How to clean a well at your dacha with your own hands. How to clean a well with your own hands - equipment and effective methods. Basic methods of cleaning wells

Cleaning a well is a kind of spring-cleaning, it is needed regularly and must be done conscientiously. The owners of this simple but very necessary structure may be interested in learning how to clean a well with your own hands in order to save a little money.

To think that once a well has been dug no longer requires maintenance is completely wrong. And to enjoy crystal clear, always cool, fresh water, you need to make some effort from time to time. The well is sanitized annually, and every 3-5 years it will require “general cleaning,” sometimes more often.

To ensure that the water is suitable for consumption, the well must be cleaned regularly.

The quality will no longer indicate the need for unscheduled cleaning. drinking water. Such water cannot be used either for bathing or in garden beds.

You can hire specialists for the work, but many homeowners do not look for easy ways and prefer to do everything themselves. Such an initiative is always laudable and cost-effective, but it does come with some challenges. Cleaning a well with your own hands is a troublesome, unsafe task and will require some theoretical knowledge.

There may be several reasons for cleaning a well. And before starting work, it is worth determining the nature of the contamination and how to eliminate it. The causes of cloudy water are determined by color, smell and the presence of impurities.

  • Silting of the well. As a result of this inevitable process, the water becomes cloudy and acquires a characteristic taste. The deposition of sand and clay at the bottom of the well also leads to severe turbidity. In this case, the water level in the mine may drop significantly, but this should not be confused with sharp seasonal changes;
  • The appearance of an oil film over the surface of the water indicates the presence of petroleum products. They may appear due to depressurization of the mine, enter directly with the aquifer, or for the banal reason of failure to maintain cleanliness when using the well;

If the water is polluted, you can easily determine this by its color, smell and the presence of impurities
  • Water becomes rusty due to the presence of iron in it;
  • Bacterial contamination can be a consequence of simple stagnation of water with infrequent use. The development of bacteria can also be facilitated by foreign objects falling into the mine: household, plant debris or accidentally fallen animals and birds;
  • Sewage ingress is easily recognized by its unpleasant odor;
  • The reason for the greening of water is the simplest algae, which develop in the warm season when there is sufficient quantity sunlight;
  • Blackening of water or the appearance of rot is often found in wells with an aspen shield installed at the bottom. Wood can rot over time and spoil the water.

Security measures

People often neglect the basic rules of their own safety, but in the case of work in a well, this should not be done.

To carry out well cleaning work, you will need the help of a partner and insurance.
  • The first and basic rule is the presence of a safety rope, regardless of the depth of the mine;
  • It is strictly not recommended to work alone. This is not only much more difficult, but also not safe. There must be a person nearby who can provide assistance;
  • It is equally important to make sure that there are no harmful gases in the well. To do this, a lit candle is lowered into the shaft; if it continues to burn, then there is enough oxygen;
  • The ladder that will be lowered to the bottom of the well must be equipped with a supporting platform, and the rope must be well fixed.

Important! At a depth of more than 3 m there is much less oxygen, so it is better for a person with cardiovascular diseases to delegate the cleaning to someone else.

Technologies and methods for cleaning wells

There are several cleaning methods. The choice of a specific one depends on the nature of the contamination and the tool used. In some cases, complex measures may be required. Well cleaning can be:

  • Preventative;
  • Major (drainage or manual cleaning).

Preventive cleaning of wells

For preventive cleaning of the well and disinfection of water, you will need a manganese solution in it.

Every year after the snow melts, it is advisable to carry out sanitary treatment, even when the water seems clean. Use ordinary potassium permanganate for disinfection. A tablespoon of crystals is dissolved in a bucket of water and poured into the well. After 2-3 hours, all the water is pumped out of it. You can pour it on the garden; light disinfection of the soil will not cause harm and will even be useful.

Manual well cleaning: technology and features of the work

The entire process of manual cleaning comes down to a gradual mechanical cleaning. In this regard, several main stages can be distinguished:

  1. Preparatory;
  2. Pumping out water;
  3. Mechanical cleaning of the mine;
  4. Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter;
  5. Repair work, sealing seams (if necessary);
  6. Well disinfection.

Preparatory work

Before you start cleaning, consider whether you have everything necessary tools

When all the tools have been collected and helpers have been found, you can move on to preparatory stage. Its purpose is to provide free access to the mine, so the canopy will have to be dismantled for a while. If there is debris on the surface of the water, it is removed manually. They also check for the presence of harmful gases, and if there are any, the work will have to be performed in a gas mask.

Pumping out water

Of course, you can select water from a well using buckets, but it is much easier to do this with a pump. Even a low-power Rodnichok, which can be borrowed from neighbors, will do the job perfectly if you don’t lower it too low to the bottom. It is worth considering that it will not be possible to completely drain the mine, a small amount of There will be water at the bottom in any case.

