How unethical behavior becomes a habit. Ethical and unethical behavior as a set of actions and actions of people

Unethical behavior means implementing a different value system than the prevailing one in society. For example, in a society where the most important value is the human person, it would be unethical to give preference to profit: for example, to fire an employee who has been working for a long time at a company, since his work can be more efficiently performed by an automatic machine or computer. On the contrary, in a group where material well-being is the leading value, such behavior is the only possible and completely ethical one.

It is generally accepted that the following are considered unethical behavior options: ?

bribes, ?

extortion, ?

expensive gifts, ?

payment to an accomplice of a share of illegally obtained money, ?

conflict due to a clash of interests, ?

violation of laws?

fraud, ?

disclosure of company secrets, ?

use of information obtained in confidential conversations from members of the “in-group”?

illegal payments to political organizations for the purpose of passing beneficial legislation, ?

forgery of documents?

fictitious transactions and operations, ?

unreliable financial statements, ?

tax evasion, ?

application moral damage, damage to business reputation, ?

artificially inflating prices?

secret agreements on prices and/or quantities of products sold, ?

violation of ecology, social standards, ?

unlawful use of other people's trademarks, false certificates, ?

low quality of products, especially in matters of safety.


  1. Behavior strategies and business conflict management
  3. Business partnership as one of the forms of business activity of entrepreneurs
  4. Shelamova G.M.. Culture of business communication during employment: textbook. allowance. - 2nd ed., stor. M.: Publishing center “Academy”. - 04 s. - (Business culture), 2009

Ethical Behavior employees

1. Careful attitude towards company property.

2. Consensus of various interests.

3. Ethics of external business connections, including working with government agencies.

4. Ethics in relations with consumers, partners and competitors.

5. Ethics of choice in sensitive situations. For example, keep it secret out of patriotism for the company or reveal facts of violations.

Rules of international business etiquette

1. Rules of greeting, address, introduction.

2. Rules business contacts: meetings, receptions, negotiations, business correspondence and etc.

5. Ethical standards of material relations: rules for the exchange of gifts and souvenirs; problems of tips and other rewards, etc.

Compliance with the rules of international business etiquette is one of the most important conditions company success. Any deviations or liberties can damage the reputation of the company, which will certainly negatively affect its economic activity.

American business and management researcher Peter Kostenbaum published a book with the eloquent title: “The Heart of Business: Ethics, Power, Philosophy.” He convincingly showed how non-economic factors can influence the economy of a company. Kostenbaum deduced components of the company's long-term success:

1. Profit must not only be legal, but also honest, obtained through labor and talent.

2. Employees must be moral, patriotic towards the company and respectful to each other.

3. Products and services must be of high quality and offered at a realistic price.

4. The prestige of the company must be well-deserved, the reputation adequate, the image of top managers consistent with their business and personal qualities.

So ethics international business– this is not a tribute to fashion. It is not only a socially significant phenomenon, but also an indispensable condition for economic success.

In the international understanding Social responsibility(CO) of a company is interpreted as a voluntary contribution of business to the development of society in the social, economic and environmental spheres, directly related to the main activities of the company and going beyond the minimum required by law.

Thus, the scope of the company’s SO includes management of the company’s activities in the field of:

· ecology,

· industrial safety And labor protection,

· personnel development,

· external social activities,

· the company’s relationship with all groups of stakeholders (persons interested in the financial and other results of the company’s activities).

A company’s social responsibility is the level of an organization’s voluntary response to social problems society.

Unlike what is common in Central and Eastern Europe(especially in developing countries) misconceptions that company SR is sponsorship, charity or social branding, leading international organizations define company SR as a strategic approach to business. That is, a company's CO is not an advertising, marketing or PR activity; it covers the entire company and determines how it does business, invests funds and builds relationships with partners.

