Bonistics - what is it? Rubber toys with Velcro Euroopt Bonstix

The Euroopt retail chain has announced the release of a new collection of bonus sticks. It will hit stores May 15th. The terms of the promotion will not change: toys will be given out at the checkout for every 15 rubles in the receipt.

Bonsticks are sticky toys that were given out in Euroopt stores for purchases over a certain amount. The idea was to collect the entire collection of 24 heroes into a special album.

Bonsticks have become very popular among Minsk residents. Representatives of the retail chain say that the toys distributed for the first campaign amount to tens of millions.

What the new Bonsticks will look like

Several “spy” videos have appeared on the Internet that show what the new Velcro toys will look like. Presumably there will again be 24 toys, some of which will glow in the dark. Representatives of the network have not yet confirmed that the new bonus sticks will be exactly like this.

The presentation and start of the new campaign will take place on May 12 at 17:00 at the Dreamland amusement park (Orlovskaya St., 80). The organizers promise to present new collection bonsticks and "bonstick-mobile". Entry will be free.

Where did Bonsticks come from?

The trend for sticky toys, which were given to customers as a bonus, appeared in the USA - Stikeez were popular there. In 2010, the license was purchased by the Lidl supermarket chain in Germany, Spain, and Hungary. The promotion at German Lidl was launched in the spring of 2013. According to the industry magazine Hearts & Wallets, over the 4 weeks of the promotion, the chain’s market share and average check increased by 7%, and there were 2% more new customers.

the site turned to representatives of the Euroopt network with a request to talk about bonsticks and their origin. It turned out that the bonsticks are still unique.

The idea behind these Velcro toys appeared in Europe, where I can’t say for sure,” the PR service of the Euroopt network explained to the site. - This is already such a big global trend that it is difficult to say who was at the origins. The most important thing is that the idea is trendy and is loved by children in many countries.

As for the toys that we offer in Belarus, this is a unique development. It was made especially for us. The heroes are unique and are not repeated in any other country in the world. Everything is done specifically for the Belarusian market.


Psychologists believe that bonus sticks have gained such popularity thanks to the competent use of the game element. Psychologist Olga Gorbatenko told the site that the desire to play is inherent not only in children, but also in adults.

One of the reasons why a person can actively get involved in a game is the lack of pleasure and entertainment in life, Olga believes. - For an adult, collecting bonus sticks is an acceptable way to experience something pleasant, to make new acquaintances - like the desire to look for those with whom you can exchange, or who are ready to sell a toy.

First of all, the younger generation is interested: they grasp faster fashion trends, but they are also quickly abandoned. You can get involved gradually.

The huge advantage of this game is that it is a win-win game. People are tired of being deceived. In addition, the game is associated with the idea of ​​hoarding. When the opportunity for a “freebie” arises, the value of the benefit received fades into the background. That's why it's so easy to get carried away by tiny rubber figures.

The idea will always work: invest a little and get a “wow”, which is what all lotteries are built on. This is not only about winning, but also about the unwillingness to take responsibility, to take some difficult actions in order to realize your plan, your dream. The win-win element fosters loyalty to the store.

Minsk residents drew attention to the fact that versions of “Bonsticks” have long existed in different countries peace.

“Bonsticks” are small rubber toys in the form of aliens, which are given to customers in the Euroopt supermarket chain for every 15 rubles in the receipt.

The trend for Velcro toys, which were given to customers as a bonus, appeared in the USA - Stikeez were popular there. In 2010, the license was purchased by the Lidl supermarket chain in Germany, Spain, and Hungary. The promotion at German Lidl was launched in the spring of 2013. According to the industry magazine Hearts & Wallets, over the 4 weeks of the promotion, the chain’s market share and average check increased by 7%, and there were 2% more new customers.

Stikeez in Germany.

Similar actions were also carried out by the Ukrainian supermarket chain Silpo.

Stikeez in Ukraine.

the site turned to representatives of the Euroopt network with a request to talk about “Bonsticks” and their origin. It turned out that “Bonsticks” are still unique.

