Get involved in the business rhythm of the lesson. Expected learning outcomes

Plan - summary of an English lesson in 4th grade according to the teaching materials "Spotlight

Lesson topic:IloveEnglish- I love English. April 21, 2017

Teacher: Veretenova Oksana Viktorovna

Target: Formation and consolidation of foreign language skills speech activity on the material on the topics “English Language”, “Past and Present Simple Tense” - the difference in use.

Lesson type: Lesson on consolidating previously learned material



    Mastering English as a means of communication on the topic: English


    Introducing to a foreign language culture

    learn to understand by ear a text based on familiar language material;

    develop skills in reading: learn to read silently and fully understand a text based on familiar material.


    Development of speech abilities based on the material of composing dialogues and statements;

    Development of memory, verbal and logical thinking using the example of working with cards;

    Developing motivation to learn through the example of using interesting topics for discussion by students, using visual aid, the use of game moments in the lesson.


    Fostering a culture of communication

Lexical material- a lesson, a book, a workbook, English language, foreign, learn – learn, write, speak, listen, read, understand, usually, often, every day, sometimes, always, yesterday, last year, last month, last week, 2 years ago. In the lesson we worked with structures: Do you love English? Yes, I do. Does he? Yes he does. Did you learn English last year? Yes I did.

Additionalbenefits: presentation, ball, cards with verbs, adverbs, words.

1. Stageslesson

    Organizing time

    Lesson topic message

    Activating vocabulary on the topic

    Activation of oral speech skills


    Phonetic exercise.

    Activating reading skills

    Activating writing skills




    Organized end of the lesson.



Teacher Does/Says:

Pupils Say/Do

Comments Formation UUUD

Organizing time

Good Morning children! I'm glad to see you!

I`m fine, too, thank you. I`m glad to see you.

Thank you, sit down, please.

Who is absent today?

I have got some questions.

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

What's the weather like today?

Good teacher morning.

I`m fine, thank you and how are you?

I`m glad to see you, too.

Today all are present.

Today is Friday.

Today is the 21st of April

Today it is cloudy and warm.

Communicative UUD

ability in pairs, groups and teams to communicate, greet each other while maintaining a friendly, democratic and creative atmosphere

Formulating the topic of the lesson

Let's start from the video. Watch it and guess what the topic of our lesson is?

Yes, we will speak about English, language and the things we can do with it.

Today we`ll repeat grammar, we`ll learn some new words, answer the questions and do some exercises

Our topic is English language

New words on the board


Foreign - foreign

Learn – learnt – teach

Regulatory UUD

Make the necessary adjustments to the action after its completion based on its assessment and taking into account the nature of the errors made.

Activation of vocabulary.

Now let’s play with a ball and check our irregular verbs

The teacher says the first form of the verb - Students are divided into 2 groups and call the second form.

Once again we say that the first form is for the present tense, and the second is for the past.

Cognitive UUD

Activation of oral speech skills

I learned English last week.

I read English texts every lesson last month

I have English lessons twice a week

I understood English language two years ago

I like to speak English every lesson

I could write English last year

Work for 2 teams

The teacher hands out cards - you need to make sentences from them


They use speech adequately to plan their activities.

Phonetic physical exercise

    It"s time to do exercises. Will you stand up. Let"s remember our poem.

    Clap, clap, clap your hands,
    Clap your hands together.
    Stamp, stamp, stamp your feet,
    Stamp your feet together.
    Spin, spin, spin around,
    Spin around together.

SAY – Language!

Shake, shake, shake your hands,
Shake your hands together.
Wink, wink, wink your eyes
Win your eyes together

Say Foreign language!.

Dance, dance, dance about,
Dance about together.
Smile, smile at your friends,
Let us smile together

Say I learn English language!

Students perform physical exercise and pronounce words and sounds on the topic

Personal UUD

They independently adequately assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments to the execution, both during its implementation and at the end of the action.

Activation of skills in using tenses, interrogative, negative sentences

Now it’s time to use our verbs

: write, read, know, learn, speak,

Did you….? Yes I did. No I didn't

(make a table on the board +-?)

Students receive a red, yellow or blue card. You need to make an affirmative, interrogative, or negative sentence, respectively, with a verb on it in Past Simple.

Game in two teams.

Cognitive UUD

Activating writing skills

Now let's write!

Make up your own story with all verbs you know!

One day a little girl lived on the Earth. Her name was Jane. She knew English very well and some day she came into the magic forest...(write on the board)

Go, meet, see, eat, speak, hear, do, have, can, like, Love.

Students in 2 groups complete the task, then read aloud their stories about the English language.

Cognitive UUD

Making proposals for cooperation in searching and collecting information.


They independently adequately assess the correctness of the action and make the necessary adjustments in execution, both during its implementation and at the end of the action.


We write and wrote

What was the topic of our lesson?

Your marks are…

We read the text in our textbook.

We can speak and understand English words

We can communicate with foreign people

We can go abroad, buy something, see many interesting places

Our topic was English lesson and now we know WE LOVE ENGLISH

Regulatory UUD

Adequately perceive the suggestions and assessments of teachers, comrades, parents and other people;

The student will have the opportunity to learn to show cognitive initiative in educational cooperation.


Who understands or have got some questions?

