Financial assistance to small businesses. How is the subsidy issued? Procedure and conditions for receiving

Are you young and have decided to start your own business, but have no money? Or do you want to expand your business, but all cash flows end up in working capital and if the required amount is extracted from it, the solvency of the business will be shaken? The solution to this problem in 2018 could be grants for small business development.

Basic conditions for receiving a grant

This year, it is planned to allocate about 9.6 billion rubles from the Russian budget to support small and medium-sized businesses. It is worth noting that this amount is significantly lower than in previous years. Therefore, in order to become a happy owner of financial assistance, you will have to make even more efforts. At the same time, you need to remember that you will be personally responsible for the misuse of funds.

If you decide to try your luck and apply for a grant, be prepared that you will need to meet mandatory requirements to receive grant investment financial support.

The conditions for receiving and using a grant for small business development are as follows:

  1. It is necessary to submit an application in which you indicate the goals and objectives of the activity.
  2. It is necessary to indicate goals, objectives and the amount of additional financial investments. It should be taken into account that during the consideration of the project it will be impossible to adjust the business plan.
  3. When applying for a grant for the first time, do not go too far - indicate real numbers: Ask for the minimum to make your business plan a reality.
  4. Availability original project increases the chances of receiving funds by 50%.
  5. Funds from the grant are received in tranches for each. And in some cases, goods are received instead of money.
  6. Every penny of sponsorship funds must be spent in accordance with their intended purpose.
  7. During the implementation of the project, it is necessary to provide correctly completed reports in a timely manner, in accordance with the schedule.
  8. If a grant is awarded, you will need to pay income tax on the amount of funds received.

Required documents

Each participant in the financial assistance program must prepare a package of documents for a future project before submitting an application.

To receive a grant from the state, you must prepare and submit for consideration within a certain period of time:

  • table of contents;
  • summary;
  • introduction;
  • statement of the problem;
  • goal and objective of the project;
  • methods for solving assigned problems;
  • risk assessment;
  • budgeting amount;
  • applications and add-ons.

Don't forget to include with your application covering letter with an explanation of why your project is important and deserves support.

If you are applying for a grant from private foundations, including foreign ones, you may need additional documents. Their list is different in each case - it is compiled directly by the grant director.

Who can become the owner

When selecting participants in the small business support program, different criteria apply in different cases.

If funding is provided by a foreign fund, then the main thing for it is the full targeted use of funds in accordance with the approved business project. Therefore, as a rule, foreign sponsors are more willing to invest in business representatives who have previously received grants.

It is important for the state to provide employment and social protection population. Therefore, every year local authorities determine priority economic sectors for their region. The state is most interested in the development of these industries, which means that it will be easier for entrepreneurs who have chosen the appropriate line of activity to receive a grant.

And if foreigners prefer to give money to experienced “players”, then the state gives preference to newcomers who need a confident start:

  • university graduates;
  • unemployed;
  • those who were laid off;
  • single mothers;
  • disabled people;
  • retired military man.

For what purposes is it allocated?

According to statistics, 30% of individual entrepreneurs who received a grant are involved in the service sector, 20% in production, and only 12% work in the trade sector.

It is easier to get a grant for renting premises, purchasing basic and working capital(purchase of raw materials and materials), if the project is shared (part of the expected costs for the purchase of equipment is covered by the individual entrepreneur from his own funds, and the rest of the project is allocated by the investor).

Domestic funds, as a rule, refuse to allocate funds to pay salaries. Foreign sponsors have no objections to financing this expense item.

When providing a grant for the development of small businesses, there is a clear difference between state and foreign funds in determining the priority areas of activity for which funds are allocated.

If production support is needed, Agriculture, natural sciences and education, the state will willingly allocate funds.

Private domestic funds are ready to finance innovations in the field of economics and business. If you want to engage in research in the field of ecology, economics, democracy, culture and society, then you should turn to foreign foundations for funds.

In terms of the number of grants provided, the leading business startup projects are:

  • clearing companies;
  • training courses;
  • design bureau.

