And in our house there is the smell of a Christmas tree! Our Christmas tree is artificial. How to make your home smell like a real Christmas tree? Christmas smell

There are quite a few people, in whose lives smells play a very important role, connecting with them certain periods in life or events. Yes, for most people New Year associated with the smell of Christmas trees and tangerines. With citrus fruits, everything is quite clear, since this is not only an attribute of the New Year holiday, but also a fruit rich in vitamin C, which our body simply needs in this cold winter season.

As for the forest beauty, today two opposing camps have formed, one of which gives preference to a natural Christmas tree, and the second to an artificial one. There are so many people, so many opinions, and everyone has their own arguments, so we will not decide who is right and who is wrong. If you are one of the people who have already appreciated the advantages and preferred an artificial Christmas tree, then we would like to please you that there are a number of ways to make it fragrant and fragrant.

If artificial New Year trees are just coming into your life, and it’s hard for you to immediately change your mind, then you can put several branches of a real tree next to it, after dousing them with boiling water. For people who do not have allergic reactions smells, the issue with aroma can be solved even easier - by purchasing fir, cedar or pine oil at the pharmacy, moistening cotton swabs with which, you need to place them on the radiator, or by heating the oil in a water bath, simply transfer it to the place where it is located. Christmas tree. Another good alternative is to use odor imitators. You just need to spray an aerosol or spray with the smell of spruce on the tree, and you can enjoy it. If you have the opportunity and don’t want to breathe full of chemicals, you can purchase a natural fragrance made from pine essential oils. Three sprays will be enough to create an atmosphere of the smell of a natural Christmas tree. This scent will typically last about three hours.

If you have an ability If you buy an artificial Christmas tree in a specialized store, you can also inquire about the availability of products for adding scent. It can also be artificial snow with the scent of spruce or scented pine garlands, as well as aroma lamps and other items with a similar operating principle.

As you can see, there are quite a variety of ways for even an artificial Christmas tree to have a certain smell, which is so important for most of us. But don't forget that Christmas tree- this is, first of all, a tradition, and not a way of life, therefore our mood and the state of mind with which we enter the New Year depend only on us.

I have warm family memories associated with a living New Year tree. A few days before the New Year, the tree was delivered to the apartment through an unglazed balcony using a rope, since it was not very convenient to carry the tree to the fourth floor without an elevator. And it was a real adventure.

Then the tree was brought into the apartment and left on the floor. It had to thaw before being placed in the stand. And gradually the small apartment (and how we managed to fit the spruce!) was filled with such a dizzying aroma that you immediately felt - the New Year has come!

On the day the tree was installed, everyone was in a good mood, no one was swearing. Maybe this is how the very phytoncides secreted by a living coniferous tree acted?

And then we decorated the Christmas tree. First, dad unraveled the garlands and checked whether all the light bulbs in them worked. And my brother and I carefully took toys out of the boxes, wrapped in yellowed newspapers from 198... some year.

A place for each ball was carefully chosen. Heavy ones go to lower branches, light ones go higher. The hands were punctured and smeared with resin, and this was another proof - here it is, the real New Year has come!

I had mixed feelings when suddenly there was a boom in artificial trees. On the one hand, I worry about the environment, and I am also very sorry that the forests are being cut down, on the other hand, I could not accept the fact that the Christmas tree does not smell, and its branches are not sticky with resin. The artificial Christmas trees seemed so dull... As if they had become quite dusty after a year of storage on the mezzanine. Instead of the life-giving smell of pine needles, there is the smell of dust. No, I couldn't come to terms with it.

And, as it turned out, she was right. In this article, together with the Yolki store, we will smash to smithereens three myths about the main New Year’s symbol and convince you that a living tree is much cooler than its plastic counterpart.

Myth one: buying a live Christmas tree, you harm nature

New Year trees are specially grown on Russian and European plantations. Experts calculate the turnover of Christmas trees, and as soon as one batch is removed from the nursery, the land is prepared and replanted with seedlings. It's similar to growing flowers, but it's a longer process.