1 team or 2 team won


Timeliness of the assignment, instructions for completing homework, explanation of the methodology for completing it.

Write on the board in Russian and comment in a foreign language.

Make sure all children write in their diary.

Write a fairy tale about the English language, using as many past tense verbs as possible, as we did in class.

Open your diary and write your home task.

Thank you. Look at the blackboard and write down your hometask.

All children write down their homework in a diary.


They generalize, that is, they deduce generality for a whole series or class of individual objects.

Establish an analogy.

Organized end of the lesson.

You've worked very well today. Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!

Use encouraging vocabulary, thank children for correct answers; support students if children make mistakes.

(My clever children...)

The students stood up. –

Thank you for the lesson! Goodbye!

Technologies used: communicative, interactive, individual, gaming, collaborative technology.

Report on an open English lesson held in 4th grade

Class: 3

Subject:"I love English"

The date of the: 21.04.2017

The purpose of the lesson: integration of knowledge gained over the year

Lesson objectives: 1) educational:

    summarize the material studied

    practicing pronunciation skills

2) raising:

    instill love and interest in a foreign language

    develop the ability to work in groups

3) developing:

Lesson type: lesson-competition

Types of speech activity: speaking, reading and written language

Lesson equipment: audio recorder, color pictures (flashcards), puzzles






Plan lesson

During the classes:

    Organizing time:

    conversation between teachers and students in English (Hello! Nice to meet you! )

    Questions from teachers to students about readiness for work (Are you ready for the lesson?)

The groups are given tasks that must be completed against time: putting together puzzles, making sentences based on the picture, listing the maximum number of words seen in the picture:

    The lesson was attended by... students who were also not left idle: they were given pictures of animals, which had to be depicted in such a way that the children would guess who it was and say in English what this animal is called:

    In conclusion, the children were asked to write a summary test, and parents can observe this process and draw conclusions:

    The most enjoyable part of the lesson was the presentation of certificates to each student stating that he had successfully completed the course. English language in 3rd grade according to the educational complex “Spotlight”:

Goals: give an idea of ​​sound language as the most perfect means of human communication; activate knowledge about basic language units.

Formed UUD: n. - establishing a logical cause-and-effect sequence of events; k. - the ability to express one’s thoughts and feelings in the form of oral and written speech statements; ability to participate in collective discussion of problems; R. - ability to control, self-esteem and mutual assessment; l. — understanding and using one’s own life experience, showing kindness and attention to people with disabilities.

Equipment: cards for individual work, presentation for the lesson.

During the classes:


Finally the bell rings
The lesson begins.

At home you should have tried to compose a syncwine about language.
What is syncwine? (an unrhymed poem of five lines, written according to certain rules)

Grades are given.

(Slide No. 2)
There is a proverb about language on the board. Collect it, write it down in a notebook, underline the spelling.

(Slide No. 3)
Check your spelling.
The tongue is long, the thoughts are short.

How do you understand the meaning of the proverb? (If a person talks a lot and quickly, he does not have time to think about what is said)

What proverbs about language do you know? (children call)
(Slide No. 4) Read a few more proverbs about language.
Which of them are similar in meaning to the written proverb?
(The tongue chatters, but the head answers.)

Individual work using cards.
1. Perform a phonetic analysis of the word language.
2. Decline the word tongue.

Frontal work with the whole class.
Let's look at the word language as a part of speech. (Noun, non-singular, adverbial, masculine, singular, in a sentence it can be a subject, object or circumstance, two-syllable, polysemantic)
Slide No. 5.
What are the meanings of the word tongue (Organ of taste, means of communication, tongues of flame, tongue of a shoe, tongue of a bell, captive.)
Checking assignments using cards.

Conclusion: why are there more sounds than sounds? (the letter I stands for two sounds)
How else do nouns change? (by numbers)

Let's make up phrases with the word language. (Children name)
Dictation recording: The Russian language, the language of the bell, is bitter on the tongue. Underline the spellings. (SS, bitter - bitterness)

(Slide No. 6) Check your spelling.

In which of the phrases is language a means of communication? (Russian language)


Open the textbook on page 35

*Read the section topic. How do you understand it? (A person needs language to communicate. If there were no language, people would not be able to communicate their thoughts.)

*To perform any action, a person uses different means. For example: to dig up a garden bed, people invented... (a shovel)
And to communicate with each other, people use language.
What else does a person use to transmit information to modern conditions? (phone, internet)

What are we going to talk about in class today?
(We will talk about language as a means of communication)


Work according to the textbook.
Page 35 The wise owl brought a question: What means of communication do you know? (Gestures, facial expressions, language)
Look at the pictures on page 36. Name the types of communication.( slide No. 7)
What means of communication did primitive people use? (slide No. 9)
(Primitive people communicated with gestures and facial expressions)

Exercise 50 p. 37 Let's read the message of Professor Samovarov.

Conclusions: Is communication through gestures and facial expressions always fruitful? (You can depict a deer with a gesture, but you cannot describe it)

Slide No. 8
What is the greatest secret of language? (Objects began to be called sounds. This replaced gestures, facial expressions and movements)

Write the last paragraph in your notebook.
Record: And when it was invented to designate objects in the surrounding world with sounds, the greatest secret of language was discovered.