What is social responsibility expressed in:

1. In relation to consumers. Consumers want to receive reliable goods and services from the corporation, reasonable prices, good service. Meeting consumer expectations is the social responsibility of corporations to consumers.

2. In relation to suppliers. All suppliers expect fair dealings with their counterparties and, of course, timely payments. This is many times more important for small suppliers, whose financial situation is such that they cannot tolerate payment delays due to the lack of reserve funds at these enterprises.

3. In relation to shareholders. Shareholders enter into a special relationship with the corporation as “suppliers” of risk capital. They provide the capital necessary for a corporation to emerge, develop, and grow. The corporation's social responsibility to shareholders is to ensure its profitability in order to enable them to receive such income that would make further investment in its activities attractive.

4. Towards employees(to staff). Employees expect more than just fair pay for their work. They are also concerned with factors such as equality of opportunity, health protection in the workplace, financial security, privacy, freedom of expression and an adequate quality of life. Indeed, practice shows that those employees who receive fair remuneration, are involved in the decision-making process, and feel comfortable (both physically and psychologically) at work work better.

5. In relation to the local population. The corporation does not exist in an “airless” space. It is surrounded by people for whom the location of the corporation is a haven of life, where they breathe air, live, raise children, etc. Corporations use the infrastructure created by these people and thereby ensure high profits for themselves. This is why local communities expect corporations to be directly involved in solving their problems. This concerns education, organization of transport, recreational conditions, healthcare system, problem solving environment and etc.

6. In relation to society as a whole. The activities of corporations are the object of close attention from various government agencies, political parties, mass media. Their timely and full payment of taxes makes it possible government agencies solve the social issues assigned to them. In the same time main responsibility corporations is their concern as employers and job creators about their own economic viability and the quality of the goods and services they produce.

In other words, social responsibility involves conducting business ethically with all corporate audience groups.

In many multinational corporations such as Toyota, Siemens, General Mills And Johnson & Johnson Special guidelines have been drawn up that describe in detail how company employees should deal with suppliers, customers, competitors and other participants in the business process. In other companies such as Philips, Nissan, Daewoo, Whirlpool And Hewlett-Packard, developed ethical codes Codes of ethics are written declarations of the values ​​and ethical standards that guide a company's actions.

In multinational corporations, a decision must be made as to whether a single code should be developed for all of the corporation's worldwide divisions, or whether it would be more appropriate to develop a specific code for each division, taking into account local conditions. If a company is acquired overseas, the corporation must also make a decision about whether to impose a corporate code of ethics on the company or whether it is better to maintain the same ethical standards of behavior that the company followed previously. To be effective, a code of ethics must be clearly stated and free from ambiguity. In addition, this code should regulate the main components of ethical behavior relevant to the company's business environment and its commercial activities. The company should have a rule according to which those who make decisions on emerging problems must strictly follow the standards of conduct set forth in the code of ethics.

If we summarize the definitions of social responsibility of business (CSR) of more than 50 international organizations, social responsibility as an approach to business has the following set of characteristics:

· SOB is a voluntary choice of a company in an environment of increasing competition and decreasing trust in business;

· GSS goes beyond the legal obligations of businesses to pay taxes, create jobs and generate profits;

· GSS includes all members of the local community: business, media, government, non-governmental organizations, population, investors, etc.;

· Social security is not a way to solve society's problems at the expense of business, but a way to participate in the development of the environment in which business operates;

· SOB is an approach to sustainable development with a direct (usually long-term) impact on financial indicators companies.

With the right approach, a company’s SS contributes to its commercial success, distinguishing it favorably in a competitive environment.

Emerging markets are characterized by the following: areas of practical benefit CO:

Improving environmental processes – increased productivity and income, cost savings when using environmentally friendly and cleaning equipment.

Building a company's reputation – it’s no secret that business image today is not the last factor that allows an enterprise to maintain its competitiveness. Among the abundance of homogeneous goods, when the consumer satisfies not only physiological needs through the product, but also emotional, aesthetic, spiritual needs, he (the consumer), among many factors in the process of making a purchase decision, pays attention to social policy enterprises. Those. It's about increasing customer loyalty and trust.

