How to open the first chakra yourself. Awakening the chakras. Why do you need to do this?

We are glad to welcome you, dear readers! Indian yogis have long been concerned about this topic - human chakras and their opening. And they managed to find the answer. In Sanskrit texts written by the guy Purnananda Yati.

True, we didn’t quite get it accurate translation John Woodroffe, and Purnananda himself relied on earlier sources when composing his scripture. But today I invite you to familiarize yourself with a practice that has captivated thousands, if not millions, of people over the years. recent years one hundred.

Why do you need to do this?

In the body of each of us there are centers that are responsible for a certain type of energy. They are usually called chakras. They are connected to each other, therefore, if at least one is unbalanced, “clogged,” then, as you understand, the whole body suffers.

There is a disruption in the circulation of flows, and accordingly, this affects not only health, but also success, thinking, and general well-being of a person.

In addition, it is necessary to “clean” them constantly, having once achieved the desired result - it is pointless to hope that now it will always be like this. It’s like cleaning a house; it’s important to maintain cleanliness every day. Somewhere wiping dust, somewhere putting things in cabinets, putting away dishes and so on.

In general, in short, it is important to open them in order to live happily, in harmony with the world and oneself. And also to be healthy, strong, active and successful.



Located at the base of the spine. It is the base, the base and is indicated in red. Area of ​​responsibility is security, ensuring stability, and the opportunity to “take root.”

A person who practices yoga directly for these purposes becomes stable and “grounded,” that is, he feels the support under his feet and the power of Nature. The financial situation improves, material things are easier to achieve, hold, and accumulate.

Signs of problems with this area:

chronic diseases intestines. This also includes any disorders and disorders of the eating process (gluttony, bulimia, etc.).

- weakened muscles in the thighs and perineum.

- frequent occurrence of anxiety, fear. And sometimes unreasonable. A person needs security that he does not feel behind his back.

- irritability, periodic outbursts of anger and “outbursts” at others, close people.

- decreased attentiveness, resulting in clumsiness. If you notice that you are getting injured too often, this is it.

- dissatisfaction, since basic needs are usually frustrated. This is what causes constant anxiety, turning into despair. Issues of food, housing, procreation, etc. are basic; life depends on them.


It is located in the sacrum area and is indicated in orange. This is a sensual zone, it is responsible for pleasure and emotions. If everything is fine with her, a person feels attractive, cheerful, he is able to love and be gentle.

Learn to tell your partner what you want, what you are not happy with, and what you would like to change. By allowing yourself to open up and be authentic, you will experience fulfillment and fulfillment.

Cleaning is necessary if you:

- you feel dependent on adrenaline and are constantly looking for new sensations, impressions, emotions. Even if it is not always safe, we are willing to take risks.

- change sexual partners too often.

- you don’t know how to speak directly about what you feel. Unable to recognize or notice any emotion. It seems that everything is dull and boring, sometimes you don’t want anything at all. There is no interest and excitement to explore the world.

— There is no sexual desire for a long time, or indeed any kind of arousal.

— Increased need for tactile sensations. I want hugs, kisses and, in general, care.


Yellow color in the solar plexus area. Symbolizes self-control, willpower, determination and endurance. A person with a balanced Manipura can not only make decisions independently in critical situations, but also bear responsibility for their consequences.

There is no equilibrium if:

- Feelings of guilt and shame constantly arise. A person does not know how to defend his boundaries, which is why he constantly tries to please others.

- trying to assert yourself too actively, aggressively and even cruelly.

- afraid of rejection. It seems that no one appreciates you, loves you or generally notices you.

- are unable to trust others, close people.


Location: in the middle of the chest, where the heart is. Indicated in green. This is the ability to experience intimacy, which occurs when a person stops thinking only about himself. Or vice versa, he doesn’t notice himself. Symbolizes depth and maturity. Unites the bottom and top. You can learn more about it from

There is no balance if you:

- overly sentimental and sensitive. That is, the slightest trouble can throw you off balance. And any unsuccessful attempt build a relationship - break a heart.

— strive only to give to your partner, or only to take. There is no harmonious exchange process.

- you do not know how to empathize and sympathize, mainly criticizing and devaluing the actions and misdeeds of others.

- strive to minimize contacts, up to their complete absence. Which leads to experiencing a feeling of total loneliness.

- completely unable to forgive. If you need to ask for forgiveness yourself, a lot of resistance arises.


It is located in the throat and is indicated by blue. It manifests itself in the process of communication and helps to unleash creative potential. A person who practices Vishuddha creates and creates something new, which allows him to be called unique and special. She is able to be honest, open, sincere.

There are problems if you:

- you don’t know how to express your opinion, you lose the thread of the conversation. To the point where a “lump” appears, preventing you from speaking.

- you often lie, unnecessarily and meaninglessly.

- don’t believe in your abilities and capabilities.

- have problems with your throat. For example, you often get a sore throat, to the point of losing your voice.


