Ceiling decor ideas. Modern options for decorating the ceiling with your own hands. Pasting with expanded polystyrene boards

The painting on the ceiling can be decorated

When it is not possible to decorate the ceiling with expensive modern materials, you can dream up a little, look for interesting ideas in magazines or the Internet and transform it with your own hands.

Decorating ceilings is a creative activity that can captivate and even become an interesting hobby. And most often it does not require large investments or possession of complex construction tools.

Traditional ways to decorate the ceiling

First, we describe long-known and widely used methods.

Decorative plaster

Creating a beautiful surface using decorative plaster is a rather difficult task, even if you work with walls. Therefore, it is usually trusted to specialists.

There are two types of decorative plaster:

  • Structural– the finished mass is usually white, which can be tinted to the desired shade. It is applied to the surface even layer, after which a relief is formed using special spatulas, rollers and combs. This kind of work really requires professionalism and skill.

  • Textured– differs in that the relief on the surface of such plaster forms itself, without subsequent intervention. After drying, the surface can be painted (see.

If you decide to decorate the ceiling yourself using decorative plaster, then choose a textured material. Different relief and patterns can be obtained by using mixtures with fillers of different fractions.

The plastered surface will have a seamless surface, and small irregularities will be masked by the relief.

See what plastered ceilings can look like:

Advice. Choose for finishing decorative plaster on water based– it does not emit harmful substances. You can paint the ceiling with dispersion paint.

Imitation stucco

If the interior of the room is made in a classic, antique or Gothic style, it is possible to decorate the ceiling with stucco. But not gypsum, but lighter and easier to install - polyurethane.

These decorative elements have many advantages:

  • Light weight;
  • Strength and durability;
  • Moisture resistance;
  • The ability to bend, repeating the shape of curved structures;
  • They can be painted, and unpainted elements do not turn yellow over time;
  • Excellent decorative properties;
  • Variety of choice.

Most popular type polyurethane stucco– moldings used to decorate joints with the wall. Smooth moldings without a relief pattern are used as decorations in classic style, modern and Provence, and even in a super modern high-tech style.

No less popular are the sockets used to decorate the mounting points. pendant lamps and chandeliers.

Among the ceiling decors you can also find borders, cornices, various flower arrangements, ornamental elements different forms, sizes and styles. By combining them, you can create a very original and unique decor.

Polyurethane stucco molding is glued with special glue or liquid nails. The process itself does not take much time and effort.

Advice. Products made from polyurethane are quite expensive, so you can make stucco molding yourself from alabaster diluted with water and PVA glue. The finished mixture is poured into molds, and after hardening, the unevenness is removed and sanded.

Curly ceilings

Curly and created using drywall. Making them is a topic for a separate discussion and a task for those who are not afraid of large-scale solutions. But, in principle, many people can create such decorations for the ceiling with their own hands.

Original ideas for decoration

Instead of traditional methods you can adopt modern ones. Or use your own abilities and skills.

Photo wallpaper

Wallpapering ceilings is a standard finishing technique. If such a decoration on the ceiling seems boring to you, stick photo wallpaper on it.

Modern photo wallpapers are distinguished by clear images, excellent quality, unpretentious installation and a variety of themes. You can buy ready-made photo wallpapers, order them printed on canvas of any texture by choosing a design from the catalog, or create your own sketch.

Photo wallpapers with an airy theme look best on the ceiling:

But the choice of theme depends on the style and purpose of the room. For example, in a nursery it could be an image of a child’s favorite cartoon character; in the living room, abstraction or 3D graphics are fashionable today, and many other options.

For example:

Thanks to special laminated coating, photo wallpapers are easy to glue, do not fade and retain their original appearance for a long time.

Ceiling painting

If you do not have artistic abilities, this is not a reason to abandon this idea:

  • Ceiling decoration can be made using a stencil. You can buy the stencil itself at an art store or make it yourself by printing the design you like on a printer and carefully cutting it out. It sticks to the surface masking tape, and the paint is applied with a roller, sponge or a special stencil brush with short bristles. In this case, paint should be applied from the edges to the center using the trimming method.