Reduce litigation costs.

Human resources – reducing staff turnover, increasing employee engagement. People don't want to work for companies that don't make social responsibility a corporate policy priority.

Access to new markets – standardization according to international criteria (ISO, etc.).

Reducing pressure from inspection bodies. The publication of principles and policies regarding workers, the environment, and relations with suppliers provides an answer and government agencies, what is the company's approach to these issues. In fact, today, improved relations with authorities remain the main benefit acquired by the company as part of social responsibility programs.

Not all business opportunities of a joint venture company are listed above - there are many more.

A period of time

At all times, immoral behavior has been condemned in society. Therefore, it is necessary to be clearly aware of the difference and understand what it represents. Morality is a collection of behavioral rules in society. Moreover, it is worth noting that its norms vary in different cultures and nationalities. So, what is the norm for your family and culture, in another country becomes an indicator of immorality and, accordingly, vice versa.

Deviant behavior

Immoral behavior is a subgroup in the classification of deviant. Often these two concepts are confused and replaced with one another, which is naturally a mistake. To understand the meaning of “immoral,” one must understand the concept and classification of deviant behavior.

Deviant behavior is a person’s actions that do not correspond to the norm, that is, non-standard.

Deviant behavior can be divided into two groups:

  • Human actions that deviate from the norm due to mental disorders. This group includes people suffering from psychopathic illnesses. The so-called category of mentally abnormal. This group also includes people with mental disorders, but within normal limits.
  • Human actions that deviate from accepted norms of morality and morality, that is, immoral behavior. This type deviant behavior finds expression in crimes and misdeeds. In most cases, individuals who are characterized by immoral acts are subject to administrative and criminal liability after committing them. In case of minor violations of moral standards, social and medical workers are forced to work with the person.


Immoral behavior is a person’s violation of moral principles through actions. Morality is a kind of requirements for the people around you and yourself, which are considered correct during interaction. However, it is worth noting that the concept of morality is quite vague. Since, for example, for one person obscene language is considered the norm, but for another it is outrageous and immoral.

Example of differences in different cultures- the concept of adultery here and in Japan. Married man who regularly cheats on his wife with different women, causes us only negative emotions and indignation. In Japan it's the opposite. The husband has the right to come home in a state of alcoholic intoxication, in the company of geishas, ​​and the wife will not only not cause a scandal, but will also thank the priestesses of love for accompanying her and delivering her beloved to the family hearth. In Japan, the status of the head and breadwinner of the family is extremely high.

Japan has a favorable attitude towards same-sex marriage, which cannot be seen in European countries. The reason for this is the cult of the samurai, who, due to their duty of service, are obliged to renounce family ties. Therefore, it is believed that they were the ones who favored the development of homosexuality.

Forms of behavior contrary to morality

Immoral human behavior has the following main forms:

  • Addiction.
  • Substance abuse.
  • Prostitution.
  • Law violation.
  • Alcoholism.
  • Suicide.
  • Use of obscene language.
  • Insults.

Immoral behavior: reasons

Three main reasons for immoral behavior:

  • Inequality on the social ladder. Income mainly influences the upbringing and behavior of an individual. The less money a person earns, the greater the likelihood of his degradation. Due to disappointment with the level of his life, he tries with the help of alcohol or narcotic substances escape from reality. Poverty is a psychologically difficult experience.
  • Level of education. A person, due to ignorance, may simply not know about the rules of morality and ethics. In a society, traditions, norms and rules must be passed on from generation to generation. Parents need to make it clear to their child from childhood what can be done and what is contrary to universal human values ​​and statutes.
  • Environment. Undoubtedly, this reason is one of the fundamental ones. In many ways, a person’s actions and thoughts depend on what and who surrounds him every day. Close people have the greatest influence: family, friends, classmates, colleagues. If a person is often surrounded by individuals with immoral behavior, and he sees nothing except them, then for him this becomes the norm. In such cases, to eradicate immoral acts, sociologists work with groups of people, and not with one specific guilty person.

