Strengthening slopes. Strengthening a site on a slope Layers of soil on a slope

Dacha plots can be of the most intricate shape, not only in terms of their borders, but also in terms of topography. Often, these are not just flat areas on which you can build houses and plant plants, but also not particularly convenient ones, with hills, slopes and even serious cliffs.

If we talk about the standard six hundred square meters within the boundaries of the cooperative, then practically no such problems arise, but if the dacha is located outside the city, then it is often built near a forest or river. But here the terrain can change very much. That is why the site today talks about slopes and slopes that need to be strengthened.

Why strengthen slopes and slopes?

Many people have avoided this task for years, and nothing... that’s what those who are used to living in the classic dacha mode will say - coming here in the summer to plant potatoes, and leaving in the fall with the harvest, until spring. Well, we are a little different, and our dacha should not only be productive, but also very attractive. And also convenient, safe and extremely practical. This means that everything that we build, create and even plant should be useful for many years. And sometimes this requires additional care.

Strengthening slopes, slopes and banks is one of these concerns, especially for summer residents who own areas with difficult terrain. Here, there may be slides of soil, slides from the top point and directly into the yard or garden, erosion of the bank and washing out of the same lawn, melting of snow into a mud pile during the spring melt, and breakdown of plants. These are just a couple of reasons that already draw attention to the complexity of the problem. But it also happens that not only does a snow cap fall from a steep hill at a dacha, bringing with it a little dirt and roots, but also multi-ton, extremely dangerous landslides that we would like to prevent.

It is clear that such precedents take place in mountainous areas, or in areas of forested areas and even former construction sites, where there are hills, ravines, pits and other non-standards that lead away from a simple and flat topography. But at our dachas there are also places that should be treated with caution. Therefore, let's study methods that will help qualitatively strengthen the slopes with our own hands.

How to strengthen a small slope with plants

If the slope does not exceed 8-10%, it is most advisable to strengthen it with plants with a strong root system. Thanks to the planting of grasses, cereals, shrubs and small trees, living soil reinforcement is created inside the soil, which prevents landslides and unauthorized distortion of the relief.

In this regard, you should not remove plants on slopes, if there are any in your dacha. At first, after uprooting, changes may be observed, as you will disrupt the soil bond. But problems may arise in the future, when a lack of plants gives problem areas the opportunity to quickly deteriorate.

Strengthening with biomats

Plants can also be used to secure slopes up to 45%, but there are much more risks here. They exist because plants take a long time to form a root system, which must reinforce the soil. Atmospheric factors also work here - the presence of precipitation, wind, humidity associated with bodies of water located nearby or on the slope itself, as well as the groundwater level and even tremors.

Biomats are laid on the surface of the cleaned slope and evenly fixed. Next, seeds of various plants are sown over the entire area of ​​the material, which in the near future should create a single layer with the biomats. These can be not only special flowers and herbs, but also plants for landscape design of your dacha area that you yourself have chosen.

Fixation with geotextiles

Geotextile is a dense material based on polyester or polypropylene fibers. It is artificial, but is excellent for a wide variety of jobs, as it is quite durable and water permeable.

Thanks to geotextiles, it is possible to strengthen slopes of 173% or 60°. Geotextiles are laid out along the slope and subsequently reinforced with special anchors. After final installation and fixation, you can always plant plants on top of the material, or decorate the slope with stone, gravel, or tiles.

Strengthening with geomats

Another way to make a high-quality and reliable slope is the use of geomats. This material, which consists of several layers of polypropylene gratings, even somewhat resembles a washcloth.

But the positive side is that, along with high strength, geomats are also permeable to air, water and plant roots. That is, laying geomats on a slope will not only qualitatively strengthen it, but also, as in previous cases, plant all the necessary plants on top of the material, which will soon create a uniform and fairly dense layer.

An additional advantage of the material is the ability to use it on slopes up to 70°.

Application of geogrid

The geogrid allows you to work with exactly the same angle. It is a material made of polyester or glass, which is quite easy to work with.

Geogrid will help to quickly compact the top layer of soil, which is most susceptible to landslides and various types of destruction, as well as decorate it after major work.

The geogrid is laid in the following way: initially, the material itself is laid on a more or less prepared surface. Next, soil, sand or even crushed stone is poured into the geogrid cells. But it is most correct to place fertile soil in the cells, where plants can be planted immediately. This will make it possible to obtain the highest degree of strength of the slope strengthening in just a few months.