This is the so-called third eye. Indigo. Harmonization promotes the development of spirituality, intuition and creativity. This has a magical effect, as it promotes success and the fulfillment of desires.

Difficulties arise if you:

- you lose touch with reality. That is, it has become so unbearable that you want to go into the virtual world, carried away computer games. Or spending a lot of time on fantasies and dreams.

— we noticed that our memory began to fail.

- unable to recognize the true intentions of others, their lies.

— experience headaches, migraines, problems sleeping. And vision leaves much to be desired.

- are unable to concentrate, since there is a constant flow of thoughts in the head, which is not so easy to stop.

- you make decisions that you regret, thinking that you shouldn’t have listened to the advice and recommendations of people experienced in this matter.


Located at the very top of the head. Purple, in the shape of a lotus flower with a huge number of petals. It expands consciousness, allowing you to notice what is deep enough.

In addition, it establishes a connection with the subconscious, helping to correctly interpret its messages. It symbolizes enlightenment, that is, it helps to gain knowledge that is not available to most. Complete imbalance leads to psychiatric illnesses.

It is worth paying attention if:

- nightmares bother you, after which it takes a long time to calm down and come to your senses.

- unreasonable anxiety and worry.

- increased sensitivity to external stimuli, for example, a negative reaction to light or noise.

- early hair loss on the crown.

- the inability to determine one’s purpose in this world.


The algorithm for performing each of the meditations below is almost the same. At least the original position.

You need to make sure that no one can disturb you while performing any technique, otherwise, while concentrating, you will lose the important image and all your efforts will be in vain. Mute mobile phone, warn your loved ones that you will be busy for a certain period of time, and so on.

Afterwards you need to sit in a comfortable position. It is special for each chakra, although, in fact, it is important to be in the one that does not cause discomfort. Because the principle is the same - relax and close your eyes.

Take several cycles of deep breaths and exhalations. After which, as the thoughts in your head “settle down” a little, or you stop actively being involved in them, you can begin to visualize.

Upon completion, before opening your eyes, it is important to repeat cycles of deep breathing, and return to reality as soon as you feel that you are ready to see the world around you again.

It is advisable to meditate before bed, this will not only achieve the best effect, but also relieve stress throughout the day, providing yourself with a calm, restorative and sound sleep.


You need to feel how heat begins to pulsate and “spread” in the area of ​​the genitals and anus. Imagine that you are literally breathing from this center. Observe your condition for about 5 minutes. Or at least as long as you can concentrate. Then imagine that red streams are slowly rising up the spine, gradually filling your entire body, every cell of it.

This technique will provide not only disclosure, but also cleansing of negativity.


You should feel how the area of ​​the sacrum becomes warm. Imagine that in that place there is an orange funnel, which gradually grows to such a size that it literally fills your entire body. You experience a rush of energy, warm, pulsating, but at the same time relaxing.


It is necessary to meditate, imagining how with each inhalation the chest expands, and with each exhalation it narrows. Observe this process for at least a few minutes, this will allow you to concentrate on the sensations, “disconnecting” from the troubles that are inevitably present in the lives of each of us.

There should be a funnel yellow, the pulsation may feel a little different, with slight tingling. This is quite normal, don't be alarmed.


Try first to remember what happened to you at the moment when you experienced love. Immerse yourself in this state. Then imagine a green, and possibly emerald or turquoise funnel.

How it expands, capturing every cell of the body, filling it with carelessness, joy, only calm, satisfaction and understanding that you are valuable and loved.


Concentrate on the sensations in your throat. Observe each inhalation and exhalation, thanks to which the funnel grows, becomes larger and brighter. You should be overcome by peace and tranquility.


It will be better if you take the lotus position, imagining the energy of amethyst color, that is, slightly transparent purple, in the forehead area.


Imagine a lotus flower above your head, with silver-purple-golden petals. It just hangs above you, open and nourishing, filling you with lightness, freedom and satisfaction. It seems that you have almost managed to achieve the state of nirvana, that is, the bliss that many yogis dream of.

Ways to balance, cleanse and open

In addition to meditation, there are many other ways to balance, cleanse and open.



These are like this sacred texts, which help to “clear the mind” of unnecessary thoughts, concentrating on what is valuable. The sound that arises in the process of reading mantras creates vibration, which contributes to healing, achieving internal harmony and changes for the better.

You should sing using high frequencies, the voice turns out squeaky. In case of problems with space, when there is no possibility of privacy, you can use the method when the mantra is chanted to yourself.

Repeat them for at least 10 minutes, listening to yourself. That is, how thoughts and feelings change, what happens to the body and even in the surrounding reality at this moment.

  • Sahasrara - AUM.
  • Ajna - OM.
  • Vishuddha - HAM.
  • Anahata - YAAM.
  • Manipura - RA.
  • Swadhisthana is for YOU.
  • Muladhara - LAM.


Color also creates certain energy vibrations. Therefore, when choosing clothes, it is important to pay attention to what a particular shade means. After all, it will fill you directly with the energy that it symbolizes.