Conduct and law

As mentioned earlier, immoral behavior is often punishable by law. The punishment facing a person for actions contrary to morality ranges from a fine to a prison term.

There is a concept of “immoral behavior of the victim.” That is, when the person against whom the crime was committed behaved inappropriately and provoked another individual to commit an offense. IN in this case the anti-moral actions of the victim become a mitigating circumstance for the offender.

Amoral behavior- This special kind behavior of subjects, which is denied and punished in a certain way in society. What should be understood by immoral behavior? Let's try to figure this out...

What is immoral behavior?

Immoral behavior is the behavior of a subject in which all the formed moral principles of society are assessed as insignificant, the usual moral and ethical view of the world is ignored, and is often perceived disdainfully or even aggressively.

Immoral behavior is often identified with the concept of deviant behavior, but in fact these concepts have different meaning, although very close. Immoral behavior should be considered those actions of a person that are not accepted and condemned by society, but do not carry a pronounced antisocial meaning and do not pose a threat to public safety. Measures of influence on persons leading such a lifestyle are usually public condemnation and censure.

Deviant behavior is a deviation from the norm and established rules. This type of human behavior requires correction - otherwise it can create favorable conditions for the development of crime. Deviant behavior, for example, is typical for many teenagers who have not yet formed a stable positive model of behavior in society, or, due to the notorious youthful maximalism, are ready to defend their ideas radical methods. As measures of influence on such persons, punishments are used in the form of placement in special medical or educational institutions, up to isolation.

Examples of immoral behavior

To make it more clear, we will give examples that clearly demonstrate what distinguishes immoral behavior from deviant behavior.

There are many examples of immoral behavior in our everyday life. For example, when a person, getting off the bus, pushes the person in front in the back in order to leave the cabin faster.

Human behavior can also be called immoral:

  • using profanity in conversation (of course, provided that he does this publicly and not in a narrow circle of his “confidants”);
  • not observing the rules of basic politeness (for example, closing the door in the face of a neighbor following);
  • violating the rules of the hostel (for example, putting garbage on landing neglecting the duties of keeping common property clean), etc.

The use of violence in the family or among others, excessive or uncontrolled alcohol consumption, suicidal tendencies, and drug addiction should be considered deviant. Some experts tend to include prostitution here as well. However, if we talk about prostitution as an illegal business (organizing brothels, etc.), then this is already a crime, in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Besides, deviant behavior can be considered excessive cruelty, for example towards stray animals. Agree, all of the above does not have much in common with immoral behavior.

Each of us is a member of the society in which we traditionally exist. specific model behavior considered normal. It is enshrined in the concept of universal human values. And most importantly, it does not violate ethics and does not harm others. However, there are people who do not follow it. On the contrary, they, neglecting moral principles, commit immoral acts that harm other members of society. Such people are called deviants, and their behavior is unacceptable.

Turning to Spirituality

Many immoral acts are immoral not only human point point of view, but also from a religious point of view. Take greed, for example. An unhealthy craving for material wealth often pushes people to commit terrible acts, with the help of which they manage to satisfy their self-interest.

Pride, which is one of the seven deadly sins in Catholicism, also refers to immoral qualities. Excessive arrogance and disrespect for other people do not make anyone better. Just like adultery. Adultery is a sin, an immoral act, betrayal and humiliation of the one to whom the oath of allegiance was given. The person who committed it is not worthy of trust, respect and good treatment.

