Technology of propagation of dahlias by tubers. Perennial dahlia flowers - planting with tubers, cultivation and care in open ground, propagation: time, scheme, depth of planting dahlias in the flowerbed, description. Perennial dahlias - preparing tubers for planting: ra

In order for your flower garden to be decorated with magnificent dahlias, planting and growing must follow all the rules. Lush bushes are suitable for the center of a flowerbed composition or as a decorative screen between zones summer cottage. Dwarf varieties can be used for borders and for decoration. interior interiors they are grown in pots. Breeders have developed varieties with all sorts of petal shapes and flower structures; it is difficult to list all the shades of dahlias: from snow-white to almost black.

There is one point where the plant shows character: its inflorescences do not want to take on a blue color. Both experienced breeders and amateur gardeners are struggling with this problem, but there is no solution yet. Try to experiment: cross-pollinate, graft, use different varieties of seeds, perhaps you will be able to create an unprecedented color.

Obtaining seed

How to choose the right course in a sea of ​​dahlia sizes, shapes and colors? First of all, think: you want to dig up tubers every fall and store them in the right conditions, what about planting in the spring? Keep in mind that the main work will have to be done at the most difficult time: it’s time to harvest potatoes, cabbage, beets, prepare the beds for the new season - and flower tubers also cannot remain in the ground, the first frosts can destroy them. The warm time has come, when, according to the proverb, one day will feed the whole year - and the roots are already asking to be buried in the ground. Don’t be afraid of difficulties - a perennial variety is at your service. If additional worries are not to your liking, annuals from seeds will help out.

If you want your area to be decorated with annuals, grow flowers from seeds. You can sow grains directly into the ground in the spring, but then the flowerbed will be painted with a flowering carpet by the end of summer, and in Siberia and the northern regions the plants may not have time to bloom. This method is suitable if the lawn contains plants that bloom from May to July. How to plant dahlias so that the colorful composition pleases the eye all summer? Grow flowers through seedlings.

In April, take containers with disinfected sand, pour a bag of seeds onto the surface and cover with a layer of sand. Water well, cover with film or a lid and place in a warm place with a temperature of 25⁰ to 27⁰. In about 2 weeks, shoots will appear. When the third true leaf comes out, pick the seedlings into separate cups and grow them until planting them in the flowerbed.

Tubers perennial species need to be divided into parts every spring. The rhizomes grow greatly over the season, and many roots can be separated from one bush for planting. When tubers germinate, many lateral shoots appear, which gardeners cut off. They can be rooted and planted in open ground. Therefore, propagation of perennial dahlias can be carried out using three methods:

  1. From seeds in the same way as annuals.
  2. By dividing the rhizome.
  3. Cuttings.

Before looking for the answer to the question of how to plant dahlias, choose the right place for planting. These flowers do not tolerate stagnant, damp air; they need to be planted in a ventilated area. Just don’t arrange a flowerbed in a narrow gap between buildings: these flowers will not grow in a draft or in places where the sun rarely reaches. Excellent conditions for them will be on an open, bright lawn or on the south side of the house, where dense bushes hold back strong gusts of wind. It is advisable to change the planting site every season, and only after 3 years will it be possible to return to the previous site.

The soil should have a neutral reaction, a slight deviation in the acidic direction is allowed. Check the pH, if the value is below 5, add lime to the soil, if more than 7, add peat. When digging in autumn, place half a bucket of compost or humus per 1 m2. In the spring you can also add compost and some ash. Do not overdo it with alkaline fertilizers; they can be sprinkled safely only on very acidic soils.

You need to start preparing the tubers for planting in early spring, in April. Inspect the rhizomes, separate diseased, dry and damaged parts, and treat with a disinfectant. Fill the containers with nutritious soil, plant the tubers so that the tops rise slightly above the ground. Place the boxes in a bright, warm place, moisten the soil and watch when the plants bud. Then cut the rhizome so that each part has a nascent shoot.

Bury the planting material again in boxes with soil, and before planting in open ground, leave the central sprouted bud and cut off all the side shoots. If you need many dahlias, stick the cut sprouts into the sand, remove them in the dark and keep the soil in the dark. wet. Once the shoots take root, they are planted in a permanent place.

Tubers and seedlings from seeds into open ground middle lane planted in early May. In the Urals, Siberia and northern regions, you need to navigate the weather: the soil should warm up well and the threat of frost should pass. Before planting, prepare holes for planting tubers. They should be 40 cm in both diameter and depth. Cover the bottom with compost or rotted manure, and lightly sprinkle earth on top. Bury the rhizome so that the lower part of the sprouts is buried a few centimeters in the ground. For tall bushes, immediately install stakes for garter. Water the plantings cold water and add a layer of mulch of at least 5 cm.

Flower care

In hot, dry weather, dahlias should not be made to suffer from thirst. You can water infrequently, 2 times a week is enough, but the amount of water should be sufficient to saturate the soil to the planting depth. If the soil is not covered with mulch, hilling will help reduce moisture evaporation. Before watering, rake the mound around the stem and level it with the soil surface. Moisten the soil, and then hill up the flowers again.