Advice. If you decide to decorate the ceiling with an ornament of repeating parts, stock up on several stencils, as they quickly become unusable and begin to stain the surface.

  • If your dream is a cloudy sky on the ceiling, then you can also “write” it yourself. To do this, after leveling with a brush or spray, blue is applied in a continuous layer. A day later, the ceiling is painted again and left again until completely dry. After that, clouds are painted on the clear sky with white paint. It is best to do this with a natural sponge using the same finishing movements.


If you don't know how to decorate the ceiling, pay attention to this option. For application you can use ready-made vinyl stickers- stickers. With their help, it is easy to disguise stains or cracks on the ceiling without resorting to large-scale repairs.

The good thing about this material is that they can be easily removed and re-glued in another place without leaving marks on the surface. Materials for application can be plain paper or cardboard, polystyrene foam and even pieces of drywall.

This idea will be especially relevant if you are deciding how to decorate the ceiling in the nursery. For example, around the lamp you can stick strips of foam plastic, painted bright yellow and imitating the sun's rays.

But you can also use this decoration option for any other room in the house. The main thing is your desire to show your creative abilities.


Also on our resource you can find out about. And in the video in this article you will find a few more ideas for decorating the ceiling.

Ceiling decor – important aspect interior decoration, making the room cozy and attractive. In some cases, a person wants to have a hand in creating the original image of his home. Therefore, you can decorate the ceiling yourself. Today there are many options for decorating the ceiling.

False beams

Certain interior design styles - chalet, country, grunge, gothic, etc. - require beams on the ceiling. Modern mixed styles have absorbed decorative elements different styles. Now beams are used every day by designers and decorators when interior decoration premises. Previously, beams were used for practical tasks - these elements supported the ceiling. Now beams are made exclusively decorative function, therefore, decorating the ceiling with massive oak or beech beams is not always advisable for economic reasons.

Now designers are actively using gypsum, polyurethane and foam beams. They are not susceptible to the load of the ceiling, which is why they are called false beams. But with the help of paint or veneer they are given the shade and texture of any natural wood.


Interesting option decorative finishing ceiling – . The use of fabric creates comfort and brings harmony to the interior.

This finishing method is used in interior design due to a number of advantages.

  1. The fabric installation process does not require construction skills.
  2. The material hides various imperfections on the ceiling well.
  3. For drapery, you do not need to perform basic finishing work, because the fabric is attached to the edges of the room.
  4. You can lay electrical wiring and other communications on the ceiling - the fabric will hide everything.
  5. Drapery is an easy and pleasant way to decorate.
  6. If necessary, the fabric sheet can be easily removed. Convenient for repairing communications and electrical wiring in the ceiling.
  7. The fabric ceiling is almost impossible to damage. Minor damage to it will not be visible.

The disadvantages include high level absorption of odors and low resistance to humid environments.

Fabric canvas is an ideal material for creating original design effects. But they must correspond to the interior of the room in which the drapery will be made.

Fabric ceilings have many variations. It can be done, for example, in the shape of a tent or in waves. Stretching the material from the walls to the center allows you to realize individual ideas or use generally accepted methods of installing a fabric ceiling.

Main types of fabric for drapery

For finishing ceiling covering 6 main types of fabric are used.

Decorative plaster

The ceiling can be decorated with decorative textured plaster. It consists of special elements that create various reliefs during application to the ceiling. After it dries, it can be painted any color. It is advisable to use this type of decor when the ceiling covering is uneven, because it will not only decorate the home, but also level out the crooked ceiling.

Decorative plaster can be used in low rooms, because it does not visually reduce the height of the ceiling. Plaster is also often combined with other materials to create an imitation natural materials(granite, marble, mother of pearl).

