Bathrooms in high-tech style. Bathroom in Hi-Tech style: unusual modern design and simple, stylish arrangement of the bathroom (110 photos). Photo of bathroom design in high-tech styles

One of the most popular modern interior styles is such a direction as hi-tech. It is applicable for the design of premises for various purposes, including the bathroom. This concept in most cases attracts attention and amazes with its original details. However, not everyone knows what exactly the essence of high-tech style is, how to choose the right finish for a bathroom in this design, and what the role of decor and furniture is in such a room. All these and other nuances will be discussed in detail in our article.

Features of the style direction

As with any interior design, the design of residential rooms in the high-tech style is characterized by special characteristics. All of them can be taken into account when decorating a bathroom.

  • The name of the style translates as “high technology,” which characterizes the main focus of the concept. This direction began to develop after the 1980s during a period of active technological progress.
  • One of the rules of this style is the absence of clutter. All things should be in their place without overloading the space.
  • Geometry is also an integral component. Moreover, in this style there may be accessories with the outlines of simple and complex figures.
  • Since high-tech is inseparable from the concept of modernity, the room must contain the latest generation equipment.
  • Lighting should cover the entire area of ​​the room, and light spectra are not always limited to traditional warm or cool shades.
  • It’s hard to imagine high-tech without unusual color and texture combinations in furniture and decoration.
  • It is important that the room looks spacious. This direction is more appropriate for large rooms.
  • The color palette of the style allows for quite big number solutions and combinations.
  • Many things present in such a room perform not one, but several functions at once.

Color spectrum

Despite the fact that a fairly large number of colors can be used in a style, the bulk of the bathroom interior is usually decorated using shades such as black, grey, brown, beige and also white. They are often used as base shades.

Among the most popular accent colors, it is worth highlighting the following tones: green, red, blue, purple. At the same time, they must be rich in order to stand out from the main ones.

Finish options

As we have already written, a high-tech bathroom should be quite spacious. Additional visual increase space is often created through decoration. For its implementation, as a rule, such types of coatings as mosaic, porcelain stoneware and ceramic tiles, artificial or a natural stone, glass and plastic panels, moisture-resistant paint, and plaster.

The preferred texture is gloss. As for prints in decoration, they are undesirable. An acceptable option would be geometric patterns. Also finishing coating can imitate concrete, brick or other building materials.

The walls in a bathroom designed in a high-tech concept are covered with ceramic tiles, monochrome mosaics, plastic or glass panels. It is permissible to paint the surface with special waterproof paint.

The floor can be made as monochromatic and glossy as the walls using porcelain tiles. It is important that it has an anti-slip surface. You can make the floor monolithic using self-leveling floor technology. The tiled surface can be finished to resemble natural stone, such as marble.

The main criteria for finishing a high-tech ceiling are: creating a smooth and even monochromatic surface. For this purpose, materials such as lime, paint, slats, and plastic panels are used. Very suitable option for such a bath it will be suspended ceiling. It is quite possible to decorate the ceiling inserts that will have a glass or metal texture.

If you decide to decorate a small bathroom in a similar style, for example, one-room apartment, then care should be taken to so that there is more in the decoration light colors, as well as reflective elements. They help visually enlarge the space. Others visual effects also have vertical and horizontal finishing elements. The former can visually increase the height of the ceilings, and the latter - the width of your bathroom.

Lighting organization

It is important that the bathroom in a high-tech concept is well lit. For this lighting can be arranged in two ways. The first implies the presence in the central part of the ceiling of a massive lamp with a shade in a futuristic style. In the second case, preference is given to spotlights placed along the edges of the ceiling area.

To make the lighting look complete, do not forget about its additional attributes. They can be backlit from LED strips, which frames mirrors, sections of the ceiling or any areas of the bathroom.

Selection of furniture and plumbing fixtures

For fans of high-tech style who prefer a shower cabin to a bathtub, this is perfect new modern shower designs with glass enclosures of transparent or frosted type. Such washing areas do not have trays, but can be equipped with many functions, including hydromassage, lighting and other modern devices.

If you want to install a bathtub, then you should consider acrylic models without legs. The product must be in the shape of a cube or sphere. It is also possible to set corner model baths. The color can be traditional white, but you can choose more unusual models, for example, with chrome trim.