Blake Kent/

Artificial Christmas trees are made from petroleum products. Oil is a non-renewable resource. And imagine how much toxic waste is left after the production of plastic trees. It turns out that there is not even a hint of concern for nature here.

The trees that come from nurseries are created to bring joy to you on holiday. Remember how in the TV series "Friends" Joe told Phoebe that every tree should fulfill its New Year's purpose?

Just don’t rush to the Christmas tree tree around the corner - trees that have been cut down illegally may well be there. But there is no need to search throughout the city for a certified Christmas tree market. You can order a fresh and beautiful Christmas tree in the online store, around the clock.

H&S Produktion/

Myth two: a live Christmas tree is difficult to install, and after harvesting, needles remain everywhere

Adherents of artificial Christmas trees tell how easy it is to install a plastic miracle, and then put it away in the closet until next winter. And no needles on the floor.

Firstly, the Christmas tree industry does not stand still and now for a live spruce you can buy a convenient stand into which it can be installed without effort. Secondly, in the Yolki store you can order an installation service if the spruce is large and heavy, and enjoy only the process of decorating it.

Here's a sweet gingerbread for those who don't like finding needles everywhere after the holidays are over. Although I personally think there is something touching about accidentally finding a needle that fell under the carpet in July. But if you are a practical person, then buy a decorative mat-cover. Lay it under the tree, then remove the toys, pull the cover over the tree and take it out of the apartment. Fast, neat, painless. Or even simpler - again invite specialists from “Yolok” to take out the spruce.

If it’s hard for you to say goodbye to your tree after the end of the New Year holidays, buy a mini-tree in a pot. With proper care, it will live in an apartment for about four years, and then you can plant it in open ground.

Myth three: an artificial Christmas tree is safer

If we are talking about fire safety, then yes, plastic wood can be safer. But with reservations. Firstly, only high-quality artificial trees made from heat-resistant materials are safe.

As for a live spruce, a dry tree can instantly catch fire, so you need to choose only a fresh green spruce and place it in water or wet sand away from heating devices. They will bring you a fresh tree from the Yolki store and explain how to care for it so that the needles do not dry out in a few days.

When it comes to health safety, the live Christmas tree has a clear lead. The pine aroma has a beneficial effect on humans. If someone in your family suffers from lung diseases or nervous disorders, the Christmas tree scent will heal you during the New Year holidays.

Well, a low-quality artificial tree can emit harmful fumes. Of course, you are unlikely to experience a significant deterioration in your health, but it’s still not very pleasant.

Place only a live Christmas tree. She is comfortably beautiful and brings warmth and kindness to the house with her pine aroma. Happy New Year!

Nothing will replace real live Christmas tree at the New Year's party. An opportunity to bring into your home a piece of winter forest, silvery snow, freshness, and feel real pine needles with your hands. Some Christmas trees have it quite soft, for example, the tree, while others, on the contrary, like the tree to be compact and prickly, with strong branches. And, of course, the opportunity to inhale the wonderful pine aroma.
Those who are not on our website for the first time already know that New Year trees come in different forms - these are Christmas tree, and pine, and fir.
You can get to know them better in ours or in the article.
Well, if what’s most important to you is - smell of Christmas tree, and you choose for yourself christmas tree not least because of how strong it will smell, then this article is just for you. Here we will figure out how the smells of different coniferous trees differ from each other in terms of richness and shades of aroma.

Russian Christmas tree (ordinary)

American blue spruce (prickly)

Gives off a much stronger pine scent. It can be recommended to people with a weak sense of smell, but we would advise people sensitive to odors to choose a different tree.

Scots pine

The most fragrant Christmas tree. We would recommend it to those for whom it is very important that the house has a rich aroma of pine needles and resin on New Year's Eve.

Canadian pine

The smell is less intense than the common New Year's Russian pine. However, it fully compensates for this disadvantage with its incomparably thick, fluffy needles.

The smell is strong, fresh, characteristic of a coniferous forest, with spicy, tart notes, unlike other firs, which have almost no smell. Once you buy a few, the room is immediately filled with a real New Year's mood.

