We play ancient man with children. Thematic lesson "ancient people" from the series "my planet". stop. Human ancestors - hominids

Educator: Komarova A.A.

Program content:

Introduce children to appearance and the life of primitive man;

Expand lexicon the introduction of new words: leader, tribe, skin, mammoth, etc.;

Promote the development of pantomimic and facial abilities in children, the development of fine motor skills;

Develop imagination, fantasy, logical thinking.

Materials and equipment: illustrations on the topic; model of a cave, model of a fire; skins-clothes; sticks, ropes and “spears” according to the number of children; winder toys; sanguine.

Progress of the lesson

Guys, today we have amazing adventures ahead of us, and I will tell you an interesting story.

It was a long time ago. On our green and blooming planet, where various animals and birds already lived, man appeared. Where did he come from? Whether it came from a monkey or whether it came from outer space, we don’t know. But he still appeared. This is what he was like (show illustration). Tell me, what was he wearing? (Children's answers). Yes, in those days there were no clothes, since there were no factories. Man had to do everything with his own hands. Why do you think he needs the skin? What do you need clothes for? Want to try on some caveman clothes? (Children wear skins-clothes). So we turned into cave people.

Ancient people, in those ancient times, lived in human packs. And in each pack there was a leader, an elder. While the adult members of the pack were hunting, the children learned from the wisest and most experienced mentors. Today I will be your leader.

Where do you think ancient people lived? (Children's answers). They lived in caves. And here is our cave. It's dark and cold here, brrrr. I started to freeze. What could you come up with that would make it warmer and brighter? (Children's answers). Yes, it would be nice to make a fire, so the wood is ready. But the problem is, how do you get fire? (Children's answers). I'll tell you one secret. Primitive people They waited for a tree in the forest to catch fire from lightning, and they saved this fire in their cave. But there is another way to make fire. You need to take some forest moss, place a stick on it and quickly rotate it with your palms. This must be done until the fire appears. (Children “make” fire). Yes, this process is difficult and long. To speed it up, I suggest blowing on the fire. (Children blow on the fire, a “light” appears). Well, it immediately became light and warm.

(Voices of the forest sound). Do you hear someone big and angry walking near our cave. These are probably predators! I'm afraid! What to do? (Children's answers). We need to arm ourselves. Ancient people made weapons from different materials: made of stone - knives and darts, spear tips; made of wood - spears and ax handles. They tied the stone point to a tree with the help of flexible plants - vines. Let's try to make a spear of a primitive man. True, we will replace the stone tips with cardboard ones, and the vines with ropes. But it will do for the protection of our cave. Do you agree? (Children make spears). We have real weapons, and now we are not afraid of any predators, nor saber-toothed tigers, nor even mammoths.

(Show illustrations).

What animal does a mammoth look like? How is it different from an elephant? And even then there were saber-toothed tigers, with large and sharp fangs like sabers, and huge cave bears.

I want to eat something. Are you hungry? Let's go fishing. (The game “Who can catch the fish faster”). What a big catch! How can we prepare it? I know that ancient people were very fond of dried fish, since it was the easiest way to prepare it, because people did not have utensils. Let's spread it out in the sun.

After eating, cavemen loved to eat something tasty. But there were no sweets or cookies in those days. But in the forests there were apparently invisibly tasty and sweet berries. Let's go to the forest to pick berries. (Game “Collect the berries”).

Well, a fire is burning near the cave, fish is drying in the sun, weapons protect us from uninvited guests. What to do now? When ancient people were well-fed and safe, they loved... to draw. Yes, yes, draw. But not on paper, but on the stones and walls of the cave. And coals served as a pencil. Of course, their drawings were similar to the drawings of small children, and they have survived to this day. (Show illustrations).

Let us, like ancient primitive people, try to draw on the walls of the cave. (Children draw).

This is where our primeval adventure ends. Let's take off our skins and go back to being boys and girls living in our world. Did you like it? What were the names of the people we turned into? What were they wearing? What did you eat? Who were they hunting? Where did you live? How was fire made? I prepared for you in the group interesting book about the life of primitive people and I suggest you go and watch it. (Children go to the group).

