudence. He is ahead of his peers in development, so he matures early. He can confidently be called an independent person who copes with all matters without anyone’s help.

He enjoys going out with friends and playing sports, as well as riding a bicycle or motorcycle. An active lifestyle has a positive effect on health and mood.

A man named Pavel is always ready help both close people and strangers. He is extremely responsive and friendly, and he also likes to feel like a worthy person. If it happens that injustice happens before his eyes, he will stand up for the offended person.

The name Pavel is typical for people with established views on life that rarely change. Perhaps it’s all about stubbornness or confidence in the correctness of your worldview. Moreover, the older a man gets, the more difficult it is to convince him of what he disagrees with.

Yes and It's useless to argue with him best case scenario It will be possible to reach a compromise, and not always. That is why close people are not recommended to try to influence his views, otherwise it will end in a scandal. Otherwise, the bearer of the name Pavel is a pleasant person. Although he is characterized by some isolation, this does not interfere with his life.

Love and family

A person named Pavel often becomes a family man because he does not want to spend his life alone. He treats children well, although he does not know how to babysit them - he trusts this task to his wife. It is much easier for him to work than to sit with the child, since it is difficult for him to find mutual language with him, especially if the baby is under 10 years old. At the same time, the owner of the name Pavel wants big family and is ready to fully provide for it.

As a rule, a child becomes a father early - at about the age of 20-25 years. Although at this time it is still difficult to call him a mature person, he does not run away from responsibility. That is why a woman can rely on him, because a man named Pavel will not leave her alone with a child. In marriage, such a man is quite patient.

He is able to withstand almost any girl’s character, even a very complex and scandalous one. This is due to the fact that the guy himself is extremely patient and always calm.

He is not one of those who easily gives in to emotions and cannot control them. However, his patience also has a limit, so women should not think that they can behave as they please, because the bearer of the name Pavel will not go anywhere.

If he gets completely tired of everything, then he can simply demand a divorce one day, which will come as a surprise to his wife. To prevent this from happening, you should not make him angry, especially over trifles. He’s already on edge at work, so when he comes home, he wants to relax and unwind next to the woman he loves and his children.


A man named Pavel never sits without work. He's still with adolescence strives to earn money through his labor, as this helps to assert himself and also achieve what he wants. He can start from the very bottom, gradually moving up the career ladder.

Pavel Valerievich Durov (Russian entrepreneur, programmer, ruble billionaire, one of the creators social network"VKontakte" and the company of the same name)

  • Is often with the boss good standing, because he is a responsible and conscientious person.
  • He is extremely rarely late and does everything so that no one has to redo it for him.

The significance of the name Pavel for a career is quite significant.

  • People who are named this way often choose the field of programming or management, as this is quite close to them.
  • They feel confident at the computer, but do not like to work with people. They get tired of frequent communication, especially if they have to talk with unpleasant personalities.

Relations with colleagues are neutral, sometimes friendly. It all depends on how the team is formed. Pavel never pretends to be someone important and talks with employees as equals, even if he is the boss. For this he is loved and respected at work.


A person named Pavel does not particularly complain about his health, although he cannot boast of feeling well. Since childhood, he has been prone to diseases that affect blood vessels and often suffers from headaches. His immunity is not strong, so every year he gets sick with the flu and viral illnesses at least 4-5 times. He tries to carry everything on his feet and not disturb others.

With age, diseases associated with the joints may appear, which will cause a lot of trouble. In addition, problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are possible. Therefore, you need to carefully monitor your diet and healthy image life to avoid problems.

Doctors recommend exercising regularly and exclude everything fatty, salty and spicy from the diet. If you follow this advice, then your health will remain quite good. Also, you shouldn’t be too nervous and overtired, since this is what causes most ailments.

Sexy portrait of a name (according to Higir)

Pavel takes care of his appearance, knows how to dress beautifully, he has good manners - in a word, he has something to charm women. He is a generous and affectionate lover, tender and passionate. Pavel is looking for a woman worthy of himself, but he has excellent intuition, and he feels which woman can reject him. He values ​​love highly, but not even the most ardent love will hinder him on the path to his career. For achievement

the desired goal, he is able to give up his feelings, even if he is threatened with loneliness. Pavel is jealous, but it hardly shows up outwardly; he experiences this feeling within himself.

