Fungicides for indoor plants: types and names. Systemic fungicides: application, their role in growing plants Biological insecticides and fungicides

Fungicides in crop production are chemical or biological substances that completely or partially suppress pathogens of fungal and other plant diseases. Translated from Latin, “fungicides” means “killing mushroom” (fungus - mushroom and caedo - I kill).

Depending on the chemical structure fungicides are divided into inorganic (for example, colloidal sulfur, copper sulfate, copper oxychloride), organic (for example, carbamic acid derivatives, quinones, benzimidazole-based drugs)

Depending on the nature of the effect, fungicides are divided into
true fungicides - act directly on the fungal cell;
pseudofungicides (immunizers) - act on the pathogen only when ingested at the molecular, intracellular, subcellular level, disrupting its vital functions and leading to death;
microbial antagonists - are strains of a pathogen that increases the plant’s immunity and resistance to pathogens of fungal infections.

Fungicides are used
for prevention (preventive or protective fungicides)
for the treatment of fungal infections in plants (medicinal or eradicating fungicides)
for plant immunization.

Fungicides can serve
for seed treatment (these are seed protectants, they act on pathogens that are transmitted with seeds or exist in the soil, help reduce the number of treatments of vegetative plants)
for treating greenhouse soil (acts on pathogens of plant diseases that are in the soil, for example in a greenhouse)
for processing perennial plants during the dormant period (destroy pests during the dormant period: in early spring, late autumn, winter)
for treating plants during the growing season (used in summer, usually as a preventative measure)
for processing storage facilities (to protect agricultural products during storage)

Fungicides, according to the nature of their distribution in plants, can be of contact or systemic action.

Contact (or topical or topical) fungicides are on the surface of the plant and cause the death of the infectious agent upon contact with it. As a rule, the duration of action of contact fungicides is limited, since they are washed off by rain and watering, and depend on wind and other manifestations external environment, may simply have a low ability to stay on the plant. Contact fungicides often have a preventive effect. Used since the end of the 19th century.

Systemic fungicides penetrate into all plant tissues and do not depend on weather conditions. Their effectiveness depends on the speed of penetration into plant tissue. Systemic fungicides act directly on the causative agent of a fungal infection or as a result of metabolism in the plant, which allows them to destroy pathogens located deep in plant tissues. Used since the second half of the 20th century.

Biological fungicidesmodern drugs, are safe for humans and the environment, do not accumulate in plants and fruits, as they have a non-chemical effect on pathogens and infections, have high efficiency. Biological fungicides consist of bacteria that cause the death of certain types of pathogenic fungi.

Depending on the amount of active ingredients, fungicides can be simple, combined, or requiring joint use with other drugs or fertilizers.

Methods of using fungicides:
spraying plants and soil
pollination of plants and soil
seed dressing
fumigation of seeds and storage facilities (destruction of pests and plant pathogens with toxic vapors and gases)

Rules for using fungicides:
Strict adherence to doses and alternation of drugs used, since over time the pathogen develops resistance to the active substance of the drug.
Strict adherence to doses and processing times so as not to cause plant burns, accumulation harmful to humans substances in fruits, death of warm-blooded animals and environmental pollution.
Carrying out processing in protective equipment (gown, goggles, gloves, respirators, special shoes, etc.)

When choosing a fungicide, pay attention to its active ingredient, designated “DV”! Drugs with different names may have the same active ingredient, which will not allow you to properly carry out treatment or prevention (that is, alternate DV).

