Remontant cherries are the best varieties. How to choose cherries for planting: description of varieties. The best varieties of cherries

Gardeners prefer to choose only the best varieties of cherries for their gardens, characterized by good taste and commercial qualities. The article discusses many popular varieties of early and late ripening cherries, and others.

Chocolate girl

Early ripening variety. One of the most popular varieties bred not so long ago. The variety received its name for the bright and rich color of the berries. The breeders managed to achieve good result– the tree grows quickly, it is compact, and practically does not get sick. During breeding, two varieties of cherries were used - Chernaya and Lyubskaya.

With proper care, fertilizing and cutting off old branches, the tree can live for about 20 years. The fruits are round in shape, reach a diameter of up to 20 mm, weigh up to 3.5 g. The pulp is juicy, tender, sweet, with a slight sourness.

The variety is unpretentious and does not require special attention. For planting, it is recommended to choose days in early April, when the juices begin to flow, so the plant will take root better. The first fruits are harvested 3 years after planting, by mid-summer. Good care will allow you to collect up to 15 kg of juicy berries from 1 tree.

Miracle cherry

One of the best hybrids obtained by crossing cherries and sweet cherries. An early ripening variety bred by Russian breeders. The flowering period begins immediately after warm spring weather stabilizes. The fruits are large, the weight of one berry reaches 9-10 g. The shape is flat-round, the peel is dark red, dense. The taste is excellent, sweet, without acid. The pulp smells nice.

The variety is characterized by high early fruiting: single fruits are already set on 2-3 year old seedlings; the tree begins to bear fruit fully from the age of 4. The berries ripen annually, consistently. Cherries ripen towards the end of June. From 1 tree it is possible to collect up to 10-15 kg of ripe fruits.

In memory of Mashkin

The fruits are predominantly round-heart-shaped, the height of the berries reaches 1.8 cm, as well as the thickness, length - 1.7 cm. The peel is red in color, the flesh is also medium density, juicy. The juice is rich red. One berry weighs 4.5-5 g. The pulp is tender, sweetish with a barely noticeable sourness.

Flowering occurs in mid-May. The fruits ripen in mid-July. The tree begins to bear fruit 3 years after planting. From 40 to 66 centners of crop are harvested from one hectare.

The advantages include the good taste of the fruit, the tree’s resistance to cold and fungal diseases. Suitable for growing in the Moscow region.


The mid-season variety was developed by crossing the Zhukovskaya and Almaz varieties in 1988. Cherry is characterized by a high and regular harvest. 20-25 kg of berries are collected from one tree every year. Sweet and sour cherry.

The fruits are large, reaching up to 1.6 cm in diameter, up to 1.8 cm in height. The weight of one berry is up to 5 g. The shape is round, the peel is of medium thickness, dark red in color. The pulp is tender, juicy, red-orange. The juice is light red.


Mid-season dwarf variety, bred as a result of crossing the Zhukovskaya and Zolushka cherries. The advantages of the variety include high resistance to frost and a minimized risk of flower buds freezing.

The fruits ripen in early July. They have an oval shape, weight varies between 3.6-4.3 g. The peel is dense, burgundy, the flesh is juicy and tender.

Planting of seedlings of the Bystrinka variety occurs in autumn or spring period. Young trees planted in spring take root better and grow faster, and they are also protected from freezing. Before planting, be sure to select a good place where the sun constantly shines and there are no strong winds.


The variety appeared in central Russia at the beginning of the 12th century, it was brought by wandering monks. It was they who began to grow these trees on the slopes near the monasteries. The fruits are black-red, medium and small in size, weigh up to 3.5 g. The berries have a flat-round shape, slightly flattened on the sides. The pulp is fleshy, dark cherry, with small gray spots on the peel. The taste is sweet and sour, but the berries are more sour than sweet.

Mid-season variety - 60-65 days pass from flowering to berry picking. The harvest is harvested no later than mid-July. If this is not done in time, the berries will begin to crumble. Within a couple of years after planting, fruits begin to appear. The yield is not bad - 25-30 kg of cherries per plant.


Not so long ago, a popular variety bred by Russian breeders who managed to achieve good results. Morozovka is described as a mid-season frost-resistant variety, which is how the name was obtained. The berries are characterized by good taste and rich aroma. The fruits are round in shape, large in size, their weight is about 5 g. The cherries are slightly concave at the base. The flesh and peel are bright red. The pulp is loose, tender, juicy, with a slight sour taste.

Berries begin to be picked in early to mid-summer. The plant bears fruit 3-4 years after planting a young tree. The yield is high - up to 35 kg of cherries are harvested from one tree.

The variety has increased resistance not only to frost, but also to drought, and is resistant to diseases such as coccomycosis. In autumn, seedlings are planted only in the southern regions, and mostly planting is carried out in the spring before the buds open. The pit for planting begins to be prepared in the fall.


Mid-season variety. When the fruits ripen, their shape becomes broad-heart-shaped and large in size. One berry weighs up to 5 g. The dark burgundy peel and dense, juicy pulp give the berry an unusual sweet and sour, pleasant taste and pronounced aroma. The pulp is slightly lighter than the peel.

After planting a seedling, 4-5 years pass when the tree is ready to bear fruit. The fruits are harvested in early to mid-July. The harvests are small - on average, a gardener will be able to get up to 10-12 kg of berries from one tree. Mature plants are twice as pleasing, producing 20-25 kg of berries.

With proper care, the tree will develop correctly and the berries will ripen faster. Frequent watering is required - at least once a week. 2-3 buckets of water are poured under one plant.


The early-ripening variety was bred by Russian breeders and included in the State Register in 1995. Fruit same size and forms, weigh about 5 g, have a flattened shape. The peel is loose, dark red, the flesh is the same shade, juicy, sweet.

Fruiting occurs 3-4 years after planting the seedlings. From one mature tree, gardeners receive about 15 kg of fruit. The trees begin to bloom in mid-May and ripen after June 20. In the southern regions, seedlings are planted in the fall, until mid-October, in the north - in the spring, at the end of April-beginning of May.

The Malyshka variety is sensitive to light, so it is recommended to choose a place where the area will not be shaded by buildings. The trees grow well and are resistant to diseases and pests.

Memory of Enikeev

Self-fertile variety. The berries are large, their weight reaches up to 5 g. The shape is oval with a wide core of a dark red hue. The pulp is the same shade, medium density. Berry juice is dark red. One tree produces from 8 to 15 kg of ripe cherries, depending on age. Fruiting begins 3-4 years after planting the seedling. Fruit ripening is simultaneous.

This is a mid-early variety, harvesting occurs in mid-summer; in some areas, cherries ripen by the end of June. For planting, gardeners recommend choosing well-lit areas, preferably near buildings - this helps to increase resistance to frost.


Self-fertile variety. It got its name due to its place of origin - the village of Apukhta. Today it has not been included in the State Register, but the variety is actively cultivated in Russia. The advantages of the Apukhtinskaya variety include good frost resistance and unpretentiousness.

The fruits have a flattened shape, dark red, thin skin. The pulp is dense, red. One berry weighs 3.5-4 g. The taste is sour, the aroma is cherry, rich.

Planting is recommended in early spring, after the soil has thawed and before the soil blooms. It is permissible to plant seedlings in the fall, but only in the southern regions. For proper and good development of seedlings, fertile soils are chosen.

Plant care includes watering, pruning and fertilizing.


The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 4 g. Cherries are characterized by a round-oval shape, light red skin and pulp of the same color.

The fruit has a sweet and sour pulp, juicy and not tart. The aroma is pronounced, rich. The juice smells pleasant, light in color, with slight acidity.

Flower buds and plant are frost resistant. The variety is rarely susceptible to fungal diseases. Gardeners get up to 15 kg of juicy berries from one mature tree. Ripening occurs in mid-July. A popular variety for the Moscow region.


This is a mid-season variety characterized by large berries, reaching a weight of 4-7 g. The fruits are oval in shape, the bases are round, the tops are elongated. The peel, pulp and juice are predominantly dark burgundy in color. The stone is large, but easily separated from the pulp. The dense structure of the pulp and juiciness are the main advantages of the variety. The taste is sweet and sour, somewhat similar to cherries.

The advantages include good yield - up to 30 kg of fruits are collected from an adult tree. The variety is resistant to shedding and has good immunity to ring spot and coccomycosis.

Cherry fruiting begins 4-5 years after planting. Harvest in mid-summer. If the season turns out to be rainy and cool, the training camp is postponed to August.

Ural ruby

The fruits are of medium size, weigh about 3.2 g. The shape is round, the peel is dark red, the taste is sweet and sour, but more sweet. The juice is rich red. The fruits ripen in the first half of August. The plant begins to bear fruit 3 years after planting the seedling.

The variety is characterized by an average yield; up to 6 kg of ripe berries are obtained from one plant, but with the best possible care and favorable conditions, the figure can increase to 15 kg. Trees can withstand temperatures less than 30-35 degrees below zero. The variety is suitable for cultivation in the Urals and Siberia.

Planting of seedlings is carried out in the spring, during bud break, or until mid-October. But it is better to do this in the spring, because after the procedure in the fall, a still young seedling may die from frost. The seedling is planted where there is a lot of sunlight. It is important to choose a place without stagnant groundwater, on loose, light loamy soil.


An early ripening variety obtained through long and painstaking work. Breeders mixed different species for a long time, and only by crossing cherries and cherries they managed to get a Shpanka hybrid. It appeared more than 200 years ago.

The tree is dominated by large burgundy berries with a glossy surface, weighing up to 5 g. Sometimes the fruits have a brown skin. The harvest appears on bouquet branches and growths of 1 year. The berries are shaped like those of cherries: slightly flattened, do not exceed 1 cm in diameter, with a barely noticeable furrow in the middle. The pulp is yellow, juicy, and has a homogeneous consistency. The berries are pleasant to the taste, slightly sour.

The tree is planted depending on the region: in the south, a seedling is planted in September-October, in regions with moderate weather - in the spring (April-May). Shpanka is an unpretentious variety with which gardeners rarely have problems.


The variety was bred by Russian breeders. The plant is multi-stemmed and reaches a height of no more than one and a half meters. The fruits are medium in size - one berry weighs 3.2-4 g. The shape is round-heart-shaped, dark red peel. The pulp and juice are predominantly light red in color. The taste is sweet and sour, not tart. The aroma is pronounced.

The fruits ripen in mid to late July. The variety is characterized by high resistance to drought. The disadvantages include severe damage by coccomycosis. The advantages include good propagation by green cuttings.

Only 1.7-3.8 kg of berries are harvested from one bush, but the advantage is that they have excellent taste and attractive appearance. Gardeners prefer to grow this variety in cold regions of the country.


Late ripening variety. Ripe fruits have a dark red skin, but its color may vary depending on the intensity of photosynthesis. Under the thin glossy skin there is juicy pulp of the same shade. The seed is small and can be easily separated from the pulp. Cherries are oval-round, weigh no more than 4 g. They usually grow in groups of 2-4 berries. The taste is good, sweet and sour.

It is better to plant seedlings on a hill, choosing a site facing south or southwest. In such areas, moisture does not stagnate and air exchange is good. After selecting a site, it is prepared in advance.

The main advantages of the variety include a high level of potential productivity and resistance to long-term transportation.


In 1996, Russian breeders managed to obtain a hybrid by crossing the Lyubskaya cherry and the Kyiv-19 cherry-cherry hybrid.

The fruits are characterized by their large size, one berry weighs about 10 g, some can reach 15 g. The cherry has a slightly flattened spherical shape. The stone is medium in size, easily separated from the tender, juicy pulp. The peel is dense, dark red in color.

The tree begins to bloom in mid-April-early May, the fruits ripen at the end of June. Fruiting occurs 3-4 years after planting. Up to 20 kg of cherries are harvested from one mature tree, sometimes gardeners receive the maximum amount of harvest - up to 25-28 kg.


The late-ripening variety was developed as a result of accidental pollination of a one-year-old seedling of the Ideal variety. Cherries participated in pollination different types, including the steppe. The berries are not very large, their weight reaches 3-5 g. The skin is dark red, round in shape, and do not crack when overripe. The pulp is slightly watery, sweet and sour, with a pronounced aroma. The bone is large and easily separated.

