What to do if it’s hot at work (high temperature)? Work and health. What to do if the office is hot

"Conditions temperature regime in the office are regulated by the system of labor safety standards GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for air working area" and SanPiN 2.24.548-96 " Hygienic requirements to the microclimate of production premises." Sanitary rules and regulations establish the maximum and minimum temperature, in which workers can freely perform their duties during an 8-hour working day.

IN warm period year, the optimal office temperature for knowledge workers should be 22-24 °C. The maximum permissible temperature at a permanent workplace should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius. If the temperature in your office exceeds 28.5 degrees Celsius, you can leave work an hour earlier based on sanitary and hygiene requirements. If the thermometer shows 29 degrees Celsius, work 6 hours instead of the standard 8 hours. At 29.5 degrees Celsius, the working day should be reduced to 5.5 hours, at 30 degrees - to 5 hours. 30.5 degrees allows you to work only 4 hours a day, and 31 degrees allows you to work for 3 hours. If the temperature in the office has risen to 32°C, you can work for 2 hours, and above 32.5°C, you can require your employer to work only 1 hour a day. These rules are mandatory for all enterprises and organizations."
That is, you and your employees can contact the district sanitary and epidemiological inspection service where your office is located.

Explain to the director that he has no right to violate your rights to safe working conditions that meet the requirements of labor legislation regarding labor protection for workers. Contact the State Labor Inspectorate, if you have a trade union in your organization, then the trade union committee, as well as the prosecutor’s office and the sanitary and epidemiological station.

Silly suggestion: dress appropriately for the temperature. Swimsuit, shorts, T-shirts, pareos... Not satisfied? Create normal working conditions. Threatened with dismissal? And for what reason? There is nothing unrealistic about this in principle :)

Everyone knows that in our capital everything always happens unexpectedly: snow with the onset of winter, and heat in the middle of summer...

The heat is dangerous. It threatens with sun and heat stroke. The latter, in severe cases, leads to death in 20-30% of cases. How to prevent serious consequences for the body?

What to do if the thermometer in your office is approaching 30 ° C, and the employer does not want to follow the standards established by law and forces you to work full time in a hot, stuffy room? Read about this in our material. Abnormal heat has been tormenting Russia for several weeks. Forecasters' forecasts are disappointing: next week promises to be no less hot than the past. In the agricultural regions of the country, the heat led to drought and crop loss, and in cities people were forced to possible ways save yourself from overheating. Office workers also have a hard time. According to a study by the MIEL-Commercial Real Estate company, in every third office the air conditioning system does not cope with the signs of “global warming”. cartoons online for free in good quality The problem of office heat is so acute that the chief sanitary doctor of Russia, Gennady Onishchenko, even suggested that Russian employers introduce afternoon rest or change the work schedule for their employees due to the abnormal heat. Although, according to a Superjob.ru survey, almost 50% of Muscovites liked the idea of ​​a siesta, 79% of employers are not going to change their work hours due to the heat. But workers are able to force employers to make concessions - the main thing is to know how to defend their rights.

What are the dangers of heat?

High air temperature and lack of fluid in the body can lead to overheating. Symptoms of overheating include fatigue, lethargy, dizziness, headache and elevated body temperature. If the causes of overheating are not eliminated in time, it develops into heat stroke. It is characterized by nausea, rapid breathing, tachycardia, and fainting. In severe form, it can lead to delirium, hallucinations accompanied by very high body temperature (41-42 ° C and above) and even coma.

What should you do if someone in your circle has heatstroke? First of all, if possible, the person should be placed in a cool, well-ventilated place and placed on his back. Pouring cool water (or even taking a cool bath) and cold compresses on the forehead and back of the head will also help.

Overheating can be avoided. To do this, you need to follow several simple rules: do not wear synthetic clothing, wear a hat in the sun, drink a lot and do not overeat. Blood thickens in the heat, so the best drink There will be water (especially mineral water, since with sweat a person loses not only liquid, but also necessary salts and minerals) or green tea. But it is better to completely exclude coffee and alcohol.