The wife’s infidelity does not forgive; upon learning of the betrayal, she mercilessly breaks off all ties. In the house he is led by his wife - but only in the house. In his youth, Pavel leads a stormy sex life, trying to prove to himself his sexual capabilities. He has minor failures, common to many men, but for him it is almost a tragedy. Pavel is predisposed to sexual neurosis. He is vulnerable and in intimacy it is important for him that a woman understands his desires, meets them halfway, and does not direct his sexual behavior. Pavel is kind-hearted, loves human warmth, he has a developed aesthetic sense, he attaches great importance to the environment in which his meeting with a woman takes place: quiet music, soft light, flowers in a vase on the table. Paul is alien to rough carnal pleasure, he is gentle and affectionate. For him, physical intimacy is also important in marriage, it is a necessary condition harmonious family relationships. If his feelings for his wife fade, he immediately begins to look for another woman “for the soul.” “Winter” Pavel, getting carried away, becomes impulsive and intemperate. He is loving, but his novels rarely bring him satisfaction. Pavel marries late; his marriage of love is often at the same time a marriage of convenience.

According to Higir

Comes from the Latin “paulus” - small (baby). In the Bible, Paul is one of the apostles.

Pavlik - indispensable assistant mother in caring for younger brother or sister. He is kind and sympathetic. In games with peers, he does not go beyond what is permitted; not only, for example, will he not go to pick apples in someone else’s garden, but he will do everything to dissuade his friends from doing this. Growing up, Pavel does not lose these qualities. His ability to empathize attracts many people to him, and they willingly trust him with their secrets. Calm, kind, able to sympathize, he often chooses a profession to match his character. He is prone to philosophizing.

Pavel can work in any field. He captivates his work colleagues with his modesty and hard work, reliability and willingness to replace a friend in difficult times. Pavel carries out his work in such a way that there is no need to push or force him. Pavel is not silent, although you can hardly call him talkative.

There is nothing too bright or outstanding in Pavel’s calm and friendly character; all qualities are in harmony with each other and the world around him. He loves his wife, but this love is warm and even, and not passionate and stormy, like that of other men. He helps his wife with the housework, but does it in such a way that the neighboring gossips do not slander that his wife has finally sat on his neck. And the Pauls drink, but, as in everything else, they know when to stop.

Pavel will never give up the opportunity to earn an extra ruble, but he will do it only if extra work does not disturb the measured way of his life too much.

A marriage can be successful if his chosen one is called Venus, Vera, Danuta, Juliet, Dina, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Louise, Maya, Seraphima, Sophia, Ella. Unlucky - if she bears one of the following names: Angela, Daria, Inga, Lilya, Natalya, Nina.

According to Florensky

In the consciousness of all Christian peoples, as well as, probably, non-Christian ones, the name Paul is inseparable from the Apostle of languages; With exceptional force, he minted this name in accordance with his personality; among the names, perhaps, I cannot find another that is so closely associated with a specific bearer of it.

Always living under the pressure of will, working under high pressure elemental forces in their primary, ugly and unmanifested power, Paul, through the roots, or, more precisely, the internal channels of his being, communicates with a region that certainly does not know any norms above itself and in this sense is immoral, but precisely because of this he knows and feels spiritual power in his being , which floats over the primary abyss and is itself the design and enlightenment of chaos. Reason has only a service meaning here.

He may be able to revolve in abstract areas, but he approaches them as service ones, for the sake of something else, or, more precisely, for the sake of that ideal object of faith, which is contemplated, but is not accessible to reason. Therefore, the mind in question is always adaptable to its subject and to the task, in its specific conditions, for the sake of which it began to act in the first place. This is a mind that is flexible by its very purpose, organically not allowing for eternal truths, and therefore essentially hostile to metaphysics. Dogmatic thinking, whether in science or philosophy, in religion or in society, causes in Paul insurmountable boredom until it is imposed, and an explosion of hatred when it asserts its

rights to power.