Mechanical cleaning

The walls of the shaft are cleaned of all existing contaminants using a scraper, metal brush or sponge. Everything that is removed from the walls will fall into the water, but this is not critical, along with the bottom mule, it will be removed. The walls are washed twice with water. When cleaning the shaft, carefully inspect the seams between the rings or masonry. If cracks appear, repair work is carried out.

Sealing seams

To seal seams, use cement mortar

Cracks and other damage between shaft rings can occur due to slight misalignment or long-term contamination of water or vegetation. To restore their tightness, they are sealed with ordinary mortar with a high cement content or special mixtures are used. Before renovation work surface It is recommended to clean it for better adhesion of materials. Apply the solution with a spatula or spatula.

Important! Under no circumstances should household cleaning products be used to clean the well. detergents and other chemicals.

Cleaning the bottom of the well. Flushing or replacing the well filter

Sediment is removed from the bottom of the well in several ways. The easiest way is to go down to the bottom and pick it out in buckets. You can use a grapple to clean the well. This is a special bucket that is equipped with two interlocking blades. It is lowered to the bottom, silt is collected, and then raised with a strong cable manually or on a winch. It is also recommended to remove the old filter, rinse thoroughly and replace it. If for some reason it does not fit, a new layer is added to the bottom. Stones of a larger fraction are placed on the bottom of a well made of loose clay or on a bottom shield. A fine-grain filter is used for sandy bottoms and calm inflows.

Manual cleaning of the well bottom

Well disinfection.

For disinfection, use a bleach solution or special chlorine-containing stabilizing agents. Bleach will require 20 mg per 1 liter of water. The usual formula for the volume of a cylinder will help you find out its quantity in the well. After adding the disinfectant, the shaft is tightly closed and left for 5-6 hours. After this, the water is completely pumped out twice. It is recommended to boil it for 5-7 days after processing. Such purification is necessary if the water has been contaminated with bacteria or organic matter. Other methods of disinfection for wells are not recommended.

Advice! To ensure the quality of drinking water, a sample can be submitted for analysis.

Drainage cleaning: technology and choice of pumping station

This type of cleaning is sufficient if only silting or deposition of clay and sand at the bottom has occurred. They use only a special model, namely a drainage pump. Preference is given to a submersible device.
Knowing the depth and fullness of the well, it is necessary to select pumping unit with sufficient power, good consumption and most importantly, low requirements for water quality. In this situation, the conclusion is simple - the greater the pump flow rate and power, the better.
You can also use fecal pumps. If there are leaves or other debris floating on the surface of the water, it is recommended to remove it first. The drainage pump is immersed in water at a distance of 0-5-1 meters from the bottom and fixed well.

Cleaning a well using a drain pump

It is important that the stream from the outlet pipe is directed strictly downward and lifts the sediment well with pressure.

Periodically, the pump is raised and the filter is washed. The regularity of cleaning using a drainage pump depends on the characteristics of the soil on the site, but, as a rule, it is required no more than 1-2 times a year.
The process of well contamination is inevitable. But this is a reason not to give up fresh, clean and free drinking water.

Cleaning a country well manually: video

A well is an invaluable help in obtaining clean water for drinking and technical needs. But the problem is that the active circulation of liquid gradually leads to its clogging. It is possible to cope with such troubles, you just have to strictly follow a certain working technology.

Signs of contamination

You should start by recognizing the signs of contamination. After all, each type of blockage has a special approach and cannot be eliminated using a universal template.

  • Appearance muddy water even in a very small volume almost always indicates that soil particles are entering the well cavity. Their penetration there becomes possible due to the weak tightness of the wall joints, which can move or become leaky. It is much worse if the water takes on one color or another.

  • A green tint indicates that the well has become a place of active reproduction of microscopic algae. And if the liquid turns black, this most often allows us to conclude that organic matter not only got inside, but is also decomposing.
  • Water with an excessive concentration of iron turns yellow; You should immediately keep in mind that ordinary cleaning is powerless in such a situation. Purification through special filters helps to cope with excessive saturation of well water with iron. A specific taste, which appears even before obvious visual signs, also helps to recognize “strong” metal.
  • At the dacha and in the household, the water raised from the well may be sweetish due to the presence of nitrogen. It gets there along with fertilizers (nitrates) and this problem cannot be dealt with until the source of these substances is cut off.
  • A yellowish color is often characteristic of water that enters a home spring from a swamp; The difference from simple iron overload is that the color is relatively weak. Green tone, other than algae, is sometimes associated with the penetration of hydrogen sulfide from secondary sources. This is easy to recognize by the appearance of a characteristic putrid odor.

