What does a person's lifestyle mean? Lifestyle and behavioral characteristics. What is the right way of life

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Of all medicines, the best is rest and abstinence.
B. Franklin

Health depends much more on
our habits and nutrition,
than from medical art

D. Lebok

An environmental factor was the increasing consumption of drugs by the population. Most synthetic medications, normalizing one physiological reaction, the function of an organ, can imperceptibly change the state of other organs and systems, up to their disease, which is referred to as side effect medicines.

Therefore, we must remember about the diseases of pharmacological aggression.” Yes, some medications can cause liver damage. At the IV International Conference on Cardiovascular Therapy (1991), it was indicated that the use of pharmacological drugs that reduce the level of fat in the blood can lead to an increase in the number of tumor diseases. There are more and more people suffering from “drug allergies” in society.

The World Health Organization (WHO) called on the governments of developed countries to help revive traditional medicine with a recommendation for scientific study of its potential. There is a long-awaited departure from the opposition between traditional and official medicine. That "unofficial" medicines can have a healing effect, there is no doubt.

A healthy lifestyle is an indispensable condition for human health. There is a strong relationship between the incidence of the disease and a person’s lifestyle.

Unfortunately, health does not always occupy the first place in a person, which for some is reserved for things and other material benefits of life. Of course, health largely depends on wealth. But what do we mean by well-being, is it just things? Unlimited growth of material consumption becomes harmful for a person and inhibits his spiritual development. This overshadows the importance of the main goals of life - physical and spiritual improvement and harmonious development of the individual.

If previously a person was both a producer and a consumer at the same time, now these functions are clearly distributed. The same thing apparently happened with health. Man, “consuming” his health in hard physical labor and in the fight against the forces of nature, was well aware that he himself must take care of its restoration. Now people think that health is as constant as electricity and water supply, that it will always be there. Thus, health is not always and not to the proper extent the concern of the worker himself. Everything is presented to the concerns of the state, medicine, which, as many probably think, should provide health in the same way as food, industrial goods and paid services. And a person becomes only a “consumer” of his health, and not its “producer”.

The preservation and reproduction of health are directly dependent on the level of culture. Culture is understood as a special kind of attitude - an attitude towards oneself, characteristic only of man. Culture is not only the sum of moral principles. Very often people do not know what they are capable of doing with themselves, what huge reserves of physical and mental health they have, whether they will be able to preserve and use them, up to increasing the duration of an active and happy life.

Lifestyle is a complex of the most significant and typical characteristics of the way people work, socially, cognitively, culturally and other types of activities (activities) that directly affect their health. IN scientific definition The organism must also include its environment, since without the latter the existence of the organism would be impossible. One of the wise men Ancient India proclaimed: “As is the microcosm, so is the macrocosm.”

Although lifestyle is inextricably unified with living conditions, these concepts should be distinguished. Living conditions are, in essence, all the factors that mediate and condition the way of life, determine it or accompany it. These include material and intangible factors (social, spiritual, cultural, etc.) and natural factors. The way of life in the form of activity, the activity of people is associated with living conditions, since people react to living conditions, use them, and show a certain attitude towards them. We must understand “what a person is, what life is, what health is, and how balance, the harmony of the elements support him, and their discord destroys and destroys him” (Leonardo da Vinci).

Even more than 2000 years ago great doctor Hippocrates emphasized the role of a healthy lifestyle in preventing disease. In this concept he included: following a diet according to age, season, constitution, walking, bathing, and gymnastic exercises.

Philosopher Socrates, who lived in the 5th century. BC, believed that a meaningful life leads to spiritual and physical health, harmony internal forces and external activities, to moral satisfaction with one’s behavior. Knowing oneself, in his opinion, is the highest human dignity and good. In order to be healthy, you need to have great willpower, not to please the whims and desires of your own body. More ancient philosopher Seneca wrote about this: “Please the body only as much as is necessary to maintain its strength, and consider this way of life the only healthy and healing one, keep the body in strictness.”

It is known from history that people were often ruined by excesses - overeating, overwork at work, sexual intemperance, and the use of stimulants in large doses. Health is a healthy lifestyle, the establishment of which is inseparable from the fight against bad habits. “Lifestyle is a certain, historically determined type, type of life activity or a certain way of activity in the material and non-material (spiritual) spheres of people’s life” (Yu.P. Lisitsyn).