According to Mendelev

Implicitly expressed signs (except, perhaps, for the qualities “quiet” and “short”, that is, conservative, thorough, not liking change) can be interpreted as indicators of Paul’s tendency towards isolation: he has little interest in external circumstances and the people around him. Being forced to solve his problems, build his own destiny, choose a field of activity, he may become not very pleasant and easy to communicate with, as evidenced by the signs “sad”, “dangerous”, “base”, “sad” in the name Pasha (there they more pronounced). There are few bright events in Pavel’s life, he is often mysterious and incomprehensible to those around him, perhaps he will remain unsolved.

Professionally, Pavel rarely achieves heights and great mastery in his chosen specialty; many of his endeavors end unsuccessfully, which can contribute to callousness of character and pessimism, and cause a bitter feeling of disappointment. As a result, withdrawal into oneself, a passion for unconventional sciences, the occult, and Eastern philosophy are quite possible; His behavior in the eyes of others may become inexplicable and strange. This is how the contradiction, the discrepancy between character traits and requirements manifests itself. everyday life. Pavel is not capable of an explosion or violent protest; as a rule, he burns all his sorrows inside himself, which is completely unsafe for his health. He can rarely influence external circumstances and, not having a strong will, often becomes a passive toy in the hands of a stronger person.

Pavel is a very uncomfortable partner in both business and personal relationships precisely because he is focused on himself. It’s rare that someone manages to “reveal” him and become the person he needs and is close to him.

The color of the name is dark orange.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: “Small” (Latin). The name became widespread in connection with the activities of the Apostle Paul

Energy of the name and character: The energy of this name can best be expressed by responding with a simple shrug of the shoulders to the nervous breakdown of your boss - something like this in the name Pavel, a balanced calmness is manifested. This, of course, does not mean that with age Pavlik will turn into such an impassive and cold person, but still, most bearers of this name are characterized by quite noticeable phlegmatism throughout their lives.

As a child, like all children, Pavlik loves all kinds of games, but they are unlikely to be addictive to such an extent that he forgets everything in the world. At home and at school, he is usually quite flexible and sociable, although he is not particularly diligent. Rather, on the contrary, the calm energy of the name often inclines him towards thorough laziness. It should be noted here that this is a completely natural state for a child, since he does not experience fear of the future, which at that age seems infinitely distant. But if you captivate Pavlik by telling him a few funny or romantic stories about scientific curiosities, then his interest and laziness will disappear. Take, for example, Lomonosov, whose name is associated with a great many different stories - after all, this can perfectly brighten up scientific boredom! However, it’s not so scary if you fail to captivate Pavlik, since the balance of thoughts, although it inclines him towards laziness, at the same time does not cloud his brain, making him receptive to information, which means that Pavel will always have a chance to catch up on lost knowledge.

As an adult, Pavel's balance may swing in one direction or another. He, for example, can become somewhat withdrawn and even gloomy, especially in a strange circle. It happens that he becomes quite strict towards close people or subordinates, which usually happens in those cases when they tried to wean Pavel himself from laziness with strict or even “punitive” measures, but more often it happens differently, and Pavel grows up calm and balanced optimist. The latter is, of course, the most favorable, since in this case such traits of Pavel as calmness and good nature will arouse the sympathy of others towards him and will greatly help both in his personal life and in his career.

Secrets of communication: It is interesting that in most cases it is difficult to achieve anything from Pavel by influencing his pride, but this does not mean that he does not have this feeling, it is just that it is usually satisfied good attitude surrounding people and does not need extra evidence. If you want to win Pavel’s attention, then it would be good to remember that, like most balanced people, he probably has a craving for the theme of adventure and of all emotions prefers good-natured humor.

The name's trace in history:

Pablo Picasso

Nowadays, few people would deny that Picasso is a genius, but not everyone knows that at one time this same genius hated school so much that he didn’t even learn to write properly. It’s just that the future artist was of little interest in everything that was not related to art; from the age of eleven he was engaged in only one thing - drawing.