You can wear bright outfits in Everyday life, if the office dress code does not allow it. As a last resort - at home.

  • Sahasrara – purple. A very unusual and interesting shade, as it unites two opposites - passion and calm. Helps in spiritual development, in comprehending higher truths and knowledge about the world and oneself.
  • Ajna - blue. This is wisdom, awareness and maturity. If you come into contact with it often enough, a person will learn to accept others as they are. Live in reality, and not run into fantasies and ideas. And also find peace of mind.
  • Vishuddha - blue. A clean, airy color that promotes creativity.
  • Anahata – green. It is usually associated with beauty, harmony and irrepressible energy.
  • Manipura – yellow. Symbolizes success, confidence, wealth, optimism and the realization of desires.
  • Svadhisthana – orange. Increases sensuality, vitality, arousal and creativity. Life in orange will seem happy, full of joy and pleasure.
  • Muladhara – red. Passion, strength, creation and well-being. If you want to feel a surge of energy, be sure to choose this color.


The human body is unique. Have you noticed how you suddenly begin to “gravitate” to a certain product, that you don’t want anything else besides it? This body of yours was able to “read” information about the lack of any substances, vitamins, minerals and, with the help of the subconscious, “reach out” to consciousness.

Therefore, for example, if you began to consume greens in excessive quantities, this means that there was a malfunction in the heart chakra, it was blocked or “contaminated” with negativity.

  • Sahasrara. Fresh vegetable and fruit juices, large amounts of mineral or purified water.
  • Ajna. Prunes, dark grapes, plums, wheat germ and lettuce.
  • Vishuddha. Seaweed, mushrooms, blackberries and kelp.
  • Anahata. Honey, ghee, cabbage, broccoli, lentils and brown rice.
  • Manipura. Ghee, banana, pineapples, various cereals, kefir and corn.
  • Svadhisthana. Spices such as saffron, cumin, cinnamon, cardamom and Bay leaf. Oranges, pumpkin, milk, mangoes and hazelnuts are also beneficial.
  • Muladhara. Bread, various vegetables, spinach and strawberries.


If for some reason you cannot afford to wear jewelry with certain stones, then it will be enough if you apply them to their corresponding energy centers for at least 10 minutes.

  • Sahasrara. Amethyst, opal, diamond and rock crystal.
  • Ajna. Agate, rose quartz and stones in blue tones.
  • Vishuddha. Aquamarine, sapphire, agate and pearl.
  • Anahata. Emerald, malachite, serpentine, aventurine, jade, rose quartz and amazonite.
  • Manipura. Tiger's eye, onyx, citrine, topaz, onyx and serpentine.
  • Svadhisthana. Garnet, jasper, tourmaline, citrine, rhodonite and agate.
  • Muladhara. Stones of red shades, including garnet, obsidian, hematite, agate, ruby ​​and coral.


Affirmations are positively colored statements that affect the human psyche on a subconscious level. They should be repeated out loud at least 20 times, preferably in front of a mirror several times a day.

They are usually used to increase the level of self-esteem, believe in one’s strength and external attractiveness. Also to attract success and wealth into your life.
Think about what exactly you are missing, taking into account the specifics of each center, and come up with your own affirmation to improve the situation for the better.

Let’s say, if you suffer from loneliness, you can repeat something like this: “I love and am loved, my heart is open and radiates love, and is also ready to receive it.”

You will learn how to compile and use them correctly by clicking on.



Sit in lotus position with your legs crossed. You should not try to put your knees on the floor if your stretching does not allow this. Focus on your capabilities so that you feel comfortable and can relax. Close your eyes and chant Aouum (Om mantra) as many times as you want, as long as they are a multiple of three.

Focus on the first zone, imagining a flower in its place. Any one you want, the main thing is that it is red. Then watch it open, petal by petal.

If you can’t see it right away, don’t be discouraged, gradually, if you are patient, you will succeed. Figurative or out-of-the-box thinking It is quite possible to develop, exercises for training you.

If you manage to imagine a flower, linger long enough to feel and enjoy the beauty of the vibration and the blooming process. The main thing is to devote at least a minute to this.

Then repeat these steps with each chakra. Upon completion, also chant the Om mantra, and when you are ready, open your eyes. You shouldn’t immediately come to your senses and get up and switch to other things.

Stay in this state, mentally observe how the sensations in your body change. If you perform this exercise correctly and with high quality, you will feel harmony, peace and saturation.


Happens through singing. The algorithm of actions is the same as in the previous paragraph, only instead of a performance we sing. We start, accordingly, with the lowest one – the root one. We pronounce sounds that relate specifically to her. Then we move on to the next one.


Close your eyes and take a comfortable position. Standing only. This time you will also have to use your imagination. You need to imagine each energy center in the form of a vessel that is filled with the purifying light of the Latihan. It is golden white.