For lush flowering dahlias need good food, before the buds appear, fertilize 2 times a month. First apply complex fertilizer, after 2 weeks water with slurry. When will they appear flower buds, dilute 30 g of phosphorus and potassium fertilizers in a bucket of water and distribute this amount over 8 plants.

If you want to have a bright flowerbed covered with many inflorescences, dahlias do not need to be pruned. The flowers will be smaller, but in the general mass no one will notice this defect. For bouquets, it is important that each flower is large and even. Select no more than 2 of the largest and highest quality buds on each shoot, remove the rest. Do not let the plants produce lower shoots, which take away the strength of the main stem; cut off the emerging shoots. Flowers that have begun to fade continue to use nutrients that could be used to form new buds. If you notice that the petals are starting to dry out, immediately cut off the inflorescence. Annuals from seeds do not need to be pruned.

Problems when growing dahlias

If you don’t tie up dahlias in time in the spring, the wind or heavy rain may break fragile stems. Do not rush to throw away the fallen appendage; provide it with the same assistance as for a broken bone in animals or humans. Take a strong splinter and bandage it to the stem so that it takes correct position. Tie the plant well to the stake so that the damaged shoot does not sway or bend. With proper and timely garter, the shoot will recover and will soon begin to develop in the same way as undamaged plants.

Succulent stems and leaves attract many pests. Who can attack the flowers?

  • earwigs,
  • caterpillars,
  • thrips,
  • ticks,

Advice. If there are not a lot of pests, try to deal with them without chemicals. In the evening, you can spray the bushes with decoctions of bitter herbs: celandine, wormwood. A solution of laundry soap helps against aphids.

Wintering tubers

Tubers do not tolerate cold and when wintering in open ground will die. If there is a threat of frost, they need to be dug out of the soil and stored. The first frost is not scary for the rhizomes, but after it the “Indian summer” usually sets in. Plants can mistake temporary warming for the onset of a warm season and begin to produce sprouts. After that on next year you may not wait for a full-fledged flowering bush.

Do not rush to cut off the above-ground part: the cuts are very sensitive, they can rot from dew and rain. Choose a warm, sunny day so the rhizomes can dry out. fresh air. The juicy stem breaks easily, and if you immediately put the tubers in bags for transportation, half of them will be damaged. In the morning, cut off the entire above-ground part, leaving a part of the stem no more than 10 cm high.

At a distance of 30 cm from the root collar, use a shovel to cut upper layer soil around the plant. Cut deep into the soil to cut off long root shoots. Carefully pick up the tubers with a fork and uproot them. Remove large lumps of earth with your hands, and then rinse the rhizomes with a hose. Within a day, the tubers will dry out, become less fragile, and they can be transferred to wintering. In storage, carefully examine each rhizome, remove diseased, rotten and damaged parts, and treat the cuts and root collar with crushed charcoal.

Tubers overwinter well in a ventilated place with a temperature of +5⁰ and a humidity of about 70%. To absorb excess moisture, you can bury them in dry peat or sawdust. Inspect the rhizomes periodically, and if they begin to dry out, lightly moisten the peat. It is not always possible to find storage with good ventilation, and without ventilation, dahlias will rot. To save planting material from stagnation humid air, every other day, blow a fan on them for half an hour.

Advice. If there is no suitable storage, dip the rhizomes in melted paraffin and put them in a bag, sprinkled with dry sand. The film will prevent the tubers from drying out or rotting. Before planting, lightly squeeze or rub the tuber to crack the coating.


In order for your site to be decorated with lush dahlias, cultivation and care must be carried out according to all the rules. Annual species grown from seed require less attention than perennials. They are not tall, these flowers do not need support. In the fall, you just need to dig up and destroy the faded plants, and plant new seedlings next spring. These types are well suited for framing flower beds, borders, and small flower beds. Your task is to water and feed the plants on time, and a bright carpet will be provided.

Perennial varieties can also be grown from seeds or cuttings, but the easiest way to propagate flowers is by dividing the rhizomes. Such species are more diverse and beautiful than varieties growing from seeds for one season, but they also require more attention. In winter, you need to ensure that the tubers are properly stored and periodically inspect and remove rotten areas. Choose according to your time and capabilities which varieties you will grow, and whether you can provide the necessary care for dahlias. In any case, and dwarf flowering plants, and tall bushes will decorate the summer cottage.

Dahlia propagation

By cuttings, dividing the root tuber and very rarely by grafting.

Seed propagation is used mainly for a group of non-double varieties and for breeding work. To prepare seedlings, seeds are sown in March - April in boxes with a mixture of peat and sand (3:1). To avoid diseases, the seeds are pickled for 5-10 minutes in a formaldehyde solution (10 ml of 40% drug per 1 liter of water) and dried on filter paper. Seedlings usually dive into peat humus cubes or small pottery pots. Planted in open ground after the end of spring frosts.

For cuttings at the end of February - beginning of March, the root tubers are laid, after treatment with 0.1 (potassium permanganate solution for 15 minutes, on racks or in boxes, covered 1/3 of the height with nutritious light soil, watered moderately. The room temperature is maintained at about 20 -25′ C. When the buds begin to grow, watering is increased and the temperature is reduced to 15-18′ C. Cuttings are taken after 3-4 weeks, from late March to mid-May.