Some fungicides approved for personal plots

Abiga Peak, HOM- DV Copper oxychloride is a contact fungicide intended to combat fungal and bacterial diseases of many vegetable, fruit and flower crops.
Alirin-B- DV Bacillus subtilis strain B-10 VIZR - biological bacterial fungicide with curing, immunizing, protective action. From root rot, wilt, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, late blight, scab, gray rot on potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, currants, strawberries, indoor and garden plants and seedlings.
Albite- DV Poly-beta-hydroxybutyric acid is a complex effective biological product, a universal plant growth regulator with the properties of a fungicide and complex fertilizer.
Baktofit– a biological preparation for the fight against fungal and bacterial diseases of grains, vegetables, fruits and berries, flowers and medicinal plants.
Bordeaux liquid- DV Copper tribasic sulfate is a time-tested fungicide against scab, moniliosis, coccomycosis, fruit rot and various spots of fruit and berry crops. Does not cause burns.
Bordeaux mixture- DV Copper sulfate + Calcium hydroxide - contact fungicide for protection against a complex of diseases (late blight, coccomycosis, rust, scab, curl, etc.)
Gamair– DV Bacillus subtilis strain M-22 VIZR is a biological fungicide for suppressing pathogens of root rot, wilt, powdery mildew, downy mildew, rust, late blight, Alternaria blight, scab, moniliosis, gray rot, bacterial canker of tomato, etc.
Glyocladin- DV Trichoderma harzianum strain 18 VIZR - fungal fungicide. It forms a developed mycelium in the soil and successfully competes with pathogenic fungi. Protects and suppresses root rot, wilts of various etiologies, ascochyta blight, anthracnose, alternaria blight, gray rot in tomatoes, cucumbers, flower seedlings and indoor flowers.
Healthy soil- DV Carboxin, Thiram (TMTD) - a new preparation for soil disinfection for flower (except indoor) plants.
Healthy Lawn- DV Carboxin, Thiram (TMTD) - suppresses rot and mold of lawn grasses
Sulfur smoke bomb (FAS, Climate)- DV Sulfur - destroys pathogens, infections, mold, fungi, insects in basements, vegetable stores, greenhouses, greenhouses, greenhouses.
Kuprolux- DV Cymoxanil, Copper oxychloride - against late blight, downy mildew in potatoes, onions, cucumbers and tomatoes open ground.
Kurzat R- DV Cymoxanil, Copper oxychloride - against diseases of potatoes, vegetables and grapes.
Maksim- DV Fludioxonil is one of the most effective drugs for protection against fusarium, fomoz, rhizoctonia and other soil-transmitted diseases. For pre-sowing treatment of seed potato tubers, grain seeds and other crops.
Ordan- DV Cymoxanil, Copper oxychloride - a combined fungicidal preparation to protect potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, onions and grapes from a complex of diseases.
Planriz- a biological preparation against vascular mucous bacteriosis, late blight, fusarium wilt, rhizoctonia root rot, pythium root rot, gray rot, monilosis, mildew, oidium in cabbage, potatoes, protected soil cucumbers, strawberries, apple trees, grapes.
Forecast– DV Propiconazole is a broad-spectrum systemic fungicide for the protection of strawberries, black currants, gooseberries, raspberries from powdery mildew, gray rot, rust, anthracnose, septoria leaf blight, purple spot, anthracnose, septoria leaf blight.
Profit Gold– DV Famoxadone, Cymoxanil - a modern systemic fungicide for the protection and treatment of tomatoes and potatoes from late blight, onions from Alternaria, and grapes from mildew.
Rayok– DV Difenoconazole is a systemic fungicide to protect apple trees, pears, beets, potatoes and tomatoes from scab, powdery mildew, and Alternaria blight.
Respect- DV Imidacloprid, Pencikuron - pre-sowing treatment of potato tubers against rhizoctonia, common scab.
Score- DV Difenoconazole is a curative fungicide with systemic action against scab, powdery mildew, Alternaria, coccomycosis, leaf curl, gray rot, spotting in fruit and flower crops, roses and ornamental shrubs.
Strobe- DV Kresoxim-methyl is a systemic drug against scab, powdery mildew, sooty fungus, fly bug, Alternaria blight on apple and pear trees.
Tano c - DV Famoxadone, Cymoxanil - a combined systemic drug against mildew, late blight, Alternaria, downy mildew in grapes, open ground tomatoes, potatoes, onions.
Tiovit Jet- DV sulfur - against powdery mildew, oidium and spider mite on apple, pear, gooseberry, black currant, grapes, roses.
Topaz- DV Penconazole is a systemic fungicide to protect currants and flower crops from powdery mildew and rust.
Fitolavin- DV Fitobacteriomycin is a biological fungicide against root mucous and vascular bacterioses, leaf bacterioses, blackleg for cucumbers and tomatoes in protected and open ground, apple trees.
Fitosporin- DV Bacillus subtilis strain 26 D - a biological preparation for a complex of fungal and bacterial diseases of potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, strawberries, apple trees, carrots, garden flowers and indoor crops, black currant, rose
Horus- DV Cyprodinil is a systemic fungicide against scab, moniliosis, powdery mildew, Alternaria pome blight, fruit rot, coccomycosis, etc. on apple, pear, peach, plum, cherry, sweet cherry.
Pureflower- DV Difenoconazole is a systemic fungicide against powdery mildew, gray rot, spotting in flower and ornamental crops.

The following also have a fungicidal effect:
Ash – powder potato tubers before planting, treat wounds, cuts on tubers and roots of flower plants.
Zelenka- cauterize wounds and other damage on tubers and bulbs of flower crops.
Soda ash (linen)- 0.3-0.5% solution with added soap (30 g per 10 l) is used to combat powdery mildew.
Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)- 0.1-0.15% solution is used against blackleg, fusarium, bacteriosis in seedlings and vegetable and flower crops, for pre-planting treatment of seeds, bulbs, corms, rhizomes of garden plants for 2 hours, for disinfection of equipment and tools.

The oldest fungicides: wine, cow urine, vinegar, salt solution.

Fungicide plants
: cypress, marigold , calendula , garlic , horsetail, wormwood, etc.

Plant fungicides are preparations that are often used to treat the soil to cure various fungal diseases of flowers or other crops. They are also used for prevention.

The word "fungicide" is translated from Latin as "one that kills fungus." Such drugs suppress the development of fungi. The latter are considered the causative agents of various diseases, including powdery mildew, which affects green spaces.

Main types

There are several classifications for fungicidal drugs. Depending on their chemical properties, the following are distinguished:

  1. 1. Inorganic. Usually contain copper, sulfur, manganese, mercury and other substances. They cannot be combined with many drugs from other groups.
  2. 2. Organic. Gradually decompose. Heavy metals are not included. This is their main advantage. It is very easy to prepare the solution - you just need to dissolve the product in a small amount of water. Such preparations can be combined with various pesticides. They are not very stable, so they will persist in the soil from several days to several weeks, after which they are destroyed.

There is another classification of fungicides - according to their effect on pathogens of fungal diseases:

  1. 1. Preventive. Also called protective. They are used to prevent the development of fungal diseases.
  2. 2. Medicinal. Also known as eradicating. They destroy the fungus that infects the plants.

Depending on the purpose of use, fungicides are divided into those that serve for:

  • tillage;
  • seed dressing;
  • treating plants during the dormant period;
  • processing crops during the growing season;
  • spraying rooms where vegetables and grain are located.