And later, having already become famous, Pablo Picasso did not seek to fundamentally expand the range of his interests, but his creative activities were very diverse - he took on any work: from designing performances to making ceramic trinkets, from custom sculpture to illustrating books.

Contemporaries say that both in work and in everyday life, Picasso was often illogical from the generally accepted point of view, violating boring rules of behavior with his bright way of thinking. However, apparently, his parents were also extraordinary. So, they say that Pablo Picasso’s father, who was a very good artist, once asked his son (who had not yet become famous) to finish the painting he had started with doves. When the picture was ready, he looked at it, then turned to his son, silently handed him his brushes and palette and never painted again. Pablo Picasso was only thirteen years old at that time.

1. Personality: sun-kissed men

2.Color: purple

3. Main traits: sociability - sexuality - intuition

4. Totem plant: hazelnut

5. Totem animal: snake

6. Sign: Gemini

7. Type. Sentimental or phlegmatic.

8. Psyche. Introverts. Live extremely rich inner life, have a wild imagination. They claim to be homebodies, but they travel a lot, sometimes even emigrate. Capable of sacrifice, but proud. Despite this, they are a little timid.

9. Will. Flexible, just like their totem plant hazelnut. They do not attack themselves, but rather defend themselves.

10. Excitability. Weak, they often get it for laziness.

11. Reaction speed. Very slow, which is associated with low excitability.

12. Field of activity. They love to study, but often “switch off”, for example, during algebra lessons they “travel” through the sultry sands of the Sahara! It is necessary to closely monitor their studies, which are given to them more through intelligence than knowledge. Having matured, they become excellent journalists, capable mathematicians, and they also like the teaching profession, especially because teachers have such a long vacation. They will be excellent cashiers, as they love everything related to money.

13. Intuition. They have excellent intuition and instantly grasp the hidden background of a matter. They are not surprised at anything.

14. Intelligence. Usually highly developed. They have a synthetic mindset, which allows them to assess the situation at first glance. They have a good memory, and their curiosity is always alert. But, unfortunately, it is difficult for them to move from planning their actions to their implementation.

15. Receptivity. Fearfulness prevents them from expressing their feelings in matters of the heart. They have deep feelings, but they mask their impulses due to their inherent delicacy.

16. Morality. They are kind, although much depends on the circumstances, they are interested in everything related to religion, even the occult.

17. Health. Satisfactory, but must beware of mental overexertion. The weak point is the digestive tract, poor metabolism. Prone to obesity.

18. Sexuality. Strong, but depends on other factors. Some aspects of harsh reality can make them nervous. To do this, parents must inform them about life problems in a timely manner.

19. Activity. Their first reaction is always resistance, an excuse, but they are smart enough to refuse meaningless arguments and discussions.

20. Sociability. They are happy to receive guests and pay visits themselves, but on the condition that they do not have to play first violin. They enjoy quiet conversations in luxurious living rooms. They love family, family relationships not too despotic and demanding.

21. Conclusion. If you are friends and relatives of men with such names, do not let them become depressed and passive.

1. Personality: the one who wins

2.Color: red

3. Main features: will - intelligence - activity - morality

4. Totem plant: oak

5. Totem animal: beaver

6. Sign: Sagittarius

7. Type. Pavel holds dynamite in one hand and a fuse in the other, but in moments that require an instant reaction, he says to himself: “Attention! Don't do anything in a hurry." These are builders, like their beaver totem, they themselves build their lives, interests, even love. 8. Psyche. These are people with specific goals and desires who always manage to achieve their plans. They are patient and know how to wait for the results of their work.

9. Will. A strong will allows them to become excellent workers, although it is only strong when they are in a good mood.

10. Excitability. Extreme excitability makes these men rebels. This is not to say that they have an easy character!

11. Reaction speed. They react sharply, although belatedly. They can be vindictive, persist for a long time, then improve relationships, but never forgive insults.

12. Field of activity. They love classical sciences, although they are also interested in languages. They make excellent administrators and lawyers. They are interested in everything related to oratory, so they often become radio and television workers.