Page 39 Professor Samovarov’s message about his native language. (read aloud)

Read the statements of famous people about the Russian language.
Let's read Sumarokov's statement. ( Slide No. 11)

Conclusion: How do you understand Sumarokov’s words?
Read the statement of Ivan Turgenev( Slide No. 14)

Conclusion: Why does Turgenev call our language a treasure?
(We haven’t learned everything yet, there are a lot of interesting things that need to be found, learned, found)

Read the statement by M. Lomonosov( Slide No. 12)

Conclusion: What properties of language did Lomonosov identify?
Slide No. 13(splendor, liveliness, tenderness, richness, brevity)

Choose a synonym for the word brevity - accuracy, brevity.
Recording Turgenev's statement in a notebook:

Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this heritage passed on to us by our predecessors, among whom Pushkin shines!


Complete the statements:

In ancient times, people transmitted messages using... (body movements)
This is called sign language.

Nowadays objects are designated using... (sounds)


What is the name of the section we started studying? (Language as a means of communication)

Do they communicate in modern world using sign language? (Deaf and mute people, whom we should treat with sympathy and understanding. As well as people of certain professions: sailors, traffic police inspectors)

Exercise 51 page 37

Title: Lesson summary of the Russian language in grade 4 “Language as a means of communication”

Position: teacher primary classes
Place of work: MBOU Secondary School No. 10
Location: Ufa city, Bashkortostan

Municipal Autonomous educational institution

"Secondary school No. 25" Perm

Summary of the Russian language lesson “Conversion” in 4th grade.

Korotaeva Yulia Mikhailovna

teacher primary school

Explanatory note

Forms of educational technologies

    Health-saving educational technologies.

    Group work.

    Modern information technologies.

    Technologies of problem-dialogue communication.

This lesson is taught as a lesson using ICT. The rationale for this is that presenting the material in this way is more interesting than using just a textbook. It becomes possible to include games in the learning process, which is good remedy motivating students for learning activities. There is a development of visual-figurative thinking due to an increase in the level of visibility, there is an opportunity to save educational time and perform due to this more educational tasks.

It is expected that the lesson will be able to contribute to the formation of the following UUD:

personal: stimulation of interest in new content of educational knowledge, development of the ability to record changes in existing knowledge, emotional motive, positional motive, development of the desire to obtain a high grade;

regulatory x: follow a given goal, the ability to carry out an action according to a model and a given rule, carry out self-test according to a standard, correct self-esteem, see and correct the indicated errors. Adequately perceive the assessment of adults and peers;

communicative: activities within the framework of cooperation, the ability to work in a group, the ability to communicate, hear and listen;

educational: analysis of an object in order to isolate a feature, establish cause-and-effect relationships. Construction of logical chains of reasoning.

This lesson is conducted for a class in which children of average abilities are taught, but among them a group of strong students can be distinguished.

The lesson is divided into 6 stages.

At the first stage, students are included in the lesson, instructions for the lesson are given and motivation for learning activities is carried out. Students are invited to update their knowledge at the next stage using " historical data", as a result of which children not only become involved in interactive activities, but also expand their lexicon, and also record the knowledge gained in the first lesson. All this leads them to understand the topic of the lesson and formulate it. Students do not receive ready-made knowledge; they themselves determine not only the topic, but also the objectives of the lesson. At the next stage, they have the opportunity to supplement their knowledge with new ones and record them. Self-testing tasks provide an opportunity to assess the level of mastery educational material. At the reflection stage, there is not only a summing up of the lesson, an assessment of the activity, but also an attempt to apply new material in a non-standard situation. By using this form of work, a positive attitude towards completing homework and the next lesson is given. Homework contains a variable part of a creative nature.

Summary of a Russian language lesson in grade 4 "A"


Lesson type: lesson to consolidate knowledge.



    develop the ability and skills to find appeals in speech; highlight addresses in writing with commas, in oral speech - with intonation;

    to form communicative competence: communication skills that ensure the free use of addresses in speech in different situations;


    develop the ability to analyze, do optimal choice depending on the situation;

    develop students' creative abilities


    develop the ability to apply knowledge acquired in class in life situations;

    develop the ability to work in pairs and groups in order to create a collective creative product

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, multimedia projector, presentation, cards.

During the classes

    Self-determination for activity. Organizing time.

For the motto of our lesson, I propose to take the following words, read them

(first silently, then out loud expressively)

So many rules!
So many rules!
Out of habit, it will make you shiver.
Be diligent and nothing more!
Just be careful!
You will remember everything, you will understand everything!

They closed their eyes and mentally said: “I am attentive, I am focused, quick-witted, smart, confident. I will work hard in class.”

I wish you success.

3. Statement of the educational task.

- How many cases are there in Russian? (6 cases).

I’ll tell you a little secret: there used to be a seventh case in the Old Russian language - “vocal”. This case disappeared from the language over time, but the vocative intonation remained. Where do you think? What is the name of the word that calls in Russian? (appeal)

The topic of our lesson is “Conversion”. What learning task will we solve in class?

I. Vocabulary work (call the student to the board to write from dictation, the rest in notebooks).

Task No. 1: put emphasis, underline spelling letters

(for spelling vigilance).

Ship, swan, old man, weaver, fish, boiled spelt (wheat porridge) , golden, month, mirror, three clicks, forehead, apple, forehead.