  • The entry of clay into a well is sometimes provoked by the action of quicksand. It mechanically destroys the strongest and most stable structures, and the moisture-saturated rock easily finds seemingly insignificant cracks and immediately penetrates them. The presence of lime in significant quantities is determined visually, as is contamination resulting from dirt and silt. If there is relatively little lime, the water “simply” becomes hard. Scale appears on household appliances and dishes, on plumbing fixtures and in pipes.

Dirt can appear both as a result of prolonged use of the well, and almost immediately after digging.

The problem is aggravated by poor-quality construction and non-compliance with sanitary and technological standards. In any case, you should not expect that the contamination will disappear on its own after some time. But it is not very wise to rush too much, using random or recommended means. It is much more correct, having found the root cause of the blockage, to deal with tools and methods that will really help with cleaning.


Enthusiasts and engineers have developed many tools with which you can clean almost any well from mechanical dirt. The simplest option is to use a scraper. It removes blockages that appear on the walls of the mine. But before you scrape those walls, you should try cleaning the well using pumps. This is much more productive than trying to solve the problem manually.

The drainage pump, raising the water upward, will simultaneously remove the dirty particles accumulated in it. The pressure pump mounted next to the head will also play a role. This is a high-tech “scraper” that creates a strong, intense flow of liquid. What is important is that pumps as a device for narrow and wide wells are equally suitable. Placing it on a special stand will help to avoid the drainage unit sinking into the sludge.

It is recommended to choose pumps that are designed for dirty water; Even if the blockage seems insignificant from above, it is impossible to predict how the situation will change at the very bottom and when the liquid supply becomes depleted.

The pressure hose is placed in a tank of approximately 300 liters. When pumps cannot be used, a bucket (or scoop) often comes to the rescue. This tool is easy to make even with your own hands, as long as you have sheet steel and a few simple devices to work with her.

Those who actually tried cleaning a well with a ladle were not disappointed in it. True, such work is very tedious and time-consuming, but at least financially it is easy. The scoop must be thrown into the well shaft with the tip down, ensuring that it pierces the accumulated silt. When working, they try to capture as much dirt as possible (from 2 to 3 kg of it is removed at one time).

More difficult option represents the grab, this tool is suitable for a narrower scope of work.

By appearance A grab is a type of “jaw” that, when closed, captures sediment at the bottom. After lifting, they open, releasing the collected dirt. Like a scoop, it is better to make a grab yourself. But the point is not so much the simplicity, but the fact that almost no one offers such a tool for free sale.

When cleaning sewer wells, along with the listed tools, you can use a suction pump. This is the name of a sewage disposal machine equipped vacuum pump and a special tank. Contrary to the name, such equipment is suitable for removing not only sludge. It copes well with sand and grease, with various particles hard rocks. Only abrasives pose a danger to the relatively soft hose that carries dirt into the tank. The disadvantage of this method is that you will have to pay and specially call assistants.

Cleaning technology

It is not at all necessary to contact specialists - you can clean the well with your own hands, without even going down into it, but while remaining on solid ground. Manual cleaning begins with thoroughly pumping out water, and consistently. Having pumped out the mirror by 400-500 mm, using elongated tools, clean the walls mechanically. In this work, it is categorically unacceptable to use even the most gentle household chemicals. Most of the work is still carried out inside and you need to carefully monitor that the structure of the rings remains intact.

Having reached the bottom, the liquid is finally pumped out and the decisive stage of cleaning begins. It is necessary to rinse the bottom filter, and it is advisable to lift the stones to the top, where this can be done more efficiently. Seams that do not even have visually noticeable deformations must be sealed with cement with the addition of liquid glass. This will make it difficult to mix surface waters with those walking along the mine. Disinfection is required.

You can do without going down at all with automated cleaning, which has already been discussed - the use of drainage and deep-well pumps. This technique helps if you need to deal with only minor blockages. A pumping block is placed 50 cm from the bottom of the pit. The hose from the supply pump is placed even closer to the bottom. It is very important to observe this placement; violating it will not allow you to achieve a good result.

Work must be continued strictly until the pump pump supplies perfectly clean water.

If it is necessary to lower various mechanisms and devices into the well, it is recommended to use a winch. This device is relatively simple, but it really helps save energy. And, of course, working at the bottom of a pit requires an appropriate mental attitude.

What is important is that there are ways to clean wells in stages without pumping out water. This is not possible for all types of pollution, of course. Thus, the fight against microscopic algae that gives the water a greenish tint is best done with the help of chlorine. Within a few days the tank will be completely clean and ready for use. Natural sorbents such as zeolite and shungite effectively combat the ingress of foreign substances. For optimal effect, you will have to use several kilograms of these reagents at once. Another way is to use dosing blocks.