Summarizing a number of classifications, Yu.P. Lisitsyn includes four categories in the lifestyle: “... economic - “standard of living”, sociological - “quality of life”, socio-psychological - “lifestyle” and socio-economic - “way of life.” All other things being equal, the first two categories (economic and sociological) people’s health also depends on the style and way of life, which are largely determined by historical traditions enshrined in the consciousness of people, which determines their behavior. Thousands of generations of our ancestors lived in close communication with nature, lived and worked synchronously with natural rhythms. We got up in the morning and fell asleep in the evening dawn. Each season had its own work spirit, its own rhythm of life. Now people live in the rhythm of the production cycle, the same at any time of the year.

The main areas where a person’s lifestyle is realized:

— labor, its organization, forms of satisfying material and cultural needs;
- everyday life, as a service sector and as a set of customs, traditions, community norms that are characteristic of life outside of production, in free time;
- forms of people’s participation in political and public life;
— elements related to social consciousness, morality, moral and ethical, psychological and general cultural.

Sustainable health is achieved by following the principles of healthy, intelligent life, ultimately ensuring active longevity. The concept of “healthy lifestyle” includes: a rational regime of work, rest and nutrition, leisure, proper sleep, hardening of the body, a decisive fight against bad habits.

Lisovsky V.A., Evseev S.P., Golofeevsky V.Yu., Mironenko A.N.

Lifestyle- this is the everyday behavior of a person, determined primarily by her upbringing, the traditions of the people to which she belongs, and the family. This is also the food culture, lifestyle, profession, use of free time, etc. A person’s lifestyle is also influenced by the conditions in which she lives, her character, and education.

The way a person behaves affects her physical health, strengthening or destroying it, prolonging or shortening her life. For example, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle. They mostly travel in cars, on public transport, sit at a table most of the day, and in the evening in front of the TV or computer. All this undoubtedly undermines the health and physical well-being of the body.

The relationship between lifestyle and health is most fully expressed in the concept of a healthy lifestyle.


Healthy lifestyle- this is everything in human life that contributes to the formation, preservation, strengthening and restoration of health and provides a person with a successful life path.

For example, you are well aware of the enormous benefits of exercise, which helps the body maintain good shape, how to rest properly so as not to get sick and be able to cope with nervous stress and stress. Physical exercise helps you get rid of excess body weight and prolong life. life- after all, it is much better when life brings joy than torment and pain.

Remember everything you learned in your 6th grade health lessons and you can easily formulate the components of a healthy lifestyle. These are, in particular:

  • hardening;
  • optimal motor mode;
  • balanced diet;
  • personal hygiene;
  • refusal bad habits;
  • positive emotions.

So, a healthy lifestyle directs a person’s activities towards the formation, preservation and strengthening of his health (2).

Often people feel the desire to change their usual lifestyle, which stopped bringing joy.

To become, just take a few simple steps.

What is a lifestyle?

Lifestyle- this is a developed individual system for distributing one’s time for different kinds activity.

This concept includes the entire spectrum of spheres of human life: with loved ones, personal relationships, behavior, attitude to sports, leisure options, health care, moral principles, faith, etc.

The type of life gives rise to a certain behavior style, rules, habits and rituals. Its formation is significantly influenced by historical, geographical, national, age, and professional aspects.

Thus, the living conditions of an Asian and a European are significantly different, even if they are of the same age, profession, etc. It is also impossible to compare the professional responsibilities of a doctor in the 18th century and a specialist in the 21st century.

Accordingly, a person cannot fully determine all aspects of his activity, The habitat leaves a big imprint on the formation of his personal attitudes.

Lifestyle is not only an individual, but also a group characteristic. It can unite entire generations.

Types and examples

Basis of classification Socio-cultural norms, goals, professional achievements, desire for material wealth, attitude to family values, etc. can serve as a basis.

You often hear about the following lifestyles:

  1. Strict. A person strives to demonstrate something that meets all existing standards. He will never do anything forbidden or illegal. In his actions he adheres to common sense. A similar attitude towards one’s personality is transferred to others, to whom certain demands are made. Any failure to comply with norms of behavior or failure to fulfill duties is viewed by a strict person exclusively from a negative point of view.

    For example, often large managers, who are accustomed to being organized and demanding of others at work, carry this behavior into their personal lives.

