How to glue wallpaper one meter wide. How to glue meter-long wallpaper. How to glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper - step-by-step instructions

An alternative to the usual wallpaper with a width of 53 cm - wide (meter-long) rolls modern models. Their purchase immediately raises questions: how to glue meter wallpaper Right? Can I do it myself or will I need an assistant to glue them on? How does the technology differ from gluing conventional rolls?

If it is not very convenient to glue ordinary wallpaper alone, it is possible, but for finishing with wide wallpaper you definitely need a companion. The exception is non-woven wallpaper. The fact is that in the process of gluing them, glue is applied only to the wall, and bringing a dry canvas to an already coated wall is much easier than one on which glue has already been applied. Although it’s still easier to glue wallpaper of this width with two people. These are most often vinyl models with a non-woven or paper base, or non-woven models with a textile top.

Preparation for pasting

To do everything correctly and get a high-quality result when gluing vinyl or non-woven fabrics meter width, you need to do everything carefully, and preparatory work not an exception. Preparation consists of the following steps:

  • calculation of the number of rolls;
  • wall preparation;
  • collection (purchase) the right tools;
  • wall marking;
  • dilution of the adhesive mixture.

Correctly calculating how many rolls you need to purchase is quite simple. To do this, you need to measure the width of each wall and calculate how many canvases are needed for pasting, and then find out the height of the wall, which will also be the height of the canvas. The following calculations are carried out according to the formula: the length of the roll is divided by the height, and the number of required sheets is divided by the result obtained. When buying wallpaper, you can immediately find out which glue is recommended for it and purchase required quantity. If you don’t have the necessary tools at home, you can also buy them right away.

For pasting you will need:

  • roller and brush for applying glue;
  • bucket and ditch for glue (selected according to the width of the roller);
  • rubber roller and plastic spatula for rolling wallpaper;
  • building level;
  • tape measure and pencil;
  • covering film;
  • ladder.

It is better to take a glue roller with a long handle, then you won’t have to climb up again. To paste wide wallpaper, it is better to stock up on two stepladders, then working with a partner will be more convenient.

It is better to go to the store not with ready-made calculations, but with the dimensions of the walls, since, depending on the manufacturer, both the width and length of the wallpaper roll differ. The width varies from 53 to 140 cm, and the length from 7 to 18 meters. Therefore, write down all the measurements - the width of each wall separately - and calculate on the spot, already knowing the parameters of the finishing material you like.

Preparation of the wall means its preliminary leveling, cleaning and priming. In addition, you need to remove switches and sockets, and insulate the wires so that moisture does not cause a short circuit.

After preparing the surface and purchasing wallpaper, you can mark the wall.

  • We start marking from the corner - measure 1 meter in each direction (with a wallpaper width of 1.05 m).
  • Using a level, draw a vertical line.
  • 1.05 m is measured from the drawn line and a vertical mark is made again.
  • This way the entire wall is marked.

Glue dilution is carried out according to the manufacturer's instructions. Non-woven and vinyl wallpapers It is better to glue with special adhesives to avoid poor-quality results. It is best to create a whirlpool in the bucket before pouring the dry mixture into the water, and when a funnel appears, start pouring the mixture in a thin stream along the wall of the bucket. This procedure must be performed in advance, since the mixture must not only dissolve in water, but also swell. The exact time required for swelling is indicated on the packs with the adhesive composition. You can roughly estimate the time from 15 minutes to 3 hours. Heavy vinyl wallpaper can be applied using various types glue. Among them there are those that need to not only be stirred, but also boiled for 30-50 minutes.

Before work, you need to prepare the floor - cover it with a covering film. Then you can follow the step-by-step instructions.

