House using frame technology with your own hands. Do-it-yourself frame-panel house. Video: insulation of a Finnish frame house

Construction frame house allows you to quickly solve a housing problem, save on materials and do the work yourself. Assembly takes only 2-3 months, and wood costs are reduced by almost half (compared to timber buildings). You can build a frame frame without serious experience in construction - step-by-step instructions will help you with this.

There are several technologies for building a frame house: Canadian, Finnish, German, using a wooden or metal base. But in any case, the design includes the following elements:

  • top and ;
  • vertical racks;
  • rafter system;
  • heat and sound insulating layer;
  • internal and external cladding.

Wall thickness depends depending on the region of construction and purpose of the house– for temporary or seasonal residence. The set of materials is standard: wooden beams, boards, OSB panels, moisture-resistant plywood, insulation, fasteners. Specialized tool not required, but sometimes you may need equipment for installing large-sized elements.

Preparation for construction

The basis of a frame house is wood materials, which harms excess humidity . It's important to choose correct area for construction - dry, without wetlands, not flooded during rain. It is necessary to first level the ground, remove debris, and prepare passage for trucks.

The second stage is development. It is better to entrust this task to specialists who will take into account existing building codes, coordinate documents with permitting authorities. If your skills allow, you can take standard project and adapt it to your own needs. The main thing is not to forget about engineering communications and take into account the recommended house sizes.

Important! To quickly build a frame house, be sure to draw up an estimate and describe all stages of the work. You can use the following step-by-step instructions as a basis.

Stages of frame construction

Wooden structures are subject to biological destruction and are not resistant to fire. To solve this problem, use flame retardants and bioprotective compounds. Most convenient to use complex remedy, protecting against fire, woodworms and rot. Treatment with impregnations is necessary at every stage of construction of a frame house.

Foundation structure

The frame weighs much less than timber or brick house, so a lightweight foundation is sufficient for it.

The most popular option is tape. To equip it, they dig a trench according to the markings of the future house, install wooden formwork in it, and fill it concrete mortar, compact the mixture. Used for compaction hand tools or special vibrators.

In second place is - bored or screw. In the first case, the piles are driven into pre-drilled holes, in the second they are screwed in manually or using special equipment. A grillage in the form of a ribbon is arranged on top of them thickness 200-400 mm and height 200-300 mm. It binds the piles into a single whole, increasing the strength of the structure. When settling in pile foundation It is important to take into account the characteristics of the soil and strictly follow the technology. Otherwise, the soil will swell and loosen the piles.

Slab foundation– an excellent option for those who decide to build a frame house with my own hands. A slab poured from concrete compensates for seasonal expansion of the soil. The recommended height is 250-500 mm. Most practical insulated Swedish plate (USP), consisting of several layers:

  • compacted sand bedding;
  • rigid foam 200 mm thick;
  • reinforced concrete mixture;
  • heated floor pipes;
  • leveling screed.

USP combines the foundation, monolithic floor and heating system. But such a foundation requires large financial investments.

One of the most affordable foundations - columnar. It consists of small posts installed on the ground or buried in it. A columnar foundation is easy to make with your own hands, but due to its low reliability, it is only suitable for domestic buildings.

Subfloor installation

There are two types of wooden subfloor:

  • supporting structure is used in combination with strip or pile foundation;
  • the lattice structure is used in tandem with a slab or concrete screed.

In the first case, the horizontal level is maintained at the stage of arranging the base or grillage, in the second - at the stage of pouring the base.

Subfloor laying technology resembles a wall construction scheme. First, a load-bearing base is installed - joists and cross members. If necessary, the logs are overlapped. To strengthen the structure, additional spacers are used. At the same stage, engineering structures are laid: water supply, gas pipelines and sewerage.

Construction of the frame

The frames of prefabricated houses can be metal or wood. If you do not have construction experience, it is better to order a ready-to-install factory kit. Otherwise it is necessary to follow assembly technology. There are two options:

  • assemble all elements at the installation site;
  • gradually assemble the walls on a horizontal surface and install them in place.

The second method is more convenient and productive - especially for metal frames. To assemble the latter, a welding machine is used.