To improve root formation, stimulants are used, for which I use the potassium salt of heteroauxin dissolved in water. It quickly decomposes in light, so all operations are carried out with minimal lighting and in opaque containers. First, prepare 200 g of coal powder and sift it through a fine sieve (0.5 mm). Then mix it with a solution of heteroauxin (1 g of potassium salt per 200 ml of snow water). 100 g of potassium or sodium humate, a solution of ammonium molybdate (5 g per 100 ml of water) and 50 g of talc are added to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly. The resulting mixture is dried without heating in the dark and ground into powder. This amount of stimulant is enough to process 15 thousand cuttings. Powder is poured into the jar in a layer of up to 5 mm, so that the cutting comes into contact with it only at the cut end.

Since cuttings of dahlias develop not only on the root collar, but also on the root tuber, prepare a spicy cutting tool with a straight and curved blade (it can be made from halves of curved scissors and tweezers). A blunt instrument will crush the plant tissue, leading to rot. The stalk is cut with a heel. The larger it is, the more successfully the plant takes root. However, on the other hand, an increase in the heel leads to a decrease in the number of harvested cuttings, since dormant buds are cut off from the root tuber, from which new shoots will later develop. With careful work, you can get up to 50 cuttings from one root tuber. The instrument must be disinfected with alcohol after each operation.
It must be taken into account that the use of hormones and the right technology Taking cuttings will not bring the expected result if the variety has a low ability to form roots.

For rooting, cuttings are taken whose stem is at least 3 mm in diameter and 8-10 cm long. Thinner ones produce plants that bloom very late or do not have time to bloom at all. In a greenhouse, it is advisable to take cuttings early in the morning or in the evening. Shoots cut during the day in sunny weather often die during rooting. This can be explained by the fact that at such a time the greenhouse becomes very hot, air humidity decreases, water evaporation from the leaves increases, and the shoots are in a depressed state. (The same can be said for cutting flowers.) 15-20 minutes before cutting, the root tubers must be sprinkled with water, preferably snow or rain, to increase the turgor in the plant cells.

Cuttings planted in boxes are watered abundantly warm water from a small watering can. A tag with the date of cuttings is placed in the box. The cuttings should be kept in a shaded place for two days, then under diffused light for 5 days. And only after that they can be exhibited on sunlight, but no more than 8 hours a day. During the rooting period, the substrate should be heated.

The cuttings should be watered using a sprayer early in the morning and in the evening. If the temperature in the greenhouse rises above 30°, the plants need to be sprayed more often. Cuttings that have withered for any reason must be removed immediately.

Rooting occurs on average after 10-15 days. From boxes, cuttings are planted in pots, from greenhouses - in open ground. Before planting, plants must be hardened off. Rooted cuttings in early June are planted in groups or rows at a distance of 60-80 cm.

Root tubers are divided shortly before planting, cutting sharp knife into two to three parts so that each “division” consists of a root tuber and a piece of root collar with two to three eyes. All cuts are sprinkled with crushed charcoal and sulfur (1:1). Planting in place is carried out at the end of May - beginning of June, deepening the root collar by 3-5 cm (rooted cuttings to the first pair of leaves).

Dahlias are probably the only ones out of a huge number garden plants, grown in personal plots, delighting gardeners with such long flowering. Dahlias bloom around the beginning - mid-June and continue to bloom until the first autumn frosts, sometimes until mid-October. This plant surprises with its variety of colors, shades, petals and petal shapes and flower shapes. Each one is different from the other, original and beautiful.

Dahlias planting and care:
Like all garden plants, planting dahlias requires adherence to a certain sequence and technology. Landing is underway experienced gardeners in the following way. Overwintered tubers are removed from storage in early April. In the area designated for planting, a trench is dug, 30 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Tubers are placed there, strictly according to variety.

Next, sprinkle it and throw a layer of plastic film on top, so that something like a greenhouse is formed. The edges of the film are sprinkled with earth. Dahlia tubers are left for two to three weeks until green sprouts appear. In sunny weather, make sure that the young shoots do not burn. Therefore, the film is removed immediately after their appearance and the sprouts are covered only in dangerously cold weather. After the first shoots appear, gardeners recommend starting to divide the tubers. To do this, they need to be dug up and pre-rinsed under running water. Next, use a sharp knife to cut the tuber so that there are one or more sprouts per tuber.

From one bush, depending on the variety, you get from three to ten tubers with sprouts. Before planting, it is recommended to treat dahlia tubers divided in this way with a solution of potassium manganese. For planting, prepare deep holes, approximately the size of a shovel with a depth and a diameter of two bayonets. Add humus or compost to the prepared hole. A separate tuber with a sprout is placed in the place for planting and sprinkled with earth so that the place where the sprout is attached to the neck of the tuber is immersed in the soil by at least 5 cm. The earth is sprinkled in such a way that a shallow hole remains. If the soil is not too dry, there is no need to water.
Dahlia bush care

Storing dahlia tubers

See photos of dahlias planting and care below.

