Floral styles. Secrets of floristry. Symmetrical round bouquet

Distinguish style solutions in floristry it is very important, since different directions do not combine with each other and, when thoughtlessly combined, form an unaesthetic general background.

Understanding the vegetative style

There are three main styles of floristry: vegetative, form-linear and decorative. Style is a community of features, techniques and means artistic expression characterizing a work of art. When creating a floral collage you should know distinctive features styles and stick to one of them.

The unique vegetative style in floristry is the most popular direction. Its highlight is that the emphasis is on the overall effect of the composition. Each flower should not stand out, so all the plants used lose their individuality, adapting to the general concept.

The vegetative style involves the natural presentation of flowers and herbs in an original composition. Working in this direction, florists strive to present plants as naturally as possible. To achieve a natural effect, significant effort must be made, which is why this style is considered one of the most difficult.

Features of the vegetative style

The vegetative composition should include a variety of plant species growing in natural environment. The components of the composition are placed so that all the lines connect in one central place - in the vase. In this case, the main lines of the composition cannot intersect.

The vegetative style is characterized not only by naturalness in creating the composition, but also by maintaining asymmetry when arranging plants. The florist should pay attention to the growth form, appearance and the plant community of selected plant species.

It is necessary to carefully select plants and follow the rules for the location of the plant material used. All flowers and herbs should look similar to how they grow in natural conditions. You should work especially carefully with potted flowers.

Methods for constructing a vegetative composition

Floral composition in vegetative style can be built different ways. The most popular form among florists is with one growing point. In this case, flowers and herbs are arranged so that all the lines of the vegetative composition are actually and visually collected at one point.

Typically the focal point is on the side or back of the vase or other vessel used in the composition. The visible directions of plant movement and clearly defined main lines of the composition should not intersect in space. Only minor intersections of small lines are allowed.

To create a symmetrical combination, all components of the composition are placed as closely as possible to each other, mirror to the axis of symmetry. This arrangement of plants brings a unique conciseness and clarity to the composition. To design a floral collage in this style, you need a lot of flowers.

Arrangement of plant groups

The vegetative style is characterized by a spectacular asymmetrical arrangement. The largest group plays the dominant role in the composition. To achieve balance in the collage, the florist places the smaller opposite group at a distance. Closer to the main one it is necessary to place an adjacent small group.

Typically, florists use an asymmetrical arrangement in a vegetative style from the main, neighboring, opposite groups. The main growing point of groups of different sizes should never be located in the center of the vase. It must be moved sideways, backwards or forwards from a certain geometric center.

A form of vegetative composition is also popular, in which the plants visually diverge from one growth point located under the vessel. In this case, a point is usually created due to the intersection of more than three basic groups of plants. Otherwise, florists adhere to the basic rules for creating vegetative form with a growth point.

Basic provisions

In this style, the main thing for the florist is not to identify the characteristics of each plant, but to subordinate them to the idea of ​​​​creating a new expressive whole, when the plants, having partly lost their individuality, look new. In practice, florists often perform work in a decorative style.

main feature decorative style - dense filling, that is, a large number of plants located close to each other.

Decorative works, as a rule, are symmetrical, but they can also be asymmetrical, such as structural bouquets or this composition entwined with ribbons, bunches of grass and branches.

When creating decorative work, the florist must know that the result of his creativity primarily depends on the shape and color of the selected plants. Usually

symmetrical decorative work looks clear and strict. This impression is enhanced by a combination of, for example, yellow with white or blue with white and is weakened by variegated work or soft colors.

If the decorative arrangement is symmetrical, then the material should be arranged as a mirror image relative to the geometric middle (axis). The yellow roses on the right should be repeated on the left. This sameness is observed in the shape, color and movement of plants, but in details the composition can be asymmetrical*.

* It's about about external symmetry, that is, about the symmetry of a form, while asymmetry within the form creates movement.

Any decorative symmetrical composition should

not have at least one axis of symmetry. IN

Most of such work follows a step-by-step

tonality. However, it is not typical for Biedermeier and structural work.

In a decorative style, the look is especially expressive.

flowers of symmetrical shape bloom - such as large

multi-colored chrysanthemum, peony, hydrangea, tagetes. Men-

Strelitzia, freesia, iris and other flowers with an asymmetrical pattern are more suitable.

Simple bouquet in the Biedermeier style

Decorative bouquet with big amount dense floral forms, but many flowers and herbs have not lost their expressiveness. The bouquet is asymmetrical in detail


Decorative bouquets can be different - from length-

Such bouquets are characterized by dense filling, and

stem dome-shaped to stepped,

despite the open, loose contour of some and closed

including all intermediate forms.

nut others, they all look decorative.

In addition, florists also perform short-stemmed

In modern decorative works plants more often

new bouquets - from Biedermeier bouquet to modern

are positioned asymmetrically, first of all it is

structural or variegated round.

details of the bouquet (see pictures below).

And of course, the long flowing ones are very interesting

bouquets, the origins of which should be sought in

Art Nouveau (Art Nouveau style).

Options for decorative bouquets

Often bouquets collected in parallel look so elegant that they can rather be classified as decorative.

rational style.

Bouquets with various types of entwining the surface of plants are very popular. When working with material (color

tami, leaves, etc.) for parallel bouquets in children

In a corporate style, the florist must take into account the individuality and line of movement of the plants so that they do not

contradicted the rules of this style.

Decorative bouquet (3 parts height and 5 parts width)

Vegetative style.