Unlike other exercises, it is important to start from the top of the head. Close the bottom hole with a stopper and fill this bowl with the Latihan. Watch carefully how it dissolves the negative in the vessel. It can be thought of as lumps of dirt.

Afterwards, mentally brush the walls to make sure they are clean. At the end of the cleaning procedure, wash the dirt into the ground and move on to the next center.


I think you are convinced of the enormous importance chakras have for a person. Achieving balance and harmony is ensured not only by the indicated exercises; the type of life a person leads and how much he is ready to change is of great importance.

Many people want to know how to open the chakras. This is not surprising as opening the chakras increases the flow of energy in and around the body and therefore improves our physical, mental and emotional health.

How open chakras?

The question “How to open the chakras?” has become very popular and even fashionable recently. It excites those who would like to engage in self-development. Opening and activating the chakras¹ allows you to acquire different abilities, strengthen spiritual and physical health, and also lead to enlightenment² and a person’s awareness of his purpose and place in the world.

It's no secret that every person has energy, and we all revolve in the same energy field. The chakras are the main points of contact between the etheric and physical bodies, or the conduits through which we are fed with the solar and pranic³ energies of the universe.

Through the chakras, a person exchanges energy with the outside world and with other people. If the chakra is blocked, it causes problems and difficulties in life. This is why it is important to know how to open the chakras.

Activation of the chakras helps a person to reveal his highest potential, to be filled with confidence, abundance, self-love, and the circumstances of his life begin to develop more favorably.

The very concept of “chakra” is abstract. They cannot be seen or touched, but they can be felt. Each human chakra is responsible for certain spiritual qualities and energy in one or another area of ​​life. It is believed that if a person fails in some area, then some chakra does not work for him.

How to open chakras using your fingers?

Here we will consider in turn meditations for activating the seven main energy centers person.

Activation of the Muladhara Chakra

1. You need to sit with a straight back

2. Imagine that a small sun is shining in the area of ​​the tailbone.

3. Feel its warmth.

4. Feel how it warms more and more.

5. Distribute this warmth throughout the body.

6. You need to keep your concentration on sunlight in the tailbone area for a minute.

7. Slowly open your eyes.

If warmth or any other sensations appear in the perineum area, then you have done everything correctly and the chakra has been activated.

Activation of Svadhisthana chakra

1. Apply slight pressure with your fingers to the top of the pubic bone.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the vibration in the chakra area without your hands for one minute.

5. Slowly open your eyes.

6. Look around you and assess the situation.

7. Listen to your feelings.

If you have any sensations in the sacrum area, then the chakra has begun to activate.

Activation of Manipura Chakra

1. The ring, middle and index fingers should be prepared.

2. Place them in the center of the abdomen on the navel.

3. Feel the pulsation in this area under your fingers.

4. Close your eyes.

5. Strengthen the pulsation with the power of thought.

6. Lower your hands down, but continue to feel the pulsation without using your fingers.

7. Maintain concentration for a minute.

8. Slowly open your eyes.

9. Look around and observe your feelings.

Meditation is considered successful if you feel a burning, tingling, warmth or any other sensation in the area of ​​the 1st and 2nd lumbar vertebrae.

Activation of the Anahata Chakra

1. Place your fingers in the middle of your chest, on the heart line.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Imagine that the pulsation is intensifying.

5. Lower your hands and try to hold the feeling of pulsation without using your hands for a minute.

6. Slowly open your eyes.

7. Look around and observe your feelings.

If you feel any sensations in the area of ​​the 4th and 5th thoracic vertebrae, you can congratulate yourself on successful completion exercises.

Activation of Vishuddha Chakra

1. Place your fingers on your throat in the place where vibration is felt during a conversation.

2. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to strengthen it.

3. Close your eyes.

4. Lower your hands.

5. Maintain the feeling of vibration for a minute.

6. Calmly open your eyes.

7. Observe your feelings.

If you feel pressure or burning around the 7th cervical vertebra- This good sign. The chakra is activated.

Activation of the Ajna Chakra

1. Bring your fingers to your temples.

2. Feel the vibration under your fingers in this area.

3. Transfer your fingers and attention from your temples to the “third eye” area. This area is located on the bridge of the nose.

4. Feel the same vibrations.

5. Close your eyes.

6. Lower your hands and maintain the sensation of pulsation in the “third eye” area for a minute.

7. Calmly open your eyes.

Activation of the Sahasrara chakra

1. Relax and move the ring, middle and index fingers of each hand, placing them above the top points of the ears. Feel the pulsation under your fingers and try to intensify this pulsation.

2. Concentrate on it. This is the vibration of the Sahasrara chakra.

3. Staying focused. move your fingers to the crown area.

4. Try to feel the same vibrations.

5. Close your eyes and, concentrating on the sensations, intensify them.

6. Lower your hands and continue concentrating on the pulsation without using your hands, with the power of thought. Observe this pulsation for about one minute.

7. Calmly open your eyes.

All these meditations can be simplified in the future. To activate the chakras, it will be enough to feel the vibration or heat in a specific chakra without using your hands and maintain concentration for several minutes.