The idea behind these Velcro toys appeared in Europe, where I can’t say for sure,” the PR service of the Euroopt network explained to the site. - This is already such a big global trend that it is difficult to say who was at the origins. The most important thing is that the idea is trendy and is loved by children in many countries.

As for the toys that we offer in Belarus, this is a unique development. It was made especially for us. The heroes are unique and are not repeated in any other country in the world. Everything is done specifically for the Belarusian market.

"Bonsticks" in Belarus.

Bonsticks have a very good effect on audience loyalty. Of course, we cannot disclose business indicators. But we are pleasantly surprised, because children are simply in love with Bonsticks: they go on tour with them, write songs, poems and stories about them, record video blogs, and organize exchange days. The involvement of the children's audience is simply incredible.

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Bonsticks are back! Collection No3! Bonstick fans will have time to collect the entire new collection. The promotion started on September 25 and will last until October 22 inclusive. This time the planet Bonitron will introduce its fans to its the best fruits gardens and vegetable gardens and will provide an opportunity to collect a good autumn harvest for Bonsticks from previous collections.

The new fruit and vegetable collection consists of 24 heroes: space potatoes, beets, cucumbers, peas, corn, carrots, broccoli, banana, pineapple, grapes and many more. As before, the terms of the promotion remained the same: the buyer does not know which toy he will receive, which creates the effect of a pleasant surprise - after all, Bonstick is in opaque packaging. No one knows which hero the buyer will get. Will this be a repeat or just a hero missing from your collection? And to get one toy, you need to make purchases in the amount of 15 rubles.

For every 15 rubles in the receipt (excluding alcohol and tobacco) and if you have an E-Plus discount card, one toy will be given out. If you add “bond goods” to the same check, you can get a few more toys in addition. Four types of albums were released specifically for the third collection. One of these albums is special - it has a bomb space greenhouse!
The Bonsticks are also preparing a large-scale celebration - the Bonsticks' Birthday. It will take place on the same day in all regional centers of Belarus - in Minsk, Grodno, Brest, Mogilev, Vitebsk, Gomel simultaneously. Wide choose products with Bonsticks will appear in all stores of the network. This will include: cosmetics, school supplies, dishes, clothing.

We ask parents of young collectors about previous collections.

Natasha is the mother of 9-year-old Maxim:
- We managed to collect two collections. There were, of course, repeats, but Maxim learned to exchange them with his friends, so the second collection was assembled especially quickly. Collecting and sharing these fun toys is a lot of fun. Yes, and to be honest, my dad and I also always looked forward to the moment when the package with the new Bonstick was opened.

Alexander Semyonovich, grandfather of 8-year-old Nastenka:
- Our Nastenka started collecting Bonsticks when there was practically nothing left in stores from the first collection. Our granddaughter's friends, neighbors, and even our family friends helped complete it. And we were already waiting for the second collection and collected it ourselves, exchanging repeating toys with the same collectors. Now we will collect the third, fruit and vegetable.

Ksyusha and Marta, 8-year-old twins:
- We also started collecting Velcro Bonsticks almost from the second collection. With the first one, our friends simply gave us repeats. And we collected the second one ourselves. Repeats have already been exchanged. We came across three repetitions, so we even thought about starting to collect each of us separately, but we didn’t have time. The store had already run out of bonus sticks and they were no longer available at the checkout counters. Maybe it will be possible for each of us to put together a third collection. In general, we like the toys from the first collection better; there was a dog and an elephant, a bunny, a hippopotamus, and a chicken. And in the second, they’re cool, of course, but they’re all monsters.

Judging by the huge success of previous collections, it is safe to say that collection No3 will also be very popular not only among the youngest fans, but even among adults.

These alien toys from the planet BONITRON - 24 also have names:

Bonsticks 3:

Potatik - Kind and hospitable, loves to receive guests and treat them. He never refuses anyone any request and sometimes suffers from it.

Kerry - Knows several thousand beauty secrets. She is very interested in trying everything new and unknown.