Are these words familiar to you? Where are they from?

(from the fairy tales of A. S. Pushkin).

Today in the lesson we will consolidate our knowledge on the topic “Address”, continue to learn how to find addresses in speech and highlight them in writing.

- What questions can be formulated to the topic of the lesson?? (students’ answers are written on the marker board)

    What is an appeal?

    How is the address highlighted in oral speech?

    How does the appeal stand out in the letter?

    What place does the appeal take in the sentence?

    Is the appeal part of the sentence?

Thus, by answering all these questions, we will solve the educational problem.

Task No. 2: Let us remember what we have already studied about address in the form of digital dictation.

If “yes”, then put the number 1, if “no” - 0.

(The teacher dictates questions, the children put numbers. You can print out the text of the dictation for everyone.)

1) the address may consist of several words (yes – 1)

2) address is always expressed by a proper name (no – 0)

3) appeal can be expressed by an adjective(Yes 1)

4) the appeal can be at the end of the sentence (yes - 1)

5) the address in the letter is highlighted only with commas (no – 0)

6) addresses are used only in a conversational style of speech (no – 0)

7)address is always used in the nominative case(Yes 1)

8)appealis the main member of the sentence (no-0)

Let's check the answers we received. ( The teacher hangs a sheet on the board With answer1011001 0 ). Who has errors in what numbers? ( Students sort out mistakes)

4. Consolidation of what has been learned.

How does the appeal stand out in the letter? (commas, exclamation point)

Task No. 3: Place the necessary punctuation marks. (slide)Peer review.

The prince then said to them:

"Bon voyage to you gentlemen...

What are you bargaining with guests?

and where are you sailing now?

Hello terrible queen!

Grandma wait a little...

Psychological warm-up(slide) - sign.

Look carefully at the sentence diagrams, close your eyes and imagine them in your mind.

What part of the sentence do you think the appeal is? (not part of the sentence).

Let's test your hypothesis. In task No. 4, highlight the grammatical basis of the sentences.

Balda laughed slyly:

“What did you make up, right?

"BA Okay, wait until you wrinkle the sea,
You will receive the quitrent in full soon.

*Obrok is a collection in kind or in cash from peasants by landowners.

Let's check the work. Read the sentences. In which of them the word “Balda” is a member of the sentence, and in which it acts as an address? In the first sentence, Balda is the subject, and in the second, the word “Balda” is an address.

Let us think about the question of how we will distinguish between these two phenomena.

1. Find the grammatical basis;

Conclusion: The appeal is not part of the sentence.

Children, do you think the pronoun “You” is an address? Prove that the pronoun “You” is not an address.

Who does the pronoun “You” refer to? (on Baldu, not highlighted by voice or commas)

Children, remember, the pronouns “You” and “You” are not addresses.

Would you like it if someone turned to you: “Give me your notebook!” How can I correct this phrase so that it sounds polite and cultured? (“Sasha, please give me the notebook”).

    Let's see how the queen is depicted for the first time. How is she

turns to the mirror?

I joked with him kindly (friendly, cheerful)

And, showing off, she said:

“My mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

How does this characterize her?

Getting ready for a bachelorette party

Here is the queen, dressing up

In front of your mirror,

I exchanged words with him:

All rosy and white?”

    What does the queen find out? With what intonation does she address

mirror this time?

As the queen jumps,

Yes, as soon as he waves his hand,

Yes, it will slam on the mirror,

It’s like stamping with a heel:

(“full of black envy”) towards the young princess).

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

    When will we see the queen next?

On the same day the evil queen

Waiting for good news

(What news?)

Secretly I took a mirror

And she asked her question:

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

    And for the last time.

At home idle at that time

The evil stepmother sat

In front of your mirror

And she talked to him, saying:

“Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”


What conclusion are we coming to?

(Address plays an important role in colloquial and artistic

speech) and serves as one from the means of characterizing a literary hero.

The role of addresses in speech.

Addresses play a significant role in speech: they not only name the one to whom or what they are addressing, but also enliven our speech. Finally, appeals very often help to reveal the character of the hero works and are pronounced with appropriate intonation.

Cards (work in pairs)

“Hello, red maiden, be a queen and give me a hero by the end of September.” (affectionately, in love)

“You, prince, are my savior, my mighty deliverer, do not grieve.” (thankfully)

“What are you, guests, bargaining with and where are you going now?” (interested)

“Good journey to you, gentlemen, across the sea, along the ocean to the glorious Tsar Saltan” (friendly)

“Enough, prince, my soul, do not be sad” (gently, soothingly)

    "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

“You fool, you simpleton! You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!” (grumpily)

“Have mercy, lady fish, my old woman scolded me.” (pleadingly)

“How dare you, man, argue with me, a pillar noblewoman?” (indignantly)

“Hello, madam noblewoman! Tea, now your darling is happy.” (reproachfully)

“Come here, my faithful worker Balda!” (demanding)

“Why did you, Balda, come to us?” (threatening)

“You, imp, are still young, you’re weak to compete with me” (mockingly)

“Tired, poor thing! Rest, darling! (sorry)

“I’ll give you, enemy, a task!” (strictly)

"My life! What, tell me, am I guilty of?” (questioningly)

“Wait, grandma, wait a little” (respectfully)

“Oh, you little girl! The damned dog overpowered him, almost ate him to death” (ingratiatingly, plaintively)

“What, Sokolko, what’s wrong with you?” (alarmed)

“Our light, sunshine! You walk all year round across the sky" (respectfully, hopefully)

Level 1: Copy 3 sentences, add the necessary punctuation marks.