Application of geogrid

Experts say that geogrid is more reliable in use than geogrid. This material is a cellular frame that stretches over the surface. After laying on a slope, the geogrid can be fixed in different ways, but the most popular is fixation with fillers. What’s interesting is that almost anything can be used – soil, sand, pebbles, crushed stone.

Further landscaping is also possible, but, as you understand, this is possible with the use of almost any material to strengthen slopes and slopes.

Gabions on a summer cottage (video)

We strengthen the slopes with gabions

We have already talked about this topic, and also studied gabions in detail in other articles. We never cease to be amazed at the possibilities of simple metal structures filled with various materials inside. They are assembled quite simply, and can even be made independently in a summer cottage.

Regardless of the slope, they become a reliable fortification. Only the initial condition of the problem area, as well as its height, plays a role. The larger it is, the more difficult the task ahead, but if we are not talking about mountains, but a simple dacha terrain, then any problem is reduced to nothing by gabion structures.

You can install gabions vertically or lay them at the desired angle. But it is worth remembering that they have sufficient weight not only to restrain collapsing plumbs, but also to independently slide along the surface at an angle. Therefore, it is worth reliably strengthening each structure, creating a support in the form of a foundation under the lowest one.

Slopes and retaining walls

We will not dwell on this section for long, since an interesting thematic article has already been written on the topic. Let us only point out the fact that retaining walls are an excellent choice for a summer resident who has decided to combine “repairing” the soil with decorating the site. It is also worth adding that they should only be used for slopes of low height, with low soil pressure.

Other options for strengthening slopes, slopes and banks

Often the situation itself dictates to us the choice of materials for work and the solution to the problem. The reasons may be money, time, available materials, the condition of the site, its height, distance from buildings, bodies of water, or the need to combine complex work and decoration. Therefore, it is necessary to have many options at hand, by assessing the features of which it will be possible to determine the most suitable one:

  • If your dacha has a difficult terrain area, its boundaries can be strictly defined by trees. Over the course of several years, their root system will “bind” a solid foundation, thanks to which the slope will remain in the state we need for a long time. But remember that fixing with biomats while planting trees will provide a good safety net;
  • Strengthening the required slopes can also be done with the help of logs that are dug to the required depth. Each individual case requires accurate calculations, and therefore we are not ready to state the values ​​​​for the installation depth and diameter of the log... it’s just one of the good ways;
  • It is also convenient to make a sloping slope in the form of steps by installing the same gabions or retaining walls sequentially, for example, along the slope every few meters. This way you will secure the area and install an original shaped design at your dacha;
  • Partial fastening with geomaterials is also possible, which are selected depending on the angle of the slope. Small trenches are dug under them, and geomaterial is placed at the bottom. Next, the trench is filled up, and the edge of the material leaves the ground and goes upward, as if hugging all the soil laid in the trench. At a distance of several meters from the trench, that is, above it, the edge is pinned. After just a year, you get a dense layer that is reliable due to the reinforcement with the same mesh and plant roots.

There are many more methods, but today we have described the most popular and used ones. Therefore, take them into service.

Such work with relief is considered complex and therefore requires a serious approach. We recommend drawing up a work plan in advance and making accurate calculations, making sure to select only high-quality and appropriate materials for the soil strengthening process.

Reviews and comments

(4 ratings, average: 3,13 out of 5)

Lera 06.11.2015

We went to a friend’s dacha; the plot is located on the slope of a hill. Friends don’t just relax at their dacha, but grow vegetables, strawberries, herbs, and fruit trees. I was amazed by the complex structure of this site and its neighbors. The site consists of steps 2-3 meters wide. The ends of the steps are reinforced with something: some lined them with stone, others with boards, others with just slate. The soil was partially removed from the hill, partially imported. The beds with a flat surface are made on these steps.

Sveta 07.11.2015

Where do they get water for irrigation? Did you drill a well? Under the “Land for Large Families” program, we were offered a plot of land on a slope. But there is no water there, and I’m afraid that drilling a well will be problematic. There is nothing there yet, this land has just begun to be distributed, and, apparently, there are not many people who want to buy it.

Sveta 07.11.2015

Where do they get water for irrigation? Did you drill a well? Under the “Land for Large Families” program, we were offered a plot of land on a slope. But there is no water there, and I’m afraid that drilling a well will be problematic. There is nothing there yet, this land has just begun to be distributed, and, apparently, there are not many people who want to buy it.

