Together with excuses, Katz Varlamov spoke about sexual harassment. Electoral heat: while Navalny was wet in the rain at rallies, Katz and Volkov shared money

Here we have a serious scandal broke out. It only at first glance may seem that this is another squabble between the opposition, in fact, this conflict can have far-reaching consequences. With each turn, the parties present more and more serious accusations to each other and, apparently, are not going to stop. Since many are not quite aware of what is happening, I have prepared a brief summary of the current moment.


On May 31, Alexei Navalny, on the air of Dozhd, called Maxim Katz a "dishonest person" and a "rogue".


In 2013, Navalny ran for mayor of Moscow. Maxim Katz worked at his headquarters as a deputy chief and was responsible for organizing work (cubes, meetings with voters, logistics, and so on). At the end of the campaign, after everything had already been organized, a complex personal story happened, as a result of which, 4 days before the elections, the headquarters structure was changed and Maxim began to work directly with Navalny.

But recently, on the air of Dozhd, Alexey said that Maxim was fired from the headquarters 2 weeks before the elections, and called him a "rogue".


Now let's get to the heart of the accusations. On the air, Navalny outlined three reasons why he considers Katz a dishonorable person. Within a day or two, Katz responded to each of them, in turn accusing Navalny of lying. Here are the positions of the parties:

- Katz himself is a corrupt official, he hid the income and transferred it to the foreign accounts of his parents.
- Katz is not a corrupt official, he has never worked in the civil service or in a state position. He had a foreign account as he funds foreign poker players to play tournaments. Before the elections to the Moscow State Duma, he closed the account due to the requirements of the law, and transferred the rest of the money from it to his parents.

- Katz doesn't know what ethics is and doesn't know how to build relationships with people. That is why he was fired from Navalny's headquarters two weeks before the election.
- There was no dismissal from the headquarters. There was an attempt to dismiss for personal reasons, which Navalny canceled, and he also slightly changed the structure of the headquarters. This happened 4 days before the elections.

- They tried to fire Katz not because he is dishonorable and not familiar with ethics. The reason for the dismissal attempt was that Leonid Volkov, the chief of staff, was in love with Katya and was annoyed because of her friendship with Maxim. Due to general fatigue and emotional overstrain, Volkov began to do strange things, and at some point Katya could not stand it and told him that she was no longer going to communicate with him. She accused Leonid of sexual harassment and informed Alexei. Volkov then took out his evil on Katz by trying to fire him. Navalny in the conflict took the side of Volkov, who was loyal to him, instead of supporting the too independent Katz. Despite the sexual harassment, he retained Volkov in a leadership position, but still canceled Katz's dismissal.


June 2, your point of view on events related to Katz expressed Leonid Volkov. He added a new batch of accusations against Katz. Here is Volkov's position and Katz's answers:

- Katya and Katz once again proved their dishonesty by publishing her personal correspondence with Volkov. All this is the level of Life and NTV.
- People have the right to publish their (!) personal correspondence when they are unreasonably accused of dishonesty. This is necessary in order to prove your case.

- Katz wanted to remove Volkov from the post of chief of staff, wove intrigues and spoiled relations in the team.
- Volkov because of his love for Katya and severe fatigue was in a state of disrepair. Therefore, in a conversation with Navalny, Katz raised the question of who would take control of the headquarters if Leonid breaks down. Navalny responded by saying that Volkov would remain in his post anyway, and Katz would now work directly with Alexei. (Letters from Katz and Navalny are cited as proof.)

- Katz promised to hand over everyone to the police if the members of the headquarters after the elections came to the Moscow City Electoral Committee and demanded a recount of the votes.
- From the very beginning of his work at the headquarters, Katz stated that he would build a campaign exclusively within the framework of the law. A month before the events described, he clearly stated that he would not engage in breaking the law or cover for other people breaking the law.

Ilya Varlamov published a text on his blog that sheds light on, who in 2013 served as deputy head of the campaign headquarters of the head of the FBK. It turns out that the reason for the quarrel between the two prominent democrats is the personal relationship of Alexei's close associate, Leonid Volkov, and one of the staff members, with whom Volkov dreamed of having an affair.

© Facebook

Ekaterina Patyulina, the same girl with whom Navalny's ally fell in love, said on Varlamov's blog that during the election campaign of the mayor of Moscow in 2013, Leonid Volkov, being the head of headquarters, repeatedly explained his romantic feelings to her, and after that he almost demanded from his subordinate to have sex with him.

Note that at that time Volkov was married and was very afraid that his wife might find out about his hobby on the side. Therefore, Leonid in every possible way hid communication with Patyulina in social networks.

