Interior in romantic style. How to decorate an interior in a romantic style. Prosaic but necessary cleanliness

The era of Romanticism, which ruled Europe at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, significantly replenished world culture with real works of art, both in painting and in architecture. But this style also played a significant role in the design. Romanticism entered modern houses straight from royal palaces and aristocratic apartments. It absorbed all the best from other styles, for example, Baroque or Empire. Romanticism is at the same time very refined and expensive, but at the same time cozy and gentle. This kind of interior design is most suitable for people who value comfort and the most cozy and calm atmosphere.

represents a very harmonious combination luxury furniture with forged
details, expensive fabric and delicate pastel colors. Concerning distinctive features this
style, then we can highlight the presence of folklore forms of decor, smooth lines,
absence of sharp transitions and color contrasts. Typical materials- stone,
marble, wood and luxurious fabrics.

Furniture in
such an interior should also be luxurious and expensive - plastic chairs V
this case cannot be avoided. It is advisable to select such pieces of furniture that would
were made of expensive wood and upholstered in luxurious fabrics. By the way, in
such an interior will fit perfectly not only ultra-modern, but also
antique furniture. Even grandma's old chest of drawers can take its rightful place in
romantic interior. True, we will have to work on it and update it slightly.

- This is an important component of the interior in the style of romanticism. The more there are, the better! It doesn't matter at all
what room of the house are you decorating in this style - accessories can be gently
implement everywhere! It can be decorative plates, brought by you from
travel, souvenirs, figurines, photo frames, exquisite vases and even
Stuffed Toys. But at the same time, you shouldn’t mindlessly stuff these pleasant little things into
every corner. Concept and harmony are important here - accessories are a must
should emphasize the general trend in the interior and gently blend into it.

a place in a romantic interior is given to flowers, it doesn’t matter
a beautiful ornament on the curtains or fresh flowers in a vase. They will bring in
the interior is fresh and will definitely emphasize its tenderness and sophistication.

in such an interior it is the smoothness of the lines. It must be present everywhere: in
the fabrics used, the furniture arranged, the accessories laid out. By the way,
Since we are talking about fabrics, it should be noted that their presence plays an important
role in interior design in the romantic style. Usually luxury fabrics are used
for framing windows, as a bed canopy (this is just a chic option
For romantic bedroom), as well as for draping tables and chairs. Latest,
By the way, it is advisable to drape not with light and flowy fabrics, but with enough
dense and multi-layered.

suitable for decorating the most different rooms, but most often these are living rooms and
bedrooms. However, the kitchen and bathroom can also be wonderful
options. Housewives with a very delicate taste who do not want to have such a kitchen
They tolerate minimalism and are not averse to “stuffing” the interior with a bunch of different cute little things.
If we are talking about the living room, then nothing changes here and the approach remains the same
same. By the way, a beautiful marble fireplace in your living room can become its center and main decoration.

attention should be paid to the design of such an interior correctly
selected lighting. must reign here
soft daylight or cozy twilight. A very romantic decorative element
can become exquisite candlesticks.

style in the interior does not accept bright, provocative and, especially, contrasting
colors. Colors should please the eye, but under no circumstances irritate it.
The most popular options are milky, beige, light brown and
white. However, you can dilute such an interior with soft pink and blue
combinations of colors.

The head of the bed has become a place to “dwell” the most beautiful souvenirs that were brought from various travels.

The romantic style in the interior has been popular for many centuries. In the interior, made in romantic style, you feel homely warmth, coziness, comfort and, of course, a wonderful spiritual mood. This interior is conducive to calm, tenderness and relaxation; moreover, it is universal, suitable for decorating almost any room in the house, as well as some corners. open air.

See our article to learn about all the intricacies of the romantic style in the interior.

Basic colors for a romantic style in the interior.

The color should support the main direction in the interior - romanticism. Therefore, traditional colors for this type of interior are a pastel range of shades. This range includes beige, white, soft pink, peach, lilac, blue, mint shades, as well as the color of young greenery. It is possible to use more saturated colors such as dark blue, dark beige and brown, dark pink, etc. in a romantic interior. But, as a rule, they are needed for contrast, so the presence of darker colors in the interior is necessarily diluted with pastels. Transitions in color are generally smoothed out, which eliminates the presence of variegated color blocks.

Furniture in a romantic interior.