  1. Cut the rolls according to the height of the wall. Since the wall may be uneven - slightly different in height in different places - it is better to measure the height for each canvas and number the cut pieces. If you don’t have pasting experience to do everything correctly, it is advisable not to cut everything at once. First you need to prepare two canvases, comparing the drawing. Next, one canvas is glued, and the drawing of the next one is compared with the second.
  2. Part of the glue from the bucket is poured into a ditch, and then applied with a roller to the wall along the width of one canvas, a little - about 20 centimeters - grabbing the next one. Hard-to-reach areas - joints and corners - are coated with a brush. Be especially careful when applying glue at the top.
  3. If the wallpaper is vinyl on a paper base, then the cut sheet is spread on the floor, and glue is also applied to it. There is no need to lubricate non-woven ones.
  4. The finished canvas is glued from top to bottom. First, the top and one of the sides are moored.
  5. The moored (baited) canvas is leveled with a rubber roller or plastic spatula. To perform leveling correctly, you need to start from the middle of the canvas. Further movements should be performed in the following directions: from the center to the side, up and to the side, down and to the side. Leveling must be done quickly, with wide movements. The choice of roller or spatula depends on the type of wallpaper. Non-woven textured fabrics can be damaged with a plastic spatula.
  6. After leveling, a thorough smoothing is performed to expel all air bubbles. Smoothing is performed in the same directions as leveling - all movements from the center to the edges.
  7. Use the tip of a spatula to press down the corners and boundaries of the canvas and baguette/plinth.
  8. Glue is applied under the second strip, also extending 20 cm after the mark. This grip is done so that when applying the next portion of glue it does not go onto the wallpaper.
  9. The next canvas is moored end-to-end with the first, with a complete fit to the pattern. This part must be done very carefully, otherwise all the inconsistencies will be visible.
  10. After smoothing the second sheet, you need to go over the joint with a rubber roller.
  11. Then all the canvases are glued in the same way.
  12. It is not always possible to cover the section of the wall behind the radiators and other hard-to-reach places with a meter-long cloth. In this case, it is cut into pieces and wound up one by one.
  13. The excess in the corners, top and bottom is trimmed with a stationery knife along the pressed line.

Smoothing with a spatula or roller must be controlled by hand so as not to miss air bubbles. By running your palm, you can detect all the voids and excess glue that are not visually visible. At the same time, your hands must be clean.

Some aspects of working with meter wallpaper

Wall unevenness is more noticeable if you use wide wallpaper, so the surface needs to be leveled more carefully than with regular wallpaper. If you cannot perfectly level the surface, it is better to buy textured models.

If you don’t have the skill of pasting, but plan to purchase a model with a meter width, it is better to choose non-woven wallpaper or vinyl wallpaper with a non-woven backing. It is easier to work with them: if something goes wrong, then within 10 minutes the canvas can be removed from the wall and re-glued.

In order to hang wallpaper correctly, you need to follow temperature regime not only during work, but also after. The room where repairs are being carried out must be closed to prevent drafts for at least 24 hours. Heavy vinyl models can take up to a week to dry, since the moisture will only go into the wall. Ideal temperature– from 15 to 25 degrees. IN heating season better finish walls wallpaper do not produce, as they will wrinkle in areas near heating devices.

Meter-long wallpaper, non-woven and paper-based, has some advantages. Working with them is not much more difficult, but the whole process is faster. After all, half as many canvases are required. The appearance of finished walls is much better, since the number of joints is reduced. We can say that when choosing meter-wide wallpaper, we choose to save effort and time, but we get good resultbeautiful walls with a minimum number of joints.

IN modern world There are many types of wallpaper that differ from each other in pattern, color scheme, width, quality, material used. Not so long ago, meter-wide wallpaper of foreign origin appeared on the world market. Meter-long canvases are available on non-woven, paper, bamboo, and fabric bases. They have some advantages over classic ones - fewer joints, creating a “seamless” effect, reducing effort, time and costs.

Rolls of meter wallpaper all in large quantities spread across the shelves, they are more relevant and convenient than wallpaper standard width. Their only drawback compared to the classic ones is that it is more difficult to adjust the number of sheets. The problem is that people are used to gluing wallpaper that is 53 centimeters wide, and using wider ones is extremely unusual. With the help of this article, you will understand how to properly glue meter-wide wallpaper, and whether it can be done alone.

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the tips, following which you can avoid mistakes during the work process and make repairs correctly:

The process of wallpapering can be divided into stages: preparation necessary materials and accessories, preparing walls for gluing, preparing glue, marking, cutting meter-long wallpaper, as well as the gluing process itself.

