Extract from the personal account of Sberbank. Bank statement from current account: what is it and its features

Despite requests, the bank does not provide a current account statement. Tell me, is the bank required to provide an account statement?

What is a current (bank) account statement?

A current account statement is a document that contains information about all transactions on the account. This could be receiving and repaying a loan, writing off Money against commissions and other payments, in general - all movements of funds in the account. The statement must indicate the client's account number, the dates of financial transactions, and two columns - debit (debiting funds from the account) and credit (crediting funds to the account).

From the statement you can understand when and for what purposes the bank spent money, so we quite often ask our clients to order account statements from banks. An extract is also necessary to calculate funds that were illegally paid by the client to the bank, for registration or. However, it happens that the bank does not provide a statement, is this legal?

Legal regulation of bank account statements.

Rules for issuing statements bank account are regulated by Bank of Russia Regulation No. 385-P dated July 16, 2012 “On the rules of accounting in credit institutions located in the territory of Russian Federation". Here's what they say about the account statement:

“The issuance of extracts from personal accounts and attachments to them to clients is carried out in the manner and within the time limits stipulated by the relevant agreement, on paper or in in electronic format(via communication channels or using various media). If extracts from personal accounts and attachments to them are transferred to the client in electronic form, then these documents are signed by analogues of the handwritten signature of an authorized person of the credit institution. Statements from personal accounts of clients' bank accounts for the last working day of the year (as of January 1 of the year following the reporting year), as well as in other cases, if provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, must be issued to clients on paper."

How to obtain an account statement at additional offices of credit institutions?

Sometimes employees of additional offices say that they do not have the right or opportunity to give the client an account statement. However, the above Regulation states that “by the beginning of the operating day, the credit institution (branch) transmits through communication channels to additional offices data on transactions carried out on customer accounts for the past day, additional offices independently print out account statements.”

Providing an account statement

Based on Part 1 of Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation of 02/07/1992 N 2300-1 “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, the contractor is obliged to promptly provide the consumer with the necessary and reliable information about services, ensuring the possibility of their correct choice.

Subparagraph "e" of paragraph 3 of the Resolution of the Plenum Supreme Court of the Russian Federation dated June 28, 2012 No. 17 “On the consideration by courts of civil cases in disputes regarding the protection of consumer rights”, it is determined that when assigning disputes to the scope of regulation of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights, it should be taken into account that a financial service should be understood as a service provided to an individual in connection with the provision, attraction and (or) placement of funds and their equivalents, acting as independent objects civil rights(providing credits (loans), opening and maintaining current and other bank accounts, attracting bank deposits(deposits), service bank cards, pawnshop operations, etc.).

When a bank provides a financial service to an individual in the form of a loan, the consumer has the right to receive information about the service provided to him, including the full cost of the loan, the amount of debt, the procedure for crediting funds to repay the debt, and other information necessary for the consumer about the status personal account for the loan. Moreover, the exercise of this right cannot be conditioned on the payment of any remuneration for the provision of this type of information.

The specified information, in accordance with paragraph 3 of Art. 10 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” is brought to the attention of the consumer, including by providing him with a personal account statement.

Bank statement - what is it? This is a document that is provided to the client as reporting on the current state of his account. In other words, the statement displays the real amount of funds that you have every right to dispose of at your own discretion. And also the last transactions that were performed: receiving and transferring money.

What is

The statement is drawn up on the basis of the bank account and is a copy of it. Also attached is a package of copies of documents that were provided by others legal entities facilitating the transfer of funds to the account. What it is? Typically, payment orders, payment requests or checks.

The current account statement is made depending on the wishes of the bank client. This can be either a one-time procedure if necessary, or a regular service. In the second case, it is appropriate to agree with the bank that the documents are sent to you at a specific address and without a reminder.

The frequency of regular statements is determined by the needs of the client. You can start from three things:

  • Time interval. If you need an extract to prepare any reports, you should proceed from the deadlines. The bank may send documents monthly or quarterly.
  • Number of transactions. You can take into account all transactions or focus on the number of outgoing or incoming payments to the account.
  • Balance size. An extract can be made upon reaching a certain amount or crossing a monetary threshold.

What is it for

Why might you need an extract? There are many situations in which you may need to certify your current account:

  • For reporting. A sample that you can create even for yourself. The statement will clearly illustrate your income and expenses. You can collect documentation whole year to then review your cash balance.
  • You can receive a statement in order to restore or clarify your purchase history. We very often pay for goods and services with a credit card, and then don’t remember “where the money went.” A checking account will help restore “memory lapses.” You can also make sure that you actually made an advance payment for something.
  • The extract can become your evidence in case of legal proceedings. If you have a conflict due to invalid transactions, a document certified by the bank’s seal will clarify the situation.
  • The embassy may want to clarify your account when applying for a visa in order to check your solvency. Many countries impose strict requirements on their guests regarding their detention on their territory.