  2. Rampant. IN in this case the individual does not think at all about the impression he makes on others. Aliens negative actions also do not cause him much condemnation. The main meaning of life is to obtain momentary pleasures. In the first place are entertainment, communication, and all kinds of joys. Any responsibilities are seen as an unwanted hindrance.
    This behavior is often demonstrated by young people who do not have financial problems thanks to their wealthy parents. The lack of need to take care of one's material well-being and the lack of clear goals in life give rise to the desire for constant entertainment.
  3. Ordered. In this case, the individual exists in strict accordance with the order he has established. All duties are completed on time, and any events are planned in advance. A person tries to organize his existence in such a way that the likelihood of unforeseen events is reduced to zero. It should be noted that such a lifestyle is not always a conscious choice. Often this happens under the pressure of external circumstances.

    For example, a young girl may begin to lead a structured lifestyle after the birth of a child due to the need to adhere to the baby's daily routine. Each day will be no different from the previous one.

  4. Ascetic. The individual is of the opinion that one should live as simply and modestly as possible. Most of the material goods and achievements of mankind do not arouse his interest. All his desires come down to the satisfaction of basic, psychological and. Many amenities and entertainment are seen as superfluities, without which one can live freely. Such self-denial is associated with the desire to free the soul from harmful influences. external environment, gain maximum independence from those imposed by society. A true ascetic, who has renounced the benefits of civilization, may have only a few pieces of furniture in his home, wear the same clothes for a long time, eat the simplest foods solely to maintain life, etc.
  5. Healthy. This lifestyle requires proper nutrition, hygiene, exercise, adequate sleep and rest. Supporters of a healthy lifestyle do not drink alcohol, do not smoke, and are not addicted to drugs.

    They care about the health of their body and do not accept any negative influences on him.

    A typical supporter of a healthy lifestyle is a young man who goes to the gym several times a week, has no bad habits, and adheres to the principles proper nutrition, spends a lot of time on fresh air, regularly undergoes preventive examinations by specialists.

  6. Modern. Into the image modern man fits an individual who successfully adapts to the conditions that society dictates to him. He enjoys the achievements of civilization, is aware of events, shares fashion trends and executes. Currently under modern type existence is often understood as the pursuit of material wealth, the desire for professional achievements, and the ability to understand fashion trends and technical innovations.

How is it determined?

The lifestyle of a particular individual can be determined by a number of structural components:

  • value guidelines(norms of behavior, moral principles, attitudes);
  • behavior pattern(habits, rituals, ways of interacting with others);
  • cognitive abilities(ideas about the world, the desire for knowledge, stereotypes);
  • communication skills(manner of communication with others);
  • life goals(material goods, Professional Development, family relationships, spiritual development).


This concept includes the following elements:

It should be noted that for most people the phrase "lifestyle" associated with ideas about leisure.

When people ask their interlocutor a relevant question, they want to hear about how the person spends his free time. In fact, this concept is much broader.

How to change it?

Often the thought appears that the current life is no longer satisfying.

This can be caused by boredom, daily routine, abundance household duties, lack of space for self-realization, etc.

Most often about the desire to change something in life appears in people who have no interest in their work and in those who are unhappy in their family life.

Personality must constantly be in development: receive useful experience, acquire new skills, expand your horizons, etc. The desire to change your lifestyle indicates the need for self-development and self-improvement.

At such a moment, a person comes to the understanding that he is wasting his time and energy on solving issues that do not cause him any interest.

To change your lifestyle, you need to do the following:

So, a person’s lifestyle is reflected in his behavior, interests, values ​​and activities. To achieve inner harmony, you need to determine your desired goals and strive to achieve them.

Healthy lifestyle and health psychology:

Data provided by the World Health Organization indicate that 50% of a person’s health depends on their lifestyle.

A way of life is understood as a stable way of life of people that has developed in certain socio-economic conditions, manifested in their work, life, leisure, satisfaction of material and spiritual needs, in the norms of communication and behavior. Lifestyle includes three components: level, quality and lifestyle.

The quality of life characterizes the degree of comfort in meeting human needs(that is, it is primarily a sociological category). In the specialized literature, the phrase “quality of life” began to appear after 1975. Its generally accepted definition has not yet been found. Quality of life is interpreted as a fairly broad concept, covering many aspects of a person’s life, related not only to the state of his health. These include: living conditions; satisfaction with studies and/or work; family relationships; social environment; political and economic situation in the country.