Materials and tools

During the work you will need:

  • masking tape;
  • plumb line;
  • wide brush;
  • roller or spatula;
  • tape measure or centimeter;
  • clean rag or sponge;
  • pencil.

In addition to all of the above, you may need sandpaper, putty and primer if there are significant unevenness on the surfaces.

Preparing the walls

Remove covers from sockets and switches, seal the holes masking tape and remove nails, screws, screws, if any, from the walls. After this, you can begin to remove the old wallpaper and remove any unevenness.

Once the surface is clean, you can begin processing it. Clean them with sandpaper. If there are significant unevenness, use putty to eliminate them, and then apply one or two coats of primer.

Attention! You can start applying glue to the wall only after the primer has completely dried.

Be sure to watch the video on how to prepare walls for wallpapering:

Preparation of glue

The adhesive you choose should match the type of wallpaper you have. To prepare it correctly, pour water into a container and pour the dry mixture into it in a thin stream, remembering to stir in a circle. Let the mixture sit for a while. Usually this does not exceed twenty minutes.

Wall marking

Due to the fact that the meter-long wallpaper is glued end-to-end, you can start gluing it from any place. You can decide for yourself where it will be more convenient for you to glue and where you should start in order to spend less material. To glue the first strip evenly, mark a vertical line from which you will glue. To do this, use a plumb line and a pencil.

Cutting cloths

Experts advise leaving ten centimeters at the top and bottom of the sheet as a reserve. Once the glue has dried, they can be easily removed. Carry out cutting on a clean, dry surface. Roll out the roll of wallpaper face down, measure the required length, make a notch, bend the sheet and cut it along the fold line.

Pasting walls and corners

Mix the adhesive solution again and begin applying it with a wide brush to the area that will occupy the sheet. Apply the previously prepared strip to the area coated with glue, and then smooth it from top to bottom and from the center to the edges. Wipe up excess glue with a dry cloth. The second one should be glued butt to the previous one. If your meter-long wallpaper has a pattern, make sure it matches.

Important! When gluing, do not allow a draft to appear in the room.

I would like to draw your attention to pasting in hard to reach places, that is, behind the radiators, in the corners, doorways, in areas with sockets, switches, etc. To properly glue the surfaces behind the battery, cut the wallpaper into strips that will be convenient for you to use. When gluing the strip near an outlet or switch, apply the glue and then apply the wallpaper itself. Once dry, make a cut the right size, remove the excess and screw the protective boxes from sockets and switches into place. Do not glue from the corner if it is uneven. You will need to draw a reference line in advance. This will avoid distortion of the drawing.

There are two options for gluing in the corners. You can choose one of them:

Pasting one

If you don't have someone to help you during pasting, don't despair. You can handle gluing meter-long wallpaper yourself if you buy non-woven ones, because then the glue only needs to be applied to the wall. You can easily cope with joining seams, especially in corners, and aligning the strip. If you didn’t manage to stick the sheet correctly the first time, then one plus of wide wallpaper will help you out. The sheet can be removed and reattached to the wall, and the dense material of the wallpaper will allow this to be done without damaging its structure. If you choose meter-long wallpaper made from other materials, then it is best to glue them with an assistant.

Good luck with your renovation and creativity.

Meter wallpaper remains a curiosity for most domestic users, although they differ from ordinary roll products only in their width of 1 meter. Thanks to this feature Finishing work take less time and effort, but the task becomes more difficult if you have to work alone. In this case, it is important to know how to glue meter-long wallpaper for one person.

If speak about positive aspects this material, the following stand out in particular:

  1. A small number of joints. To finish one room, you will need half as many strips, so you will have to worry less about the correctness of the joints. It also gives the impression of a monolithic coating.
  2. Speed ​​of work. Wide fragments cover large area, it’s easy to calculate that it’s easier to glue three stripes than six.

But there are also some disadvantages:

  • The material requires a perfectly prepared base.
  • High consumption. Wide wallpapers are more expensive, so if a small strip is not enough, you will have to pay for a whole additional roll.

On a note! Typically, wide wallpaper is applied by two or three people, but you can do it yourself if you work quickly.