Another group is more convenient - universal fungicides. Such compositions are used for various purposes; they are suitable for both indoor plants, and for various garden crops, trees and other things.

Depending on how the components are distributed in plant tissues, fungicides are distinguished:

  1. 1. Contact. They are also called local. The substances remain on the surface of the plant and provoke the death of fungal cultures upon contact with them. The effectiveness of the treatment depends on several factors: duration of exposure, amount of solution used, chemical resistance, weather, etc.
  2. 2. Systemic. They spread inside vascular system plants and suppress pathogens. The effectiveness of the drugs depends on the rate of penetration of substances into tissues and their distribution throughout parts of the plant. Weather have virtually no effect.

Some contact preparations also have a deep effect: they will penetrate into the inner layers of the seeds.

There is another classification of drugs:

  1. 1. Chemical. Their main active components are chemical compounds.
  2. 2. Biological. The main active ingredients are beneficial bacteria, which provoke the death of fungal cultures. Their advantage is that they have a low toxicity rate. Thanks to this, they are becoming increasingly popular.

How to use

Preparations that have a fungicidal effect are used in different ways:

  1. 1. Etching. Before sowing, seeds and tubers need to be processed. It can be either a liquid solution or a dry powder.
  2. 2. Spraying or dusting. Ground parts of plants are treated with a spray bottle. It is better to carry out the procedure several times per season - in spring and autumn. Storage areas and greenhouses are also treated in this way.
  3. 3. Application into the soil. For protection, fungicides are applied to the soil in powder form during digging. They can be dissolved in water and watered on the ground. Thanks to this, all fungi will be destroyed.

It is important to dilute the product correctly. It is imperative to follow the instructions in the instructions that are available for each product and always observe the proportions.

It is necessary to prepare the container. This could be a bucket or tank. Part of the liquid is supposed to be heated. Then pour or pour the substance into water and mix thoroughly. Then add the remaining water and mix again. Always use only fresh product to combat fungi. After a few hours, the activity of the solution decreases, especially if the fungicide belongs to the biological group.

To prevent fungicides from causing harm to humans, a number of rules must be followed:

  1. 1. Wear old clothes that completely cover the body.
  2. 2. Put a respirator or mask on your face.
  3. 3. Wear special protective glasses over your eyes.
  4. 4. After processing the plant, be sure to wash your hands with soap (it is better to use laundry soap).
  5. 5. Clothes that were worn during processing of plants are not recommended to be worn in the future. It should be washed, ironed and stored in a separate place until the next procedure.

All these measures will prevent poisoning of the body.

Popular drugs

The list of fungicide preparations is very large:

  1. 1. Bordeaux mixture. It is considered effective, cheap and accessible. It eliminates plantings not only from fungal, but also from bacterial diseases. To prepare the product, you need to quench 300 g of lime with water and then add another 3 liters of hot water.
  2. 2. Baktofit. It is used for decorative, fruit and berry and other crops. Baktofit is used in cases where treatment cannot be carried out chemicals. It is better to carry out the procedure in cloudy weather. Repeat it after 5 days. Before planting, seeds and cuttings should also be treated with this composition.
  3. 3. Strobe. It is suitable for both coniferous and deciduous crops. It is a broad-spectrum fungicide. The active component is xerozyme-methyl. The drug is sold in the form of water-dispersible granules. The cost of a 200 g bottle is about 3,000 rubles.
  4. 4. Topaz. Suitable for domestic and other crops. Is systemic protective agent. Sold as a highly concentrated emulsion. The active ingredient is penconazole. The product should be reapplied only two weeks after the first treatment. It is allowed to combine with other contact-type fungicides. The cost of 10 ml of the substance is 150 rubles.
  5. 5. Horus. It can be used for spraying tomatoes and other crops. The active ingredient is cyprodinil. The advantage is that the drug is resistant to washing off, so that even in damp weather it remains on the surface of the plant. IN last time treatment is recommended 2-4 weeks before harvesting. It is allowed to combine Horus with the means Speed ​​and Topaz. The cost is 9000-12000 rubles.
  6. 6. Quadris. The product is low toxic. It belongs to a new generation of fungicides, so it fights various types of fungi on all types of plants. It has both medicinal and preventive properties. The effect is long-lasting – approximately two weeks after treatment. Contains azoxystrobin. The cost of the drug is 3000-4000 rubles per liter.
  7. 7. Falcon. Also suitable for processing roses, grain crops, grapes, beets and other plants. The active ingredients are spiroxamine, triadimenol and tebuconazole. Thanks to this, the action is combined. Even if the fungus has developed resistance to one of the components, the effect of the others is not canceled. It will take 1-4 treatments. The solution costs about 2000 rubles per 1 liter.
  8. 8. Speed It has a wide spectrum of action. The main active ingredient is difenoconazole. A special feature is its compatibility with pesticides. It is used not only for processing the plant, but also for soaking the seeds. The effect is noticeable within a few hours after the procedure. It costs about 9,500 rubles per liter.

Other fungicidal preparations

One of the popular fungicides is Maxim. It has a contact action. Used only against fungi of the ascomycetes category. The active substance is fludioxonil. Belongs to a new class - phenylpyroles. The properties resemble those of natural antifungal agents. The cost of the drug is 1,700 rubles per liter.

