Conspiracies against Ivan Kupala. Solstice. Conspiracies on Ivan Kupala - folk traditions and customs

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Signs for Ivan Kupala for unmarried, married, for conception, marriage, pregnant, divorced, unmarried and for health

Ivana Kupala is celebrated on July 7th, one of the most mystical nights of the year. Demons wake up at night; there is no better time for fortune telling and conspiracies.

— To make your wish come true, you need to climb over 12 fences.
— So that thieves will go around the house, Ivan da Marya flowers are placed in the corners.
- Unmarried girls put a plantain under their pillow, saying: betrothed, dressed up, come to me dressed up.

— If you write down the problems of this year on paper and then burn them, then the bad things will burn in the fire.
- For a woman who wants to get pregnant, open the window at midnight, look at the beam and ask for pregnancy.
“The herbs collected on this day are considered medicinal, and are then used by sick people to improve their health.

- Dew collected early in the morning also has great power, you can wash the patient with it while reading a prayer: just as the dew dries in the sun, so let your illness dry up and die. Just as fire burns everything, so let the dew wash away the infection.

Fortune telling on Ivan Kupala, conspiracies on the night and prayers

Before entering the river, to make the marriage stronger, they say holding hands:
The water is clean, give us strength with (name) to survive all the troubles. Having plunged into the water with (name), leave all grief behind. Just as the drops flow through you, so (name) and I will be next to each other all our lives.

A spell for good luck, personal happiness is done at dawn: Clear sun, beautiful sun, red sun in the sky, rise to me and bring me good luck. Happiness will increase, strength will increase, everything in my life will work out.

Ivan Kupala signs and rituals for the betrothed house for sleep, fortune telling with a comb

In Rus' it was accepted on the night of July 7 unmarried girls put a comb under the pillow with the words: I’m waiting for you, dear, I’m waiting for you, beautiful, dream about it at night, show yourself to me.

Fortune telling for Ivan bathed in a wreath, plantain, prophetic dream, wax

Plantain seeds are finely crushed and mixed with quill pen, scattered around the yard, saying: ant grass, help my dear find the path to me, help, point out, bring him.

A wreath is made from fresh flowers, a wish is made, and it is released into the water. If the wreath floated far away, then the wish will come true, if it did not float or stopped in sight, the wish will not come true.

Using a burning candle, drip wax into a bowl of water and see what shape you get. A ring for a wedding, a star for happiness, a heart for mutual feelings. The sun or circle for change.

Carefully remember the dream you had on this unusual night; it will come true in the near future. Or in a dream there will be a solution, an answer to an exciting question.

Folk signs for Ivan Kupala according to the weather and if it rains

Rain portends warm summer, a large number of stars to good harvest cucumbers Fog for cold winter.

Signs and rituals for Ivan Kupala using money

To have money before going to bed, put the most large bills, which are in the house, first thing in the morning when you wake up, count them. Throw a few into the water silver coins, if not, you can use any others. After a couple of hours, wash your hands with this water, saying: the water will wash your hands and increase your wealth.

Signs of beliefs and superstitions on Ivan Kupala for love

Young boys and girls gather on the river bank at night, light a fire and take turns jumping. It is believed that fire and water nearby will bring happiness to everyone. Early in the morning, collect the dew and add it to the person you want to bewitch. At the same time, you need to say: I will bewitch whomever I love. Let (name) be next to me, as dew dries in the sun, so let (name) sigh for me.

Rituals for Ivan Kupala: black magic and runes at home and what not to do on this day

For peace in the house and to drive out evil spirits, take a piece of raw meat and walk around the house three times, tracing the walls with meat like chalk. Saying: witches, sorcerers, come out. I didn't invite you, I'm kicking you out. The sun is not for you, the stars are not for you, my house is not for you. After this, give a piece of meat to someone else's dog.

On this day you cannot swim in the water, only read conspiracies on the shore after wetting your feet a little. It is believed that goblin and mermen can drag you away. You can't borrow money so as not to become poor. For the same reason, don’t give anything. Do not pick up coins on the road, they will bring bad luck.

The problem when a loved one suddenly stopped calling has tormented lovers since the advent of the telephone. “Perhaps you forgot my phone number,” ...

Ivan Kupala rites rituals conspiracies

Ivan Kupala- this is the day when magic reigns supreme in nature. With the help of her charms, a person is able to overcome all boundaries and make any of his dreams come true.

On this day, many rituals are performed for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are performed.

The most famous is jumping over a fire, described both in fiction and in specialized literature. It is believed that by jumping over the fire on this night, a person removes all sins, all dirt, all the negativity accumulated over the year.

Kupala rites constitute a complex ritual complex, including: collecting herbs and flowers, searching for fern flowers, weaving wreaths, decorating buildings with greenery, lighting fires, destroying scarecrows, jumping over a fire or over bouquets of greenery, dousing with water, fortune telling, etc.

Kupala herbs:

Plakun grass was used as a talisman (look for loosestrife in damp places along reservoirs to collect flowers and roots at dawn), capable of expelling evil spirits from everywhere, treat skin diseases and relieve hangovers, and in general an indispensable herb for food poisoning.

Overcome the grass (water lily is a plant known to everyone), which helps to overcome all obstacles. With him you can go to different judicial institutions in order to win a lawsuit, and dry a girl’s heart, and save the cattle. And if you are planning to travel on business or to visit relatives, be sure to stock up on some grass and, when you leave the threshold, protect yourself with the following spell:

“I am driving in an open field, and in an open field there is growing grass. Overcome the grass! I didn’t water you, I didn’t give birth to you: Mother Cheese Earth gave birth to you, it was simple-haired girls, rolling women (i.e., prophetic women) who watered you. Overcome the grass! Overcome you evil people: They wouldn’t think badly of us, they wouldn’t think anything bad: drive away the sneaky sorcerer. Overcome the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs... I will hide you, overpowering grass, near a zealous heart all the way and all the way.” .

With such a spell and a magical root, it was possible to set off on any journey, even the most distant and difficult one, without fear. And besides, the herb helped against toothache and poisoning.