If a person has already had to glue ordinary half-meter wallpaper, then he can cope with meter-long canvases

Preparatory work

Before gluing wide wallpaper, you need to carry out a number of procedures, which include preparing tools and surfaces, as well as calculating required quantity material.

How to calculate wallpaper footage

Correctly carried out calculations will save money and also save you from making a second trip to the store or ordering additional material on house. The first step is to calculate the perimeter of the room. To do this, you need to measure the length of adjacent surfaces and multiply the result by 2. Let's say one wall is 3 m long and the other 4 m. This means that the perimeter of the room is 14 m. Since we're talking about about meter wallpaper, it will take 14 strips to cover the wall.

Now you need to find the largest distance from the floor to the ceiling and multiply it by 14. For example, the height is 2.5 m, multiply by 14, it turns out 35 meters. This is the minimum amount of material. If the room has windows, doors, a balcony, etc., it is better not to subtract their dimensions during calculations, so there will be a supply of material left.

Some people think that it is not necessary to tape off the area behind the furniture, since the wallpaper will not be visible there. Here the decision is only up to the home owner, but it is important to remember that when rearranging, bald spots will appear on the wall. Behind bulky closet, which will not move until a new repair, does not need to be pasted over.

When calculating the amount of material, it is recommended to take into account 1-2 rolls of stock. They may be required not only during pasting, but also after. If there are children or animals in the house, then damage to the wallpaper is a matter of time. So that later you don’t have to look for the same ones to replace the area or completely re-glue, it is better to immediately purchase a supply.

Surface preparation

When gluing meter-long wallpaper, the most difficult stage is the preparatory stage, as is the case with any other types of these products. If the apartment goes major renovation or finishing after putting the object into operation, then all of the following measures must be carried out during work on the ceiling. So, you need to do the following:

Wallpapering should only be done on clean and well-primed walls.
  1. Remove the front panels from all sockets and switches and carefully seal the resulting holes.
  2. Remove all fasteners from the walls: screws, nails, dowels, and so on.
  3. If there is coating on the walls, you need to remove it. As a result, not even a small fragment of finishing material should remain.
  4. Check if the walls are level. To do this, you should attach them to different points building level.
  5. For minor distortions, it is sufficient to use finishing putty; for severe distortions, plastering may be required.
  6. Wait for the material to dry and sand the area.
  7. Before gluing wallpaper on the walls, it is necessary to treat the coating with a primer. This material will increase adhesion and save on glue. The drying time for the compositions varies, but usually it is several hours.

Required Tools

To carry out the work you will need:

  • wide brush, roller or brush for applying glue;
  • container and construction mixer for preparing the composition;
  • ruler, level, stationery knife, marker or pencil;
  • rubber spatula and roller for ironing wallpaper;
  • a rag to remove glue residue.

To paste walls with wide canvases, a generally accepted wallpaper tool is used.


Step-by-step instructions on how to glue wallpaper alone:

  1. Prepare the adhesive according to the instructions on the package.
  2. Use a level and a pencil to mark the top border.
  3. Fold a small part of the strip to form a corner.
  4. Place the material against the wall and press firmly.
  5. Iron the pasted wallpaper rubber spatula, moving from the center to the edges. You can also use a roller to get the air out.
  6. Using a metal spatula and a utility knife, trim off the excess.
  7. Inspect the strip and make sure it is completely stuck to the base.

Damp wallpaper is difficult to cut, so in some cases you will have to wait.

Regardless of the width of the canvas, the room is covered according to the same pattern


The glued sheet must be butted against the adjacent one. If there are pictures on the wallpaper, then it is important to adjust their height. During gluing, the strip must be smoothed at the same time and ensure that it does not move away from the previous one. In this case, it is forbidden to stretch the material to achieve joining; after drying, it will shrink back and there will be a gap.

The joints are rolled with a special roller; an attempt to forcefully pull the sheets together at the seam will lead to the appearance of a gap after drying

On a note! If you need to glue non-woven wallpaper, you can move it along the surface for 10 minutes after pasting. If you use another type of wallpaper, then you should choose an adhesive without additives that accelerate drying.