13. Intuition. Very strong. Their inquisitiveness borders on curiosity.

14. Intelligence. Such men have a deep, somewhat inert mind. They love and can make an impression, and have a wonderful sense of humor. Accept them as they are.

15. Receptivity. Responsive, but at the same time can be cruel. Betrayal is very difficult to bear.

16. Morality. These people think that they have the right to do things without regard to the opinions of others. They have a developed sense of camaraderie, they are capable of love, but they try almost by force to force others to respond to their feelings. Defeats are very difficult to experience, especially moral failures. They strive for perfection in everything, and this can lead to disaster.

17. Health. While they are full of enthusiasm, they feel healthy, but as soon as they fall into pessimism, everything is disrupted. Weak points are the vestibular apparatus and hearing.

18. Sexuality. They often try to look like people who think only about the spiritual, while they are possessed by the demon of sensuality, which has to be muted for moral or religious reasons. It is very difficult to instill in them a sober approach to this area human life.

19. Activity. They are very active, but they show activity with some delay. You shouldn't rush them, it's better to let them feel that everyone should live in accordance with their own rhythm.

20. Sociability. They are intelligent in communication. They love family and children.

21. Conclusion. Pavlov's wives must have angelic patience to endure their picky attention...

Meaning and origin: translated from Latin, the name Paul literally means “scarlet”; it became widespread in connection with the activities of the founder of the Orthodox Byzantine Church, Apostle Paul.

Energy and Karma:

The energy of this name can best be expressed by responding with a simple shrug to your boss’s nervous breakdown - this is roughly how the name Pavel manifests balanced calm. This, of course, does not mean that with age Pavlik will turn into such an impassive and cold person, but still, most bearers of this name throughout their lives are characterized by a fairly noticeable phlegmatism.

Secrets of communication:

It is interesting that in most cases it is difficult to achieve anything from Pavel by influencing his pride, but this does not mean that he does not have this feeling, it is just that it is usually satisfied by the good attitude of others and does not need unnecessary proof. If you want to win Pavel’s attention, then it would be good to remember that, like most balanced people, he probably has a craving for the theme of adventure and of all emotions prefers good-natured humor.

  • Libra.
  • Planet: Pluto.
  • Name colors: black, red, blue.
  • Talisman stone: ruby.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 2

1. Personality. Men scorched by the sun.

2. Character. 87%.

3. Radiation. 73%.

4. Vibration. 77,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Violet.

6. Main features. Sociability - sexuality - intuition.

7. Totem plant. Hazelnut.

8. Totem animal. Already.

9. Sign. Twins.

10. Type. Sentimental or phlegmatic.

11. Psyche. Introverts. They live an extremely rich inner life and have a wild imagination. They claim to be homebodies, but they travel a lot, sometimes even emigrate. Capable of sacrifice, but proud. Despite this, they are a little timid.

12. Will. Flexible, just like their totem plant hazelnut. They do not attack themselves, but rather defend themselves.

13. Excitability. Weak, they often get it for laziness.

14. Reaction speed. Very slow, which is associated with low excitability.

15. Field of activity. They love to study, but often “switch off”, for example, during algebra lessons they “travel” through the sultry sands of the Sahara! It is necessary to closely monitor their studies, which are given to them more through intelligence than knowledge. Having matured, they become excellent journalists, capable mathematicians, and they also like the teaching profession, especially because teachers have such a long vacation. They will be excellent cashiers, as they love everything related to money.

16. Intuition. Pavel has excellent intuition and instantly grasps the hidden background of a matter. They are not surprised at anything.

17. Intelligence. Usually highly developed. They have a synthetic mindset, which allows them to assess the situation at first glance. They have a good memory, and their curiosity is always alert. But, unfortunately, it is difficult for them to move from planning their actions to their implementation.

18. Receptivity. Fearfulness prevents them from expressing their feelings in matters of the heart. They have deep feelings, but they mask their impulses due to their inherent delicacy.

19. Morality. They are kind, although a lot depends on the circumstances. They are interested in everything related to religion, even the occult.

