How to limit Internet speed through a Wi-Fi router? Using a router from TP-Link as an example. What speed should be on wifi. How to limit the possible WiFi connection speed for other users

Hello dear friends! Today I would like to tell you whether via WiFi or local network for computers via a router.

This may be required in different situations, for example, my friend lives in a dormitory, he has a wired Internet connection, and he manages to distribute WiFi throughout the dormitory through a router, not for free!

He has his own list of clients, and they pay him a monthly fee for using wireless Internet as a provider.

So that users would not overload the channel too much, and so that he could use the Internet himself comfortably, I helped him set up a download speed limit for other computers.

He has it installed WiFi router Tp-Link WR841ND, with function support Bandwidth Control(shaper), responsible for traffic distribution. It was on this that I made the adjustments, which I will discuss below.

By the way, almost all modern routers from the company TP-Link support this option, and the firmware interface is similar for all models, so don’t worry if you have a different model, just follow the instructions and everything will work out.

Internet speed control for all computers

So, first of all, let's look at setting the speed limit for all computers connected to the router via a wireless network or local network.

I would like to note that for setup it is desirable that it be turned on DHCP service for dynamically assigning IP addresses to devices. Usually, it is enabled by default, but it’s still a good idea to check. Go to the router settings through the browser, type in the address bar or . A pop-up window will appear in which you need to enter your username and password, usually this admin And admin if you haven't changed anything.

Let's go to the menu tab DHCP, where opposite DHCP server must be checked Turn on.

Let's put a tick opposite Enable Bandwidth Control.

In my case, I chose the line type Other if you have ADSL, then indicate this option.

Into the fields Outgoing and Incoming Bandwidth Enter the maximum values ​​corresponding to your tariff plan. If you don't know, check with your provider. If I have 100 Mbps, then I enter 102400 Kbps.

After saving the changes, open the tab - List of rules and click Add new.

Place a check mark next to it Turn on.

Into the fields IP address range enter the range of addresses as in the settings DHCP, which will allow us to control all connected devices. Port range let's skip it Protocol let's leave it All .

Next we indicate in the fields Outgoing Bandwidth minimum and maximum outgoing speed (this is when you upload your files to the Internet). For example, I set the limit to 5 Mbps. Therefore, set the minimum to 0, and enter 5120 Kbps (5*1024=5120) to the maximum.

In the Fields Incoming Bandwidth(when you download files from the Internet) I wrote it in the same way.

Now all devices with IP addresses from to connected to the router will be given a speed of 5 Mbit/s. If you need to remove or change this restriction in the future, click on the links Change or Delete.

Now all that remains is to reboot the router for the settings to take effect; to do this, go to the tab System Tools– . After reboot check internet speed to make sure this limitation works.

Limiting traffic speed for individual devices

The limit for individual devices is set according to IP address, and before that you need to bind this address to the MAC address desired device. For example, I made an IP binding to the MAC address of user “N”’s computer , therefore, when turned on, this PC will always receive only these numbers from the router.

Binding an IP address to a MAC address

So let's go to DHCPAddress reservation and press the button Add new .

In field MAC address enter desired value. In field Reserved IP address enter the appropriate IP address. State– leave it on. Press the button Save.

Where can I get the MAC address of the desired computer?

If this computer or other device is connected to our router, then go to the tab DHCP– where all connected clients to the router will be displayed. Select the one you need.

After the operation, you should do reboot the router. Open the tab System Tools – .

When the equipment reboots, log back into DHCP– and check whether the IP is associated with the desired device.

Then open the tab we are already familiar with Bandwidth ControlList of rules and press Add new .

We put it opposite Turn on tick in the first field Address range enter the required IP address, Port range And Protocol Let's leave it unchanged.

In field Outgoing Bandwidth Let's enter the required outgoing speed (when we upload files to the Internet).

In field Incoming Bandwidth Let's enter the required incoming speed (when we download files from the Internet). In both cases I entered the maximum 5 Mbps (5*1024=5120 Kbps). Click the button Save when you finish setting up.

If any errors suddenly appear when saving, check whether you have created any other rules. They may conflict with each other. Just delete the previously created one.

If everything went well, a created rule will appear that will limit the speed to 5 Mbit/s for one device with IP

When there are many devices, create such a rule for each; the parameters may be different everywhere.

Protection in case the client changes the MAC address

Now we know how to reduce internet speed for individual devices, but if one of the clients changes the MAC address, it will bypass the speed limit. To prevent this from happening, you can install a filter based on the MAC address, thanks to which, if the client decides to cheat, he will lose the Internet completely.