However, despite the efforts of Volkov, the girl did not reciprocate the feelings of the head of staff Alexei Navalny.

“In general, I said that I had nothing to say to him, I was shocked, there was no question of any reciprocity, and we agreed not to raise this topic anymore,” says Ekaterina.

But Leonid Volkov still continued to seek Patyulina's heart.

Volkov has gone crazy, says Ekaterina. - For example, once for some reason he sat under my window for half the night when I myself was at home. And once, for some reason, he booked a table in a cafe in order to forcibly drag me on a “date”. I managed to get away. Then he began to follow me everywhere, not giving me the opportunity not only to build internets normally, but to go to the toilet normally. Without leaving the state of freaking out, I somehow managed to restrain his activity so that the headquarters would not accidentally fall apart due to the general hysteria.

As confirmation of her words, Patyulina, who now works as a commercial director at Ilya Varlamov's company, published screenshots of her correspondence with Leonid Volkov.

At a time when Volkov unsuccessfully tried to enter into a close relationship with the girl, a municipal deputy Maxim Katz appeared on the horizon, who got a job as Leonid's deputy. Ekaterina and Katz began to communicate closely, but there was no romance, the girl assures, in their communication.

Leonid Volkov became jealous and eventually decided to fire Katz.

“It was September 3rd, and the elections were on the 8th. By that time, all of Max's work had been put on independent execution, except for his participation in writing assignments for dom.,” Patyulina said.

Ekaterina tried to explain the reasons for Katz's dismissal to the head of FBK Navalny, who reacted to Volkov's jealousy in the following way: "I thought he just wanted to fuck you, but it turns out that everything is not so simple!"

The story ended with the fact that Katz and Volkov were separated into different areas of pre-election activity, and after the end of the election campaign, Maxim Katz and Ekaterina Patyulina were denied further cooperation with Navalny.

“Navalny chose to further cooperate with someone who was clearly in the wrong, but was personally loyal to him. Max got into this situation in general because of Volkov's banal jealousy. Of course, Navalny should have stopped this, and now he shouldn't lie. live“Rain,” Catherine complained.

By the way, Ilya Varlamov noted that he would not have published the details of Leonid Volkov’s personal life if Alexei Navalny had not called Maxim Katz a rogue, accusing the municipal deputy of corruption when he was nominated to the Moscow City Duma. According to the head of the FBK, Katz allegedly hid his income from the election commission by reissuing bank accounts to his parents.

On his website, a text dedicated to the conflict and who in the summer of 2013 was the deputy head of his headquarters in 2013.

It follows from Varlamov's post that the reason for Katz's departure from Navalny's headquarters was the unexpected love of Navalny's closest associate, Leonid Volkov, for one of the staff members, Ekaterina Patyulina, whom Volkov tried to seduce.

Currently, Patyulina is dating Katz, and, judging by the social networks of the activist, they have a full-fledged joint relationship with him.

The reason for the article, as Varlamov himself explained, was Navalny's statement, where he called Katz a "rogue", and on the air of Dozhd accused the ex-comrade-in-arms of dishonesty.

Before giving the floor to Ekaterina Patyulina, who became the subject of attention from Katz and his boss Leonid Volkov, he noted:

“People who worked on Navalny’s campaign then know the real reasons, and were surprised by Alexei’s outright lies. In fact, the split was not due to someone’s dishonesty, but, no matter how trite it may sound, because of a woman. This story no one wanted to make it public, but since Mr. Navalny touched on this topic, we must tell how it really happened. The word is given to that very woman ".

“It all started when Volkov fell in love with me. We met Lenya in 2012 on the day I came to Navalny to propose the development of a media resource in social networks and building infrastructure to activate supporters and automatically distribute content. And since Navalny considered Leonid an expert on the Internet and social networks, he called Volkov to ask me tricky questions. Everyone was satisfied with the answers to them, and we began to slowly cooperate", - the girl writes.

Soon Volkov confessed his love to Ekaterina Patyulina.

"Maybe just family life I got it in Yekaterinburg, and maybe something else. Judging by the fact that he eventually divorced his wife and married Anya Biryukova, who now works at the FBK (and previously worked at the headquarters as a sociologist), this theory is not far from reality., - suggests Patyulina.

As a result, the personal story between Patyulina and Volkov had to be "resolved" by Navalny:

“I met with Navalny. He didn’t understand what was happening and why Volkov started to run into Max. I explained to him what Max had to do with it. He said about Lenya: “I thought he just wanted to fuck you, but it turns out that everything is not so simple! There were actually three days left before the elections. Then Navalny met with Max, and together they decided that now it was important for the common cause "not to tease Volkov," so they separated Max and Leonid from the point of view of activities in different headquarters buildings ", - the girl recalls.