But of course, if you have to spend 8 hours every day in stuffy office, where the air conditioning system cannot cope with the heat, the risk of heat stroke is quite high. Remember: according to the law, the employer is obliged to provide you with normal working conditions. Otherwise, you can and should fight for your rights. And at the same time health.

How to deal with the heat in the office

Temperature conditions in the office are regulated by the system of labor safety standards GOST 12.1.005-88 "General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air of the working area" and SanPiN 2.24.548-96 "Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises." Sanitary rules and regulations establish the maximum and the minimum temperature at which workers can freely perform their duties during an 8-hour working day.

During the warm season, the optimal office temperature for knowledge workers should be 22-24 °C. The maximum permissible temperature at a permanent workplace should not exceed 28 °C. If the temperature in your office exceeds 28.5 °C, you can leave work an hour earlier based on sanitary and hygiene requirements. If the thermometer shows 29 °C, work for 6 hours instead of the standard 8 hours. At 29.5 °C the working day should be reduced to 5.5 hours, at 30 °C - to 5 hours. 30.5 °C allows you to work only 4 hours a day, and 31 °C allows you to work for 3 hours. If the office temperature rises to 32 °C, you can work for 2 hours, but 32.5 °C allows you to require your employer to work only 1 hour per day. Remember that these rules are mandatory for all businesses and organizations.

When applying for a job, carefully study employment contract. Responsibilities of the employer to provide for employees normal conditions labor and the conditions for reducing the working day in case of failure to fulfill the employer’s obligations must be spelled out in it. “Such agreements should be established by both parties in advance, and if the condition for reducing the working day has been outlined, why not let the employees go earlier,” says Ekaterina Romm, lawyer at MCA Nikolaev and Partners. However, even if, when applying for a job, you did not study the employment contract from cover to cover, it is entirely within your power to force the employer to create adequate working conditions for you.

What to do if the temperature in the office is higher than the legal limits? Workers can measure their own temperature in the office, says Executive Director of Outsourcing at Beagle Olga Chubukova . “If the established values ​​are exceeded, an act is drawn up by an arbitrary commission of three people and submitted to the employer,” the expert notes in a commentary for Finam.info. “If the employer ignores the employees’ demands to reduce working hours, the employees have the right to contact Rospotrebnadzor with a free-form application with a request to take instrumental measurements in the premises and issue an appropriate resolution.”

Well, what if the decision of Rospodtrebnadzor is not a decree for the employer, and you still failed to get the employer to legally reduce working hours? In this case, you need to contact the labor inspectorate, explains Olga Chubukova: “In the event of the Employer’s failure to comply with measures to bring workplaces into compliance with labor safety requirements, the inspectorate will refer the case to the court.” However, most likely the employer will try not to bring the case to court and will compromise, she notes. State Duma deputy from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, member of the Committee on Labor and social policy Alevtina Aparina takes a less optimistic view: “In fact, it is now very difficult to achieve respect for all rights in the country. And this applies not only to the optimal temperature for work. For example, now only one inspection of an enterprise is enough to judge its work.” The deputy promised that issues of revising labor legislation would be brought up for discussion in the State Duma.

The most important thing is to understand that the employee is not at all obliged to “keep silent” and tolerate violation of his rights by the employer. In Russia, this practice, unfortunately, is still very common. “In our country, not everyone will decide to take such measures, but employers think that they can do anything - somehow the employees will endure it,” notes Alevtina Aparina.

Polina Smekhova | 06/16/2016 | 623

Polina Smekhova 06/16/2016 623

Even though summer has not yet arrived, the sun is shining brighter every day, the air temperature is inexorably rising, and the room is becoming stuffy. It's time to learn how to cope with the heat in the office.

When your brain refuses to think, clients and colleagues become annoying, and the oppressive heat seems to make your blood boil in your body... imagine the snow-capped Alps. They say visualization helps to cope with many problems. In the meantime, we will tell you what to do when the office is unbearably hot.

In order to get rid of the exhausting heat, we will act in the following directions.

