Water filter from a plastic bottle. We clean the water with our own hands: a homemade filter. You can apply filters

Now a very large number of people living both in megacities and in the outback are concerned about the quality drinking water. And this is correct: after all, we are, in essence, what we are. And what do we drink... Let me remind you that the human body consists of 80% liquid, and it is not surprising that the molecular composition of this fluid matter and well-being are directly related. All kinds of deviations from normal conditions functioning lay down their convolutions and squiggles and in genetic code person.

The question may arise: why rural areas filter water? There, the well or well is located away from gasoline, exhaust gases and asphalt. And the answer - here it is, lies on the surface. Or rather, at the depth of the aquifer: you have no way of knowing what kind of water this horizon is saturated with, and whether a bunch of nitrates were washed away from a neighboring field during the last rainstorm. And there may also be impurities that not only worsen the quality of water, but are simply unhealthy: for example, the level of iron in water, exceeded several times, can lead to liver diseases, allergic reactions, increase the risk and even provoke cerebrovascular accidents leading to stroke. Nice bouquet, isn't it?

Solved: filter the water

Almost all water filters work on the same principle. The difference can only be in the shell, types and thickness of filler layers and the throughput of the unit. But for a more complete picture of homemade options, let’s consider several filter options.

The most available fillers today are:

  • Paper napkins
  • Gauze, bandage, natural fabric
  • Sand
  • Coal
  • Lutrasil or spunbond.

It is worth taking into account that cotton wool, napkins and gauze as fillers are quite effective, but short-lived. So be prepared to replace them frequently. You can either buy wood or make it yourself. Charcoal is sold in picnic departments, and only a small amount is needed as a filter filler. So, once you purchase a bag, you can count on it for a long time.

If you still dare to cook charcoal yourself, use only deciduous trees. Lutrasil or spunbond is also called agrofilm. Most often it is popular among gardeners and gardeners for covering plants. It has different densities and is sold in 2 colors: white and black.

Homemade filter options

Taking advantage of summer cottage water, it is quite impractical to embed an ordinary household filter, since it is customary to drain water from the system for the winter. So that it doesn’t freeze and break the pipes, according to the laws of physics. You can, of course, bring a jug and spend hours catching zen, watching him try to strain water through himself. And if you need it quickly and a lot, then here you go first option.

We take a regular five or six liter plastic bottle and a bucket with a plastic lid. Carefully cut off the bottom of the bottle and clean the edges from sharp burrs. In the lid of the bucket we cut a hole of exactly the diameter so that the bottle's neck fits tightly into it, of course with a lid. If necessary, sand the edges of the hole and use a rubber gasket.

We fold a piece of gauze or fabric in four and put it on the neck, securing it with a lid in which 10-20 holes are made with a hot nail or drill, briefly borrowed from a neighbor's dentist. This workpiece can already be fixed in the lid of the bucket. Place a thick layer of cotton wool inside the bottle on gauze in a layer of approximately 5-10 cm. We again make a fabric layer on top so that when pouring, a stream of water does not quickly turn the cotton wool into floating scraps. The fabric layer can be pressed with cleanly washed pebbles.

That's it, your filter is ready. Enjoy it for your health. And here little secret: By placing a silver coin, ring, chain or other trinket between the lower layers of cotton wool and gauze, you will receive clean water saturated with silver ions. Tasty, healthy and almost royal!

You can improve your gadget a little. Instead of a bucket, use a 20 liter plastic one with a small tap embedded at the bottom. This makes it much more convenient to pour water into the same kettle.

Second option The filter will be useful in areas where the water in the well-faucet-pipe at the outlet is cloudy. In this case, lay a layer of coal on top of the top fabric layer - 7-8 cm is definitely enough. And on top of the coal we make a 5-centimeter layer of clean river sand (but don’t be too lazy to boil it, then you will definitely be sure of the purity of the water). The procedure for pouring water into a canister does not need description, I think. And the fact that the bottle has a wide bottom makes it convenient to fill it either from a bucket or a hose.

Third option It will certainly appeal to those who love to make things. We leave the filling and pouring vessels, but instead of a lid with holes, we use a piece of propylene pipe, the diameter of which is selected according to the neck of the bottle. The pipe and bottle must be mounted without gaps; most likely the pipe will need to be placed on hot glue. The top and bottom of the tube must be covered with perforated plastic bottoms (you can use the same hot glue), and the tube itself must be filled with charcoal.