Rip-grass (impatiens, impatiens, rip-grass, Vanka is wet, and among the English, Bustle Lizzie - all these are names of the same flower), which allows you to open all locks and doors, and elecampane to attract love.

If there is no strength or desire to ritualize rituals and perform ceremonies, then there is a simple but miraculous way of fulfilling desires at this time, which will direct energy in a peaceful direction and will not create any special difficulties. Our ancestors believed that if you climb on a Kupala evening in 12 other people's gardens, then any wish will come true. Difficult? Where can I get vegetable gardens?

The point is solely to enter someone else’s territory 12 times: “accidentally” go behind the counter in 12 stores, etc. – still, nothing comes for free, use your imagination and find your 12 vegetable gardens.

Since this time marks the period of the highest flowering of nature: the sun is at its zenith, vegetation is at the peak of flowering, the beginning of fruit ripening. Connecting with this power ensured good luck for the year.

Festival of the Sun bathing in the waters, accordingly, the same elements that our ancestors turned to - fire and water, hence bonfires and cleansing fire, and bathing, whether in baths or ponds.

Protective ritual for Ivan Kupala

On Kupala Night from the 6th to the 7th of July, you can perform a protective ritual for yourself or loved ones. Stock up on a wreath of birch twigs in advance, or better yet, weave it yourself. Buy three without taking change. wax candles in the church. Attach candles to the wreath, forming a kind of triangle. In the evening, around midnight, go to the river in a deserted place, either alone or with those you want to protect. In the second case, they should also have a wreath with candles. Make a fire, you don’t need a very big one, too much is inappropriate here. Stand by the fire at midnight and read:
“I, a slave (name), born of a mother, baptized by the holy church, put a talisman on myself and God’s servants (names of those present). Kupala fire! In the bright name of John the Baptist, bless us and protect us from enemies and opponents, from swords and guns, from illness and sorrow, from internal pain. I conjure by Christ God an indestructible barrier for one year. In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Amen".

After this, you need to jump over the fire, imagining how the fire forms an indestructible wall around you. Next, take a swim in the river, imagining how the water washes away the “dirt” and negativity from you. Afterwards read:
“Just as the Lord was baptized in the Jordan, so I, God’s servant (name), was cleansed from evil and sickness. Amen".

(If there are other people present, then let them read the same thing, individually)
Then light the candles on the wreaths and lower them into the water so that they float and read:
“In the name of father and son and the holy spirit. Just as a wreath goes into the water, so will my amulet protect me. Amen".

Spell for beauty on Ivan Kupala

The girls performed a ritual bath with dew at dawn. To collect dew, they dragged a tablecloth along the wet grass and then squeezed it into some kind of vessel. It was believed that washing the face and hands with dew would drive away illnesses and cleanse the skin. zhu At dawn on July 7, collect the early dew and wash yourself, saying:

“Royal power, earthly power! Give endless beauty. Eternal youth. Amen".

Attract love.
One of the main symbols of the holiday is fire. And, of course, connected with him Very strong love spell for love. In the old days, girls who wanted to tie their beloved to them forever, jumped with him, holding hands tightly, over a ritual fire. They had no doubt that from that moment their destinies would be forever intertwined with each other.

And the second, no less powerful love spell is connected with another “protagonist” of Ivan Kupala, water, which on this night acquires special magical properties. Take a swim with your loved one at night - and he will be yours forever!

A spell for good luck.
Try a very simple love spell for success in all matters. Be sure to join the round dance around the fire and ask the fire to bring you good luck. The main thing is to move clockwise, and do not shout, but say your requests in a whisper or even mentally. Don't worry, they will hear you there.

Money conspiracy.
On Ivan Kupala, you can also perform a ritual that will help you improve your financial situation. At night, dial deep glassware bathing water and throw coins in it. The higher the denomination of the coins, the better. Big money always attracts big money, and small things attract small things. So, try to find silver or gold coins - you won’t go wrong. Soak the coins in magical water until dawn. In the morning, take them out and hide them in a secluded place. You will see for yourself that prosperity will immediately come to your home.

Health spell.
On bathing night, not only perform a ritual ablution, but also wash some of your clothes, a shirt or a T-shirt, in the magical water. If you get sick, put the washed item on yourself and go to bed in it. The illness will go away as if by hand!

During all rituals, you can pronounce special spells. But to be honest, this is not necessary. The main thing is to ask magical powers for help sincerely, with faith and love in the soul. And you will definitely succeed!

For happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala:

Stepanova's conspiracy for happiness and good luck on Ivan Kupala

To do this, go into a river or lake and, splashing water on yourself, read the following plot:

The first tree is Ilyin, the second tree is vitriol.

The third is feigned. Submissive to the Lord God.

So that Happiness submits to me (name).

Under the pretend tree. To the Lord God, the gray fern is growing.

Under that gray Fern Great happiness lives.

It grows, it grows It falls white to my body.

Who knows the Ivan's plot, reads it nine times on Midsummer's day,

To the way this water, Happiness and luck stick.

I close my words, I close my deeds.

Also in running water You can talk yourself into fame and fortune among people and into wealth.

To do this, go into the river (a lake is not suitable, since the water must be running) and, pouring water on yourself, read the following plot:

Like the morning sun rises to the sky, the scarlet sunset flares up with fire.

To the bright heights. Wide width. As God is high, So be my glory far away.

And how on the Feast of Christ the bell in the temple rings,

So let all the People around me talk about me, the Servant of God (name).

The Lord God is on the Throne high, And the glory of me, God’s servant (name), be far away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


Monetary ritual at Ivan Kupala

If you want to talk yourself into wealth, then Ivan; Kupala wash yourself with silver coins and say:

How people love gold and silver,

So let the money not forget my wallet.

They come to me, stick and pester me.

Now and ever and unto ages of ages.


For money

Of modern rites and rituals, the most effective is Kupala money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can “order” money for yourself for a year in advance; it is believed that this is a special night, specifically a money night.

In order to carry out an “order,” you need to put all the money in the house under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up, take it out of there and quickly wave it in front of your eyes, creating the feeling that there is a lot, a lot of it. Unlike searching for a fern flower, this ritual is quite accessible to any person.