If the joint does not work, you can overlap the wallpaper and then cut off the excess using a utility knife. The remaining unglued side should be coated with glue and ironed with a rubber roller.

Wallpaper joining with overlap and trimming

Pasting in hard-to-reach places

Now let’s talk about how to hang wallpaper for one person in the corners, behind the radiator, above the doorway. It is better to arrange them at the main stage of pasting. To do this, leave a small overlap (about 2 cm), which will overlap the adjacent wall. To hang wallpaper behind and under the radiator, you need to cut the material into small pieces and select a pattern. After this, the pieces are glued to the wall, as described above.

A simple way to cover the wall behind a radiator

Another difficulty that you will have to face is covering the area with sockets. If on preliminary stage The front panel has been removed and the voltage has been turned off, then you just need to glue the strip, not paying attention to the hole, and then use a knife to cut through the wallpaper. If it works out jagged edges– it’s okay, the front panel will hide these shortcomings. In case of door jambs it is necessary to glue the canvas with a margin of 5 mm. After smoothing, the excess length is trimmed or covered with a casing.

It is advisable to cut holes for sockets and switches after the canvas has dried

Before working with meter-long wallpaper alone, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with some expert advice:

  1. There should be no drafts in the room; a suitable temperature range is from +5 to +25 C. In addition, during wet areas also quite difficult to work with, so preparatory stage it is necessary to ventilate and carefully close the room.
  2. If gluing is planned in the cold season, then it is better to turn off the radiator. If it is not possible to do this, it is recommended to reschedule the work while the central heating is turned off.
  3. Most adhesives are universal, but when choosing, it is better to ask the seller what type of products this composition is suitable for. This will help fix the wallpaper on the surface better.
  4. If immediately after pasting, defects are noticed, in particular uneven joints, it is necessary to lift the canvas with a spatula and correct the problem. It is very important not to pull the stripes.
  5. After gluing, sometimes difficulties arise with cutting the material. To do this, use a stationery knife or scissors. You need to press the excess part with a spatula and run a knife along the markings. In the case of scissors, you need to bend the edge along the markings and cut it off.
  6. If there are uneven cuts at the top or bottom of the wall, you should not try to fix it. As practice shows, this will lead to bad consequences. It is better to purchase skirting boards that will hide imperfections.

If ceiling fillets are not provided, then the perimeter can be cultivated using a frieze

Carrying out self-repair and finishing an apartment is fraught not only with the complexity of the work, but also with the lack of certain skills on the part of the performer. Many owners are interested in: how to glue meter-long wallpaper so that the pattern fits correctly and does not remain on the wall visible joints. The process of gluing wide wallpaper needs to be considered in more detail.

How to hang wallpaper alone (click to enlarge)

What types of wide wallpaper rolls are there?

Pasting any type of wallpaper is always an entertaining and responsible activity. Professionals glue products alone, but in the case of wide canvases you may encounter difficulties. To solve the problem and glue meter-long wallpaper, one needs to find out the nuances of preparing the walls, choosing materials and appropriate tools.

The proposed options themselves can be of two types:

  • vinyl on non-woven fabric;
  • non-woven for painting.

Non-woven fabric is a thin non-woven base that is stronger than paper wallpaper. The advantage of non-woven products is their reliable gluing to the wall. In the future, gluing wide wallpaper on non-woven fabric without properly preparing the walls will lead to problems arising at the stage of changing the finish.

Non-woven wallpaper is designed for further painting, while another type - vinyl, is produced with a pattern using polyvinyl chloride. Images can be textured and perfectly hide uneven walls. High-quality wide vinyl wallpaper is very dense and when smoothing the canvas, you can be sure that it will not be erased, which cannot be said about ordinary paper analogues.

You can select wallpaper from the table (click to enlarge)

Domestic and foreign manufacturers produce wallpaper 100 cm wide in order to make gluing the surface of walls indoors faster.

The importance of wall preparation: working with drywall

Before gluing wide wallpaper, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare the walls. All surfaces can be divided according to the base material:

In the case of gypsum board, if we are talking about the construction of new cardboard walls, it is important to carry out the preparatory work once and in the future, during repeated repairs, the owner will only need to remove the old wallpaper in order to stick a new one. Before gluing wide wallpaper onto drywall, first putty it with starting putty, then finishing mixture. It is necessary to wait until the first layer dries, and then apply the second. First, the drywall seams are glued with sickle tape, and all protruding screw heads and gaps are carefully covered.