The variety was named for its good yield - up to 10-15 kg of ripe berries are harvested from one bush. Fruiting begins 3-4 years after planting. Flowering occurs in the last days of May, the berries ripen in late summer and early autumn.

Spring is considered the best time for planting. The variety is unpretentious and undemanding to the composition of the soil, but it is better to choose for planting areas on hills, dry, with light sandy loam soil. The area should be well lit and without shading. For cherries, choose places protected from northern winds.


A dwarf, partially self-fertile variety, which allows you to get a good harvest even in the absence of pollinators. It will be possible to achieve maximum tree fertility by planting the Shokoladnitsa or Nochka varieties nearby. Young trees begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting the seedling. Tree growth lasts no more than 15-18 years. Compliance proper care will ensure an annual harvest of up to 18 kg of fruit from one mature tree.

The fruits are set on last year's growth. Ripening occurs in the second half of July. Cherries are heart-shaped, the skin is dark cherry, almost black, thin and dense at the same time. The pulp is dark red, homogeneous, tastes sweet and sour, rich.

Cherries are planted in early spring, especially in the northern regions. In the southern regions, it is permissible to plant the Anthracite variety both in autumn and spring.


Russian breeders worked hard to create a new early-ripening variety by crossing two cherries - Vladimirskaya and Lyubskaya. The Molodezhnaya variety was included in the State Register in 1993. The height of the tree does not exceed 2.5 meters. The harvest ripens by mid-July. Gardeners collect a little from one plant - 10-12 kg of berries.

The shape of the fruit is oblong, the weight reaches up to 5 g. The pulp is juicy, but at the same time dense, dark red in color. Cherries are not tart in taste, do not leave any unpleasant sensations, the taste is sweet and sour. The variety is resistant to mechanical damage and long-term transportation - it does not lose its marketability and taste during transportation.


Late ripening variety. The fruits are formed on last year's growths. Cherry deep red color. The berries are small, but not small, weighing 3-4 g. There is a small seed inside, which is easily separated from the pulp. Juicy, firm flesh, with dark red juice. The taste is pleasant, slightly sour.

This is a late-ripening variety - the fruits appear at the end of July. But at the same time it is characterized by high productivity - 10-14 tons are harvested from 1 hectare.

The advantages of the variety include increased resistance to frost, high commercial quality, good taste and ease of care.

Consumer goods Black

The variety was bred by Michurin himself. This is a low tree that attracts unusual appearance fruits, famous for their good taste. The advantages include early fruiting: the first harvest is harvested a year after planting the seedling. Cherries ripen in early July.

The peel of the fruit is predominantly black in color and has a shiny surface. The shape is heart-shaped, slightly flattened on the sides. The pulp is tender, sweet, with a pleasant sourness. The weight of one fruit reaches 4.2 g. The juice is characterized by a rich dark shade.

It is recommended to plant in a well-lit area - this will avoid a decrease in the sugar content of the berries. It is better if the plant is planted next to country houses, where they will protect it from cold winds. Planting is carried out in the spring - for bare root plants, from spring to September - for plants from containers.


The variety was bred back in the 80s of the last century. But it was registered in the State Register of Russia only in 1997. The fruits are medium-sized, sometimes large specimens are found, the weight does not exceed 4 g. The peel and juice of cherries are dominated by a rich red hue. The pulp is dense and at the same time juicy, sweet and sour, aromatic.

Flowering begins in May. Full ripeness of the fruit occurs in the second half of July, less often at the beginning of the month, as for the southern regions.

Fruiting occurs 4-5 years after planting. The yield of such a plant can vary between 9-10 kg per plant.


The berries are round, with flattened sides. Cherries are large, weigh about 4-6 g, have dark red skin and slightly bright flesh. The fruits are juicy, sweet, and there is practically no acid. The stone is easily separated from the pulp. Fruiting occurs 3-4 years after planting. The ripening of berries is not simultaneous; the process lasts from late July to early August.

On average, about 10-15 kg of berries are harvested from one bush, sometimes more. The variety has good frost resistance and can withstand temperatures down to -30-35 degrees. The Mayak variety is also drought-resistant.

For planting, choose a warm place with well-drained, sandy or loamy soil. It is undesirable to plant seedlings in lowlands and places with close groundwater. During the first year, it is important to water the plant, mulch and loosen the soil, but do not fertilize. The Mayak variety is a good choice for growing in cold regions (Ural, Siberia).


Trees tolerate frost well, but flower buds often suffer from low temperatures. The weight of one berry reaches 6 g. The fruits can be heart-shaped or round in shape with flattened sides. The peel is dark cherry, the flesh is bright red, there are small white veins. The pulp is juicy, fleshy, the taste is sweet and sour.

In a favorable season, one mature cherry can produce up to 50 kg of berries. Usually 25-45 kg of cherries are removed. The berries are used mainly for making compote, juice, and jam. But the high vitamin content means that it is better to consume cherries fresh.

Seedlings are planted in spring, when the soil is well warmed up. Timely application of fertilizing and regular watering contribute to obtaining a plentiful and tasty harvest. The variety is suitable for cultivation in the southern regions.


Dwarf variety was developed by Russian breeders who crossed two cherries - Zhukovskaya and Lyubskaya. The variety was included in the State Register of Russia in 2005. The fruits are characterized by medium size, round shape, dark red skin. The weight of one berry does not exceed 4 g, height – 1.67 cm, width – 1.4 cm. The pulp is dark red, juicy, tender, without astringency and strong acid. The juice is dark red.

The plant begins to bloom in mid-May. The fruits ripen at the end of July. Fruiting of the Mtsenskaya cherry variety occurs 4 years after planting the seedling. From 49 to 74 centners of ripe berries are collected from 1 hectare.

The advantages of the variety include resistance to drought, increased resistance to diseases such as coccomycosis and moniliosis, and is rarely attacked by pests.

Altai swallow

The plant is low, with many trunks. The fruits are characterized by a round, symmetrical shape, slightly flattened on top. Cherries are small, their weight does not exceed 3 g. The peel and pulp are dark red. The fruits are juicy, dense and sweet and sour in taste, with a rich aroma.

The fruits ripen at the end of July. The variety is characterized by resistance to drought. It withstands transportation well over long distances, the variety is also resistant to diseases such as coccomycosis. The advantages include the possibility of growing the variety in the northern regions of Russia.

Planted in early spring, in mid-April. For planting, it is recommended to choose well-lit areas with sandy or sandy loam soil. Fruiting occurs 4 years after planting the seedling. Average yield per bush is 3.9 kg, maximum – 8.4 kg.

Griot Moscow

The main advantage of this variety is high yield and increased frost resistance: the variety is specially zoned for the capital and the Moscow region. The tree is small, does not exceed three meters in height. The berries are small, their weight reaches 3.5 g. The peel is dark red, slightly discolored on one side.

The pulp is juicy, dark red, sweet and sour. Mass ripening of cherries occurs in the second half of July. Gardeners collect up to 16 kg of ripe berries from one plant. The fruiting period begins 4-5 years after planting the seedling.


After long-term treatment of seedlings of the Shirpotreb Chernaya variety with the chemical mutagen EI at the seedling stage, breeders received a new low-growing variety Tamaris. The fruits are large, round, have a dark red peel and juicy, sweet and sour pulp. They taste more sweet than sour. This variety is suitable for growing in the Moscow region.

The fruits ripen in mid-July to early August. Fruiting occurs 2 or 3 years after planting. The harvest is obtained quickly. One plant yields up to 10 kg, from 1 hectare up to 80 centners of berries. The lifespan of the plant is more than 20 years. Seedlings are planted in spring and autumn. At spring planting the procedure is carried out before the buds on the seedling open (in April). For autumn planting, the event should take place no later than October.

For planting, choose a well-lit and ventilated area with loose, light loamy soil.


A variety recommended for cultivation in the northern part of Russia. The fruits are characterized by large sizes, their weight reaches up to 5 g each. The shape is round, flattened, the peel is dark red, somewhat reminiscent of unripe cherries. The pulp is burgundy, juicy, soft. The peel is dense. During removable ripeness, the berries are freely separated from the stalk. The taste is sweet, with a slight sourness.

The tree begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting, but the life expectancy of the plant is high - 30-35 years.

The late-ripening Ashinskaya variety allows you to harvest fruits only at the end of July, and it is advisable to harvest fully ripe cherries in the first half of August. The yield of the variety is high and stable. One mature tree produces up to 12 kg of fruit. On average, about 10 tons of quality products are obtained from 1 hectare.

Other varieties

There are also other popular varieties that have won the sympathy of gardeners. These include the following:

  • Zaranka. Low tree, pyramidal crown. The fruits are medium in size, the skin is dark red, and the flesh is the same. Characterized by good taste. The stone is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Toy. A plant with a ball-shaped crown. A variety with low resistance to frost, but increased resistance to drought. The fruits are large, the skin is red. The pulp is juicy, tender, watery. This is a medium-yielding variety.
  • In memory of Vavilov. A tall plant with a pyramidal crown. The berries are dark-skinned and large in size. The flesh is tender. Productivity is high.
  • Podbelsky. A tall plant with dense foliage, the crown changes from a round shape to a flat-round one. The variety is distinguished for the external characteristics of the berries and their good taste. Large fruits of rich red color, the flesh is tender and fibrous. Up to 110 kg of fruits are collected from 1 plant.
  • Minx. A medium-sized but fast-growing tree that produces cherries with dark red skin and juicy pulp with a refreshing taste. The variety is resistant to drought and frost.
  • Star Star. Tree with a pyramidal crown. Resistant to low temperatures. The fruits are medium in size, the skin is red. The pulp is tender, the taste is sweet and sour. Productivity is good.
  • Brunette. A medium-sized plant characterized by average frost resistance. The crown has a spherical shape. The fruits are round, small, slightly flattened. The peel is dark burgundy, the flesh is tender. The small bone is easily separated from the pulp.
  • Bulatnikovskaya. The plant is low, the crown is dense. The variety is resistant to low temperatures. The berries are dark, the flesh is sweet and sour, dense.
  • Rossoshanskaya black. The crown of the tree has a pyramidal or stack-shaped shape. Berries with fleshy, tasty pulp and almost black skin. The advantages include resistance to long-term transportation and resistance to cold climates.

Comparative tables of characteristics of varieties

The table shows the ripening period and size of the fruit:

Variety name


Fruit size

Chocolate girl

early ripening
early ripening

Miracle cherry

early ripening
early ripening

Memory of Enikeev

mid-early (self-fertile)










late ripening
late ripening


late ripening

Consumer goods Black

early ripening


early ripening




early ripening





Griot Moscow


This table shows varieties that are better suited for certain regions of Russia:

Variety name

For which region?

Moscow region

In memory of Mashkin

Moscow region

Cherry (Cerasus)- a small bush or tree with thin branches and a spherical crown. The plant bears fruit actively, the fruits are round, sweet and sour.

Biological characteristics of the plant

Cherry fruiting begins in the third year. A good harvest from the tree can be expected from the fifth year. All plant varieties are divided into:

  • tree-like,
  • bushy.

The latter are distinguished by the fact that their skeletal branches quickly become exposed. Fruiting occurs mainly on the growth of the previous year.

Popular crop varieties

Most often, gardeners use the “Ordinary” variety, characterized by sweet fruits and good fruiting. When choosing between varieties, you should pay attention to such plant qualities as yield, care requirements and drought resistance.

Early ripening varieties

If you want to get an early harvest, it is recommended to pay attention to early ripening varieties. Their fruiting begins in early July. Early ripening varieties are also distinguished by the fact that they develop quickly and have good yields. The most popular varieties of the presented type are indicated in the table.