Video - Finishing the ceiling with decorative plaster

Stucco molding

A fairly common type of repair and decorative work is finishing ceilings with stucco. In the arsenal of designer services, stucco molding has always occupied and still occupies a place of honor. This is due to the many advantages that this type of decorative ceiling decoration has.

Among them are:

  • the possibility of restoration or replacement of damaged elements of a stucco composition;
  • hiding defects in the ceiling and joints of the ceiling covering using fragments of moldings;
  • the visual appeal of this type of decorative finishing (with the help of baguettes, rosettes, caissons you can create various decorative compositions on the ceiling);
  • the ability to highlight the advantages of a room and change its visual perception;
  • durability.

Stucco molding will help you quickly transform any room, making it attractive and presentable.

Artistic painting

With the help of artistic painting you can create a delightful interior in your home. Previously, to apply drawings to the ceiling, you had to call a master artist, but now there are many techniques and materials that allow you to do it yourself artistic painting on the ceiling.

Stencils are special forms that make it possible to apply almost any pattern to the ceiling. You can purchase them or make them yourself. The stencils are attached to the ceiling surface using tape and then painted with the chosen paints. The main stages of working with a stencil are given below.

Cutting out a pattern for a stencil: 1 - bridges; 2 - round element of the design (made with a punch); 3 - cutting out patterns with a knife

If you don't have time to fuss with stencils, you can purchase ready-made vinyl stickers that easily stick to intact surfaces.

But there are simple techniques that can help you recreate a full-fledged artistic painting on the ceiling.

Create an imitation of clouds on the ceiling

Very interesting way ceiling decorations are imitation clouds. You can bring this decor to life using paints and an ordinary sponge. It is better to decorate the ceiling in this way in small rooms, because this process is quite labor-intensive. You need a lot of paints of different origins and colors, but the final result will delight you - the room will take on an unsurpassed appearance.

It is advisable to start work from the center of the room. If you don’t have enough strength to create a cloudy ceiling throughout the room, you can enclose the finished part in a circle in the middle of the room, which will create the effect of a round window with a view of the sky. The second option is that white clouds have gathered only in the place where you started to draw them, and the rest of the space is clear sky. In any case, it’s worth trying to bring this incredible idea to life.

To create a “cloud” ceiling you will need:

  • brush;
  • several containers for diluting paints;
  • wide roller;
  • matte acrylic glaze;
  • aquamarine and gray acrylic paints;
  • emulsion white matte paint;
  • matte light blue emulsion paint (you need to buy it to cover the entire ceiling).

The ceiling must be of high quality and cleaned.

Apply light blue paint to a clean ceiling surface with a roller.

Mix equal proportions of white paint with warm water. Apply the mixture to a sponge. Use a sponge (although you can also use a brush) to outline the clouds using gentle, loose movements. At the edges of the clouds, add a little white paint to make them (the clouds) visually appear denser.

Applying white paint to a light blue surface

Add aquamarine paint in different places using gentle, light movements of the sponge. This is necessary for the whiteness to show through in different places.

Apply a little more white paint to the clouds with a sponge to create thickness and richness of the clouds. Apply different colors in several layers. This way you can achieve depth in the image.

With light movements, use a sponge with white paint to work on the side where the sun should shine on the clouds. Gray - where there is no sun.

Processing the “sunny” side of clouds

Add a few more layers of paint, but make sure they are thin and do not paint over the previous images.

Highlight the edges of the clouds again with white tones and carefully cover everything with acrylic glaze.

Another option is to paint the ceiling with luminous colors.

Using this method, you can create a nice ceiling decor using paints. This is an ideal way to create an exclusive interior in your home.

Ceiling decoupage with paper

Decoupage is a specific decoration technique various surfaces. This method is often used to decorate ceilings and involves applying various patterns made from newspapers, magazines, calendars, and photographs to the surface. When choosing this finishing option, the owner of the room has a wide field for experimentation.