Money conspiracy against Ivan Kupala

This plot must be read at midnight from July 6 to July 7, when Midsummer Day begins. Prepare three handfuls of earth, a handful of coins and some water for the Ivan Kupala plot. Exactly at midnight, pour the earth and coins into a basin, dilute with water until it becomes a thick mud. Start kneading the earth and say the following conspiracy against Ivan Kupala:

I don’t sleep on Ivan’s night, I don’t rest, I take gold keys, I unlock the earth, I let go of the dew, I add gold.

After the conspiracy, wash your hands and place the basin on the east window. The window must be open (you can put it on the balcony if it faces east). Leave the basin for a day, after which (also at night) take the basin outside and shake out the earth with coins at the intersection. Whoever does this will have good luck with money all year (until the next Midsummer).

For good health

It was widely believed that a bath on the day of Ivan Kupala contributed to the strengthening and restoration of vital energy and health. Only the water in the bath should be based on decoctions of Kupala herbs and special brooms - Kupala. In the evening, herbs were collected and brooms were prepared, and the bathhouse was heated in the morning. We recommend that you do the same.

In Siberia, Ivanov's dew was used in case of eye disease: the eyes were washed with dew in the morning of Midsummer's Day and collected in a container for further treatment.

On Kupala night, fires were lit everywhere, over which one had to jump to gain health and fertile strength. Therefore, both girls and adult women who wanted to give birth to a child jumped through the fire.

Stepanova's conspiracy against female diseases on Ivan Kupala

They read it for dew, which they then wipe themselves with, or for the sick person. The spell words are:

How fire cleanses and consumes everything,

So this dew would wash away and consume all the disease.

How not to resist the flying flyer, the creeping creeper,

To the galloping horse Before the great storm,

So Illness-illness cannot resist my strong word.

Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen.

For home

It was also customary to wash dishes with dew so that the food from them would be more satisfying and healthier. Kupala dew was sprinkled on beds and walls of houses to prevent cockroaches and bedbugs.

If this night is torn Ivan da Marya flower and put in the corners of the house, the thief will not approach the house: brother and sister (yellow and purple flowers Ivana da Maria) they will talk to each other, and it will seem to the thief that the master and mistress are talking.

For personal life

Since ancient times, on the day of Ivan Kupala, the most free communication genders, which allows us to call it "the most erotic Russian celebration", "celebration of universal marriage."

According to legend, on Kupala night all prohibitions on love relationship between men and women. This means that all the crowns of celibacy and the curses on loneliness are removed, generational curses and other greater and lesser horrors that prevent us from having a full personal life. And this should be used by anyone who is not satisfied with their personal or sexual life.

In order to remove all prohibitions on happiness in your own personal life, you can use any of the countless number of rituals, or in the old fashioned way, simply enter into an intimate relationship.

To get married this year, you need to collect a bouquet of 12 before going to bed various herbs (thistle and fern are a must) and put under the pillow.

On the night of Ivan Kupala, a special birch bath broom is also made, with the help of which you can resurrect lost love and rekindle the heart of your spouse. To do this, take a Kupala broom and, when you come to the bathhouse, pat yourself on the body with it (below the waist) and read the following plot:

Like a bath leaf, molded and tenacious to the body, so you, my husband, Servant of God (name), be molded to me, tenacious to my body.

Mold, be strong, never let go.

My word is strong, my deed is sculpted.

As long as the birch tree stands from my broom, Until then the servant of God (name) will lie at my feet.

Key, lock, tongue.

July 6 healers are being treated women's diseases. To do this, they collect dew from the meadows, which at this time has miraculous healing powers, read a special spell over it and wipe the sick person with it. The spell words are:

How fire cleanses
And it devours everything
So this dew would wash away all the disease
And devoured it.
How not to resist the flying flyer,
To the creeping creeper,
To the galloping horse
Before the great storm
So you can't resist
In front of my
Strong words.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

To help with treatment heart diseases, under Ivan Kupala, tie two red rags birch branches and read this plot:

Holy, holy, holy!

Holy twig, holy branch,
Holy leaf.
You have no sorrows
You have no illnesses.
The slave wouldn't be so sick
God's (name) heart,
It wouldn’t ache, it wouldn’t sting.
Not a brain:
Neither at noon nor at midnight,
Neither in the morning nor in the evening,
Neither after dawn nor before dawn,
Not on Monday
Not on Tuesday
Neither on Wednesday nor on Thursday,
Neither Friday nor Saturday
Not on the last day - Sunday.
Neither in February nor in March,
Neither in April nor in May,
Neither in June nor in July,
Not in August
Not in September
Neither in October nor in November,
Not for the last time - December.
Here are my words
Here are the holy images.
Strengthen me, Lord,
The servant of God (name).
Holy branches
Don't untie yourself
My words, do not interrupt.
Key, lock, tongue.

Then find an aspen tree and walk around it counterclockwise. The ritual should be performed completely alone.

On Ivan Kupala (July 7) reprimand painful thinness. To do this, the patient must enter the river at noon and pour water on himself, first with his left hand, and then with his right, while reading the following conspiracy:

Mother of God,
I'm standing in the river
My feet are on the sand,
Water in my hand.
How is it added?
IN river water,
Also my sides
There will be more.
The body is white, be okay
Whole, unharmed.
Ivan Kupala,
Bless my lard.
And how true and true,
What do you like every year
On the seventh of July
People remember
So let my sides
From this day
They are overgrown with tallow.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

To cleanse and get rid of unnecessary

The Kupala bonfire (kupala) - a ritual fire, an indispensable component of the Kupala ritual (Ivan Kupala), was the center of youth festivities on Midsummer night.

Kupala bonfires were lit on the eve of the holiday, on the night of Ivan Kupala. For the Kupala bonfire they brought and brought from houses old junk: unnecessary harrows, brooms, wheel rims, etc. There was a custom of throwing the shirt of a sick child into the Kupala fire. It was believed that his illness burned away along with her.