Where can I get it?

In 2018, many organizations are ready to provide grants for small business development.

The state represented by:

Private foundations, individual investors and large business philanthropists:

Skolkovo Foundation– allocates from 5 to 150 million rubles for scientific developments in the field of biomedicine, nuclear, space and energy efficient technologies. Grant applicants must:

Prepare a package of documents, which includes:

  • memorandum;
  • presentation;
  • project roadmap;
  • financial plan;
  • estimate and justification of the project.

Submit an application to the cluster, which, if approved, will be sent to the grants service to verify the accuracy of the information provided. After this, the application will be reviewed by experts and assigned points from 1 to 10. If the score is higher than 5, it will go to the grant committee, where the decision to issue a grant is made by voting.

Foreign organizations:

Microsoft Seed Fund. Bill Gates is ready to give startups – young IT companies that develop software or information storage systems – up to $100,000. The main requirements of the fund are that the applicant for the grant must have a team of professionals, participate in the Microsoft BizSpark program and use latest technologies Microsoft (Windows Azure, Windows Phone, Windows 8, Kinect).

In order to receive this grant, you must submit an application and be included in the list of participants. After this, you will have a telephone/Skype interview, and then, if successful, you will be able to present your project at English language before the members of the selection committee. The final stage will be a speech at the main office of the foundation.

Grants for small business development in Altai: Video

It's no secret that the presence of a well-developed small and medium-sized business provides a number of undeniable advantages for the country's economy. This is the creation of new jobs and self-employment of the population. In addition, this is an increase in taxes and an increase in gross domestic product. The development of small business is an improvement in the quality of life of the country's population, because small enterprises can most quickly adapt to changing requirements modern market. This is precisely why the government has developed programs for small businesses. With government support, it is much easier to open your own business, however, not all young entrepreneurs are familiar with the intricacies of obtaining it.

Small Business Development Program in Russia

The strategy for socio-economic development of Russia until 2020 states that assistance to medium and small businesses is one of the main elements economic policy states. According to experts, such measures should promote the development of healthy competition and give citizens the opportunity to improve their financial situation. Besides already existing forms subsidies in the new concept, qualitatively new types of state support for small businesses have been adopted, aimed at stimulating the growth in the number of entities entrepreneurial activity, as well as changes in their sectoral structure. Among the new goals of the state development strategy are the following:

  • reduction of bureaucratic red tape when registering a business and its development;
  • simplification of the taxation system for small businesses;
  • reducing the number of products subject to certification;
  • improving the efficiency of state regulation in the field of licensing;
  • possibility of using various sources of financing.

Regional business support program

Along with state ones, there are also regional measures of state support for small and medium-sized businesses. Such assistance, in particular, can be expressed in the creation of business incubators, venture and guarantee funds, as well as in additional stimulation of enterprises whose activities are export-oriented. In addition, the regions are also adopting comprehensive programs to stimulate entrepreneurial activity, within which funds are allocated for:

  • development of leasing purchase of equipment;
  • support for enterprises engaged in innovative activities;
  • creation of industrial and technology parks;
  • improving the energy efficiency of enterprises;
  • development and support of startups;
  • creation of various guarantee funds;
  • introduction of advanced training programs for young entrepreneurs, assistance in starting a business.

Conditions for granting subsidies

All forms of state support for small businesses represent one-time government assistance that should be used to implement a specific task within the framework of the enterprise’s activities. There will be no need to return such assistance in the future, but the state will control the targeted expenditure of funds.

In order to receive financial support from the state, an enterprise must meet several criteria:

  • be officially registered as an individual entrepreneur or LLC (information must be contained in the state register);
  • have a properly drawn up business plan, which outlines specific areas for spending subsidized funds;
  • the owner of the enterprise must be a citizen of Russia, and with shared participation, a resident of the Russian Federation must own at least 51% of the total authorized capital.

Enterprises operating in the following areas cannot apply for government subsidies:

  • insurance;
  • provision of banking or other credit services;
  • release and sale of excisable goods;
  • gambling business;
  • mining;
  • securities market.