The main advantage of this technique is exclusivity. In most cases, decoupage can be completely re-done, especially if it was done independently, because all finishing elements are chosen by the person taking into account personal preferences. The disadvantage is the painstaking finishing process.

Ceiling decoration can be complete or partial. For long-term use, the finished decor is coated with several layers of acrylic varnish.

Do-it-yourself ceiling decoupage with paper

How to decorate with applications from individual pictures or their composition? First you need to prepare everything necessary tools and materials.

These include:

  • acrylic lacquer;
  • PVA glue;
  • nail scissors;
  • Printer;
  • books;
  • clean cloth;
  • synthetic brushes;
  • colored paper;
  • newspapers;
  • putty knife;
  • brush for removing old paint;
  • putty;
  • primer;
  • dye;
  • pencil.

Table. Stages of self-decoupage of the ceiling.

Steps, illustrationsActions

Online or printed edition Find a clearly defined image. It is necessary that the drawing matches the style of the interior. Designers recommend using images of natural motifs or abstractions for decoupage.

If necessary, change the image size and contrast. Create the overall composition of the decorative appliqué in advance. Print out all the selected pictures that will make up the composition.

By using nail scissors cut out all the necessary pictures.

If the composition includes finishing the ceiling with printed drawings, then you will glue them to the ceiling. You can use other material - colored paper or fabric. If you chose colored paper or newspaper pages, then place the image cut out from the printout onto the selected material and cut out the elements of the ceiling applique along the contour.

Prepare the ceiling for application. To do this, remove old finishing using a spatula and brush. The surface must be completely free of old coating.

Level the surface of the ceiling using putty, if necessary.

Prime the ceiling and then paint it in the chosen color and wait for the paint to dry completely.

Now you have a smooth painted ceiling and prepared materials for applying the application. Before you start decorating, mark the pattern so that finished composition It was smooth and there was no need to re-glue the crookedly attached elements.

Apply PVA glue to the prepared drawings with a brush. Press the design against the ceiling and wipe the image with a clean cloth to remove all the air from the space between the design and the ceiling.

Apply acrylic varnish in 2 layers over the image.

In this same way, you can completely cover the ceiling with black and white pages from newspapers, magazines, and calendars.


Molding is a decorative element of ceiling decoration that enriches the interior design. Moldings appeared in Ancient Rome, but are still actively used by designers. Baguettes are easy to install and remove.

Materials for the production of skirting boards.

  1. Aluminum. Lightweight and durable material. Attaches only to smooth walls using liquid nails or screws.
  2. Tree. Expensive and heavy, but presentable material. Suitable for decorating rooms that include wooden furniture.
  3. Polyurethane. The most common material for production ceiling cornices. Among the advantages are the abundance color solutions, variety of shapes and affordable price.
  4. Styrofoam. The advantage is low weight. Foam baguettes are easily attached to all types of surfaces using liquid nails. Foam skirting boards are ideal for interior finishing works in the apartment. The main disadvantage is the insufficient strength of the material.

You need to choose a baguette taking into account individual preferences and the height of the room. If the room is high, then it is advisable to use wide baseboards, if it is low, narrow baguettes. If main criterion If you choose to save money, it is better to choose polyurethane or polystyrene foam. If you want to create an environmentally friendly interior, you need to choose a wooden or aluminum baseboard.

Self-installation of foam baguette

Let's try to figure out how to glue foam molding ourselves. A plinth made from this material will cost 3-4 times less than a polyurethane baguette. In addition, installing foam molding is much easier than other types of baseboards.

To perform this procedure you need to stock up on:

  • liquid nails;
  • liquid nail gun;
  • spatula;
  • finishing putty;
  • miter saw;
  • miter box;
  • painting knife;

Use a miter saw to straighten the ends of the baguette, because in most cases they are uneven. This may result in their incomplete contact during installation.

Trim the corner joints at 45 degrees using the same miter saw.

Another option is cutting corners using a miter box.

Make markings to avoid the plinth falling below or above the required level if the ceiling is suspended. Cut a small piece of baguette and attach it to the wall so that it does not reach the ceiling by a couple of millimeters.