Thanos is a suitable fungicide if you need to treat potatoes. The active component is cymoxanil, which has a local-systemic effect. The composition contains famoxadone with contact action. The drug can be purchased in the form of water-dispersible granules. The cost is 2,500 rubles per 400 g. No more than 4 procedures per season are allowed.

Trichodermin is a biological fungicidal preparation. Suitable for treating the root system. The product is popularly called a soil improver. You can still keep the seeds in the solution. The composition includes soil fungal spores, which, when penetrating into the soil, destroy more than 60 varieties of pathogens that can cause root rot. The product is sold in powder form, 10 g per package. Store the drug at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. Not toxic.

Trichophyte is also a biological fungicide that is used to combat root and gray rot. Sold as a suspension. It is necessary to dissolve 25 g of the product in 1 liter of water. The liquid should not be hot. Suitable for watering and spraying. It is a slightly toxic substance.

You can use a combination product such as Switch. Contains two main components - fludioxonil and cyprodinide. It has both systemic and contact effects. It is a protective pesticide and at the same time a curative fungicide. Sold in granule form.

The following drugs are also popular:

  1. 1. Convertible. Sold in granule form. Has a contact effect. The main components are pyraclostrobin and metiram.
  2. 2. Agate. It is a biological fungicide. Not only protects against diseases, but also increases productivity. The composition includes bacteria and biological active substances of plant origin. Sold in paste form.
  3. 3. Abiga-pik. Contact type fungicide. Contains copper oxychloride.
  4. 4. Alirin. It is considered a biological drug. For 10 liters of water you will need only a few tablets. The solution is suitable for watering. If you need to spray plants, it is better to dissolve the same amount of the drug in 1 liter of water.


Fungicidal agents are actively used to eliminate fungal diseases. Their effect varies. Some are suitable only for prevention, while others are suitable for treating plants.

There are many groups of drugs according to various criteria. The range of fungicides is very wide, so you can always choose suitable option. Solutions and powders are used to treat both the soil and all parts of plants (including cuttings and seeds).

Problems with insects and fungi don't just happen in the garden bed. Greenhouse conditions windowsills and balconies love mold, especially when we carefully care for the plants - regular watering, fertilizing the soil, indirect Sun rays. Such conditions are liked by both insects and fungi. Sometimes you have to think seriously about pesticides and fungicides.

In conditions home grown We are forced to approach the choice of potent products very carefully - there are plants in the same room with us, how to calculate the minimum dosage, is it possible to eat processed herbs without danger... But for small “production volumes” of a home garden there is a good and proven alternative to synthesized concentrates - natural pesticides and fungicides that you can prepare yourself from familiar plants and minerals.

I tried to publish recipes with the greatest positive response, since personal experience I have little use - alcohol has always saved me, about which there are also a few words below.

Milk and salt for powdery mildew

  • A glass of milk
  • Glass of water
  • A level teaspoon of salt.

The salt dehydrates the fungus, and the milk allows the salt to stick to the leaves. It is advisable to cover the soil so as not to salt it during the treatment process. Treat once every 2-3 days.

Rapeseed oil and soap against soft-bodied insects

Mix a tablespoon of rapeseed oil with a few drops liquid soap and a liter of water. It really kills insects. Natural, effective pesticides are made from rapeseed, as from soybeans.

Natural essential oils

Citrus essential oils provide excellent protection against pests. Particularly effective: lemon, orange, bergamot, lemongrass. Conifers work worse.

Dissolve a few drops of oil and soap in 0.5 liters of water and irrigate the plants for prevention.

Himalayan pink salt

Himalayan salt is a natural, inorganic pesticide. It contains 83 chemical elements, some of which destroy the shells of soft-bodied pests and prevent the growth of fungal and mold spores. This salt works better than rock and sea salt (so they say, but I am reserved about such statements. Still, the main working substance in in this case it is banal sodium that appears, and not the homeopathic amount of molybdenum, gold and something else in Himalayan salt). 1 tbsp per liter of water. You can irrigate plants as a preventive measure, but covering the soil can salt the soil.

Hot pepper+garlic+onion

These natural pesticides are different combinations most often found in recipes. Here's the basic recipe:

  • 2 teaspoons chili powder (hot pepper, cayenne)
  • Half an onion
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1 liter of water

Place the onion and garlic in a blender with a little water and grind to a paste. Mix the paste with a liter warm water and pepper, put in a warm place to infuse for a day. We filter and irrigate the infected plant with infusion every 2-3 days. The tincture should be stored in the refrigerator and will be good for several weeks.

Natural laundry soap

Probably everyone knows about the effectiveness of soap against literally everything. Apparently, the lye in soap is a good pesticide and fungicide, and the soap base helps the active substances stick to the plant.

Grate 10 grams of soap and dissolve in a liter of warm water. There are recipes with the addition of 2 tsp baking soda. But not only laundry soap appears in recipes for natural pesticides.

Liquid soap

Variations with liquid soap are becoming more common, and I think that due to the huge number of organic and inorganic salts, liquid soap is effective in fighting insects and molds in its own way.

Dissolve a teaspoon of liquid soap in a liter of warm water, treat the plant with a spray bottle once every 2-3 days. You can also add soda to this solution. There are recipes for a solution of liquid soap with rapeseed oil: 1 tablespoon of oil, 1 teaspoon of soap and a liter of water. It was this mixture that saved Benjamin’s ficus, which was sick with something unknown and was shedding its leaves. after treatment it was all overgrown.