It is believed that the Kupala fire cannot be lit on the ground, so throw it in old barrel All unnecessary rubbish and attributes of “unnecessary” (unpaid bills, certificates with diagnoses, beer cans, or cigarettes, etc.) should be set on fire and the ashes scattered on 4 sides - business available to every summer resident, in the absence of a summer house and a barrel, you can use a disposable barbecue sold in any supermarket, or something else. The main thing is to prepare “shirts from a sick child” in advance - unnecessary attributes.

In the Vologda province, there was a widespread belief according to which, in order to atone for sins, you need to lie down in a thicket of ferns at midnight on Ivan Kupala.

All rituals and ceremonies associated with being in the forest at night require an understanding of methods of protection. The simplest and most accessible way for everyone is a circle - if you decided to learn the language of herbs, or went in search of a fern, a grave sin weighs on your soul and, for salvation, you decided to lie in the thickets of a fern - draw a circle around you with a rowan branch.

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The name Ivan Kupala is actually invented and has nothing to do with the oldest holiday on this earth dedicated to the summer solstice, which is also the day of all lovers. Dates are floating and you need an accurate astronomical calendar to know the date in a specific year from approximately the twentieth to the twenty-second of June. This day is dedicated to an astronomical phenomenon associated with the coming of age, or more precisely, with the coming of age of the Sun; all lovers who had reached adulthood were given the opportunity to participate in these festivities. The essence of what is happening is simple: in the Northern Hemisphere, the change of seasons is very noticeable and the heavenly body in these changes showed decisive role. The newborn Sun on the day of the winter solstice began its journey and, reaching the summer point of its peak, passed half the way, and after that it began to decline and die, thereby symbolizing the entire cycle human life. In ancient times, Valentine's Day was celebrated widely and on a grand scale. Swimming in ponds and the nightly enchanting ending with a large bonfire were commonplace. But we are not interested in its secular component; we are interested in its mystical properties and how it can be used. The whole day and night were devoted to choosing couples for further life together, and carnivals and games with jumping over a fire are no more than ordinary fun with ritual cleansing of the soul and body. Although there are a huge number of legends, no one has yet been able to confirm or refute their connection. If you have heard about this flower called Kupala and Mavka, then you have a rough idea of ​​what we are talking about.

This is the only day of the year when you can see the Perun flower, or as many people call the fern flower. Anyone who gets lucky and is able to pick this flower will have unlimited possibilities; he will be able to understand any language, including birds and animals, become invisible, discover the locations of wealth and treasures where gold is located underground. In addition, the owner of this flower will be able to read thoughts, move to any point in space instantly and heal and send damage and much more.

What to do if a girl can't get married

This means that someone damaged the loneliness of “Vekovukha” either in revenge or specifically to quarrel with a married or young couple.
This type of damage can be easily removed from Ivan Kupala when, at the request of her rivals, a girl is attacked dashingly and she is doomed to live alone all her life and cannot get married or family life doesn't last more than a year. Although outwardly she may be a beautiful and pleasant girl, but for males she becomes unattractive and often even repulsive, this means only one thing, such girls bear the stamp of loneliness, which the sooner it is removed the better.
For these purposes, you will need to weave a wreath of flowers, for most this will not be difficult if you don’t know how, look at the diagram in the picture. Go to the place where the Ivan Kupala holiday will take place and take part in all the performances with all your heart. When you start weaving flowers, you need to weave any part of your clothing, a blouse or an old blouse, cut it into thin strips and weave it into pieces, saying a spell all the time.
I am weaving a wreath not for nine days and not for forty, I am looking for a seal to remove the century-old. I will hear, I won’t shout to everyone, I won’t answer what they ask, it’s my head to crown.
When you finish your work, wear the wreath on your head, after which you should either give it to someone at a holiday or throw it into the water. Don’t touch the wreath again, make sure that some guy doesn’t catch the wreath and, according to custom, doesn’t put it on you again, thereby returning your loneliness. Spend a fun and carefree whole evening and night. After a while there will be no more centuries. Now make sure that they don’t let her attack you; wear the amulet again for protection.

Crown of celibacy

It also prevents young girls from getting married, but differs in that the girls themselves cease to perceive the entire male gender and are organically against any relationship and against marriage. If the crown of celibacy is not removed, then most likely the woman will remain an old maid. Since this kind of recklessness is unleashed only on a girl and from the outside it looks as if she is simply making a career for herself or is completely passionate about business, such people are usually very successful because they do not waste time on relationships with the male sex. Understanding of everything comes only when the forty-five-year mark arrives; after this period, this spell no longer works. To save a person from this misfortune, on the day of Ivan Kupala, you need to plant some kind of plant in a pot, a flower, for example, in extreme cases, you can simply sow the seeds of a radish or a tomato; they sprout quickly. Bury a note with a conspiracy in the ground.

Matryona is walking, she is not in love with anyone, Avdotya is walking from the men with nothing but pricks, (the girl’s name) is walking towards the young man, she holds his hand and he leads her. They should walk together and not stand or sit anywhere.

The plant needs to be watered for thirteen days, then thrown away without turning back and quickly leaving. If you hear someone calling out to you, move on, otherwise the goryushka will come running after you again. As you can see, removing the crown of celibacy is simple and does not take long at all.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala is the most mystical and mysterious in folk calendar. Our ancestors celebrated it for thousands of years as the holiday of the summer solstice. On this day and, especially on the night preceding it, many magical rituals were performed. At the same time, Ivan Kupala spells for love, luck and material well-being were considered the most powerful and effective. After all, although the astronomical knowledge of our ancestors was far from complete, they knew well that the Sun has the greatest energy and that this energy can be used for their own purposes. Many of these ancient rituals and spells are still used today. After all, no matter how many centuries pass, the energy of the Sun does not become weaker, just as the magic of water and fire is eternal.

Rituals for love

Among the numerous Kupala magical rituals, the most popular are the Ivan Kupala love spells. After all, this feeling is not only the most beautiful, but also creates the most problems for people. Many of these problems can be solved on the night of Ivan Kupala.
The most strong rituals love magic associated with the traditional Kupala bonfire, the embodiment of the great element of fire. If your loved one is present at the holiday, you can bewitch him.
To do this, look at the fire and say the following spell:
“The fire burns hot, the night will brightly illuminate the mystery of love
It will help me to open, (the name of my loved one) to bewitch me.
As soon as we hold hands with him, we will be filled with passionate love.
Fire will cement our love, unite our hearts forever.”
After this, persuade your chosen one to jump over the fire or drag him into a festive round dance.