Making your stay in the office more comfortable

  • Place an aquarium with water. The evaporating moisture will cool the air.
  • Spray plants with large leaves with water. They will retain moisture for a long time and the room temperature will drop slightly.
  • You can spray the surrounding area with water using a spray bottle.
  • Cover the windows with reflective film with the mirror side facing the street.
  • If you have air conditioning in your office, then you are in luck. However, the air conditioner dries out the air a lot, so be sure to also get a humidifier.
  • You can place a crystal ball or figurine at your workplace. Hold the crystal in your hands for a while. Even in antiquity, it was used to cool drinks and the body, which it successfully copes with to this day. Crystal is also prescribed the ability to activate mental activity and develop intuition, so that you will not be afraid of the intrigues of your colleagues.

We drink more

Quench thirst and help cool the body:

  • hot green tea, especially with cardamom, ginger or verbena;
  • fruit drinks and compotes, juices without pulp;
  • mineral water;
  • water with lemon juice - it will also relieve lethargy and fatigue;
  • natural bread kvass;
  • teas with pieces of fruit and berries (rose hips, grapefruit, orange, etc.).

However, forget about coffee, as it greatly dehydrates the body. You should also not drink chilled drinks; they will only provide a short-term cooling effect and can cause a cold or sore throat.

Switching to the summer type of nutrition

When it's hot, you don't always feel like eating. But it’s worth eating those foods that not only won’t overload the body, but will also make it easier to cope with the heat.

What to eat in hot weather:

  • cold soups (okroshka, green borscht, beetroot soup);
  • vegetables, berries and fruits (especially watermelon, grapefruits, cucumbers and tomatoes) - they will gradually replenish the body with fluid;
  • fermented milk products and boiled fish.

Eat proteins in the morning and carbohydrates in the evening. IN summer time You should limit your consumption of honey, meat and fatty foods as much as possible, as they cause a surge of heat in the body. Also, do not add too much salt to your food. You should eat less confectionery products, especially since they spoil quickly in the heat. But by adding red pepper to your food, it will be easier for you to cope with the heat.

Create a light summer look

Nothing brightens a woman up in the summer...at least cosmetics. Believe me, floating foundation and smeared eye shadow will not add beauty to you, but will make you feel worse. Also give your hair a break from styling products.

In the summer, it is worth switching to clothes made of cotton or linen. It is better if it is spacious. A summer suit for a man should be light shades of brown, gray or blue; it is better to choose a suit jacket with or without a short lining.

Women whose dress code does not allow them to show up to work without tights should consider buying stockings soaked in a special cooling agent.

Choose open-toed shoes: for men, it is better to choose moccasin-type shoes for a suit.

What else should office workers do in the heat?

  • You can improve your condition by wiping the skin behind your ears with a damp cloth or blotting with cold water.
  • Spray from a spray bottle open areas bodies.
  • Rest during breaks.
  • Plan important work for the first half of the day.
  • Wash your face and hands with cool water more often, or at least wipe your face with tissues.
  • If you feel very weak, try vigorously rubbing your ears or pressing firmly on the pit under your nose. By influencing these points on the body, you activate all processes in the body.
  • Drops essential oils Apply lavender, mint, grapefruit or immortelle to your temples and wrists. They will refresh your body and your mind.

Have a cool working week!

Greetings, dear friends! I don’t know about you, but here in Novosibirsk it’s relatively cold period coming for November. It seems sunny and dry, but due to the humidity and northeast wind it is quite cold.

I think that you can try to reduce work at low temperatures. You will learn how to do this from this note.

The main thing here is to understand at what temperatures it becomes possible to shorten the working day.

Taking into account the requirements of the Labor Code, the hygienic standards contained in the sanitary rules and regulations (“R 2.2.2006-05. Guidelines for the hygienic assessment of factors working environment and the labor process. Criteria and classification of working conditions" and "SanPiN 2.2.4. Physical factors of the production environment. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and regulations”, which establish, among other things, optimal and permissible temperature indicators for workplaces), the head of the company may decide to shorten the working day or stop work at extremely low or high temperatures.