One of the main styles. He suggests using only natural materials(moss, flowers, fruits, herbs, berries, bark, roots, mushrooms). You cannot use beads, ribbons, or various decorations. The vegetative composition must not be deep, round, oval or S-shaped. Must reflect a certain time of year. Plants from a specific geographical area, as in nature. You should place your materials in such a way that it resembles a corner of wildlife. You can make a lake with real water, you can use a bench, that is, reproduce any corner dear to your heart. This style is considered the most natural; it is characterized by asymmetry.

Decorative style.

Florists most often work in this style. The main task of this style is to subordinate flowers and plants to a single design, and not to emphasize the individuality of each individual flower. Despite the fact that plants lose their individuality, in a single composition they look impressive and beautiful. In this style, it is important to fill the entire space very tightly, that is, place the plants close to each other. You should pay attention to the shape, size and color, as they must combine correctly and create a single whole.

Shape linear style.

When working in this style, it is important for the florist to achieve tension in lines and shapes. To make shapes and lines clearer, a contrasting combination in shape and color is necessary. You can contrast a clear straight line with several lines in a different direction or at an angle. You can also use the static ball element.

Antique style.

Ancient floristry gave us bouquets in the form of wreaths, garlands, baskets, a cornucopia, a scepter bouquet. The tradition of scattering flowers in houses, streets, and ponds during festive ceremonies came from ancient Greece. Flowers gave not only beauty, but also aroma, and the Greeks greatly appreciated this manifestation of beauty. It was they who began to use flowers to honor their heroes and gods.

Mixed style.

In this style, all rules of construction are rejected. There is complete chaos here.

Shape - linear style- attention is paid more to line, shape, contours. It can be attributed to modern forms compositions.

When working in shape-linear style it is important to achieve strong voltage combinations of shapes and lines, and the amount of material used should be kept to a minimum. A large amount of material with pronounced lines in one work reduces the expressiveness of each line and the entire work as a whole. The same thing happens when using a large number of forms in one composition. Form-linear work loses its expressiveness even if you combine many plant elements - flowers, leaves, branches, etc. A strict, clear line will become more expressive if it is contrasted with a winding, restless line. The ball is an expressive geometric body that looks very static. But the line is always dynamic, and therefore it can be contrasted with the ball.

In a form-linear composition, the form can be not only a ball, cube and other geometric bodies, but also the plane of a sheet. Expressive plant lines combined with this form allow the florist to do interesting work. The form-linear style is characterized by an asymmetrical arrangement, but in some cases symmetry is also acceptable.

When creating a composition Special attention You should pay attention to the appearance of plants and their characteristics. Cutting the stem short often results in the flower losing its expressiveness, but the shape and lines benefit. Strong color contrast of elements and combinations make such works bright and interesting. Form-linear work can also look like vegetative work, but then it should be more restrained in the expressiveness of shapes, lines and colors. When working in a form-linear style, the main attention is paid to shape, line and color, so when - tall and narrow, flat and wide, rectangular or spherical - these characteristics are considered more important than dimensions - height, width or length.

When performing work in a form-linear style, the florist must make do with a minimum amount of material and take into account general principles. Shape - linear style allows you to assemble a beautiful bouquet of small quantity material. When combined with leaves, branches and lotus fruits, the result is a very intense, strong work. One or two to three amaryllis or anthurium flowers also look good in linear bouquets. In this case, the flowers serve as a form, and the stems form lines. Flowers of great expressiveness can be used as a basis, and branches and other linear materials to solve the space. A bouquet built on structural and textural contrast, for example, a combination of leaves with a velvety surface and smooth, shiny flowers, looks very attractive. And yet the structure shouldn't play main role V form-linear bouquet.

Vegetative style call the most natural representation of flowers and plants in a composition. At the same time, the florist, when working with the material, must pay special attention to the appearance, growth form and the plant community of plants.

The vegetative style is most characterized by an asymmetrical arrangement. With this arrangement, the largest group plays the dominant role. Balance in the composition is achieved with the help of a slightly smaller, opposite group, which is placed at a distance, and a small, neighboring group is placed closer to the main group. Working in a vegetative style requires particularly careful selection and arrangement: flowers and plants should look natural, as they grow in natural conditions. A vegetative composition can be constructed in various ways.

Decorative style these are bouquets in vases - baskets of a large number of flowers, mounted on .

IN decorative style The main thing is not to identify the characteristics of each plant, but to subordinate them to the idea of ​​​​creating a new expressive whole, when plants, having partly lost their individuality, look new. In practice, florists often perform work in a decorative style. main feature decorative style This is a dense filling, that is, a large number of plants located close to each other.

Shape - linear style- attention is paid more to line, shape, contours. This includes modern forms of compositions.

When working in shape-linear style It is important to achieve strong tension in combinations of shapes and lines, and the amount of material used must be kept to a minimum. A large amount of material with pronounced lines in one work reduces the expressiveness of each line and the entire work as a whole. The same thing happens when using a large number of forms in one composition. Form-linear work loses its expressiveness even if you combine many plant elements - flowers, leaves, branches, etc. A strict, clear line will become more expressive if it is contrasted with a winding, restless line. The ball is an expressive geometric body that looks very static. But the line is always dynamic, and therefore it can be contrasted with the ball.

Examples can often be found in nature parallel style compositions, and many florists have long been creating works based on their model. In floristry, a style is considered parallel if the majority or are located parallel to each other.

Works in a parallel style can be. Each element has its own growth point, and, as in other styles, here it is necessary to strictly observe proportions, color, shape, etc. Parallel parts of the composition can be vertical, diagonal or horizontal. Parallel style options can be parallel-vegetative, parallel-decorative and parallel-graphic. All the basic rules for creating compositions are valid for these three options.