The capacity of such a cartridge varies from 250 to 1000 cm3. But despite the presence special developments However, professionals recommend completely pumping out the water and removing silt 100%. Then you need to fill the well with clean water, leaving it to sit for at least a week.

Cleaning without pumping using open chlorine or dosing charges helps primarily against microbiological agents. But given the danger of the substance used, you should strictly follow the manufacturers’ instructions and not use doses more than recommended.

It is important to resolve one more question - when exactly is it better to carry out routine cleaning of the well - in the fall or in the spring. Timely cleaning prevents the need for emergency work of this kind and allows you to always use fresh water. Regardless of your schedule, you need to start working if:

    sticks, stones, leaves and branches of trees, various birds and animals fell into the well;

    the presence of metals and their compounds was detected;

    the water becomes clogged at depth with sand or clay.

Clogging with both metal and sand can be caused by soil movements. They lead to displacement of the rings and penetration of foreign matter inside. In such a situation, you will have to not only clean, but also repair the water source. Clogging can be prevented by regularly raising water to the top. Even when there is no obvious need for it, it turns out to be very useful.

Before cleaning, always remove all interfering objects from the well, including pumping equipment.

After removing the water, it is necessary to inspect the structure and look for signs of visible destruction. If there are no such problems, change the bottom filter. The sand, gravel and crushed stone that is there needs to be pulled out and a completely new mound made. The freed walls are specially cleaned; for this, not only brushes are used, but also antiseptic preparations. Having completed the formation of the bottom filter, the pumps and stationary outlet filters are returned to their place.

We have to keep in mind that the water obtained during the first injection is not yet ready even for technical use. High-quality liquid is always transparent, without foreign odors or tastes. It is sometimes possible to achieve such success only from the third bay. If the filters are not changed, they are cleaned as prescribed by the manufacturer's instructions - mainly with strong water pressure.

A different approach should be taken to tube wells. In them, as well as in wells, only pumps and filters can be used. Pumping out the water is also mandatory, as is checking the liquid obtained after cleaning in a specialized laboratory. Covering them with covers or canopies helps reduce the need for cleaning wells and wells. As for the time of regular cleaning, for wells used only in summer, the operating time begins in spring and autumn. As winter approaches, water has to be pumped out to prevent filters and pumps from clogging. During the spring months Special attention paid to cleaning the walls of structures or replacing natural filters.

Even if the water appears clean all the time, it is recommended to have it tested in a laboratory four times a year.

Regardless of the experts' conclusions, cleaning the water supply is mandatory. It is also necessary to carry out it in the case when the ground is flooded when the snow melts. Important: do-it-yourself cleaning sewer well, unlike tap water, is practically impossible. For this purpose, you will have to use special equipment, the purchase of which is not justified. Before using any reagent of natural or artificial origin, it is better to immediately check whether it is environmentally safe.

Installation of the bottom filter

A correctly installed bottom filter is the most important element rough cleaning, stops the invasion of sand and clay. To form this protection, use only natural materials, which are not washed away by water. Be sure to place them in several layers to ensure complete safety for those using well water. It should be noted that in dense soils of clay origin, when obtaining water from underground springs, a filter is not required. But when the bottom is composed of soft clay and the water is flowing with significant pressure, the fight against cloudy suspension is very important.

Large crushed stone or pebbles laid out in a layer of 0.15-0.2 m will help prevent the bottom from washing out. If the base of the pit is made of sand and water flows in even portions, you will need to lay out the filter yourself. It is also required in cases where there is quicksand below.

The direct type of bottom filter is used where the inflow is relatively small, as well as on top of quicksand. First, material of large fractions is laid out, then medium and small fractions (each layer is 5-6 times finer than the previous one).

The upper filter surface in such a system is made of quartz sand or pebbles. If the bottom is already sandy, reverse filters are used. Their main task is to prevent dirt from entering the water from reaching the bottom of the well. At the same time, owners are protected from contamination of the liquid by grains of sand rising in the flow of spring water. The difference from the direct scheme is that the sequence of layers is reversed; The thickness of each layer is a maximum of 150 mm.

Water disinfection

Cleaning the well purely mechanically is very good. But this will not allow you to protect yourself from:


Meanwhile, all these types of living beings are formidable enemies of man. A bad smell is only a subjective problem; the health consequences will be much worse. Disinfectants should be used once every six months, before the start of seasonal use of the well and in the fall. Special cases when such a measure is urgently needed are:

    flooding of the mine by flood or sediment, wastewater;

    seepage of untreated groundwater;

    contamination with any pesticides and industrial and household waste;

    entry of terrestrial animals and birds;

    collapse of part of the material;

    presence of garbage;

    bottom subsidence;

    detection of excessive concentrations of microbes when examining samples.