Variety name Main characteristics Fruit quality
"In memory of Enikeev" Medium-sized tree with an oval crown, medium foliage. The variety is obtained from the varieties “Korinka” and “Zhukovskaya” Large, dessert taste Medium stability
"Saniya" The result of crossing the varieties “Bagryannaya” and “Vladimirskaya”. Medium-sized plant, 3 meters tall, crown shape - ball Medium size, sour, suitable for fresh consumption and for preparations Good stability
"Vostorg" The bush produces about 10 kilograms of berries. The tree is the result of crossing the Ogonyok variety and a mixture of pollen The fruits are large, oval, juicy Often affected by monilia
"Pink bottle" (Prunus cerasus) Productivity – up to 10 kilograms, grows throughout Russia Berry weight – 3 grams, the fruits are suitable for processing and fresh consumption Good winter hardiness
"Amorel Nikiforovna" Tree cherry, ripening by mid-June, grows in Russia The fruits have a sour taste and are red in color. Tolerates winter well
"Early English" An ancient variety, bred in England, the tree is small in height, the crown is narrow pyramidal The berries do not fall off when ripe, red Demanding on heat
"Expectation" Low tree requiring artificial pollination Medium sized berries Prone to fruit rot

Mid-season varieties

Mid-ripening varieties have an average ripening period (from mid-July). They are excellent for growing in central Russia.

Variety name Main characteristics Fruit quality Resistance to frost, diseases and pests
"Youth" (Cerasus Molodezhnaya) The result of crossing the varieties “Vladimirskaya” and “Lyubskaya”, up to 2.5 meters tall, drooping crown Oval, weighing up to 4.5 grams, sweet and sour Frost-resistant variety, susceptible to coccomycosis and moniliosis
"Turgenevka" Tree height up to 3 meters, reverse pyramidal crown The fruits are dark red, large, up to 5 grams, small seeds High winter hardiness, average resistance to diseases and pests
"Hope" (Nadezdha) Tree height up to 6 meters, round crown, medium foliage

The fruits are large (6 grams), dark red, sweet with a slight sourness

Good winter hardiness and disease resistance
"Vladimirskaya" An ancient variety, common in the Vladimir region, has the shape of a bush, the crown is rounded The fruits are small, up to 3.7 grams, almost black in color, sour in taste Tolerates frosts well, often suffers from illnesses
"Zhukovskaya" Grows up to 2.5 meters, sparse crown Fruits are rich red, juicy Disease resistance is average
"Haritonovskaya" Medium in height, partial self-fertility Bright red berries with sourness, seeds separate well, medium in size Medium stability
"Morozovka" Medium-sized tree with a lush crown, blooms in spring Berries weighing up to 5.4 grams, dessert taste, suitable for canning and fresh consumption Drought and disease resistant variety
"Moscow Griot" (Griot moskovskii) Tree with a medium-sized spherical crown, requires pollinators The berries have a sour taste, are dark in color, and you can get up to a ton of harvest per hundred square meters. Not afraid of frost, disease resistance is average

Late ripening varieties

Late cherry varieties begin to ripen in August. They are great for canning and eating fresh. Most late varieties are winter hardy.

Variety name Main characteristics Fruit quality Resistance to frost, diseases and pests
"Apukhtinskaya" It is a clone of the Lotovaya variety, grows in the Tula region, height up to 3 meters, spreading crown The berries are round, dark red, weighing up to 3.5 grams Winter hardiness is average, can be affected by coccomycosis
"Bolotovskaya" Bred by Bolotov, reaches a height of 2 meters, spreading crown The fruits are round, small, weighing 2.5 grams, sweet and sour Winter hardiness is good, can be affected by coccomycosis
"Vakhitovskaya" The crown is well leafy, tree height is 1.5 meters The fruits are small, dark red, weighing up to 2 grams Resistant to diseases and pests, tolerates frost well
"Gorkovskaya" The crown is pyramidal, the bush is multi-stemmed, height up to 3 meters The fruits are small, dark red, harmonious taste Winter hardiness is good, cherries are slightly susceptible to diseases
"Korostynskaya" Suitable for growing in the Nizhny Novgorod region, height up to 4 meters, crown of medium foliage The fruits are small, up to 2.5 grams, tart, dark red Frost resistance is good, disease resistance is average
"Lotovaya" The crown is drooping, tree height is up to 2.5 meters, fruiting is on annual branches The fruits are sour, round, weighing up to 4 grams Disease resistance is average, branches can be damaged by frost
"Lyubskaya" The tree reaches a height of 2.5 meters, the crown droops, fruiting occurs on annual branches The berries are large, red, with sourness Can be affected by coccomycosis, cannot withstand severe frosts

Subtleties of landing

Even good care will not guarantee that it will be possible to grow a cherry tree if some subtleties were not observed when planting. When carrying out this procedure, the following rules should be observed:

  1. You can only plant varieties suitable for your region.
  2. You should only choose high-quality seedlings with a well-developed root system.
  3. The optimal time for planting is mid-April.
  4. The place should be located on a hill and be sunny.
  5. The soil for the tree should be light, loamy or sandy loam, fertile.

Features of crop care

Basic maintenance work - loosening the soil, watering, fertilizing, pruning, protecting from pests. Fertilizers are applied in the fall. In summer, weeds around the bush should be removed.

How to fertilize

In the process of loosening the soil, you can add potassium and phosphate fertilizers. Nitrogen fertilizing is done in the spring. Nitrogen should not be applied in the fall.

Watering rules

The plant does not require constant and abundant watering. It is recommended to add moisture under the bush during fruit ripening. You should also water the tree immediately after harvesting. The last watering is carried out before October 20 and is called pre-winter. About 7 buckets of water are added to each tree.

How to form a crown

Optimal options crown shapes - flattened, sparsely tiered, spindle-shaped. You can form a crown in the following ways:

  • thinning;
  • shortening.

The thinning method involves removing shoots and branches in rings and entirely. As a result, the crown becomes smaller in diameter and allows light and air to pass through well, which promotes the development of berries.

The shortening method involves cutting branches whose length exceeds 40 centimeters. The goal of the work is to stimulate the formation of new branches.

Cherry: care features (video)

Rules for growing a cherry tree

Almost all cherries are self-sterile. This means that pollinating plants should be planted next to them.

The choice of location for the tree plays a big role. The plant can bear fruit for 15 years if it is planted in a bright place.

The occurrence of groundwater at the location of the tree should not be higher than one and a half meters.

How to improve tree growth

You can improve the growth of cherries using various methods.

  • To ensure that the plant receives enough carbohydrates, cherries should be planted in a sunny place.
  • There must be limestone in the soil.
  • To reduce acidity, manure is added to the soil.
  • When planting a seedling in a hole, it is recommended to place pieces of concrete.
  • Fertilizers are applied weakly concentrated and in small quantities.
  • Only friendly plants should be planted near cherries.
  • Be sure to place a pollinator plant next to the cherry.
  • Great importance has timely pruning.

The best results come from following all these recommendations at the same time.

The importance of spraying plantings

To prevent cherries from getting sick, they should be treated with special preparations. To prevent coccomycosis (Coccomyces) spraying with antifungal agents is used. From moniliosis (Moniliasis) Nitrafen helps (Nitrafen). Aphid protection (Myzus cerasi), sawfly (Symphyta) and shoot moth (Argyrestia pruniella) carried out using Corado funds (Corrado) and "Iskra" (Iskra).

How to protect a tree from frost

The tree should be protected from frost at the planting stage. To do this, the cherry is placed on an area with a slope of 45 degrees. You can build a roofing felt fence near the plant. To do this, a ditch is dug around the tree, stakes are inserted into it, and then roofing felt is pulled on.

High-quality sun protection

You can protect cherries from the sun different ways. Among the most popular are the following:

  1. In autumn, tree trunks are whitewashed.
  2. You can tie the trunks of seedlings with newspapers or white paper in several layers.
  3. For the winter, the trunk can be tied with roofing material and wrapped with light foil on top.
  4. Snow, tomato and potato tops, and boards can be used as protection in winter.

Two ways to propagate cherries

Reproduction of the plant does not cause problems; the gardener only needs minimal knowledge about selection. There are 2 main methods of propagation - vegetative and seed.

Vegetative propagation of a tree

The easiest way is propagation by shoots. You can get it from any tree. It is better to take cuttings in the spring. Before planting the seedling, the cut is treated with garden varnish, and the main root is trimmed.

Tree seed propagation

Seed propagation involves stratification. Seeds are taken only from zoned varieties. Moss can serve as a substrate for 200-day stratification, sawdust coniferous trees or river sand. Sowing of material that has undergone stratification is carried out in the spring. The seeds are buried 5-6 centimeters, while there should be a distance of about half a meter between them.

Cherry diseases and pests

All fruit trees, including cherry trees, are affected by diseases and pests. The presence of pests and fungi reduces plant productivity and leads to their death. However, there are many means that will help save both plants and harvest.

How to save plants from diseases

(Klyasterosporioz). You can recognize it by the spotted holes on the leaves. You can get rid of the disease if you immediately remove the affected parts of the plant. As a preventative measure, spraying with copper oxychloride in combination with Bordeaux mixture is used.

Another scourge of cherries - coccomycosis. The fungus attacks fruits and leaves and appears as reddish spots. Treatment is carried out by spraying with Bordeaux mixture and copper oxychloride. Fallen leaves should be destroyed.

From moniliosis(fruit rot) is helped by collecting and eliminating infected fruit. Treatment with fungicides and Bordeaux mixture also gives a good effect.

You can find out more information about the types of cherry diseases and methods of treating them.

Main pests and their control

The main pests of cherries are sawflies. (Symphyta), hawthorn (Aporia crataegi), plum moth (Grapholita funebrana). The greatest danger is posed by sawflies, which are capable of completely destroying foliage. The fight against them is carried out using Aktelik means (Aktellik) and "Pyriton" (Pyrithione zinc).

The hawthorn caterpillar feeds on the leaves and buds of the tree. To get rid of it, biological agents and insecticides are used. The plum moth spoils the berries by laying eggs inside them. Carbophosphate is used to kill the butterfly.

Preventative wood treatment

The cherry tree will not get sick if you take care of its protection in the spring. Not only the wood will have to be processed, but also the soil. Pest control will have to be done by covering the cuts with garden varnish and treating the trunk with copper sulfate.

How to trim cherries correctly (video)

Cherry is a valuable shrub, revered by gardeners because of its beautiful appearance and tasty berries. You can grow it on your own plot if you choose the right seedling and planting site, protect the plant from diseases and pests, and correctly carry out a number of care measures.

Growing cherries in the photo

To begin with, we present to your attention photos and descriptions of cherry varieties with increased winter hardiness.

Cherry variety “Ukrainian” in the photo
Cherry berry “Ukrainian” in the photo

Ukrainian. Comes from Vladimirskaya (Parenteleva). The tree or bush is highly developed, with a hemispherical, widely spreading crown, with weakly hanging ends of the middle and lower branches. This cherry variety is winter-hardy, high-yielding, early-fruiting, and early. Reproduces mainly by root suckers. Flowering early.

It bears fruit on one-two-year-old wood, which makes it different from Vladimirskaya (Roditelevskaya). It begins to bear fruit from the 3rd year. During the period of greatest harvests (9-20 years) it produces 10-24 kg per tree on average, and from individual trees up to 40-50 kg.

The fruits are medium-sized, about 3 g in weight, flat-round, dark purple, almost black, with dark pink flesh and thick dark red juice. The taste is good, sweet, with slight acidity. The stone is medium, flat-rounded, weight 0.26 g.

Fruit ripening occurs in early July.

Consumption - fresh (the best dessert variety) and for technical processing: for wine, extracts, jam and other products. Transportability is satisfactory.

Cherry variety “Fertile Michurina” in the photo
Cherry berry “Fertile Michurina” in the photo

Fertile Michurina. The tree is low-growing, up to 2 m in height, with a widely spreading crown and hanging ends. This is one of the best winter-hardy cherry varieties, characterized by high yield. Flowering and ripening later.

It begins to bear fruit from the 3rd year. The name of this cherry variety speaks for itself - this form is very fertile. During the period of increasing productivity (4-9 years) it produces an average of 0.5-10 kg of fruit per tree, during the period of highest productivity - 12-16 kg per tree, and from individual trees - up to 20-25 kg.