20. Health. Satisfactory, but must beware of mental overexertion. The weak point is the digestive tract, poor metabolism. Prone to obesity.

21. Sexuality. Strong, but depends on other factors. Some aspects of harsh reality can make them nervous. To do this, parents must inform them about life problems in a timely manner.

22. Activity. Their first reaction is always resistance, an excuse, but they are smart enough to refuse meaningless arguments and discussions.

23. Sociability. They are happy to receive guests and pay visits themselves, but on the condition that they do not have to play first violin. They enjoy quiet conversations in luxurious living rooms. They love family; in family relationships, Pavel is not too despotic or demanding.

24. Conclusion. If you are friends and relatives of men with such names, do not let them become depressed and passive.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 3

1. Personality. The one who wins.

2. Character. 94%.

3. Radiation. 88%.

4. Vibration. 104,000 vibrations/s.

5. Color. Red.

6. Main features. Will - intellect - activity - morality.

7. Totem plant. Oak.

8. Totem animal. Beaver.

9. Sign. Sagittarius.

10. Type. Pavel holds dynamite in one hand and a fuse in the other, but in moments that require an instant reaction, he says to himself: “Attention! Don't do anything in a hurry." These are builders, like their beaver totem, they themselves build their lives, interests, even love.

11. Psyche. These are people with specific goals and desires who always manage to achieve their plans. They are patient and know how to wait for the results of their work.

12. Will. A strong will allows them to become excellent workers, although it is only strong when they are in a good mood.

13. Excitability. Extreme excitability makes these men rebels. This is not to say that they have an easy character!

14. Reaction speed. They react sharply, although belatedly. They can be vindictive, persist for a long time, then improve relationships, but never forgive insults.

15. Field of activity. They love classical sciences, although they are also interested in languages. They make excellent administrators and lawyers. They are interested in everything related to oratory, so they often become radio and television workers.

16. Intuition. Very strong. Their inquisitiveness borders on curiosity.

17. Intelligence. Such men have a deep, but somewhat inert mind. They love and can make an impression, and have a wonderful sense of humor. Accept them as they are.

18. Receptivity. Responsive, but at the same time can be cruel. Betrayal is very difficult to bear.

19. Morality. These people think that they have the right to do things without regard to the opinions of others. They have a developed sense of camaraderie, they are capable of love, but they try almost by force to force others to respond to their feelings. Defeats are very difficult to experience, especially moral failures. They strive for perfection in everything, and this can lead to disaster.

20. Health. While they are full of enthusiasm, they feel healthy, but as soon as they fall into pessimism, everything is disrupted. Weak points are the vestibular apparatus and hearing.

21. Sexuality. Paul often tries to look like people who think only about spiritual things, while they are possessed by the demon of sensuality, which has to be suppressed for moral or religious reasons. It is very difficult to instill in them a sober approach to this area of ​​human life.

22. Activity. They are very active, but they show activity with some delay. You shouldn't rush them, it's better to let them feel that everyone should live in accordance with their own rhythm.

23. Sociability. They are intelligent in communication. They love family and children.

24. Conclusion. Pavlov's wives must have angelic patience to endure their picky attention...

Meaning of the name Pavel option 4

Comes from the Latin “paulus” - small (baby). In the Bible, Paul is one of the apostles.

Pavlik is an indispensable assistant for a mother in caring for her younger brother or sister. He is kind and sympathetic.

In games with peers, he does not go beyond what is permitted; not only, for example, will he not go to pick apples in someone else’s garden, but he will also do everything to dissuade his friends from doing this. Growing up, Pavel does not lose these qualities. His ability to empathize attracts many people to him, and they willingly trust him with their secrets. Calm, kind, able to sympathize, he often chooses a profession to match his character. He is prone to philosophizing.

Pavel can work in any field. He captivates his work colleagues with his modesty and hard work, reliability and willingness to replace a friend in difficult times. Pavel carries out his work in such a way that there is no need to push or force him. Pavel is not silent, although you can hardly call him talkative.