An acquaintance told me that this was an old dacha partnership, and his parents and other dacha residents were also busy getting a well. Now there is a water tower on the hill, water is supplied on certain days. But if the summer residents did not strengthen the slope, did not create steps, then it would be impossible to plant and it would be useless to water.

Raushana 12/12/2016

Please advise what is the most effective way to strengthen a mountainside made of stones, the slope is 80 degrees, stones are periodically scorched.

Mari28 12/12/2016

Ideally, fortification with such a high slope, it is advisable to start with the foundation as the basis on which the slope is constructed. Stability refers to a solid foundation. For strengthening, use a three-dimensional geogrid, which is a structure made of polymer tapes in the form of honeycombs welded in a checkerboard pattern. Stretch and lay it evenly on the surface of the slope and secure it with L-shaped pegs. After the cell, fill with crushed stone, stones or soil. It should be filled from top to bottom, along the slope to the height of the geogrid, with the addition of 5 cm above the side of the cell. It should also be noted that the steeper the slope on your site, the higher the height of the edge of the flexible grid should be.

Raushan Mailina 12/12/2016

Ideally, fortification with such a high slope, it is advisable to start with the foundation as the basis on which the slope is constructed. Stability refers to a solid foundation. For strengthening, use a three-dimensional geogrid, which is a structure made of polymer tapes in the form of honeycombs welded in a checkerboard pattern. Stretch and lay it evenly on the surface of the slope and secure it with L-shaped pegs. After the cell, fill with crushed stone, stones or soil. It should be filled from top to bottom, along the slope to the height of the geogrid, with the addition of 5 cm above the side of the cell. It should also be noted that the steeper the slope on your site, the higher the height of the edge of the flexible grid should be.
What about stones? They have the peculiarity of often falling due to snow and rain

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A garden with a slope is always very expressive and interesting. The picture it represents is decorative, changeable and pleasing to the eye with its variety. But, undoubtedly, such a site brings more trouble.

How to choose plants to strengthen a slope

If you want to avoid unnecessary problems, you should take a responsible approach to landscaping planning. The fact is that from all the variety of types of ornamental or fruit and berry crops, you can choose exactly those that will effectively strengthen the slope. It is known that plants with a non-surface fibrous root system cope best with this task. And vice versa: bare areas without landscaping and plants with a taproot system will be subject to sliding and erosion.

When selecting an assortment of trees and shrubs for the garden, you should always pay attention to plants that grow in similar conditions in the surrounding nature. Most often you can see thickets on forest slopes:

  • fieldfare or maple,
  • sea ​​buckthorn

You should not move shrub tracts into your garden: they can be difficult to care for and not very decorative.

Ornamental plants to strengthen the slope

You can always create decorative groups of one or more types of trees and shrubs, which will only emphasize the charm and complexity of the garden on a slope. Groups of several types of plants are of different heights and very textured in appearance. Monospecific groups are simpler and more landscape.

Main trees and shrubs for strengthening the slope:

  • and Thunberg;
  • brittle willow, goat willow and purple willow;
  • Tatarian maple and Ginala;
  • silver goof;
  • juniper common, Cossack and horizontal;
  • wrinkled rose;
  • and Hungarian;

The greater the slope of the green area, the faster the water flow. Therefore, plants for planting should be chosen that are resistant to lack of moisture and nutrients.

What plants are not suitable for strengthening a slope?

Plants with a taproot system should not be planted on a slope:

  • birch,
  • hawthorn,
  • pear,
  • larch,
  • field maple or Norway maple,
  • small-leaved linden,
  • black alder,
  • fir,
  • Rowan,
  • plum.

Trees and shrubs with a shallow root system are also undesirable for planting:

  • pine (only on sandy soils),
  • warty birch,
  • derain,
  • red oak,

Construction on slopes is always associated with certain difficulties, and growing a garden on such terrain is sometimes not easy either. But humanity has come up with different options for strengthening uneven areas of soil and you should know them in order to choose the best one for your garden.

Why are slopes dangerous in landscape design?

Slopes and slopes are always unstable. Their relief changes over time. Sometimes this happens very quickly. They are destroyed by streams of rainwater, sag after snow melts, and crumble due to temperature changes and human activity. These problems are especially pronounced where the slope was leveled, where new soil or crushed stone was poured. Such embankments always “slide” if they are not strengthened. Why is this happening?