Acrylic, marble, glass and metal are also acceptable materials for a sink in a high-tech concept. The design of the washbasin can be either built into the surface of the cabinet or overhead. As a rule, such modern bathrooms are equipped with digital taps, sometimes backlit. If there are metal parts in the plumbing fixtures, then it is imperative that they be chrome plated.

The toilet bowl can be mainly shaped like a circle or a square. In this case, preference is given to models that are attached to the wall. The color of the toilet is predominantly white.

As for furniture, it is also preferable in a glossy texture. Options such as rectangular and square shape, wardrobes with mirrored elements, as well as chests of drawers are very popular in the high-tech direction. Due to hanging-type structures, the bathroom space does not look overloaded. To make the room even more spacious, it is recommended to install transparent glass shelves.

Accessories and decorative elements

Often indispensable accessories for high-tech are: technological innovations. This could be a digital clock, a moisture-resistant TV, or various devices with intelligent control systems.

As for the paintings, then It is better that these are paintings in the style of modernism or abstraction. If they have geometry, then this is a double plus. As for the various hooks, bottles and vials, the design requires that they all be finished in metal.

One of the most popular accessories for high-tech style is mirror. In this case, it is necessary to select such a model which has an even shape. You can opt for frame mirrors, but the pattern in this part should be in harmony with the decor in the room.

Today there are many different styles interiors in which you can decorate your bathroom. And one of the latest is high-tech. Although this style is more suitable for the living room, where you can express everything using modern technical devices, but you can also implement such an interior in the bathroom. A high-tech bathroom is elegant and graceful; here strict lines are combined with spaciousness and freedom.

High-tech bathroom

Room decoration

A high-tech bathroom begins to be created, first of all, with the development of design. And at the very first stage, attention is paid to finishing materials. There are strict cold shades here, simplicity and technogenic elements are harmoniously combined.

Very often, plastic, mirror parts, glass, metal and concrete structures are used to decorate a high-tech bathroom.

However, many will find such a room too cold. That is why it is worth diluting the interior a little with stone and brickwork.

What is the best way to deal with the finishing so that your high-tech bathroom is easy to understand and brings only pleasure?

  • Ceiling. You can arrange a suspended ceiling that would be harmonious with other shades. You can combine such a ceiling with metal or mirror details to increase the degree of display and slightly emphasize the high-tech style in the bathroom. And in order to slightly adjust the perception of style elements, it is best to create a metal structure with lighting fixtures.
  • Floor. To finish the floor, high-tech ceramic tiles for the bathroom are suitable. And it's worth it Special attention pay attention to its color, as it should fit into the style. The floor should be smooth and strict; you can add a threshold or steps if necessary or desired.
  • Walls. The walls are the canvas on which you will later paint a high-tech picture of your room style. A high-tech bathroom design in the walls can be expressed with ceramic tiles, stones, even brick or concrete. In addition, it is good when cold elements are added in the form of metal parts.

High-tech bathroom color schemes

A high-tech bathroom is quite sparse color design. As a rule, the colors here are clear - white, gray, silver, and also black. All these colors also combine with each other. Accents in the interior can be placed using bright colors– red, blue, purple. Thus, the main requirement is the absence of halftones and shades; the high-tech style in the bathroom interior implies the use of only deep colors.

When creating a high-tech design in the bathroom, you need to remember that in this case Soft transitions between elements, soft lines, plant motifs, and drawings in the so-called good style would be very inappropriate. High-tech is the correctness of forms, clarity of lines.

Plumbing and furniture

Plumbing fixtures and high-tech furniture are a separate category of items. The usual bathtubs and sinks that are presented in stores, as well as simple shelves and cabinets made of wood, would be inappropriate here. In a high-tech room, everything should be unusual and strict, kind of fantastic and a little cosmic.

Let's look at what the different elements should be:

  • Hi-tech style bath. The simplest oval bathtub made of cast iron, which is placed on a traditional brickwork under the wall. Hi-tech bathtub is metal structure, which has an unusual shape - rectangular or asymmetrical. Also, high-tech bathtubs can be chrome-plated or made in metallic color.
  • Shower cubicle. Very often it is the shower stall that is preferred in this style, because it also looks like a kind of compartment of a large spaceship. This is a strict cabin with metal elements, with suitable lighting.