Dahlias planting and care

Let's consider when to plant dahlias in open ground.
Dahlias are probably the only one of the huge number of garden plants grown in personal plots that delight gardeners with such long-lasting flowering. Dahlias bloom around the beginning - mid-June and continue to bloom until the first autumn frosts, sometimes until mid-October. This plant surprises with its variety of colors, shades, petals and petal shapes and flower shapes. Each one is different from the other, original and beautiful.

Planting dahlias

Like all garden plants, planting dahlias requires adherence to a certain sequence and technology. Experienced gardeners carry out planting as follows. Overwintered tubers are removed from storage in early April. In the area designated for planting, a trench is dug, 30 cm deep and 60 cm wide. Tubers are placed there, strictly according to variety. Next, sprinkle it and throw a layer of plastic film on top, so that something like a greenhouse is formed. The edges of the film are sprinkled with earth. Dahlia tubers are left for two to three weeks until green sprouts appear.

In sunny weather, make sure that the young shoots do not burn. Therefore, the film is removed immediately after their appearance and the sprouts are covered only in dangerously cold weather. After the first shoots appear, gardeners recommend starting to divide the tubers. To do this, they need to be dug up and pre-rinsed under running water. Next, use a sharp knife to cut the tuber so that there are one or more sprouts per tuber. From one bush, depending on the variety, you get from three to ten tubers with sprouts. Before planting, it is recommended to treat dahlia tubers divided in this way with a solution of potassium manganese.

For planting, prepare deep holes, approximately the size of a shovel with a depth and a diameter of two bayonets. Add humus or compost to the prepared hole. A separate tuber with a sprout is placed in the place for planting and sprinkled with earth so that the place where the sprout is attached to the neck of the tuber is immersed in the soil by at least 5 cm. The earth is sprinkled in such a way that a shallow hole remains. If the soil is not too dry, there is no need to water.

Dahlia bush care

A dahlia bush is formed into a maximum of three trunks, and preferably two - this way the trunks are more powerful. During the growing season, new shoots may sprout, which can subsequently thicken the bush excessively. They need to be removed. Another measure that must be taken is tying. As the dahlia bush grows, it is tied to a peg driven nearby, otherwise large and heavy bushes may break under their own weight. Due to the constant formation of ovaries, the flowering of the dahlia bush continues continuously and for a long time.

Storing dahlia tubers

After the first frost occurs, the roots are dug up. To do this, the bushes are cut, leaving cuttings of 20 - 25 cm. The roots must be dug up from all sides and carefully removed from the soil. If possible, the soil is left on the roots. The extracted rhizomes are laid out on earthen floor in the cellar, where they survive safely winter period.

Annual dahlias - planting and care

With your own hands

Planting and caring for dahlias

For dahlias, it is advisable to allocate an area protected on all sides, with a flat surface and a slight southern or southeastern slope. Groundwater should be no higher than 60 - 70 cm from the soil surface. At a higher position, the level of flower beds or ridges must be raised.

Dahlias prefer structurally fertile and moisture-absorbing soil. Holes for planting are dug 40x40 cm in size. A third of a bucket of manure is placed at the bottom, which is sprinkled with light humus soil with the addition of superphosphate (20 g per hole) and ash (1 tablespoon). The mixture is mixed well.
In the Middle Urals, root tubers are planted in open ground after June 1 - 10. Previously (May 15 - 20), as soon as the soil warms up, ungrown parts of root tubers with clearly defined eyes are planted. After 10 - 12 days, shoots appear from them. In this case, when there is a threat of frost, the plants are covered.

Cylinders made of roofing felt and roofing felt provide good shelter. The dimensions of the cylinders depend on the size of the plants. They are easy to put on and take off without breaking the leaves. After frost, the cylinders are unrolled and folded for storage.

Plants in a row are planted at a distance of 60 - 100 cm. At least 100 cm is left between the rows. When planting, the neck of the non-tuber is 4 - 6 cm below the soil level. Landing is carried out in the evening or in cloudy weather. Plants grown from divided root tubers and cuttings are watered abundantly with water before planting, and then transferred with a lump of earth to a prepared hole.

Those planted are immediately tied to stakes in two or three places. As the plants grow, the garter is continued. When planting, a label is attached to the top of the stake indicating the name of the variety. After planting and throughout the growing season, the plants are regularly and abundantly watered.

The frequency of watering depends on the temperature and humidity of the soil and air. During the growing season, the soil is kept in a loose, weed-free state. As a rule, it is loosened after each watering or fertilizing. After the formation of buds, loosening is stopped. The soil is mulched with humus or peat.

For plants grown from root tubers, no more than two of the strongest shoots are left. All others are removed as soon as possible. For cuttings, one stem is left, but sometimes to give the bush splendor, the top of the plant is pinched above the third node. In this case, two stems develop.

In large-flowered varieties, to increase the size of the inflorescences, all side shoots (stepchildren) are removed at the very beginning of their appearance and closer to the stem. Pinching is carried out regularly, starting from the moment of planting in open ground until the buds appear in the leaf axils of the main stems. Pompon, collared, dwarf and all small-flowered varieties do not shoot.

When growing dahlias for cutting or for exhibitions, excess buds are removed. As a rule, plants form buds on a flowering shoot in groups (3 pieces each), of which the middle one develops faster, but it often has a shorter peduncle, sometimes not very suitable for cutting.