The base of the slope is the earth and stones that have been lying there for decades. They are caked and hold firmly. On top of this, crushed stone and sand are usually poured to form a relief, fertile soil for planting. This poured part is looser, it absorbs a lot of moisture, and after heavy rainfall it slides down under its own weight and under the influence of the water flow. This is how the created landscape is destroyed. The roots of the planted plants are damaged.

In addition to the fact that the slope designed by the designer is destroyed, we must not forget that all this soil is moving somewhere, sometimes quite rapidly. And down there, under the collapsed soil, there may be a garden path or a vegetable garden.

The choice of a specific method depends on the following factors:

  • slope steepness;
  • soil features;
  • proximity to groundwater;
  • the likelihood of the area being washed away by melt water or the proximity of a reservoir.

Plants for strengthening slopes

Everyone knows that trees and shrubs with a large and branched root system are good at fixing uneven terrain. What could be simpler: choose plants that strengthen the slope, plant them and forget about the problem. But in reality it is not so simple. Firstly, this method is only suitable for gentle slopes. Secondly, the bushes need time for their roots to grow deep into the soil and become established in it, so that they are firmly intertwined with neighboring plants. Meanwhile, the rains come, the earth moves down, damaging the root system of young bushes.

Sown grass or annuals develop quickly, but only strengthen the top layer of soil. This means that other, more reliable methods of strengthening slopes are required.

Often a construction site or vegetable garden is located on uneven terrain. This applies to ravines, slopes, and banks of reservoirs. Often such an area is subject to landslides. And areas on the banks of reservoirs are often mobile, which is explained by the nearby groundwater. That’s why it’s worth thinking about strengthening the slopes and slopes on your site.

Features of strengthening slopes of varying steepness

Various methods are used to strengthen slopes and slopes. When choosing them, the slope of the site, groundwater level, and geological features of the soil are taken into account. Don’t discount the risk of the area being washed away, which happens when water bodies overflow.

First, pay attention to the slope of your site. If the slope is small and medium (up to 8%), then the slope can be strengthened by planting shrubs and trees of vertical and horizontal action. Sometimes situations arise when it is impossible to sow the slopes of a site with plants. Then you can go the route of digging blocks of concrete, stones and logs into the ground. Such stone structures will also be an excellent decoration for the site.

If the size of the slopes is large (8-15%), it is worth thinking about the advisability of internal soil reinforcement and the use of artificial structures. These are geogrids, lawn gratings, gabion structures, geomats, geotextiles. Combining several options will allow you to increase the ability of the slope to withstand the load. It is advisable to fill geogrids and gabions with any material of your choice - concrete, pebbles or stones.

Plants for strengthening slopes

To strengthen inclined surfaces, choose plants that have a well-developed root system. It is recommended to plant them in special cellular reinforcement structures. The principle of strengthening a slope with plants is as follows. The roots will intertwine with the reinforcement structure, preventing soil erosion.

The leaders among plants used to strengthen the slopes of summer cottages are ground cover species. This particularly applies to junipers. In addition, perennials such as cedar, pine, snowberry, hawthorn, chaenomeles, lilac, rose hips, blackberries, fieldfare, quince, sea buckthorn, vinegar tree, deutzia, and tree peony are suitable.

Fences as a retaining wall

Slopes and slopes on a personal plot can be strengthened by installing a fence made of brick, concrete slabs, sandstone and limestone. Such structures have many advantages. Firstly, they are durable, secondly, they perfectly resist natural destructive factors without interfering with the growth of plants and garden crops, and thirdly, they require minimal care. In addition, you can decorate them by setting up a flower bed, adding a decorative staircase and arranging a composition with lanterns.

When building a fence to strengthen the dacha area, take into account some requirements: the presence of a solid foundation, the minimum height of the fence is one meter, the thickness of the structure is close to 1/3 of the height, the presence of a drainage system for draining rainwater from the slope, if possible, constructing a fortifying fence in several rows .

Strengthening the slope with stone

To strengthen the slopes at the dacha, they are dug into the ground with stones, strictly adhering to the direction - across the slope. When choosing the location of stones, take into account the type of soil and its condition. Select stones taking into account the appearance of the garden, because they should fit harmoniously into the overall picture of the area. For drainage, you can dig a tray to direct the flowing water down.

The method of strengthening with stones can be used on slopes with different levels of slope, including those with a large angle. Not only stones, but also logs and boards dug across the slope will help hold the soil. Wooden dies will also work.