Who can apply to?

In addition to the conditions listed above, state support for small businesses requires compliance with some more conditions for receiving development subsidies:

  • at the time of submitting documents, the company must be registered less than 2 years ago;
  • the total number of employees cannot exceed 250 people;
  • with share participation, the share of state and municipal partners in the authorized capital cannot exceed 25%;
  • complete absence of tax debt is mandatory;
  • income for the previous 12 months cannot exceed 1 billion rubles.

If a business entity meets all of the above criteria and wishes to receive a subsidy, it must submit an application to the regional institution for the support of small and medium-sized businesses before October 1 of the current year.

What will the money be used for?

Besides the fact that state support for small and medium-sized businesses, as we have already found out, cannot be provided to all enterprises, it will also not be possible to spend it in any way. For this there are certain parameters. So, you can spend the subsidy:

  • for the purchase, modernization and repair of fixed assets;
  • to hire new employees or improve working conditions for existing ones;
  • for the purchase, update and installation of a license software;
  • for rent for the use of industrial and office premises;
  • for investment Money in raw materials and supplies.

If you are just thinking about starting your own business and have not yet decided on the direction, then you should know that the priorities for the allocation of government subsidies are:

  • housing and communal services, transport services and construction;
  • any production (except for excisable goods);
  • public service sector;
  • youth support and development programs;
  • innovative developments;
  • development of the social sphere - sports, culture, education;
  • revival of crafts and original culture of peoples.

If you nevertheless decide to engage in trade, then state support for the development of small businesses is most likely not going to happen to you, although, of course, it’s worth a try. To increase your chances, try to target your products to socially vulnerable segments of the population - low-income families, disabled people, pensioners, and so on. Highlight work with these categories as a separate line in your business plan.

How to get a subsidy

So, how to get government support for small businesses? There are two ways here - it all depends on what kind of help you want to receive: to open a new business or to develop an existing young enterprise. In the first case, you have a direct route to the employment center, and in the second you need to contact the investment department. Before applying, you need to carefully study the procedure for submitting documents and stock up on all the necessary papers.

Employment Center

State support for small businesses for a beginner begins with registration with the employment service and obtaining unemployed status. It is best to contact this institution in advance and receive comprehensive advice on preparation issues. necessary documents, as well as the amount and procedure for payment of compensation due. However, you can skip this step and prepare the documents yourself. You will need originals and copies:

  • passports;
  • work book (if available);
  • diploma;
  • income certificates, if you were previously officially employed;
  • certificate of marriage or divorce, if there was a change of surname.

Having prepared everything you need, go to registration. Immediately inform the inspector of your intention to receive a subsidy for opening an individual entrepreneur. This will help you not waste time searching for suitable vacancies, but go straight to developing a business plan, which you will subsequently have to defend before the commission. Based on the results of the defense of the business enterprise, a decision will be made to allocate a subsidy in the amount of 58,800 rubles, compensation for the costs of registering an individual entrepreneur, or refusal of state support. If the latter happened and you were refused, do not be discouraged, the law does not limit the number of attempts. Just make another business plan and go through the process again.


If your business is already operating, you should consider getting some money for its development. In this case, government support for small businesses is provided by the investment department. To take advantage of the subsidy, the regional office must prepare:

  • certificate of registration of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur;
  • copies of statutory documents;
  • a certificate from the employment center confirming completion of entrepreneurial training;
  • certificates of absence of debts on taxes and fees from the Social Insurance Fund, tax service and other organizations;
  • a certificate stating that the company is not at the stage of liquidation;
  • a document stating that more than 6 months have passed since the registration of the enterprise;
  • a document confirming that no criminal or administrative proceedings have been opened against this organization;
  • passport (original and copy);
  • original and copy of the power of attorney, if the documents are not submitted by the owner;
  • business plan;
  • application for a subsidy;
  • bank statement confirming the opening of a current account.