Unfortunately, most of the furniture offered in our stores looks rough and is unlikely to fit into a romantic interior. For a romantic interior, according to the site, vintage furniture is more suitable - chests, chests of drawers, rustic “slides” (a sideboard for dishes and all household utensils), round tables, wide beds, sofas and armchairs with carved armrests and headboard area, ottomans. If you inherited such pieces of furniture from your ancestors with scuffs and peeling paint, then this is even a plus for furniture in a romantic interior; designers specially “age” factory furniture. As for the material, preference is given to wood, as the personification of comfort and home. Parts and entire pieces of furniture are made from it, and wooden floors are distinguishing feature romantic interior. But metal is not excluded, forged “legs” for tables and chairs, as well as other furniture elements are frequent “guests” of a romantic interior.

Romantic style in the interior - lighting.

You cannot do without basic overhead lighting in any interior. Therefore, the romantic style also includes main lighting. Its role is played by the central chandelier, made in the Victorian style - these are candelabra chandeliers. Such a chandelier is attached to the ceiling by means of a long “leg”, from which branches extend, the so-called “horns” for candles. In a modern romantic interior wax candles for chandeliers were replaced with electric ones. In addition, such chandeliers are decorated either with threads from large decorative stones, or stucco.

In addition to the main thing, in a romantic interior a special place is given to medium and spot lighting. All kinds of desktop and Wall lights welcome in the interior. A special place is occupied by the illumination of the main areas in the room, for example - work zone, above the dressing table, next to the chair for reading books, etc. Lighting in a romantic interior is important to emphasize the coziness and comfort of the room.

Romantic style in the interior and additional details.

Additional details that make the interior in a romantic style more harmonious and complete are given special importance. They are not just important, they are necessary because they create the atmosphere of the home, what distinguishes one home from another.

First of all, textiles should be noted as decorative components. These are airy, flowing fabrics: chiffon, silk, velvet and organza, which are draped in folds or tails. Textiles are decorated mainly with lace, satin braid, trim, crochet. Textiles are placed on windows, as tulle and curtains, on tables in the form of a long tablecloth. All kinds of blankets and canopies are distinctive details of the romantic style.

The central figure of a romantic interior can be a fireplace - a homely hearth that adds coziness and warmth to the atmosphere. It can be either natural or decorative, the main thing is that “fire” emanates from it.

Various small parts somehow decorative pillows, porcelain figurines, plaster figurines, candles, various vases with flowers, decorative and “real” flowers and trees, caskets, boxes for storing trinkets, mirrors and paintings in “expensive” frames - all this will only emphasize the romantic direction in the interior.

It is possible to decorate open-air corners - verandas and gazebos - in this style. In this case, a worthy option would be to use wicker furniture, long tablecloths, canopies made of light fabric, curtains or canopies, decor in the form of a tea set, always a vase with flowers, pillows, etc.

These are the main directions that characterize the romantic style in the interior. See our selection of photos and be inspired to get creative.

20 chosen

Autumn is always romantic (and perhaps even more so than in spring!). Especially if it is early autumn, when there are still no dank gray days, and the trees stand in colorful leaves, and the sun is still almost as hot as summer at times. There is certainly nostalgia in the air during this period. But this is better than autumn depression, because nostalgia is always a bright sadness, which is an integral part of romanticism.

And on this occasion, today I offer you a selection of romantic interiors!


Romanticism arose in the 18th century in France and remained at the peak of interest until the mid-19th century. His idea is based on disappointment in the ideology of the Enlightenment and the consequences/results of the Great French Revolution.

The style is characterized by a craving for traditions, folklore, interest in the national past, even in some places its idealization. Light is very important in romantic interiors - it should be soft, unobtrusive, cozy. The same goes for color – pastel colors are dominant.

Main features, details and techniques:

  • Upholstered furniture, covered with expensive fabric and with several pillows, and cabinet furniture - made of expensive, noble wood;
  • Fireplace with carved grates, candlesticks, candelabra;
  • Porcelain or plaster figurines, decor from natural stone;
  • Arched vaults, smooth lines;
  • Wall lamps, chandelier;
  • Lightweight silk fabrics for curtains, canopies;
  • Vases, glass sets;
  • Paintings depicting still lifes, ruins, nature.

Romanticism is elegant comfort, but you need to be aware that you should not overdo it with details and pieces of furniture. Its goal is to create a secluded, intimate atmosphere that allows you to abandon your problems and escape into the world of your own imagination. Romanticism does not set clear boundaries, because it is a reflection of a personal idea of ​​comfort.