There is only one nuance here: the first portion (2-4 liters) of filtered water will need to be drained. The first portion is used to wash the filter from small particles of carbon that can pollute the water.

Fourth option assumes the presence of a full-fledged water supply in a private house. Those who wish can make their own three-flask filter for drinking water purification. You need to purchase 3 identical flasks, which must be connected in series with two adapters with a diameter of ¼ inch. Pay attention to the in/out markings to ensure free flow of water. For sealing, use FUM tape.

The flasks with the outer holes are attached to a ¼-inch tube using straight adapters. And it is already connected to the water supply with a tee and a ½-inch connector. At the outlet, the three-flask valve is equipped with a tap for. In the flasks themselves, you can add filler according to your wishes: coal, non-woven material, silicon - also a very useful additive for drinking water.

Fifth option It’s quite within the capabilities of a first-grader. So, take a plastic 2-liter bottle and twist the holes in the cap. We literally push a piece of cotton wool into the lid itself, in which the crushed tablets are wrapped. activated carbon. Pour water into the bottle, screw on the cap and place the neck down in a 3-liter jar. Check - the water will be very clean. Another option is to cut the bottle in half and insert it, neck down, into the bottom. Quite an “office” option.

Of course, each filter has its own service life. You will replace fabric fillers according to the degree of wear, but what about carbon fillers? Calculate based on the following data: 1 activated carbon purifies 1 liter of water. The tablet form of the filter is easy to calculate, but charcoal? A piece of coal the size of Walnut replaces 7-8 tablets, depending on density. And you can count the number of nuts in the bottle yourself.

Our advice to you: change the fillers in the filter on time, and you will get water of amazing quality. And how grateful your body will be to you!

So, with the theory passed, we move on to practical exercises.

And may you be healthy to me!

Clean water has always been necessary for humans, but the more technology develops, the worse it affects the quality of the water system. Man began to fight pollution a long time ago, for which a wide variety of filters and devices were invented, but to the common man they may not be affordable. Those who want to have purified water have the opportunity to filter it using homemade filters.

What it is?

A water purification filter is a device that helps remove various impurities, particles that do not dissolve in it, chlorine and pathogenic viruses and microbes.

There are three types of filters you can use at home:

  • simple;
  • with an average degree of purification;
  • with the highest degree of purification.

You can apply filters:

  • at home: in an apartment, private house, to purify drinking water and mains;
  • in industry;
  • in tourism;
  • for aquariums.

Wherever the filter is used, it has a certain structure that allows it to effectively cope with water pollution. To make a filter mechanism yourself, you need to know what exactly is required for this and how to assemble it into a single whole.


Water purification is necessary measure modern life, because the impact on nature of various factors of human life has significantly affected its quality and purity. The best solution to this problem is filters that can be installed both at home and in an enterprise of any size.

To ensure that drinking water is of appropriate quality, it is best to use special carafes with filtering mechanisms installed in them.

Water purification in the filter is carried out by passing through a certain number of stages, and the more there are, the purer the resulting product will be. At the first stage of purification, mechanical filtration occurs, when large enough elements that clog it are removed from the water. The next stage involves influencing the chemical environment of the liquid, and the last level will be the carbon cartridge, passing through which the water becomes completely drinkable.

Most of the filter elements are cartridges, which have their own gradation:

  • Mechanical. With its help, sand, mechanical suspensions, and rust are removed. Composition: polypropylene.
  • Carbonic. Helps remove substances of organic and inorganic origin, removes unpleasant odors, and affects the color of water. Composition: activated or pressed carbon.
  • Softening. Softening water by removing heavy metals from it. Composition – Na-cationic resin.
  • Iron removal. Helps purify water from hydrogen sulfide, improve pH, eliminate metallic taste and odor. Composition: two fills of calcite.

Due to the variety of cartridges, they can be used for different functions, which, in turn, leads to the need to use different devices for this.

Jug filters are the most common option in cases where drinking water is of poor quality. The way they work is very simple, and the price is not high, so almost everyone can afford this option. The filter media is a carbon cartridge that can only handle 500 liters of water before it needs to be replaced. There are specialized and universal options. Specialized ones have additions that make water softer by removing iron from it and adding fluoride.