Hi-tech shower cabin

  • Sink. In the high-tech style there is no place for ceramics, round and oval shapes. That is why the sink should be non-standard. This can be either a durable glass bowl or a metal vessel. The same applies to the toilet - it must also be combined with all other elements.
  • High-tech bathroom furniture is a different story. Here the emphasis should be on functionality and practicality. High-tech bathroom furniture is symmetrical pieces of furniture that are clearly proportional. One representative of furniture can be a shelving unit. Such bathroom racks should be placed on a chrome frame or special metal structures. Shelves can also be installed for the same purpose. In any case, remember that the high-tech style in the bathroom will not tolerate unnecessary objects and things - there should be no shampoos and shower gels in a visible place.

  • Accessories. As you can see in the photo, a high-tech bathroom is a self-sufficient room where decorative items are not so required. But in general, you can place in this room the necessary accessories that will increase comfort - soap dishes, coat hooks, towel holders.

Unusual bathroom in high-tech style

Thus, high-tech is implemented quite well in a room such as a bathroom. You just need to put in a little effort and imagination - and very soon you will have modern room fantastic style high tech.

When renovating a bathroom, many people decide to decorate it in modern style, fill with interesting innovative solutions. Undoubtedly, high-tech style provides excellent opportunities for implementing a fashionable solution. It fits perfectly into modern tendencies, new technologies have mastered many aspects Everyday life. Thanks to the use the latest methods finishes, products, interior can look stylish, timeless.

What a high-tech bathroom might look like, what materials to use, innovative solutions How to decorate walls, floors, what new technologies will provide new opportunities will be discussed in this article.

What is hi-tech?

Is not a new style interior design relating to the architecture and appearance of buildings. Main principle design - using the maximum amount of modern technologies. It is often mistaken for a minimalist, industrial loft style. But in minimalism it is customary to hide electronics, various items, and accessories behind the facades, and the loft resembles a factory interior. High-tech in translation means high technology, the style is designed to emphasize the use of electronics, create an intelligent space, cohesive architecture and technology.

Distinctive feature high-tech interior High-tech – numerous solutions in computer, in electronic format. Various technological solutions are used:

  • solar panels,
  • modern air conditioning systems,
  • ventilation, heating systems,
  • "smart home" systems.

We must not forget about the futuristic equipment. Often in photos of high-tech bathrooms we find:

  • many illuminated elements,
  • glass,
  • steel,
  • concrete.

Choosing interior color

When designing a bathroom in the High-tech style, it is important to create a suitable base - a background. The design of the floor and ceiling plays an important role. Such a room should be associated with something cool and sterile. High-tech style is not intended for lovers of bright, warm colors. Various cool shades are used here:

  • gray;
  • blue;
  • blue;
  • white;
  • black.

You can choose more vibrant colors, but they should artfully contrast with the coolness of the interior. It is extremely important to use materials associated with futurism:

  • glass,
  • metal,
  • glossy plastic surfaces.

The floor must be ideally combined with the walls; sometimes they are decorated in one color; a harmonious whole is the determining factor of this style.

High-tech bathroom, photo

High-tech plumbing

High-tech in the interior of a bathroom will require a lot of ingenuity and courage in approaching design in non-traditional themes. Need to go beyond classical ideas, ways to design bathrooms. Important right choice plumbers. Despite the modern approach, you cannot overdo it. The bathroom is a functional room where there should be a lot of free space. The arrangement depends on the size of the room:

  • Arranging small bathroom, you will have to make a choice between a bath and a shower.
  • Owners of spacious rooms can safely choose both options.
  • If you have a large room, you should choose a freestanding bathtub.
  • If the room does not allow it, a great alternative is a bathtub with a geometric shape or a modern one. glass shower, preferably with hydromassage, radio.

Plumbing fixtures should have a simple, geometric shape. Toilets and sinks can be:

  • rectangular,
  • spherical,
  • conical,
  • cylindrical.

Stainless steel plumbing will evoke thoughts of sterile cleanliness. Stainless steel will create an excellent composition with glass surfaces and fine mosaics on the floor.


The best choice is a modern hot tub. Baths are sold in different versions:

  • angular,
  • autonomous,
  • separating.