Pinny - A family of four peas, each with their own character. Two brothers, mom and dad.

Unnie - Bonstick mood. It is never clear why he cries - from joy or from frustration.

Brock - Chief Amateur healthy image life and the most enduring athlete. Constantly pushes other heroes to play sports.

Strobe is a cutie and is always in love with someone or fascinated by something. Very kind and positive, she doesn’t know how to get angry.

Little Cabby is very thrifty and homely. She will eliminate any disorder: order in the house is the most important thing for her. Cabby cooks very tasty food.

Grape - Very shy and modest. Grape loves to sunbathe in the sun, exposing its numerous bunches of berries to the rays.

Kumba - Very timid. So much so that from constant fear he turned green and became covered with pimples. He is friends with the confident Pap, who supports him.

Shrum - A very polite hero, when meeting others he greets others by raising his hat and makes pleasant conversation. Courteous with all his friends.

Ben is a born champion and leader. His motto is “Only victory!” He wants to be the first in everything he does and constantly competes with other Bonsticks.

Tomta is a big kind person, always happy to see everyone and ready to hug and kiss. Loves to tell fairy tales. Tomta has the kindest eyes in the world; no one can refuse her anything.

Pep - Stylish, handsome guy and a party animal. Very confident in himself and his irresistibility. Can't live without holidays and parties.

Bitty - Shy cutie. The blush never leaves her face. It’s very easy to “make someone blush,” which is often used by Pari, who organizes practical jokes.

Eplik - Very business-like Bonstick. Ready to solve any problem and answer any question. Loves it modern gadgets. Always in great shape, very cheerful and energetic.

Piney is a Hero, always rushing to help those in trouble. One day he ran so fast to help Beatty that his hair remained in the shape of a mohawk.

Roots - A hard worker, he works a lot and is constantly in business. He has every minute planned out. He considers himself very necessary and useful and this makes him look important.

Squaw - Famous strongman. He became famous on Bonitron for dragging the Bonstick shuttle from one pole of Bonitron to the other with one hand.

Pari - The main bully. Playing a prank or mischief is always welcome. Pari does not always admit to her misdeeds, but she is very worried about what she has done.

Booba is a big-eyed little girl, nothing can be hidden from her keen vision. She has such good eyesight that she can see any planet from Bonitron without a telescope.

Cherry - Two twin sisters, constantly discussing the most interesting and important news and also the Pinney brothers. The girls live very friendly with each other, although they are not similar in character.

Wally is a Smart Guy, he's even shaped like a brain. There is no such thing in the world that he does not know about. He talks a lot with Google and tells him what he knows.

Berry - She is fascinated by everything she sees. Pure, unadulterated joy and surprise. Berry is a dreamy person. She loves looking at the sky and watching the clouds and stars.

Lema is a great optimist. Doesn't exist for him bad mood. And even when at first glance he has a “sour face”, he is still positive

What does bonistics study? This is the science that studies banknotes. In addition, it is a reflection of the history of securities. Bonistics and numismatics are closely related, sometimes inseparable. Numismatics is the science of coins and material values ​​of cultures various peoples. It arose much earlier. Bonistics appeared only in the 70s of the 19th century.

In Russia, in ancient times, they collected paper money, but this was considered amateurish. From those times, some special specimens have even been preserved, which formed the basis of Russian bonistics.


So, what is bonistics? Its definition is very broad. The word "bona" ​​originated in the 19th century in France to name checks, coupons and other securities. Bonistics is precisely the field of study of those same bonds. This general concept for all previously used paper money(stocks, bonds, bank notes, coupons).

Bonistics is a science that is firmly entrenched in the world of enlightened and intelligent people, just like numismatics. In addition, this is also the area of ​​banknote collecting. Thus, the Israeli collector Gerber has a large collection of bonds. It began back in 1962.

At all times, paper money has aroused extraordinary interest among people. Finding some units of banknotes can be called a real achievement. Collecting is a special way of preserving culture, especially in our time, when people are deprived of the desire to create. The cause of such troubles is human indifference.

