Hall interior with brick wall. White brick wall as a trend. Living room design styles

Many interior designers try to come up with something unusual, some kind of zest that will help make the decor special. One such solution is a brick wall. We will tell you what it is, how to make it and in what interior it is best to use it.

An interior with a brick wall is a new direction in interior decor that can be used anywhere. A brick wall gives a certain antique charm and creates an atmosphere of mystery and individuality.

Brick wall in the living room interior

It is believed that the fashion for brick walls in the interior came from New York, where many apartments were decorated with ordinary stones without plaster, and then covered with a colorless product or simply painted.

What does it take to make an interior with a brick wall?

The first method is the most natural, which involves building or exposing a real brick wall. If you live in a brick house, then this will not be difficult for you. Just leave one wall unfinished, and voila - a unique interior element is ready.

However, such a wall also needs to be treated. You need to wash off stains, traces of cement and construction dust from it using special solutions. Then the wall can be sanded and the seams can be sanded. Cover the clean and treated surface with colorless varnish. This will add zest to the entire interior. A painting framed from a wide baguette or photographs with unusual frames will look especially original on such a wall.

A brick wall adds personality to the interior

Brick wallpaper

The second method is the simplest and not too expensive: wallpaper to match the brickwork. You can choose wallpaper that imitates a brick wall in the interior, that is, it will only convey the texture, and you can paint it any color. It is also possible to choose ready-made colored wallpaper that will visually imitate the texture, all the cracks and abrasions.

Brick wallpaper in the kitchen interior

But it can be quite difficult to find suitable material. Many people think that brick wallpaper is a thing of the past. In fact, this is a fairly common solution, especially if you need to cover, for example, a recess in a niche with them.

Facing brick

An interior with a brick wall can be made in another way - using facing bricks. It is also called thin-walled. This kind of brick is much thinner than construction brick, and it is better to use it in the interior, since it takes up less room volume. In addition, its weight is also much less, which is very important when decorating thin walls.

The facing brick can be chosen in any color, glossy or matte, perfectly new or antique. To attach such bricks to the wall, use glue for laying artificial or natural stone. Tile grout is used to treat joints.

Brick look tiles

Another option could be brick tiles. Unlike facing bricks, it is thinner and is called “brick veneer”. Such tiles can be ceramic or clinker. It is laid in the same way as regular tiles - on a flat surface using special glue and crosses.

Brick tiles in the kitchen

You can make a bare brick wall yourself, although it is quite troublesome. But if you like to make all interior items with your own hands, check out this technology.


First you need to make the bricks themselves. To do this you need molds and paint of any color. Experts recommend using brick plaster and clear varnish. As a form, it is preferable to use a plastic container similar to the shape of the brick and its dimensions.

But bricks can be of different sizes, the main thing is rectangular in shape. After preparing all the tools, you can directly engage in the manufacture of bricks. First you need to place the plaster in the mold and let it dry. Then remove the finished brick from it. The resulting parts are glued to the desired part of the wall with glue used for laying tiles. To make the wall appear more realistic, you can break the edges of the bricks. The size and thickness of the layer are selected independently.

Once you have decided on the method of creating a brick wall, you need to choose a color. The most common are red, burgundy and white.

A white brick wall in the interior will look especially stylish and impressive. Against its background, any bright object will look original. It is great as a backdrop for decorative pieces with contrasting colors.

White brick wall in the bedroom

A white brick wall in the interior is suitable for absolutely any room - from the bathroom to the bedroom. The main thing is to place it in the right place. Such a non-standard approach will emphasize the individuality and exclusive view of the owners on creating an interior.

Brickwork in the fireplace area

Even if all the walls are decorated in white, a white brick wall in the interior will still stand out due to its texture. And if they are made in a different color scheme, then it will doubly attract the eye - with color and textured relief. White color is very beneficial to use when decorating rooms - it visually enlarges the space and makes the atmosphere weightless.