Manufacturers offer many models, their prices range from moderate to high. You can buy baths different sizes:

  • small ones - with a simple hydromassage system;
  • large - with several additional options, ideally fitting into a modern interior.

Shower cabin

Modern technologies allow you to choose a multifunctional shower cabin. The spacious, glass-enclosed cabin can be equipped with:

  • hydromassage,
  • steam generator,
  • audio system,
  • economical spray mode,

A popular solution is shower cabins without a tray, located directly on the floor. To achieve harmony and balance, you can abandon the shower tray and place the shower drain directly into the tile floor. It must be remembered that the floor in this place must have waterproofing and a slope so that water flows into the drain and subsequently into the sewer.

Sinks and faucets

Equally important is the correct choice of mixers. Cranes should refer by appearance to geometric figures. In the case of washbasins, showers, bathtub faucets, it is recommended to choose chrome versions, which give the room more glow. The sink can take different design:

It is important to choose interior elements that resemble geometric shapes. Additional effects will be created by backlit faucets, creating the illusion of changing the color of the water.


It is better to choose a toilet in a wall-hung version. There are many interesting technological solutions, for example, shower toilets, models with many useful functions.

Useful functions of the toilet:

  • special modes for children, women;
  • drying warm air;
  • water massage;
  • lighting;
  • heated seats;
  • absorption of odors;
  • music.

Technology and electronics

A modern bathroom should have electronics:

  • audio system;
  • wireless speakers;
  • TV;
  • control gadgets from a computer, smartphone, including voice commands;
  • light sensors;
  • various elements systems smart House».

Audio system in shower

You can install waterproof speakers, including wireless ones. Speakers will allow you to enjoy your favorite music while bathing; speakers can be connected to the TV.

Special TVs for the bathroom

In many high-tech bathroom interiors, televisions are built into the walls, protected from moisture and evaporation.

Important to use correct type lighting, allowing you to introduce the right atmosphere and emphasize the designer’s intent. Can choose:

  1. halogen system;
  2. spot lighting hidden in a suspended or suspended ceiling;
  3. original Wall lights;
  4. will give the greatest effect LED lightening– special strips, ribbons, single lamps will bring different colored lighting into the interior; If you combine red or blue LEDs with bright halogens, you can get an interesting, pleasant effect.

An interesting effect will be produced by lighting reflected on various shiny surfaces. Interesting solution– use of grout with glitter for tiles on the floor and walls.

Modern solution, allowing you to achieve an original effect - lighting the seams of the tiles, also called “Star Floor”. The idea can be realized by using fiber-optic lighting in the seams.

Add-ons, accessories

Many interior design styles are given character by carefully selected accessories that complement the design. In modern style, we can say that the opposite is true. Here are the main features that should not be underestimated:

  1. cold,
  2. severity,
  3. precision.

A high-tech bathroom should be designed to be functional; accessories and decorations should be practical and match the interior. In style high technology There is practically no room for the use of decorations and decorations. If decorations appear, you need to limit them to a minimum; they must meet certain criteria:

  1. must be consistent with the interior,
  2. have straight lines, without decorations.

A clean, modern bathroom should be devoid of glamor and unnecessary things. It is worth placing a trash can, a laundry basket, an additional mirror here, and wall decoration is unnecessary.

IN modern bathroom a mirror must also be present. It is recommended to choose large, rectangular or square models, without a frame. It's important to choose additional lighting, illuminating the face. Colored light will give you a futuristic effect. There are models of mirrors equipped with electronic control with interesting design.

Everything should be hidden behind non-transparent cabinet fronts. There should be a minimum of accessories on the tabletop:

The omnipresence of various technical solutions not surprising for modern man. Today, technology is present in almost all aspects of life, penetrating into interiors, including the bathroom, which becomes modern, stylish, and original. The simplest geometric shapes of furniture and bathrooms - distinctive features modernity, making up a harsh, sterile design.

A distinctive feature of the High-tech style in interior design is a huge number of technical elements. The interiors include numerous computer solutions, electronic control roller shutters, solar panels, modern systems air conditioning. There is the possibility of purchasing futuristic equipment, illuminated elements, non-traditional finishing materials– glass, steel, concrete.