Methods of obtaining

Most banks have already successfully switched to online customer service. This makes getting an extract much easier. There are several ways:

  • Contact the bank through a branch. This method can be called the most reliable, since you can see who you are communicating with. During the paperwork process, you can ask all the questions you are interested in. Each bank sets the deadline after which the statement will be provided independently. As a rule, reporting on a foreign currency deposit takes a little longer than on a ruble account.
  • Use online customer service. The main advantage is that there is no need to visit a branch to clarify the current account. Taking advantage automated system, you can not only receive a statement, but also simply check your account unscheduled. You can also configure the service yourself so that the statement arrives automatically on time.

Registration of an extract from the department

To receive an extract " traditional way", i.e. through a bank branch, you will need a passport. You will also need to fill out a request, a sample of which can be taken from an employee or found on the Internet yourself. After which the bank issues a paper reporting the flow of funds for the required period. The document is certified with a wet seal.

In a situation where new funds are received into the account on the same day, the statement is canceled and a current one is created.

All responsibility for the registration process lies with the client. On the other hand, the bank is the “creditor” of the person who entrusts him with his money. Therefore, he undertakes, at the slightest request of the client, to provide detailed information about all operations to which the current account has been subjected. The finished extract can be stored for up to 4 months until the customer picks it up. After this period it is destroyed.

An extract is a document that sooner or later any person who owns a bank account may need. It won’t take much time to get it, but in a critical situation the paper can help you avoid a lot of difficulties.

A bank account statement is a document showing the movement of funds in a current or current account. Is a copy of the records on current account in the bank.

A bank statement is compiled for each business day on which the bank carried out transactions with the client's account. An extract from the current account of an organization is a banking document that provides the accountant with reliable information about the state of the account and the movement of funds in the current account of the enterprise. A bank statement is the second copy of an enterprise’s personal account opened for it by the bank. Statements from different banks may differ slightly in form due to differences in servicing equipment.

As transactions are carried out on the current account (funds are credited or debited), the bank issues the company an extract from its personal account, which shows the balance of funds in the account as of the date of the previous statement, the amounts credited to the account, the amounts debited from the account, and the balance as of the date extracts. An extract from the current account is the second copy of the personal account of the enterprise opened for it by the bank. All data in the statement is given in digital terms, some of it is official (banking) information. By preserving the funds of an enterprise, the bank considers itself a debtor of the enterprise (its accounts payable), therefore it records the balances of funds and receipts to the current account as a credit to the current account, and the decrease in its debt to the enterprise (write-offs, cash advances) - as a debit.

Example of a current account statement:

Account statement

Cooperative "Oreol"

Account 40703810300000000003

Date 02.12.2007

Opening balance (liability): 1300.00

Subscriber account

Document No.





Closing balance

    Carrying out settlement transactions using payment cards

      Microprocessor plastic cards

Smart cards have different capacities, memory amounts regular card is approximately 256 bytes, but there are cards with memory sizes ranging from 32 bytes to 8 KB. Microcircuits allow you to store in the memory of such a card, in addition to identification information, cost indicators.

The operating system of the card supports a file system that provides access control to information. For information stored in any record (file, group of files, directory), the following access modes can be set: · always read/write. This mode allows reading/writing information without knowing special secret codes; · readable, but requires special write permissions. This mode allows free reading of information, but allows writing only after presenting a special secret code; · special read/write permissions. This mode allows read or write access after presenting a special secret code, and the codes for reading and writing may be different; · not available. This mode does not allow reading or writing information. The information is available only to internal card programs. Typically this mode is set for records containing cryptographic keys.

The cards provide a different range of service commands. For banking purposes, the most interesting of them are means of conducting electronic payments.

Despite the obvious advantages, smart cards have so far had limited use, for the reason that such a card is an order of magnitude more expensive than a card with a magnetic stripe. Only in last years, when the damage from fraud with magnetic cards in international payment systems became high and continues to grow, banks decided to gradually switch to smart cards.

Bank account opened by citizens or legal entities for non-cash payments. To control financial flows for a specific period of time, it is enough to contact the bank and receive a statement.

What kind of document is this?

Bank statement from current account - an official document issued by the bank at the client’s request and containing data on the movement of funds for a certain period. The document reflects (financial part):

  • State of an account.
  • The amount of commission charged by the bank.
  • Incoming and outgoing amounts.

Popular methods of obtaining:

  • In person (at the institution’s branch).
  • By mail.
  • In electronic form (by mailbox).

What is included in bank releases from a current account?

The format of statements (depending on the financial institution) may vary, but the content remains the same.

The document includes:

  • Full name of the account holder.
  • The name of the banking institution, its BIC and correspondent account.
  • The monetary unit in which the account is opened.
  • List of transactions by income/expense of funds. The date, time and amount of the transaction are also written here. When making a non-cash payment - settlement account between the sending and receiving parties.
  • Account number for which the report was issued.
  • Conclusion on receipts and expenses, as well as the balance of funds at the time of issue.

If current account statement submitted to the accountant for review, the following is required:

  • Papers issued by a financial and credit organization.
  • Evidence that serves as the basis for the calculation of funds.

After receiving the document, the accountant verifies the received information on the same day.

How to get an extract?