Styles with which a brick wall is combined

An interior with a brick wall is not appropriate for every style. The main area where it is used is loft. It was the transformation of old industrial buildings into residential premises that led to the popularity of brick walls in interior fashion.

Lofts are residential apartments in buildings of abandoned factories and workshops. When purchasing such a home, people tried to leave the original “industrial aesthetics” by maintaining brick walls and beams in the design.

If you want to create a loft-style interior, a brick wall must be present in it.

The second style direction where an interior with a brick wall is appropriate is country style. This does not have to be a house in the village; it can also be created simply in a country cottage, located away from the bustle of the city. In such houses, fireplaces and stoves were built and the masonry was not treated. This was not necessary, since such a house was not intended for social receptions, but only for quiet time with the family. Entire floors could be left unfinished.

The content of the article:

Brickwork in the interior is an interesting design solution that can give any room a bright personality and turn it into a real masterpiece. When used skillfully, rough material intended for the construction of walls can create a cozy atmosphere in a home, bringing into it a spirit of mystery and even a certain audacity. The arsenal of a good designer is always full of a wide variety of techniques with the help of which ordinary brickwork can become part of the philosophy of the surrounding space.

Natural masonry in the interior

If the new brick house has not yet been decorated, one of the walls of the room can be left in its natural state to create a decorative element of the future interior. To emphasize the individuality and sophistication of the masonry, you will have to work hard.

To begin with, the surface of the brick wall must be thoroughly cleaned of construction dust and frozen mortar splashes, treated with various antiseptics and primers, and then varnished or painted. Thanks to the natural texture of the masonry brick, many interesting design solutions can be implemented using its external decoration.

A brick wall can have a rich range of colors, a matte or glazed surface, an aging effect, or a perfectly flat plane. All this is achieved by using modern finishing materials, in a huge variety presented by their manufacturers on the construction market.

However, it is important to know that clay or silicate brick is primarily a product intended for laying walls, and is not initially intended for certain types of direct processing. Therefore, painted masonry requires periodic surface renewal to maintain its aesthetic appearance. Tile pigments of various shades are used to fill the joints between bricks.

Below are tips that will help you correctly paint brickwork in the interior:

  • It is not recommended to paint fresh masonry. The wall material must be completely dry, otherwise moisture coming from the pores of the brick can deform the applied coating.
  • Salt deposits on bricks should be removed with a stiff brush and water; it is not recommended to use acidic solutions for this.
  • To prime the masonry before painting, you need to choose a composition that will be resistant to alkali.
  • Natural masonry can be made from facing bricks. Then the process of painting it will be significantly simplified.

How to design decorative masonry in the interior

It happens that, due to the lack of walls in the room suitable for such decoration, brickwork has to be imitated with various materials. For this purpose, wallpaper, special tiles, artificial stone, plastic panels and airbrush coatings are used.

Wallpaper with a pattern

On the one hand, the use of this material may seem like an outdated finishing method left over from the last century, but on the other hand, “brick” wallpaper can become indispensable for budget renovations for decorating, for example, a small niche, and sometimes the entire wall.

Wallpaper that imitates the texture of brickwork can be made “for painting” or have a full-fledged printer print. Of course, this option for decorating a room is unlikely to have the effect that can be expected from natural brickwork, but it will certainly attract attention and become an accent of the interior. By wisely selecting other details to match it, you can create a unified style for the space of the room.

Brick look tiles

Wall cladding with such tiles is the most popular way to imitate decorative brickwork in the interior. In addition to the similarity of the surface of the material with the texture of natural brick, the tiles have high strength, aesthetic appearance, chemical resistance and ease of maintenance. It is resistant to temperature fluctuations, environmentally friendly and hygienic. These advantages make tiles an ideal finishing material for walls.

To install it, a special glue is required, sold in the form of a dry mixture. After adding water to it, a ready-made solution is obtained, which is applied to the back of the tile and the wall with a notched trowel in an even layer. The joints between the tiles should be no more than 12 mm wide. They are filled with special colored grouts or ordinary mortar for jointing. The edges of the cladding are decorated with decorative corners.