To create a modern bathroom in fashionable style high-tech, you need to be inventive, not afraid to adopt an unconventional approach. It is necessary to go beyond classical ideas and design methods. Depending on the concept, you may be interested in smooth, glossy, large surfaces, futuristic design, interesting modern colors, textures. You can choose non-standard, contrasting formats. There are no contraindications for creating compositions that combine small and large elements, for example, large tiles and mosaics for the bathroom. The main thing is that the chosen design pleases the owners of the interior and does not make them feel uncomfortable.

High-tech style is an offer for brave people who follow innovative, creative solutions. This solution will appeal to those who appreciate a balanced organization, who are interested in technological innovation, who love practical solutions, minimalist design, where there is no need for unnecessary decorations.

A high-tech bathroom is a dream for many who are planning a renovation. Of course, it’s not only beautiful, but also prestigious. High-tech in our country, and throughout the world, is rightfully considered an attribute of luxurious life. However, how realistic is such a repair? And what nuances should be taken into account when thinking through the design of your future bathroom? This article will reveal all the secrets of the high-tech style, the nuances of choosing finishing methods, purchasing plumbing fixtures and answer many other questions.

The style itself pays tribute to all achievements scientific progress recent decades - space flights, breakthroughs in digital technologies and the development of fantastic themes have contributed to the growth of its popularity since the 80s of the last century, when it began to rapidly displace classical motifs and turn the interior into some kind of spaceship.

And this is justified, because even the name hi-tech in translation from English means high technology. It's hard to imagine now modern family who would not like to refresh the interior of her apartment or house by introducing a bit of futurism into it.

So what is hi-tech and how does it differ from other styles? First of all, with his courage. It cannot be confused with any other style. Its main elements are:

  • purity;
  • large free spaces;
  • use of simple geometric shapes;
  • unsaturated colors;
  • elements of high technology;
  • functionality;
  • high illumination, the presence of spot and neon lighting;
  • use of glossy surfaces, chrome and metal;
  • complete disregard for natural materials.

Absolute cleanliness, almost sterility of the high-tech style fits perfectly into the theme of the bathroom. In view of this, the decision to change the design of the room in this direction is completely justified.

Specifically, a high-tech style bathroom can be made using the following elements:

  • hanging plumbing;
  • Built in furniture;
  • unusual shapes;
  • pipe structures that highlight the design.

Most often, light colors are used in a high-tech style - they expand the space and emphasize its neatness, which is also common in the bathroom. Glass and plastic are widely used. These are materials that emphasize the “digital” design of the room and have nothing in common with wood - it is not encouraged when planning a high-tech interior. Although in some cases it can still be used, it is still better to leave such experiments to specialists and, when thinking through the design yourself, try to avoid natural textures.

High-tech palette

The high-tech style is as simple as possible in terms of color. Here it is worth adhering to the rule “than the lighter the better". The ideal color for this style is white. It most emphasizes his desire for purity. Together with it, it is better to use all its derivatives, such as rich black or gray.

It is also acceptable to use more saturated shades - red, green, blue. Bright spots are not frowned upon and can fit perfectly into the interior, making it more futuristic. However, they must be used carefully. By going too far with accents, you can upset the color balance of the room, causing the interior to suffer. It is better to make one or two saturated spots than to fill the room with numerous blots and completely ruin the impression of the renovation, which, by the way, almost always costs a considerable amount.

It may seem monotonous color design will make the interior boring - but in reality this is far from the case. All the beauty of the room is given by its monochrome purity, which is greatly enhanced by the use of many sources of artificial lighting. They can emit cold diffused or directional light or serve as a bright spot of color - now we mean LED backlighting - to highlight specific parts of the room or, conversely, to hide them.

Let's talk about finishing

When installing a high-tech bathroom, you should first take care of interior decoration. Before taking any action, you need to clearly imagine the plan for the future premises. To do this, you can invite a specialist designer who will create a unique room design, or think it over yourself - on the Internet you can find many programs and resources for interior planning.

The entire finishing process can be divided into three stages. This is working with:

  • walls;
  • floor;
  • ceiling.

For the bathroom classic solution there will be walls made of ceramic tiles. This material fits perfectly into the high-tech theme. It is better to choose tiles without any patterns, plain, light and glossy. Of course, you can play with contrasts and make walls different colors. For example, traditionally black and white.