But the employees themselves may require this. According to Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, an employee has the right to workplace, corresponding to state regulatory requirements labor protection and conditions stipulated by the collective agreement. According to the law “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population”, working conditions, the workplace and the labor process should not affect harmful effects per person. What if not the cold in the workplace can lead to hypothermia and illness?

Thus, the employer is obliged to control the microclimate at the enterprise, including the temperature in the workplace. Temperature measurements at workplaces are carried out using a thermometer or psychrometer at least 3 times per working day (shift).

After the measurements, it is necessary to draw up a protocol in which to justify and evaluate the measurements taken for compliance with the regulatory requirements of the Sanitary Rules. Only after carrying out all the necessary measurements, the employer can decide to reduce the working day of employees based on the norms of the Sanitary Rules and retain full-time work for the employees. wages taking into account that the ambient temperature does not correspond permissible values.

If the work is related to the implementation labor activity on outdoors, then Article 109 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation provides for special breaks for heating at low temperatures. These breaks are included in the total work time.

And in judicial practice There were precedents when employees defended their right to a warm workplace.

In the Determination of the St. Petersburg City Court dated October 25, 2010 No. 14529 state enterprise an order was issued to eliminate violations, including non-compliance with temperature conditions in the premises of the enterprise and at workplaces.

And in the Resolution of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Volga-Vyatka District dated December 11, 2008 No. A82-653/2008-9, the court indicated that the employer did not provide safe working conditions for its employee, which led to an industrial accident while the employee was insulating windows due to unsatisfactory maintenance of the building , expressed in lack of insulation window sashes for work in autumn winter period, as a result of which the air temperature in the workplace was below normal.

For reference:

At what office temperatures is a shortened working day possible?

Working conditions are regulated by sanitary rules and regulations SanPiN “Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises.”

According to the document, those who work indoors are divided into five categories:

  • sedentary work. This includes managers, office workers, garment and watch production workers. For them the most comfortable temperature indoors +22°С - +24°С.
  • if you spend the whole day on your feet. For example, these are controllers, sales consultants. They must operate at +21°C - +23°C.
  • The work involves some physical stress. For example, tour guides, employees of cleaning shops at machine-building enterprises. Optimal temperature for them - +19°С -+21°С.
  • work involving walking and carrying weights up to ten kilograms. These are mostly factory workers - mechanics, welders. For them, the room temperature should be +17°C - +19°C.
  • involves heavy physical labor, for example, in foundries and forges. This category also includes loaders who carry furniture and equipment heavier than ten kilograms. For them the temperature is slightly lower - + 16°С -+ 18°С.

When the temperature in the workplace drops 1 degree below normal, working hours are reduced by 1 hour.

Thus, at a temperature of +19°C, the working day of an office worker will be 7 hours, +18°C - 6 hours, and so on. At a temperature of +12°C and below, work stops and, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working time in this case is paid by the employer in the amount of at least two-thirds of the tariff rate.

However, I would like to note that SanPiN does not have the status of normative legal acts, and therefore the requirements established by these acts cannot be considered as mandatory, and are only advisory in nature.

If the workplace is located in unheated premises or the work is carried out outdoors, you can be guided by “MR Work and rest regimes for workers in cold weather in open areas or in unheated premises,” as well as regulatory documents at the regional and/or municipal level.

1. Article 21 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation - an employee has the right to a workplace that meets state regulatory requirements for labor protection and the conditions stipulated by the collective agreement.

2. At the same time, Article 212 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation obliges the employer, among other things, to ensure working conditions in each workplace that comply with labor protection requirements; organizing control over the state of working conditions in the workplace, as well as over the correct use of personal and collective protective equipment by employees.

3. Based on Article 219 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, every employee has the right, including to a workplace that meets labor protection requirements.

4. At the federal level, requirements for working conditions are regulated by Federal Law No. 52-FZ of March 30, 1999 “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population” (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 52-FZ).