There is nothing too bright or outstanding in Pavel’s calm and friendly character; all qualities are in harmony with each other and the world around him. He loves his wife, but this love is warm and even, and not passionate and stormy, like that of other men. He helps his wife with the housework, but does it in such a way that the neighboring gossips do not slander that his wife has finally sat on his neck. And the Pauls drink, but, as in everything else, they know when to stop.

Pavel will never give up the opportunity to earn an extra ruble, but he will do it only if the additional work does not interfere too much with the measured way of his life.

A marriage can be successful if his chosen one is called Venus, Vera, Danuta, Juliet, Dina, Ekaterina, Elizabeth, Zinaida, Louise, Maya, Seraphima, Sophia, Ella. Unlucky - if she bears one of the following names: Angela, Daria, Inga, Lilya, Natalya, Nina.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 5

Pavel - “small” (lat.)

His character is not entirely simple, but communicating with him is easy and pleasant. He is inventive in his work, but he himself is rarely satisfied. Values ​​truth, beauty, and goodness above all else.

Jealous, but capable of forgiveness. Doesn’t do rash acts, acts slowly extreme situations. He builds his own life and even his love. Pavel has specific goals and desires that he manages to achieve. He is patient and knows how to wait for the result of his work. He has a strong will, which allows him to become a dedicated worker, but a lot still depends on his mood.

A high level of excitability makes Pavel a rebel man. He reacts sharply to everything that happens, although with some delay. He can be vindictive, persist in something for a long time, and then improve relationships, but never forgives anyone. His balance depends on the maximum utilization of his energy. Interested in exact sciences, philosophy, psychology, languages. This is an excellent administrator and lawyer. He is fascinated by everything related to oratory, so he can be a good radio and television worker. Very great intuition. His curiosity is so great that it resembles curiosity. Pavel has a high intelligence, but a somewhat inert mind. Spends a huge amount of energy to make an impression. He is brilliant socially and has a great sense of humor. He needs to be accepted as he is.

Pavel is sympathetic and loving, but he is also characterized by some cruelty. She endures betrayal with difficulty and suffers greatly. It seems to him that he has the right to do things without paying any attention to the opinions of others. Pavel has a strong sense of camaraderie and love, but even here he wants to force others to respond to his feelings with force. Defeat is experienced strongly, especially moral failures. He strives for perfection in everything; this, of course, often leads to trouble.

Pavel's health depends on the circumstances. As long as he is full of enthusiasm, everything is fine, but as soon as he falls into despair, everything deteriorates. Weak sides in his health: vestibular apparatus and hearing. Often pretends to be very spiritual, while he has to muffle his sexual impulse. It is difficult for him to show common sense in his approach to this side of human life. He may not speak too flatteringly about a woman, thereby covering up his true feelings for her.

Pavel is quite active, but often acts late. You shouldn’t push him or rush him. On the contrary, it is better to give time to feel everything, to correlate the situation with the internal rhythm. He uses acquaintances with his characteristic intelligence.

Loves family and children. Paul's wife must have the patience of angels to endure his picky attentions.

“Winter” is a merry fellow, a parodist, dances beautifully, sings well.

“Autumn” - builds life plans in proportion to abilities. Really looks at reality. Patient, enduring. The name matches patronymics: Dmitrievich, Petrovich, Andreevich, Trofimovich, Savelievich.

“Summer” - can be an excellent lawyer, designer, military man, politician. He is diplomatic, sweet and pleasant to talk to.

“Spring” Pavel has oratorical abilities, is too sensitive and receptive to the pain of others. Can devote himself to worship. The name matches patronymics: Denisovich, Evgenievich, Nikolaevich, Romanovich, Gavrilovich, Stepanovich.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 6

Flexible, cunning, resourceful losers, dissatisfied with the results of life's quest. Having achieved the desired woman, they (sometimes after a few days) are sure to be disappointed in her.

First marriages are short-lived. If the relationship with his first wife continues, Pavlov becomes nervous and jealous, despite the fact that they themselves are cheating on her.

They seek oblivion not through guilt, but through technical invention (they like to work with their hands) and the improvement of household electrical appliances. In childhood they are “mama’s boys”; in their youth they are careerists and social activists. Despite all their character flaws, they are very charming and pleasant people to talk to. Loved by women.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 7

Pavel - from lat. small.

