What about wood finishing? Finishing of wood products. Types of artistic wood processing

Wood finishing

Wood finishing

wood processing processes in order to protect it from unwanted influences external environment and giving wooden products decorative look. The finish can be transparent or opaque.

Transparent finishing, protecting the wood, not only preserves its natural appearance, but even emphasizes its pattern, making it brighter and more prominent. This finishing is essentially the only way to finish wood joinery valuable species or lined with decorative veneer, as well as products with an inlaid surface. The most common methods of transparent finishing are varnishing, waxing, glazing and glazing. Varnishing applicable for finishing wood of any species. A thin layer of varnish applied to the surface of the product forms a hard, shiny, transparent film after hardening. For finishing carpentry, oil, alcohol and cellulose varnishes, colored varnishes (from red to black), etc. are used. colorless, not covering the natural grain of the wood and not changing the color of the wood.

At waxing The wood is intensively rubbed with pure beeswax or wax-containing mastic. Wax fills wood pores and smoothes the surface. Sometimes the wax coating is secured thin layer varnish, half diluted with polish. Most often, waxing is used for finishing products made of oak, beech, walnut, as well as painted (tinted) wood of alder, birch, linden, and poplar.

Glaze- a method of matte finishing of wood by applying to its surface linseed oil or high-quality natural drying oil mixed with turpentine. The method is used for finishing ch. arr. spruce, pine, cedar, larch and is completely unsuitable for finishing oak products (covered with oak veneer), since linseed oil leaves irremovable stains on their surface.

Glazing differs from glazing only in that, in addition to linseed oil (linseed oil), dry dyes (pigments) dissolved in oil are added to the working mixture to give the surface of the product the desired shade.

Opaque finishing is the most common method of finishing products made from low-grade wood with an inexpressive pattern or when natural look wood doesn't matter. It is carried out using adhesive oil or enamel paints or by gluing various materials onto the surface of the product. decorative films or valuable wood veneer (veneering). Less commonly used (Ch. ed. in industrial production) for pasting colored plastics and paper.

Coloring is the simplest and most affordable way finishing. Its main difficulty is that before painting, careful preparation of the surface is necessary - eliminating cracks, dents, fallen knots and other defects formed during the process machining wood In addition to those indicated, there are other finishing methods that occupy an intermediate position between opaque and transparent finishing, for example. staining, mordant dyeing, long lasting in water (oak), coloring of standing wood by introducing a dye solution into a living tree, wood blowtorch, whitening with hydrogen peroxide.

Encyclopedia "Technology". - M.: Rosman. 2006 .

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Types of finishing can be divided into the following main groups: transparent, opaque, imitation, etc.

With a transparent finish, the surface of the wood is covered with colorless finishing materials, preserving or even more revealing the wood texture. It is used for finishing furniture and high-quality construction products: windows, doors, panels made from valuable wood.

Transparent finishes are achieved by varnishing, polishing, waxing and coating with transparent films. When finishing by varnishing, varnishes are used that contain film-forming substances in organic solvents, solvents, etc.

Most often, polyester, nitrocellulose and urea-formaldehyde varnishes are used for finishing wood, and less often - oil and alcohol varnishes. Nitrocellulose varnishes dry well, produce a transparent, elastic, durable and fairly weather-resistant film that can be sanded well. Varnishes based on urea-formaldehyde resins form a film with a shiny surface that is quite transparent. The film formed by oil varnishes is elastic, durable, weather-resistant, but not decorative enough; alcohol varnishes produce a film with insufficient strength, weather resistance, and low gloss. Depending on the degree of gloss, coatings are classified into glossy, semi-glossy and matte.

Varnish coatings are divided into four classes by appearance, and into eight groups by operating conditions (depending on the resistance of the coatings to atmospheric conditions, water, and temperature).

A type of transparent finish is polishing with an alcohol polish, which is a solution of shellac resin in ethyl alcohol. The polish is applied repeatedly in a thin layer to the surface of the wood.