Ritual ablution

Ivan Kupala is not only a holiday of the Sun and Fire. At this time, another great element is activated - water, the magical properties of which intensify many times during this period.
One of the most powerful love spells for Ivan Kupala uses the energy of water and ritual ablution. Persuade your loved one to swim together that night.
Love spell on Kupala
In the evening before the celebration of Ivan Kupala, you can perform a strong love spell that will allow you to attract the love of the guy you like. To do this, you need to go to an unheated bathhouse and fill a basin with water. Then you need to throw a pinch of salt into it and cross the water with a piece of bread.

Next, recite the following spell:
“All people on earth cannot live without water, bread and salt. So are you, the Servant of God (name of the chosen one) without me, the Servant of God ( given name) you won't be able to live. Bread feeds and water gives drink, and you will never forget me. From now on and forever. Amen".

After this, you need to eat a piece of bread and rinse a handkerchief in water, which you will subsequently need to put in your chosen one’s pocket. This ritual can also be used to cast a love spell on a husband, in case of cooling of feelings. In this case, one of the spouse’s shirts should be rinsed in the charmed water, which he must subsequently put on.

Love potion

On the night of Ivan Kupala, you can prepare a strong love potion, which can be used to attract the young man you like.
To do this you need:
Collect thirteen different herbs at your discretion;
Pick up thirteen different pebbles from the road where people walk.

Having brought everything collected home, you need to put water on the fire and throw grass and stones into it. When the water boils, holding your hands over the pan, you should recite the spell thirteen times in a row.
“There are three bright dawns in the ninth heaven praising the Holy Trinity. They bequeathed to me the Servant of God (proper name) that if I brew a witch’s potion, I will quickly bewitch my chosen one. Thirteen herbs, thirteen stones will call thirteen devils to help me. Come here and help me, the Servant of God (proper name), finish the magic potion. So that my words are strong and molded and stick to my chosen one, the servant of God (name of the chosen one) forever. Amen".

This enchanted potion, brewed on the night of Ivan Kupala, should be used on July 13th. It needs to be thrown out in the place where your loved one walks.

Before going into the water, whisper the following spell:
“Water, water! Wash our bodies and souls, open the heart of (the name of your loved one) to love.
So that as soon as he plunges into you, he immediately turns to me in body and soul.
As we enter into you together, we will go through life together.”

After this, together with your chosen one, enter the water.

Ivan Kupala spells for good luck are very strong and equally varied. Like love spells, Kupala conspiracies to attract good luck into life use the energy of the great elements that become active during this period.

To the rising sun for good luck

The spell for the rising sun is very powerful. In order to carry out this conspiracy, do not go to bed on Kupala night.

Wait until morning and, at the first rays of the rising Sun, repeat seven times:
“The clear sun, the red sun, will rise in the sky and will bring me great luck.
I was the first to see its rays, and now I have become the luckiest.
Everything will work out for me, my happiness will increase.”

Appeal to the energy of fire

No less powerful is a good luck spell that uses the energy of fire. It was in order to beg good luck and happiness from the fire that our ancestors danced around the fire on Ivan Kupala. For knowledgeable people Even now this is not simple fun. If you want good luck to always accompany you when moving in a round dance around the fire, address the fire with magic words.

And they sound like this:
"Like fire dark night illuminates, so luck illuminates my life.
Everything in my affairs will be clear, everything in my life will be wonderful.
The fire will bring me good luck in everything and I will not know trouble all year round.”

For your good luck plot to be successful, at the moment of its utterance the round dance must move clockwise. Under no circumstances should you cast a spell while moving in the opposite direction, as in this case you will not only not attract good luck, but can also seriously harm your affairs.

Such folk holiday, as Ivan Kupala suggests universal positive attitude all participants. This is precisely the main factor in the success of all rituals performed on this fabulous night. It should be remembered that you can use conspiracies aimed at good on Ivan Kupala. Rituals that contain wishes of harm to other people will be absolutely ineffective.

Conversion from Julian to Gregorian calendar introduced some confusion into the calendar of pagan holidays. If initially they were timed to coincide with a specific astrological event, now the date turns out to be very arbitrary. Today there are two versions of when it is better to celebrate Ivan Kupala:

The pagan version is the summer solstice (the night of June 20 to 21 or June 21 to 22). Kupala symbolized the transition from one half of the year to the other: the sun reached its peak, and after the holiday began to lose activity. The date of Midsummer could shift if the full moon preceded the solstice (no more than 3 days) or occurred after it (within 1.5 weeks). When a holiday was organized taking into account the position of both heavenly bodies, proclaimed the Great (Strong) Kupala.

The modern version is the Nativity of John the Baptist (the night of July 6-7). The Christian tradition actively absorbed pagan holidays, so Midsummer's Day was combined with a new religious date. The Forerunner is contrasted with the Nativity of Christ, which falls on January 7th. For Catholics, the dates are slightly different: June 24 and December 25, respectively.

Modern magicians celebrate Midsummer in both the old and new styles - whichever you prefer. Both dates are strong enough and “prayed” to give energy to the rituals being carried out:

  • White rituals work well at the solstice;
  • the night of July 6-7 is perfect for black witchcraft.

The entire period from July 20 to July 7 is considered favorable for magical practice. You can perform rituals without reference to Kupala - they are almost guaranteed to work.

What rituals should be performed on Kupala Night?

Kupala night combines opposite energies. Sun - Moon, male - female, sky - earth, fire - water. This is the time when sacred alliances are created between opposing principles. Therefore, there are no strict regulations regarding the rituals performed: you need to do what is needed. However, it is believed that the best results are:

  • love spells;
  • rituals to attract benefits;
  • healing rituals;
  • magical cleansing;
  • rituals to enhance attractiveness;
  • setting up a defense.