Submission procedure

After the entire package of documents has been collected, it is transferred to the executive committee. It is best to do this in person, through the office, or with the help of an employment service supervisor.

The consideration and acceptance of documents must be completed within seven days, after which a decision will be made. If you are refused, we go through the entire procedure all over again. If the commission makes a positive decision, your business plan is transferred to the next authority, where it is also reviewed and approved.

The law establishes that commission meetings take place as business plans are received and accumulated, so receiving subsidies can take quite a long time. Usually the date of the next commission meeting is indicated on the official website of the investment department.

As you can see, state support for small businesses is not an easy and rather troublesome matter, but it’s still worthwhile to get it done - if you have a high-quality business plan, the chances of getting money for development are quite high.

Every year Russia becomes more and more attractive for doing business. In the World Bank Doing Business ranking, the country ranks 35th among states that create a favorable climate for the launch and development of projects. In turn, Moscow investment attractiveness was ranked second in the national ranking and fifth among European cities according to the international publication Financial Times.

Both targeted government funding programs and small business assistance programs make a significant contribution to the development of the investment environment. IN this material We will tell you step by step what kind of support Moscow offers entrepreneurs today for opening, running and developing their business:

Step 1. Registration. Consultations. Education. Choose one of 15 Business Service Centers (BSC), which are located in all districts of the capital and operate on the basis of the State Budgetary Institution Small Business of Moscow. All services there are provided free of charge. CUB specialists will help prepare documents for registration as individual entrepreneur(IP) or in the form of a limited liability company (LLC). In 2017 alone, consulting support was provided to more than 80 thousand people. Aspiring entrepreneurs will be offered training at the MBM Startup School. You can also learn the basics of starting and developing your own business from successful entrepreneurs and professional business coaches online - at the MBM Online Academy. There are two training programs available at the Academy - Start and Progress. The content of the training program is based on best business practices and cases that are relevant in business.

The Central Management Bureau will also advise entrepreneurs on various issues of doing business: labor and civil legislation, accounting. Here they can prepare an application for the transition of an enterprise to a simplified or patent tax system.

Step 2. Choose premises for doing business. The center staff will help you get acquainted with various options and will talk about renting on preferential terms non-residential areas owned by the city of Moscow. Today, the initial preferential rental rate for such premises is 4.5 thousand rubles per sq. m. m per year and 1 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m per year for premises located in the basement. The Central Management Office will help you with information about the availability of vacant premises in city technology parks. There are more than 30 technology parks with various industry specializations in the capital. In addition, if at the beginning of your business journey you do not need large areas, you can receive for a period from one day to 12 months workplace in one of the six co-working centers of the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow”.

Step 3. Decide on financing. CUB specialists will advise on sources of obtaining business financing at different stages of its development, and invite entrepreneurs to attend special educational programs and events where representatives of financial institutions speak. The city currently provides the following types of financial support; all details on them will be provided to the Central Management Bureau:

  • Subsidy programs, among them subsidies for compensation of interest rates on loans and leasing payments, for compensation of costs for the purchase of equipment, as well as for participation in congress and exhibition events, and others. If your organization meets the conditions and requirements for grants, they will help you prepare a set of documents and fill out an application.
  • Warranty support program in the Capital Small Business Lending Fund. The fund will help attract loans to successfully operating companies if they do not have enough of their own collateral (collateral) for creditors. You can submit an application to the Fund or through the Central Educational Institution. An entrepreneur can independently contact any of the fund’s partner lenders, including 70 banks and 6 leasing companies. The Fund's guarantees cover up to 70% of the loan. Thus, in the first five months of 2018 alone, thanks to this program, entrepreneurs received financing totaling more than 9 billion rubles. It is important to understand that without government support, the lenders would have refused the vast majority of these borrowers.
  • Preferential long-term investment loans in the amount of 5 to 100 million rubles, for a period of up to 5 years, the Moscow Fund for the Support of Industry and Entrepreneurship offers companies operating in the production sector, scientific research or software development at a rate of 5% per annum, and for residents of technology parks and industrial complexes in Moscow at a rate of 2% per annum.
  • Financing for startups in the scientific and technical field offered by the capital's Venture Investment Development Fund. The fund provides concessional loans innovative projects, located at the most early stages development and registered in Moscow. To do this, the project initiator must attract funds from a private investor, and then apply for additional funding from the Fund. Today, 57 private investors work with the organization. The co-investor must invest from 50% to 200% depending on the size of the Fund’s loan itself, which can range from 0.5 to 36 million rubles, respectively. The loan term is from 3 to 6 years with a repayment deferment of up to 2 years.