Tobacco leaves

This is actually a good pesticide, but with one significant drawback - the tobacco mosaic virus very often lives in tobacco, which I wrote about in the article. And it is not at all suitable for processing nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplants...). Infuse 0.5 cups of tobacco leaves in a liter of warm water for 24 hours, strain and add a teaspoon of liquid soap (there are variations with milk - a glass of milk, 2 cups of water). Spray once every 2-3 days until the problem disappears.

Chrysanthemum flowers

Chrysanthemum contains a powerful paralyzing pesticide that copes with most garden pests. Pour 0.5 cups of dried or 1.5 cups of fresh flowers with a liter of boiling water and simmer the chrysanthemum over low heat for 20 minutes. I don’t like to cook herbs, I steam them in a thermos, but the original recipe still calls for cooking. Let the broth cool and strain. Irrigate the sick plant.

Update 07/11/2017 I recently watched a lecture on chemistry, which mentioned natural plant pesticides. The substance in chrysanthemum is a very powerful thing; when produced as a concentrate and used in so-called “biofarming,” it harms the health of people who work with it.

Rhubarb leaves

Rhubarb works thanks to organic acids. Pour a glass of finely chopped rhubarb with hot (not boiling water!) water and let it brew for a day in a warm place. Strain and add a spoonful of soap. Irrigate until the disease or pest disappears. Also suitable for prevention.


I myself use alcohol when the heating is low in early spring and it becomes damp. It is precisely at this time that the protective properties of the plant itself are weakening, since it is time to replant and change the soil, and all sorts of scale insects and fungus are right there on the surface of the soil. I wipe the leaves of the plant with a cotton pad soaked in pharmaceutical alcohol, without diluting it. You can spray with alcohol, including window sills and window frames. This excellent remedy literally from everything except viruses. I sprayed thyme with alcohol when I got spider mites - it works.


This is a pesticide-insecticide that works great for both treatment and prevention.

  • 5 cloves garlic, peeled
  • 0.5 cups dried mint leaves (or a cup of fresh, stems are also good here)
  • 1 tsp hot pepper
  • 1 tsp dishwashing liquid or liquid soap
  • 1 liter of water.

Place everything in a food processor except the water and soap and grind into a paste. Mix the paste with water and bring to a boil, leave to cool for 12 hours. I would pour boiling water over the pasta without cooking it. Strain, add soap and irrigate the plants.


Chamomile works well against fungal infections of plants and soil. Place 1 cup of dried chamomile flowers in a thermos and pour a liter of boiling water. A thermos is a good alternative to boiling in a water bath, and if you have the opportunity to steam your herbs in a thermos, it is better not to boil your herbs with gas. Let it brew overnight, strain. This infusion can be used to irrigate and water plants. If mold appears on the soil, we must first dry it and then add additional moisture.


A separate article needs to be written about acetylsalicylic acid, but for now here is the recipe: 2 aspirin tablets (those 300 mg) per liter of water - irrigate and water. This is one of the best means against powdery mildew, gray rot, black leg. I haven’t tried it myself yet and don’t understand the mechanism of how acetylsalicylic acid works as a pesticide and fungicide, but I’m already collecting material. Reviews for aspirin are good.

Lemon juice

Cut the peel from 5 lemons, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and leave to steep for a day. Squeeze the juice from lemons and add a glass of water, and sprinkle the fresh juice onto plants infested with aphids or other soft-bodied insects. It is not advisable for lemon juice to get into the soil. Water the soil around infected plants with lemon peel infusion; repeat once a month for prevention.

Why crusts: lemon juice will acidify the soil, and not all plants like this. The zest contains an active essential oil that aphids cannot tolerate. This applies, in principle, to most citrus essential oils.

Soda + oil

good natural remedy from fungi. Mix 1 tbsp soda with 1 tbsp vegetable oil, stir in a glass of warm water. Next, pour the mixture into 1.5 liters of water. Spray every other day until the fungus goes away. There is one drawback - soda contaminates the soil, so you need to use the product without fanaticism, and pay attention to the recipe with milk.

  1. Before treating the plant, try the product on a separate leaf or twig to make sure there is no side effects. Sometimes you may not calculate the concentration; sometimes a particular plant may not be suitable for one or another ingredient.
  2. Apply mixtures to inner side leaves and stems, treat the soil if the product will not acidify or salt the soil.
  3. On processing days, remove pots from direct sunlight.
  4. Don’t forget that any sprayed substances, even if they are 100 times natural, have active ingredients that, if inhaled by a person, can cause serious discomfort (especially with hot peppers and essential oils) so use protection!

The authors of most of the recipes I collected note that ladybugs and bees do not suffer from natural pesticides, since the concentration of active substances is significantly lower. This is very important, since by unwittingly exterminating these insects, we can leave our fields without pollination and natural protection from soft-bodied pests...

Addition 07/11/2017 Modern means of protection cultivated plants are strictly controlled for toxicity, biodegradability and effects on pollinating insects.

All chemicals Plant protection products are called pesticides. This group includes drugs with various effects:

  • Insecticides are preparations for controlling pests of indoor plants. Insecticides are not effective against diseases.
  • Acaricides are means of combating herbivorous mites.
  • Fungicides are means of combating fungal diseases and fungi.
  • Bactericides are means of combating bacterial diseases.
  • Nematicides are means of combating nematodes.