Make a beating with a cord, and if this is not possible, make marks with a pencil along the entire perimeter of the room. You will look up to them.

Take a painting knife and sandpaper to adjust later uneven corner, cut with a miter saw. The latter does not always cut materials exactly at 45 degrees.

Spread the baguette with liquid nails.

Glue the baseboard to the wall. After pressing down from the bottom of the cornice, glue will flow out. Remove it with a spatula.

The baseboard will adhere well to liquid nails, but a gap will form underneath. Treat it with the same liquid nails or sealant.

Before painting, go over the joints of the baguettes with finishing putty.

Paint the baseboard in your chosen color and let dry.

Bamboo wallpaper

Wallpaper made from natural bamboo is original design solution, which gained popularity thanks to the fashion for oriental motifs in interior design. This material has a unique color scheme and a variety of textures, which will allow you to show your imagination when decorating the ceiling.

This finishing material is used to decorate not only rooms in the home, but also administrative premises. Used to decorate the ceilings of hotels, offices and cottages. This kind of ceiling decoration fits organically into modern styles interior design premises.

Bamboo wallpaper is a solid canvas. They are created from thin bamboo slats. Fixed on a fabric base. For the production of wallpaper, the upper cut of the plant trunk is used, which has a pronounced bamboo structure. The canvases are produced in widths from 1 to 2.5 m.

Rules for using bamboo wallpaper

  1. Unfold the wallpaper in the room whose ceiling will be decorated. Allow the material to dry or gain some moisture for several days.
  2. The ceiling should not be covered with peeling finishing materials which may prevent the wallpaper from attaching.
  3. Do not use water-based or water-soluble glue to prevent the wallpaper from coming off the ceiling. Polychloropene-based adhesives are best suited.
  4. When installing bamboo wallpaper, use a respirator.

Instructions for finishing the ceiling with bamboo wallpaper

Treat the ceiling thoroughly with primer. Wait a little until the surface is completely dry.

This type of wallpaper can only be glued end-to-end. Measure and then cut a piece of wallpaper required size. If you need to cut the wallpaper lengthwise, use a breadboard knife. Insert it from above between the bamboo slices and carefully guide it to the edge.

When cutting material across the web, you can resort to using metal scissors. For large amounts of work, use a jigsaw.

Apply an even layer of glue to the prepared ceiling with a spatula, and then apply it to the wallpaper with a brush. Glue consumption is approximately 350 g/sq. m. Let the glue dry for 15 minutes.

Place the wallpaper and press it against one side of the ceiling, then use a clean cloth to rub it away from the side that touches it (or you can use a rubber roller). This is necessary to ensure that there are no spaces containing air between the wallpaper and the ceiling. Then tap the wallpaper with your palm to ensure better contact with the ceiling. Repeat these steps with the next pieces of bamboo wallpaper.

Video - Instructions for gluing bamboo wallpaper

So we looked at the most popular ceiling decorating techniques. If you find the above information useful, be sure to share it with your friends and acquaintances who are doing or are going to do renovations in their home.

Video - DIY ceiling decor: original design options

It is enough to learn how to decorate the ceiling with your own hands to make your own home beautiful and truly original. Nowadays there are many ways of fashionable and interesting decoration any ceiling surfaces.

Every home has interior elements that immediately catch your eye. They should always look perfect, because they cannot be hidden. One such element is the ceiling surface. Even the smallest defect on it can ruin the impression of a high-quality renovation of the room.

You can easily find exclusive materials for finishing the ceiling and give it a sophisticated look. But their cost is usually considerable. Don't despair. It is not difficult to decorate the ceiling surface in a high-quality and unusual way and on a small budget. Next we will talk about how to minimal costs breathe into your ceiling new life and make it original to the envy of everyone.

Exclusive materials for ceiling finishing

You can decorate the ceiling using the following methods:

  • imitation stucco;
  • painting;
  • stencils;
  • special plaster (decorative);
  • applications;
  • photo wallpaper.