Subjective aspects of quality of life are reflected in the following factors:

A state of personality that allows it to painlessly overcome opposition (struggle, aggression, competition) from the outside world;

Ability to adequately solve assigned tasks;

Opportunity to live life to the fullest in close contact with everything that a person loves;

The ability to be everything that you are able to become (self-realization);

Possibility is in physical and mental balance with nature and social environment, With myself.

The entire set of known methods for assessing the quality of life in the subject of research can be divided into five main groups 46.

Physical condition (state of physical health, physical abilities, physical limitations, temporary disability).

Mental state (psychological well-being, levels of anxiety and depression, self-control of emotions and behavior, cognitive functions).

Social functioning (interpersonal contacts, social connections, social support: benefits, benefits, etc.)

Role functioning (at work, at home).

General subjective perception of the state of one’s health (assessment of the current condition and its prospects, assessment of pain).

According to N.M. Amosov, health from the standpoint of the category of quality of life is a choice of a lifestyle in which a person enjoys health, and its stable presence ensures longevity with high level mental comfort.

Lifestyle is a socio-psychological category. It characterizes the features Everyday life person, that is, a certain standard to which the psychology and physiology of the individual adapts. Lifestyle is an essential sign of individuality, the manifestation of its relative independence, the ability to form oneself as a person in accordance with one’s own ideas about a complete and interesting life. Human health largely depends on lifestyle, which is determined by mentality ( national culture and traditions) and personal inclinations.

A healthy lifestyle is a complex concept, but narrower than the actual lifestyle. Most researchers define a healthy lifestyle as a combination of external and internal living conditions human body, in which all its systems work for a long time, as well as a set of rational methods that promote health, harmonious development of personality, methods of work and rest.

A person’s lifestyle is to a decisive extent determined by his attitude towards his health.

Attitude to health is one of the central, but still very poorly developed issues of health psychology. The search for an answer to it essentially boils down to one thing: how to ensure that health becomes the leading, organic need of a person throughout his entire life. life path. In fact, A number of reasons prevent a person from forming an adequate attitude towards their own health 39. Their contents are disclosed below.

One of the problems is that a healthy person does not notice his health, perceives it as a natural given, as a self-evident fact, without seeing it as an object special attention. In a state of complete physical and mental well-being, the need for health is, as it were, not noticed by a person and falls out of his field of vision. He believes in its indestructibility and does not consider it necessary (since everything is fine) to take any special actions to preserve and strengthen his health.

As a rule, health attracts attention when problems arise with it. Health acquires an urgent vital necessity and special significance when it is already impaired.

The basis of unhealthy behavior is often the phenomenon of “unrealistic optimism,” unjustified, unfounded. Certain psychological factors contribute to its formation:

absence personal experience illness;

the belief that if a problem (disease) has not yet appeared, then it will not appear in the future;

the belief that if a health problem does occur, it can be dealt with by taking appropriate action.

A fairly typical situation is when people burdened with diseases, feeling them acutely, nevertheless do not take action. effective measures, do not show proper activity aimed at eliminating them.

One of the reasons passive attitude to health lies in the lack of necessary knowledge about it, about the ways of its formation, preservation and strengthening.

Repeated unhealthy behavior in some cases can bring immediate pleasure (drink vodka, smoke a “good” cigarette, etc.), but long-term Negative consequences such actions seem distant and unlikely.

Often people simply do not realize the danger associated with this or that unhealthy behavior (violations in the field of nutrition, personal hygiene, work and rest schedule, everyday culture).

A significant part of a person’s self-preservation behavior is determined by his idea of ​​health. If recommendations for health promotion received from the media or a doctor do not coincide with his ideas, the likelihood that he will follow these recommendations will be low.

There is an age-related dynamics in the importance of health. Its priority role is most often noted by the views of the middle and especially older generations. Young people usually treat the problem of health as something quite important, but abstract, not directly related to them. Their hierarchy of values ​​is dominated by material wealth and career. They pay attention to health, mainly its physical component. The role of mental and social health is not given its due place in the understanding of young people.

Social pressure often forces people to engage in unhealthy behavior (for example, the role of reference groups in adolescents in terms of their initiation into smoking, alcohol, and drugs).

There is a delayed effect feedback: people prefer not to burden themselves with working on their own health, since the result of the effort expended may not be immediately noticeable and obvious. Classes morning exercises, some type of health-improving systems, hardening do not give a noticeable positive result immediately, after a few days, but more often after months and even years.