In general, you should focus on yourself and work on your own happiness. But no one forbids causing damage, making quarrels and chills, “playing around” with stealers... Kupala night is good because there are no prohibitions: everyone is free to cast magic in the desired direction - both positive and negative.

Water and fire are key elements of festive mysteries

On Kupala night Special attention devoted to the water and fire elements. Their unity is personified by the Ivan da Marya flower:

  • yellow color - fire, as well as Ivan Kupala himself, who threw himself into the fire out of grief;
  • violet-blue hue - water and Kostroma, his sister, who drowned in the lake.

Legend has it that young people, not knowing about the relationship, got married. When the gods revealed to them terrible secret, Ivan and Kostroma committed suicide. And it is not surprising that on Kupala night people also prefer to get rid of problems with the help of fire and water.

The celebration is traditionally held on the shore of a lake, river, or large pond. Bonfires are lit nearby. Each person must jump over the flames and swim in the pond to purify themselves. You can throw old things, clothes of the sick and dead into fire and water - everything bad associated with these objects will disappear forever.

A spell to find a fern flower

Botanists say that the fern does not bloom. But they evaluate only those capabilities of the plant that it manifests in the material universe. On a subtle level, the fern gives an amazingly beautiful glow, which is popularly called a flower. You can see it only with astral vision. Not everyone will succeed in this, but those who cope with the task will receive all the promised benefits:

  • learn to change appearance at will;
  • strengthens intuition;
  • will gain the talent to understand animal language;
  • will begin to see hidden treasures;
  • will control water and earth and rule over evil spirits.

The fern blooms at exactly midnight. You need to go on the road alone, without a cross or body icons, without praying or being baptized. On the threshold it is recommended to cast a spell:

“The sea-ocean, the island of Buyan, there mermaids weave their braids, there goblins wander across the field, there the lost ones sing songs, they light the way for me with lights so that I can go, go and come to the lost place, where the spirits of the living frighten, where the bloodsuckers sparkle with their teeth, where the dead do not sleep, where devils walk, where demons dance in circles with drowned women, where the fern color shines - bright and eternal, where a faithful heart awaits, which desires a worthy hand. I can walk that long road without fear or trembling, without tears or sobs, not to stare at mermaids, not to get lost after goblin, not to be afraid of spirits, not to fall into the clutches of bloodsuckers, not to carry a dead person on myself, to drive away devils, to dance with demons and drowned women. not to get caught, not to be tempted by deception, not to get lost in the fog, not to be afraid of ghosts, but to approach the fern blossom, enjoy the radiance - and stretch out your hand, pick that flower, take it into your heart. It’s a sacred and enchanting night, you should lead me, if my soul trembles, turn to her restless spirit forever and guard the blooming fern, scare travelers, and don’t let them into the light!”

From the moment the spell is pronounced, the sorcerer will be led, and not according to material world, but according to astral reality. A person will encounter his own hidden “I”, he will encounter his personal fears and experiences. If the traveler walks the road with dignity, he will approach the treasured flower and will be able to pick it. Otherwise, you will have to pay for failure and turn into a ghost. Of course, not in the very literal sense of the word: once a year the spirit of a sleeping person will go to guard the fern from adventurers like himself.

Great Kupala rite

The ritual is a set of actions aimed at harmonizing energy and getting rid of negativity. It is advisable to carry out the ritual in a company: the more people take part, the more pronounced the result will be.

You will need:

  • firewood for the fire (preferably oak and birch);
  • long wooden pole;
  • a bundle of hay or straw.

They begin work at dusk. Light a large fire (there should be enough wood to keep it burning until the morning). A bunch of hay (straw) is attached to the top of the pole and set on fire. Thus, the energy of the sun comes into the night. While the flame is burning, one of the participants walks around the fire with a pole and loudly chants:

“Yarilo-sun, come to our circle, do not spare the strength of your children!”

The remaining participants also walk around the flame until the hay (straw) burns out. Then you should speed up your pace and literally start dancing around the fire. At the same time, they repeat the conspiracy in chorus:

“The night of Kupala will shine with stars, burn with lights, welcome us - thin and stately, young and gray-haired, girls and boys, women and grandfathers, who danced around the circle of fire. And behind us are uninvited troubles, black devils, hungry demons, evil curses - they dance all around, they fall into the fire, they turn into ashes, they scream and weep, and we sing and rejoice on the holy night, on the night of Kupala. Burn, burn, grief, what sat on me, what teased Kupala, what offended Kostroma, what angered Yaril, what fell into the flames, fall, fall into the hot heat, burn, burn, grief, mine and yours, small and great.”

When the fire burns out a little and the flames become smaller, each participant must jump over it three times. Also, before morning comes, you need to take a swim and, standing in the pond, say:

“Kupala water, wash away from me pain and evil, black and bad, crooked and foreign, sobs and resentment, dislike and human malice, native hostility and unloved hatred. Kupala water, take away from me damage and evil eyes, curses and blasphemy, insidious gossip and dashing talk, so that on Kupala night everything will leave me without leaving a trace.”

You need to dry off near the fire. You can also burn objects in it that represent some kind of negativity: old clothes, magical linings, your own hair (to get rid of bad thoughts). Under no circumstances should the fire be extinguished; it must warm up on its own. During the ritual, it is permissible to say prayers and appeals to gods and higher powers. Everything said around the Kupala fire will reach the addressee. It will be useful to make a cherished wish or ask for support in any endeavor.

Protective spell for the ember of the Kupala fire

On Kupala, you can become the owner of a talisman that will protect a person throughout the year.

You will need:

  • a coal taken from a burnt-out fire;
  • dense fabric bag;
  • a little grass picked on Kupala night (willow-herb, St. John's wort, thistle, wormwood are excellent - you can combine them).