The construction of the frame takes place in several stages:

  1. Bottom harness. Its size cross section depends on the type of foundation. The harness is placed above the ground level, thoroughly treated with antiseptics and waterproofed.
  2. Frame each wall. The strut pitch is 60 cm with plank cladding and 62.5 cm with panel cladding. The latter exactly corresponds to the standard dimensions of the OSB board. At the installation stage, temporary braces are often installed. The maximum load falls on the corners, so the most durable materials are used for their production.
  3. Top harness. The choice of material depends on the load that the structural element will bear. With high strength, the metal requires a lot of drilling and is expensive. More convenient to use wooden beam, single or double boards. Their thickness depends on the area of ​​the house.
  4. Floor beams. When building a frame house, they are not used reinforced concrete floors– they weigh too much. Best suited for this purpose boards measuring 50*200 mm or paired boards measuring 50*150 mm. The pitch varies from 40 to 60 cm. Internal partitions. They can be plank (one- or two-layer), frame-sheathing with or without insulation. Dry lumber, plywood, chipboard, plasterboard, and OSB are suitable for the construction of partitions.

For connection wooden elements They use several technologies: joint at an angle of 90°, joint with cutting at 45°, half-wood joint, tongue-and-groove joints.

Roof arrangement

Erection of the roof is one of the most important stages in the construction of a frame house. It is necessary to determine in advance its type, type rafter system, sheathing material. A gable roof is well suited for a frame frame. with a slope of no less than 28 and no more than 50 degrees.

For the rafter system you will need boards section 50*150 or 50*200 mm– dimensions depend on the design load and the insulation used. The standard pitch is 60 cm. Two boards are connected on the ground, the finished structure is lifted onto the roof and mounted on top harness with an overhang of 35-70 cm. To ensure that the roof is level, the rafters are installed first on the gables, and then in the middle. Finish stage– installation of thinned or continuous sheathing, on top of which the roofing material is attached.

Insulation and frame covering

The finished frame is treated with antiseptics, dried well and sheathed OSB boards. The resulting cells are filled with insulation - mineral wool or polystyrene foam. The thickness of the layer depends on the purpose of the house - for permanent residence, at least 15-20 cm is required. The wall cake looks like this:

  • wind-waterproofing;
  • external cladding - slabs;
  • insulation;
  • vapor barrier;
  • internal cladding made of gypsum plasterboard or OSB+gypsum plasterboard.

For exterior finishing use siding, wood or fiber cement panels, plaster, decorative brick.

Interior decoration

This is the finishing frame house. Light walls do not shrink, so you can immediately begin finishing. It takes place in several stages:

  • Final arrangement of the floor. First they mount wooden base from boards with a cross section of 50-150 mm– their ends are laid on support beams or on the foundation. The lower part of the logs is covered with waterproofing, followed by insulation, vapor barrier, boards or OSB. Flooring– linoleum, laminate or parquet.
  • Ceiling lining. The sheathing is attached to the support beams and laid in the resulting sections vapor barrier and insulation. The layers are covered with plasterboard or other board material.

If the construction technology is followed, the frame house will serve you long years. The main thing is to choose correct project, corresponding to the climatic conditions of the region and regulatory requirements.

Today, frame construction is extremely popular in Russia, since such buildings are erected quickly and easily, and their cost is quite affordable. Many people build such houses on their own, so as not to resort to the services of professionals and save a lot of money.

To the question: “Which frame construction technology is preferable, Canadian, German or frame-frame?” - It’s difficult to answer unequivocally. However, experts are inclined to believe that the latter are best suited for DIY construction. So called half-timbered houses erected from frames formed by frame posts. The free space is filled with insulation and sheathed with finishing materials.

What do you need to know about frame construction?

Any construction begins with choosing a site, developing a project, and drawing up an estimate. First of all, you need to consider the purpose of the house: will it be “ summer option» for temporary residence or permanent housing for year-round use. Construction costs will depend on this. In both cases they are used various materials for insulation of walls, as well as their external and interior decoration.

Frame buildings have a lot of advantages: such a cottage can be built in a short time, at any time of the year, and they often cost less than their concrete and brick counterparts. These significant advantages help those who are thinking about building their own home to make a choice not in favor of building from timber, but in frame-frame technology. But we should not forget that, like any building structure, it has not only advantages and requires a responsible and thoughtful attitude: the design, the quality of materials, and adherence to technology are also important. How frame walls should be built correctly, what materials to choose, how to insulate and how to finish them, what buildings can be built on suburban area on this technology, we understand this week's topic with our users and specialists.