Based on materials from the book Tereshkin S. N. “Development of Perfect Abilities”

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Notes and feature articles for deeper understanding of the material

¹ Chakra in the spiritual practices of Hinduism is a psychoenergetic center in the subtle body of a person, which is the intersection of the nadi channels through which prana (vital energy) flows, as well as an object for concentration in the practices of tantra and yoga (Wikipedia).

² Enlightenment (awakening) is a religious concept meaning “a holistic and complete awareness of the nature of reality” (Wikipedia).

³ Prana - in yoga, traditional Indian medicine, esotericism - the idea of vital energy, life. In yoga, it is believed that prana permeates the entire universe, although it is invisible to the eye (

Muladhara chakra is the center of basic instincts and survival. As a rule, in humans it is quite active. However, the energy in it may be unbalanced. In this article I will tell you how to open and develop the muladhara chakra and restore its functioning.

Located root chakra in the tailbone area, between the genitals and the anus. Incorrect functioning of the first chakra is indicated by anger, aggression, greed, and bitterness. I have already written in more detail about this. Be sure to check it out if you haven't read it yet.

There are several ways to restore the functioning of muladhara. These are meditations, active points, chanting mantras, etc. They will be discussed below.

Activation of muladhara through active points

Each chakra corresponds to special points on the arms and legs, by pressing on which you can awaken the root chakra.

These points are shown in the figure - see photo.

First we will work with the hands. Find the active point on right hand— it is located on the convex part of the radius. Press it lightly thumb other hand. Massage it clockwise.

If you experience pain or discomfort, then this indicates stagnation of energy in the muladhara chakra.

Massage until the pain goes away, but don't get too carried away. After this, repeat the procedure on your left hand.

Let's move on to working with points on the feet. Here the active points are located on the lower posterior edge of the heel bone. Massage in the same way clockwise, first the right foot, then the left.

This exercise will help open the muladhara chakra if it is blocked and will also help balance it.

Visualization and meditation on the chakra

Let's start meditating on muladhara. Take a comfortable position. It is important that the spine is straight when performing the exercise. That is, you can sit, for example, on the edge of a chair.

Lotus or Turkish pose is not suitable for this exercise.

Direct your attention to the area where the root chakra is located - the base of the spine. A chakra is a spinning funnel of energy, try to imagine it in red. How does energy move?

  • If the movement is even, stable, smooth, then the chakra is working harmoniously.
  • If the movement is impetuous and uneven, this indicates stagnation of energy in muladhara.

Bring your attention to your feet. Through the soles of your feet, inhale pure red light from the earth. Imagine how this light passes through the legs and reaches muladhara. As you exhale, visualize a red column of light radiating from your root chakra into your aura and then back into the earth.

Perform muladhara activation for 5-10 minutes. When finished, direct your attention to the first chakra and try to determine what changes have occurred in its functioning.

Correspondence between chakra and element

In Indian philosophy, it is believed that the entire Universe consists of five primary elements:

  • Earth;
  • Water;
  • Fire;
  • Air;
  • Ether.

The element of Earth is associated with the root chakra, and in the image of the muladhara chakra it is symbolized by a yellow square. The main quality of the Earth is hardness.

The square has 4 sides, they represent the 4 cardinal directions, as well as 4 qualities that are mandatory for a person following the path of spiritual development:

  • directness;
  • honesty;
  • moral;
  • integrity.

Hindus believe that the square symbolizes the stability and order of the Universe. In accordance with this, our life should also be orderly, so we can develop the muladhara chakra and normalize its work.

Think of the Earth element as a living being. She also strives for purification and elevation.

And for this, the Earth needs to get rid of toxins and pollution received from human activities. Mentally send light and love to the Earth.

Let's move on to working with the first chakra through the element of the Earth element.


Meditation on the earth element will help in activating the mooladhara chakra. This exercise is best done outside so you can stand on the ground. If you can’t organize it, then you can study at home.

To perform the exercise, stand straight and straighten your shoulders. Breathe in and out rhythmically and relax. Then bring your attention to the soles of your feet.

Visualize yourself growing your roots into the ground through the soles of your feet. Let the Earth nourish you with its energy. This increases your resilience.

After 3-4 minutes, direct your attention to the top of your head. Visualize a white beam of light entering through the top of your head, down your spine, down to your feet, and then into the ground.

Send this life-giving energy to the Earth. In gratitude for the fact that she nourished you. Enjoy the fact that you act as a vessel for the exchange of energies.

Mantra for the first chakra

Working with mantras is directly related to breathing. Therefore, before chanting the mantra, you should perform breathing exercises.

Take a comfortable position, relax, but your spine should remain straight. The lotus position or Turkish pose is best.

For comfort, you can place a small pillow under the buttocks. Concentrate on your breathing. This promotes relaxation and calm.