This method will be a little inconvenient for those who constantly connect different devices to the router, in order for the Internet to work for them, you will need to add their MAC addresses to the white list.

Yes, and it seems to me that you don’t always need to use this option. For example, somewhere in the office this would be more suitable than ever, but for the home, I think it would be superfluous.

Open the tab Wireless mode- and press Add new .

First of all, add the address of the computer from which you are doing the setup, otherwise you will block yourself!

In field MAC address enter the appropriate data in the field Description enter short name for marking, Status put Included. Then click Save .

Now you should check the box opposite Allow stations specified in included entries to gain access then click on the button Turn on to activate the filter.

After the settings have been made, only one PC will have access to the Internet; to add other devices, computers, laptops, smartphones, click Add new and repeat the above operation to add devices.

The list of MAC addresses can be checked on the menu tab DHCP – .

Be very careful, follow the instructions strictly, or you may even block yourself and lose access to the settings. After which you will have to do a system reset.

To disable the MAC address filter, on the tab Wireless mode– click on the button Disable opposite the inscription Filtering by MAC addresses.

If you don't know how to distribute WiFi through a laptop, read.

Well, that's all, dear friends, now you know how to limit internet speed via router. If you have any questions, ask in the comments, I will try to help!

As computer networks develop and penetration information technologies in all areas human life the question of how to limit the speed of the Internet connection on a computer worries everyone larger number users.

Nowadays, when a single device is used to access the World Wide Web, this is a rarity even for home networks. Therefore, there is a need for a more uniform (or vice versa) distribution of traffic between various devices using one Internet connection. Let's consider ways to solve this issue.

Popular programs

Internet speed is limited in different ways:

They also use special software that allows you to do this without interfering with the router settings. For many novice “users” this method seems more acceptable.

The process of limiting Internet speed in computer science is called shaping, and the programs with which this is carried out are called traffic inspectors, or traffic shaping.

Thus, if a user has a need to optimize the distribution of traffic between nodes on the network and limit Internet speed, he needs to install one of the following programs:

The list of traffic inspectors that help limit Internet speed is not limited to the programs listed above. Their selection is wide. There are both cross-platform applications and those optimized for a specific operating system, paid and free. Each “user” decides which one to use based on specific conditions and personal preferences.

General algorithm of actions

Although there are many programs available, they work on the principle of filtering traffic to limit the speed of the Internet. Therefore, we present a general algorithm of actions used to solve this problem. To configure web filtering you need to:

Typically, the traffic inspectors interface has the ability to create new filters or rules, as well as change existing ones. For example, in NetLimiter the interface is implemented in the form of a table, where you can see a list of applications open on the computer with information on the traffic use of each of them. All you need to do is right-click to open the rules editor for the program and create the required restrictions.

Having installed required parameters, all that remains is to save them for the rule to take effect. Many apps also provide a scheduler. Through the latter, the conditions are configured when Internet restrictions for a given application will be turned on or off.

In cases where there is a need to limit the Internet speed on a PC, it is good to have at least the most general understanding of the principle of operation of computer networks. Advice to the user comes down to two fundamental principles:

  1. If you are not confident in your knowledge, it is better to entrust the work of setting Internet speed limits to a specialist.
  2. If, however, you had to configure it yourself, do not change the settings of applications and services whose purpose is unknown or incomprehensible.

By following these principles, the user will always be confident in sustainable and uninterrupted operation computer network.

July 3, 2014 | comments: 0

Now I will show you ways to limit the speed on Wi-Fi router e

1 Method

If you are using a router or router to create a wireless access point, then open its settings menu. To do this, enter the IP address of this equipment into the browser line and press Enter. Open the wireless network setup menu. If the capabilities of this router model allow you to enable the 802.11 network (without letters), then the speed of the channel will automatically be limited to 1 Mbit/s. Please note that this value will be divided by the number of connected Wi-Fi networks devices.

2 Method

If the Wi-Fi router does not work with this type of radio signal, then find the item “Connection Speed” or Connection Speed. Set the desired value from 1 to 54. Save the settings and reboot the router.

3 Method

If you are using a desktop computer and a Wi-Fi adapter to create a wireless access point, then first try to reduce the channel speed using the Windows system functions. Open the properties of “My Computer” and go to Device Manager. Find your wireless adapter and right-click on its name. Select Properties. Open the "Advanced" tab and enable 802.11 operating mode.