IN last years In the field of private suburban construction there is a real frame boom. And these designs in various designs are common among FORUMHOUSE participants. Follow the link: types of wood frames and more, personal experience of our users to help novice house builders. Find out what such a building is made of, what percentage of wood is in the walls of a frame house and how to make an outdoor frame wall.

Frame wall, structure.

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Forum topics:

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This topic is for reference and was created with the aim of accumulating experience and knowledge, both positive and negative, in the form of images: here are photos, ready-made diagrams, drawings showing correct installation walls, the device is clearly shown outer wall frame house, etc..

On our portal there are many examples of projects implemented using this technology. Here you can see brief information about construction sites with links to user topics and you can learn more about the technologies of such house construction.

That topic contains videos found on the Internet and dedicated to classical technologies and “schools” and everything connected with it (how to build roofs, how to assemble the frame, facade and interior decoration, cladding, insulation and insulation materials, working methods and etc.).

Everyone who is going to build or is just thinking about it is concerned about one sensitive issue - the cost of the project. You can endlessly select Construction Materials, to reduce the cost of construction, but in the end you will get a structure made of low-quality materials, which may affect the reliability of the structure. And you won’t save much money, because it’s much more difficult to work with such materials, and builders will demand higher payments. But there is a solution, you need to build a frame house with your own hands. The step-by-step instructions given in this article will help you understand all the nuances of this topic.

Read in the article

Everything about a do-it-yourself frame house. Step-by-step instructions, photo examples and recommendations

Building a house is a very labor-intensive and time-consuming task. Here you cannot neglect the little things or skimp on materials, make false calculations or underestimate the importance load-bearing structures. This also applies frame house construction, only there are several parameters that put such buildings a step higher than houses with reinforcement and masonry, namely:

  • low cost of construction;
  • increased heat transfer;
  • fast construction;

  • environmentally friendly materials;
  • lightweight design.

To understand how to build such a house, the stages of work are given below.

Preparing the site for the foundation

The layout of the site for building a house is organized based on the location of the site, depth, evenness of the surface and those planned near the future building. To make it easier to perceive information, the actions will be described in a table with photographs based on a columnar structure.

Type of work Required action Execution method Illustration
Location determinationPlan the exact location of the house, taking into account all distances to other objectsUsing a tape measure, measure all sides of the plan and write them down on paper
DrawingCreate a small copy of the foundation layoutUsing a ruler and pencil, draw the boundaries of the foundation indicating all dimensions of length, width and trench sizes in millimeters
Land markingTransfer drawing data to siteUsing pegs and a cord, organize the marking of the area for the future
Digging trenchesDig trenches according to the dimensions in the drawingYou can dig trenches using a mini excavator or by hand. The width is adjusted according to the stretched cords, and the depth is determined depending on the total area of ​​the building and the number of floors
Marking for pillarsDetermine the distance between the foundation pillarsIn the trench you need to mark the places where the recesses for the pillars will be dug
Drilling wells for pilesDig wells suitable for the diameter and height of the pillarsUsing a drill or shovel, all holes are dug at the places where they are marked in the trench

Note! Preparatory work also includes completely leveling the site around the perimeter and filling in all recesses, if any. In the case of loose soil, dense compaction of all trenches and wells will not hurt.

Laying a columnar foundation with your own hands for a frame house

There are several ways to organize a columnar structure, each of which has its own technological subtleties.

  1. Laying the foundation using asbestos or metal pipes. After fully marking the site according to the project, in the places where the piles will stand, wells with a diameter of 20 centimeters and a depth of 50 centimeters are drilled. After this, pipes are installed of such length that the top edge is 30 cm above the ground. Next, you need to fill inner part pipes, having previously inserted them into them so that it sticks up 15 cm. After pouring, you need to raise the piles by 10-15 cm so that a concrete pad is formed under them. The pipes should be filled so that there is 10 cm of void left to the top. The soil that you got from the well must be poured around the pillars and compacted. After installing the columns, it should take about two days for it to harden well and be able to continue working on the foundation. The next stage involves installing the bars perpendicular to the pillars. They are attached to anchors sticking out of the pipes. The size of the timber, which also serves as a frame for the future floor, should start from 150x150 mm. Regarding the principle of location along the perimeter, it should be noted that the columns should be located under all walls and partitions, since these places have the greatest load. The distance between piles must be at least 1.5 meters.