Fake diamond

No less high quality than tiles is artificial stone “brick-like”. The rules for its installation do not differ from the above method, however, this material looks unique and original in its own way. It cannot be distinguished from natural brick, but artificial stone is much thinner, lighter and easier to process.

It goes well with wood and plastic, has low thermal conductivity, high strength and durability. Decorative stone is non-toxic and resistant to temperature fluctuations. You can buy it or mold it yourself in the form of tiles from a putty mixture or gypsum, and then glue it to the wall.

Plastic panels

The effect of brickwork can be created using PVC panels. This is a modern material that combines not only imitating properties and aesthetic beauty, but also environmental safety, moisture resistance, high strength and affordable cost.

Installation of plastic panels does not require careful preparation of walls, special equipment or special professional skills. The products are easily installed using special glue or fastening clamps.


The implementation of some solutions to create the intended interior is not always possible solely using the above-mentioned materials. Sometimes on the wall you want to see not only the texture of the brickwork, but also other details. For example, doors, windows or part of the roof.

This effect can be achieved using airbrushing. Using this method, any drawing can be created, starting with an image of a brick wall entwined with grapes, and ending with a picture of the entire facade with a balcony, doors and windows.

The drawings look quite realistic and can be applied to walls made of various materials. To obtain additional effects, fluorescent and luminescent paints are often used, which provide image play depending on the lighting and time of day. For example, a good solution would be to add night reflections of lanterns or luminous windows to the pattern of brickwork.

Brickwork in the interiors of different rooms

When using natural or decorative brickwork, the interior design looks unusual and bold, serving as a reminder of antiquity, creating a positive mood and cozy atmosphere in the room. A successful choice of colors and decor of the seams of a brick wall is of great importance. Any room in a house or apartment has a specific function, so they are decorated with brickwork in different ways.

Brickwork in the hallway

Brick in the interior of hallways is difficult to install due to the presence of storage rooms and the small area of ​​​​such rooms. As a last resort, you can lay one of the walls with bricks.

Another material for decorating a hallway can be tiles that imitate brick. It has a small thickness, which is an important point when maintaining the usable area of ​​a small room. The adhesive for tiles should be a high-quality polyurethane-based one.

This is especially important in a hallway, since a constantly slamming entrance door causes vibration in the walls, which can lead to the collapse of poorly glued tiles.

The simplest option is to stick wallpaper, the pattern of which will imitate the texture and appearance of brickwork in the interior of the hallway.

Brickwork in the living room

In the living room interior, a brick wall is an excellent basis for design in any style. Fans of minimalism can decorate the room with simple furniture, avoiding unnecessary decorative elements. Connoisseurs of ethno-style interiors can decorate the room with decorative vases, photographs, carpets or various handicrafts made with their own hands.

Brickwork goes perfectly with a classic interior, harmonizes well with crystal chandeliers, decorative accessories and antique furniture. When decorating a living room, it is important to include imagination, not limiting yourself to desires.

As an alternative to natural brick, you can use decorative tiles and paper wallpaper. You should not try to finish all the walls of the room with brick. If you overdo it, it can look like a warehouse or cellar. A good solution would be to decorate a section of the wall near the fireplace or one entire wall with brickwork.

A sign of the grace and perfection of a huge living room can be brick columns made in the Greek style. They can be used to divide a room into zones or as exclusive decor.

Beautifully decorated brickwork in the interior of the living room will emphasize the refined artistic taste of the owners and set up his guests for a warm, confidential conversation.

Brickwork in the bedroom

In the interior of the bedroom, brickwork is quite attractive, while its material does not conflict with the soft tones and texture of textiles. Optimal use of this design does not in any way affect the illumination of the room.

If the bedroom already has a finished brick wall, it can be tidied up and coated with clear varnish. Another option is to paint it a bright color, this design is good for bedrooms decorated in an eclectic or Scandinavian style.