Bleach powder can be used to make water drinkable.

Attention: you should accurately calculate its amount and do not try to exceed the dosage “for greater effectiveness.” Be sure to take precautions when handling this substance!

In some cases, it is better to use potassium permanganate - this product works quickly and is not dangerous. Its disadvantage is its relatively low efficiency.

30 g of the reagent is mixed with 10 liters of warm water. After waiting from 30 minutes to an hour, you need to pump out the water several times. Next, dry walls are washed with the same solution, and a mesh with 3-5 g of potassium permanganate or silicon chips is placed on the bottom. Ready-made tablets based on chlorine compounds can only be used in accordance with the original instructions!

Important: all disinfectant solutions must be prepared in clean containers that have been rinsed beforehand.

After all, it is impossible to predict how this or that reagent will behave when interacting with foreign substances. After using chlorine water, you need to thoroughly mix it for about 10 minutes using long poles or by scooping it up with a bucket and quickly pouring it back.

It is much easier to do this using a suspended pump. After such chlorination, in any case, you need to cover the well with thick cloth or polyethylene. Be sure to make sure that the mine is cool and not exposed to sunlight. Otherwise, the chlorine will evaporate too quickly and will not produce the desired result. The walls will need to be washed with clean water. Pumping out the well after chlorination is repeated until even the faintest smell of the chemical disappears.

Today it is not always possible to use the benefits of civilization in the countryside. Therefore, they often dig their own source as a source of water supply, which allows them not to worry about the amount of water for irrigation and household needs. However, even such a water intake point requires careful treatment and regular maintenance. And cleaning the well is the main point here.

After all, irregular use of water from the source, the absence of a top cover, or simply the appearance of small cracks in the rings of the shaft can lead to water contamination, the growth of bacteria in it, or simply silting of the bottom. We talk about how to clean a well with your own hands and do everything correctly in this material. And for clear example We will offer you the video below.

Important: you can judge the types and causes of water pollution in a well not only by external signs(particles of debris), but also by the shade of the water and its smell.

By the way, if you are interested in how much it costs to clean a well, then contact the professionals. They will review your drawings, identify the cause of the contamination, and, depending on the data studied and obtained, will quote the price of the work.

Owners of their own wells often encounter problems with water contamination in wells of this type:

  • Dirty, impurities of small debris in the form of wood chips. The reason for this phenomenon can be either the appearance of shifts in the rings or small cracks in the concrete. Through them, particles of soil, ground contaminated water and small debris enter the source shaft. Another reason for this type of dirt in water from a well can be a silted bottom. A layer of silt prevents the penetration of clean water and increasingly “conquers” the territory of water in the mine.
  • Large inclusions of debris in the form of sticks, leaves, feathers and other objects. In this case, the culprit is the lack of a door at the head of the well. Under the influence of wind, a lot of land debris falls into the water. It is also possible that an animal has fallen into the mine. In this case, it will be necessary not only to clean the well, but to disinfect the water and the shaft itself.
  • Changing water color. If the water is red in color, then this indicates a high iron content in the water. If the water has acquired a cloudy greenish color with an unpleasant swampy smell, then the reason is also the lack of a door. In this case, the sun's rays heat the water, which promotes the proliferation of bacteria and the growth of algae in it. Hence the waterlogging of the liquid at the source. Urgent cleaning of the well in this case is extremely necessary. And it needs to be done correctly.

Disinfection of a well with manganese

In order to avoid lengthy treatment of water in the well and cleaning of the shaft itself, it is necessary to carry out preventive treatment every year with the onset of spring. This DIY well cleaning will help prevent much more complex problems.

Simple manganese is used as a disinfectant. The product must be diluted in one bucket warm water at the rate of 1 tablespoon per volume. Stir well and pour into the well. Cover the source with a lid and leave for 2-3 hours. After such sanitation, it is necessary to pump out all the water from the mine and drain it into the garden. By the way, this will only benefit the soil.

Important: such treatment must be carried out in the spring, but after all the snow and water have melted. Otherwise, there is a risk of drained water penetrating back into the high water and back into the well.

Video on cleaning a well with potassium permanganate

Careful treatment of the well

If you decide to completely wash the well from the inside, you will have to empty the shaft of water. For work you will need:

  • Safety ropes;
  • Large staircase or homemade elevator (board attached to a rope);
  • Bucket, ladle and rough brush;
  • Chlorine disinfectant solution;
  • Drainage and water pumps.