Level 2

Level 3: write down all the words (phrases) of the address, indicate which one they are pronounced with intonation.

    Summing up the lesson. Work in groups.

So we've revealed everything main signs of treatment. Let's put everything we've learned into a single answer. Gather in groups and fill out short reminders.

“Read Pushkin, friends,

Read fairy tales.

And then life will be full

Kindness and affection."

What treatment did I use? (Friends)

Make up a sentence with appeals to me, expressing your attitude towards the lesson and your mood. (handout sheets)

Address the guests (For example: Dear guests, did you like our lesson?)

Let's finish the lesson with a game of attention. I will read sentences with appeals, and you must write down one letter at a time that will form a word ( Sentences without punctuation are shown through a projector or recorded on individual cards)

    I see everything from sea to sea, I recognize you, Rus'! ( Vowel from the word of address)

    I ask you, at least for a little while, my sadness, leave me. (

    Come on, earth, let's take a little rest from important matters.(

    Let's hold hands, friends, so as not to perish alone.( before appealeat ).

    In my destiny you became the main one, home street my. (

    Who invented you, star country? (

Make a word from the letters. (Clever girl) Those who were attentive in class got the word.

D.Z Write a text message to your classmates.

Annex 1

    Vowel from the word of address)

    The first letter in the pronoun that is part of the address).

    The first letter in the word immediately after the address).

    The last letter in a word standingbefore appealeat ).

    The penultimate letter in a noun that is part of the address).

    Unstressed vowel in a noun that is part of the address).

    I see everything from sea to sea, I recognize you, Rus'! ( Vowel from the word of address)

    I ask you, at least for a little while, my sadness, leave me. ( The first letter in the pronoun that is part of the address).

    Let's take a little rest from important matters.( The first letter in the word immediately after the address).

    Let's hold hands, friends, so as not to perish alone.( The last letter in a word standingbefore appealeat ).

    In my destiny, you have become the main street, my home street. ( The penultimate letter in a noun that is part of the address).

    Who invented you star country? ( Unstressed vowel in a noun that is part of the address).

    I see everything from sea to sea, I recognize you, Rus'! ( Vowel from the word of address)

    I ask you, at least for a little while, my sadness, leave me. ( The first letter in the pronoun that is part of the address).

    Let's take a little rest from important matters.( The first letter in the word immediately after the address).

    Let's hold hands, friends, so as not to perish alone.( The last letter in a word standingbefore appealeat ).

    In my destiny, you have become the main street, my home street. ( The penultimate letter in a noun that is part of the address).

    Who invented you star country? ( Unstressed vowel in a noun that is part of the address).

    I see everything from sea to sea, I recognize you, Rus'! ( Vowel from the word of address)

    I ask you, at least for a little while, my sadness, leave me. ( The first letter in the pronoun that is part of the address).

    Let's take a little rest from important matters.( The first letter in the word immediately after the address).

    Let's hold hands, friends, so as not to perish alone.( The last letter in a word standingbefore appealeat ).

    In my destiny, you have become the main street, my home street. ( The penultimate letter in a noun that is part of the address).

    Who invented you star country? ( Unstressed vowel in a noun that is part of the address).

Appendix 2

“The Tale of Tsar Saltan, of his glorious and mighty hero prince

Guidon Saltanovich and the beautiful Swan Princess."

“Hello, red maiden, be a queen and give birth to a hero for me by the end of September.”

“You are my prince, my savior, my mighty savior, don’t worry.”

“What are you bargaining with your guests and where are you going now?”

“Good journey to you, gentlemen, along the sea, along the ocean to the glorious Tsar Saltan”

“My dear prince, don’t be sad”

Level 1

Level 2 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, make diagrams for 3 sentences.

Level 3 indicate which one

"The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish".

“You fool, you simpleton! You didn’t know how to take ransom from a fish!”

“Have mercy, lady fish, my old woman scolded me.”

“How dare you, man, argue with me, a pillar noblewoman?”

“Hello, lady-madam noblewoman! Tea, now your darling is happy.”

Level 1 write down 3 sentences, add the necessary punctuation marks.

Level 2 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, make diagrams for 3 sentences.

Level 3 write down all the words (phrases) of the address,indicate which onethey are pronounced with intonation (how?).

"The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda."

“Come here, my faithful worker Balda!”

“Why did you come to us, Balda?”

“You imp is still young, you’re weak to compete with me.”

“The poor thing is tired! Rest, darling!

“I’ll give you an enemy task!”

Level 1 write down 3 sentences, add the necessary punctuation marks.

Level 2 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, make diagrams for 3 sentences.

Level 3 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, indicate which one they are pronounced with intonation (how?).

"The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights."

“My life. What, tell me, am I guilty of?”

“Wait, grandma, wait a little bit”

“Oh, you little girl! The damned dog overpowered him and almost ate him to death.”

“What is wrong with you, Sokolko?”