4 Method

If this Wi-Fi adapter does not support this type of radio signal, then install the NetLimiter program and run it. Now find the device you need in the list that appears and set the Internet access speed parameters for it. Be sure to fill out both items: Incoming and Outgoing. The speed values ​​in this utility are determined in kilobytes.

5 Method

As an alternative to the NetLiniter program, you can use the TMeter and Traffic Inspector utilities. Be sure to save the created filters to avoid the need to re-configure the utility after restarting the computer.

Internet speed can be controlled at the router level or at the computer level. While the speed itself may be limited, you can also use tools to assign different settings to individual programs and make a variety of restrictions on how much bandwidth they use and how they are prioritized. Built-in Parental Controls can also set different limits per account on a single computer and provides additional options for blocking websites, limiting downloads and choosing which programs are acceptable to use.


Install Traffic-Shaping software

1.Select, download and install a traffic inspector program such as NetBalancer, Traffic Shaper XP or NetLimiter for the computer for which you want to limit the speed or bandwidth.
2.Download limit and download speed on the computer in general, or priorities for using the available bandwidth first and how much they use. With some configuring programs you can set download and upload limits for certain programs.

3.Save your changes and make any necessary changes.You may have top scores testing the program during peak hours when any differences will be most noticeable.

Change router QoS settings

4.Access the router and control panel through the web browser of any computer connected to the router. This is usually done by entering your router's IP address, which can be found either on the router itself or in its instruction manual.
5.Open the QoS (Quality of Service) settings if your router has them. The primary settings can be changed - these are the Uplink and Downlink fields. After enabling QoS, enter the numbers below in these QoS fields until they take effect.
6.Save changes, check the connection. You may need to change the fields several times to achieve the effect you desire.

Using Parental Controls

7.Open Parental Controls, then select the User account you want to restrict. If you do not have Family Safety enabled for this account However, do this by opening and editing their account settings.
8.Open the “Web Filtering”, “Time Limits” and “App Restrictions” options. While you can't control the speed in particular, you will be able to control which apps can be used, which can be downloaded, and how much time the user can spend online.
9.Save user settings and apply to other users as needed.

  • When using parental controls, you must ensure that no one is starved of bandwidth by allocating user time that may be ONLINE throughout the day. This way, each user gets to use your connection with the bandwidth freely available to other users.
  • Not all routers will have QoS settings that can be changed. If this is not the case for you, you can install third-party firmware that perform similar functions.
  • Before changing any router settings, make sure you save the current settings in case you need to change them back.
  • Installing firmware on your router may break or render it unusable, so be very careful.

Internet speed can be controlled at the router level or at the computer level. While the speed itself may be limited, you can also use tools to assign different settings to individual programs and make a variety of restrictions on how much bandwidth they use and how they are prioritized. Built-in Parental Controls can also set different limits per account on a single computer and provides additional options for blocking websites, limiting downloads and choosing which programs are acceptable to use.


Install Traffic-Shaping software

1.Select, download and install a traffic inspector program such as NetBalancer, Traffic Shaper XP or NetLimiter for the computer for which you want to limit the speed or bandwidth.
2.Download limit and download speed on the computer in general, or priorities for using the available bandwidth first and how much they use. With some configuring programs you can set download and upload limits for certain programs.

3.Save your changes and make any necessary changes. You may have better program testing results during peak hours, when any differences will be most noticeable.

Change router QoS settings

4.Access the router and control panel through the web browser of any computer connected to the router. This is usually done by entering your router's IP address, which can be found either on the router itself or in its instruction manual.
5.Open the QoS (Quality of Service) settings if your router has them. The primary settings can be changed - these are the Uplink and Downlink fields. After enabling QoS, enter the numbers below in these QoS fields until they take effect.
6.Save changes, check the connection. You may need to change the fields several times to achieve the effect you desire.

Using Parental Controls

7.Open Parental Controls, then select the User account you want to restrict. If you do not have Family Safety enabled for that account, however, do so by opening and editing their account settings.
8.Open the “Web Filtering”, “Time Limits” and “App Restrictions” options. While you can't control the speed in particular, you will be able to control which apps can be used, which can be downloaded, and how much time the user can spend online.
9.Save user settings and apply to other users as needed.

  • When using parental controls, you must ensure that no one is starved of bandwidth by allocating user time that may be ONLINE throughout the day. This way, each user gets to use your connection with the bandwidth freely available to other users.
  • Not all routers will have QoS settings that can be changed. If this is not the case for you, you can install third-party firmware that perform similar functions.
  • Before changing any router settings, make sure you save the current settings in case you need to change them back.
  • Installing firmware on your router may break or render it unusable, so be very careful.
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