Application of fungicides

Agat-25K is a biological preparation for protecting plants from diseases and increasing productivity. Increases seed germination, enhances the development of the root system. Designed for garden crops, but is successfully used for indoor plants as a prophylactic and light fertilizer. Active substance- inactivated bacteria Pseudomonas aureofaciens, biologically active substances of plant and microbial origin, macro- and microelements. Available in the form of a flowing paste in 10g bottles. 1 measuring spoon of the drug is diluted in 3 liters of water until completely dissolved, then the plants are sprayed three to four times with an interval of 20 days.

Alirin-B is a biological preparation against diseases of indoor and garden plants. Contains Bacillus subtilis bacteria. Effective against powdery mildew, downy mildew, gray and white rot, late blight, anthracnose, septoria, alternaria, cladosporiosis, root and stem rot, rust fungi. Consumption rate of the drug: 2 tablets per 10 liters of water when watering plants, and 2 tablets per 1 liter of water when spraying. Repeated treatment after 5-7 days, up to 3 treatments in total.

Baktofit is a biological preparation for protecting plants from diseases, helps protect plants from powdery mildew: especially carnations, roses, delphinium, fruit and berry bushes- gooseberries and currants, when it is not possible to use chemicals. The drug is especially effective in cool weather during periods of regular rainfall, but spraying and watering must be done a day before the rain, at least 6 hours before the rain, and repeated after 4-5 days. The drug can be used for pre-planting treatment of cuttings, seeds and storing tubers.

Bona Forte Bona Forte fungicide- against fungal diseases for all indoor plants. Effective against pathogens of powdery mildew, rust and other fungal diseases. Description of the drug

Bravo is a broad-spectrum contact fungicide with pronounced protective properties, effective when used prophylactically against many fungal diseases of potatoes, wheat, and vegetable crops. Active ingredient: chlorothalonil, 500 g/l. Highly effective against late blight and peronosporosis (downy mildew). Effective over a wide temperature range. The duration of the protective effect is 10-14 days. The drug is compatible in mixtures with most fungicides and insecticides and could be used for indoor plants, if not for the packaging - it is sold in 5 liter canisters. Consumption rate - 0.6 l/ha, apply 2-3 sprayings with an interval of up to 10 days. Hazard class II.

Vitaros is a preparation for treating bulbs and seeds against diseases (rot). Contains an aqueous suspension concentrate of 98g/l thiram and 198g/l carboxin. Sold in ampoules of 2 ml and bottles of 10, 50 and 100 ml. Effective against helminthosporiosis, fusarium, penicillosis, rhizoctonia and other diseases. The consumption rate of the drug is 2 ml per 1 liter of water. Soaking time for bulbs and seeds is 2 hours. Working fluid consumption is 1 liter per 1 kg of planting material.

Vectra is a fungicide. Contains bromuconazole. Used against powdery mildew, septoria, gray rot. Dilute 0.2 - 0.3 ml of the drug per 1 liter of water. The effect of the drug lasts for approximately two weeks.

Gamair is a biological preparation against diseases of indoor and garden plants. Contains Bacillus subtilis bacteria. Effective against bacterial leaf spots, late blight, powdery mildew, downy mildew, gray rot, white rot, clubroot, fusarium. Consumption of the drug is 1 tablet per 5 liters of water when watering, and 2 tablets per 1 liter of water when spraying. Treatments are repeated every 7 days, three times.

Quadris SK is a systemic fungicide from the group of strobilurins for the protection of vegetable crops in open and protected ground (tomatoes, cucumbers), as well as grapevine and major diseases, such as true and downy mildew, late blight, mildew oidium, anthracnose, alternaria, brown spot. Active ingredient: Azoxystrobin 250 g/l. The fungicide has a preventive and therapeutic effect. It can also be used on indoor plants, but with extreme caution - hazard class II! Available in 6 ml packaging (foil bag), 1 liter bottle. The duration of the protective effect is 12-14 days. The waiting period for results after treatment is 5 days. Consumption rate: for treatment, dilute a 6 ml packet in 5 liters of water (preventive treatment - 6 ml/10 liters of water), this amount is enough to treat 1 hundred square meters of green mass. To use on indoor plants, you can use a medical syringe - take 0.6 ml and dilute it in 0.5 liters of warm water for spraying.

Maxim is a systemic fungicide for protecting plants from diseases and disinfecting soil. Particularly effective against fusarium, gray mold, root rot, verticillium wilt, mold, etc. Available in ampoules of 2 ml. To prepare a working solution, 1 ampoule (2 ml) is diluted with 1-2 liters of water. Apply 50-100 ml of prepared solution to the plant. Water the soil evenly or spray it. This drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III). Not phytotoxic. The working solution loses its properties after 24 hours.

Copper sulfate is a fungicide and antiseptic for home use, gardening, and vegetable gardens. Used to treat fungal and bacterial infections on indoor and garden plants in various concentrations - see.

Mikosan is a biological product against diseases of indoor and garden plants. The action is based on increasing plant resistance to fungal pathogens. More precisely, stimulating the production of lectins in plant tissues - these are substances that disrupt the growth of fungi and bacteria. That. the drug does not kill the causative agent of diseases, but allows the plant itself to fight them more effectively. The drug should be used in the initial stage, when several suspicious spots appear on the leaves, but if the plant is severely affected, wilting and mass flying of leaves have begun, mikosan will not help. The consumption rate of the drug is 100 ml per 2 liters of water.