In such cases, the middle bud is removed. Then the lateral ones grow longer peduncles. In powerfully developed bushes, regardless of their height, in addition to the stepsons, part of the bushes is removed lower leaves, if they cover the root collar.

This promotes better ripening of root tubers and prevents stem thickening. During the summer, faded inflorescences that have lost their decorative appearance appear on the bush. They are constantly being removed.

In the Middle Urals, the first autumn frosts occur in the first or second ten days of September. Sometimes until September 10 it is from 2 to 6°. At this temperature, not only leaves, buds and inflorescences die, but also stems.

After short early autumn frosts it usually stands good weather, sometimes up to a month. Therefore, it is advisable to protect plants from the first frosts: cover them with film, warm them with fires, etc. But if the above-ground part is damaged by frost, then the root tubers must be removed.

To prevent the first autumn frosts from damaging them, the bushes are hilled. Before harvesting, the stems are cut at a height of 8 - 10 cm with a sharp knife, pruning shears or garden saw. Root tubers are removed immediately, otherwise they may get into the stem cavity. rainwater and they will begin to deteriorate. They are selected from the soil with a pitchfork or shovel, trying to cause them as little harm as possible.

Annual dahlias very bright and beautiful flowers, which are valued for their long flowering, which continues until frost.

Selecting a site for planting and sowing seeds

Dahlias can be grown through seedlings or direct sowing in the ground.

Usually I sow the seeds directly into the ground in April in a greenhouse or in May in open ground, then plant them if they sprout thickly. But for early flowering, you can sow seeds in March for seedlings. Shoots appear quite quickly - after 7-9 days. When the seedlings grow up (in about a month), they need to be planted in cups. Before planting in open ground, I make sure to harden the plants; to do this, I take them out into the greenhouse.

The most important thing is that I plant dahlias in open ground when there are definitely no spring frosts. I choose a sunny place, and dahlias prefer loose and fertile soil.

After planting the seedlings in the ground, be sure to water them abundantly.

Annual dahlias - care

Plants are very responsive to complex feeding mineral fertilizers and watering.

To admire the flowering for as long as possible, you can pinch the main shoots - above the 4th pair of leaves. I also remove faded flowers, leaving only a few for collecting seeds.

Annual dahlias are remarkable precisely for their long flowering, which is especially appreciated in the fall, when bright colors there are fewer and fewer in the flowerbed.

But dahlias look good not only in a flower bed, they are also good as a cut flower. You can put a bouquet in the room or give it to someone. But if you don’t grow flowers, but need a bouquet for a celebration, then you can order here fresh bouquets, compiled by experienced florists.

dahlias planting, dahlias planting and care photos, when to plant dahlias in open ground

Many gardeners prefer perennials. ornamental plants. These include dahlias. These magnificent flowers amaze with their variety of bright colors and long-lasting blooms. Depending on the variety, dahlia flowers may have different shape, size, and height.

They bloom at the end of August and continue to please the eye until October, if there is no frost. Many dahlia lovers will be interested in knowing when and how to plant them correctly in the spring? We will talk about some features of planting and storing dahlias in our article.

Royal flowers

Dahlias are perennial heat-loving plants. They are very easy to care for, but the only problem is planting them in open ground and storing the tubers. There are more than 12,000 varieties of cultural forms of dahlias, although there are no more than 15 species. Dahlias have root tubers that live for 3–4 years. As they develop, they form new thin roots. The tubers are easily separated, after which they are ready for further planting.

Since flowers are a heat-loving species, they cannot get comfortable in our climatic conditions in winter time of the year. They need warmth, so already in September, before frost sets in, their tubers should be dug up and stored until next year.

Among the variety of species and varieties of dahlias, there are many hybrids. The plant has erect, hollow and numerous stems, ranging in height from 30 to 190 cm. Deciduous mass can be green, reddish-brown. At the end of the stem there are basket-shaped inflorescences with a diameter of 3–30 cm. The abundance of varieties allows you to choose the most suitable flowering time:

  • early dahlias (early May);
  • medium (from the second half of June);
  • late (from the end of August).

To grow successfully, they need to create certain conditions and then they will delight others with their bright and catchy colors.

Preparing tubers for planting

Starts already in April preparatory work before planting dahlia tubers in open ground. In preparation much depends on climatic conditions. In some regions, tubers begin to be cooked only in May. Dahlias reproduce in several ways:

  • cuttings;
  • seeds;
  • tubers.

Most often, gardeners use the latter method of propagation. To germinate good planting material tubers must be brought into a warm room. Lay them out on a shelf and sprinkle them with a mixture of peat and sand, leaving the root collars exposed. With good moisture, the eyes will hatch in a couple of weeks.

After this, the tubers must be divided into several parts with a sharp knife, leaving 2-3 eyes on each part. If the tuber has a long shape, it should be shortened so that it takes root as quickly as possible and new tubers begin to appear in the process of growth. The sections must be dried a couple of days and sprinkle with wood ash. After this, the tubers are germinated in pots or boxes in a warm and well-lit place. In the second option, the tubers are separated by partitions so that their roots do not intertwine.