When waxing, i.e. applying a mixture of wax and volatile solvents (white spirit, turpentine) to the surface of wood, a transparent film is also obtained, formed by a thin layer of wax (volatile solvents evaporate during the drying process). The wax coating is usually applied to porous wood (oak, ash). The wax film is soft, so it is covered with an additional layer of alcohol varnish. The wax coating has a matte surface.

With an opaque finish, a film is created on the surface that covers the color and texture of the wood. Non-transparent finishing is used in the manufacture of school, kitchen, medical, built-in and children's furniture, doors, and windows.

To obtain an opaque coating, oil, nitrocellulose, alkyd, perchlorovinyl, water-based paints and enamels.

When painting with enamels with a large content of film-forming substances, glossy coatings are obtained, with a smaller amount - semi-gloss, and when painting oil paints- matte.

Imitation finishing improves the appearance of products made from wood, the texture of which is the same beautiful design. The main methods of imitation finishing are deep dyeing, pressing of textured paper with a pattern of precious wood, finishing with veneer, films, and sheet plastic.

The performance qualities of paint and varnish coatings must have a number of physical and mechanical properties: adhesion to wood, hardness, heat, light and water resistance. These properties are of significant importance in the operating conditions of the products. They are determined by quality paint and varnish materials, conditions of their application, drying of coatings.

Adhesion refers to the strength of adhesion of the paint coating to the surface of wood, while hardness refers to the resistance of the paint coating to the penetration of a harder body into it.

Water resistance is the ability of a coating to withstand the effects of water on the surface of a product. It plays a very significant role in the operation of carpentry products (window blocks, external doors) in conditions of variable humidity.

Paint and varnish coatings must be heat-resistant, i.e. not destroyed when heated sun rays or other heat sources. In addition, they must be elastic, since when atmospheric conditions change paint coatings dry out or swell, causing cracks to form and coatings to wrinkle or peel off.



All people try to make their home individual, unique, and cozy. Today there are a huge number of ways to obtain unique color and comfort, but the most attractive thing for many years has been decorating the house with processed wood products. In this article we will talk about which artistic wood processing is the most popular.

Kinds artistic wood processing

To the main types artistic treatment wood can be classified as:

  • carving
  • mosaic
  • turning
  • burning
  • embossing

Mosaic is the creation of ornaments or plots using individual elements. Such an image is assembled from small pieces of one or several types of wood on any surface.

To create a mosaic pattern, a wide variety of types of wood are used, differing in shade and texture. Wooden mosaics can be classified as works of decorative and applied art. It is used to decorate rooms and household items: furniture, jewelry and souvenir boxes, paintings.

The mosaic contains the following varieties:

  • inlay
  • intarsia
  • block mosaic.

Inlay is the decoration of a surface with pieces of wood cut into them. When the inserts differ from the main color or texture, the inlay is called intarsia. Decorative pieces of veneer of different types of timber are used in the design of mosaic canvases. In this way, you can get a solid, as if painted canvas, called marquetry. Block mosaic is distinguished by the presence of thin plates with the same pattern, which are glued to the surface to be decorated. Mosaics will be easy for those who have carpentry skills, namely, creating pieces of furniture. Furniture decorated with mosaics looks very beautiful and compares favorably with standard furniture. Certain compositional and technological techniques that are used to create a mosaic pattern will be useful when laying parquet.

Wood carving is the process of creating a design using cut out elements. This type of processing can be called the most ancient. But today many artists and craftsmen are engaged in wood carving. Flat notched, for example, outlines the contours of the design using notches, and contour - creates a pattern using straight lines. The most interesting effect can be achieved using relief carving; the resulting pattern will be voluminous.

Slotted thread can be called the simplest type of thread; it is performed using a jigsaw or jigsaw. Carved carvings with a relief pattern are used to decorate pieces of furniture in the Baroque and Rococo styles.

One of the most popular and easiest methods of processing timber is burning. Using heated metal pins, a pattern, ornament or inscription is applied to the wood. It is a pity that not many people know about the wide possibilities of this type of artistic processing.

Some timber species have very soft wood that is easy to cut. The main type of wood cutting is sawing with a jigsaw. This is a simple type of processing that does not require expensive tools and great experience. It is with this type that the training in artistic processing begins.