Faucet attachments are also installed carbon cartridges. Their feature is the low water pressure that must pass through the pipes, otherwise the system will be ineffective.

Separately worthwhile installations perform the work after they are connected to the water pipes with a flexible hose.

In this case, cartridges are changed at least once every 5 months.

To disinfect water, it is best to use an ultraviolet filter., which can only be used after preliminary mechanical cleaning. In addition to the usual drinking water, there is also rainwater, which can also be used effectively. Due to contamination, it is often unusable, but with the help of filters it can be used in a wide variety of areas and for any task. In this case, you need two filters - one primary, to filter out large debris, and the second, for more thorough filtration and obtaining usable water.

Suitable materials

In order to make a filter yourself, you need to have certain knowledge and apply it correctly in practice. First of all, you should take care of a suitable container for the future filter, which will contain all the components. It should be large enough to accommodate everything comfortably. As a filtering agent for a homemade filter, you can use quartz sand, washed quarry sand or activated carbon, gravel and zeolite.

To create the first layer that will cope with large stains, you need to select a cotton fabric, but its use has its drawbacks: it quickly becomes clogged, rotting processes begin inside, and bad smell. To avoid such problems, it is better to take a synthetic material - lutrasil, which is not so afraid of moisture and does not clog too quickly.

The use of quartz sand will be indispensable at the stage of retaining small particles and filtering heavy metals. The use of gravel will help filter out large particles of unnecessary elements in the water. With the help of zeolite, you can easily deal with metal and salt suspension, in addition, it helps fight pesticides and other harmful substances used in industry.

The highest quality filter that can pass through tap water, is coal. Homemade devices allow you to retain mineral formations and toxic substances with equal productivity. In addition, thanks to the influence of coal, the water becomes clear and any odors are neutralized. When choosing activated carbon for a filter, it is best to take it in granular form, because the powder version will get into the water, and large particles will filter the water for a long time.

Right choice filter content will provide quality work for a long time and eliminate the need to buy ready-made equipment.

Methods: what is the best way to filter?

If you don’t have a filter at hand, but you need to somehow purify the water yourself, you can use a number of methods that will show very good results:

  • Boiling. With its help you can get rid of harmful microorganisms, although a side effect is an increase in the amount of salts that fall to the bottom of the vessel.
  • Advocacy helps get rid of volatile chlorine and other impurities. Such activities must be carried out for at least 8 hours, and after the time has elapsed, pour water carefully and do not raise sediment. It is important to wash the water container well from time to time with soap to remove any remaining harmful substances, and water, even standing water, should not be stored for more than 3 days.

  • Silver. You can use a simple spoon made of this material, which should be washed well and placed in a small decanter. After water is poured into it, you only need to wait a day and you can use the purified liquid. Usage silver coins for such purposes it is impractical due to impurities and small size.
  • Ionizer It looks like a chain with a figure at the end, which is lowered into water, where the ion exchange process occurs, and the chain itself is on the glass. So the water should stand for some time, after which it can be drunk.

  • Freezing- this is the simplest and affordable way water purification. To carry out the procedure, you need a bottle into which water is filled, but not to the very edge, screwed on with a lid and placed in the freezer. Just wait six hours and remove the bottle from the refrigerator. Once the ice has melted, you can drink the water.
  • Shungite- this is a special stone that is placed in a carafe with water and infused. After this, the water is ready for drinking.

  • Use of activated carbon tablets, which are crushed and wrapped in gauze. You also need a plastic bottle in which you need to cut off the spout and put a layer of gauze into it, then wrapped charcoal and again a layer of gauze. Received homemade filter is inserted into a bottle into which you can pour water.
  • Magnets. It is possible to use several identical magnets, which will ensure a uniform magnetic field in a homemade filter. In addition, it is necessary to have fittings with gaskets, from which the throughput system for water purification is constructed. The magnetic filter helps soften the water and minimize the amount of scale on the dishes.

It’s not difficult to make any of the options; the main thing is to have the right ingredients on hand and use them correctly. Although the methods are varied, they have a similar principle - it is ridding water of unnecessary and harmful components that negatively affect the human body.