As the shoots grow, weak buds are removed, leaving no more than 1–2 of the strongest ones. This will allow them to develop more actively, and the shoots will have adequate nutrition. In the future, the bush will produce more inflorescences, and the tubers will be stronger and will be able to overwinter well.

How to plant tubers in open ground?

The most suitable place for planting dahlias is a sunny area protected from strong winds. To prevent flower tubers from dying, they should be planted only in warm soil, when there is no chance of spring frosts. It is best to plant them in mid-May. The soil should be loose, slightly acidic or neutral, with good drainage. Before planting, mature non-deciduous compost is applied to the site, wood ash. It is advisable to fertilize the planting area with compost or humus in the fall. To prevent infection with diseases, it is best to plant dahlias in a new place every year. You cannot plant dahlias in the area where asters grew before.

After preparing the site, you need to dig holes for the tubers. They should be more spacious than the planting material. They contain manure or rotted compost, and a small layer of earth on top. After that The tubers are placed in holes and sprinkled with loose soil in a layer of 3–4 cm. For tall dahlias, you will need to provide a support. After planting the tubers, you don’t need to water the wet soil immediately. If the first leaves have already appeared on the dahlias, then the hole is slightly moistened with water. After planting, it is advisable to mulch the soil. For this use:

  • sawdust;
  • fine tree bark.

They need to be mixed with compost or peat and sprinkled with the top layer of soil. To protect against frost, you can cover the dahlias with insulation.

Further care

Dahlias are unpretentious flowers to care for. For normal development, they need timely watering, removal of weeds and loosening of the soil. You also need to prun and trim the stems.. Flowers need regular watering, it is best to do this twice a week. Lack of moisture will negatively affect the development of dahlias.

Flowers need good feeding; there should be at least 2 of them per season:

  • in the budding phase - in the composition of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium 2;1;1;
  • at the beginning of flowering - potassium and phosphorus 1:1.

Only tall varieties of dahlias are planted, removing side shoots up to the 4th pair of leaves from the bottom. Already in the second half of summer, the lower shoots are removed. The main stem mounts to a height of 10–15 cm. If you perform pinching, the dahlia flowers will be larger. Excess buds will not allow everyone to develop normally; they will be thin and not so beautiful. When tall varieties reach 50 cm, the stems are tied to supports.

Tuber storage

With the onset of the first frost, the dahlia stems are cut, leaving up to 10 cm, and the root tubers are dug up. They must be cleaned of any remaining soil and dried well. Then stored in a greenhouse or other warm and well-ventilated area. After that the stem is shortened to 4 cm and all roots are cut off. The cut areas on the roots should be sprinkled with slaked lime. In this form, they need to be stored for another week at a temperature of 19–25 o C. It is convenient to store the tubers in a cellar or basement all winter; some gardeners manage to store dahlia tubers in the apartment.

If the room humidity is 70%, then it is best to store root tubers in pine sawdust, sand or peat. When stored in an apartment, the tubers are placed in plastic bags with vermiculite, peat or perlite. They are placed and hermetically sealed in a bag.. In this form they can be stored in a box covered with thin layer land and paper.

If stored in a cellar or basement, the temperature there should not be higher than +7 o C. The tubers themselves are sprinkled with sawdust, so they are stored all winter. Periodically check the roots and remove rotten parts. At proper storage, in the spring they can be germinated and planted again in the flowerbed.

Perennial dahlias are a bright and colorful flower that can be used to decorate any personal plot. To ensure abundant flowering of this plant it is necessary to care for it properly.

IN South America the flowers are grown as a perennial. Before planting dahlias, you need to choose the right place to plant them. IN this aspect it is necessary to take into account that the flower belongs to the category of heat-loving plants. That is why it is best to give preference to flower beds that are located on sunny places and protected from drafts. Dahlias can be planted in places with slight shade, but it is best to give preference to sunny options.

Before preparing dahlias for planting, it is necessary to determine their variety. This is explained by the fact that some plants are characterized by the presence of a fairly high stem, which can break under the influence of strong winds. It is best to plant the crop in an area located on the south side of the house. It should be located slightly higher. This will allow it to drain excess moisture during rains, which will limit the possibility of tubers rotting.

Before germinating dahlias, you need to prepare the soil. If a gardener wants to get a beautiful and attractive plant, then he must do this in advance. After the end of the growing season in the autumn, the soil is dug up and fertilizers are added to it. Ideal option V in this case will be the use of compost or humus. For one square meter plot will require from 3 to 5 kilograms of any of these fertilizers.

In spring, you can re-fertilize the soil. For this purpose, ash and compost are used, which are pre-mixed in equal quantities. After applying fertilizers, the soil is loosened using a rake.

When choosing soil for growing flowers, it is recommended to choose light, fertile and breathable soil. Flowers need good drainage. If there is an excess of moisture, this will lead to rotting of the crop tubers. It is best to choose soil that has a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

If the selected area has excessively acidic soil, it is recommended to add slaked lime. Dahlias also do not like excessively alkaline soils, so peat is used to deoxidize them.