At the end of the last century, the scope of use of laser technologies increased significantly. Scientists have invented different devices, the operating principle of which is based on the operation of laser radiation. Lasers are also used in cutting and engraving machines. different materials. Laser machines can cut a wide variety of materials, including wood.

The laser beam has a number of interesting properties. It is characterized by great heat and is capable of punching a hole in any material.

The laser is used for decoration souvenir products, burning emblems and trademarks from expensive types of timber, as well as artistically inlaid parquet boards.

Turning is attractive due to its ease of processing and the ability to obtain a product with a smooth surface and a beautiful surface appearance. This method is most often used to make children's toys. Create turned objects lathe, which was invented by ancient Egyptian masters. The very first machines worked in such a way that the master’s workpiece had to be rotated using a rope, one edge of which was fixed to the string of a bow mounted on the ceiling of the workshop, and the other to a wooden pedal. In the process of evolution, the machines were constantly improved. Today they are equipped with an electric drive, and there are even mechanical and automatic controls.

The turning technique makes it possible to achieve a rounded section with different profiles. You can also get twisted columns and hollow parts.

The choice of wood material is determined by the purpose, parameters, design, as well as the conditions of use of the item. Most often, craftsmen use pear, apple, maple, ash, oak, linden, pine, and spruce timber.

Embossing can also be called an important method for creating relief decoration. This process involves extruding a design onto the soft surface of the timber. The ornament is created in conditions high pressure and temperatures in special molds.

In order to soften the wood, it must be steamed or treated with a solution of hydrochloric acid. After this, a mold, most often metal, containing an engraved negative of the pattern is placed on the surface. Next, the pressing process takes place under a pressure of 200-250 N per 1 cm2. Beech, spruce, birch, linden, and oak wood are used for embossing.

Products prepared in this way are not sanded; for this reason, they can be treated with urea-melamine film.

The very last stage of working with wood is always its decorative processing, which includes cleaning and painting. Without this, the wood quickly absorbs liquid and changes shape.

So two last stage woodworking involves cleaning and painting. Initially wooden blank must be thoroughly cleaned of debris, dust, shavings, grease and any other type of dirt. When using even a perfectly sanded but unpainted wooden object, there is a high probability of a splinter. In addition, untreated items become dirty faster and can become moldy, resulting in a significantly reduced service life. Cleaning and painting can radically change the shade of wood, focusing attention on the texture.

Main types decorative processing can be attributed:

  • burning
  • whitening
  • waxing
  • painting
  • staining.

The structuring procedure makes it possible to focus on the natural beauty of the wood. The main conditions are the low density of the material and pronounced growth rings. Upon completion of drying and cleaning, specialists begin firing.

It is performed in a special way gas burner, which is held at an angle of 45, without stopping in one place. At the end of this process, the resulting surface is cleaned with a stiff brush in the direction of the grain. This procedure is very inexpensive, but the appearance is very unusual.

Wood bleaching involves the oxidation of compounds that give it its natural color. The main task of bleaching is to change the color, eliminate flaws, and smooth out the pattern. The result will be improvement decorative properties and increasing the service life.

The process of changing the shade of wood to a lighter one can be carried out in several stages. The result is a white layer a couple of millimeters thick, through which the dark core is visible. Whitening is also carried out at minimal cost.

After cleaning or even bleaching, the wood shows off its structure perfectly. However, you can emphasize it even more with the help of waxing. The material for this procedure is selected according to the further use of the item. For example, for kitchen utensils it is necessary to use environmentally friendly safe means, such as beeswax. Before applying wax, the object must be thoroughly soaked, after which it is created additional protection top wooden layer and the wax will not be absorbed.

Usually craftsmen use as impregnation vegetable oils. Impregnation is applied in several layers, after which the item can be covered with purchased mastic or wax solution. Both oil and wax must be heated to approximately 82 - 91C, it all depends on the type of material.

Provided that the execution rules are strictly followed, this process can significantly improve the appearance of the item and also increase the service life.

Various paints and preparatory solutions are used to paint objects indoors and outdoors. Wood is not a capricious material, but it is still necessary to follow certain rules:

  • before painting, impregnation with an antiseptic is required
  • avoiding contact with direct sunlight
  • Painting is carried out in a dry room with normal or low humidity.