You can use such a filter in an apartment, private house, it’s not difficult to find suitable option and for the dacha, so that purified and healthy water is available everywhere nearby.

Device options

In addition to the above-mentioned filter jugs and faucet attachments, there is also a separate type of device. They can be installed under the sink or placed on the main pipe, which helps not only purify the water, but also extend the life of all plumbing in the house.

There are also other devices such as:

  • Purifier or cooler. This is a device that is located separately and can purify water, heat or cool it. The quality of this water is very high, even better than bottled water.
  • Travel filters, which can be useful on a hike or travel. A special feature is the ability to purify liquid from any container.
  • Nanofilter– contain a semi-permeable membrane, the pores of which are practically the same as water molecules, which allows you to effectively purify water.

In addition, there are filter options such as:

  • Mechanical - they help remove suspended particles in water using meshes and fibrous and porous polymer materials.
  • Ion exchange, containing synthetic resins, the principle of which is to soften water by ionizing heavy metals with fluorides.

  • Physico-chemical, which help remove impurities that dissolve well through sorption. when interacting with clay, ash, peat and slag, the water is cleared of unnecessary chemical elements. Activated carbon does the job best.
  • Electric or ultraviolet, which allow you to purify water using ozone. Viruses and microbes are destroyed using an eco-field.
  • Reverse osmosis works by flowing water under pressure through a membrane with small pores, in which all harmful elements settle.


A homemade filter can be made from different components, but the one that contains activated carbon is considered the most effective, which is why it is worth considering the principle of its manufacture in more detail. The first stage is to find a suitable housing for the product, which can be a plastic bottle.

The order of work is as follows:

  • cut out the bottom of the bottle;
  • make holes in the lid;
  • put gauze or cloth into the bottle, which needs to be folded in several layers;
  • activated carbon should be poured onto the bottom layer, approximately 7 cm for a five-liter bottle; the bottom layer should have a powdery consistency, and the top layer should have a granular consistency;
  • sand up to eight centimeters high is poured onto the coal;
  • Small pebbles are poured onto the sand.

This way you can make a fully working filter that is suitable for a summer house or any other use case. It is important to know that the cleaning process will take quite a long time, so the filter device is suspended near the water source.

Before regular use, it is worth flushing the system by pouring the first batch of water into it, which will wash out all microorganisms and filter the materials to the desired state.

You can make a filter device using scrap materials and a purchased element, for which you need:

  • find a 1.5- or 2-liter plastic bottle and cut it into two parts at the place where the product changes its shape;
  • a purchased filter is inserted with the bottom side into the upper part of the bottle, along the edge of the plastic object inside, the tip of the spout with a cap is cut off;
  • the filter is threaded through the top of the bottle cut off on both sides;
  • the finished structure must be lowered into the base of the jar, which will be the finished filter.

If you wish, you can make a high-quality water filter with your own hands; in terms of its cleaning capabilities, it will be no different from expensive purchased products.

In order for the human body to resist various diseases well, we must drink several liters of water every day. Moreover, it must be as clean as possible. Unfortunately, the liquid that flows from the taps of our apartments is not particularly clean. It contains dangerous microorganisms, pathogenic bacteria, and unsafe impurities.

It is clear that such water cannot be consumed. We have two options. Either constantly purchase bottled liquid for drinking in stores, or order filters made in the factory specifically for water purification. Such purchases require considerable funds. In addition, we are not always sold high-quality water, and not all filtering devices sold in stores provide a sufficient level of purification. A reasonable alternative to such purchases is to make a homemade filter at home.

Store-bought filters for water purification

We'll talk about how to make it from scrap materials. But first, let's figure out what a regular filter is. It is understood as a simple product with a special filler. The latter just purifies the water. Lutrasil, grass, gauze, cotton wool, coal, and sand are used as fillers. All fabric filters (made of cotton wool, gauze) provide quite adequate purification of drinking liquids. But they are very short-lived. They can only be used as temporary filter materials.

But products filled with lutrasil (polypropylene synthetic fiber) and charcoal are suitable for long-term and effective cleaning hard and contaminated water with various impurities. Lutrasil can be bought. You can also use homemade charcoal. It’s not difficult to make: put pieces of wood in a metal container and heat them well. Then let the charcoal cool. Then put it in gauze. Homemade carbon filter ready!