Now you can start the exercise. Mentally count to 5 and then inhale, then mentally count to 5 again and exhale. Continue breathing for a count of 5.

If it is still difficult for you to hold your breath for so long, then try breathing on a count of 3. Over time, your lung volume will increase slightly, then you will be able to increase the time you hold your breath to 7 seconds.

While breathing, you need to focus on the tip of your nose. Try to feel the temperature change during the moments of inhalation and exhalation. Feel the air entering and exiting through your nostrils.

Continue for 5-10 minutes. After this, focus your attention on the muladhara chakra. Visualize white light entering it as you inhale and purifying it as you exhale. This completes the work with the first chakra on breathing, and we move on to getting acquainted with mantras.

Mantra Lam

Exercises with mantras are performed immediately after breathing practice. The muladhara chakra mantra sounds like “lam”. Her pronunciation has a deep “ah”. The sound “m” should be pronounced slightly “on the nose”. If you have studied English language, then you are familiar with this pronunciation - these are words ending in -ing.

Mantras are chanted, here is the sequence of actions:

  1. take a deep breath;
  2. as you exhale, open your mouth and begin to chant the first half of the mantra: “la-a-a-aaa...”;
  3. cover your mouth and sing the ending through your nose: “mm-mm-mm”;
  4. After completing the exhalation, take another breath and repeat the mantra from the beginning.

If you are a little familiar with music and know the musical tones, then try to chant the Lam mantra on the note C. However, this is an optional rule; choose the key that suits you.

Sing softly. You should feel vibrations in the area of ​​the root chakra, this will indicate that the work with the mantra was carried out correctly. To help yourself, concentrate your attention on the first chakra and direct the sound there.

The duration of chanting the muladhara chakra mantra is at least 5 minutes. After completing the exercise, do not get up immediately. Sit for a while and relax. Analyze your condition to see if it has changed after the exercise.

Yantra for Muladhara

Yantra is a sacred, mystical symbol. It serves for concentration and meditation. With regular practice, a person can increase the level of consciousness and develop the muladhara chakra.

Yogis and representatives of other esoteric movements use a variety of yantras. Each of them carries a special energy.

The Muladhara Yantra is a yellow square with a red triangle inside, pointing downwards. Prepare an image for meditation. It is best to print it on a printer or draw it yourself.

Sit in the lotus or Turkish position. Place the yantra so that you can clearly see it. Breathe calmly, you can practice breathing with a delay for a count of 5, as described above.

The exercise is not limited in time, focus on your feelings. Relax and focus your attention on the yantra. Look at the yellow square. It symbolizes the Earth and its solidity.

Think about whether you have an energetic connection with the Earth? Do you have a solid base or foundation from which to begin your journey of spiritual development? If not, then later do the Earth Element Meditation (described above).

The color yellow is associated with intelligence, it will help you find out what changes need to happen in life for your development and self-improvement. On initial stages On this path, the mind will be your best ally, but in the future you will be able to rise above the intellect.

Think about the integrity of this symbol and the duality needed to achieve it. Become aware of your own dualism. Think about how balanced your male and female energies are.

How do you divide your time between work and play? Solving problems using logic involves the left hemisphere of the brain, and creative activity uses the right hemisphere.

Think about your diet. It must also have harmony and balance to achieve the integrity of the body. Also think about whether you live in harmony with yourself and with other people. What is required for your spiritual development?

Video on activating muladhara

In conclusion, I suggest you watch a video about activating and balancing the muladhara chakra:

First, let's understand the very concept of “chakra”. It has been around for hundreds of years, but most people simply don't believe it. After all, it cannot be touched or seen. But let's look at it from the other side. Every day we are surrounded by various signals, radiations and fields. We have no doubt about their existence, although we cannot see or touch them.

Yoga and its various teachings call chakras the energy centers in the human body. Each of these centers is responsible for one or another area of ​​life of its owner and the health of a certain group of organs. A blocked center does not provide enough energy to a person for development in the area for which it is responsible. For example, a person may have excellent physical characteristics, but blocked centers of spiritual and mental development do not give him the opportunity to achieve high quality in his profession or enter a university. Fortunately, this problem is fixable.

How to understand that chakras are closed

Chakras, or energy centers, are distributed evenly throughout the human body. There is a certain theory about where they are located. The alternate sequence of centers is the same for all people. But the exact location at a certain point on the body may differ. To determine the exact location of the chakra in your body, there are many practices and meditations. It will be more difficult to understand whether it is working correctly. To do this, you will have to find out what this or that chakra is responsible for, and carefully analyze the area of ​​life that it should stimulate.

Closed muladhara chakra

This is the root chakra or the first one. It is on this that the most important human instinct is based - self-preservation. Muladhara is located at the base of the spinal column. It is traditionally better developed in men. It is this energy center that is responsible for confidence, stability, and a person’s connection with reality.

A person with well-developed muladhara is calm and self-confident. He is able to satisfy all his basic needs: food, shelter, security. Another sign of a well-developed muladhara is mental stability.