We will tell you in more detail about all these methods of inexpensive ceiling decoration.

Stucco gives any room a sophisticated and rich look. This natural material is made from gypsum. The disadvantage of stucco molding is that not everyone House master can correctly apply it to the surface to be treated. You have to call a specialist and pay for his expensive services. Not everyone can afford it.

Alternative plaster stucco– polyurethane elements, which are characterized by low price, increased moisture resistance, good flexibility and low weight.

Polyurethane stucco elements

And most importantly, you can easily install such an imitation of natural material yourself. Decorating the ceiling with polyurethane stucco is most often carried out using the following decorative elements:

  • Sockets - they are placed in areas where ceiling lighting fixtures are installed.
  • Moldings come in many different types and geometric dimensions. These elements are designed to mask the gaps between the walls and the ceiling surface.
  • Borders are ornamental details that allow you to create beautiful and unusual images on the ceiling.

Polyurethane stucco molding is fixed to surfaces using liquid nails or special glue. All work on decorating the ceiling in this case takes a minimum of time. And you don’t need to seek help from specialists at all. All activities are done with your own hands.

Another way of quality decoration ceiling surface– plaster mixtures. They are structural and textured. The former can be used to decorate walls and ceilings. Structural type plaster is sold in the form of a white mass that can be used without additional training. The finished mixture must be applied evenly to the surface to be decorated, and then given the planned relief.

All work is carried out with a plaster roller, a special type of spatula and special combs (the latter are needed to obtain the desired “picture”). If you want to do something dirty white ceiling, and a surface painted in any color, color should be added to it before applying the composition. Drawing on the ceiling using decorative plaster mixture It’s easy to get any - geometric patterns, imitation marble, natural stone or wood.

Drawing on the ceiling using a decorative plaster mixture

It is worth noting that the use structural plaster sometimes causes certain difficulties for unprepared people. If you are not confident in your abilities, it is recommended to use textured compositions. When using them, a relief on the ceiling is formed when the mixture dries without human intervention. Working with textured plaster is really simple:

  • apply the mixture with a spatula to the ceiling;
  • wait a couple of hours, watching how your ceiling is transformed;
  • paint the surface after it is completely dry in the desired color.

You get an exquisite ceiling!

Stylish people who want to radically transform their home can be advised to use self-made stencils. With their help, you can draw any image on the ceiling.

Making stencils and then using them is very simple. The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Draw a pattern or image on a sheet of plastic or thick paper.
  2. Cut out the drawing you made.
  3. Apply the cut out stencil to the ceiling surface and apply paint (use acrylic compounds).

Drawing on the ceiling through a stencil

Painting the ceiling is done using a regular sponge. Disadvantage of application homemade stencils– not always decent quality of the drawing made. But they can be used to decorate uneven ceilings. When decorating ceilings with stencils, it is important to choose the right theme for the design. Professional designers It is recommended to decorate ceiling surfaces in children's rooms with images of toys and cartoon characters, in the bathroom - sea waves or fountains, in the living room and hall - animals or trees.

However, the choice of design depends solely on your preferences and ideas about beauty. Imagine!

Independent decoration of children's rooms and bedrooms is often done with appliqués. They make the little ones’ personal space fabulous and unusual. Vinyl stickers are usually used as applications. Such decorative elements will make the ceiling look original, and will additionally mask any stains or small gaps on the ceiling.

Vinyl stickers

Applications are easy to make yourself. For example, from foam plastic, plasterboard or paper with high density. But in this case they will have to be put on glue once and for all. But vinyl stickers can be removed at any time and other pictures can be placed in their place. These stickers are good for decorating suspended ceilings. But we'll talk about this later. You can also simply decorate the ceiling using photo wallpaper. At the moment this is perhaps the most popular decoration option. ceilings. Manufacturers produce photo wallpapers on different themes and subjects. It will be easy for you to choose the perfect pattern for any room in your home.