All receiving options bank statements from current account:

  • Via SMS (if the SMS notification service is activated).
  • Through Internet banking.
  • Upon request from a banking institution. The document can be certified by a seal and signature (if necessary). Processing time is 3-5 days.
  • By mail (including email). To do this, submit an application for monthly information.
  • Through an ATM (in the case where the account is assigned to a card). Data is provided for the last week (you will have to pay for the service).
  • By phone by calling the bank's contact center. All you have to do is dial the number, say your passport details and get information (issued free of charge).

    Read also:

Receiving algorithm bank account statements online:

  • Log in to your personal account.
  • Select the appropriate option to create an extract for the account you are interested in.
  • Set the period for which an extract is required.
  • Review the information and print it (if necessary).

Algorithm for obtaining an ATM statement:

  • Insert card.
  • Enter PIN.
  • Select the appropriate section.
  • Pick up a check with your details.

What is special about the extended version of the statement?

When complete data is needed bank account, it’s worth getting an extended statement. It provides detailed information, namely:

  • Points where transactions were carried out (terminal, supermarket, etc.).
  • Name of the counterparty company.
  • Reason for the operation performed.
  • The name of the goods (services) for which funds were transferred.
  • The amount of commission charged by the bank for the transaction.

To obtain bank statement from current account, required:

  • Place an order at a banking organization.
  • Request a service through online banking.
  • Order the option via e-mail.

What to consider?

When ordering financial information by bank account worth remembering:

  • Equipment tends to break down, so storing data only in electronic media is not recommended.
  • A stamp or signature on the statement is not required.
  • When transferred to the tax authority or other authorities, the document must be certified.
  • If a document is lost, you can get a copy (for a small fee).
  • If the card and current account are linked to each other, the statement is issued free of charge. These costs are already included in the plastic service fee.

When using a bank account, it is important to control the flow of money. Information about cash flows is displayed in the invoice statement. Such a document is legal in nature and may be needed for various organizations if necessary. An extract from your personal account in Sberbank is provided different ways. Why it is needed and how to form it, we will tell you in this article.

What is shown on the invoice statement?

It is of an informational nature about the receipt and debiting of funds for a certain period. For example, when applying for a loan based on such a document, banking organizations can form an opinion about the solvency of a potential borrower. The standard form looks different in different banks. In Sberbank, the account statement displays the following information:

  1. Current or current account number. It differs from the Sberbank card number. It is through the account that banks conduct transactions; funds are stored on it. The card number is used only when transferring funds or paying for services. The transactions themselves are recorded on the card account. More full information o is given at the link.
  2. Balance at the beginning of the billing period. Balance is the balance after all receipts and debits of funds, the control sum from which the statement for the selected period is generated.
  3. Information about credits and write-offs. Data is displayed on the receipt of funds to the account with a date and on the transfer of money from the current account to third parties or on write-offs in favor of debt repayment. The statement is generated for a certain period.
  4. Balance at the end of the period. This is the amount of funds that is currently available after all card transactions have been confirmed.

Methods for obtaining an invoice statement

  1. The classic way is to personally contact a company branch. You can approach any customer service specialist and request an invoice statement. In addition, a sample can be provided at foreign language. The received document is relevant when applying for a visa.
  2. Through an ATM. In this way, you can generate a mini-statement that will be provided on the check. In this case, the statement of the status of the individual personal account contains data for the last 3 months. And this service is paid. How much does it cost? 15 rubles per operation.
  3. You can request a Sberbank account via mobile communications. To do this, you will need to generate and send an SMS. The information will arrive in the form of a response message.
  4. Users of Sberbank Online can receive information without leaving home through their personal account. In this case, it is possible to generate a report on paper or electronically.

Bank branch


Another way to get a statement is to go to an ATM. In terms of the number of ATMs throughout the country, Sberbank is not inferior to any banking organization. Besides technical devices are also represented abroad. To generate a document, you will need to insert a card and then enter an individual PIN.

On the screen you will need to select the “Request balance” menu item and receive a “mini-report”. The method of presentation is on the check. This will display cash flow information with the corresponding dates for the last 3 months. The current balance is also indicated.

Mobile bank

You can get an extract using mobile phone. It is important to send the request through the number associated with the card. Due to banking secrecy, information will not be provided to third parties. To do this, you will need to send an SMS message to number 900. In the text you need to indicate the word “history”, and also write the last four digits of your card number. The response message will provide cash flow information with dates and the current balance of the amount available.

"Sberbank Online"

“Sberbank Online” as a way to receive a statement remotely from your mobile phone or computer. An account statement in Sberbank Online is generated instantly. At the same time, you can use this service constantly, since it is free. Personal Area wears not only useful information account, through it you can transfer money to other cards or pay for services.

First, you need to register, and for those who are already using the system, log in to your account. Then find the card you need and select “Show transactions”. In this case, you will be able to see 10 of your latest transactions on this card. If you need more complete information, you can order a report for any period for free at email and subscribe to the newsletter so that the data is received automatically.

There is also a function that allows you to print a document on paper. It is worth noting that in this case there will be no bank seal, and the certificate will be for informational purposes only. The official document can be obtained from the branch. Statements can be prepared for both debit and credit cards.