Step 4. Entering the government order market. Moscow pays significant attention to protecting the interests of small and medium-sized businesses when placing government orders: 90% of purchases are carried out in in electronic format. The Moscow government created a showcase of city orders, where 91 thousand suppliers are registered, of which 70% are SME companies, 15 million contracts worth 80 billion rubles were concluded. On the portal you can use the subscription service for purchases of a certain category. Participants in government orders can also receive microloans and guarantee support from the funds already mentioned above.

Step 5. Enter foreign markets. When production in the capital is established, you can safely think about this. The Moscow Export Center will advise on all issues of the export cycle, train in foreign economic activity at the Moscow Exporter School, help with promotion on the international electronic marketplace, as well as with international exhibition activities. In the latter case, the center can finance 100% of the costs of participation in the exhibition. One of important tools The promotion of Moscow manufacturers is a unified export catalog, which contains over 1.5 thousand product items from more than 500 metropolitan manufacturers. The Industrial and Guarantee Funds will also help with financing for export activities.

Step 6. If you encounter administrative barriers when doing business in Moscow, then in this case the city will help protect your legal rights and interests, help will come, where it operates hotline+7 495 620-20-45 SOS.SHTAB@website

Entrepreneurs can additionally receive information about these and other areas of support at special financial conferences held by the State Budgetary Institution “Small Business of Moscow” in the series “Finance for Growing Businesses” and #MoscowforBusiness, for which you can register on the portal


First, find a foundation in your region or city that supports small entrepreneurship. They provide grants not registration business, obtaining the necessary licenses and certificates, renting premises, purchasing raw materials and starting production. As a rule, entrepreneurs who are engaged in financial activities, real estate transactions, rental of cars, equipment, production and sale of alcohol and tobacco, as well as gambling.

Next, make up detailed business plan development of its small business. Attach to it the documents required to participate in the competition. All submitted projects are subject to independent examination. The criteria by which they are evaluated are economic feasibility, scientific and technical novelty, and prospects for market sales of products.

To participate in the program, complete the training. Usually these are courses that are created by the foundation and take place in the form of seminars. Required condition participation in such programs is the absence of debt to the budget of all levels, including tax obligations. The size of the grant may be different, as a rule, they do not exceed 300 thousand rubles and cannot be more than 70% of the amount required, according to the business plan, for development business.

Please note that the grand may not be issued in its entirety, but, that is, in parts. First, you will receive a certain amount for the first stage of your project. Only after a detailed report on its use can you count on the next tranche. And remember that most often money is allocated for development small business in agriculture, services and the creation of consumer goods. The main thing is that you need to carefully study the potential sales market, and even better, a decent one has already been formed customer base.

Everyone has thought at least once that if he had the financial opportunity, he could open his own business. The state is trying to create, it would seem, favorable conditions for the growth of small and medium-sized businesses, this is not only all possible benefits and grants, but also competitions for interesting and profitable business plans among those wishing to start a business. However, many points should be taken into account in order to receive funds from the state free of charge for the development of a business, both existing and emerging. Let's figure out how you can get a grant for opening own business.


First, you need to obtain unemployed status. Register at the labor exchange and declare your desire to own your own business. Under the self-employment program for the unemployed, the Ministry of Health and Social Development allocates from 58 to 232 thousand as assistance to citizens in implementing the plan and reducing the number of unemployed.