  2. Columnar foundation with elements. In this case, things are a little more complicated. Here you will need formwork, imported concrete, etc. First of all, you need to mark the plane according to the documentation. Then, using an excavator or shovel, dig trenches; their dimensions will be 30 cm wide and 40 cm deep. Next, the places inside the trench for the piles are marked, the hole size is 20 cm wide, 20 cm long and 1.5 meters deep. After earthworks comes . Pieces equal to the length of each trench are cut. The frame must have four identical rods on which clamps are attached square shape, in increments of 20 cm. The parts are fastened using a knitting wire and a special hook. The size of the frames for such trenches should be 30×30 cm. For piles, frames are also knitted using the same technology, but their size should be 15×15 cm, and the length, taking into account the fact that the end of the reinforcement is located inside the trench frame, means plus 30 cm. When the entire structure is assembled, you need to install formwork along the entire perimeter of the trenches so that the height of the foundation is at least 50 centimeters. Formwork is made from boards that are knocked down required sizes into shields. They are placed along the edges of the trenches and strengthened together with spacers, tied with wire and secured with supports from the outside so that the boards do not fall apart when the boards fall apart. The prepared form for the foundation is filled with concrete brought by special mixer machines or made by yourself using a concrete mixer. After several days, the formwork is removed, all sides of the foundation that are above the ground are lubricated with resin, and the top is covered with roofing felt. A 150×150 beam is laid on the roofing felt and attached to the concrete.

Note! During construction columnar foundation There is no basement or cellar underneath. The implementation of such a construction is very labor-intensive and requires additional manipulations in the form of filling the space between the pillars, digging a pit and concreting the entire surface of the basement.

The latest technologies for building frame houses step by step with your own hands + photos

Any construction of a house begins with, which takes into account all the dimensions of the elements and their placement. It is better to order a frame house project from professionals, because without a proper string of knowledge in this area, it will be difficult for you to draw everything correctly.

Now you have a project and a ready foundation, you can start building a house. Below we will describe how to build a 6x6 frame house with your own hands, step-by-step instructions and illustrations.

Floor assembly

Façade cladding and interior work

For full creation frame-panel house You need to cover all the walls with your own hands. Most suitable material for external cladding - this is OSB boards(moisture resistant). The sheets are screwed so that there are no gaps left. Inside the house you can use it, which is also fixed with self-tapping screws. After this, the walls are decorated either or.

Do-it-yourself method for insulating frame houses step by step + instructions

It can be done from the inside, but it is more convenient and practical to do it on the facade. The most popular material for such work is foam.

  • The first sheet is glued from any lower corner; liquid nails or special umbrellas are used to fix it to the OSB.
  • When all the foam is glued, you need to tighten it with a mesh, coating it.
  • After the glue has hardened, you can make finishing decorations, for example, paint over it.

Ready-made solutions for turnkey frame houses

When a person does not want to know how to make a frame house with his own hands, he can resort to purchasing ready-made solutions.

House price table

Image Name House dimensions Number of floors Cost, rub.

Reference7x82 893 000

Forester6x81 432 000

Lukomorye8x82 764 000

Premier9x102 1 010 000

Brig4x61 372 000

Giant9x102 1 325 000


The principle of building a frame house with your own hands ( step by step instructions presented in the article) is not so complicated, the main thing is to comply with everything technological processes. This building is very warm and comfortable, the wood creates cozy atmosphere, complement it with a fireplace and you will have the best home in the world!

Frame construction technology combines houses that are based on a frame - a rigid structure made of wood or metal. The main advantage of such buildings is the speed of construction. They are suitable for any soil and climate. The light weight of the structure is a reason to save money by making a shallow foundation. If you are still in doubt whether it is worth building a frame house or whether it is better to give preference to a stone one, study the features of the technology, types of construction, advantages and disadvantages.

Types of frame houses

By classical technology first, the frame is assembled from the upper and lower frames, vertical posts and cross beams, then it is sheathed sheet materials, insulate, do. The insulation is mounted vertically in the gaps between the racks. The pitch of the racks is made slightly less than the width of the insulation sheets to ensure a tight fit without gaps.