It is also better to lay the floor with tiles. Most often it is made dark, in contrast to the walls. However, there are other options besides ceramics. For example, self-leveling floors look impressive in a high-tech bathroom. They allow you to create a perfectly even glossy surface, which looks very stylish and expensive, complementing the high-tech interior.

As for the ceiling, it is also better to make it as smooth as possible, without seams or overlaps. Stretch ceilings will look very impressive.

They are perfect for the bathroom due to their qualities such as moisture resistance and durability. They are very easy to install; in custom stores you can choose any color of the canvas, matte or glossy surface. In addition, if spot lighting is planned in the bathroom, suspended ceilings will greatly simplify its installation.

Which plumbing equipment to choose

If with other styles you need to spend a long time and persistently selecting a bathtub, toilet and sink that suits the theme, patterns and shape, then a high-tech interior completely frees up your hands. You can buy what you like most, no matter how exotic the shape. The more futuristic the item looks, the better.

The main criteria for choosing high-tech plumbing fixtures are as follows:

  • simplicity of forms;
  • use of high technologies (sensors, electronics, etc.);
  • chrome, steel;
  • functionality.

A high-tech style bath can be either round or square, corner or stand in the middle of the room. Most often, ceramics are chosen as the material for bowls, but you can find them in stores beautiful models, made of steel, matte or glossy. Such a bathroom will definitely highlight the design. Installing a Jacuzzi will also be very important.

For those who appreciate quick hygiene, it is possible to install a shower stall. Modern models are able to please with many additional functions, starting from an ordinary radio and ending with television screens and the ability to receive calls. Any innovations are welcome.

It is better to choose faucets of exotic shapes, and it is better to choose ones whose design includes simple geometric shapes and right angles.

Instead of the usual levers or valves, touch panels or motion sensors can be used. Guests will be delighted if they decide to use such plumbing fixtures.

Bidets and toilets should also be chosen in the most interesting shapes. Can be mounted hanging options, they are compact due to the fact that cistern hidden in the wall and does not overload the bathroom space.

High tech furniture

A bathroom is rarely complete without a minimum set of furniture. These include:

  • closet;
  • small chest of drawers or rack;
  • hanging shelves.

When purchasing any of these items, you should not opt ​​for those made from natural materials. They will look too off-putting against the background of sterile walls and will ruin the interior. It is better to use furniture that is painted, without textures or patterns. Color may vary depending on the room design chosen.

The surface of the furniture can be matte or glossy. Hanging cabinet options are very welcome, especially if they are complemented with neon lighting - this creates a “levitation” effect, as if the furniture is floating in the air.

Decoration should be kept to a minimum, so lovers of flowers and various ornaments will have to restrain their ardor. But inlays made of shiny or matte metal or glass will look very attractive.

Question of light

The highlight of the high-tech style is the lighting. Light should flow from everywhere - floor, walls, ceiling, furniture. This is what makes the interior design so alive despite the unnaturalness of the materials used.

High-tech involves the use of lighting means such as:

  • numerous spotlights;
  • newfangled sconces with exotic lampshades;
  • futuristic chandeliers;
  • neon lighting of the ceiling, furniture.

The design of a high-tech bathroom gives complete freedom to the imagination, so anything can be illuminated. You can even install lighting in the floor, giving it depth and highlighting the interior.

Any bathroom will certainly have a mirror - it can also be illuminated, and in many ways - using LED cords or by mounting spectacular lamps into the wall. And, of course, don’t forget about spotlights.

High-tech is ideal for creating a bathroom interior. It is both simple and infinitely complex, filled with all sorts of high-tech elements and whimsical geometric shapes. This is a style for those who are not alien to something new, unusual and unique. The bathroom can be transformed from an ordinary hygiene room into something more, you just have to take a risk and decide to change.

Is it time to renovate your bathroom? To begin with, you need to choose the style in which yours will be created. unique design. Today I would like to talk about a style that is becoming increasingly popular.

It is successfully used in interior design premises. Peace, clarity of lines and grace, all this is an irresistible bathroom interior in a high-tech unique style.

However, in the world of design and interior decoration there are practically no prohibitions.

You can see a variety of fantasies that are realized by the introduction various styles, For example:

  • retro;
  • classicism;
  • Japanese style;
  • Egyptian;
  • minimalism;
  • Provence;
  • Chinese and many others.