So, if you are generally satisfied with the quality of the water and do not want to pump it out, but you still suspect the presence of sand and silt, then you can try cleaning the bottom of the well with a drainage and water pump. To do this, to the very bottom of the shaft, first lower the water pump with a thin hose about 1 m long attached to it. Turn on the unit and stir up the water from the bottom. After 5-10 minutes, you can lower the drainage pump into the water and turn it on. In theory, particles of silt, dirt and sand raised from the bottom will be pumped out by a drainage pump. Professionals assure that sediment up to 10 cm thick can be removed from the bottom in 2 hours of such work.

Important: the drainage pump should not reach 30-40 cm to the bottom of the shaft. And it is worth stocking up on powerful pumps for carrying out the work. Weak devices will become clogged with sand particles and quickly fail. Watch the video for details of the work.

Well washing

If the above cleaning method does not suit you, you will have to completely pump out the water and wash the shaft. Therefore, stock up on a protective helmet and two assistants. In this case, you will not be able to cope on your own, since it requires a lot of strength, and the lack of a sufficient amount of oxygen in the well shaft forces the craftsmen to change places.

  • So, first of all, we begin pumping out the water. As the liquid decreases, you can lower yourself onto ropes or a ladder into the shaft and begin washing the walls. The employee must be insured from above.
  • If there are cracks around the perimeter, they must be repaired. liquid glass mixed with cement.
  • As you descend into the shaft, it is necessary to check the amount of oxygen and the presence of gas inclusions. To do this, a lit candle in a bucket is lowered into the well shaft. If the flame burns evenly, then everything is in order. If the fire goes out, the mine will have to be ventilated. You can use a fan or lower a large blanket to the bottom of the empty shaft a couple of times and raise it again.
  • After all the walls have been washed, you need to start cleaning the bottom. To do this, remove silt and dirt using a ladle or bucket.

Important: you must work exclusively in a protective helmet. Because the ladle or bucket of sludge may break when lifted. In this case, injury cannot be avoided.

  • All layers of the bottom filter are thoroughly washed and laid again.
  • If dead animals were found at the bottom of the well, the mine will have to be completely chlorinated. To do this, dilute a sufficient amount of bleach in a bucket (ladle) of water and rub it into the walls concrete rings. The remaining solution is poured to the bottom and the well is covered with polyethylene so that the chlorine vapor does not evaporate.

Video on how to clean a well with your own hands

Important: chlorination must be carried out only in a protective mask, since there is a risk of poisoning from volatile chlorine vapors.

  • The well is kept covered for 1-2 days. After this, the water must be pumped out completely 2-3 times. The smell of chlorine will linger in the water for about another month. And during this period, it is not recommended to use water for cooking and drinking. Only after the water has acquired a natural smell can it be used on the farm.

Important: if the smell of chlorine in the water is not for you, then manganese can be used as a disinfectant. But in this case the result will be slightly weaker. Therefore, as an additional system for cleaning the source at the dacha, you can use a mesh with silicon, which is laid at the bottom of the well. This device needs to be changed every six months.

Video of well disinfection.

The real heart of the site is the well. Its proper operation is especially important when there is no water supply to the house. It is the well in this case that is the source of drinking water for home owners and the feeder for plants in the garden. The water in the spring must be clear, safe for health and clean. Thanks to free access to useful information is a solvable task today.

Causes of pollution

A well is not a natural body of water, but a creation of human hands; for this reason, nature takes care of the structure to the best of its ability, but we should not forget about periodic maintenance. If you feel that the color of the water has changed and the taste has deteriorated, then you need to clean the well. When problems like these occur, along with unusual sediment and unpleasant odors, you should consider doing the cleaning yourself. The following phenomena can lead to such problems: violation of excess sunlight, irregular operation, as well as wrong selection materials for the construction of the well.

If you are interested in the question of how much it costs to clean a well, then you will have to pay about 8,000 rubles for it. It will be much cheaper to handle the work yourself, but it is important to know that the sealing of seams and component elements may be compromised. In this case, soil particles can get inside, which negatively affect the transparency of the water. Such problems often arise after snow melts or as a result of prolonged rains. The situation can be solved quite simply; for this, the holes and seams are inspected, and then the master makes them impenetrable.

Sun protection

It may be necessary to clean the well in cases where it is exposed to excessive amounts of sunlight. Because of this, microorganisms can become active, and the water begins to bloom, acquiring a greenish tint. IN in this case, cleaning work may not be necessary. Initially, you need to try to make a canopy or protect the well from exposure to the sun. It also happens that it is used irregularly, and the water is saturated with organic substances. A similar problem arises from time to time for every owner of a well. The situation can be corrected by disinfecting the well. But prevention will be its constant use.