There are several types frame houses:

  1. Houses made of SIP panels (Canadian).
  2. Platform technology.
  3. Frame-based on German technology.
  4. Frame-framed, including half-timbered.
  5. Frame houses with.

Houses made from SIP panels - the experience of Canadian builders

SIP panels or sandwich panels - ready-made shields small size with insulation inside which are used for floors and walls. Polystyrene is usually used as insulation; it is glued between two sheets of OSB and pressed. OSB is an oriented strand board, a mixture of chips and shavings, glued with resins.

The insulation layer is slightly shorter than the slabs; this recess is needed for fastening to the timber. To connect the panels, the tongue-and-groove principle is used; the joints are foamed before installation polyurethane foam. The edge panel is attached to the floor joists or frame beams.

SIP panels are produced in a factory, which speeds up the assembly of the house on site. The technology is widely used in Canada and the USA, so houses built with its help are often called "Canadian".

Flaws: the project must include a system forced ventilation, otherwise condensation will form. The use of ready-made factory panels is much more expensive than conventional insulation and installation of OSB.

Technology "Platform" - assembly of walls on the floor

Wall panels are assembled in a horizontal position on the floor plane, which serves as a platform, and then raised. Sometimes the sheathing is also attached while the shield is lying down. To prevent the frame from warping, they make jibs - additional inclined supports.

The jibs are cut at an angle into the upper and lower trims and nailed to each vertical post for strength. If the walls are made of slab material, then the structure turns out to be quite rigid, then the jibs are installed temporarily and then removed. The panels for the second floor are assembled on the ceiling. This “layer-by-layer” assembly allows you to do without scaffolding.

Frame-panel houses using German technology - practicality and energy efficiency

German version of frame-panel houses - record construction time and ready-made Wall panels. Large panels are completely assembled at the factory and delivered to the construction site with windows, cladding, and even utility lines installed.

However, the size of the panels requires powerful equipment for transportation, which is not able to drive and turn around everywhere. Another drawback is the difficulty of controlling the quality of panels on the part of the customer during their production at the plant.

The advantages of such houses, in addition to rapid construction, include energy efficiency. Practical Germans take into account the costs not only of construction, but also of future operation. If the winter turns out to be frosty, then the cost of heating country house will result in a significant amount, so the building must “keep” heat well.

Frame and half-timbered houses - installation of insulation in the “frame”

The frame-frame method is the construction of a frame from timber and boards, which form a “frame” for installing sheathing and insulation. When performing interior decoration, it is possible to hide communications in the walls, but this also turns out to be a disadvantage if remodeling is required later. The “human factor” comes to the fore, since there are no ready-made shields; they are completely assembled by hand.

Half-timbered houses features a characteristic frame with inclined beams, which is visible from the outside and highlighted in color. The tradition of half-timbering comes from the Middle Ages, but then the space between the beams was filled with stone and clay, and today houses in this style are characterized by large areas glazing.

The main load falls on the frame, to which the inclined elements impart rigidity, so glass is used to fill the space between the beams without fear that it will burst.

Glued laminated timber is usually used for the frame; it does not deform or crack. The thickness of the beam depends on the requirements for the thickness of the heat-protective layer.

A half-timbered structure has all the advantages of a frame house: low specific weight, no shrinkage, but plus it is original appearance. However, aesthetic appeal has reverse side: development individual project in this style it is more expensive than for a traditional “frame”.

Frame houses with DOK

The use of a double volumetric frame eliminates cold bridges and allows the construction warm houses For year-round residence up to 5 floors high. The vertical posts are staggered and staggered. The insulation is laid in two layers, completely eliminating the gaps.

DOK - a frame of increased strength, allows you to increase the load on the floors. Technology makes it possible to design houses with complex configurations.

Frame house design

Construction of a house by frame technology much like constructor assembly. What is included in this “constructor” and how to assemble it correctly?

Main components of a frame house

Its reliability and strength depend on how well the components of a frame house are designed and executed. If the frame components comply with SNiP, then the house will withstand any snow and wind load and will last for many years with proper operation. Nodes are divided into constructive and auxiliary.

Structural units:

  • fastening harnesses;
  • places where the jibs are inserted;
  • strength elements of door and window openings;
  • floor units;
  • roof frame.