You can use oil for painting. It creates a protective layer, but leaves the natural color of the wood, prevents darkening, and highlights the texture. Before applying oil, the object is thoroughly sanded sandpaper, then an antiseptic is applied, after which it has dried, you can begin painting.

During decorative processing, you need to paint the material very carefully. Acrylic coatings are excellent for painting. Today at construction stores a wide range of such materials is presented. Varnishes are used as a finishing material - often colorless, but tinted ones are also used.

Giving timber a certain shade is possible with the help of stain. Light-colored timber is easier to tint.

Staining is carried out using two methods:

  • deep
  • surface.

Deep staining of wood is carried out for individual parts, before they are joined into one whole. Often oppression is used for this purpose. The workpieces are completely immersed in paint and kept there for some time, after which they need to be hung to drain. excess liquid. This procedure can be easily performed even at home. This method is often used to imitate valuable timber species. Experts achieve the required shade even with the help of fabric dyes. More deep color obtained after repeated staining.

Today the most ancient construction material- wood can be modified beyond recognition and used in a wide variety of industries. increases the service life and creates a unique appearance.

The paint coating applied to wood performs 2 main functions: protective and decorative. In this article we will consider the main types of finishing: covering and glazing, which give a different decorative effect.

Glaze finish

When finishing products from natural wood, as well as veneered parts, the most widespread is glaze finishing (sometimes it is also called: transparent, translucent, tinted). This finish allows not only not to hide the natural material - wood, but also to advantageously emphasize and refine the texture. The result of this finishing is a coating with visible wood texture.

There are 2 main options for obtaining this finish:

  1. Tinting wood with special tinting compounds followed by application of a transparent varnish layer (Tinting compounds or warriors(from die Beize (German) - pickling solution, wood dye, stain) have long been used in wood processing for coloring and refining. The texture of the wood is not hidden, but rather appears and is emphasized favorably.
  2. Painting with tinted (azure) varnish, to which the appropriate components have been added, giving the varnish the desired color tone.

Finishing technology with tinting compounds is widely used in industrial and craft furniture production for living rooms and kitchens, parquet and wooden stairs, interior doors(is “classic” in the finishing of the above products). This type finishing has a huge variety of options color solutions, and at the same time it is possible to achieve various staining effects, such as, for example, it is possible to emphasize the pattern of annual rings coniferous species(positive effect) and the pores of large-porous wood species (rustic effect), to even out the different shades of wood. In addition, it allows you to achieve the most uniform application of the tinting composition, thereby ensuring uniform coloring.

The technology of finishing with azure varnishes is less widely used in industrial and craft production for finishing doors, stairs, and furniture. With this finishing method, a less uniform color is often achieved than in the first case. This is due to the fact that the greater the thickness of the varnish layer, the more saturated the tone of the varnish film will be. This is especially true when using darker tones. Most widely this technology common in decoration wooden windows, where a professional finishing system includes the application of tinted varnish. Possible the following options production of azure varnishes with the desired color tone:

  • Adding pigments using a dispenser (on appropriate tinting equipment)
  • Adding concentrates to the varnish directly at production (usually in quantities of 2-5%).

Covering finish

With this type of finishing, a completely opaque coating is obtained as a result of applying pigmented opaque materials to the surface of the wood, which completely hides the texture and color of the wood. In this regard, opaque finishing is used mainly for finishing products made from inexpensive wood, chipboard or fiberboard, the surface pattern of which is not original and valuable.

One of the main indicators that evaluate the efficiency of pigmented paints and varnishes used for opaque finishing is hiding power. GOST 8784-75 “Paint and varnish materials methods for determining hiding power” gives the following definition: “hiding power is taken to be the ability of a paint and varnish material to make the color or color differences of the surface being painted invisible.” Covering capacity is measured in g/m2. GOST 8784-75 also provides methods for determining tensile strength. In other words, hiding power shows the amount of pigmented paintwork material (in g/m2) that must be applied to make the substrate invisible. The lower this indicator, the more opaque the material is (i.e., fewer grams are required to obtain an opaque coating). One of the main factors influencing the hiding power of paints and varnishes is the hiding power of the pigments included in the formulation. Since different pigments have different hiding power, pigmented materials (enamels and paints) various colors differ significantly in this indicator. To reduce the consumption of finishing material (enamel), as well as to eliminate the formation of defects during processing (“grinding”), pigmented primers can also be used.