Complete the required questionnaires and take tests to determine the extent of your leadership and entrepreneurial skills and characteristics.

Reflect as accurately as possible the items of income and expenses at the start, and also indicate the stages of growth and development of the business with reference to specific dates and actions of you as a future leader.

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Free in Russia

It has long been proven that the economic success of a state depends on the well-being of the people. State assistance in starting a small business is aimed at improving the economic situation of each specific family. The more entrepreneurs there are in a country, the fewer unemployed people, higher wages and lower poverty levels.

In 2019 the Government Russian Federation will continue to support citizens who decide to open their own business. What does state assistance to small businesses include, and what categories of Russian citizens can count on it? What actions must a citizen take to become a target? state support small business.

Let's start with the fact that the peculiarity of subsidizing is the free provision of funds for intended use. Its advantage is that when the program conditions are met, nothing needs to be returned.

The process also has a disadvantage. These are the conditions. There are many of them and they do not always correspond ultimate goals entrepreneur. You will have to choose: refuse help or receive it, but abandon your original plans.

You can only get help for:

  • purchase of non-material assets;
  • opening a company;
  • acquisition of goods that will be sold in the future, as well as acquisition of equipment;
  • training of specialists;
  • obtaining a license;
  • purchasing space for developing a business, etc.

By allocating funds for the development and opening of small and medium-sized businesses, government services ensure that material aid used for its intended purpose. If this is not the case, the entrepreneur will be held accountable. The amount received will have to be returned.

Help for small businesses: who can count?

The state helps beginning entrepreneurs and businessmen who have been afloat for some time and intend to modernize or expand their enterprise.

It is important to choose the right field of activity, since many types of assistance are aimed at the development of a specific segment.

A business entity counting on state assistance must:

  • be included in the register of support recipients;
  • pass the competition.

Those who intend to receive a subsidy will be assessed according to the following criteria:

  • budgetary efficiency, or tax perspective, how many contributions will subsequently be made to the state treasury;
  • social significance of the business being opened;
  • the number of jobs that will be created.

Points are assigned for each item. Applicants with the highest number receive assistance to open or develop a business.

Help for small and medium-sized businesses: types

In 2019, the following types of assistance are provided to small businesses:

  • to promote innovative products on the market that are the result of scientific and technical research;
  • accounting outsourcing;
  • business incubators - this includes training in the basics of doing business, assistance in expanding production space and drawing up business plans;
  • in retraining a novice businessman;
  • for representatives of socially disadvantaged sections of society;
  • compensation for overpayments when returning loan funds;
  • to open a small business;
  • for the purchase of fixed assets;
  • entrepreneurial grants for start-ups.

Each type of subsidy requires the provision of documents justifying the need to receive government assistance.

Money from the employment center

This type of assistance is also called self-employment grants. The goal is to reduce unemployment and informal employment.

At the beginning of 2019, the subsidy amount is 58,800 rubles. You can get exactly the same amount for each job created in your own enterprise.

There are restrictions. Not issued:

  • retired citizens and persons under 16 years of age;
  • full-time students;
  • already existing individual entrepreneur;
  • LLC founders;
  • disabled people of non-working disability groups;
  • mothers on maternity leave;
  • working under an employment contract;
  • who refused work provided by the employment center.

To receive a grant, you must first register at the employment center as unemployed.

Subsidy for starting a business for the unemployed

To apply for this type of financial support, you must provide:

  • statement;
  • information about the availability of a bank account for receiving transfers;
  • business plan.

In some areas of the Russian Federation you will have to undergo training first. After receiving the response, if it is positive, the applicant receives the requested funds, which he is obliged to report on in due time.

Subsidy for start-up entrepreneurs

In order to receive a development grant individual entrepreneurship, you must have a certain amount.

The support fund is ready to allocate up to 500,000 rubles. As in the previous case, a business plan is required.

The requirements for candidates are:

  • entrepreneurial experience no more than 2 years;
  • taking special business courses;
  • focus of the business not related to the following areas: financial, insurance, resale and intermediation;
  • no debt;
  • creating jobs for a certain number of workers.