Vanity is perceived by many as a socio-psychological personality trait, which, however, does not make people beautiful. They are often selfish, arrogant, and constantly crave conviction of their own superiority. It would seem, is it really bad to appreciate and love yourself? No it is OK. But only vanity involves putting everything listed on display, which is usually done through humiliation or neglect of other people.

Famous examples

Many of us have long ceased to notice the immoral actions of people who meet us at almost every turn. A striking example can be considered the use of obscene expressions, observed everywhere. Profanity is speech filled with indecent expressions. They are also called obscene. Why? Because they are shameless, which means they violate public morals.

Swearing, which has long become familiar and has lost its ability to shock members of modern society, has practically ceased to fall into the category of immoral acts. In contrast to insults, which are deliberate humiliation of the dignity and honor of an individual. And such immoral acts as insults are punishable by law. All provisions relating to this are spelled out in Article 5.61 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Conflicting Behaviors

If a person commits an immoral act, then he definitely does not fit into the generally accepted moral framework. But it corresponds to certain forms of behavior that contradict the norms. There are several of them. These are drug addiction, substance abuse, prostitution, crime, alcoholism and suicide.

It is believed that a person adheres to a particular form of behavior for one of three reasons. To the first, most common in modern society, refers to inequality on the social ladder.

Everything is simple here. A person’s behavior and upbringing are influenced by his income. The smaller it is, the higher the likelihood of personality degradation. Many people try to cope with disappointment in their lives through drugs or alcohol. They cannot be blamed for the lack of an internal “core”. Poverty is truly a psychologically difficult experience.

External factors

The commission of an immoral act by a person who follows a particular form of behavior may also depend on his environment. It is no secret that the thoughts and actions of an individual are often formed under the influence of family, friends, colleagues, and classmates. Unfortunately, those people who grew up surrounded by individuals with immoral behavior and saw nothing but deviant actions, begin to consider everything like this the norm.

The environment and society are one of the fundamental reasons that shape human consciousness. Often, eradicating immoral acts requires the help of sociologists who work not with one guilty individual, but with a whole group of people.

The level of education is also important. Sometimes people do not know about such basic concepts as “morality” and “morality” due to their ignorance. Rules, norms and traditions must be passed on from generation to generation, and this is the task of parents. But some people simply forget to raise their children and instill in them an awareness of how to act and what not to do.

Attitude towards animals

It is impossible not to pay attention to the immoral actions of people regarding our smaller brothers. Cruelty to animals is not only a crime, but also a pressing moral issue. Individuals who allow themselves to mistreat our smaller brothers are not accepted by normal, modern society. They are condemned and condemned by other people.

It is a truly immoral act. It does not pose a threat to public safety. But nevertheless it is unacceptable and unacceptable from another, moral point of view.

Real cases

A variety of immoral acts take place in our lives. And you wouldn’t wish to become their victims or witnesses even to your enemy.

How many situations are known when sons got drunk to the point of insanity and threw their fists at their mothers? Or when someone’s beloved pet was subjected to cruel acts by juvenile deviants for the sake of entertainment. Often many people have witnessed suicide, which also falls into this category of behavior. And of course, none of us is immune from betrayal for the personal benefit of a trusted person.

When you realize how often these and similar cases occur, it becomes extremely clear that morality in modern society, unfortunately, is by no means in the first place in the value system.

Bad manners

When discussing moral and immoral actions, it is worth mentioning that the latter also includes behavior that is perceived by many as simple uncouthness and bad manners.

And examples of this accompany us in Everyday life. In public transport, you can often see how ill-mannered individuals push those in front in the back, just to quickly leave the cabin. When leaving the premises, many do not hesitate to slam the door right in front of the noses of those who follow them, and without even looking back.

But most often, perhaps, there are individuals who openly violate the rules of the community. They place garbage on the landing, smoke in the entrance without opening the windows, and violate sanitation and hygiene in other ways. These are also immoral actions. Examples surround us everywhere, but we have stopped noticing many of them because, no matter how sad it may be, they have become commonplace.