Note! Coniferous wood You cannot use coal for making your own.

Commercial pitcher filtration devices purify water very slowly. It is not always convenient to use them. You have to wait a long time for the liquid to clear. This option is unacceptable, especially when you are going to nature (for example, to the country), where you may immediately need a fairly large volume clean water for preparing food for a large group or for drinking.

Jug filtration device

The way out of this situation is to make an excellent camping filter yourself from a bucket with a lid and an ordinary 3-5 liter plastic bottle. The manufacturing scheme of the filter device is as follows:

  1. Cut off the bottom plastic bottle.
  2. Make a hole of a suitable diameter in the lid of the bucket.
  3. Place the cut bottle neck down into the bucket. It is advisable to sand the joint between the plastic container and the bucket and place a thick rubber gasket between them.
  4. Fill a plastic bottle with filler (you can use a homemade charcoal composition).

The mobile water purification device is ready for use.

The principle of self-manufacturing a simple filter described above, which is suitable for softening hard water and high-quality purification of impurities, can be used to create a more capacious filter installation. The scheme is like this:

  1. Take a tank or plastic canister with a capacity of 18–20 liters. This container will serve as a water receiving container.
  2. Cut a hole in the bottom of the tank. Its cross-section should be such that you can tightly insert a small tap into the container (the purified liquid will flow out through it).
  3. Find a small segment (diameter - 4 cm). Fill it with charcoal.
  4. Now take a 10-liter plastic bottle and make a hole in the bottom (this is where you will pour untreated water). Then attach a pipe with filter media to the neck of the container (a standard 10 liter bottle has a neck with a diameter of 4 cm).
  5. Connect the pipe coming from the 10-liter container (it will be on top of the structure) to the receiving tank.

Making a simple filter from a canister

You can immediately pour about 9 liters of water into this installation for cleaning. A homemade carbon filter will make this volume of liquid drinkable in literally 90–120 minutes. Advice - bottom and top polypropylene pipe, in which you will place the charcoal, it is advisable to cover it with pieces of plastic with holes (perforated products) and attach them using any hot-melt adhesive. In this case, coal pieces will not float or spill into the purified water tank.

Stationary filter device consisting of three flasks

Now let's figure out how to make an effective filter yourself to connect it directly to the system. For these purposes, we will need three flasks with the same geometric parameters into which we need to place the filler.

From the containers prepared in this way, we will make a productive stationary filter for purifying tap water, guided by the following diagram:

  1. Take two 1/4 inch adapter nipples. Use them to connect all three flasks into one structure.
  2. Seal the joints of the nipples (their threads) with fluoroplastic sealing tape (the so-called FUM material).
  3. Using straight adapters, connect the 1/4-inch holes of the two outer flasks to the tube.
  4. Cut the prepared filter into the pipeline (you will need a half-inch connector and a tee).
  5. Connect a regular water tap to the filter outlet tube.

Take advantage of an effective filter device connected directly to your water supply for your health!

Water purification is required not only when using water supply, but also when taking liquid from other sources. It could be a well, a river or a lake. Such water often contains inclusions that are not beneficial for humans. In addition to mechanical suspension, which makes the water cloudy but usually harmless, there are also more dangerous components. These include bacteria, dissolved salts, including nitrates, heavy metals and much more. To use such water, it must be purified. However, most modern filters are designed for the presence of a water supply with a certain water pressure. In a summer cottage or outdoor recreation setting, running water is not always available. In this case, filter jugs or homemade devices. Let's take a closer look at how to make a water filter with your own hands.

Rice. 1 DIY camping filter device for water purification

To assemble a homemade water filter, you need to select two main parts. A container for storing filter material and a container for collecting purified water.

A plastic bottle is suitable for storing filter material. Its volume is selected depending on the required productivity. The optimal options would be five, ten or twenty liters.

The bottom of such a bottle is cut off, holes are made in the cork, or a mesh is installed instead. Filler is placed inside the bottle.

This filter is attached above a bucket or tank to collect water. It is convenient to use a container with a lid in which a hole is made for the neck of the bottle. Such an installation can effectively purify fairly large volumes of water.