The most popular photo pictures for ceilings are products that depict space, cloudy or starry skies, vegetation (crowns and branches of trees), sunset or dawn. In children's rooms, photo wallpapers with fairy-tale characters, and in the bedrooms of young people - products with 3D graphics or abstractions.

If you don’t want to use photo wallpaper because of its high price or because it doesn’t fit with the design of the room, try decorating the ceiling surface with painting. As a rule, it is performed in the center of the ceiling, as well as in the corners of the room.

Decoration of the ceiling surface with painting

The easiest way to paint is using stencils, which we have already talked about. But you can do it differently. Let's say you want to paint clouds on your ceiling to give the room a special lightness and airiness. Do it like this:

  1. Use a paint brush or spray gun to treat the ceiling blue tint. It should be applied as evenly as possible.
  2. Wait for the ceiling to dry (it must be completely dry).
  3. Paint the surface again.
  4. Again, wait for it to dry, and then draw clouds on a blue background. For these purposes, use a sponge rather than a brush. Dip it in white water-based emulsion and draw clouds using gentle, pointing movements.

In a similar way, you can paint the ceiling on other topics. Anyone can do this kind of work. Even those who consider themselves very far from creativity.

Constructions tension type It is best to decorate with stickers - phosphor, vinyl or photo stickers. Decorative elements made of vinyl is used when:

  • needs to be transformed for a short time (for example, to celebrate some important date for you);
  • it is necessary to “hide” small flaws that spoil appearance surfaces;
  • I want to quickly and inexpensively refresh my interior.

Photo stickers for stretch ceilings

If you want something completely unusual, try phosphor stickers. They will glow softly in the darkness and add special charm and romance to the atmosphere of the room. The most popular are phosphor stickers that imitate the starry sky. But you can choose other options for decorating the room - exquisite monograms and curls, bright flowers. Photo stickers are also in demand. They are made from polyvinyl chloride film, onto which one or another image is applied. Such stickers are easily fixed on suspended ceiling. If necessary, they can be removed by heating the area where they are located with a hair dryer.

As you can see, decorating the ceiling yourself is quite simple. But be sure to think through all the subtleties of the room decor work. The decorations used should fit the overall style of the room, without entering into dissonance with the existing interior. The only way new decor will surprise your guests for a long time and delight all family members with its beauty and originality.

Creating an original ceiling decor in an apartment with your own hands is the dream of many. Since there are many ways to decorate your home, the main difficulty for creative personalities With with skillful hands can only consist of a choice suitable option finishing.

We will present several of them in this article, and you can choose the most suitable one based on your own preferences.

Methods of finishing and decorating ceilings

Decorative plaster

One of the most common types of finishing is ceiling decoration using plaster. There are two types of decorative plaster:

Structural plaster.

Has the following features:

  • After application ready mixture A relief is created on the surface on a smooth white layer. For this, special tools are used: rollers, spatulas, various combs.
  • At the end of the work, the resulting ceiling decor can be painted in the desired color.
  • The job requires a certain skill.

Textured plaster.

Its features:

  • A different set of fractions in the initial mixture guarantees the formation of various reliefs.
  • The pattern on the surface is formed during the application process without the use of additional tools.
  • You can paint it after it has completely dried.
  • Not required great experience work to create a unique decor that creates.

Advice! Use water-based plaster and dispersion paints to get a more environmentally friendly ceiling.

Stucco and imitation stucco on the ceiling

Decorating a room in antique or gothic styles allows you to create decor for ceilings using different types of stucco. Modern material moldings - polyurethane.

It has a number of advantages compared to classic plaster:

  • ease;
  • ease of installation;
  • moisture resistance;
  • flexibility;
  • constancy of white color over time.

You should choose decor for the ceiling based on the requirements of the design project.

Its elements can be:

  • Moldings. The main application is closing joints between walls and ceilings. The variety of designs and widths of moldings have made them the most popular elements of stucco decoration.