How did ancient people live?

IN modern society The life and lifestyle of ancient people evokes considerable curiosity. We are children modern world, we use all its benefits and high tech and it is quite difficult for us to understand how people survived who had nothing at their disposal except the nature around them. In this article we will try to talk about what the life of ancient people was like and what kind of life they led.

Tribal Relations

Ancient people preferred to live in tribes, because in such harsh conditions of wild ancient nature it was almost impossible to survive alone. Each member of the tribe played his own role - women were engaged in farming and gathering, maintaining housing, preparing food, and looking after children, men were breadwinners and went fishing and hunting and made auxiliary tools. Weak and sick members of the tribe and children were the women's assistants and carried out their instructions. Since medical knowledge was still lacking in prehistoric times, the age of ancient people was not long. In addition, infant mortality was very high, and the childbearing age was low.

So how long did ancient man live on average?

Of course, the area of ​​residence of the tribe and way of life played a big role, but a 30-year-old man in those prehistoric times could be considered an old man. To survive, the tribes constantly tried to increase their numbers and had very free morals, incest often occurred. Loyalty was also not paid attention to, since men in the tribe were in short supply, since males died hunting and in battles with neighboring tribes.

The cave played the role of housing and altar

Ancient people used caves not only for cooking, sleeping and heating; the cave was the first human altar. It was in caves that ancient people learned to draw their first “icons”; before hunting, they depicted pictures of victories over ferocious animals, performed tribal dances, and performed the first ritual ceremonies. Time passed and the first totems appeared in the caves, which personified the gods to whom the tribe prayed.

The evolution of ancient people was very slow, much slower than ours, but even such underdeveloped creatures were not alien to progress. Men constantly improved their tools made of wood and stone, and women created new household items that allowed them to more easily carry out household work. In addition, women who were engaged in gathering realized that spices could diversify a very meager diet.

Perhaps the very first people walked naked, but they quickly realized that primitive clothing could be made from the skins of animals they killed while hunting, and jewelry could be made from shells and gems. It will be interesting to know that it was colorful stones and shells that became the first money in primitive society. Such “money” began to be used for trade within the tribe and between tribes.

Some tribes lived in forests and on vast plains; they realized that they could build a hut from branches and tree trunks. It is the huts that can be considered the first full-fledged houses for humans. Such huts were built both on the ground and in trees.

Time passed, a huge glacier came to the territory of Eurasia, and the ice age began. People had to adapt to very harsh conditions environment. Since it was very cold, the ancient people realized that they could take refuge underground from the cold. This is how the first dugouts appeared, which were built from logs and earth. Such underground shelters could shelter up to 30 people from the cold.

“...do not give examples, put the child in a situation where he usual ways actions are obviously unsuitable and to motivate the search for the essential features of a new situation in which one must act - these are the foundations of non-traditional pedagogy based on psychological theory educational activities..."

G. A. Tsukerman, Doctor of Psychology

This is exactly the approach that underlies my “My Planet” program - a minimum of teaching words and a maximum of actions and reflections on a given problem.

But first you need to get involved in the work, prove yourself, declare yourself. Passing a lighted candle, the children talked through all the most interesting things that happened to them over the past week (or day, because a week is an eternity in the minds of preschoolers - after nap time in the garden a new day begins, and children cannot always remember what happened before it ).

Looking at illustrations on the topic and discussing what you see. Each child talks about what he sees. Being able to see patterns in a picture and talk about what you saw is a very important skill and modern children especially need it. The coherent speech of modern children needs to be developed.

We discussed how ancient people were dressed. Discussion fragment...

- Guys, what did ancient people wear? Look carefully.

-They walked around naked! - says one guy.

-What are you talking about! They're wearing shorts! - says Polina.

-What do you think their clothes are made of?

-From paper!

-Made of wood!