In order for flowers to fully grow and develop, they root system needs to be enriched with nutrients. This is explained by the fact that flowers quickly deplete the earth. That is why planting a flower in the same place should not be done for two years in a row. It is not recommended to plant dahlias in place of asters, as they can transmit diseases to each other.

How to grow dahlias from tubers? You need to start with correct selection space and soil, which will be the key to the success of growing beautiful flowers.

Germination process

When to plant dahlias? The procedure must be carried out in spring period. It begins with the germination of tubers. To do this, the gardener needs to perform a number of specific actions:

  • After the weather outside has stabilized and the possibility of frost has been ruled out, it is necessary to select a site for germinating tubers. Here you need to dig a trench, the thickness of which is 40 centimeters and the depth is 20 centimeters.
  • It is recommended to initially sort the tubers by type, and then place them in the prepared recess.
  • Dahlia bulbs are sprinkled with earth and covered with plastic wrap. Thanks to such actions, greenhouse conditions are provided for the plants, which guarantees their fastest germination.
  • To fix the film along the edges, earth is poured onto it or stones are placed.
  • Germination of buried tubers is observed within 2-3 weeks. The tubers are not watered, since there is a sufficient amount of moisture in the soil.
  • After the first green sprouts appear above the soil surface, they must be removed from the crop. plastic film. Otherwise, due to the greenhouse effect, the plant will burn under the influence of sunlight. To prevent the sprouts from freezing at night, the crop is covered with film.

This is where the germination of tubers after winter ends. Some tubers may not sprout, which means they should be discarded.

Landing Features

When to plant dahlias in open ground? After sprouts appear on the tubers, they are dug up and prepared for planting. For this purpose, the tubers are washed under the tap. Tubers are divided using a sharp knife. Each of them should have a neck and a sprout. If there are several sprouts on a tuber, this will ensure a lush dahlia plant, which any gardener can grow.

Before growing dahlias in open ground, it is recommended to treat them with a disinfectant solution. Most often, a weak solution of potassium permanganate is used for this purpose. During the growing period, the florist must take into account the timing of planting dahlias, which will ensure they bloom wildly.

Before planting a tuber, the grower must divide it. This is due to the following reasons:

  • During the division period, the plant is damaged, which leads to the activation of the protective functions of the root and its rejuvenation.
  • If the bulb is not divided into several parts before planting, this will lead to the formation of a large number of sprouts on it. As a result, a large number of shoots will form on the plant. Stronger branches are pulled upward, which negatively affects the aesthetic qualities.
  • The process of dividing tubers is quite simple and can be done by almost any gardener.

Dahlias are planted in open ground in the spring. Holes for the bulbs are first dug. The depth of each of them should be within 10 centimeters. The distance between plants should be 30-80 centimeters. This is directly influenced by the crop variety. Preparation for planting a plant in the ground should consist of preparing a drainage layer. This will eliminate the possibility of water stagnation and tuber rotting in the future.

In order to get beautiful and lush dahlia bushes perennial planting and the care of which is quite simple; several plants must be placed in one hole. The sprouted tuber must be planted in one hole in an amount of no more than two pieces.

After winter storage, dahlia tubers are planted only if optimal temperature conditions are provided. The grown flower must be sprinkled with soil only after the temperature reaches 10 degrees. If the soil moisture in the Urals is insufficient, it is necessary to irrigate, which will ensure its full germination. For watering it is necessary to use a small amount of water so that the ground is not excessively waterlogged. Otherwise, the prepared planting material may die.

Planting dahlias with tubers is carried out in such a way that they are in a horizontal position. This will ensure full development root system of the plant. After planting dahlias in the spring in Siberia or another region, they need to be provided with minimal care. For this purpose, weeds are removed from the flowerbed and periodic watering is carried out.

The planted flower does not need to be watered at all during the first period. This is due to the fact that the soil is quite moist after winter. When temperatures rise in May, the crop is irrigated regularly. This must be monitored based on the degree of drying of the soil. In order to ensure full germination of dahlias, it is necessary to loosen the soil after watering them.

How to care for dahlias after they germinate? When the bush reaches a height of 40-50 centimeters, it is necessary to eliminate excess shoots on it. On one dahlia bush, which can be cared for by anyone, it is necessary to leave only a few strong shoots. This will ensure the full formation of the crown, as well as the abundant flowering of the plant.

To ensure large, beautiful buds, experts recommend pinching the plant during the growing season. Until the grown flower produces buds, it is not recommended to apply fertilizer to it. Otherwise, the plant will have a gorgeous green mass and small flowers, which will negatively affect its quality.

Caring for and growing dahlias is quite simple. If certain rules are followed, the gardener can achieve success.