“Our sunshine, you walk across the sky all year round”

Level 1 write down 3 sentences, add the necessary punctuation marks.

Level 2 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, make diagrams for 3 sentences.

Level 3 write down all the words (phrases) of the address, indicate which one they are pronounced with intonation (how?).

Appendix 3

I joked with him kindly (friendly, cheerful)

And, showing off, she said:

“My mirror, tell me,

Tell me the whole truth:

Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

Getting ready for a bachelorette party

Here is the queen, dressing up

In front of your mirror,

I exchanged words with him:

(proudly, arrogantly, persistently)

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

As the queen jumps,

Yes, as soon as he waves his hand,

Yes, it will slam on the mirror,

It’s like stamping with a heel:

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

On the same day the evil queen

Waiting for good news

Secretly I took a mirror

And she asked her question:

(demanding, confident, but a little wary)

“Am I, tell me, the cutest of all,

All rosy and white?”

At home idle at that time

The evil stepmother sat

In front of your mirror

And she talked to him, saying:

(indifferently, waiting for the usual answer)

“Am I the sweetest in the world,

All rosy and white?”

Appendix 4

Group work

Subject: "_____________________"








Appendix 5

Make up a sentence with appeals to me, expressing your attitude towards the lesson and your mood.

Lesson notes on mathematics in 4th grade

Topic: “Written division of a multi-digit number by a single-digit number”

Lesson objectives:

1. Form subject skills: perform written techniques for dividing a multi-digit number by a single-digit number. (Form UUD.)

2.Formulate a problematic question. (Cognitive UUD.)

3.Improve computing skills and problem solving abilities, plan actions. (Regulatory UUD.)

4. The ability to communicate and defend one’s point of view (Communicative UUD)



1. To develop students’ skills in using various techniques when dividing numbers; to solve problems of the types studied; consolidate the ability to determine the number of digits in a quotient

Developmental: Develop logical thinking students, intelligence, speech culture, develop a general outlook. Enrich students' vocabulary with subject terminology.

Educational: cultivate the ability to objectively evaluate oneself, a friend and the work of the class as a whole.

Lesson type: lesson in discovering new knowledge

Equipment: presentation for the lesson, drawing supplies. Cards for test work.

Expected learning outcomes


Know the algorithm for dividing a multi-digit number by a single-digit number;

know oral techniques division by a single digit number;

know the techniques of written division.

be able to divide multi-digit numbers into single-digit numbers in a column.


Mastering the ability to accept and maintain the goals and objectives of educational activities, and search for means of its implementation.

Formation of the ability to plan, control and evaluate learning activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation.


Acceptance and mastery of the social role of the student, development of motives for learning activities and the formation of personal meaning of learning

Development of independence and personal responsibility for one’s actions.

Developing cooperation skills with adults and peers.

Lesson Plan

1.Org moment A song plays.

I. Motivation for learning activities

Guys, we found ourselves in the city of mathematicians.

II. Updating new knowledge.

Girls and boys live in this city.
They count without difficulty, without calculators or fingers.
We invite you guys to quickly count too.

Place signs:

714 * 7 = 102 824 * 8 = 103

420 * 6 = 70 468 * 1 = 468

(students' answers)

Let's repeat the multiplication table.

24:4 *9=54 42:6*8=56

72:8*7=63 81: 9*5=45

2.On the board there are examples on cards:

208: 2, 936: 3, 312: 3, 3624: 3, 85436: 2, 9522: 6

What do the written expressions have in common? (by division, divided by a single digit number.)

What groups can expressions be divided into?

1. division of three-digit numbers

2. division of multi-digit numbers

Which group can you solve?

III. Determining the topic of the lesson.

208: 2, 936: 3, 312: 3, 3624: 3,

Did you have any difficulty solving these examples? (yes, dividing 3624:3 was more difficult)

Why do you think? (Because 3624 is a multi-digit number)

So we can determine the topic of our lesson? (Division of multi-digit numbers by single-digit numbers)

What question are we looking for an answer to? (How to divide a multi-digit number into a single-digit number?)

IV. Discovery of new knowledge

It's the other way around here
They're keeping a serious score here.
They write in a column everywhere
On the floor and on the table,
And smart kids keep count in their notebooks.

Before we get started, let's remember the names of the division components (dividend, divisor, frequent).

When dividing with a remainder, what should we not forget? (The remainder must be less than the divisor).

First, let us recall the written method of dividing a three-digit number by a single-digit number. I offer one of you the role of teacher. Explain how to do division : 986: 2

(The student performs division with an explanation at the board)

The mechanism for dividing multi-digit numbers by a single-digit number does not change. See for yourself.

You must always remember that the remainder must be less than the divisor.

V. Construction of a project for getting out of difficulties.

How can new information be obtained to discover a way to divide a multi-digit number by a single-digit number?

2. The teacher explained

3. Get it yourself. (children choose independent decision)

Now we have to divide 8876:7.

(The reasoning is carried out and at the same time a division algorithm is compiled.)

I divide thousands, the first incomplete dividend is 8, which means the quotient will have four digits. 8 divided by 7 turns out to be 1 - so many thousands will be in the quotient. I multiply 1 by 7, I get 7 thousand. I subtract the number 7 from 8 and get a remainder of 1. It is less than the divisor.