The fruits are large, weighing about 4 g, round, dark red, on long stalks. The pulp is juicy, with pink juice, mediocre sweet and sour taste. The stone is large, oval, weight 0.35 g.

The fruits are harvested in mid-late August.

Consumption - fresh, but mainly for technical processing: for juices, wine, jelly, preserves, compotes.

Cherry variety “Vladimirskaya” in the photo
Cherry berry “Vladimirskaya” in the photo

Vladimirskaya (Roditelev). A tree or bush of moderate development, with a spreading crown with drooping branches. The variety is winter-hardy, productive and early-bearing. It begins to bear fruit from the 3rd year. Flowering early. During the period of increasing harvests (4-8 years) it produces up to 8 kg of fruits per tree, during the period of the heaviest harvests - 8-10 kg, and from individual trees - up to 30 kg.

The “Vladimirskaya” cherry variety has medium fruits, about 3 g in the photo
The “Vladimirskaya” cherry variety has flat-rounded, dark red, almost black fruits in the photo

As you can see in the photo, this cherry variety has medium-sized fruits, about 3 g, flat-round, dark red, almost black.

The pulp is dark pink, with thick, dark red juice, good, sweet, slightly acidic taste. The stone is medium-sized, flat-rounded, weighing 0.27 g.

Fruit ripens in early July.

The best variety for fresh consumption and technical processing: for wine, extracts, jelly, jam, etc.

The best varieties of the largest cherries

Now read the description of cherry varieties for central Russia, distinguished by their large berry size.

Here you can see photos of cherry varieties, the descriptions of which are given below:

Cherry variety “Beauty of the North” in the photo
Cherry berry “Beauty of the North” in the photo

Beauty of the North. The variety was obtained by I.V. Michurin by crossing early Vladimir cherry with Winkler white cherry.

The trees are vigorous, with a sparsely branched, oval-spreading crown covered with large leaves.

In the region, the variety is medium-winter hardy and medium-yielding, with early fruit ripening. It begins to bear fruit at the age of 3-4. At the age of full fruiting (12-20 years) it produces an average of 8-12 kg of fruit per tree. Flowering is mid-late.

This is one of the best varieties of large cherries with fruits weighing about 5 g, light pink, flat-round, shiny, with soft, very juicy light pulp and juice with an excellent, sweet-sour taste. The stone is large, round, weight 0.35 g.

Ripening - at the end of June, mass harvest - in early July, end of harvest - in mid-July.

Not very suitable for transportation. The best dessert variety. The fruits are good for jam, compotes, etc.

Cherry variety “Lyubskaya” in the photo
Cherry berry “Lyubskaya” in the photo

Lyubskaya. One of the best Central Russian varieties. It has been known in the region for a long time, but is not yet widespread.

A low tree, up to 2-2.5 m, with a hemispherical, medium-dense crown, covered with large dark green leaves.

The variety is medium winter hardy. The main characteristics of this cherry variety are high yield and early fruiting. It begins to bear fruit from the 3rd year, the yield increases quickly. During the period of increasing productivity (4-9 years) it produces an average of 1.2 to 12 kg of fruit per tree, and during the period of highest yields (10-20 years) - 16-30 kg. Flowering later.

The fruits are large, weighing 3.8 g, flat-round, dark red, with juicy pink-red pulp and juice of a sweet and sour mediocre taste. The stone is medium, round, weighing 0.27 g.

The fruits ripen on July 20-25, mass harvest - July 22-30, end of harvest on August 5-10. They tolerate transportation well.

Consumption - fresh, for technical processing (jams, wines, juices) and for home preparations - marinades, etc.

Cherry variety “Large-fruited Volga” in the photo
Cherry berry “Large-fruited Volga” in the photo

Large-fruited Volga. A tree of medium vigor, with a rounded, medium spreading crown. The variety is winter-hardy and high-yielding, with a rapid increase in yields over the years. At the age of 7-8 years it produces up to 10 kg of fruit.

This is one of the largest varieties of cherries: its fruits reach 4-6 g, with an average weight of 4.5 g, oval-round, narrowed towards the apex, somewhat compressed at the seam, dark burgundy, glossy. The pulp is dark red, like the juice, medium dense, juicy, sweet and sour, good taste. The stone is quite large, weighing 0.3 g, lagging behind the pulp.

Consumption fresh, can also be used for technical processing. It surpasses a number of local varieties in winter hardiness, yield, size and taste.

Cherry variety "Antonovka Kostychevskaya" in the photo

Antonovka Kostychevskaya (Kostychevskaya, Kostychevka). Composite local variety of steppe cherry, obtained from natural pollination with common sour cherry.

Under this name there are a number of varieties (clones) or varieties, from which the best were selected as a result of bedbug selection:

  • Kostychevskaya black (No. 1),
  • Kostychevskaya No. 2,
  • Kostychevka red (No. 4) and
  • Sweet Kostychevka (No. 5).

Below is a description and characteristics of each of them.

Cherry variety “Kostychevskaya black” in the photo
Cherry berry “Kostychevskaya black” in the photo

Kostychevskaya black (Antonovka Kostychevskaya No. 1, Kostychevka black). A low tree or bush, with a wide-spreading hemispherical crown, arched branches, the ends of which hang downwards. The leaves are medium sized, elongated, slightly curved, dark green, shiny.

Fruiting occurs on one-year-old wood. This late cherry variety is suitable for the middle zone: it is highly winter-hardy and drought-resistant. Productivity is high. It begins to bear fruit from the third year. Flowering later. During the period of full fruiting (10-25 years) it produces up to 18-24 kg per tree, and from individual trees 30-35 kg.

The fruits stay on the tree for a long time. The fruits are medium-sized, weighing 3.2 g, round, slightly compressed on the sides, dark burgundy, with black spots. The pulp is medium-dense, dark pink, with thick dark pink juice, sour, with barely perceptible bitterness and aroma characteristic of steppe cherries, mediocre taste. The seed is small, oval, weight 0.22 g. The transportability of the fruit is good.

Fruit harvesting begins in the second half of July, and ends in mid-August.

Cherry Kostychevskaya No. 2 (Kostychevka) in the photo
Yagoda Kostychevskaya No. 2 (Kostychevka) in the photo

Kostychevskaya No. 2 (Kostychevka). It differs from the previous variety in its almost rounded dense crown with non-hanging branches, matte leaves, wavy curved at the edges, and fruiting on one to two year old wood. The variety is winter-hardy, drought-resistant and productive. During the period of full fruiting (9-20 years) it produces up to 20-20 kg per tree.

The fruits ripen in the second half of July, but slightly earlier than those of Kostychevskaya No. 1. This cherry variety, grown in Russia, is external signs and the quality of the fruit is close to Kostychevskaya No. 1.

Fruit consumption is the same.

Kostychevka red cherry (Kostychevka No. 4) in the photo
Kostychevka red berry (Kostychevka No. 4) in the photo

Red Kostychevka (Kostychevka No. 4). A tree or bush of medium development, with a wide-spreading crown and arched, hanging branches, the drooping of which is more pronounced than that of Kostychevskaya No. 1, with which it is similar in morphological characteristics. This variety is winter-hardy. This cherry variety is for central Russia with high yields with a rapid increase in harvest over the years. At the time of full yield (9-20 years) it gives an average of 15-20 kg per tree, and from individual trees - 35-40 kg.

The fruits are medium-sized, about 3 g in weight, almost round, slightly flattened at the poles, dark red (lighter than Kostychevskaya No. 1), sweet and sour, good taste.

Ripen in the second half of July.

Consumption of fruits - fresh and for technical processing.

Kostychevka sweet cherry (Kostychevka No. 5) in the photo
Kostychevka sweet berry (Kostychevka No. 5) in the photo

Kostychevka sweet (Kostychevka No. 5). A small tree or bush with an oval-round, medium-spreading crown, with hanging lower branches. The branching is not dense. Winter hardiness is high. Productivity is average. During the period of full yield (9-20 years) it produces 8-15 kg per tree, and from individual trees up to 20-25 kg.

The fruits are almost round, slightly compressed from the sides, dark red (lighter than Kostychevskaya No. 1), weighing about 3 g. This is one of the best varieties of cherries for central Russia with a good, sweet and sour taste with a slight astringency. The stone is medium, elongated oval, weighing 0.2 g.

The fruits are eaten in the second half of July.

Consumption - fresh and for technical processing.

These photos show the best varieties of cherries for central Russia:

Cherry “Vladimirskaya” for central Russia in the photo
Cherry "Lyubskaya" for central Russia in the photo

Kostychevskaya black (No. 1) is zoned according to the group of main varieties, and the rest - as additional ones and for wide production testing, in all zones of the region.

All varieties of Antonovka Kostychevskaya are propagated by grafting, but mainly by root suckers, which, before planting in the garden, are first rooted in the nursery (pereshkolka). The root system of all varieties lies deep and produces a small number of offspring.

Watch the video “Cherry Varieties”, which shows best forms of this culture:

The best varieties of cherry wood

Below is another selection of photos and names of cherry varieties, which many gardeners consider the best for growing on the site.

Cherry variety “Rastunets” in the photo
Cherry berry “Rastunets” in the photo

Rastunets (Rastunia, Dslgostebelka). Widespread Volga variety. Vigorous trees with a wide pyramidal crown. The growing season ends late. They grow well and bear fruit in soils of light to medium texture, moderately moist and sufficiently nutritious. On rich soils and in low places, the growth of trees increases, but their resistance to frost and gum is weakened.

This is one of the best varieties of cherries for the middle zone, moderately winter-hardy, and productive. It begins to bear fruit from the 4th-5th year. The harvest is distributed throughout the crown, mainly on two- to three-year-old wood, on bouquet branches. During the period of greatest harvests (10-25 years) they produce an average of 25-35 kg, and individual trees 40-45 kg. Flowering is mid-early.

The fruits of this cherry tree variety are medium-sized, weighing an average of 2.6 g, flat-round, dark burgundy-red, with juicy dark pink pulp and juice with a sour, refreshing taste. The stone is medium, round, weight 0.25 g.

Fruit ripening - July 10-15, mass harvest - July 15-20, end of harvest - the last days of July. The fruits are transportable.

Consumption - fresh and for technical processing, where this variety occupies one of the first places.

Cherry variety “Podbelskaya” in the photo
Podbelskaya cherry berry in the photo

Podbelskaya A local variety representing a hybrid form of steppe cherry of unknown origin.

It grows as a low bush or tree with a wide-spreading crown, the branches of which, arching, hanging down at the ends. The variety is highly winter-hardy, drought-resistant and productive.

It begins to bear fruit at three years of age with a rapid increase in yields. At the time of full fruiting, it produces an average of 5-12 kg of fruits per bush, with the largest ones - 24-30 kg. Flowering is mid-early.

The fruits are medium in size, flat-round in shape, bright red at the beginning of ripening, darker when fully ripe. The height of the fruit is 1.4 cm, diameters are 1.63 and 1.45 cm, weight is 2.6 g. The pulp is juicy, light pink, the juice is pink. This cherry variety is considered the best by those who love the “classics”: the taste of the fruit is sour or slightly sweet. The stone is oval-round, small, weight 0.23 g.

Medium-late ripening: harvest maturity July 20-25, mass harvest - July 25 - August 10, end of harvest - August 15-20.

Thanks to their strong attachment to the stalk, the fruits, upon reaching removable maturity, can remain on the tree for a long time, acquiring better taste and extending the period of fresh use to one month.

Consumption - fresh, but mainly for technical processing.

What varieties of cherries are best planted in the middle zone

If you don’t know which varieties of cherries are best to plant in the middle zone, pay attention to the following forms:

Cherry variety “Shokoladnitsa” in the photo
Cherry berry “Chocolate Girl” in the photo

Chocolate girl. The trees are medium-sized, with a rounded, medium-spreading, well-leafed crown, of medium density.

It begins bearing fruit in the 3rd year after grafting. The annual yield is good; at the age of full harvests it gives the front 16-18 kg per tree, and from individual trees - up to 26-30 kg.

The winter hardiness of the variety is insufficient - in more severe winters frost damage to the branches is observed, as well as “burns” on the bark of the trunks. Flowering is mid-early.