Oxychom - contains copper oxychloride and oxadixil. Contact-systemic fungicide for the prevention and control of diseases of garden and indoor plant crops. Effective against late blight, macrosporiosis, bacterial black spot, septoria, powdery and downy mildew. The drug is not phytotoxic. Available in powder form in 4 g bags. Dilute 1 bag (4 g) per 2 liters of water. Plants are sprayed as necessary up to three times with an interval of 10-14 days. The drug is moderately dangerous for humans and animals (hazard class III).

Ordan - a drug against diseases fruit crops. Contains 689 g/kg copper oxychloride and 42 g/kg cymoxanil, in the form of a wetting powder. Available in 25g bags. Effective against late blight, alternaria, peronospora, powdery mildew. Spray twice with an interval of 7-14 days, at the rate of 25 g per 5 liters of water (for downy mildew at the rate of 25 g per 10 liters of water).

Trichodermin is a biological agent for protecting plants from fungal and bacterial diseases. Trichodermin consists of spores of the soil fungus Trichoderma lignorum (at least 2 billion spores per 1 g) and crushed grain substrate. Trichodermin is capable of suppressing more than 60 types of soil pathogens that cause diseases such as root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrosporiosis, fusarium, rhizoctonia, late blight, etc. Trichodermin improves soil fertility, stimulates root nutrition of plants, and increases seed germination. The drug is available in powder form in bags of 10 g. The drug trichodermin is used in the form of an aqueous solution. To soak the seeds, prepare a suspension of 10 g of trichodermin per 1 liter of water in which the seeds are kept. To water plants, trichodermin is diluted in the same amount as 10 g/l, watered at the root, but no more than with normal watering. For spraying, dilute 10 g per 5 liters of water. You can apply the drug as a preventive measure when replanting plants - on the tip of a knife to a pot approximately 25 cm in diameter. You can add thyrodermin to water to root cuttings, especially those prone to rotting, such as Saintpaulia. The prepared aqueous solution of trichodermin can be stored in the refrigerator at 5°C for no more than 1 month, but before use, allow the solution to warm to room temperature.

Hom is a drug for combating diseases of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops. The active substance is copper oxychloride. Effective against late blight, macrosporiosis, cercospora, pernospora, anthracoasis, bacteriosis, rust, bacterial spot, curl, downy mildew. Consumption rate - 40g per 10 liters of water. The number of repeated treatments is for indoor crops 2-3, for garden crops up to 5. Toxicity class III.

  • Indoor plant pest control products (insecticides)

Safety precautions when working with fungicides

Fungicides should not be used during treatment. food utensils, smoking, drinking and eating. The treatment is carried out in the absence of children or animals, and if there is an aquarium nearby, it is tightly closed and opened only when the treated plants are dry. In case of massive disease damage, you can treat all contacting surfaces (window glass, frames, window sills, tiles, etc.) if possible.

For those who suffer from allergies or skin eczema, treatment is best done with gloves and a gauze bandage. Do not forget to look at the hazard class of the drug used. After finishing work, hands, face and all equipment used should also be washed with soap and water. Fungicides should be stored in a dry place, out of reach of children and animals, and protected from fire.

If the fungicide accidentally enters the human body, drink several glasses of water, induce vomiting and immediately consult a doctor.

When growing garden and indoor plants, it is often necessary to use all kinds of fertilizers and growth stimulants. Caring gardeners buy fungicides for plants that can kill pathogenic microorganisms and prevent the development of fungal infections. If you provide the affected crop with proper care, it can be saved from death without much difficulty.

People who want to purchase effective remedy To combat various fungi, you need to familiarize yourself with what a biological fungicide is. Its varieties are divided into two large groups of drugs:

  1. Contact.
  2. System.

If we talk about the first category, then it includes products that do not penetrate the internal paths of green spaces, but only cover the outer shells where the reproductive and vegetative organs are located fungal microorganisms. Suppression of the pathogen occurs over a certain period of time and depends on the degree of damage and the effectiveness of the drug. The disease will be completely eliminated if treatment measures are carried out at least 3-5 times with an interval of 10-12 days.

Contact fungicides are characterized by their local nature. They do not serve a medicinal purpose, but only suppress pathogens that are located on the outer shells or directly in plant tissues. This treatment eliminates contact with aggressive chemical substances With internal organs, so this does not in any way affect the formation and ripening of the fruit.

The principle of action of systemic drugs is slightly different: when they come into contact with the treated crop, they completely cover it inner part, spreading through tissues and introducing a number of changes into the physiological and biochemical processes that are carried out naturally. Over time, the active substances enter the stage of decomposition in plant organs, resulting in the formation of metabolites. They are the ones suppress harmful fungus, preventing the development of a dangerous disease.

According to supporters of contact fertilizers, the products formed during the decomposition process pose a great danger to plants, so it is better to discard them. In addition, at least a month must pass before processing and harvesting.

Fungicides of chemical and biological origin

The names of chemical and biological fungicides for plants mean practically nothing to a novice gardener who has not previously had to deal with fungal diseases on the surface of his plantings. Since in retail outlets There are a wide variety of fungicides for indoor plants (the names are usually very complex and unclear), this only complicates the process of purchasing a suitable drug.

Most often, such funds are presented in the form of:

  1. Powder.
  2. Suspensions.
  3. Emulsions.

However, they can be divided into two large groups. According to the type of composition they are:

  1. Organic. They consist of active microorganisms that can suppress the activity of pathogenic fungi.
  2. Inorganic. They are represented by a wide variety of fertilizers with 4 classes of hazard for humans and animals.