After that, Ekaterina Patyulina began working with Katz, began dating him, and the angry Volkov got Maxim Katz fired from Navalny.

Maxim Katz himself also reacted to Navalny's accusations on Dozhd and stated the following:

“I don’t know what happened to Alexei - in 2013 he was completely different. Then he united people, collected the opposition’s coordinating council, was calm and adequate. And now he quarreled with absolutely everyone, was left with almost no political allies, and then and such crap towards me and a significant part of the former team. I don’t really imagine how people will continue to work with him", - Katz wrote in his LiveJournal.

Persons found in the article:

After another interview with Alexei Navalny, a new conflict broke out in the Moscow opposition crowd. The politician, who spoke sharply about the municipal deputy Maxim Katz, was answered by Katz's girlfriend, who worked with him at Navalny's campaign headquarters in 2013. According to her, because of jealousy towards her, a split occurred between the head of headquarters and a part of the staff who sympathized with Katz, and its consequences were transferred to the Russian opposition as a whole.

To bookmarks

Photo by @patyulina

On May 31, on the air of Dozhd, politician Alexei Navalny answered a question in absentia from the Moscow municipal deputy Maxim Katz. During three years after the election of the mayor of Moscow, there is no interaction between them and Navalny does not support him in anything, Katz complained, although he took an active part in the organization during the elections.

According to Navalny, Katz is actually a corrupt official, since he keeps his money in closed foreign accounts, and it is precisely such corrupt officials that the FBK is fighting.

My experience of interacting with him suggests that he is a dishonorable person and just a rogue. I exclude any interaction with him, and there are also political reasons for this. We cannot support a person who says that when Liksutov re-registered offshore companies for his wife, it was he who so cunningly deceived the system and he is not a corrupt official. […]

Still, within the framework of organizational interaction, I try to work with people who know what ethics and a normal relationship with the team are. Actually, Maxim was fired by the head of my headquarters two weeks before the election of the mayor of Moscow for some such reasons, and I supported this decision.

Alexei Navalny, founder of FBK, leader of the Progress Party

Navalny recalled a situation that was perhaps one of the most visible conflicts during his election campaign as a candidate for mayor of Moscow. His headquarters was headed by political strategist Leonid Volkov, and Maxim Katz was in charge of organizational processes: right before the elections, there was a misunderstanding between them, which, according to Navalny, led to Katz's dismissal.

The next day, about the causes of the conflict, Ekaterina Patyulina is Katz's girlfriend, whom he began dating immediately after the elections. She began working with Navalny back in 2012, developing his presence on social networks - that is, SMM. Subsequently, after working for a politician, Patyulina opened a joint company with Ilya Varlamov, who collaborated with Katz on City Projects. For 2016, she sells advertising in the popular blogs of Sergey Dolya, Anton Nosik, and Wylsacom.

Photo by @patyulina

According to Patyulina, real reason conflict between Volkov and Katz was she herself. Volkov, her immediate boss at Navalny, fell in love with her and tried to get a meeting, but after refusals and ignoring on her part, he began to behave aggressively, the girl recalled.

It all started with a joke on Twitter.

Shortly before the elections, we sat with Veduta (Anna Veduta, Navalny's press secretary - approx. TJ) and Volkov in front of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, discussing the possibilities of independent politics on the Internet. It was a warm May evening, and after drinking some wine we joked about literary images from Orwell's book in relation to the current political regime in Russia.

A few days later, Volkov posted this joke on Twitter, tagging only Anya Veduta in it. I was terribly offended: why couldn’t all the participants in the discussion be taunted? Or am I not popular enough on Twitter for that? In short, it's all nonsense.

I did not restrain my resentment: the next day I wrote to Volkov that somehow this was wrong, and asked why he did this. The answer shocked me. He replied that if he had taunted me, his wife (!!!) would have declassified him (!!!) and UNDERSTOOD EVERYTHING ABOUT HIM (!!!).

Then I did not realize the full extent of the tin in which I found myself, but, without leaving the state of surprise, I asked for an explanation that it could be misunderstood there. He asked for a personal meeting for clarification. A few days later, we met with Lenya in a cafe, and he said that he loved me.

Ekaterina Patyulina, commercial director of

According to Patyulina, she met Katz around the same time that Navalny introduced her to Volkov as new members of the campaign headquarters. But with Katz in the future, she interacted more closely: he was engaged in activities "in the field", and the two of them had to coordinate efforts, attracting an audience and help via the Internet.