As mentioned above, in women this chakra is less developed. The fact is that a man must give her this energy and security. Only in this case is a full-fledged union possible.

People with a poorly developed root chakra give the impression of a weak personality. They don’t want to take their opinion into account physical state body leaves much to be desired. Moreover, often such people deliberately avoid physical activity.

Closed chakra svadhisthana

Svadhisthana is the second chakra. It is associated with muladhara. The harmonious development of the other will depend on the correct functioning of one center. This chakra is also called the sexual center. But it should not be confused with the basic desire to reproduce. Svadhisthana, strive for the pleasure of knowledge not only physical. People with a harmoniously developed second center are able to see and understand people. As a rule, they are full-fledged individuals who can afford compassion and understanding. They are happy to take care of their relatives and help those who need help. Communication with them is easy, interesting, pleasant.

Such people are always more attractive to the opposite sex. Women with well-harmonized svadhisthana are always more attractive. Even if they don’t have the most attractive appearance.

A blocked center leads to a denial of feelings and emotions. Such people are fixated on themselves. They do not want to take responsibility for their relatives, and often lack a sense of tact. It is difficult for them to explain that some actions can offend or offend.

Closed manipura chakra

The third chakra is called manipura. This is the center of business excellence. Manipura requires professional development and implementation. People with a well-developed third center achieve things much faster and easier. career growth. The chakra gives them strength for work and self-realization. The same cannot be said about those who have this center blocked. Unfortunately, there are a lot of such people. As a rule, they are not satisfied with their job, but do not find the strength to change it.

Such employees may spend days and nights at their workplace. But the result of their work is minimal. They wait for years for a promotion, are angry with their bosses, colleagues and themselves.

Closed anahata chakra

The second name of the chakra is “Love Chakra”. It is generally accepted that it is located in the chest area. People with harmonious are calm. They easily make contact, know how to cooperate with the outside world and overcome difficulties with minimal losses. The same cannot be said about the opposite situation. Blocked anahata is typical for people of dubious professions. As a rule, these are scammers and thieves.

They are selfish, lazy and incapable of achieving success through honest means. As a rule, the work of the third and fourth chakras is interconnected.

Closed Vishuddha chakra

The fifth chakra, Vishuddha, is located somewhere in the throat area. This is the communications center. If you are dating a person who is the “life of the party,” you should know that everything is fine with this chakra. In addition, this chakra conveys our emotions. Thanks to her, we can rejoice, worry, worry. In general, express emotions.

If there are difficulties in conveying emotions, fear of communication, or closedness, you should pay attention to the level of development of the fifth center.

Failures in its operation not only impair our communication abilities, but also prevent successful social development. Especially for those people whose professional activity associated with communication.

Closed ajna chakra

Presumably, ajna is located in the forehead area. She is responsible for awareness. This energy center is responsible for a person’s perception of the real world and himself in it. It is this center that makes it possible to see the situation with different sides and makes it possible to accept non-standard solutions, to notice the unusual in the most ordinary things.

Blocking the ajna center does not allow a person to see the situation from different angles. As a rule, when a person sees a problem, he prefers to solve it according to a familiar scheme. Sometimes such actions lead to tragic situations. Since the individual takes into account exclusively his own interests, but cannot assess the harm that will be caused to his environment.

Closed Sahasrara chakra

Sahasrara is the center of knowledge. He is responsible for the development and accumulation of knowledge. It starts working at birth and develops throughout life. Sahasrara crowns the energy of all chakras and connects this energy with the universe. This is the most important chakra. If it works correctly, all the other six centers will strive to develop. Why is this happening? The knowledge that the seventh center gives birth to gives a person understanding and self-awareness. Thus, it forces all other chakras to develop.

Closed sahsara blocks any possibility of development. Each chakra has its own characteristics. But, if the upper energy center is closed, a person does not even have the thought that there are any problems. Such people cannot achieve success in any field until the center is activated.

How to quickly open blocked chakras

Above we briefly understood the meaning of energy centers and their influence on life. common man. The second question that arises is: how to open the chakras on your own? First, you need to identify the center that needs to be worked. To do this, choose a time and place where you can be alone with yourself.

Analyze every area of ​​your life: sexual, professional, creative, social. When you find problems in one area or another, think about whether they are temporary or have always been this way. For example, if you have difficulties with communication, then you need to work with the throat chakra. If attractive woman If there are problems in the sexual sphere, then she should pay attention to the first and second chakras.

Once the problem center has been identified, find out the reason for the blocking. As a rule, this is an abundance of negative emotions in everyday life: anger, shame, fear, etc. Find a way to get rid of them. Meditation and appropriate mantras can help with this. They are best chanted out loud or mentally throughout the meditation. After some time, the strength will appear to correct the situation in the problem area.

Working with chakras for the lazy

If a person does not fully believe in the influence of energy centers or is too lazy to master meditation, try opening the chakras with the help of various items, symbols, images. They will help awaken energy and force the chakras to gradually open.