-You need to take the paper, recycle it and it will work out new material, our philosopher Makar reflects.

-Yes, from skins! - Polina exclaims.

I didn’t say anything myself - I led the children themselves to think.

-Guys, how do you think ancient people got their skins?

-They killed animals, goats! - says Yarik.

- Exactly, they hunted animals for themselves and made clothes and something else...

-Why do you think ancient man needed fire?

“When there is no light at home, we also light a fire—candles,” Makar reflects.

-And they also cooked food! - says Polina.

-Of course, for warmth, light and cooking, and also to scare wild animals.

- Guys, look (I show a picture of a battle with a cave bear) - what do ancient people do?

-They are fighting!

-What should they be like then?

-Brave, friendly, strong!

Then we build the world of ancient people. We say that they needed water and built their homes next to the water.

We are learning to agree on where the plants, the cave will be....

The world is ready, but the ancient people themselves are not. Children make ancient people from branches and plasticine. Everyone chooses the color and size of branches for arms and legs. In this task, I pursued one more goal: I paid attention to the structure of the human body: arms, legs, neck, head... In my practice, I often note children’s difficulties in orientation in the body, in structure, which is especially visible in the drawings of a person.

We remembered that ancient people had clothing made from skins. We touch the skin, talk about our feelings - very useful exercise(development of sensations, speech - dictionary of signs).

    A child is not a vessel that needs to be filled, but a fire that needs to be lit.

    The table is decorated by the guests, and the house by the children.

    He who does not abandon his children does not die.

    Be truthful even towards a child: keep your promise, otherwise you will teach him to lie.

    — L.N. Tolstoy

    Children need to be taught to speak and adults to listen to children.

    Let childhood mature in children.

    Life needs to be interrupted more often so that it doesn’t turn sour.

    — M. Gorky

    Children need to be given not only life, but also the opportunity to live.

    Not the father-mother who gave birth, but the one who gave him water, fed him, and taught him goodness.

Children's games of antiquity

Understanding the world begins with play. What children play and how they play determines what kind of adults they will grow up to be. The expression “Children are real people, and adults are what is left of them” reminds us that we must continue to play when we become adults and not stop. It's useful and also makes us better.

The games of Slavic children are ancient and deeply traditional. In them, in words and gestures, actions and emotions, the living and eternal are preserved. All of them are from ancient times. They convey faith in the existence of souls and spirits, faith in the animation of all nature and totemism, the inexhaustible diversity of the world, natural and human unity.

In the old days, when both city dwellers and villagers lived in approximately the same conditions, the games were similar. The heroes of these games were, first of all, animals - horses, bears, wolves and foxes, lambs and goats, birds (geese, swallows, larks, quails, sparrows, chickens and roosters, ducks, cranes). Everything that surrounded the children migrated into their play world.

In total, there are several types of children's traditional games. Some are still popular with children.

Finger games - for the little ones (“Soroka-Soroka”, “Kiselyok”, “Horned Goat”) - are the most ancient. Such games promote the development of fine motor skills and general physical development baby. And all because there are active points on the palms that affect the entire body.
Round dance games for youth grow from pagan roots, from the times when round dancing, tank, loach, was considered an indispensable attribute of the spring-summer ritual. His goal was to glorify the spirits of nature, to appease them in order to ensure the well-being and prosperity of people. Gradually, the original meaning was erased, but the round dances remained. These are “Rucheyok”, “Flax”, “Swan”. The children also played games similar to elements of the wedding ceremony and other rituals in general - kidnapping the bride, walking in rye, in flax, driving a spikelet, unlocking the earth, calling and others.

Games involving kidnapping, war, and dragging are popular and beloved. These are “Geese-Swans”, “Wolf and Geese”, “Krynochka” and many others.