Ordering the color of materials for opaque finishing is carried out according to the catalogues: RAL; NCS S, etc.

Joinery products are used in conditions of variable humidity and temperature, therefore, in order to protect wood from harmful effects air, moisture, pollution and light, they are painted or varnished. In addition, painted or varnished products have a more elegant appearance; they are easier to keep clean.

Finishing the surface of wood consists of covering it with a thin film of paints and varnishes. For finishing wood, coatings are used that create an artificial texture, airbrushing, and lining with textured paper. To give products good appearance artistic decoration is widely used: carving, inlay, applied decorations, burning, etc.

The most famous types of finishes are: transparent - the wood texture is preserved; opaque or opaque - the wood texture is closed; imitation and decorative.

At transparent wood surface finish covered with a transparent shiny or matte coating that clearly shows the wood texture; used for finishing furniture and high-quality building products (panels, doors, etc.) made from valuable wood. Transparent finishes are obtained by varnishing, polishing, waxing and covering products with transparent films (hot pressing). There are glossy (or shiny), semi-gloss and matte varnish coatings.

At varnish finishing they use varnishes that contain film-forming substances in organic solvents, solvents, etc. Most often, nitrocellulose, polyester and urea-formaldehyde varnishes are used for finishing wood; less often - oil and alcohol varnishes. Nitrocellulose varnishes dry well, produce a strong, elastic, transparent and fairly weather-resistant film that can be sanded well. Varnishes based on urea-formaldehyde resins form a film with a shiny surface that is quite transparent.

At finishing wood surfaces with oil varnishes the film is elastic, durable, weather-resistant, but not decorative enough; alcohol varnishes produce a film with insufficient strength, weather resistance and low gloss.

According to the quality of finishing, varnish coatings in accordance with GOST 9894-61 are divided into four classes: first, or highest, second, third and fourth.

Coatings of the first, or highest, class have a smooth and smooth surface without visible defects; Second class coatings also have a flat and smooth surface, with individual, barely noticeable defects.

Coatings of the third and fourth classes have a smooth surface, but with noticeable irregularities caused by insufficient preparation of the wood surface before finishing.

Transparent finish obtained by polishing. The main material used is alcohol polish, which is a solution of resin (shellac) in ethyl alcohol. The polish is applied repeatedly in a thin layer to the surface of the wood, resulting in a product High Quality: furniture, doors made of valuable wood, panels, pianos, TV cases, etc.

At waxing, i.e., when a mixture of wax and volatile solvents (white spirit, turpentine) is applied to the surface of the wood, a transparent film is also obtained, formed by a thin layer of wax (volatile solvents evaporate during the drying process). The wax coating is usually applied to porous wood (oak, ash). The wax film is soft, so it is covered with an additional layer of alcohol varnish. The wax coating has a matte surface.

Opaque coating. With this type of coating, a film is created on the surface that covers the wood texture. To obtain an opaque coating, oil or enamel paints diluted with solvents are used. When painting with enamels with a large content of film-forming substances, glossy coatings are obtained, with a smaller amount - semi-gloss, and when painting with oil paints - matte.

Opaque coating is used for finishing white wood products: school, kitchen or hospital furniture, doors, windows, etc.

Based on quality and appearance, opaque coatings are divided into four classes: coatings of the first and second classes are formed when painted with nitro enamels and enamels based on synthetic resins; coatings of the third and fourth classes - when painted with enamels or paints.

Simulation and decorative finishing wood To improve appearance wooden products, made from wood of low-value species (birch, aspen, pine, etc.), the texture of which does not have a beautiful pattern, they are imitated as valuable decorative species... Improving the decorative properties of wood is achieved by deep dyeing, pasting with textured paper with a pattern printed on it valuable wood, finished with films, as well as by lining with sheet plastic.