Buy yourself a monochromatic set of clothes, the color of the chakra you need to open. These clothes should be worn several times a week. These could be things for home or training. For example, this option is perfect for doing yoga.


Each chakra has its symbolic embodiment in a specific mineral or stone. If the body reacts poorly to a mineral, the energy center does not work well. Purchase a matching stone. Sometimes, hold it in your hands for a few minutes. Such interaction helps strengthen the work of the centers.

Sacred images

You can draw these images yourself or use ready-made materials. The main thing is that when you look at them, you feel calm and peaceful. Henna designs on hands will work well. Moreover, it looks very beautiful.


Many experts on this issue advise giving up heavy foods for a while. Try following a vegetarian diet for a while, or fractional meals. This will allow the body not to waste extra energy on digestion and will cleanse it.


Try to avoid unpleasant odors. They call out in us negative emotions. But from the point of view of working on energy centers, it is worth purchasing a fragrance that corresponds to the problematic chakra. It can be aroma lamp, sticks, other types of incense.


They can be either simple or aromatic. Works great during meditation. The flame helps a person relax and focus on himself.


Monotonous music without words will help you relax and fall into a meditative state. When opening chakras, it is better to give preference to mantras. They will further stimulate closed energy centers.

We can't always touch or see some things. But often, their influence on our lives is too great to ignore.

Listen to yourself. Perhaps chronic difficulties are the result of poor functioning of invisible centers, and not of a cruel world.

Chakras (energy centers) influence all areas of a person’s life, from his social status and personal life to character and health. It is the balanced, pumped and cleared chakras that work normally and do not cause failures that are reflected outwardly. In this article I will give you techniques to work on. central channel and chakras (7 energy centers), located visually in the range of the spinal column.

Cleaning and pumping the central channel

Stand up straight or sit in lotus position. Whatever suits you. It is advisable not to perform the practice while lying down. So, you have taken the desired position, close your eyes and visualize. Focus your attention on the coccyx area (the lowest point). The red Muladhara chakra is located there. Imagine that a cylindrical column extends from this lower chakra straight into the Earth, reaching its very center. Yin (cool, blue) energy rises to you from the center of the Earth. It reaches your Muladhara and passes along the spine to the very top of the head through the remaining 6 chakras, after which it rushes beyond through the crown directly to the core of the Sun. From the core of the Sun to your crown (Sahasrara chakra) a stream of Yang (hot, golden) energy rushes, reaching the crown, it passes along the spinal column through the remaining 6 chakras and rushes to the center of the Earth.

You have a cylindrical pipe (your channel is central). The Yang energy of the sun and the Yin energy of the earth flow through it. Visualize these two currents (gold and blue) spiraling through you and ending at the center of the Earth and Sun. They cleanse and fill you, forcing the chakras to work more intensely and harmoniously. All blocks dissolve, you become full-fledged and energetically harmonious individuals. Practice for 5 minutes.

Cleansing, promotion, harmonization of chakras

Before going to bed, sit in the lotus position. Close your eyelids. And now you must pump all 6 chakras through the 7th chakra Sahasrara. Thoughts should not bother you - stop them internal dialogue by focusing on breathing for a while, for example.

How to pump up chakras? Instructions for practice

1. A flow of high-frequency pure energy comes from Space. High vibrations. Let this energy be purple. First, clear your communication channel with the Cosmos. Imagine a purple ball at the top of your head. It rises up and cleans your central cylindrical channel.

2. Each chakra (6 centers) must be pumped sequentially and spend at least 5 minutes for one chakra.

3. As you inhale, visually draw in a violet stream of energy through the Sahasrara (top of the head) and direct it as you exhale along the central column (spine) to the lowest red chakra, Muladhara. Do this for at least 5 minutes. Inhale - draw in energy through the crown, exhale - direct energy to the chakra being worked on.

4. Work the remaining 5 chakras in a similar way, imagining the color of the chakra and knowing, of course, where it is located. These are Svadhisthana, Manipura, Anahata, Vishuddha, Ajna. There is no need to work on Sahasrara, since in the process of work it is pumped up automatically.

Chakra locations, colors and names

How often should you do the practices?

Practice cleaning and pumping the central channel at least 2-3 times a week. Pump up your chakras daily. When you achieve success, you yourself will feel euphoria and flows of energy throughout your body, a cheerful state and an inexplicable feeling of happiness and love. Then you will be able to take a break in the practices according to your feelings. When you feel discomfort/imbalance, practices can be resumed. Be guided by your feelings and trust them - they will not let you down.

If you want to entrust such a complex matter to a specialist, please contact us. With my strong energy, I will make all the required settings (channels, chakras) and encode you for flows of higher energies. Diagnosis of the channel and chakras is carried out by clairvoyance. Work with you is carried out at a distance using your photo in full height(there are no distances for energy). Contact us!

Good luck to you and pumped up your chakras!

With love, expert Dobraya Anastasia Serdechnaya