The main and defining principle of this style is the high functionality of the bathroom with minimal placement of accessories and furniture. A high-tech style bathroom will add decisiveness, space and modernity to the interior of your room.

Please note: A bathroom in the Art Nouveau style is very similar to the design of a bathroom in a high-tech style. This is due to their functionality and clarity of lines. However, they also have a number of differences.

High-tech design of bathroom surfaces

Walls and floor

Classic materials of this style in the decoration of walls and floors are strict and cold materials, for example:

  • plastic;
  • concrete;
  • chromed metal;
  • glass;
  • mirror, etc.

Please note: The usual tile. However, it must meet several requirements: be clear in shape and have a glossy surface. Under these conditions, your walls and floors will be ideal for creating a high-tech style.


In the design of the ceiling one of optimal materials there may be a suspended ceiling - and the high-tech style bathroom looks impeccable. This material has a wide color palette, and its specific specularity will visually expand the space. In addition, it will ideally emphasize the style direction of the room.

This style would go well with dropped ceilings. They are very practical and functional.

They are a frame structure lined with panels made of materials such as:

  • mirror plate;
  • plastic;
  • metallized slats;
  • moisture-resistant plasterboard;
  • mineral moisture-resistant fiber, etc.

In high-tech style bathrooms, you can use almost any moisture-resistant materials to decorate the ceiling that will match color scheme premises.

High-tech bathroom furniture

Since one of the signs of this style is functionality, the choice of pieces of furniture must be approached responsibly. Furniture should be proportionally clear and certainly practical..

Tip: Classic bedside tables and cabinets will introduce some imbalance into the general form bathroom You should not stop your choice on these pieces of furniture.

The most acceptable solution would be all kinds of racks with chrome legs. Shelves can be either open or closed. However, the most the best option– These are mirrored or glass bathroom cabinets.

Plumbing items for a high-tech bathroom

Bath and/or shower

A shower stall or some kind of ultra-modern shower with lighting will fit perfectly into the overall image of a bathroom in this style.

Please note: Popular cast iron baths not a very good solution for the high-tech style. If, however, a shower cabin is not provided, then the best option is a chrome-plated bathtub model.

They will look no worse, which can be the most original forms And various sizes. They will harmoniously integrate into general idea style, and due to asymmetrical shapes they will allow you to realize any ideas.

Wash basin

The shape of the washbasin should also be somewhat unusual. Metal washbasins to some extent remind us of a kitchen sink.

In this regard, it is worth paying attention to, which seem to be created for the high-tech style.

Tip: Ceramic washbasins, to put it mildly, are not very suitable for this style. They can create dissonance.


When deciding which elements to place in the bathroom, you should remember that faucets with a silver chrome finish perfectly match the high-tech style.

It is better to leave golden and bronze elements for decorating rooms in a different style.

Color scheme for a bathroom in high-tech style

This style corresponds to a rather restrained palette of colors, mainly dominated by the following tones:

  • grey;
  • silver;
  • white;
  • black.

Deep and rich colors can serve as a bright accent:

  • red;
  • blue;
  • violet;
  • green, etc.

Important: It has great importance saturation accent color, the main thing is not to use halftones and pale shades.

Lighting for a high-tech bathroom

A high-tech bathroom, like a modern bathroom itself, often includes placement spotlights as the main light source. This is explained by the harmony of light with the glossy surface of the ceiling, which is inherent in these styles.

Please note: If the room is small, you can limit yourself to only overhead light.

However, if the room is spacious enough, it is advisable to divide it into zones. Each zone should have its own lighting.

Accessories for decorating bathrooms in high-tech style

Frankly speaking, this style does not require any additions, including accessories. High-tech style: the bathroom is self-sufficient and sophisticated.

Will successfully complement the beauty of the style of the container for liquid soap and a silver metal toothbrush cup. In short, any really necessary metal detail will highlight this style.


After reading this article, you are probably convinced that the style of a bathroom does not have to be bright and pompous. Mirror elements, strict lines, metallic accents - sometimes this is more than enough to create peace and elegance.

The variety of styles and interiors makes you think about determining the design of the premises. Sometimes they even introduce some indecision and instability into decision making. However, high-tech bathrooms will certainly make anyone who enters this room admire them.

All you have to do is identify the possibilities, reliably assess your desires and begin to implement an individual and unsurpassed style.