Ornamental games clearly outlined the children's movements. They had to move in a certain way to a song or melody. The game itself had a beginning, a climax and an end: a kind of small performance, but very clear and formed; it was impossible to break away from the custom of the game itself. The rules are unshakable, participants are distributed unconditionally and perform only their own roles. These are “Zarya-Zaryanitsa”, “Dungeon”.
Competitive games, especially loved by boys, are aimed at strength, endurance, dexterity, courage and attentiveness. The support of friends and mutual assistance is important here. These are the games themselves: “Lapta”, “Gorodki”, “Leapfrog” and others.

What remains in our time from the ancient games of our little ancestors? Even if only for the smallest, but still curious contemporaries, there are “Tag-traps” of all kinds (“Tag-squats”, “Sorcerers”, “Pristenochki”), “Hide and Seek”. A truly immortal game for all, without exception, children - “Cossack Robbers” in dozens of variations, “Twelve Sticks”, “Holes”, “Knives”, “Wolf in the Moat”, “Geese-Swans and the Wolf”, “Ring”, “They were sitting on the golden porch,” “A goat was walking through the forest.” By the way, only boys used to play the game “Classes”.
Here are just a few fun and active games for little Slavs.

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"
Children stand in a circle, holding their hands behind their backs. Driver - Zarya walks behind the players in a circle with a ribbon or handkerchief and says:

Red maiden,
I walked across the field,
I dropped the keys.
Golden keys
Blue ribbons,
Rings entwined -
Let's go get some water!

With the last words, Zarya carefully places the ribbon on the shoulder of one of the players, who, noticing this, takes the ribbon, and both run to different sides round. The one who reaches first stands on free place in a circle. The one who is left without a place becomes Zarya and the game repeats.
Details: Runners should not cross the circle, those playing in the circle should not turn around while Zarya chooses who to put a handkerchief on their shoulder.
Russian folk round dance game “Bubble”
This game is very fun and dynamic. Children play it with pleasure. The guys hold hands and form a circle. Before the game starts, the round dance converges as close to the center as possible. The bubble is deflated. Next, the bubble is “inflated”, i.e. disperse to the sides, trying to make the round dance as large as possible. The round dance-bubble is “inflated” until one of the round dance participants, unable to withstand the tension, lets go of their hands. This means the bubble has burst. The game is accompanied by the following text:

Blow up, bubble,
Puff up big!
Blow up, hold on
Don't rush!

Game "Leapfrog". Option 1
According to the rules of the game, a driver is selected, who will have to squat down with his head bent. The rest of the participants must jump over it.
After all the participants have jumped over the driver, he changes position, standing up a little. Participants must again jump over it in turn.
So, each time the driver gets up higher and higher, and the game continues until one of the players, jumping over, hits the driver. If this happens, he takes his place and the game starts again.

Game "Leapfrog". Option 2
In the rules, there is no other version of the game for the driver, and the children simply have fun jumping over each other.
All participants in the game must line up so that the distance between them is about 1-2 meters. All players, except for the one who closes the chain, stand in a half-bent position, leaning on their knees, or squat down.
The player standing at the end of the chain begins to jump over all participants in turn. After he jumped over the player, standing first, he also stands at a distance from him and takes the desired pose, and at this time the player at the end of the chain begins to jump over the participants.

Game "Tag-squats"
This game is for four or more people. The leading tag is chosen by a counting rhyme. They play like regular tag. The difference is that a crouched player cannot be salted! Salka can deceive players - he pretends to run after one, and then suddenly changes direction. And one more condition - more than two players cannot sit down at the same time! If three players sit down at once, the tag can kill the last one who sits down. The upset player becomes a tag.

Game "Twelve Sticks"
For this game you need a board and 12 sticks. The board is placed on a small log to create something like a swing. All the players gather around this swing. 12 sticks are placed on the lower end, and one of the players hits the upper end so that all the sticks fly apart.

The driver collects the sticks, while the players run away and hide. When the sticks are collected and placed on the board, the driver goes to look for the hidden ones. The found player is eliminated from the game.

Any of the hidden players can sneak up to the swing unnoticed by the driver and break the sticks again. At the same time, hitting the board, he must shout out the name of the driver. The driver collects the sticks again, and all the players hide again. The game ends when all the hidden players are found and the driver manages to keep his sticks. The last player found becomes the driver.