The fruits are large, weighing 4 g, flat-round or onion-shaped, dark red, almost black, shiny, beautiful, one-dimensional in size and shape. The pulp is dark red, with dark juice, medium-dense, sweet, with slight acidity, excellent taste. The stone is medium, almost round, weighing 0.27 g.

Fruit ripening is mid-early: the beginning of ripening is in the first ten days of July, mass harvesting is in mid-July.

The shelf life of fresh fruits is about ten days. The best dessert variety, also suitable for technical processing.

You need to plant in more protected places. Suitable for production testing and in home gardens.

Cherry variety “Novella” in the photo
Cherry berry “Novella” in the photo

Novella. The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-pyramidal crown, winter-hardy. The variety is early fruiting. Productivity is high, annual. Fruiting occurs both on one-year-old wood and on two-year-old wood, which differs from both parents.

The fruits are medium-sized, average weight 3.2 g, dark red, glossy, flat-round in shape. The pulp is pink-red, juicy, soft, with red juice, sweet and sour, good taste, dessert quality. The stone is small - 0.21 g in weight, lagging behind the pulp.

Ripening - in the first half of July.

Consumption - fresh and for technical processing. Zoned in the Volga region.

Cherry variety “Flora” in the photo
Cherry berry “Flora” in the photo

Flora. The tree is medium-sized, with an oval-rounded, medium-spreading crown. Winter-hardy. Productivity is high, annual. Fruit bears on one- and two-year-old wood.

The fruits are medium, weight 3 g, flat-round, dark red, glossy. The pulp is pink-red, juicy, soft, with red juice, sweet, slightly acidic, excellent taste. The stone is medium, weight - 0.25 g, lagging behind the pulp.

Ripening is in the first ten days of July.

Consumption - fresh and for home processing. Zoned in the Volga region of central Russia.

Description of the most delicious varieties of cherries

Cherry variety “Victory” in the photo
Cherry berry “Victory” in the photo

Victory. The tree is medium-sized, with a rounded, medium-spreading crown. Winter hardiness is high. The variety is early-bearing - begins to bear fruit in the 2-3rd year after grafting, with a rapid increase in yields. The productivity is high, annual: the first fruiting of a seedling (mother tree) in the 5th year was 0.5, the second - 1.5, the third - 3 and the fourth - 5.8 kg.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 3 g, round-conical, dark burgundy-red, shiny. This is one of the most delicious varieties of cherries with juicy, medium-dense, pink-red pulp, with thick dark red juice. Sweet, with slight acidity, dessert quality. The stone is small - 0.18 - 0.20 g, lagging behind the pulp.

Fruit ripening occurs in mid-July.

Mainly a dessert variety. It can also be used for technical processing. Recommended for testing in all middle zones.

Cherry variety “Dawn of the Volga region” in the photo
Cherry berry “Dawn of the Volga region” in the photo

Dawn of the Volga region. A tree of medium vigor, with an oval-rounded, medium-spreading crown. The variety is winter-hardy. The yield is high, with a rapid increase over the years: in the first fruiting in the 5th year of sowing it gave 0.3 kg, in the second year - 1 kg, in the third fruiting - 1.9 kg, in the fourth - 6.5 kg, in the 10th m year (7th fruiting) - about 12 kg per tree.

The fruits are large, with an average weight of 4.5 - 5 g, flat-round, light pink, similar to the Beauty of the North. This is a very tasty cherry variety with juicy, soft, light pulp with a sweet and sour taste. The stone is medium, weighing 0.25 g, lagging behind the pulp.

Fruit ripening is early - late June - first ten days of July.

The main purpose of the variety is dessert.

Cherry variety “Amorel pink” in the photo
Cherry berry “Amorel pink” in the photo

Amorel rosea (Amorel early, Amorel). The variety is not very widespread. Trees of medium development, with a rounded, medium-spreading crown. In the conditions of the region, the variety is medium-winter-hardy, productive and early-fruiting, with early fruit ripening. It begins to bear fruit from the 3rd year. At the age of 10-18 years it produces a harvest of 8 to 20 kg of fruit per tree. The fruits stay firmly on the tree and when picked, the seeds often remain on the petiole, so when first picked they are cut off with scissors.

The fruits are large, their average weight is 3.5 g, flat-round, bright red, with light pulp and juice with a good, sweet and sour taste. The stone is medium, round, weight 0.24 g. Transportability is low.

Consumption - mainly fresh.

Look at a selection of photos of the best varieties of cherries for growing on personal plot:

Cherry variety "Flora" for growing on a personal plot (photo)
Cherry variety "Novella" for growing on a personal plot (photo)

Cherry bush Umrakulifera (spherical)

Prunus cerasus Umbraculifera

Form: A small tree with a regular spherical, very dense crown, usually offered in standard form.

Height: tree depends on the grafting height.

Leaves: small.

Bloom: Blooms in April-May. The flowers are white.

Fruit: From July, sweetish-bitterish black-red cherries, about 1 cm in diameter, edible, appear.

Roots: Rod root system. The skeletal roots are very strong, vertical, moderately developed, in a 50-70 year old tree on loess-clay soil only 60 cm deep, on silt-clay soil 100 cm deep, on deep sandy soil the root depth was 2.8 m .

Light: Photophilous, tolerates partial shade.

The soil: Undemanding, prefers deep, nutrient-rich, fresh, moderately moist clay soils, neutral or strongly alkaline, calcareous. Does not tolerate waterlogging. Poor sandy soils are not favorable for it.

It is better to buy grafted bush cherry seedlings grown in Ukraine with a large lump in burlap, so the plant is guaranteed to take root after planting.

Peculiarities: Frost-resistant, slightly thermophilic, clay indicator, forms root suckers, gets sick on not too fertile acidic soils. P. avium flowers are susceptible to late frosts. In nature it is eaten by animals. Lives up to 80 - 90 years.

Requirements: Grows best in soils that are not too dry and rich in calcium. Tolerates urban conditions well. Prefer sunny places.

Buy Bush spherical cherry in Kyiv at low prices and you can get advice at the PROXIMA plant nursery.
Read more: planting, watering, care, fertilizing, protection, mulching, cutting - with photographs in the "Planting, care" section.

Polish variety obtained at the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture in Skierniewice by T. Jakubowski, A. Wojniakiewicz, C. Zagaja by hybridizing the varieties Nefrys x Volynska.

The tree is medium-sized, with a very thick crown. The shoots are thin and medium thick, covered with oval dark green leaves.

The fruiting period begins 2-3 years after planting. Fruiting is annual and abundant. Blooms early. Winter hardiness is quite high, but cases of bacterial cancer are common.

The fruits are small, about 4 g, round, easily separated from the stalks. The skin is dark red, the flesh is red, medium density, sour, the juice is colored. The bone is round and small. The peduncle is medium long, thin.

The fruits ripen in mid-July, 4-5 days before Lyutovka.

Cultivated mainly for juice. The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting. Can be recommended for industrial and amateur gardens.


Bred at VNIIS named after. I.V. Michurina. The tree is medium-sized, fast-growing, with a rounded, raised crown of medium density. Fruiting is concentrated on bouquet branches.

The fruits are medium in size (3.8 - 4.1 g), round, dark red, with a small number of small integumentary points on the skin and an inconspicuous small seam. The fruit pulp is dark red, medium density, juicy. The stone is medium, easily separated from the pulp. The taste is sweet and sour. The peduncle is long, with a weak attachment to the stone. The fruits are of medium ripening period (second half of July), transportable. The direction of their use is universal.

The variety is self-fertile. The best pollinators: Zhukovskaya, Morozovka, Lebedyanskaya, Griot Michurinsky. It begins to bear fruit 4–5 years after planting in the garden. Productivity is regular, 6.0 - 8.0 t/ha. Suitable for vibration shaking. The tree is highly winter-hardy, drought-resistant, with high field resistance to coccomycosis.

Advantages of the variety: regularity of fruiting, high resistance to coccomycosis, suitability for mechanized harvesting, high rooting ability when propagated by green cuttings.

Lack of variety: not enough large fruits.


A very old variety, widespread in Russia. Its origin is lost far in the centuries of history, and it is hardly possible to restore it with great accuracy. Vladimir cherry is included in the State Register for the North-Western, Central, Volga-Vyatka, Central Black Earth and Middle Volga regions; zoned since 1947

This is a typical bush cherry. Self-rooted plants form multi-stemmed bushes 2.5-5.0 m or more in height. When grafted, it forms single-standard trees. The trunk and skeletal branches are ash-gray in color, the bark is flaky, with longitudinal cracks. The crown is round, spreading with age, weeping, slightly leafy inside; skeletal branches are ascending, extending from the trunk at an angle of 50-60°. It bears fruit like bush cherries - more than 80% of the fruits are located on annual branches.

Fruit from small (12.1 x 13.7 x 12.5 mm) to medium (16 x 20 x 17.5 mm) sizes, weighing from 2.5 to 3.4 g, flat-round, slightly compressed from the side of the ventral suture, with a rounded top and a shallow, tight funnel; the abdominal suture is little noticeable. The skin is black-red, covered with numerous gray dots, the flesh is dark red, dense, fibrous, juicy, very good sour-sweet, harmonious taste; The juice is thick, dark cherry. When the fruit is fully ripened, it is separated very easily, with a dry separation.

Grafted plants begin to bear fruit 2-3 years after planting. In terms of flowering and fruiting times, it belongs to the medium group; 60 days pass from the beginning of flowering to the beginning of ripening. In central Russia, the fruits ripen in mid-July. The fruits do not ripen at the same time; a delay in harvesting can lead to their shedding.

The variety is self-sterile. The best pollinators can be Amorel rosea, Vasilyevskaya, Griot Moscow, Lotovaya, Lyubskaya, Fertile Michurina, Rastunya, Turgenevka, Black consumer goods. The tree's winter hardiness is good, but generative buds can be significantly damaged by low winter temperatures, which often causes low yields and prevents the variety from spreading to the northern regions of central Russia.

Productivity varies greatly depending on the cultivation area and overwintering weather conditions, and is generally moderate to good. In central Russia in favorable years(during the period of full fruiting of plants) the harvest can be up to 20-25 kg of fruits per tree, in the northern latitudes (Leningrad region) at the age of 10 years it gives only up to 5 kg.

The fruits of Vladimir cherries are characterized by excellent taste, have a universal purpose, and are suitable for the production of high-quality processed products: jam, compotes, dried fruits and quick freezing. The variety is used for wide production plantings in central Russia and amateur gardening. It is necessary to select high-yielding clones with the best biological and economic indicators. For more northern latitudes and the southern fruit growing zone it is of limited interest.

Advantages: high quality fruit with universal use.

Flaws: reduced frost resistance of generative buds, susceptibility to fungal diseases - cocomycosis and moniliosis.


The variety was bred at the Rossoshansky zonal experimental horticulture station by A.Ya. Voronchikhina as a result of crossing the Zhukovskaya and Krasa Severa varieties. In 2000, the variety was included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region. It is still poorly distributed, mainly in home gardens in the south of the Voronezh and north of the Rostov regions.

Tree low or medium height, height in adulthood does not exceed 3-4 meters; The crown is round, of medium density, with good foliage, the branches extend almost at right angles. Flowering occurs late, the variety is self-fertile.

Fruit large, with an average weight of 6.1 g, fruit height 22 mm, width 24 mm, thickness 22 mm; the shape of the fruit is from heart-shaped to round-conical with a narrowing towards the apex, the fruits have clearly defined edges, are moderately flattened on the sides, the funnel is wide and shallow, the top of the fruit is flat, with a small shallow funnel, the color of the skin is dark red. The pulp is bright red, with small light veins, fleshy, tender, the juice is light red. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, with a tasting score of 4.2 points. The technological qualities of the fruits are good: compotes are rated on average at 4.4 points per appearance and 4.2 points for taste. The fruits ripen in the early-mid period, in the south of the Central Black Earth Region at the end of June.

Trees grafted on antipka begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting in the garden, early fruiting is good, the average yield for the first four years of fruiting was 8.7 kg/tree. During the period of full fruiting, the average yield was 24.7 kg/tree, in the most favorable years they received up to 55-60 kg per tree.