The final stage of working with drywall is cleaning the surface using sandpaper fine dispersion. After this, non-woven wallpaper is glued in compliance with all the rules.

Watch the video to understand better:

Wall with concrete base: how to prepare

If the base is a concrete wall that was previously covered or painted, you must perform the following steps:

  • completely remove old wallpaper or paint. If difficulties arise at this stage, you can use special chemical compounds, allowing you to quickly and effectively remove old paint and putty;
  • the next stage contains the main rule: seal all visible holes on the surface, as well as solve the problem with wall defects. This can be achieved using a good putty mixture;
  • the third phase of the work will be to cover the entire wall with putty, and it is not necessary to achieve perfect flat plane: when gluing high-quality meter-long wallpaper, all irregularities will be hidden under the structure of the pattern. After the putty has completely dried, lightly sand the walls;
  • The final step will be to treat the wall with a primer deep penetration. Thanks to this substance, the wallpaper will not absorb much glue, but will dry out gradually. Using a wide brush, apply primer to all walls and wait until dry. Next, you can begin to resolve the issue of how to properly glue meter-long wallpaper.

Some craftsmen, when working with unprepared walls, use an additional color scheme that matches the color of the wallpaper. They add it to the primer and go over it with a second coat to give the walls a background before gluing.

Find out more from the video:

Meter-long wallpaper on non-woven fabric - how to glue

In order for the glued products to adhere firmly to the wall, it is necessary to follow a certain technology when working. To get started, prepare your tools:

  • roulette;
  • construction knife or scissors;
  • a bucket for diluting glue;
  • container for pouring and convenient use of glue;
  • wallpaper adhesive composition;
  • wide brush;
  • plastic spatula;
  • simple pencil.

Use special tools for wide wallpapers (click to enlarge)

Before gluing wide wallpaper correctly, you need to mark a cut on the wall in order to know where to apply the canvas. We take a tape measure and measure from the beginning of the wall exactly as much as the width of the wallpaper. We draw a line from the ceiling to the floor with a simple pencil. There is no need to mark the entire wall at once; it is optimal to make marks immediately before gluing the wallpaper.

The next step will be diluting the adhesive: pay attention to the manufacturer's instructions on the ratio of water and powder - the main thing here is to maintain the proportions and not make the glue too liquid or thick. As a rule, after dilution, the manufacturer recommends letting the solution sit for 5 minutes and then start working.

By watching the video you will learn even more:

Pour the finished mixture from the bucket into a flat container for convenience. Before you begin, cut the fabric from the roll. The length of the canvas should be 10 cm greater than the height of the wall. Place the wallpaper on the floor using construction knife make a cut.

Important: if gluing occurs on a floor where there is already finishing, use plastic film to prevent glue from getting on the floor.

Using a wide brush, apply glue to the section of wall that was previously marked with a pencil. It is advisable to do this quickly to prevent the glue from drying out. Many experts also recommend applying glue to the non-woven base for better adhesion.

We apply a piece of canvas to the wall coated with glue. This is done in this order:

  • bring the canvas to the ceiling itself and carefully apply it, pressing;
  • Gradually press the entire surface of the cut against the wall with your hands;
  • when the cut stays on the wall on its own, take a plastic spatula and start removing bubbles and wrinkles;
  • It is possible for one person to glue meter-long wallpaper, but it will be difficult, so involve your household in the action: have an assistant hold the canvas from below, lifting it slightly to expel the air. Another person smoothes the cut from the center to the edges, carefully straightening it.

Having dealt with the first glued sheet, move on to the next one, following the steps in the same order.