Danish Christmas tree (Nordmann fir)

it smells weak compared to pine and spruce trees. But in the first days after installation, the aroma of a living Christmas tree is felt quite clearly.

Today, on the eve of the most cheerful and beloved holiday among the people - the New Year, the topic of our conversation will be the most appropriate scent these days.

We have associated it with New Year's holidays since childhood. And since our associative thinking actively influences our mood, in most cases, at the moment when we feel it, our mood rises as if by magic.

In addition, the pine scent has a calming effect and improves immunity.

How to give an artificial Christmas tree a pine scent

An artificial tree is a great choice if you are passionate about conservation. After all, a natural tree grows for several years before it can be cut down for the holiday. And she dies on this holiday in a few days. One of the arguments of those who still continue to buy live Christmas trees, even thinking that it is wrong, is the spruce smell. But solving this problem is quite simple, and artificial trees can be very beautiful, so much so that you can’t tell them apart from a real one.

The easiest way to make an artificial Christmas tree smell like pine needles is to use natural essential oils (pine, cedar, fir). You can apply it to spruce paws, but in this case you will have to do this quite often, since the smell will disappear.

Another option is a scented lamp in which you can place a candle. It will heat the container with essential oil, and you will be able to enjoy the pine scent for a long time. To create the feeling that the smell is coming from the tree, just place the aroma lamp next to it.

These are the interesting options you can find on sale.

Inhaling the right aroma is perhaps the simplest and most effective way to lift your mood. Although we are exposed to many stimuli every minute, and we receive a lot of information about the world around us thanks to vision, hearing, and tactile sensations, it is smells, as if by the wave of a magic wand, that invigorate us or, on the contrary, put us to sleep, create a festive mood and bring back memories.

“Of all the senses, the nose communicates information to the brain most quickly,” says Olga Shcherbakova, medical psychologist at the MEDSI clinic on Belorusskaya. — Penetrating into it along with air, odors dissolve in the moisture of the mucous membranes, irritate the nerve endings located there, and then are transmitted through special channels directly to the hypothalamus of the brain. This tiny organ regulates dozens of functions in our body: from temperature, hunger, sleep and awakening to sexual arousal and emotions such as anger and joy.

At the same time, the signal goes to the hippocampus, the part of the brain responsible for memory and attention. That’s why smells, better than any other irritant, evoke memories and influence our state of mind, helping to maintain calm, relieving fatigue, inspiring and putting us in a festive mood.”

What smells will help create a New Year's mood in your home?

The first thing that comes to mind is, of course, the already mentioned aromas of spruce and tangerines. It’s not difficult to “invite” them into your home: just bring a felled tree into the house or peel a ripe fruit. But how long will they “stay” with you? The smell of citrus fruits will dissipate in a few minutes; the smell of live spruce will dissipate within literally a couple of days. How to prolong the pleasure? Use essential oils.

“Of course, high quality, 100% natural, ideally with a bio/organic certificate,” emphasizes Anna Gusinskaya-Dickamp, expert on bio-certified products, curator of the Alchemilla project, host of aroma meetings — We are not talking about cheap substitutes, oils “from the pharmacy,” semi-natural, and even more so synthetic. Moreover, the aromas of not only spruce and tangerines can create a New Year’s mood in the house.”

Try using essential oils too

* Other conifers. Various types of fir, as well as juniper, cedar pine and Atlas cedar oils. “These are the main protective oils,” Anna Gusinskaya-Dickamp says about them. - They give us energy and strength, on a bodily level - they strengthen the immune system, help cope with infections, runny nose, cough. On the spiritual level, those directed upward, like the columns of a temple, “straighten”, give endurance and courage to go through trials or through the darkest time of the year. They trigger the production of the joy hormone serotonin.”

* Any citrus fruits. Mandarin, orange, grapefruit, lemon, bergamot, lime... All these aromas are bright, joyful and, as experts say, “light”. They help dispel the darkness, let go of stress and problems, and find yourself. « The most Christmas and New Year essential oil, mandarin essential oil allows you to activate children’s energy, get in touch with your “inner child” and heal it,” says Anna Gusinskaya-Diekamp.