People don’t understand this; it’s often simply not explained to them. They are not encouraged to patiently and systematically work on their own health. Not receiving quick effect From doing things that are beneficial to their health, people give up exercise and may never return to it.

The delayed feedback effect is one of the main reasons for people’s unhygienic behavior and their disregard for the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

From time to time there is a fashion for health, but there is no attempt to raise this problem in the long term as a national one.

In 1965, American scientists Belloc and Breslau began to study the influence of lifestyle on human health (based on the book: Nikiforov G.S. Psychology of Health. St. Petersburg: Rech, 2002. 256c.) They surveyed 7,000 people aged 25 to 75 years. Using one list of questions, the nature of the presence of seven factors in the lifestyle of respondents was clarified: sleep, breakfast, snacking between meals, maintaining optimal weight, smoking, drinking alcohol and physical exercise. Another list of questions was aimed at finding out the health status of the respondents over the past twelve months: for example, did they have to take sick leave due to illness; whether they had periods of low energy; whether they were forced to give up certain types of activities, etc. A comparison of different age groups based on the results of the study showed that in each of them the overall level of health increased as their lifestyle “improved.” Moreover, those who followed all seven rules of a healthy lifestyle showed the same health results as those who were 30 years younger, but did not follow these rules at all or partially. Subsequently these seven factors began to be considered as the basis of a healthy lifestyle. These include:

Sleep (7-8 hours),

Regular meals

Refusal of additional meals (that is, in between meals),

Weight not exceeding 10% of the optimal (depending on age),

Regular classes physical exercise,

Limiting alcohol

To give up smoking.

Of course, this does not exhaust all the real variety of factors of a healthy lifestyle, which is constantly being clarified experimentally and is not yet a definitively established list. We present the most well-known factors of a healthy lifestyle and accompany them with commentary of varying degrees of detail.

When it comes to talking about an image, I can only remember one phrase. After all, this is what is always given to children as a vector of development. A healthy lifestyle is what every person strives for. But there are other directions. Today we will talk about different ones, what they are and how to get to them.

What does this phrase mean?

What is a lifestyle? This is a set of individual concepts about the world, habits, traditions and moral principles. It is at the intersection of these factors that style is born human behavior. And yes, for most people it is the same. After all, many of us grew up in the same country, watched the same TV series and studied at schools and institutes according to the same programs. Therefore, it should not be surprising that such different individuals can have a similar lifestyle. What else influences it? Well, of course, the environment. People change each other, sometimes even beyond recognition.

Children's lifestyle

Everyone understands that a child cannot independently choose what to spend his time on. Parents select a diet, clothing, kindergarten and, as a result, lifestyle for their child. Children cannot refuse it. Even if the child does not want to eat porridge for breakfast, he will simply remain hungry, and in the end he will have to love the food that is offered to him. It's the same with all habits. The child does not want to get up, the parents still get him up, and if the child cannot sleep, no mother will allow him to walk around the apartment at night. From the above it is quite clear that childish image life is shaped by parents. What does it include?

  1. Schedule.
  2. Hygiene.
  3. Sport.
  4. Nutrition.
  5. Intellectual activity.

Reading this list, you can understand that children lead more active and sometimes even more productive lives than their parents.


What does this concept include? A healthy lifestyle not only means the absence of bad habits in a person’s life. But of course, he also implies this. After all, it cannot be said that a person leads a healthy lifestyle if he drinks and smokes.

To improve your body and physical state, giving up alcohol and cigarettes is not enough. You also need to watch your diet. Stop eating fried, salty and spicy foods, start drinking more water and give up coffee. A person who wants to lead a healthy lifestyle needs to play sports. And here you can choose. If a person likes to run, then he can do his morning workouts outside. If a girl loves yoga, then she can practice it.


What kind of behavior pattern is this? People who find pleasure in being alone should not be considered strange. After all, they simply do not need to communicate with others. This does not mean that they try to withdraw into themselves and not receive any new information from the outside world. For this purpose they have the Internet and books. Such people are not always hermits. They're just introverts. Not all people find pleasure in noisy drinking in nightclubs; some people prefer to spend the evening over a cup of tea, talking with their best friend.