Details: The driver picks up and places the sticks back on the swing strictly one at a time.
Children can still play a wide variety of these games today. They are simple, understandable and do not require specific skills, special training or any equipment, except for the simplest: Children's games are full of laughter, joy and movement.

Role-playing game« Prehistoric man's site »

Participants: children 6-7 years old

Target: To consolidate the acquired knowledge with children, to give children joy and pleasure from role-playing game.


Cultivate interest in the history of development person;

Develop curiosity;

Expand the search and cognitive activity of children;

Develop cognitive activity, enrich vocabulary. Create a desire to actively participate in general conversation and play.

Cultivate friendly relationships and mutual assistance.

Develop memory, logical thinking, speech, interest in independent solving cognitive problems.

Activating the dictionary: dwelling, cave, tribe, sacred fire, ritual dance, rock paintings.

Material and equipment: cave, animal skins, "bonfire", stones and sticks for "breeding" fire, "spears", silhouettes of animals, sheets of paper, "river", skewers, crayons.

Musical arrangement: "Sounds of Africa", "Sound of Drums".

Preliminary work:

Reading books and encyclopedias on the topic « Ancient world» , "Journey to the Ancient World", watching video material. Making attributes for the game

Progress of the game:

Do you guys want to go to stone Age? I really want to see how people lived in the Ancient World! Who's with me? …… children's answers

What if the journey turns out to be dangerous: We may encounter a wild beast, hostile tribes - aren’t you afraid? …… children's answers

Those who are ready to travel through the Ancient World, come closer to get into the field of action of the time machine. Get ready! Get in a tight circle, we'll start the time machine …..game connoisseur

Put your hands on your shoulders friend friend: “We want to go to the Stone Age! We want to go back to the Stone Age! We want to go back to the Stone Age!”

In ancient times, people did not live alone, but in large groups - tribes. Imagine that we are a tribe.

Once primitive people

Let's go to primeval forest.

AND primeval sun

Looked at them from heaven.

Then these people decided

Live in a remote cave

They got fire

They began to cook food on it.

And they ate with their hands

And they drank water from the stream,

Dressed differently from you and me

They had skin on them.

You found yourself in the Stone Age and reincarnated as primitive people. Guys, what do you think they were wearing? primitive people? ( take animal skins)

Where will you live?

Let's build a cave too! (from blocks and blankets)

The boys need to agree on who will build which cave, and the girls need to agree on what they will do.

But we will have one rule...

You know, primitive people hardly spoke. They mostly communicated with gestures. Let’s try to convey some information to each other using gestures without words.

The boys build caves using blocks, branches and skins. Tell me, what was the most important occupation for ancient people? (hunting, fishing, getting food)

How will you and I hunt animals and fish? What will be our weapon? Ancient people made weapons for hunting from sticks and stones, vines. We will also make spears and fishing rods.

Spears and fishing rods are being prepared. They go hunting and fishing. They take the prey, find the eggs, and carry everything to the cave.

Girls: collect fruits, herbs,

What did they eat from?

make dishes, decorate them,

How primitive people made fire?

they build a fireplace, take care of it, crack nuts, do laundry and babysit the children.

Summing up: Children name who they hit.

It was a nice hunt, rich booty.

What will we do with our prey? Shall we eat it raw or roast it on fire?

(We sit around the fire and "fry" shaped marmalade on skewers).

In the meantime, our prey is being prepared, we will perform a ritual dance so that next time the hunt will be successful.

Do you want to perform it?

A ritual dance is performed to the sound of drums.

Guys, do you like our trip to the Ancient World? Tell us what you like here? Who were you, what did you do?

I think the food is ready. Who wants to try?

After a while it buzzes "Time Machine".

Guys, do you hear? I think it's time for us to go back. Or maybe someone wants to stay here a little longer? Maybe someone wants to decorate the walls of the caves?