Cleaning technology

The well may need to be cleaned if incorrectly selected materials were used during the construction process. Professionals do not recommend using materials of organic origin in wells. This can lead to the penetration of nitrogenous compounds, causing the water to acquire a sweetish taste. In this case, it may be necessary not only to clean the structure, but also to completely rebuild it. In any case, these works cannot be called simple; they are labor-intensive and monotonous. Once you carry out these manipulations yourself, you will be able to determine which technology is most suitable. Next time this process should take less effort and time.

Professionals advise focusing on certain order work, which involves at the first stage the acquisition of tools and necessary funds. Next, free access to the shaft is provided and a visual inspection is carried out. It will be impossible to do without pumping out the water; after this, the dirt and mucus that has formed will be washed off from the walls of the structure. The next step is to remove moss and mold, but the bottom is cleared of foreign objects and debris. We must not forget about removing sludge, as well as washing and replacing the bottom filter. The drainage is removed and a new one is laid, which consists of fine-grained river pebbles and quartz sand.


When you decide, you will need to process the seams, sealing small cracks and holes with liquid glass. Sometimes cement mortar is used for this purpose. Cleaning is an excellent opportunity to secure the rings, which will not be able to move in relation to each other. Disinfection is carried out at last stage, if you wish, you can reconstruct or build the outer part of the well, namely a canopy or a house.

For reference

If the depth of the well is quite impressive, then a person with heart disease should absolutely not go down. This is due to the fact that there may be a lack of oxygen at the bottom. It is best to entrust this work to someone in your household or to specialists whose services you can use at an affordable cost.

Preparatory stage

Cleaning wells on your own begins with preparation; for this, the owners must make sure that all the necessary means and tools for carrying out the work are at hand. It is important to prepare a ladder, a pump, a winch, and a sufficiently strong rope. You will need mixtures and compositions for the work, as well as devices for cleaning the walls.

People involved in cleaning must use the items personal protection, namely construction boots and helmets. If you plan to go down into the shaft, you will need a ladder. It can be rope or ordinary, it depends on the design of the well. You should not begin such work unless you have prepared the locking and release device. We must not forget about the need to use restraining slings. The master will need a safety belt, as well as buckets. If the length of the stairs is not enough, then you can make a special swing that will be useful for descending. They can be made from the strongest rope.

Security measures

Cleaning of wells must be carried out taking into account certain safety recommendations. Thus, it is necessary to take the help of two companions who will be nearby. Such safety net is necessary in case of emergency recovery. It will be impossible for one person to cope with this. The clothes of the master going down must have water-repellent characteristics. Will be needed Do not start work unless you have discussed an action plan.

A safety rope is tied to the belt, and it is necessary to make sure that there is no accumulation of harmful gases in the mine. For this, a candle is used, which sinks to the bottom when lit. If the wick continues to burn, then everything is fine. The master is advised not to stand for a long time at the bottom of an uncleaned well, as his legs may begin to be sucked in.

Work methodology

If you are thinking about how to clean it, you should equip yourself with the help of two people, only then can you get down to business. It is possible that the canopy will have to be temporarily dismantled before this work. It is recommended to build it taking into account this particular feature of the work. Next, the shaft is cleaned with a pump; only before this, debris that may end up in the hose of the unit is removed from the surface of the water. However, on sale today you can find devices that are not afraid of clogging. It does not matter which model of pumping equipment will be used, experts recommend purchasing or renting a unit with a float. This model turns off on its own after the water runs out. This will prevent the device from overheating and running idle.

If you are faced with the question of how to properly clean a well, then initially you should familiarize yourself with the technology in more detail. After pumping out the water, you can begin cleaning the walls. To do this, everything unnecessary is removed from their surface, such as mold, mucus, dirt and other formations. Under no circumstances should it be used for this chemical compositions. The master has brushes and sponges, as well as any other mechanical means at his disposal.

The next step is to clean the bottom, which is called the bottom filter. The old composition is washed or removed altogether. If you decide to use the latter solution, you will need to install a new filter. The thickness of its layer should be 10 centimeters or more. If the bottom is sufficiently viscous and mobile, the pillow can occupy 50 centimeters of the shaft.

After carrying out all the work described above, it is necessary to analyze the condition of the walls, seams and other connections, which must be airtight. If they are deformed, then work should be done to seal the holes with cement or liquid glass. Disinfection will complete all manipulations, during which the bottom and walls should be treated with 10% bleach. After this, the shaft is covered with a lid and tarpaulin. The structure must be left in this condition for 48 hours. After completion of the operations, the water is pumped out twice.