In addition to the main process of pasting walls, there is also a list of nuances and useful tips, which you need to listen to to achieve a positive result:

  • Avoid drafts in the room and try to ensure optimal temperature conditions during operation;
  • if the procedure is carried out in winter time, make sure to glue the cuts in these areas before the radiator starts to heat up;
  • majority adhesive compositions universal, but if you are interested in the question of how to glue meter-long non-woven wallpaper correctly, then it is best to choose a special glue for such a base;

Useful advice for gluing in the kitchen:

Important: It would be appropriate to use stepladders or stools in order to more accurately apply the canvases to the wall.

  • If you make a mistake in the case of uneven placement of the cut on the surface, the situation can be corrected within 10 minutes, while the glue has not yet set. To do this, you need to use a spatula on the glued canvases, slowly straightening the wallpaper along the wall, avoiding tears and abrasion;
  • To glue meter-long wallpaper end-to-end, place the next cut overlapping the previous one. After pressing, run the knife along the seam, retreating the number of centimeters that was covered by the new cut. This way, the extra strip of wallpaper will be removed, and the canvases themselves will not have a visible seam.

The main advantage in deciding how to glue wide wallpaper is the fast pasting of the surface, compared to standard products. To finish a space 10 m long, you need to cut and glue a meter roll of canvas the same number of times. In case of paper wallpaper narrow width, the time and effort expended increase by one and a half times.

Show your imagination when decorating the walls and involve all family members in the process - the result will please everyone, and the process will unite the family and speed up the work.

Before you hang meter-long wallpaper, you need to calculate its quantity (how many rolls will be needed per room). Therefore, first, determine the perimeter. For example, the width of the room is 6 meters and the length is 7. Then the perimeter is 26 m. The amount of wallpaper is calculated using the following formula: perimeter of the room: roll width: 9 or 10 (the first number if the image is adjusted).

Let us explain what 9 and 10 mean. The fact is that these wallpapers usually have a length of 25 meters. The average ceiling height is 2.50 m. Therefore, 10 canvases are obtained from one roll. Returning to our example, the number would be: 26:1:10 (without adjusting the pattern) = 2.6 rolls. Round up to 3. As you can see from the above, these wallpapers are also a very profitable option. If it suddenly turns out that the length of the roll is 10 m, then you need to divide by 3 and 4, respectively.

Advantages of meter wallpaper

As it turns out, meter-long wallpaper has some undeniable advantages over regular wallpaper. Firstly, we can say that sticking much more profitable in terms of time and finances. Three rolls of this wallpaper cost less than 6 rolls of regular wallpaper (0.53 m). And the process itself is much faster, and consumables are significantly saved.

Secondly, they look more attractive because there are fewer seams on the wall. This generally affects the perception of space. In addition, there is less need to join the drawing. This way, random irregularities when combining images will not be so noticeable. Thirdly, most often non-woven wallpaper is 1 meter wide, which is also distinguished by its durability.

How to glue meter-long wallpaper correctly?

The question often arises - how to paste meter-long wallpaper? On initial stage you need to prepare the base. To do this, the old coating is removed from it, be it plaster, paint, etc. Then the walls are leveled. In this case, switches and sockets are covered with special masking tape. Next, prepare all the accompanying tools: tape measure, pencil, water level, plastic spatula, glue bucket, polyethylene, knife.

After this, the gluing of meter-long wallpaper begins. Mark the room from the corner. Apply wallpaper and mark vertical lines with a level and pencil. In this case, it is important to make markings taking into account the fact that the canvases will be glued using the overlapping method. Next, spread the film on the floor or table. This is necessary so that the front side of the canvas does not get dirty. The glue is prepared in accordance with the instructions (written on the package).

Attention! The selection of glue should be made depending on what wallpaper it will be applied to. For paper, non-woven, bamboo and fabric, certain adhesive mixtures are needed.

Then the question may arise - how to stick meter-long wallpaper on the walls? The principle is the same as with regular ones. The canvas is cut to a length equal to the height of the ceilings, plus 10 centimeters. Place them face down on the polyethylene and apply glue to the back. Make a fold in the center and fold the canvas in half so that it is properly saturated with glue.

Apply the same composition to the wall with a roller. At the final stage, attach the canvases themselves and smooth them with your hands or a dry cloth (to avoid bubbles). In order not to get confused with how to glue meter-long wallpaper, a video describing which is presented on our website, just follow the instructions, and then the process will be successful!