The result is the second incomplete dividend 18, divide 18 by 7, I get 2 hundred in the quotient. I multiply 2 by 7 and get 14 hundred. I subtract 14 from 18 and get a remainder of 4. I compare the remainder with the divisor: 4 is less than 7.

The third incomplete dividend 47 is formed, I divide 47 by 7, I get 6 tens in the quotient. I multiply 6 by 7 and get 42 tens. I subtract 42 from 47, I get a remainder of 5, it is less than the divisor.

The fourth incomplete dividend 56 is formed, I divide it by 7, I get 8 units in the quotient. I multiply 8 by 7 and get 56 units. I subtract 56 from 56 and get a remainder of 0. The division is over.

Compare solutions. Drawing up an algorithm.

A) I find the first incomplete dividend.

B) I determine the number of digits in the quotient.

D) I divide by bits.

D) I get an answer.

What should you always remember when writing down the number of a quotient? (The remainder must be less than the quotient

V. Project implementation.

85436: 2, 9522: 6

6.514:4 , 15.780:5

1. Working in pairs, try to find a solution yourself and explain when answering.

What skills are needed when working in pairs?

2. Protection of the method at the board.


Small steps - one, two, three.
Light jumps - one, two, three.
That's all the exercise - one, two, three.
Soft landing - one, two, three.

VI. Primary consolidation

“I know how to divide and I know how to explain.”

1. Reciting the algorithm while solving examples at the board, performing a check.

8.571:3=2.857 7.306 *4=29.224

87.540: 6=14.590

Explain the decision according to the plan:

-The first incomplete dividend…..

-I’ll share...

-I'll multiply...

-I’ll subtract...

-I’ll compare the remainder with the divisor….

-The second incomplete dividend….

Conclusion: The use of the algorithm helps to successfully cope with the division of a multi-digit number by a single-digit number.

2.Independent work, with self-test

check yourself

a) 22.860 b) 903 c) 2.190 d) 1.040

VII. Inclusion in the knowledge system.

1. Solving a competence problem.

Key competency: self-management

Aspect: activity planning

Your mom is in kindergarten creates gifts for the New Year.

For gifts, the kindergarten purchased 4,326 “Children’s Souvenir” candies. Help mom calculate whether there will be enough candies for all the children if she puts 3 candies in each gift.

Information: There are 1,440 children in the kindergarten.


1.440*3=4.320(k) for all gifts.

4.326- 4.320= 6(k) will remain

Answer: A) there will be enough sweets

Solve the problem in your notebook and write down the letter of the correct answer:

A) Enough candy

B) There won’t be enough candy

The mass of one nail is 4 g. How many nails are in the box if their mass is 3460 g? 3.460:4=865nails.

– 6 kg of flour were scattered equally into 5 bags. How much flour is in each bag

6kg=6.000g. 6.000:5=1.200g.(1kg.200g)


(in envelopes)

VIII. Reflection.

What question were we looking for the answer to today? (How to divide a multi-digit number by a single-digit number?)

Have you answered this question?

What method of division did we use in the lesson? (division by column)

We repeat the division algorithm again.

Today in class I learned...

It was difficult for me...

Technological map and outline of a mathematics lesson in grade 4 in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard

Item: mathematics

Lesson topic: " Solving problems using tables and drawings. Repetition."

Class: 4

Lesson format:"Mathematical Kaleidoscope"

Lesson type: consolidation of learned material

Lesson type: combined

Technologies used: technology development critical thinking(at the stage of organizing a lesson and updating background knowledge), modern technology assessment (at the stages of consolidating the studied material, at the stage of reflection), information and communication technologies (using a presentation on the topic: “Mathematical Kaleidoscope” at all stages of the lesson), technology “Pedagogy of Cooperation” (motivation to cognitive activity on the part of the teacher, free expression of their opinion on the part of the students)

Basic abilities of schoolchildren that the lesson is aimed at: development of imagination, thinking, ability to understand text, ability to organize, reflect, self-determination and self-expression.

Groups of formed competencies:

Personal UUD: understanding the reasons for success in studies, development of self-esteem based on specified criteria for the success of educational activities.

Regulatory learning tasks: acceptance of a learning task and the ability to follow the teacher’s instructions or proposed tasks; the ability to independently assess the correctness of the action performed and make the necessary adjustments.

Communicative UUD: participation in group work using speech means to solve communication problems; using simple speech means to convey your opinion; showing initiative in the educational process.

Cognitive UUD: obtaining new knowledge from the text of the textbook, handouts; processing the information received to formulate conclusions.

Forms of work: frontal (joint completion of a task), group (helping a classmate), individual (independent work)

Working methods: activity approach to learning (independent search for solutions to examples and problems).

Working methods: problem-based - reporting (based on clarity in the form of tables, diagrams), a method of self-organization of cognitive work at all stages of the lesson.

The purpose of the lesson: organization of student activities to consolidate the studied material; formation of an active personality; nurturing independence; developing students' interest in the subject.

Lesson objectives:

1. To consolidate children’s knowledge and skills in performing mathematical operations with multi-digit numbers and solving problems.