The winter hardiness of the tree in the south of the Central Black Earth Region is good; the freezing point, even in the most unfavorable winters, did not exceed 2. Flower buds are less stable, although their death was not observed in the usual winters for the south of the Central Black Earth Region.

Resistance to cocomycosis is average, usually the damage does not exceed 1.5-2 points, but in wet years it can reach 4-5 points. The variety has increased resistance to moniliosis.

Advantages of the variety: small tree, high yield, large fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: the pulp of the fruit is too tender, which reduces their transportability, and the taste is not high enough.

Griot Moscow

The variety was obtained at the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing.

The tree is medium-sized - 2.5 m, the crown is wide-rounded, spherical, dense. Fruits mainly on annual growth.

The fruits are above average size (weight 3.5 g), round, dark red, suitable for fresh consumption and various types of processing. The taste is sour-sweet, pleasant, the flesh of the fruit is medium dense, juicy, the juice is dark red, the seed is medium-sized, round or slightly oval, the fruit comes off wet.

The variety is early-fruiting, ripens on July 15-20, self-sterile, the best pollinators are Vladimirskaya, Pink Flask. Productivity is above average (8.6 kg per tree or 6-8 t/ha). The winter hardiness of the tree and buds is above average, resistance to coccomycosis is average, and resistance to moniliosis is below average.

Advantages: mid-early productive Moscow variety with good quality fruits.

Disadvantages: average resistance to fungal diseases.

Griot Ostheim

The trees are of medium size, 4 m high at the age of 15 years, with a densely leafy, rounded, spreading crown. The nature of fruiting is mixed - more fruits are formed on annual shoots, less on bouquet branches.

The fruits measure 18 x 20 x 18 mm, weighing 3-3.5 g, round, somewhat compressed in height, black and red. The pulp is tender, dark red, with pink veins, sweet and sour, good taste; the juice is intensely red. The stalk is long, up to 40-50 mm, thin, easily separated from the fruit; when overripe, the fruits may fall off.

A variety of universal use, the fruits are good both for fresh consumption and for making high-quality jam and other processed products.

Grafted plants begin to bear fruit 3 years after planting, productivity increases rapidly over the years. According to the timing of flowering and ripening, it belongs to the varieties of the early-middle group. Self-sterile, the best pollinators are Anadolskaya, English early, Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Podbelsky, Rastunya, Tambovchanka, Shubinka, as well as many varieties of cherries.

Moderately affected by moniliosis, susceptible to coccomycosis up to 4 points. The disease chlorosis on carbonate soils manifests itself to a moderate degree.

Groniasta (Groniasta from Ujfeherto)

Bred in Hungary. In the first years the tree grows quickly, but later growth slows down. Forms an ovoid crown of medium density with strong branches covered with numerous fruit formations.

The fruits are large and very large (average weight 6.0 - 7.0 g), kidney-shaped, cherry-red, translucent, with a dessert taste. The pulp is red, dense, the juice is bright red. The tear is dry, transportability is high. The bulk of the fruits ripen in mid-July (in the conditions of the Voronezh region - at the end of June). The fruits are consumed fresh and are suitable for freezing.

The variety is partially self-fertile, early-bearing, and begins to bear fruit 2–3 years after planting. It produces high yields mainly in regions with warm climates. Due to early flowering, flowers can be damaged by return frosts. Resistance to fungal diseases is weak.

Advantages of the variety: high quality fruits, early fruiting.

Disadvantages of the variety: low resistance to fungal diseases, possibility of damage to flowers by late spring frosts.

Dessert Morozova

Received from the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture named after. I.V. Michurina.

Early ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor with a wide-rounded, spreading crown of medium foliage.

The fruits are large, weighing 4.6-5.0 g, round, red. The pulp is red, medium density, delicate consistency, juicy, dessert taste. Recommended for fresh consumption.

The variety is partially self-fertile. The tree is highly winter-hardy, moderately drought-resistant, with increased resistance to coccomycosis.

Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, very early ripening, winter hardiness, regularity of fruiting, disease resistance.

Disadvantages of the variety: exposure of branches due to untimely pruning.

Debreceni Botermo

A variety of Hungarian origin. Seedling of the Panda variety. The tree is vigorous, forms a powerful, densely leafy crown. Flowering begins a day later than Groniasta. Self-fertile variety.

Flower buds are moderately resistant to winter frosts. The leaves are medium-sized, on long petioles, there are two large stipules, as on other varieties of the “Panda” type. The crown and leaf apparatus are resistant to diseases.

The fruits are large, weighing about 6 grams, heart-shaped, red. The fruit juice is colored. The taste is sweet and sour. Medium density pulp. The stalk is medium in length. The bone is small. The bulk of the fruits ripen at the end of the first ten days of July, almost simultaneously with Groniasta.

The variety is productive, the fruits are of very high quality. A typical dessert variety. Suitable for establishing industrial plantations. In recent years it has become the most popular Hungarian variety. Plantings of this variety should be placed in fairly warm regions. Particularly good fruiting is observed when planted together with the Nefris variety.


Obtained from the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection fruit plants them. I.V. Michurina. A tree of medium vigor with a round, slightly spreading crown of medium density and foliage.

The fruits weigh an average of 4.0 g (some reach 6 - 7 g), oval-heart-shaped, dark red, and have an attractive appearance. The pulp is dark red, quite dense, juicy, sour-sweet, very good taste. The juice is dark-colored. The average harvest period is the second ten days of July. The fruits ripen on the tree simultaneously and are not prone to shedding. They are suitable for fresh consumption and technological processing.

The variety is self-sterile. It begins to bear fruit in the fourth year after planting. The yield is good - 12 kg per tree or more. Resistant to coccomycosis and ring spot pathogens.

Advantages of the variety: high quality fruits, disease resistance, suitability for mechanized harvesting.

Disadvantages of the variety: average winter hardiness of flower buds, large stone.


The variety was obtained by A.I. Sychov.

The tree is medium-sized, compact with a moderately dense spherical crown, easy to care for and harvest. The fruiting pattern is mixed, most of the harvest is formed on bouquet branches.

The fruits are large, weighing 6.6-6.8 g, round, dark red, moderately dense and transportable. The pulp is tender, dark red, sweet and sour, excellent taste, the juice is red.

Medium-late ripening variety. The winter hardiness of trees, cambium and flower buds is high.

Productivity is high and regular. Pollinators can be both cherries and sweet cherries with dukes.


An ancient English variety, widespread in Western Europe, but little known in Russia. According to many morphological and biological characteristics, it is a cherry-cherry hybrid. Included in the State Register for the Central Black Earth and Lower Volga regions; in zoning since 1947

Tree vigorous, at a young age the crown is pyramidal, reaching a height of 4 m at the age of 10 years, then acquires a rounded shape. The fruiting pattern is mixed, most of the harvest is formed on bouquet branches.

Fruit medium size - 19.3 x 19.5 x 17.0 mm, weighing 2.5-3.0 g, round, slightly compressed in height, dark red, with a rounded top and a narrow, shallow funnel; The pulp is tender, dark red, sweet and sour, good taste, the juice is red. The fruits are universally used and can be used to make high-quality jam.

Plants begin to bear fruit late - 5-6 years after planting. According to the timing of flowering and ripening, it belongs to the group of early varieties; the fruits ripen 20 days earlier than the Lyubskaya cherry. The variety is partially self-fertile; Vladimirskaya and Griot Ostgeimsky can serve as the best pollinators. Productivity is average, at the age of 8-10 years 15-18 kg per tree, in some favorable years during the period of full fruiting it reaches 30-40 kg. Winter hardiness in normal winters is good; in severe winters (-27.4°C), freezing of shoots can be 1.4 points, of generative buds - up to 30%. It exhibits average field resistance to coccomycosis; in some years the damage is 4 points.

The Kent variety is of interest mainly for amateur gardening in the central and southern fruit growing regions of Russia.

Advantages varieties: dark red, high-tasting fruits.

Flaws: smallishness of fruits, which manifests itself with plant age; late entry into fruiting and insufficient frost resistance.

Kelleris 16

The fruits are medium and above medium in size (average weight about 5 g), slightly oblong, shiny, cherry-red with small, weakly expressed bright and dark areas, which gives them an elegant appearance. The pulp is dark red, tasty, the juice is dark-colored, ruby-cherry in color. The separation is dry. The fruits ripen at the end of the first ten days of July. The direction of their use is universal.

The variety is self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit early. Blooms in mid-season. Productivity is high, there is no frequency of fruiting. Winter hardiness is average. Resistant to leaf spot, but moderately affected by bacterial canker and not resistant to moniliosis.

Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, high and stable yield, high commercial quality of the fruit.

Disadvantages of the variety: average fruit size, low resistance to bacterial canker and moniliosis.


The variety was bred at the Rossoshansky zonal experimental horticulture station by A.Ya. Voronchikhina from crossing the Zhukovskaya and Pobeda varieties. In 1995, accepted for state variety testing in the Central Black Earth region. It is still poorly distributed in gardens.

Tree weak or medium height, height at 15 years of age does not exceed 3-4 m; the crown is oval or round, of medium density, with medium foliage.

Fruit with an average weight of 4.9 g, height 22 mm, width 24 mm, thickness 21 m, heart-shaped, laterally flattened quite strongly, the funnel is narrow, small, the apex of the fruit is rounded, with a barely noticeable remainder of the pistil. The color of the skin is dark red with a wide, lighter stripe; The pulp is dark red, homogeneous, fleshy, quite dense, the juice is dark red. The taste is sweet with a slight acidity, without foreign flavors, dessert with a tasting score of 4.7 points. The technological qualities of the fruits are good: compotes are rated on average 4.4 points for appearance and 4.4 points for taste. The fruits ripen early, simultaneously or slightly earlier than the Kent variety, in the south of the Central Black Earth region, usually in the second ten days of June. Due to their high taste, the fruits are primarily intended for fresh consumption.

Flowering occurs in the early-mid period, the variety is self-fertile, the best pollinators are Kent and Black large. Trees grafted on antipka begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting in the garden. The early fruiting rate is high, the harvest grows very quickly: in the sixth year the trees produced an average of 19.8 kg of fruit, and at the age of 8 years – 40.4 kg each.

The winter hardiness of the tree in the south of the Central Black Earth Region is good. Average degree of freezing even in the most unfavorable winters of 1984-1985. with the temperature dropping to -31.4º and 1986-1987. with an absolute minimum of -36.4º it was 2.2 points. During the most severe winter of 1986-1987. 52.4% of flower buds froze; in other winters, the percentage of death of flower buds did not exceed 35%.

Lada is severely affected by cocomycosis and in the years of epiphytotics the average damage score reaches 4.6 points (2000). Resistance to moniliosis is average.

Advantages varieties: high taste of fruits, early fruiting, high and regular yield.

Flaws: weak resistance to cocomycosis.


An outstanding domestic variety of folk selection.

Tree up to 2.5 m high, with a spreading spherical crown.

The fruits are large, round-ovoid, dark red, shiny. The pulp is light red, juicy, sweetish-sour taste. The juice is light red. The harvest ripening period is late - mid-July in the southern regions, at the end of July - early August in the northern regions.

The variety is self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit 2 years after planting. The yield is good - 10 kg per bush. This variety has average winter hardiness.

Advantages of the variety: high productivity, low trees, good transportability of fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: prone to fungal diseases, high acidity of fruits.



A variety of unknown origin, one of the most valuable for industrial production. The tree is medium-sized, forms a spreading crown with drooping branches that tend to become bare.

The fruits are large, with an average weight of 5.5 g, round, dark red. The pulp is dark red, juicy, sour, the juice is dark red. The seed is medium, the stalk is long and thick. Depending on climatic conditions, the fruits ripen in late July - early August. A variety for technical purposes: due to the sour taste, the bulk of the fruits are processed.

The variety is self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit in the second year after planting. Flowering later. Fruiting is annual and very abundant. The variety is winter-hardy and not resistant to coccomycosis.

Advantages of the variety: early fruiting, high yield, resistance to leaf spot and bacterial blight.