Early in the morning after Midsummer night, you need to put coal and herbs in a bag. The conspiracy is read there:

“The grass girl walked across the field, picked flowers, trampled herbs, met a young fireman, fell in love with him, gave birth to a child. Let that child live near my heart, protect me from troubles, lead me away from death, and protect me from dashing words. The Kupala child flutters near my heart, feeds on my breath, holds my hands and helps me, not to harm, not to smooth over, but only to protect me tightly - from a wild beast, from a black bird, from the omnipotent Mary, from a bad dream, from hunger terrible, from treacherous people, from deception and lies, from untrodden paths, from a deep well, from an invisible pit, from excessive fire, from a marshy swamp. That child should guard me, and my house, and my children, and my animals. Guard and not leave, whole year answer me with service!”

The bag is tied and hung around the neck. It is not recommended to remove it during the year: the amulet demonstrates maximum strength while in contact with the body. On the next Kupala night, the bag is thrown into the fire, and then a new amulet is made. If such a talisman is hidden at home, then neither a witch nor a sorcerer will be able to attack the home.

Love spell on Ivan Kupala through a candle

Although most wishes for love are made around a large Kupala fire, it is also possible to work at home.

You will need:

  • red candle;
  • Ivan-da-Marya;
  • photograph of the affected object.

When it gets dark, you should place a lit candle in front of the photo. You need to place a sprig of a plant between the flame and the photo. Looking at the fire, you need to repeat:

“Kupala night has come, but I haven’t gone anywhere, I’m sitting in my house and on my stove, I’m not afraid of devils, I’ll protect myself from witches, I’ll attract (name) to myself - so that I can love truly. Kupala night is on the threshold, and I am in my prison, looking through the window at the darkness, there the moon is bright, like (name)’s love for me is faithful and eternal. He loves me (name) from his first to his last bone, with every thought and thought, nothing will turn him away from me, nothing will separate us on different sides.”

When the candle burns out, the photograph should be hidden along with the flower. Within a month the spell will work.

Removing negativity with water on Kupala night

After sunset, you need to water yourself with water so that the liquid flows from head to toe and is absorbed into the ground. When performing a wash, you need to read the plot:

“Behind Ivan Kupala, into the swarm of mosquitoes, into the swamps where yawning lives, into the impenetrable thicket, into the black depths, the damage left me; Ivan Kupala, the glorious young man, was followed by corruption, breaking his legs in the cramps, scratching his arms with branches. The damage bled out and left me with water!”

Light damage and evil eyes are washed off immediately; more severe negativity may require additional cleaning. A state of fatigue, weakness, and emptiness is considered normal after the ritual: this means that energy work has begun.

Slanders about water: for love, for health, for damage, etc.

Water perfectly absorbs the words spoken to it on Kupala night. You just need to decide on a goal - anything you want will come true. You can speak to water in your own words or use ready-made spells:

Attract love:

“Ivan and Marya walked through the forest, lost each other, paid for my happiness with their love. Ivan and Marya will never meet again, but I will know my betrothed, live my life together, celebrate the Kupala nights together.”

Send damage:

“Kupala water, let tears flow from (name’s) eyes, hide in darkness, hide in trouble. Give no rest, no breathing, no sweetness, no joy. Turn yourself into damage, take (name) out of the way - and lead him to the grave. Let (name) sob, shed burning tears, pray to gods and devils, but cannot remove my damage.”

Cool down:

“Just as the Kupala water is cold, so (name)’s feelings for (name) have neither love nor warmth, but are covered with ice, covered with snow.”

Make a quarrel:

“The river runs past two banks, and (names) along to different parties stand. Swear, scream, quarrel, cry - but never know peace. Don’t go to bed alone, don’t put up with each other.”

Attract wealth:

“As drop by drop drips, so gold goes to gold, silver to silver accumulates - and ends up in my wallet. At Kupala night I speak words, early in the morning I will find wealth.”

Improve your health:

“The girl drank fresh water, drank and drank, and died on the bank. Because it wasn’t the girl who died, but a sick, shaking disease that gives me no peace, that eats my body, that drinks my blood. So get off me, you damned sore, lie down in the coffin, but don’t touch me, walk away on the water.”

If the ritual is performed for oneself, one needs to wash oneself with the enchanted water. To have an effect on other people, the liquid should be poured under their threshold or into their food (in the latter case the effect will be stronger).

Maidens' and women's conspiracies for Kupala dew

Dew the morning after Kupala Night has amazing powers: it heals, gives attractiveness, improves mood, and helps to create love spells.

Spell for beauty and increased attractiveness

You need to collect thirteen drops of dew in a small bowl. A spell is recited about the liquid:

“Mavka the beauty wandered through the forest, counted the stars, admired the moon, bathed in the water, and let her beauty drop. That beauty became the Kupala dew that lay under people’s feet, that was afraid of the sun and trembled, that fell into my palm. I will drink the beauty that Mavka the Forester dropped, I will become more beautiful than the moon and the sun, the stars and water, the flower and the grass. My beauty cannot be washed away, it cannot be burned in fire, it cannot be taken away or removed, it cannot be scattered in the wind, it cannot be eaten by melancholy, my grief cannot be reduced.”

The dew must be drunk in one sip. After a week, the spell will manifest itself. They are valid until the next Kupala night, then it is recommended to update them.

A spell to bewitch a loved one

It is necessary to collect as much fresh dew as possible in a glass bottle and immediately say to it:

“Kupala Ivan, where is your Kostroma? Where is your love? But here she is, here, in any tear, in fresh dew. I walk across the field, collecting dew, so that (name) loves me, so that he drinks water from my hands, so that he does not turn away from my face, so that he does not go far, so that he does not let me go. Ivan da Kostroma, fire and water to you, and eternal love to me (name), strong to gray hair, strong to the weak body, faithful to the wooden coffin, faithful to the cross on the grave. I create spells for good, for the good of love, for good luck!”

Dew should be added to the subject's food. If this is not possible, you need to pour the liquid on the threshold of your loved one. After a few days, the ritual will take effect.

Conspiracy to cure illness

“Mara-Marena, black goddess, terrible in face, take away not me, but my sore (name), that eats my bones, that gnaws my flesh, that occupies my mind, that breaks my will. Mara-Marena, come not for me, but for the evil sore, take it from the head and from the legs, from the neck and from the loins, from the sternum and from the back, from the stomach and from the intestines, so that with the dew it flows down through my veins didn’t flow.”