4.1. In particular, paragraph 1 of Art. 25 says that working conditions, the workplace and the work process should not have a harmful effect on humans. Requirements for ensuring safe working conditions for humans are established by sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts. Russian Federation.

4.2. According to paragraph 2 of Art. 25 of Law No. 52-FZ individual entrepreneurs And legal entities are required to carry out sanitary and anti-epidemic (preventive) measures to ensure safe working conditions for humans and to comply with the requirements of sanitary rules and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation to production processes And technological equipment, organization of workplaces, collective and individual means worker protection, work, rest and consumer services workers in order to prevent injuries, occupational diseases, infectious diseases and diseases (poisonings) associated with working conditions.

5. In accordance with clause 4.2 of SanPiN "2.2.4. Physical factors of the production environment. Hygienic requirements for the microclimate of industrial premises. Sanitary rules and regulations" microclimate indicators must ensure the preservation of the heat balance of a person with environment and maintaining the optimal or acceptable thermal state of the body.

5.1. Based on clause 4.3 of SanPiN, indicators characterizing the microclimate in production premises, are, including air temperature, air speed.

6. “MR Work and rest regimes for workers in cold weather in open areas or in unheated rooms,” as well as regulations regional and/or municipal level.

That's all I have. Until new notes!

One of the main tasks of the employer can be considered to provide a favorable microclimate in the workplace.

However, many employers do not comply with temperature requirements, thereby violating the law.

What should be the temperature in the room according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation?

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Is the employer obligated to monitor the room temperature?

This question can be answered by Article 212, according to which the employer will be held administratively liable for sanitary work not carried out on time.

The list of these measures also includes compliance with the temperature regime established by Sanitary Norms and Rules (SanPiN), as it is too low or vice versa heat can lead to a decrease in energy levels and, as a result, its performance.

Accordingly, if an employer evades fulfilling this obligation, he violates the law and must be punished.

It can be said that the employer is obliged to monitor the temperature throughout the entire working period.

Temperature conditions at different times of the year

According to the Labor Code, the room temperature in the summer should not be higher than:

  • 28 degrees Celsius for 8 hours of operation.
  • 30 degrees Celsius for 5 hours of operation.
  • 31 degrees Celsius for 3 hours of operation.
  • 32 degrees Celsius for 2 hours of operation.
  • 32.5 degrees Celsius for 1 hour of operation.

Working at temperatures exceeding 32.5 degrees is considered dangerous. The employer has several options to avoid the heat, namely: install special equipment (air conditioners, fans) in the work premises or reduce the number of working hours by special order.

Room temperature in winter time According to the Labor Code, it should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius. If it does not meet the standards, the employer must install a heater in the workroom or reduce the number of working hours. Labor Code establishes the following temporary standards at low temperatures:

  • no more than 7 hours of operation at 19 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 6 hours of operation at 18 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 5 hours of operation at 17 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 4 hours of operation at 16 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 3 hours of operation at 15 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 2 hours of operation at 14 degrees Celsius.
  • no more than 1 hour of operation at 13 degrees Celsius.

Labor standards have established that working in temperatures below 13 degrees Celsius is dangerous.

Summarizing the above data, we can say that the room temperature is summer period should not exceed 28 degrees Celsius, and in winter should not fall below 20 degrees Celsius.

What should an employee do if the employer does not comply with the temperature regime?

Salaried workers often face negligence from their employers. What to do in this case? There are several options:

  • ask the employer to normalize the temperature using equipment (air conditioning, heater)
  • demand a reduction in hours of work in accordance with regulations
  • file a complaint with Rospotrebnadzor
  • contact the labor inspectorate for help

In the last two options, a special inspection will be carried out at the place of work, during which it will be determined whether an offense has been committed.

As a result, we can say that the employee has several legal methods of influencing.

What punishment does an employer face for non-compliance with temperature conditions?

In accordance with the Code of Administrative Offences, an employer who has violated sanitary standards, will be fined up to 20 thousand rubles, or its activities will be suspended for a certain period.