Being in the bedroom, a person is inclined towards comfort and relaxation. Therefore, the walls of such a room are often decorated in soft, calm and restrained pastel colors.

Brickwork in the kitchen

Imitation brickwork made from special tiles looks great in the kitchen. The red cladding resembles a country style in appearance, and the brick wall, painted white, somewhat softens the interior design, allowing its use in the Scandinavian style of kitchen design.

Inexpensive and high-quality finishing of a kitchen space in the loft style can be done using facing stone in the form of thin tiles. The wall must be perfectly flat. Tile adhesive and joint grout are used for work. You can use brick-like tiles to decorate a kitchen backsplash, and select appropriate materials for decorating other walls.

With the help of brickwork in the kitchen interior it is possible to create a romantic atmosphere. This design favorably emphasizes the solidity and luxury of the room. In large dining rooms, you can decorate one or more walls at your discretion. This brickwork goes well with wood, metal and glass. Interesting solutions can be obtained by combining kitchen appliances with a background of brick walls.

Decorative brick finishing is often used in the kitchen when decorating its dining area. A similar effect can be achieved if you lay out a brick partition separating the dining room and living room. To create the effect of spatial zoning, brick finishing is performed only in one of the rooms.

Advice! Despite the fact that brick has several standard shades and is suitable for any interior, it would be better to play it safe and pay attention to the color scheme of the room and the features of its design.

Brickwork in the bathroom

There are special conditions for staying in the bathroom. Large temperature changes periodically occur here, and high air humidity is observed. Therefore, its design with masonry requires the use of special ceramic tiles or natural clay bricks, the roughness of which will create an unusual contrast in combination with white faience sanitary ware.

Bathroom walls decorated with smooth tiles also look good. It gives the interior a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. In addition, unlike brick cladding, tiled covering saves precious square meters, which is especially important for small rooms.

If the size of the bathroom allows, you can line one of its walls with brick. It will emphasize the style and individuality of the room. Before this, you should estimate the cost of the material and familiarize yourself with photos of brickwork in the bathroom interior of ready-made projects presented on Internet sites. A successful experiment could be combining masonry with a glass partition between the bathtub and toilet or washbasin and toilet.

If you don’t want to tinker with brick or tile, you can imitate masonry using vinyl moisture-resistant wallpaper that has the appropriate pattern. They are not as durable, but such coating can always be easily replaced without much effort. At the same time, “brick” wallpaper often has such a natural appearance that it is only possible to distinguish it from real cladding up close.

How to make brickwork - watch the video:

A building material that has been in use for over 100 years is now almost a work of art. The use of brickwork in the interior has a special charm and will certainly not go unnoticed. However, for various reasons, such as repair time, cost of projects and many others, the possibility of using high-quality brick imitation using ceramic granite or tiles with the appropriate texture is much more often determined. However, it's up to you to decide. Good luck!

Another trend has been added to the fashion of recent decades to decorate interiors with natural materials. Along with untreated wood, thatch and bamboo flooring and hedges, the brick wall has begun to appear in modern apartments and houses - one of the most spectacular and bold techniques in interior design.

Ten years ago, it was believed that walls should have no relief, and any unevenness was perceived as a defect that needed to be eliminated. But thanks to numerous design solutions published in print publications and on the Internet, homeowners are increasingly coming up with the idea of ​​leaving brickwork on the wall when renovating a room.

A raw brick wall appeared in residential premises thanks to the loft style, which originated in the 40s of the last century in New York, when poor American youth began to inhabit the buildings of old factories.

Then the high cost of rent brought industrial enterprises to the suburban area, and the empty spacious premises were converted into residential ones. These buildings attracted bohemian youth - the space, lack of partitions, abundance of light and air gave freedom and encouraged creativity.

And since free artists did not have the financial means to decorate the premises, the walls were left in their “primordial” form, that is, inherited from the factory: usually it was rough unpainted brick or a whitewashed brick wall.