Geotextiles for strengthening slopes

To protect the slope from landslides and destruction, you can use geotextiles - a non-woven material that is sold in rolls. It is made from polyester and polypropylene fibers by needlepunching.

Geotextiles have the following high qualities:

  • Frost resistance;
  • Resistance to aggressive environments;
  • Ability to withstand large stretches, up to 120%;
  • Not susceptible to fungi and mold;
  • Does not rot;
  • Does not tear or puncture;
  • Water resistance;
  • Easy to install and cut with a hand saw.

The shear strength of this material is quite high, and this helps the soil to withstand heavy loads that it itself cannot bear, that is, the soil receives increased bearing capacity. In addition, when strengthening the slopes on the site with geotextiles, mixing of soil layers when water drains is prevented. Geotextile material is suitable for strengthening slopes whose inclination reaches up to 60 degrees.

The procedure for laying geotextiles is as follows:

  1. Level the surface to be strengthened.
  2. If you fill the site flush with the surface, then remove the soil to a depth of 20-50 cm. Cover the excavation with geotextiles, pour gravel or crushed stone on top. Lay geotextiles on top again and fill with sand. Lay tiles or paving stones on it. For this you can use cement mortar.
  3. When arranging a site that will be higher than the ground, lay geotextiles, maintaining an overlap of 20 cm. Make formwork around the perimeter. As in the first case, pour stone or sand onto the geotextile, then lay more geotextile material, then sand again and finally tiles.
  4. Secure the parts of the geotextile that overlap with staples. You can also lay some bulk material along the seam.

Geomats for slopes and slopes

To prevent soil erosion, it is recommended to use geomats. This polymer material is similar in structure to a washcloth, which has many voids. It is made from layers of polypropylene gratings, they are superimposed on each other and connected thermally.

Geomats are resistant to ultraviolet radiation, water and aggressive environments, are environmentally friendly, non-toxic (can be laid near drinking water sources). This material does not lose its properties over a wide temperature range.

Geomat is suitable for strengthening steep slopes - about 70°. The roots of plants that grow on the site are intertwined with geomat fibers. The result is a strong system that protects against erosion. In addition, this way you can forget about weathering.

When laying geomats, adhere to the following instructions:

  1. Level the site by first removing debris. When constructing a fill slope, compact the surface using a hand roller.
  2. Dig a trench at the top and along the lower edge of the slope, which is about 30 cm deep. Do not forget to arrange drainage using trays and ditches to drain water down.
  3. Roll out the roll and then cut if necessary.
  4. Stretch the roll to avoid any unevenness or wrinkles. The material should fit tightly to the surface, repeating the profile of the slope.
  5. Lay geomats with the smooth side down. The overlap in the longitudinal direction should be about 15 cm, and in the transverse direction - 20 cm.
  6. Secure the upper edge of the geomat in the trench. Use anchor bolts or dowels. In addition, it will be possible to attach the material with wooden spikes driven into the ground. The number of anchors on an average slope reaches 2 anchors per 1 square meter of surface.
  7. Secure the lower edges of the canvas to the bottom of the anchor trench, use the same fasteners as for fastening the upper edge of the geomats.
  8. Fill the anchor trenches with soil, maintaining a layer of 2-5 cm. After this, it must be compacted.
  9. If there is a risk of water drainage, backfill with crushed stone. It should have a fraction of 2-6 mm.
  10. After this, sow the soil with seeds, using approximately 40 g of seeds per 1 square meter.

Geogrid for soil reinforcement

To reinforce soil on steep slopes (up to 70°), it is recommended to use geogrid - a grid with square cells. It is designed for the construction of buildings on soft soil. With small deformations, geogrids can withstand significant loads and are resistant to aggressive influences.

Features of the geogrid are as follows:

  • The material is permeable over the entire surface;
  • Environmentally safe;
  • Able to follow the terrain of the site;
  • Acts as a natural habitat for plants;
  • Possibilities for increasing soil stability and strengthening;
  • Ease of installation.