Cleaning with a drain pump

Many owners country houses wondering how to clean a well without going down into it. To do this, you can use a drainage pump, which should not be low-power. Otherwise poor quality water will remain inside, and the clogging will progress. The process is that the pump is lowered to an average depth of 0.5 meters from the bottom or more. After that, you need to turn it on and begin the process of cleansing dirt. The strong pressure will push the water back into the well, stirring up silt deposits. The equipment must be lifted from time to time to clean the filters. Groundwater in the well must be purified using this method several times until sediments no longer form on the surface of the filter.

After a certain time, twigs and leaves fall into every well, even one made according to all the rules, frogs and mice penetrate, insects multiply, and completely foreign objects fall. Over time, they decompose and settle to the bottom in the form of silt. Mosquitoes and various bacteria and microorganisms breed in the well. Smudges of mucus appear on the walls of the well.

During operation, a significant amount of bottom sediments, alluvial soil and silt inevitably accumulates at the bottom of the well. For different areas and different structures of the surrounding soil, the timing of cleaning a well differs significantly. On average, each well should be cleaned every five years. Cleaning is good preventative measure, improving the quality of water in the well and extending its service life. Beginning summer residents do not attach importance to the fact that pathogenic microbes develop much more actively in water than in the air. A well that has not been cleaned for a long time, of course, is not as noticeable to others as unweeded beds or a rickety fence. However, we live in country house or at the dacha for your family, not for your neighbors.
Well cleaning ensures you have a safe source for your vacation home.

By what signs can you determine that it is time to clean the well:

The appearance of an unusual unpleasant foreign odor of water in the well (the smell of hydrogen sulfide). Even if it disappears after a while. The odor may occur due to too little water flow from the well. To ensure that the water in the well does not have a musty smell and does not stagnate, it should be completely pumped out periodically;
- for a long time the water in the well after the spring flood (with a good clay castle) remains cloudy;
- reducing the water column in the well (raising the bottom) due to quicksand sand. In this case, the well should be cleaned especially carefully so that the reinforced concrete rings do not move relative to each other;
- if an animal gets into the well, then not only cleaning is necessary, but also complete sanitization and disinfection of the well. Even the walls of the well need to be cleaned;
- a large number of “missed” objects at the bottom of the well (buckets, mugs, chains, locks and other metal).

From bottom sediments and alluvial silt country well Each owner can clean it themselves. Moreover, without even going down into it!

And the “Malysh” electric pump, widely used in suburban areas, will help in this matter. It should be slightly modified:

Provide the pump with an additional filter. Select a piece of about 15 cm in diameter that is suitable in diameter. Cover one end of this pipe with a protective mesh that is finer than the factory one. We put the second end tightly onto the inlet pipe of the pump and secure it firmly. This is necessary to ensure that the pump does not become clogged with bottom sediments and fail.
- fasten the pump body itself quite firmly to a long, dry (it is lighter) wooden pole. Alternatively, you can do this: attach it to the end of the pole metal plate with a hole through which to connect the pole with a bolt and nut to the standard hole of the pump for attaching the lifting and lowering cord. A strong rope should be tied in the area of ​​the receiving neck. You can use the same standard cord; we won’t need it during the work. The pole and rope allow you not only to adjust the depth of the “Baby’s” immersion, but also to change the direction and angle of the pump in relation to the bottom of the well.

Procedure for cleaning a well

1. Pump out water from the well to such a level that you can see its bottom. But the level must be sufficient so that the pump body is completely submerged in water. Otherwise, the “Baby” will quickly overheat and burn out.
2. Starting from the walls to the center of the well, we suck out the bottom silt and alluvial soil. The pump is located at an angle of 45 - 60 degrees relative to the bottom of the well.
3. We collect all the water (especially clean water) and slurry from the well into barrels or divert it so far away that it does not fall into the well again. Pay attention to the color of the bottom silt. If it is deep black in color, this is evidence of the presence of sulfur bacteria (the source of the hydrogen sulfide smell) in the well. It is advisable to thoroughly clean the walls of such a well. This is done using a mop, or even more conveniently, a vacuum cleaner brush mounted on a long wooden pole.
4. We constantly monitor (by sound) the operation of the pump. A change in the nature of the sound is possible in two cases: either the receiving pipe rests on the pebble bottom, or the fine mesh is completely clogged with bottom sediments. If necessary, we eliminate the cause of the “heavy” operation of the pump. Periodically monitor the heating temperature of the pump housing.
5. If there is too little water in the well and “Baby” begins to appear on its surface, add water to the well from clean barrels.

As you can see, such independent preventive cleaning of a well is not difficult, complicated or dangerous.

In conclusion, it should be noted: it is unlikely that a self-respecting owner will consider his country house ready for the next season if there is an unkempt well on the site. Spend half a day of your time, and then you will have crystal clear well water on your property for the whole summer.