However, this is not only a feature of the loft style. It has long been used in the decoration of residential premises in the English style, as well as in numerous ethnic styles, such as Provence and country.

Without it, it is difficult to imagine a cathedral or a castle, that is, the Gothic and knightly styles, and we have always taken many rooms with brickwork for granted. This interior adds a special charm to a Parisian attic or an artist’s studio, a theater dressing room, a bar or a nightclub, the premises of which imitate garages or factory workshops.

In each interior, the wall is finished differently: they use artificially aged brick, varnished or painted with glossy or matte paint, and often simply covered with white plaster.

How to make a brick wall in “Stalin” or “Khrushchev”

Multi-storey brick houses have not been built so often in recent decades - panel housing construction is much faster and cheaper. But if you own an apartment in an old brick building, an apartment with half a century of history and a unique atmosphere, then introducing a brick wall to add variety to the interior will not be difficult for you or the builders. Your home and wallet will only benefit from this.

The fact is that renovations in old houses are not cheap, since old uneven walls require hundreds of kilograms of plaster. In this case, a natural brick wall will help save your budget and at the same time simply decorate the apartment.

The old plaster will still have to be cleaned down to the brick itself. If the exposed wall is not in very good condition, then putty is applied to the chips and cracks, and the seams between the bricks are renewed with a special grout. Then you need to apply a primer to the brick wall to prevent dust from falling off, and only then proceed to the final finishing of the wall.

On severely damaged brick, a small amount of plaster will need to be applied to make the bricks look smooth, but maintain the color and texture of the walls. If you are satisfied with the appearance of the resulting wall, leave the wall as natural as possible, otherwise use one of the methods of finishing the masonry - paint or matte varnish.

Decorative brick in the interior

Everything is clear with brick houses, but what should those who want to acquire a brick wall while living in a non-brick house do? A solution has long been found and is offered by designers and hardware stores: you can line a wall or walls with decorative clinker bricks.

Clinker bricks come in a wide variety: smooth new, with a fire-fired effect, in country or Provence style, aged or in the form of a regular wall. The color schemes of such bricks and grout for them are also very diverse - from dark and brown shades to almost white.

In order not to reduce the size of the room, you can use thin brick or tiles that imitate brick to decorate the wall. Variations are also possible with tile joints, which can be narrow or wide, filled with contrasting grout or matching grout - there are many design techniques to give the interior an exclusive uniqueness.

This type of finishing has only one drawback - the high cost of the tiles. And artificial brick is laid in the same way as ordinary ceramic tiles: along pre-drawn lines, using regular tile adhesive.

Interior with brick wall

There are almost no interiors in which all the walls are covered with brickwork, no matter artificial or natural. Brick is used to cover one wall, part of a wall, a niche or the space around the fireplace.

The brick wall itself is a designer piece of furniture that no longer needs to be decorated with anything. You don’t need shelves for trinkets, paintings, photographs or watches - a brutal wall will look very impressive and stylish without them. This is its clear advantage.

At first, brick walls from lofts, developed by the bohemian layer of youth, moved into the halls and living rooms of prestigious luxury housing, and then took root in bedrooms and offices.

In the above photos, this design solution is found in a variety of rooms in the house, no longer serving as a textured background for the rebellious atmosphere of the lofts, but as a kind of sign of the owner’s belonging to certain strata of society.

Brickwork in the interior is a negation of the banal and boring, a desire to get away from the standard of concrete boxes, to touch something natural and real. A living space with a bare brick wall has individuality, informality, breaking out from the typical and boring.

The masonry retains its appearance for decades; this material is environmentally friendly and hygienic, eliminating the occurrence of fungus or mold. It seems to emphasize the owner’s desire to preserve the pristine appearance of the environment. Often the wall is coated with varnish or paint, thanks to which you can give it any color and even change its texture. Belinka brand paint is good for this; it is not expensive and is of high quality. The main thing is not to run into a fake.