Rice. 2 The simplest filter made from a plastic bottle

Filter media options

The operating principle of any filter is simple. The water passes through the filter material, which traps contaminants. There are several options for filter materials. For homemade filters it is convenient to use the following:

  • Fibrous - fabrics, gauze, cotton wool, non-woven material, for example, Lutraxil. They effectively retain mechanical impurities, but are short-lived and quickly become dirty. They are difficult to wash and much easier to replace. Most convenient nonwovens, which are more durable and easier to wash.
  • Sand and gravel – sand and gravel backfill also effectively retains mechanical inclusions. Bacteria settle on their surface, absorbing nitrogen compounds and dissolved organic matter.

Rice. 3 Quartz sand for filters
  • Activated charcoal or charcoal is an effective natural absorbent. In its pores, coal retains substances that cause the unpleasant odor and taste of water, eliminates color, and makes the liquid transparent. Coal retains a significant amount of dissolved salts. To fill the filter, you can use either ready-made granular filler or one you prepare yourself. Making carbon for a filter is not difficult. Hardwood wood is placed on a metal sheet, close to restrict air flow and heat.
Rice. 4 Coal is a filler that effectively purifies water
  • Zeolite is a mineral absorbent that is good at retaining iron, pesticides, nitrates and other pollutants.

DIY carbon filter

Coal is the optimal filter material. It is effective and affordable. If necessary, you can always make the filler yourself by calcining the logs deciduous tree in a metal container. Those coals that remain in the fire or oven are also suitable. Their size should not exceed three centimeters and be at least one centimeter.

The cooled coal is wrapped in gauze and placed in a container in which water will be filtered. This filter option is easy to make in camping conditions.

For home use, for example, in a country house or in a private house, you can do more complex design. It is better to choose a large container with a volume of at least twenty liters. A hole is cut from the bottom used to install the tap. To prevent the faucet from leaking, use a sealant and carefully glue all seams.

Rice. 5 Flow-through carbon filter

A smaller container with filter material is placed in the neck. A container of ten liters or less is suitable for this purpose.

Place the filter material in a homemade cartridge. They take a segment for him plastic pipe, which has a diameter suitable for the necks of the vessels. Usually used plastic bottles. Coal wrapped in gauze is tightly driven into the pipe. The resulting filter element is installed at the junction of two containers. Water should not seep past it, but only through the coal.

The first portion of filtered water may contain coal chips. There's nothing wrong with that. The first water is drained, and in the future only clean liquid will pass through.

Pros and cons of homemade filters

DIY filters have a number of positive characteristics and some negative points. These devices are convenient and functional. They are made from scrap materials, so the cost is minimal. You can do it at virtually no cost. The efficiency of homemade filters is high, and due to the large volume of filter material, they are productive.

However, we should not forget that a self-made filter technical specifications and durability will be somewhat worse than factory-made models. They are more reliable and last much longer.

Rice. 6 Homemade water filters

The disadvantages of homemade filter devices are the following features.

  1. The relatively short service life is more of a temporary option for the summer season. From time to time a new design will have to be made.
  2. The filler has a small resource. Filter materials require frequent replacement, otherwise bacteria, microorganisms and algae settle in them, which further pollute the water.
  3. To get a filter you need to spend time and effort. Some options can be quite labor-intensive to implement.

Homemade filter convenient solution, but only for temporary use. For continuous use, it is better to choose a factory-made device that has optimal characteristics.

In order to always have a glass of clean drinking water on hand, for example at the dacha, you must either buy it, which will entail costs, or resort to using filters.

You can make filtering equipment yourself using simple materials.

As a filter layer, when self-production can be used:

  • paper napkins;
  • cotton wool;
  • gauze;
  • cotton fabric;
  • grass;
  • sand;
  • charcoal (crushed);

Conventionally, all of the above components can be divided into 2 types:

  1. WITH short term services: napkins, cloth, cotton wool, gauze and other similar materials (can be purchased at a store or pharmacy).
  2. Capable of reliably filtering water for a long time: coal, sand and grass (to create charcoal, you need to heat the collected pieces of wood well in a metal bowl, and you can collect the sand yourself and clean it with a sieve or buy it from building materials).

They are alternated in layers to have a greater degree of purification.

Making a filter from a plastic bottle

the simplest filter

We will need: bottle, fabric, coal.

To create a simple design of a filter device from a plastic bottle, you first need to rinse it thoroughly.