Most experienced gardeners prefer organic biofungicides for plants, which are highly effective and practically harmless. Recently, the market has offered a wide variety of such drugs with contact action. Their manufacturing method differs from that used in the case of chemical type. The main component is active bacteria that have depressant effect on pathogens.

Science has proven that contact biofungicides cause almost no damage to humans, fish, bees or warm-blooded creatures, while they fight pathogenic organisms very well. If you want to buy such drugs, you need to pay attention to the following popular types:

  1. Gamair P.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Alirin-B.
  4. Albite.
  5. Fitosporin.
  6. Baktofit.

For efficient processing Chemical fungicides are also used in crops affected by fungal infection. They are in great demand due to the rapid suppression of fungus with short treatment in minimal doses. However, you shouldn’t run to the nearest gardening store and buy all available chemicals, because this may not lead to the most pleasant consequences. Instead, you should pay attention to time-tested and experience-tested preparations that reliably protect various garden plants and cause virtually no harm to them:

  1. Consento, KS.
  2. Bordeaux liquid.
  3. Copper sulfate.
  4. Tsineb.
  5. Tiram.
  6. Potassium permanganate.
  7. Soda ash mixed with green soap for good adhesion.

Important instructions for use

It is prohibited to start treating plants with contact chemicals after the appearance of flowering buds or before harvesting. In its turn, biological agents suitable for the entire growing season, and some of them are used even at the stage of fruit ripening.

Before you begin processing activities, you need to take a responsible approach to your own safety. For such purposes it is used:

  1. Reliably protected workwear.
  2. Rubber gloves and goggles.
  3. Headdress.

After completing the work, the overalls should be washed, and your hands and face should be washed several times with soap and water.

A diluted solution is used for processing, although some drugs are served fresh. As a rule, instructions for use are included in the box with the purchased composition, so you just have to strictly follow the advice and withstand optimal rate consumption

When setting up the sprayer, select the fine spray mode so that the emerging cloud of solution covers the crop at the bottom and top. When processing the green mass of plants that will be eaten (cabbage, sorrel, etc.), it is better to completely abandon chemical compounds. It is also recommended to start processing before flowering and fruit set.

It is prohibited to clean containers used for diluting the solution in a pond. To do this, they must be placed in a specially designated place for disposal. At the same time, there should be limited access to the environment where fungicides and other chemical fertilizers are stored. The drugs themselves are pre-placed in securely closed packaging.

Following safety rules will help you avoid many troubles. Otherwise, you can not only harm the culture, but also your health and the environment.

In addition to preparations for treating the external parts of plants, there are also various fungicides for the soil. With their help, you can treat the soil where the crop is grown in order to completely get rid of fungal pathogens, capable of being stored in the ground until next season.

Gardeners resort to the use of fungicidal agents in the most extreme cases, when they have a good reason. This is due to the high toxicity of many available products. Before the procedure itself, it is important to carefully read the safety rules and step by step instructions. As for popular drugs, these may include:

  1. Oksikhom.
  2. Trichodermin.
  3. Green soap, etc.

Oxychom is a highly effective solution based on copper oxychloride and oxadixyl, which belongs to the group of contact systemic fungicides that can fight many diseases of garden and indoor crops. Effectively eliminates late blight, macrosporiosis, black bacterial spot and other common diseases. The lack of toxic effects on human skin and green mass of plants makes it very popular and safe to use.

For processing, it is necessary to use a fresh solution, which is created as follows:

  1. One third of the volume of water is poured into the tank of the spraying device, and then the mixing mechanism is started.
  2. After this, the required volume of fungicide is added to the composition and the missing part of the water is filled in.

Only after this can you begin processing.

Particular attention should be paid to the purity of the water used to create the composition. It is advisable to take filtered distilled liquid, in which there are no impurities or microorganisms. One package of the composition is used for 2 liters of water, and sometimes it is necessary to carry out 3 procedures with an interval of 10-14 days.

Among the advantages of Oxychom are:

  1. Effective systemic contact action.
  2. The result of spraying continues to last up to 14 days.
  3. Minimal toxicity if dosage is used correctly.
  4. Cost-effectiveness of preventive treatment.

Another excellent remedy for eliminating fungal and bacterial diseases is Trichodermin. It contains spores of a soil fungus, which may be called “Trichoderma lignorum,” as well as crushed grain substrate.

The product perfectly eliminates about 60 varieties of soil pathogens that contribute to the formation of a wide variety of diseases (root and fruit rot, seed infections, macrosporiosis and many others).

After several procedures, an improvement in soil fertility and saturation of the root system of crops with additional vitamins is noticed, which increases the percentage of seed germination.

To apply the fungicide, you must follow this step-by-step guide:

Such actions can protect the culture from imminent destruction.

Even with careful selection of quality seeds, abundant watering and suitable substrate, many plants remain vulnerable to various fungal diseases. And if only one spoils them appearance, damaging leaves or root system , then others lead to the complete extermination of an entire culture.

To prevent such unpleasant consequences, should be done in advance take care of reliable protection green spaces from developing infections, otherwise you will have to save the affected plant from an aggressively progressing fungus. In this case, sometimes you have to resort to chemicals, including fungicides. It is these drugs that demonstrate maximum efficiency in the fight against many diseases, so they should be present in the arsenal of every gardener.

When using such products, it is necessary to defend the position of application minimal damage plant, giving preference to safe and non-toxic solutions. It is also important to carefully read the instructions and operating instructions. In this case, processing the plant will bring the expected success.

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