Active lifestyle

Today it has become fashionable to travel and play sports. Therefore, it is at the peak of popularity. Many young people do not want to sit at home on their days off; they go to the mountains to ski or go to the sea to jump off cliffs. But lifestyle includes not only active recreation during the holidays. Therefore, adherents of this lifestyle go to the gym every day or every other day to keep their body in shape. People spend their holidays hiking or boating, for example, in Karelia. Often such people stand out from the crowd not only with their well-toned body, but also with their clothes. Girls prefer not heels, but boots, not skirts, but sweatpants. In this form, they go not only to the gym, but even to the cinema or to a cafe.


Rich people and their children can afford the best. What lifestyle is considered aristocratic? People who can afford to fly abroad for the weekend or go on a cruise ship fit this definition. But today many factory workers have the opportunity to travel. The difference between them and aristocrats is that an ordinary person will save money for a vacation all year, and a wealthy entrepreneur can arrange a trip for himself as a reward for a successful deal. What does an aristocratic lifestyle include, besides expensive entertainment events? Free daily routine, great food, gym classes, cosmetic procedures and complex commercial activities.

Idle lifestyle

Most unemployed people and even clerks have a narrow circle of interests and acquaintances. As a result, their destiny is to lead a rather idle lifestyle. What does it consist of? In daily trips to an unloved job (if there is one), unhealthy eating and a passion for bad habits. There is no activity in the lives of such people. Yes, they don’t need this. After all, why go skiing when you can watch your favorite series on TV? Of course, but if you think about it, most people in our country lead an idle lifestyle. They sit on the couch and think it's someone else's responsibility to improve political system, the development of science and art. This lifestyle may also include trips abroad. But they will not be excursion or educational. An idle person can come, for example, to Turkey, and spend the entire vacation on the beach or on a sun lounger near the pool.


With development social networks many people wanted to gain easy fame. At the same time, naturally, they simply need to lead a public lifestyle. Today, almost all young people are puzzled by how to gain new subscribers on Instagram. It may seem strange, but some people go to extreme measures. They keep their lives open. Any person can find out what his neighbor eats, where he hangs out and who his neighbor sleeps with. All you have to do is open his profile. Why is this necessary? So that people can see how great a person is doing. The world of modern popularity is built on envy. But is this good? Of course not. What else, besides daily updated social networks, does a public lifestyle mean? Visiting all kinds and organizing them yourself. Popular people are obliged to lead their fans, tell them something and teach them something.

What other lifestyles are there?

We talked about the most famous and popular models of human existence. What other ways of life are there? Here is a list of some of them:

  • night;
  • west;
  • Soviet;
  • unhealthy;
  • wandering;
  • luxurious;
  • free;
  • respectable;
  • stag;
  • wasteful;
  • Spartan;
  • reclusive.

This list can be continued for a long time. Lifestyle and health are directly related in almost all of these points. After all, only a person who is not susceptible to disease can exist in harmony with his body and mind. Psychological illnesses rarely affect healthy body and the human spirit.

How to change your life?

For change to begin to occur, you must first reconsider your views. The basis of the lifestyle is the mindset for success and the abandonment of bad habits. Moreover, many people can quit drinking and smoking, but they simply cannot give up gossip and slander. If we're going to build new life, then you need to abandon the old foundations as much as possible. But of course, only from those that interfere with life. Every person has good habits. For example, some people like to get up early, while others like to go to bed early. Perhaps someone loves to meditate or run in the morning. So you need to cling to such actions and cultivate them. After all, it will be impossible to change your whole life at once. You need to make a list of good habits that will help you create your perfect image life. Here's an example:

  • getting up early;
  • daily hygiene of body and thoughts;
  • sport;
  • healthy eating;
  • favorite work;
  • hobby;
  • communication with loved ones and like-minded people.

Each person should have their own list. The main thing is that it must reflect individuality and true values.

Why do people lead immoral lives?

The question is quite trivial. After all, a person’s fate is directly influenced by his upbringing. Of course, class and lifestyle are related. But this vicious circle can be broken. The son of a worker and a cook can become a businessman, and the daughter of a millionaire can easily squander the entire family fortune. Although such cases are still exceptions. Usually people do not go beyond their social circle given to them from birth. Why do some individuals not only not try to develop, but also aggravate an already deplorable situation? Bad habits, weak willpower and apathy are the main reasons for the reluctance to change anything. And when you add the thought that life is bad and it will never get better, no matter how hard you try, then the person completely disappears. Such people are capable of committing and it is very difficult to change them. No matter how much a psychologist assures a person that everything can be changed, until the person believes in himself, change cannot be expected.