*Essential aromas with spicy notes. Cinnamon, cloves, anise, ginger, and nutmeg are strongly associated with homemade baking, comfort and warmth. They warm and ignite the fire of love. All spicy aromas are aphrodisiacs.

* Frankincense and myrrh. Gifts of the Magi. What could be more strongly associated with Christmas? Anna Gusinskaya-Dickamp advises using them in conjunction with rose or citrus essential oils.

“Yes, essential oils can be used not only alone, but also in compositions,” she says. — And fortunately, all of these, and in principle any typical winter essential oils, do not contradict each other and are optimally combined. If you are by no means an aroma specialist and do not understand essential oils, you can purchase a ready-made New Year and Christmas aroma mixture. As a rule, all of the following essential oils are added to such mixtures in different combinations: pine, citrus, spices, as well as incense with myrrh and roses. Each individually, and especially when sounding together as a single symphony, they are able to create a sublime, joyful and at the same time cozy mood for the winter holidays.”

Five Best Ideas for Spreading Fragrance in Your Home

1. Aroma diffuser with a wooden lid or bamboo sticks. A gentle way to distribute aroma. The aroma mixture from the bottle into the air will begin to move very gradually, saturating the wood. And the smell will not be intrusive.

2. Aroma stone . In this case, the oil is applied to a small clay figurine, which can be stored in a special box. The smell from such an aroma stone will not spread far. Take this idea into account if you want to create a New Year's mood for yourself without disturbing others. Let's say in the office.

3. Ultrasonic aroma diffuser (aroma lamp). Essential oils are diffused with cold steam without heating (and according to many experts, it is when they get too hot that they lose their beneficial properties). And with a pleasant side effect - humidification and purification of the air. A great idea for winter, when the indoor air is dried out by radiators.

4. Aroma baking. Yes! Aroma essences can be added to baked goods and dishes, prepared with them for New Year's teas and brewed non-alcoholic hot toddy! This is a great way to not only saturate your home with New Year's aromas, but also surprise your guests. “Not only essential oils of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg, vanilla, tonka bean, anise, star anise, but also roses will fit perfectly into Christmas and New Year’s baking,” says Anna Gusinskaya-Diekamp. — It is good to add essences of pepper, cumin, coriander, rosemary, laurel, basil and other spicy plants to savory dishes. By the way, such oils activate the production of enzymes and thereby help digest the often abundant holiday food. It is clear that they all must be natural. Ideally, organic (bio) and certified as food grade (for example, Eurolist), this guarantees their complete safety when used in food.”

5. Natural wax candles made from 100% beeswax. Place them on the table (it is dangerous to light a Christmas tree), and the room will be filled with pleasant warmth, soft light and the aroma of honey reminiscent of summer - everything that we miss so much in the cold.

Fragrances in the home: safety precautions

Smells can not only please, but also irritate. To the point of nausea and headache. And even those that initially seemed pleasant. Experts say: this is because the aroma oil was either of poor quality, or not suitable for you, or you used it in too large a dose. That's why:

* Do not use low-quality, synthetic fragrances and oils. Forget about paraffin candles with their unbearable artificial odors. About bamboo incense sticks. “As a rule, in their production they use synthetic aromatic mixtures, which are applied to bamboo, mixed with aggressive chemical glue,” says Anna Gusinskaya-Dicamp. “Such products, when burned, can cause allergies, nausea, asthma attacks and severe headaches.”

* Be careful when following the “less is more” rule. To start, take just 3-5 drops of oil. Do not try to scent all rooms in the house at once.

* Trust your sense of smell. If you don't like the smell, then it may not be for you. Natural essential oils, as a rule, do not cause side effects. However, they are not equally safe for everyone. For example, rosemary is not suitable for hypertensive patients, as it increases blood pressure.

* Once you select essential oils, be sure to “introduce” them to all family members to make sure they are not irritated by the scents. Do not use them at all if the family has children under two years old.