“We suddenly sit down at the piano, take off the veil from the keys and light candles” - this is roughly how lovers of romance and romanticism, an old-fashioned and even historical style, but very homely and at the same time refined, spend their leisure time.

It is generally accepted that romanticism developed at the beginning of the 19th century, but its elements appeared in everyday life much earlier, stepping into homes from the paintings of Francisco Goya and Karl Bryullov, the works of Heinrich Heine, George Byron and Fyodor Tyutchev. We can say that romanticism in interior and design is an echo of poems and paintings created during the period of struggle against the “cold”. In defiance of calculation and logic, a new movement in art raised the banners of vivid emotions, intuition, fantasy, and pathos.

Romanticism in the interior: style features

In the old days, the concept of romanticism in design personified sensuality, relaxedness, closeness with nature... But later the emphasis shifted towards home aesthetics and family comfort. Nowadays, romanticism in the interior is:

  • Smooth lines, Gothic arches and openings;
  • The dominance of pastel colors;
  • Availability of folklore decor;
  • A fair amount of beautiful trinkets;
  • An abundance of flowers and indoor plants.

The task of furnishings in the style of romanticism is to fill the space with idyllic peace, serenity and bliss. In such a home they not only relax their body and soul, they willingly play music in it, write letters, drink tea from thin porcelain cups and read poetry.

Materials: royal scope

The style originated in boudoirs and chambers, which determined its components:

  • Stone, marble;
  • Noble tree;
  • Metal;
  • Glass, crystal;
  • Carpets (carpet).

The floors in a modern, romantic home are covered with parquet or carpet. The ceiling is decorated with sculptural borders and stucco moldings. The window openings are deep, the doors are set in arched vaults. The walls can be painted in the colors inherent in the style or covered with wallpaper - satin or paper, with thin stripes or with a floral print. Stone is often used to decorate fireplaces and arches. If the area allows, columns are also appropriate, the style is royal!

Color and lighting: play of halftones

The first violin, of course, belongs to lily-white; cream, ash pink, peach, muted lilac can replace or complement this color...
The main rule: no sharp, “traffic light” transitions; the style denies contrast and eye-catching richness of color.

The purpose of lighting is to promote peace. It works best with sconces and floor lamps, lamps under shades, and also lamps in the form of candelabra. The light should be unsharp, diffused, gentle. But a chandelier, however, is necessary - luxurious, ornate, it is one of the main attributes of the furnishings in this style.

Furniture: elegant comfort

The ideal is, of course, antique chests of drawers, bookcases and bureaus. But also modern furniture, which fully complies with the laws of the historical genre, is now sufficient. The main thing is the plasticity of the lines and the skill of finishing. Objects with openwork inserts made of forged metal are especially welcome: these can be the legs of a bed, the backs of chairs, or a table support.

The furniture in the living room should be not only charmingly beautiful, but as comfortable as possible: chairs with curved backs, armchairs with soft armrests. It's hard to imagine a romantic living room without a grand piano. And without a fireplace: if it is not possible to build a real one, you can limit yourself to an electric copy.

A great idea is also a small fountain that will emphasize the romantic nature of the apartment owners.

In the bedroom, a richly decorated dressing table, a chest of drawers, or just large mirror in a luxurious frame.

The kitchen requires wood: no plastic countertops or aluminum stools.

The color of the bathroom is neutral, not exciting to the eye, the walls are covered ceramic tiles milky, light green, pale yellow or light coffee tone. Let the bathtub itself be cast-iron, antique-style, with shaped claws.

Textiles: from lambrequins to canopies

The colors of the fabrics are watercolor, with small floral patterns, the textures are soft, pleasant to the touch, creating an intimate and trusting atmosphere. Curtains made of fine fabrics flow in folds, like the dresses of aristocratic women; Draperies, lambrequins, and canopies made of silk, chintz or cotton are widely used.

He loves this type of design, all kinds of pillows: plain and with thin silver (or golden) stripes, smooth and fluffy, with embroidery, ruffles...

Carpets with oriental patterns, bedspreads with ruffles and flounces, capes with bows and lace for chairs.