The frame house is assembled using nails, the frame is attached to the foundation with anchors. At the joints of joists, corners between walls, door and window openings it is necessary to strictly adhere to the technology, since it is not always possible to eliminate shortcomings after completion of construction.

Building angle

Correct connection of strapping elements and fastening corner posts important to ensure strength and prevent cold bridging. For the bottom trim, a beam connected “in half a tree” is used. To fix the racks, jibs are installed. When installing vertical posts, be sure to check the angle values.


The technology of a frame house allows the use of shallow-depth strip or columnar. However, the choice of the type and structure of the foundation depends not only on the design of the house, but also on the climate zone, level groundwater, freezing depth, relief, soil type.

Heaving soils expand and swell when they freeze, weak soils “shift” under strong pressure. Before construction begins, soil samples should be taken to determine whether it can serve as a foundation for a foundation. Loose soils are strengthened or partially removed.

The construction of the foundation begins from the base - the site is leveled, cleared of turf, then trenches are dug or a cushion of crushed stone is prepared, depending on the soil.

Heaving soils are found in all regions middle zone Russia. The moisture in the soil freezes, the soil increases in volume and “pushes out” the supports. In this case, the foundation should be below the freezing level or located closer to the surface - a shallow type.

Another problem is seasonality. Pouring concrete is done at above-zero temperatures, but builders also work in winter, and at this time clients are usually offered discounts. In order not to depend on the time of year, choose pile-screw foundation. Hollow piles are screwed into the soil and the cavities are filled with concrete. The advantage of this method is that air circulates freely in the base part, this protects the wood from rotting.

If the choice fell on a pile-screw foundation, it is recommended to do a test “screwing in” to find out where the solid soil begins and at what depth to install the piles.

Slab foundations are reliable, but expensive and require more time, so they are not widely used.

Types of frame: wood or metal

Traditionally, the frame is made of wood: timber 100x100 mm and edged board. If planned attic floor, then to increase the strength of the structure, the thickness of the beam increases.

The use of a frame made of galvanized, corrosion-resistant metal thermoprofile increases the life of the house. Perforation holes make the profile light, so the structure is light in weight, but the frame is not afraid of rotting and fires. The main difficulty in working with a thermal profile is sealing; if construction rules are not followed, there will be unnecessary heat loss.

Roof and roofing materials

The roof structure is designed taking into account snow and wind loads, and the choice roofing materials depends on the customer’s budget, roof slope, permissible load.

Main types of roofs:

  • gable;
  • hip;
  • attic.

Popular roofing materials:

  • asbestos cement slate;
  • Sheet steel;
  • metal tiles;
  • ondulin (bitumen slate).

Advantages and disadvantages of frame technology

Frame construction technology cannot be called ideal; it has not only advantages, but also negative aspects.

Advantages of prefabricated houses

  1. Construction time is the main, and often decisive, argument for the customer. Once the foundation has hardened, the simple project is assembled in two weeks. Home construction large area with complex architectural solution takes several months.
  2. Materials used in frame construction: laminated veneer lumber, boards, OSB boards, SIP panels, do not deform from changes in humidity. You can immediately begin finishing.
  3. Savings at all stages: lightweight foundation, low transport costs, inexpensive materials and installation.
  4. Use of shallow foundations.
  5. Possibility of construction on difficult soils.
  6. Modern insulation provides good thermal insulation and allow you to live in frame house all year round.
  7. All-season construction work.
  8. It is allowed to lay communications in wall cavities.

Disadvantages and weaknesses

  1. The main disadvantage is the short service life, 50-80 years. However, any wooden building needs to be repaired; with proper care, the house will last longer.
  2. Frame houses are low-rise. An exception is projects with a frame made of metal profiles. At wooden frame It is not recommended to make three floors, but an attic is quite acceptable.
  3. Redevelopment in panel houses impossible, but in frame-and-frame construction it depends on the project: some walls are removed if they are not load-bearing. But the issue must be agreed upon with the authors of the project.
  4. Low sound insulation.
  5. If polystyrene foam is used as insulation, the house may be damaged by rodents.
  6. Low fire safety is a relative disadvantage. There are insulation materials that are resistant to fire, for example, basalt wool. The wooden parts of the structure are treated with protective compounds.

Video: how to build a frame house

This video quickly shows all the stages of building a house using frame technology.