Eco-friendly interiors and ethnic styles cannot do without brick walls in home decoration. A distinctive feature of such masonry will be its most naturalistic appearance - white, in pastel colors, gentle, like nature itself. A white brick wall in the interior looks perfect surrounded by wooden logs and beams, among wicker furniture and dried bouquets.

However, often with the help of brickwork they create the exact opposite effect: they achieve rich color contrast. The rough roughness and wild variegation of the brick wall are softened by a fluffy monochromatic carpet and soft velor furniture - this living room design will remain in the memory for a long time.

Light brickwork will never bring a cold gothic and gloomy feel to a room; instead, it can create a sunny mood and enliven the space. White brick goes well with any type of design and, complemented with the necessary accessories, looks very noble.

Matte black brick will bring restraint and style, and works of art and accessories will only benefit from its background, so it is better not to leave such a wall empty. Light gray furniture and neutral soft textiles will warm up a sedate interior with a black wall.

Assorted brick fragments, painted turquoise and sand, will create a light, relaxed atmosphere of originality, breaking out from the slender, even rows of the main masonry. Such a wall will no longer look like a faceless background for something more important; it is important and interesting in itself. Brick color therapy can tone you up and create the right mood.


Whether it is recreating the style of the creative intelligentsia or demonstrating a love for the natural and historically immutable, in any case, the presence of a brick wall will make the atmosphere in the house non-standard.

Use a brick wall to place the necessary accents, and the room will sparkle in a completely new way, because brick is not just a fashionable element of interior decor, it is something more.

Decoration of premises is done in many ways. If we consider the cheapest and most accessible technologies for independent implementation, then one of the simplest and cheapest is imitation brickwork.

This design option is applicable to almost any building, regardless of the wall material. How to do this with your own hands, without the involvement of assistants, and especially specialists, we will figure out in this article.

Step-by-step algorithm of actions

Drawing the wall

The easiest way is along a long rail. Naturally, with exact observance of the distances between the horizontal lines (the bricks have the same dimensions). You can focus on the standard. The thickness of single - 6.5, one and a half - 8.8, double - 13.8 (cm).

Application of imitation coating

There are many techniques, so we will limit ourselves to only the most common ones, based on the fact that the work is done independently.

Using adhesive tape (masking tape)

Before starting work, the wall must be painted in the color that should be at the seams. Typically gray or white (or something in between). The fact is that depending on the components and their ratio in the mixture, the dried solution takes on a different shade. Next, horizontal seams are marked (using tape). After this, it is easy to highlight individual bricks, simulating masonry with shifting products in adjacent rows (pieces of tape are attached vertically).

Peculiarity: Since the tape will then have to be removed, there should be free ends left, sufficient to grab them with your fingers. After this, the prepared mixture is applied to the wall.

Important: the consistency of the solution should be such that it does not flow down the wall. And the layer should be applied minimally, no more than 2 - 3 mm.

Option #1- based on gypsum. But this material hardens quickly. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce a so-called “moderator” into the mixture. Its use leads to the fact that the layer of gypsum mortar does not harden for 20 to 40 minutes. Otherwise, it will simply not be possible to remove the tape to mark the masonry seams.

Option No. 2- plaster mixture + tile adhesive (1 to 1). In this case, only the smallest fractions of sand are used in the preparation process. This means that you will have to purchase it specially, since the usual one (from a river or from a quarry), even well sifted, will not work.

Flaws: If the object is large, covering the wall with tape will take a lot of time and material. If the solution hardens too quickly, it can lead to problems in removing the tape from it in order to preserve the appearance of the design.


The method is more complicated, since you will have to prepare the grate. It is made from a sheet of plastic or rubber, knocking out rectangles in it.

In addition, it is advisable to create a template from thin slats, the undoubted advantages of which are:

  • the ability to work with solutions that harden quickly, since they have time to “set” and dry;
  • a large selection of materials and flexibility in carrying out any set of works. The shape of the structure fully repeats the elements already discussed;
  • the ability to create a template directly on the wall and an image of any shape;
  • naturalness and authenticity of the appearance of the resulting brickwork.