Maxim Katz and Ekaterina Patyulina. Photo by @patyulina

The rapprochement with Katz infuriated Volkov, Patyulina believes: as proof, she published a correspondence with him, in which the head of staff either persistently offered meetings, or apologized for being obtrusive. As a result, on September 3, five days before the election, Volkov announced the dismissal of Katz to a small group of people, but, according to Patyulina, Navalny did not support this.

According to the girl, Navalny did not know about this decision: “I thought he just wanted to fuck you, but it turns out that everything is not so simple!” As a result, he asked “not to tease Volkov,” the girl said, and in fact the conflict did not occur two weeks before the elections, as Navalny said on Dozhd, but three days after the main work was completed.

At the same time, according to her, the fact that Navalny’s headquarters did not use the offline promotion strategy proposed by Katz for the final breakthrough a week before the elections prevented the politician from winning a few more percent of the vote and getting into the second round against Sobyanin. “And this is a different political reality! But it didn’t work out, ”Patyulina recalled.

Thus began a serious split in the opposition forces, because of this, everyone quarreled, first inside the headquarters, and then beyond. A lot of things happened after, but initially it is from this situation that the roots of stupid rumors, emotional conclusions and other things grow. Navalny chose to further cooperate with someone who was clearly in the wrong but personally loyal to him. Max got into this situation in general because of Volkov's banal jealousy. Of course, Navalny should have stopped this, and not lie now on the air of Dozhd.

Popular blogger Ilya Varlamov published an unintelligible text on the conflict between Alexei Navalny and Maxim Katz, who was deputy head of his headquarters in 2013. The main reason for the conflict allegedly turned out to be personal relationships. right hand Navalny - Leonid Volkov - and one of the employees of the headquarters, whom he tried to seduce. And here the "muddy type", "dishonest rogue" Maxim Katz from the text is completely incomprehensible.

A certain Ekaterina Patyulina allegedly simultaneously became the object of attention for Katz (isn't he gay?) and his boss Leonid Volkov. Varlamov clarified that he would not have divulged this story if Navalny had not called Katz a "rogue" the day before, accusing his former ally of corruption in his nomination to the Moscow City Duma, when a municipal deputy from Shchukino allegedly hid his income from the election commission by reissuing bank accounts to parents.

In the photo - the same sex bomb that everyone wants and harasses. I don't like her at all.

Patyulina said on Varlamov's blog that during the election campaign of the mayor of Moscow in 2013, Leonid Volkov, being the head of Navalny's headquarters, explained to her romantic feelings, and later actually began to sexually harass his subordinate. At that time, Volkov was married with his first marriage - his wife and children remained in Yekaterinburg. He was afraid that his wife might find out about his relationship with an employee, so he hid communication with Patyulina in every possible way on social networks. As a result, Patyulina was unable to reciprocate the feelings of the head of Navalny's headquarters: "I said that I had nothing to say to him, I was in shock, there was no question of any reciprocity, and we agreed not to raise this topic anymore."

Then Leonid Volkov began to pursue Patyulina, seeking favor: under fictitious pretexts, he forced her to dine together in a restaurant, guarded the girl in the evenings near the headquarters building and took other actions that are considered sexual harassment in a corporate environment: "Then he began to follow me everywhere, without giving the opportunity not only to build internets normally, but also to go to the toilet normally.

As evidence, Patyulina, who now works as the commercial director of Ilya Varlamov, published several messages from Volkov three years ago, where he explains his intentions.

Due to Patyulina's unwillingness to enter into a close relationship with Volkov, he suddenly (!) Decided to fire his own deputy Maxim Katz, with whom the girl was in close contact while Volkov was trying to get her attention. She claims that the head of the headquarters found a formal reason for such a decision a few days before the election, thereby refuting Navalny's words that Katz was suspended from work two weeks before the vote. Then Patyulina tried to explain the reasons for the conflict to Navalny, who reacted to Volkov's jealousy like this: "I thought he just wanted to fuck you, but it turns out that everything is not so simple!"

What does the greedy corrupt official Maksim Katz and his "dishonesty" have to do with it, I repeat, it is completely incomprehensible. Navalny and his press secretary clearly said: "Muddy type, dishonorable, dishonest, corrupt official!" I certainly believe in this. And the fact that everyone wants Ekaterina Palyutina is not very good. Whatever Varlamov tells her, she will confirm - also for money.

There is clearly something wrong with the FBK snake nest.