Derivatives: Pavelka, Pavlik, Pavlunya, Pavlusya, Pavlukha, Pavlusha, Pavlya, Pavlyuk, Pavlyukasha, Pasha, Pashunya, Pashuta, Pashukha, Panya, Palyuta, Panyukha, Panyusha, Panyasha, Palya, Palyunya.

Name days: January 5, 23, 27, 28, March 1, 17, 20, 23, May 31, June 16, July 11, 12, 29, August 30, September 12, 23, October 17, November 19, 20, 28 December.

Proverbs, sayings, folk signs.

Every Paul has his own truth. Svashenka, svashenka, woo me Pashenka.

Pavlushka - copper forehead.

January 28 - Pavel of Thebes added more days. If there is wind on Pavel of Thebes, it will be a wet year. July 12 - Peter-Paul turned up the heat and turned down the day. September 23 - Peter and Pavel mountain ash: if there are a lot of mountain ash in the forest, the autumn will be rainy, if there are few, it will be dry.


Given the flexibility of his character and mind, Paul could, and in fact does, bypass many life conflicts; his life trajectory should appear as a smooth and elastic line leading to well-being and success. But the internal contradictions of his nature break and tear apart the smooth flow of his life, often leading to suffering. His kindness and responsiveness encourage people to open up and trust, but Pavel is not always able to keep someone else’s secret. Caring for high ideals, he will not take into account his own interests. A completely earthly person: woman-loving and mercantile.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 8

PAUL- small (lat.).

Name day: January 28 - St. Paul of Thebes, the first Christian desert dweller; He labored in the wilderness for ninety-one years. He died at the age of one hundred and thirteen (IV century).

July 12 - Holy Chief Apostles Peter and Paul. September 23 - Saints Peter and Paul, bishops of Nicaea.

  • Zodiac sign - Virgo.
  • Planet - Mercury.
  • Color - red.
  • A favorable tree is rowan.
  • The treasured plant is the aster.
  • The patron of the name is rudd.
  • Talisman stone - ruby.


There is nothing too bright and outstanding in Pavel’s calm and friendly character - all his qualities are in harmony with each other and the world around him. Pavel is kind and sympathetic; his ability to empathize attracts many people to him, and they willingly confide their secrets to him, which is not always good, because he is talkative and likes to boast about his knowledge of other people's problems.

Simply put, Pavel is quite a gossip and boaster, but his charm is so great that it is simply impossible to be angry with him. He is inclined to philosophize, but he is not a fighter: that is, he will not rush into battle for the truth with his visor open, but will try to find a workaround - and in caring for high ideals, he will not forget to take into account his own interest. He is woman-loving and mercantile - a completely down-to-earth person.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 9

Pavel is calm, balanced, kind and gentle. In childhood it is simply a joy for the mother. Responsive, able to sympathize and empathize. These traits persist in Paul's character into adulthood. He inspires confidence.

Pavel is modest. He is tactful with women, whom he treats with emphatic respect; he is attentive and sensitive. Every woman for him is the personification of tenderness, kindness, fragility. Pavel - as a man - lacks firmness or, more precisely, rudeness and insolence, which are generally considered to be “masculine.” However, in fact, he is courageous, able to stand up for himself and for his beloved. He chooses professions that match the qualities of his character: surgeon, construction foreman, shop manager, prosecutor. Pavel is an excellent driver, but only of his own car.

Meaning of the name Pavel option 10

The name Paul comes from the Latin word "paulus", meaning "small".

He is a kind and sympathetic child. He will be very willing to look after his younger brother or sister. Will never overstep the bounds of what is permitted.

Capable of empathy and sympathy. People trust him with their secrets. Pavel is inclined to philosophize and often chooses a profession according to his calm character. Colleagues at work will appreciate Pavel’s hard work, reliability and ability to come to the rescue of a friend at any time.

He does his job in such a way that you don’t need to push him or force him.

In numerology, this name corresponds to the number 9.