Disadvantage of the variety: mediocre taste of the fruit.


Polish variety from the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture in Skierniewice. Obtained as a result of hybridization of Lyutovka x Shirpotreb varieties. The tree is vigorous, forms a bushy, slightly spreading crown. Large branches are covered with numerous fruit formations. The leaves are elliptical, medium-sized, with a crenate-serrate edge. The petioles are long. The fruiting period begins in the second or third year after planting in the garden.

Blooms in mid-season. The variety is winter-hardy, resistant to major diseases. Self-fertile.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 5 grams, spherical, slightly flattened. The pulp is dark cherry color, loose, sweet and sour taste. The juice is colored. The stalk is of medium length, the fruit is easily separated from it. Ripens in mid-July, about 10 days before Lyutovka ripens.

The variety is suitable for mechanized harvesting. The fruits have a dessert taste and are suitable for processing.


Obtained from the All-Russian Selection and Technological Institute of Horticulture and Nursery Growing. Trees of medium and below average height (2 - 2.5 m), the crown is rounded, slightly drooping.

Fruits with an average weight of 4.5 g, oval, dark burgundy, with dense juicy pulp with a sweet and sour dessert taste. The juice is dark red, the stone is easily separated from the pulp. The average harvest ripening period is July 20-25. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and all types of processing (jam, marmalade, juice, compote).

The variety is self-fertile, early-fruiting. Productivity is high - 10 - 12 kg per tree (8 - 10 t/ha), fruiting is annual. The winter hardiness of the tree is above average, and the flower buds are average. Moderately resistant to the most dangerous fungal diseases (moniliosis and coccomycosis).

Advantages of the variety: one of the most reliable and highly productive varieties with high quality fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: average resistance to fungal diseases.


Obtained at the Rossoshansky Zonal Experimental Station of Horticulture. The tree is vigorous - up to 5 - 6 m tall, with a round or wide pyramidal crown of medium density.

The fruits are large (average weight 5.8 g), flat-round, slightly or moderately flattened on the sides, the skin is dark red. The pulp is dark red, aromatic, medium density, the juice is red. The taste is sweet with pleasant sourness, without astringency. The tear is dry or almost dry. The average harvest period is late June - early July. The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and technological processing.

The variety is early-bearing - it begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after planting in the garden. The average yield is 16.4 – 21.6 kg per tree. Resistant to coccomycosis.

Advantages of the variety: large fruit and dessert taste of fruits, high yield, disease resistance.

Disadvantage of the variety: strong growth tree.


Bred in Poland. Nephris is one of the main industrial varieties grown in Norway. The tree is medium-sized, the crown is oval, the branches are directed upward.

The fruits are medium or large (average weight 6–7 g), round, slightly flattened. The skin is dark red, shiny, tender. The pulp is dark red, quite dense, the juice is dark cherry color. The separation is dry. The fruits ripen in mid-July. The direction of use is universal.

The variety is self-fertile. It bears fruit early. Winter hardiness is average, susceptible to bacterial canker, and for this reason the variety is not recommended for cultivation in areas with high rainfall. It blooms in the mid-early period, so there is a risk of damage to the flowers by returning spring frosts.

Advantages of the variety: high quality fruits, early fruitfulness, self-fertility.

Disadvantages of the variety: susceptibility to bacterial cancer, possibility of damage to flowers by return spring frosts due to early flowering.


Bred at the Tatar Research Institute of Agriculture. The tree is low-growing, the crown is wide-rounded and dense. Mixed type of flowering and fruiting.

Fruits with an average weight of 3.4 g, wide oval, dark red, juicy. The pulp is red, medium density, the juice is red. The fruits have a mediocre sour taste and are not resistant to cracking. The harvest ripens in medium terms. The variety is suitable for cultivation in intensive gardens, including for mechanized harvesting, and is intended primarily for technological processing into jam, juices, and compotes.

The variety is partially self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit 2–3 years after planting and is cultivated for 18–20 years. Productivity – 7.5 t/ha. Resistance to low winter temperatures in trees and shoots is quite high, while in generative buds it is average. Flowers may be damaged by late spring frosts. The variety is moderately resistant to coccomycosis and the cherry mucous sawfly.

Advantages of the variety: low-growing tree, early fruiting, suitability for intensive technologies cultivation and processing.

Disadvantages of the variety: low weight and mediocre taste of the fruit.



An American variety bred at an experimental station in Minnesota by crossing English Morello x Serbian Pie.

Trees weak or medium-sized, by 10 years the height is 2-2.5 m. The crown is dense, widely rounded. The type of fruiting is mixed - both on strong growths of the previous year and on 2-4-year-old bouquet branches. Thanks to this, the fruits are distributed evenly throughout the crown. It begins to bear fruit a year after the annuals are planted. Productivity increases quickly. The variety is self-fertile. The winter hardiness of wood and generative buds is high.

The fruits ripen in the mid-late period, early July.

Fruit medium weighing 4.5-5.0 g, spherical. The skin is brownish-red, shiny. The pulp is medium density, dark red, juicy, with a satisfactory sweet and sour taste. The juice is colorless. The seed is small and easily separated from the pulp. The separation of the fruit from the stalk is wet in most years.

Advantages of the variety: low growth of plants and compactness of the crown, allowing the variety to be used in intensive gardens, suitability for mechanized harvesting. Early fruiting, high yield and resistance to coccomycosis; high degree of self-fertility, which is the key to stable fruiting.

Disadvantages of the variety: Severe damage to the tops of shoots by moniliosis in some years.

A very good cherry variety for technical fruit processing.


The variety comes from Yugoslavia, where for a long time in the village. Olacina (Serbia) has gained wide popularity. The leading cherry variety in Yugoslavia. The beginning of its spread to Bulgaria, Hungary, Romania, France, Russia, etc. dates back to the early 70s of the 20th century. Zoned since 1995. Included in the State Register for the North Caucasus region.

Tree medium height, with pronounced restrained growth, oval-rounded, dense crown. Skeletal branches extend from the trunk at angles close to 45°. The bark of the trunk and skeletal branches is dark brown. The leaves are medium-sized, 85 x 45 mm, from oval to obovate, dark green, matte, with a strongly pointed tip; petiole 12-14 mm. The flowers are small, 25 mm, saucer-shaped. The nature of fruiting is mixed: on annual branches and bouquet branches.

Fruit medium-sized, 15 x 17 x 16 mm, weighing about 3 g, from round to wide-round, dark red. The pulp is dark red, dense, sweet-sour, mediocre taste, with a significant predominance of acid. The fruits contain dry matter - 16.0%, sugars - 8.5%, free acids - 2.0%, ascorbic acid - 16.3 mg per 100 g of wet weight. The stone is 9 x 8 x 7 mm, weighing 0.3 g, makes up 10% of the total mass of the fruit, round-oval, smooth, medium separated from the pulp. The stalk is on average 25 mm, thin, separated from the fruit with a dry separation. The fruits, having high acidity, are suitable mainly for processing into jam, juice and for quick freezing.

It begins to bear fruit 4-5 years after grafting and 2-3 years after planting. Characterized by late flowering and mid-late ripening. Partially self-fertile, it produces the best yields when pollinated by varieties Meteor, Nefris, Northstar, etc. The variety is productive, quickly increases productivity and produces up to 10 kg of fruit per tree in the 4th year after planting. Frost and winter hardiness are relatively good: intact generative buds when frozen at -32°C were 63%, at -40°C – 21%. Shows field resistance to coccomycosis (damage 2 points), relatively resistant to clasterosporosis.

Possessing such qualities as resistance to low negative temperatures, restrained growth, early fruiting, high productivity and good transportability of fruits, suitability for mechanized harvesting, the Oblachinskaya variety is of interest for further testing and cultivation in the southern fruit growing zone of Russia.

Advantages: moderate growth, early fruiting, transportability of fruits, suitability for mechanized harvesting.

Flaws: excessive acidity and insufficient fruit size.

Memory of Voronchikhina

The variety was bred at the Rossoshansky Zonal Horticulture Experimental Station from crossing the Prima and Effectnaya varieties. Authors: A.Ya. Voronchikhina, A.I. Sychov. In 2004, the variety was included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements approved for use in the Central Black Earth Region.

Tree medium-sized or vigorous, up to 4-5 m in adulthood, with a rounded spreading crown of medium density, good foliage.

Fruit with an average weight of 5.3 g, fruit height 18 mm, width 21 mm, thickness 20 mm, flat-round to round, heart-shaped, moderately or rather strongly flattened laterally, the funnel is wide, the apex is round, the base of the pistil is slightly depressed. The color of the skin is dark cherry, almost black; the variety occupies a leading place in terms of color intensity. The pulp is dark cherry, almost black, with a network of small veins near the skin, quite dense, the juice is dark red. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant, with a tasting score of 4.0 points. The technological qualities of the fruits are good: compotes are rated on average 4.6 points for appearance and 4.5 points for taste.

Flowering occurs very early, the variety is self-fertile. The fruits ripen in the early-mid period, in the south of the Central Black Earth Region in the third ten days of June. Trees grafted on antipka begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting in the garden, the rate of increase in yield is moderate - the average yield for the first 4 years of fruiting was 2.7 kg/tree, higher than that of the control variety Zhukovskaya (for this The time came in 1994 with an extremely unfavorable winter). During the period of full fruiting, the average yield was 15.2 kg/tree; in the most favorable years, an average of 25-30 kg per tree was obtained.

The winter hardiness of the tree in the south of the Central Black Earth Region is good, the average degree of freezing of the tree in the extremely unfavorable winter of 1993-1994. was 1.3 points (for the control variety Zhukovskaya 1.7 points). The stability of flower buds is high; the maximum percentage of their death over the last ten years of study did not exceed 14.0%. The resistance of the Pamyat Voronchikhina variety to cocomycosis is below average, at the level of the Zhukovskaya, Kentskaya and Griot Ostgeimsky varieties. Moniliosis is relatively weakly affected, the maximum degree of damage did not exceed 1.0 points.

Advantages of the variety: large, intensely colored fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: not always regular yield, wet separation of the fruit.

Panda 103

The Hungarian variety, a vigorous tree, forms an ovoid, rather spreading crown with strong branches covered with fruit formations. The leaves are shiny, leathery, dark green, wide.

Plants often begin to bear fruit in the third year after planting. The variety is partially self-fertile. It blooms early, which is why the flowers can be damaged by spring frosts. Trees are rarely affected by diseases.

The varieties Nefris and Lyutovka are considered the best pollinators.

The fruits are large and very large, weighing 6-7 grams, kidney-shaped. The skin is cherry-red, translucent. The pulp is colored, dense, tasty. The juice is bright red and does not stand out after being torn off from the stalk (dry torn off). The bone is medium size, round. The peduncle is long, thin, with short stipules and usually a pair of leaflets. The fruits ripen in the second half of July, approximately 7 days before Lyutovka ripens.

The fruits have a dessert taste and are attractive. Suitable for making compotes, juices and jams. Good for freezing. The fruits tolerate transportation well.


A German variety obtained at the end of the 19th century from crossing the Griot Ostheimsky variety with the Lotovaya cherry.

Tree vigorous, reaches a height of 5 m or more, forms a beautiful, rounded, heavily leafy crown that becomes flat-rounded with age. The fruiting pattern is mixed. Grafted plants begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting, productivity increases slowly. According to the timing of flowering, it belongs to the group of early, ripening – early-mid (fruits ripen at the end of June). Maturation is not simultaneous. The productivity of the variety is high.

Fruit weighing up to 5 g or more (usually 4-5 g), flat-round. The skin is dark red, almost black, shiny. The pulp is dark red, with light veins, fibrous, tender, sweet and sour, very good, harmonious, with a pleasant cherry aroma; the juice is intensely red.

Advantages of the variety: excellent taste of fruits for dessert and technical purposes, comparative field resistance to fungal diseases, high productivity.

Disadvantages of the variety: insufficient resistance to low negative temperatures, large plant sizes create problems with care and harvesting.

Thanks to its tasty, excellent quality fruits, it belongs to the group of universal varieties; its fruits are used for dessert and for the preparation of high-quality processed products; Fruit transportability is average.