The procedure for laying mesh to strengthen slopes is as follows:

  1. Level and compact the surface of the slope. Use hand rollers for this or you can do it manually.
  2. Distribute the rolls along the length of the area. The height of the geogrid is usually determined during design, choosing depending on the load. Rolling out rolls can be done manually, as well as installing sheets. The geogrid is laid out end to end.
  3. In addition, for rigid fixation of the structure, you can connect the canvases to each other using anchors with diameters of 3-5 mm. The fastening step is 1-1.5 m. If high wind loads prevail in the region, then use anchors in the form of U-shaped brackets.
  4. Align the sheets with slight tension lengthwise. Make sure that the material adheres to the surface as tightly as possible.
  5. After this, the geogrid is covered with heaps of crushed stone, then with stone, then with soil. The thickness of the backfilled layer must be at least 20 cm.
  6. If the area covered with geogrid is large, then level the filled soil with a bulldozer. In the case of a small area, work manually.
  7. If you have laid sod over geogrid and sowed grass for your lawn, water the area. In about a month, the root system will bind the soil and geogrid together.

Geogrid for soil stabilization

In order to combat slope deformation, a geogrid is most often used, which strengthens the soil and its downward movement and is more stable than a geogrid. Low load capacity soil is replaced with high load capacity soil. When stretched, the material forms a stable frame. It is fixed on the ground with filler - concrete, sand, crushed stone, soil.

Features of geogrid for strengthening slopes:

  • Non-toxic material;
  • Resistance to ultraviolet radiation and aggressive environments;
  • Ability to pass water;
  • The geogrid does not decompose and does not silt;
  • Ability to follow the contour of the site's relief;
  • Resistance to soil displacement during freezing, washing, thawing;
  • Allows plants to germinate.

The process of strengthening slopes with geogrid looks like this:

  1. Level the surface of the area, as in the previous options, mark the boundaries.
  2. Install the anchor marks, which are 600-900 mm long, made of durable plastic or steel. Wooden pegs can be used as load-bearing anchors.
  3. The anchor installation scheme is developed taking into account the steepness of the slopes and the hydrological conditions of the site. But in any case, the anchors are installed along the contour of the geogrid modules. The anchor fastening step is 1-2 meters.
  4. Stretch the geogrid over the installed anchors. Lay the material from top to bottom.
  5. It is necessary to place water-permeable geotextiles in the base for additional arrangement of the reinforcing layer. It is preferable to use non-woven geotextiles, which have a density of about 200-400 g/m.
  6. To fill the cells of geogrids, it is customary to use crushed stone, concrete or plant soil. In the latter case, you can grow various plants or arrange a lawn.
  7. All geogrid cells, except the outer ones, must be filled with an excess of at least 5 cm. This will protect the material from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.
  8. At the last stage, the “pie” is compacted. For this purpose, rollers with pneumatic tires or vibratory rollers are used. The equipment should have sufficient weight, but do not overdo it so that a wave does not form on the surface of the geogrid. However, on slopes that are too steep, proceed manually.

Gabion structures for slopes

Gabions are an ecological modular system in the form of a mesh box with hexagonal cells for soil reinforcement. It is often used in conjunction with geogrids, geogrids and geotextiles. The material used is double twisted steel wire, which ensures high structural strength.

The qualities of gabion structures are:

  • The metal mesh is able to withstand any load, tearing is excluded;
  • High level of strength, since the design is very similar to a monolithic one;
  • High water permeability;
  • Over the years, the efficiency of gabions and soil compaction increase;
  • Gabions allow plants to grow while restraining any soil movement.

Installing a gabion structure is not too difficult to do it yourself:

  1. First, level the surface and fill it with sand. You can also use crushed stone.
  2. Strengthen the lower gabions to the soil with rods 16-19 mm in diameter, driven into the corners.
  3. Connect the gabions together. To do this, use a wire with a diameter of at least 3 mm. You can connect manually or automatically, similar to a stapler.
  4. Fill the gabion frame with backfill. It is recommended to use a hard, heavy, water-resistant stone. The stones must be of high density and frost resistance. Thus, you should give preference to igneous rocks.
  5. Place larger stones at the edge of the structure. Fill the basket itself with small ones. To ensure that the material fits tightly together, compact the top layer of stone before installing the lid.
  6. If desired, you can make a homemade gabion structure. Such products are welded panels made in the form of a box made of stretched metal mesh.
  7. Place homemade gabions on the slope, after removing the turf. Tie them together, fill the voids with backfill. Both crushed stone and cobblestones, as well as vegetable soil, are suitable. If soil was used, compact it and reseed it with grass. The result is a steel frame, which will support the slope.

Thus, the problem of slopes and steep slopes on your site should be addressed immediately. Fortunately, the modern market offers a lot of materials for strengthening the soil - geogrids, geogrids, geomats, geotextiles. But, in addition, do not forget about the good old techniques that our grandparents used - plant plants with a strong root system, use logs and stone blocks.