  1. bottle cap unscrews and leaves aside, and part of the bottom is cut off evenly using a suitable object, for example a knife.
  2. In an upside down bottle a folded cotton cloth is placed. It must be pressed very tightly to the neck of the bottle (in our case, the bottom). To understand what amount of material is optimal, divide the bottle into 5 equal parts, regardless of the narrowing. One of them should be for fabric.
  3. The cover needs to be drilled. The hole should be of small diameter.
  4. Coal, securely wrapped in gauze and folded in several rows so that the sides are not visible, and the black color is slightly visible from below and above, it is placed inside the bottle with a screwing motion, pressing it as hard as possible to the bottom. Since the filter requires that this part of the structure cannot allow any contaminants to pass by, it must be dense, and this method of placement must be convenient.

The filter is ready, but before you start using it, you need to check its quality. To do this, you can take a liter of water mixed with sand and carefully pour it into a bottle securely fixed to the surface, for example, placing the neck in glass jar suitable size. The outlet water should become clear and clean. It will need to be boiled.

The container can be taken of any size, depending on the purpose of collecting water: from 1 liter or 5-20 liters. And in order for the filter bottle to fit tightly to the vessel with clean water, you need to either treat the surfaces using sandpaper, or use rubber seals.

Various combinations of materials can be used as a filter filler. For example, gauze or cotton wool is placed first, the middle layer can be made of charcoal wrapped in cloth, and the top layer can be made of river sand.

If there are no fabrics or napkins at hand, then fresh grass is placed as the first layer, and river sand is placed on top.

Today there are a large number of carbon filters, among which stand out: cartridge, tabletop, automatic and jug. More convenient option, which you can make with your own hands.

How to make a cartridge carbon filter at home?

You need to prepare a fairly large container into which the purified water will flow. For example, a clean 20 liter canister works well. A small hole is cut out at the bottom of one of the sides for a faucet, which is glued there using hot-melt adhesive.

The tap can be purchased separately or cut from a wine bag:

  1. For water that will need to be filtered, you can use a plastic bottle of the same volume as for purified water or a little smaller, for example 10 liters. The neck should fit comfortably into the food container. You need to cut a hole at the bottom to fill it with water.
  2. Take with a diameter of about 4 cm and a length of up to 30 cm. For the bottom, use a suitable plastic bottle, for example, a medicine bottle, in the bottom of which several small holes are drilled. Several paper napkins are placed inside. The edges should be secured with hot glue.
  3. The tube becomes completely clogged with charcoal. Several napkins are placed on top to prevent it from floating. They are also fixed with hot glue to the neck of the top bottle.
  4. The upper vessel with the filter is inserted into the lower one. If the structure is sufficiently sealed, then no further action is required. If there is enough big gap, then it must be sealed or rubber inserts of a suitable size must be used.

To check and put the filter into operation, you need to pour 5 liters of water into the upper part. The first filtered water is drained. This operation is necessary so that small particles of coal are washed out.

Filters for water supply

If necessary, you can create a filter for the water supply. In this case, the structure will consist of 3 parts: a layer of gravel is placed on the lower tier, fabric and charcoal are placed on the 2nd tier, and fabric and sand are placed on the third, upper tier. The second option would be a similar system, only other fillers are used: 1 – grass, 2 – ash, stones, 3 – sand.

So using 3 bottles same size, in which the bottom is cut out, you can create your own filter. Fillers are laid out alternately inside: grass, ash/stones, sand or a layer of gravel, then charcoal wrapped in fabric and sand wrapped in fabric.

The bottles themselves are placed one inside the other as they are filled. To prevent water from leaking from the side surface, it will need to be sealed with adhesive construction tape, which has increased moisture resistance.

The resulting device is attached to the plumbing system using a tee. And the water itself is supplied with low pressure power so that the filter has time to cope with its task.

Quick tips:

  1. To prevent small particles from coming out with the water., you must remember that it is better to use cloth, gauze or napkins for each layer. They must be folded in several layers for reliability.
  2. After installation, always check the filter device for proper operation. If the water comes out cloudy, the filter is not constructed correctly. Therefore, it will be necessary to disassemble it and reassemble it, reversing Special attention on fine sand or ash, which should be better wrapped in cloth.