  • Sockets. To decorate the places where they are attached, so-called sockets are used. various shapes and magnitude.
  • Cornices.
  • Curbs.
  • Separate fragments of ornaments.

In many ways, the popularity of polyurethane jewelry is determined by the time-consuming ease of attaching them with liquid nails or special glue.

The stucco molding on the ceiling can be created with your own hands.

To do this you will need:

  • dilute alabaster with water, adding a little PVA glue;
  • pour the mixture into the prepared form;
  • compact well and leave to dry;
  • sand the finished molding and attach it in place.

Multi-tiered ceilings

You can decorate the ceiling beautifully and originally with a stepped design. To do this, along the contour marked on the ceiling using metal profiles a frame is created, then executed. Putty and painted suspended ceiling with properly selected built-in lamps it will look great. If you complement such ceiling decor with a fabric that matches the color and texture, you can get a completely exclusive interior that meets the most demanding taste of any esthete.

Original decoration

In addition to traditional types of ceiling decoration, you can also consider less common, but also quite interesting ways:

  • Using photo wallpaper. Instead of the once popular ceiling decor, wallpaper for covering walls is increasingly being used. Modern technologies allow you to create them of any size and with any design, be it a beautiful abstract picture, an ornament, or a photograph taken with your own hands.
  • Artistic painting. This type of decor allows anyone to fully demonstrate their artistic talent. Even if you don’t know how to draw very well, then anyone can use various stencils to decorate the ceiling. The selected stencil is attached to the ceiling using construction tape and painted with ordinary paints.
  • Application. You can also use small and cute vinyl self-adhesive stickers (stickers), which can be successfully re-glued from one place to another. This does not deteriorate their quality, and no traces remain on the surface. Such original ceiling decoration can change many times: as needed or depending on the mood.

Advice! Use vinyl stickers to mask small cracks and stains that have appeared on a ceiling that does not yet require “global” repairs.

The variety of ways to decorate the ceiling allows any creative person to realize their talents, be it just creating a project or directly executing it. Original decor DIY ceiling will be the key to making your apartment look fashionable and unique in the literal sense of the word.

Most often, when renovating, people think about wall decor and floor design, but it doesn’t always come down to ceiling design. However, this part of the interior can also serve as an accent, work to expand the space and become stylish addition general composition.

Black ceiling

Traditionally, the ceiling is simply whitewashed or painted White color. And some designers recommend paying attention to black color. Of course, such a ceiling looks unusual. It draws attention to itself and plays the role of the main violin, especially if the entire interior is made in light shades. And what is the most important advantage of such a ceiling: it erases the boundaries of space, and its real height is visually difficult to determine. This option would be most appropriate in an Art Deco interior, as well as in eclecticism with a classical slant.

Wooden ceiling

A wooden ceiling always looks solid and gives the interior an elite look. A room with such a ceiling is filled with special comfort. Despite the fact that wood is appropriate in private homes and country houses, modern architects and designers are increasingly using it in ordinary apartments.


Moldings are most often found in classic interiors. IN english style they are an integral part of the design concept. They look quite bold and unusual in modern interiors. In addition to their aesthetic function, they create the illusion of volume, which is a boon for interiors with low ceilings.

Stucco molding

Stucco ceilings have been decorated since time immemorial. It belongs to an elite type of finishing and adds a special charm to the interior in a classic style. IN modern interior this option will also be appropriate and will create a stylish contrasting effect, a kind of clash of eras and styles.

Wallpaper on the ceiling

Modern designers are very fond of decorating ceilings with wallpaper. This allows you to add a certain zest to the space, making the interior bright and extraordinary. In addition, with the help of wallpaper on the ceiling you can easily adjust the space, zone it or highlight a certain part of the room.

Classic interior is able to sparkle with new colors if ceiling moldings combine with beautiful wallpaper. It’s good if they match the color or motif of the pattern with the upholstery, textiles or carpet.