2. Develop personal communicative, regulatory and cognitive learning skills.

Didactic tools: projector, screen, presentation, memo for friends of mathematics, tables and diagrams for solving problems, plates with examples, “emoticons” for self-assessment, textbook “Mathematics 4”, workbook on mathematics by V.V. Davydov, S.F. Gorbov, G.G. Mikulina

Teacher's name: Timoshenko N.A.

Stages of activity in a lesson according to the type of lesson

Purpose of the stage

Teacher’s activities: content of work, techniques and ways of implementing content, forms of organization

Student activities: independent work of students

What UUDs are formed at each stage

1. Organizational stage.

Psychological setting for the lesson


Slide 1.

Hello, guests of our math lesson!

We are glad to welcome you to our lesson!

Slide 2.

Math, friends,
It's impossible not to love.
Very strict science
A very exact science
Interesting science -

Get involved in the business rhythm of the lesson.

Personal: self-determined, tuned in to the lesson

2. Updating basic knowledge

3. Repetition of learned material

Involving students in learning activities


to educational activities

Updating basic knowledge and methods of action.

Identification of gaps in students’ knowledge and methods of activity.

Ensuring that children retain in their memory the knowledge and methods of action that they need to work independently

Slide 3.

We continue to consolidate our knowledge and skills. What do we usually do in math class?

* We solve problems, multiply and divide multi-digit numbers, solve complex equations, perform mathematical operations with named numbers.

* We learn to work together, help each other cope with the difficulties that arise

* Every student strives for personal success.

Slide 4.

Well, go ahead, to success! First, let's fill out a memo for friends of mathematics. (1 -2 min)

Listen to a few students. Praise!

Slide 5.

We will call today's mathematics lesson "Mathematical Kaleidoscope"


Who knows what a kaleidoscope is?

This is a device in the form of a tube. In which there are mirrors and small multi-colored pieces of glass. When the kaleidoscope rotates, the pieces of glass quickly create a beautiful pattern. Our pieces of glass are tasks, calculations, mathematical logic, your knowledge and skills, and desire successful work will bring you good results.

"Mathematical Kaleidoscope"

problems LOGIC calculation KNOWLEDGE

desire result

Slide 6.

1. “Find the odd one out”

Slide 7.

Introductory word from the teacher.

Today you are given the opportunity to get good marks for the lesson, provided that you score a certain number of points. (there's a sign on the board)

I wish you all success!

2. Work in a notebook.

Tasks are performed in rows.

There are signs with examples on the board.

1st row 2nd row 3rd row

34 x 48

204 x 360

237 x 69

The one who found the result goes to the board and writes it down under the example.Checking - 1 point

13542: 183

149695: 637

22659: 273

(235, 74, 83)

Checking - 1 point

Write down the result of the actions using ordinary and fabulous numbers.

: 1 - x 0 1 row

00: 100 + x 0 2nd row

x 0 + : 3rd row

We check - (,1 ) – 3 points

Coordinates student activities

Slide 8.

3. Work according to the textbook.

- And now tasks await us. No. 750

1) – use arrow diagram

2) – use the table

3) – use the table

1800 1800

60 ? 50 ?





We're worth it






12 km/h

4 km/h



(6 bags, 90 rubles, 9 hours)

Checking all three answers - 3 points

Let's sort it out

collectively, children give reasons for their choice

to “+” - “-”

in the notebook

They decide on their own, whoever decides writes their result on the board, the rest of the students check their answers

to “+” - “-”

in the notebook

Solve independently and check your answers

to “+” - “-”

with the teacher

Read the text of the problem aloud.

Fill out the table on the board.

They decide on their own.

Check their answers for “+” - “-”

with the teacher


development of interest in various types activities


Formed methods of activity: - manifestation of emotional attitude in educational and cognitive activity,

developing interest in various activities





proactive cooperation, decision making and its implementation


use of a system of scientific and theoretical knowledge in practice

Regulatory: Actions taken: - control the correctness of student answers

mutual control and making adjustments to educational and cognitive activities


use of a system of scientific and theoretical knowledge in practice

4. Physical education minute

Psychological relief

Gymnastics for the eyes

5. Consolidation of the studied material

Determining the boundaries of one’s own knowledge or “ignorance”

Slide 9.

Independent work on options.

No. 754 1) – 1 option (70 km/h)

2) – option 2 (1680 kg)

Examples on the board:

73748: 358 – 1 option (206)

109350: 270 – option 2 (405)

Result: Option 1 – 2 points

Option 2 – 2 points

Independent work and


Students independently check the results at a separate table near the blackboard, where there is a sheet with solved tasks, check

to “+” - “-”,

approach the teacher's desk with a diary

behind the mark.

Regulatory: Actions taken: - control the correctness of answers


formation of self-esteem and mutual esteem

determining the boundaries of one’s own knowledge or “ignorance”

6. Lesson summary. Reflection.

Self-assessment of the results of your activities

I'm very pleased with my job.

I need to figure out some issues.

I have a lot of mistakes.

Students put “+” in the column indicating how they rated themselves


formation of self-esteem and mutual assessment,

students' awareness of their learning activities.


1.Mathematics is the science of ___________________________________.

2. In order to correctly multiply and divide multi-digit numbers, I must (on) __________________________________________________________________________________________.

3.When solving problems, I must be ____________________ and reason ____________________________. 4. During the lesson I will try __________________________________________________________________________________________.