Tree medium or vigorous with a rounded crown. The variety is early fruiting. Winter hardiness is good. Self-sterile. The best pollinators are Vladimirskaya, Lyubskaya, Shubinka.

Late ripening variety (July 25-30). The fruits can remain on the tree for a long time, until September, without losing their qualities.

Fruit medium, weighing 3-4g, round, dark cherry. The pulp is dense, juicy, sweet and sour. The stone is medium in size and easily separated from the pulp. The juice is dark red. The fruit detachment is semi-dry. The fruits are suitable mainly for various types of processing.

Advantages of the variety: annual and high yield.

Disadvantages of the variety: increased sensitivity to moniliosis and small fruits.

Early - 2

Variety of unknown origin.

Early ripening. A tree of medium vigor, with a sparse spherical crown.

The fruits are large, weighing 5.0 g, flat-round, dark red, the flesh is red, tender and juicy. The harvest ripening period is early - in the second ten days of June. The average yield is 35-36 kg per tree.

Advantages of the variety: high yield, disease resistance.

Disadvantages of the variety: mediocre fruit taste.

Rossoshanskaya black

Obtained at the Rossoshansk Zonal Experimental Station of Horticulture by A.Ya. Voronchikhina.

Medium early ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor (height at maturity does not exceed 3-4 m), with a wide pyramidal sparse crown, medium or weak foliage.

The fruits have an average weight of 4.5 g, round-oval, dark cherry color, slightly flattened on the sides, with dense juicy pulp with a sweet and sour taste. The juice is dark red. The ripening period for the harvest is mid-early - the third decade of June.

It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. Productivity is high - 15 kg per tree. The winter hardiness of the tree is high. The variety is moderately resistant to the most dangerous fungal diseases (moniliosis and coccomycosis).

Advantages of the variety: small tree, dense, high-quality fruits, suitable for transportation.

Disadvantages of the variety: low resistance to diseases.

Rossoshanskaya large

Obtained at the Rossoshansky zonal experimental horticulture station by A. Ya. Voronchikhina.

Late ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor (3-4 m in height), with an oval or wide pyramidal crown of medium density. The fruits are large (average weight 5.6 g), height 25 mm, round, laterally flattened quite strongly, the skin is dark cherry, almost black. The pulp is dark cherry, with lighter veins, tender, soft, the juice is dark red. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. The separation is wet.

Intensive type variety. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The average yield is 11.5 kg per tree.

Advantages of the variety: low-growing tree, high early fruiting, large fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: fragility of the tree, severe damage to fungal diseases.


Polish variety from the Institute of Horticulture and Floriculture. Obtained from crossing the Lyutovka x Shirpotreb varieties. The tree is vigorous, creates a spherical crown with powerful branches covered with fruit formations. The leaves are oval, medium in size, with a finely serrated edge.

It begins to bear fruit early - in the second year after planting. Characterized by very high productivity. Blooms early. The variety is winter-hardy and quite resistant to disease.

The fruits are medium-sized, weighing about 5.5 grams, round in shape. The skin is dark red, the flesh is red, rather loose, and sour. The fruit juice is colored. The stalks are long, thin, often with stipules.

The fruits ripen in early July before the Nordstar variety.

The variety is suitable for both planting industrial gardens and private household plots.

The purpose of the fruit is fresh consumption and processing. After ripening, the cherries are easily separated from the stalks.


The variety was obtained by selecting seedlings from free pollination of the Zhukovskaya variety.

Tree about 3 m high, tree-like, with a reverse-pyramidal raised crown of medium density. Flowering in the middle period (May 12-15). Fruit ripening is average (July 5-15). It begins to bear fruit in the 5th year. Partially self-fertile. The average yield is 613 c/ha, the maximum is 200 c/ha. The winter hardiness of the tree is high, the flower buds are average. Average resistance to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Fruit weighing 5.0 g, broad-heart-shaped. The skin is dark red. The pulp is dark red, juicy, dense, the juice is dark red. The bone separates from the pulp well. The taste is sweet and sour. The separation of the fruit from the stalk is average. Advantages of the variety: winter hardiness, productivity, good quality of fruits.

Disadvantages of the variety: insufficient winter hardiness of flower buds.


The variety was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants named after. I.V. Michurina. A medium-sized tree with a spherical crown of medium density and foliage. It bears fruit on bouquet branches and on last year's growths.

The fruits are large, with an average weight of 5.0 g, one-dimensional, round. The main color of the fruit is dark red, with an average number of inconspicuous subcutaneous dots. The pulp is orange, tender, the juice is light red. The stalk is firmly attached to the seed; the medium-sized seed is easily separated from the pulp. The taste of the fruit is sweet and sour, pleasant (4.7 points). Transportability is average. Fruits of universal use, they are suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of processing.

The variety is partially self-fertile; the best pollinators are Zhukovskaya and Vladimirskaya. Fruiting is regular. Resistant to coccomycosis.

Advantages of the variety: stable yield, high resistance to coccomycosis, high-quality fruits for universal use.

Disadvantage of the variety: rather large seed.

Black large

Bred at the Rossoshansky zonal experimental horticulture station. A tree of medium vigor or low growth, in adulthood no higher than 3 - 4 m, the crown is wide-pyramidal or oval, of medium density.

The fruits are large (average weight 5.6 g), round, and rather strongly flattened laterally. The color of the skin is dark cherry, almost black. The pulp is dark cherry with light veins, tender, juicy, the juice is dark red. The taste is sweet and sour, pleasant. The fruits ripen in the mid-early period, in the south of the Central Chernobyl Region - at the end of June, they are distinguished by high technological qualities.

The variety is self-sterile; the best pollinators are Kent and Griot Ostheim. Trees grafted on antipka begin to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting in the garden. Productivity 12 – 25 kg per tree. Winter hardiness is high. Coccomycosis is affected to a moderate or severe degree. It is not resistant to moniliosis, especially if there is rainy, humid weather during the flowering period.

Advantages of the variety: low-growing tree, early fruiting, large-fruited, late flowering.

Disadvantages of the variety: fragility of the tree, instability to fungal diseases.

Chocolate girl

The variety was obtained at the All-Russian Research Institute for Breeding Fruit Crops. The tree is 2.0 - 2.5 m high, the crown is reverse pyramidal, compact, raised, of medium density. Mixed fruiting type.

The fruits weigh 3.5 g, wide-round, almost black. The pulp is dark red, medium density, the juice is dark red. The stone is separated from the pulp well, the separation of the fruit from the stalk is average. The tasting score of fresh fruits is 3.8 - 4.0 points, they ripen in the middle period (July 8-15). The fruits are suitable for fresh consumption and for all types of processing.

The variety is self-fertile and begins to bear fruit 4 years after planting. The average yield is 7.8 t/ha, the maximum is 9.7 t/ha. Winter hardiness of wood and buds is good. The variety is drought-resistant. Susceptible to coccomycosis and moniliosis.

Advantages of the variety: winter hardiness, productivity, self-fertility.

Disadvantages of the variety: susceptibility to coccomycosis and moniliosis.


Received from VNIIGiSPR - Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station.

Late ripening variety. A tree of medium vigor (1.5-2 in height), with a rounded, widely spreading crown of medium density and foliage.

The fruits weigh an average of 3-4 g, are dark red, have an attractive appearance, and are resistant to cracking. The pulp is dark red, medium density, juicy, sweet and sour, very pleasant taste. The juice is dark-colored. The harvest ripening period is late - in the second ten days of August. The fruits ripen unevenly on the tree and are not prone to shedding. They are suitable for fresh consumption and technological processing.

The variety is self-fertile. It begins to bear fruit 3-4 years after planting. The yield is good - 13-17 kg per tree.

In order to increase productivity, pollinator varieties “Maksimovskaya”, “Subbotinskaya”, “Ural Standard”, and “Polevka” are planted in the neighborhood.

Advantages of the variety: highly winter-hardy, drought-resistant.

Disadvantages of the variety: affected by coccomycosis and moniliosis to a moderate degree.

Cherry-cherry hybrids


Cherry-cherry hybrid - Duke.

The variety was obtained by A.I. Sychov.

The tree is medium-sized, the crown is pyramidal, becoming rounded with age.

The fruiting pattern is mixed, most of the harvest is formed on bouquet branches.

The fruits are very large, weighing 7.5-7.8 g, large, dark red, moderately dense, the flesh is tender, dark red, excellent taste, red juice. Tasting assessment of fruit taste 4.8 points. This is almost the standard of taste among cherries.

Medium ripening variety. The winter hardiness of the tree is high.


The variety was bred at the Donetsk Experimental Horticulture Station by breeder L.I. Taranenko through targeted free pollination of Nordstar cherries and cherries Valery Chkalov.

In terms of ripening time - medium grade (end of June). Partially self-fertile, pollinated by cherries (Molodezhnaya, Lyubskaya, Nordstar, Meteor), as well as sweet cherries.

Winter hardiness and disease resistance are high. Blooms in mid-season. The variety is high-yielding.

The fruits are large, weighing up to 7 g, wide-heart-shaped, laterally compressed, dark red. The pulp is dark red, sweet and sour, good taste (4.5 points). The tree is medium-sized, with a wide-pyramidal, medium-dense crown.

Advantages: high yield, resistance to coccomycosis.


Trees of medium vigor with a sparse pyramidal crown

Medium ripening period.

The fruits are dark red or red, weighing 6 - 8 g. The taste is sweet and sour with a cherry aroma.

The winter hardiness of flower buds in the south of the Central Chernobyl Zone is good, but the trees are severely affected by sunburn and, as a result, are short-lived. Therefore, it is advisable to tie the trunk and the bases of skeletal branches with paper, reeds or whitewash for the winter.

Miracle cherry

The variety was bred by L. I. Taranenko and A. I. Sychov at the Artemovsk Research Center of the IS UAAN by crossing the Griot Ostgeimsky cherry and the Valery Chkalov cherry.

Trees medium-sized, with a rounded crown of medium density. They bear fruit mainly on bouquet branches, as well as on annual growths. The leaves are large, dark green. The shoots and buds are very similar to cherry trees, so annual seedlings in a leafless state are difficult to distinguish from cherry seedlings. Only by the dense leathery leaf blade and the taste of the fruit can one determine that it is a cherry. Requires a pollinator - cherry.

They begin to bear fruit in the 4th-5th year, are productive, resistant to diseases, have good drought resistance and winter hardiness.

Ripening period is the second ten days of June.

Fruit very large (8-9 g), dark red, round, slightly flattened on top, universal purpose. The pulp is dark red, juicy, with an excellent dessert taste. The stone is larger than average and easily separated from the pulp.

Advantages of the variety: very large fruits, dark-colored, high taste qualities (at the level of cherries - sweetness, without acid), dessert taste, in no way inferior to southern cherries, but with a light cherry aroma and at the same time the aroma of sweet cherries.

It should be noted that Miracle Cherry has another significant advantage - it is resistant to a complex of fungal infections that are rampant in our gardens - monilliosis, coccomycosis and others, and is slightly colonized by the cherry fly.


Trees of medium height with a pyramidal or rounded crown.

Medium ripening

Ripens in early to mid July.

The fruits are very large (their weight reaches an average of 10 grams), dark red in color, and round in shape.

The pulp of the fruit is dark red, juicy, tasty, the color of the juice is red. The taste rating of the berries during tasting was 4.8 points - very high.


Spectacular - the variety was bred for RZOSS.

The tree is medium-sized or with a pyramidal crown shape, slender, very decorative.

The winter hardiness of the tree and flower buds is moderate, with significant freezing in severe winters.

The variety is self-sterile, the yield is good, on average 20-25 kg are obtained per tree, the maximum yield is up to 50 kg.

The fruits are very large, weighing 6-7 g, onion-shaped, dark cherry. The pulp is red, very pleasant sweet and sour taste with a tasting score of 4.5 points. The juice is light red.

Fruit ripening in the south of the Central Chernobyl Zone in early July. Spectacular is a typical cherry-cherry hybrid, which is characterized by very high consumer quality fruits.