As part of the provision of this type of assistance, projects are considered for the following areas:

  • marketing and advertising;
  • education;
  • social orientation;
  • tourism;
  • export-oriented production;
  • Agriculture;
  • implementation of innovations.

This type of subsidy is open to disabled people, the unemployed, single mothers and other citizens.

Guarantee for loan and leasing agreements

Entrepreneurs in various areas of activity have to take out loans for development and enter into leasing agreements. Since we are talking about quite impressive amounts, it is necessary to provide a guarantor. Special guarantee funds can play this role. Their services cost 1.5-2% of the guarantee amount. The assistance itself in various regions ranges from 30% to 70% of the loan.

If the entrepreneur meets the fund’s requirements, a 3-party contract is drawn up between the applicant, financial institution and a guarantor. It is important that all participants are registered in the same region of the Russian Federation.

Partial compensation of interest on loans

At the expense of the state budget, it is possible to reimburse part of the costs of interest returned to Russian banks for loans taken for the development of entrepreneurship. The amount of assistance is affected by the size of the loan, as well as the refinancing rate that is current at the time of application.

This type of subsidy is valid throughout the Russian Federation and applies to most areas of human activity.

Partial reimbursement of expenses under the leasing contract

Until recently, if a person wanted to deal with leasing, he had to make all payments himself, in accordance with the concluded agreement. Now one of the areas of government assistance is related to partial compensation of leasing payments. The entrepreneur has the opportunity to return up to 5 million rubles.

Issuing loans at reduced rates

The problem for borrowers is the high interest rates charged by banks. This is the main reason why applicants are denied loans that could help develop a new business. State assistance allows you to take out loans of the following nature:

  • from 10,000 to 5 million rubles;
  • 1-5 years;
  • at 5-10%.

The amounts, terms and sizes of bets depend on the regions and the chosen business specifics.

Reimbursement of expenses for participation in fairs and exhibitions

Any kind production activities needs promotion. One way is to participate in various fairs and similar events.

You can get two-thirds of the expenses for such promotion from the federal or local budget. The amount of assistance ranges from 25,000 to 300,000 rubles and is allocated once a year.

Tax benefits for new and existing entrepreneurs

In 2015, at the federal level, it was decided to allow regions to establish tax holidays for businessmen registering in certain areas of activity. These areas of activity include science, socially oriented business, production, and the provision of consumer services. In different regions, the list of directions can be expanded, depending on the needs of the region.

Regions are also given the right to reduce tax rates for certain types of business activities.

Other forms of government support for small businesses

The programs described above are only part of the assistance that the state provides to people who want stop working for someone else and start working for yourself. Aspiring entrepreneurs can count on:

  • free education;
  • accounting assistance;
  • legal support;
  • assistance from specialists in a specific field.

Each region is developing own programs assistance to entrepreneurs.

Getting help

An entrepreneur applicant for rights to state assistance must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. Choose an area for business.
  2. Create a competent business plan.
  3. Register either at the Employment Center or as an entrepreneur. Depends on the type of subsidy you are interested in.
  4. Provide the necessary documents.
  5. Contact the government organization with an application for assistance.

If everything is done correctly, the applicant’s case is considered within 60 days.

Filling out an application is also possible online.

What is necessary to receive start-up capital from the state?

In 2019, a novice entrepreneur does not need to have start-up capital. The main thing is to do it correctly
approach the issue of opening a business and use all possible government resources. Necessary:

  • register at the employment center;
  • create a project;
  • apply for participation in the competition;
  • answer the questions of the commission members and convince them of your serious attitude.

If approved, the entrepreneur must receive the money and apply it in order to provide a report on the invested funds in the coming months.

What could be the reason for refusal?

The most common reason for refusals is the discrepancy between the chosen area of ​​activity and the list of areas of interest to the support fund. We recommend applying to several funds at once.

Other common reason negative answers - an illiterate business plan. It is advisable to consult with specialists before providing it.