You need to take off your wet shirt and burn it (or throw it in the water). The body must be wiped first with any dry grass, and only then with a towel. Improvement will occur within two months.

Conspiracy to remove damage

The ritual is suitable for getting rid of light damage. You need to walk barefoot through the dew and say:

“Mother Dew, Kupala tear, take away the evil from me, take the black stuff, take it to the ground, drown it in water, but don’t give it back to me!” Take away the evil from flesh and bones, from hair and nails, from the heart and from the soul, drive away the black, so that it does not eat me, so that it does not cause trouble for me!”

Repeat the spell until your soul feels better. Then they bow to the sun three times and leave.

Spell for good health

The ritual allows you to renew your energy and recharge with new strength. You need to collect at least twelve drops of dew and wash yourself with them, and then say three times:

“Silushka-dew, Kupala walked over you, led the mermaids with him - in dance and dancing, in noise and din, in cheerful revelry, in glorious singing, in boisterous laughter. So for me, strong dew, to walk along the path along which Kupala walked, led mermaids, to take away his strength, to nourish his body and spirit with it - so that I don’t waste away from melancholy, so that I don’t writhe in pain, so that I don’t twist my arms in agony, so as not to shed bitter tears, so as not to be bored and not grieve, so as not to experience hard troubles, so as to greet the morning joyfully.”

The “fuse” of the spell lasts for about two weeks, then the effect of the spell will gradually disappear.

The magic of Ivan Kupala holiday allows you to easily achieve results even in the most difficult cases. The main thing is not to sleep through your luck and meet this summer night in full witchcraft readiness.

On this day, many rituals are performed for love, money, wealth, health, beauty, special conspiracies are read and special rituals are performed. On Kupala night, fire and water acquire special power, so the purification ritual was carried out at a spring, river, or reservoir, lighting a fire on the shore.

The holiday of Ivan Kupala in 2018 falls on the night of July 6-7. The most famous ritual is jumping over a fire. It is believed that by jumping over the fire on this night, a person removes all sins, all dirt, all the negativity accumulated over the year.

Ritual on Ivan Kupala - for money

Of the modern rites and rituals, the most effective is the Kupala money ritual. It is believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you can “order” money for yourself for a year in advance; it is believed that this is a special night, specifically a money night.

In order to carry out an “order,” you need to put all the money in the house under your pillow before going to bed, and in the morning, when you wake up, take it out of there and quickly wave it in front of your eyes, creating the feeling that there is a lot, a lot of it. Unlike searching for a fern flower, this ritual is quite accessible to any person.

Ivan Kupala in 2018: love spells and conspiracies

Conspiracy against loneliness on Ivan Kupala

To get rid of loneliness on Kupala, light 7 church candles in front of the Seven Arrows icon of the Mother of God and read the prayer 40 times:

“O long-suffering Mother of God, who surpassed all the daughters of the earth in Her purity and in the multitude of sufferings You endured on earth, accept our much-painful sighs and keep us under the cover of Your mercy. Do You not know any other refuge and warm intercession, but as one who has the boldness to be born of You, help and save us with Your prayers. May we reach the Kingdom of Heaven without stumbling, where, together with all the saints, we will sing the praises of the One God in the Trinity, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen". You can't stop reading and get distracted.

Then say the plot against Ivan Kupala three times:

“The bad, damned, evil word, like an arrow from the enemy, struck me with loneliness! But with God’s help, with the Most Holy Theotokos, I will cover myself with invincible hope, I will lift myself with pure prayer, I will find Jesus’ help. Now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen".

Spell for beauty on Ivan Kupala

The girls performed a ritual bath with dew at dawn. To collect dew, they dragged a tablecloth along the wet grass and then squeezed it into some kind of vessel. It was believed that washing the face and hands with dew would drive away diseases and cleanse the skin. At dawn on July 7th, collect the early dew and wash, saying:

“Royal power, earthly power! Give endless beauty. Eternal youth. Amen".

Protection from bad dreams

Make a small bouquet of fern and thistle leaves on July 7th. Rinse the plants under running water, dry and tie with green ribbon. Hang it at the head of your bed. The bouquet will protect your sleep from evil spirits.

Love spell on Ivan Kupala

Rituals to attract love

Attract love - love spell on Ivan Kupala

A very powerful love spell is associated with another “main character” of Ivan Kupala, water, which acquires special magical properties on this night. Take a swim with your loved one at night - and he will be yours forever!

Love spell on Ivan Kupala

To bewitch your loved one on Kupala night, you need to find fern leaves in the forest alone. Then sit with your back to the aspen tree and start beating yourself with fern leaves, saying the spell:

“Dry, grass, dry, wither.
Let it dry the same way
For me my dear friend
Servant of God (name). Amen."

Tie the fern grass to the aspen tree and walk away without looking back. There should be no one with you in the forest.

Conspiracies and love spells on Ivan Kupala

Another love spell on Ivan Kupala, attracting love

On the eve of Ivan Kupala, go to an unheated bathhouse, throw salt into a basin of water, cross yourself with a piece of bread and say:

“Like people without bread, salt
And the waters cannot live,
So is the servant of God (name)
From this hour without me
It can't be.
Water gives drink, bread nourishes,
Servant of God (name)
Doesn't forget me.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever
And forever and ever. Amen."

You need to eat the bread, and rinse your husband’s shirt in water and, after drying it, let him wear it.

Ivan Kupala holiday

Strong love spell on Ivan Kupala to attract love

Early in the morning of July 7, you need to collect the dew in a new jug. Then the girl must turn her face to the rising Sun and, crossing herself three times, wash her face, chest and knees with this dew. Then she loudly pronounced love words:

“In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Doselev was under Agrian the Tsar
Half dry in water.
Water comes down from the sky
And in heaven the Lord God is.
You, Ivan Kupala, bring the dew,
Tears, melancholy, dryness
For me, for God’s servant (name),
To the servant of God (name).
I wash my cheeks with dew,
I reveal ardent love.
I, God's servant (name), with God's servant (name)
Eternal and endless.
And while there is dew in God's world,
No one will separate our bodies.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."