Despite this, now the desire to return to the origins of civilization is growing every day. More than 4 thousand banknote collectors are looking for new opportunities to replenish their holdings every day. Not only rare finds, but also banknotes with typos have an advantage over the rest.


Numismatics is, as we have already said, a discipline that studies coins and their origin. And translated from Latin, nomisma means “coin.”

Which discipline has an advantage: bonistics or numismatics? This dispute continues to this day. Both sciences are important. Together they reflect the complete history of the existence of money on earth. Numismatists have always treated bonistas liberally, while sincerely believing that banknotes are of lower value compared to coins.

Coins can tell a lot about the history of money. After all, they have been minted since ancient times. Moreover, they were the only means of payment for a long time. A coin is a token consisting of a specific metal round shape. In our current understanding, coins are round metal objects. On one side they depict the coat of arms of the country of origin, and on the other - the denomination. Full-fledged coins and change, commemorative coins are issued, symbolizing the date or location of the event. The word "moneta" is translated from Latin as "warning."

Numismatists not only study, but also collect coins. This discipline is considered as win-win lottery. People like to collect rare coins because they are always in value, and every year the demand for them only increases. With the increasing prevalence of numismatics, it is becoming very difficult to see a truly valuable coin. Most collectors look for rare coins in antique stores, or find similar collectors and exchange valuable goods with them.

To understand how exciting it is, we present you the most interesting coins.

In the photo in the article you can see a coin consisting of 999.9 fine gold, weighing 1000 kilograms. Denomination of 1 million dollars. It was made in Perth (Australia).

No less remarkable is the anniversary coin of 50 thousand rubles, which was produced on February 1, 2010. This is 5 kilograms of pure gold.

And in the Republic of Congo they made a wooden coin, which was also a means of payment. Denomination of 5 francs. The weight of the coin is only 2.4 grams.

Russian money

Russian paper bills appeared in 1769 under Catherine the Great. This happened after the manifesto of December 29, 1768, which indicated that coins should be replaced with paper notes for ease of transportation. But the secret reason for their release was the empress’s desire to replenish the empty treasury of the state without great expense. It should be said that this money was still of low quality, but already had protection in the form of watermarks and signatures of responsible persons.

History of Russian banknotes

Banknotes - banknotes were printed at that time by special banks, a decree was created Peter III in 1762. One was in Moscow, the second in St. Petersburg. These banks also engaged in the exchange of coins for paper money.

The banknotes differed from each other only in denomination, so they were easy to counterfeit. This is what the common people did for a living. The words on the banknotes were scraped off and new banknote denominations were added. So, in 1771, the production of 75-ruble banknotes was stopped. And their remains were withdrawn from circulation.

Paper money made people's payments easier. There was a need to issue additional banknotes. Despite great demand, so many of them were produced that their real value began to decline. The exchange rate began to fall. However, the people had to pay taxes to the treasury with paper notes, which completely fell in price in 1814-1815.

As a result of this, new decrees were issued in Russia to replace paper money and change their denominations. Later, busts of kings and empresses were depicted on banknotes.

From the revolution to the present day

In 1917 everything changed. Power in Russia changed frequently. In this turbulent time, people only had time to observe the emergence of new banknotes. But exchanging old signs for new ones was not always possible.

By the way, 1919 was an exceptional year. The Bolsheviks, who were in power by that time, strove for communism and wanted to completely abolish money. The people did not see a complete cancellation, but they felt their shortage. And in 1921, banknotes began to be printed on a new scale. Then the denomination occurred by 1922. Old money began to be exchanged for new more and more often. Until 1937. The leader of the world proletariat, V.I. Lenin, was depicted on the new banknotes. It remained on banknotes until 1993.

At the beginning of 1998, the last denomination of 1 to 1000 occurred and significantly reduced the number of zeros on banknotes.

As you can see, bonistics is not only paper money that has gone out of use, but also an entire area of ​​the history of each country, which reveals many interesting facts.