Flaws: a stencil needs to be made or money must be spent on purchasing a finished product.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall made of polystyrene foam (ceiling tiles)

For false bricks, flat polystyrene foam tiles without a pattern are suitable. For our purposes, you can use any of its sides. The optimal size of the “stone” is 7/15 cm. If you increase the proportions, the wall will look unnatural. The process of making “stones” is simple: we squeeze them out of the ceiling tiles.

First, we apply markings on the polystyrene foam with seam allowances. Next, we press straight lines, after which we cut out the “bricks” with a painting knife. We glue the finished products with our own hands onto the desired part of the wall. We use ceramic tile adhesive as a binder. There is no need to fill the seams with plaster. The gaps between the “stones” need to be made very small: 1-1.5 mm. After finishing the gluing work, the bricks need to be painted. We try to apply as much paint as possible into the gaps, thereby creating an imitation of brickwork.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall using plaster (tile adhesive)

For the manufacture of parts, any tile adhesive is used, which is sold in the form of a dry mixture. It needs to be diluted with water until it becomes a very thick sour cream. It is best to use a white composition. Then we will divide the entire mass into 3 parts, adding a little paint to each of them.

It is important that the paint differs in shade in each part.

Mix the mass in each pile like dough. We will get a mass with beautiful stains. Roll it out into a “pancake” and cut bricks of the same size. We lay them out to dry. We do this until we collect the required number of “stones”.

We glue it to the wall using the same tile adhesive. Fill the seams with a compound painted in a darker color. At the end, the wall surface can be covered with several layers of varnish.

How to paint false bricks?

To get a more natural shade, you should mix two types of ocher: light and red. Then add a small amount of white to them. To make the texture of the brickwork look like the real thing, we use the stamping technique to apply paints.

We take a sponge and begin to apply the pre-prepared thick mixture to the wall. After which you will need liquid paint in a “burnt bone” shade. We spray it on the bricks using a regular toothbrush.

To make the decor look even more natural, we paint each row in a special way.

The second can be given a tint using mars diluted with water. For the third - use sienna and white. All paints are applied using the same stamping method. Then they continue to alternate shades in the same order. Upon completion of the work, it is recommended to varnish the wall in two layers. If you want to get a matte surface, then lightly sand it with fine sandpaper.

This type of decoration has several subtleties, because due to its characteristics it can either create a special atmosphere or clutter it up.

It is worth remembering that it is not at all necessary to imitate masonry in the area of ​​​​all walls; one surface out of four, decorated in this way, will be enough. When planning your actions, it is important that you imagine a complete image of your own room - and then everything will work out.

Do-it-yourself imitation of a brick wall - photos of real objects:

Imitation brick in the living room interior

False brick wall in the bathroom

Imitation brick wall
do it yourself from cardboard in the bedroom

Accent wall made of false brick in the hall

Imitation of aged brick
in the living room interior

False foam brick in the hallway

Brick loft in the living room interior

Imitation brick on a kitchen work wall

Figured false brick masonry
in the living room interior

Stenciled false brick in the dining room

Imitation of a wall made of three-color bricks
with your own hands

Living room interior
with false brick finishing: fusion of loft with neo-modern

flight of stairs,
lined with plaster bricks

Imitation of a brick wall in the hallway

Accent wall made of false bricks in the living room

Textured decorative brick
from tile adhesive

Imitation brick wall
do it yourself in the bedroom interior

Combination of natural and false brick
in the interior of the fireplace room

DIY white false brick
in the interior of the office

Imitation brick made from cardboard
on the accent wall of the attic

Brick Ceiling Tile
in the living room interior

Large brick,

False brick accent wall
in a minimalist room

DIY brick imitation
in the interior of a private house

There is a lot of false brick in the interior. Clearly overkill!

Imitation of brick walls
do it yourself in the interior of the hallway

Painted foam brick
In bathroom

False arch made of stencil bricks
in the living room interior