Not small things: decorative items

It is the details that finally “sculpt” the image of the home. Actually, romanticism ceases to be such if you take away engravings on the walls, bronze lamps, marble and plaster busts of poets and thinkers, copies of ancient statues, silver and glass vases with fresh flowers, porcelain figurines, and in the kitchen - decorative dishes and painted wall plates. You should not spare space for plants - these can be dwarf trees in ceramic tubs, and exotic vines climbing along the walls.

Romanticism style in the interior of the veranda
Romanticism in the bedroom interior
Bathroom interior in romantic style
Living room in romantic style

- one of those design inventions that requires a subtle, deep instinct. When decorating your home, you need to make sure that tenderness and sophistication do not turn into affectation and sweetness. In a house that seems to have been transported by the wind from the era of crinolines and polonaises, all inhabitants should be warm and comfortable.

People with a fine mental organization who value harmony, tranquility and lightness of life will come in very handy with such an interior design style as romanticism, the features of which will be discussed in this article.

The romantic style is still in demand, even despite the numerous other artistic decors and their significant popularity. And this is not surprising, because only a romantic style creates comfort in the interior and the coziness we love so much. In addition, the romantic style is universal for almost any room and any room.

This style is very difficult to attribute to any specific era; it manages to combine fashion trends different nations And various countries. The style combines modern and traditional trends. But at the same time, the design always maintains an omnipresent elegance and integrity. There are unnecessary elements in it and there is no design rule “combine incompatible things” - all components always form a single harmonious and beautiful composition.

The origins of the romantic style go back to France. This artistic design direction appeared at the end of the 18th century there. Growing interest in different cultures, ideological traditions and folklore - all this is in general combination found an ideal reflection in the romantic style, popular at all times. It is characterized by ideal elegance, sophistication, plasticity and sophistication of lines.

An elegant interior in a romantic style is, above all, filled with personality. After all, it is completely aimed at a pronounced reflection of the personal inner world. The style of romanticism exists outside modern world, he is in no hurry to part with old, good-quality and beautiful things.

Thus, this style does not tend to let new items pass through, but stopping in time does not in any way affect coziness and comfort. After all, a room or any room decorated in the style of romanticism is carefully thought out down to every single detail, where absolutely every element carries a light, dreamy, peaceful, comfortable, and harmonious atmosphere.

When decorating a room in this style, quite often ordinary wooden doors are replaced with rather beautiful arched vaults in order to increase the usable space and add even more freedom and air. Also, when decorating, it is possible to design arched vaults to window openings.

Walls are most often covered with wallpaper with various silk-screen printing, or can be decorated with fabric coverings. Fabrics that are used to decorate windows, furniture and doorways draped, as a rule. In general, the use of fabrics in romanticism is the dominant decorative material. It always adds luxury and reminds us of French palace chic. But this is by no means pretentious and pompous, and certainly does not fall out of the general design background.

It so happened that the main colors in romanticism are: milky, beige, cream, light brown, white or peach colors. It is allowed to use inclusions of light green, blue or soft pink. And aggressive contrasts are not allowed. The color in the interior should please the eyes and not irritate at all. The upper half of the wall can be decorated molded cornice or a border, and below it is possible to use a carved decorative panel.

The ceiling covering is usually left white or light beige, and the floor is finished wood material or parquet. By modern trends The use of carpet is allowed. This is one of the basic rules in decorating a romantic style.

The necessary additional romance can be brought by various lighting solution. In daylight, this can be diffused lighting, and in the dark - dim artificial lighting. Undoubtedly, if the space of the room allows, then the highlight of the decor can be a fireplace and harmoniously decorated area Around him.

In the style of romanticism, you should not forget about all kinds of accessories. Always given Special attention"little things": soft ottomans, books, figurines, blankets, etc. If paintings are hung on the walls, then they should be in massive, exquisite carved frames. Flowers can add coziness to your room. Plants will look especially interesting, without any doubt, in designer decorative floor vases or pots.

But the most main role probably plays furniture in a romantic style. It must necessarily have rounded contours, elements of artistic forging or carving, as well as various curves. It is advisable to add various antique armchairs, cabinets, chests of drawers, screens, cupboards, bedside tables or carved tables. And even more so, if the furniture is new, it should be made in the spirit of the 19th century.

It is worth noting that the romantic interior style implies the constant use of only natural elements in decoration: wood, stone or fabric. This is due to the fact that romanticism always reveals the soulfulness, inner world, personal depth and natural essence of a person.

Any room professionally decorated in this style will always be cozy, comfortable and attract with its tenderness and softness.