Rules of care

During the growing season, the plant needs full care, which fully affects the characteristics of its flowering:

  • In flower beds with dahlia flowers, planting and caring for which can be done in any area, it is necessary to regularly remove weeds. This is explained by the fact that they not only display aesthetic qualities, but also absorb microelements beneficial to the plant.
  • IN summer time When the plant is actively blooming, it needs timely watering. Flower growers recommend moderate watering every day in the evening. At the end of August, the frequency of this procedure is halved.
  • If the soil is too waterlogged, the plant tubers will deteriorate. That is why the gardener must ensure that water does not stagnate near the bushes.
  • If the weather is dry outside, this leads to rapid evaporation of moisture. To avoid this, it is necessary to mulch the soil in a timely manner.
  • During the growing season, it is recommended to fertilize the plant. Flower growers who know everything about dahlia recommend fertilizing with mineral or organic compounds. Mullein tincture is most often used for this purpose. To prepare it, you need to take one liter of mullein and dilute it in 10 liters of water. Fertilizer is applied to the crop during the watering period.
  • Bird droppings can be used to fertilize crops. For this purpose, you need to take two liters of infusion and dissolve it in a bucket of water. Each piece requires one and a half liters of fertilizer.
  • During active plant growth, there may be a lack of nitrogen in the soil. In this case, ammonium nitrate is used to enrich the soil. It is recommended to sprinkle 15 grams of fertilizer per square meter of flower bed. It is best to carry out the procedure before watering, which will ensure even distribution of the fertilizer.
  • After the first buds appear on the plant, it is necessary to use superphosphate or potassium compounds to fertilize it. To do this, you need to take one bucket of water and dissolve 30 grams of fertilizer in it. It is recommended to apply it under the roots of flowers every two weeks. During the period of applying potassium fertilizers, the use of nitrogen or manure is strictly prohibited.
  • The plant has hollow stems. If the height of the plant is significant, then under the influence of the wind they may break. To avoid such consequences, bushes are tied up. If the stem was recently broken, then it is subject to rehabilitation. For this purpose, a splint is made from a twig and tied at the site where the stem breaks. After a certain period of time, as a rule, a resumption of its growth is observed.
  • To ensure the decorative appearance of the buds, excess shoots are trimmed. For this purpose, the lower side branches and stems that grow from the root neck of the bush are removed. During the period of pruning the bush, several of the strongest shoots are left. Cutting the stepsons is carried out before the inflorescences appear on them. They can be used to propagate dahlias. Buds that have already bloomed or deteriorated must be pruned.
  • Circumcision dwarf varieties dahlias are not recommended, as this may negatively affect their aesthetic qualities. Also, do not prune single plants.
  • The florist must pay a lot of attention to the hilling procedure. This will not only ensure complete penetration of oxygen to the roots of the crop, but will also ensure full ripening of the tubers until the end of summer. A few hours before this procedure, it is necessary to water the plant.

To plant dahlias, you must use only full-fledged tubers. It is in the previous year that full care of the plant is provided.

Since our country has a rather harsh climate, overwintering the plant in open ground is impossible. Caring for dahlias in the fall is to ensure optimal conditions storage of plant tubers.

Before the first frost, bushes are pruned. In this case, stumps should remain, the height of which is no more than 15 centimeters. Florists recommend carrying out the procedure in October. After pruning, the tubers are dug out of the ground. In order for them to fully overwinter, they need to be shaken off the ground and also disinfected.

To disinfect the bulbs, a solution of potassium permanganate is used. Take a bucket of water and dilute potassium permanganate in it until it turns pale pink. The duration of disinfection is no more than half an hour. After drying the tubers, they are placed in boxes. It is best to give preference to wooden options that have holes, which will provide adequate ventilation and limit the possibility of the bulbs rotting during storage.

During the first month of wintering, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of 8-10 degrees.

In this case, the air humidity should be approximately 90 percent. It is recommended to ventilate the room with tubers as often as possible. After a month, the box with tubers is placed in the cellar. Until spring, it is necessary to ensure the temperature of the bulbs at 3-6 degrees. Humidity should be between 50 and 60 percent. During storage of tubers, freezing is strictly prohibited. That is why it is recommended to limit the possibility of temperatures below 0 degrees.

When growing several varieties of dahlias, during the period of digging up the bulbs, they are placed in bags and sorted. To avoid rotting of the bulbs, the plastic bags are not closed. In winter, it is recommended to periodically review the roots and throw away rotten specimens.

Dahlias are very beautiful plant, which blooms until late autumn. In order to ensure full growth and development of the crop, it is necessary to properly care for frost. The plant needs the selection of optimal growing conditions, regular watering and fertilizing. The difficulty in caring for dahlias is that their tubers must be dug up and stored in the cellar every year.

It’s not for nothing that dahlias have earned the love of flower growers all over the Earth. This is an amazing embodiment of the sun in plant form, which loves warmth and is distinguished by a variety of colors, can be planted by everyone on their site. The main thing is to find appropriate place and comply with all conditions during landing and further proper care.

And nothing complicated

Planting dahlias in open ground in the spring will not be difficult for you. The main point in this case is competent preparation tubers before planting. Dahlias are divided into early, middle and late. Early and medium-sized dahlias can be planted in the ground as early as mid-March. However, this land is in a container, and not on the plot, since it is too early to plant in open ground - it is usually still cold outside at this time, and the dahlia is a heat-loving flower. By the way, the soil for planting will need to be loose and nutritious.

With proper care, dahlias turn the area into a blooming festive meadow

It is thanks to planting in a container that you can count on early flowering, in contrast to direct planting in open ground. Dahlias should be planted here no earlier than May, but even here you need to be guided by the weather. Some average and late varieties You don’t have to sow them in containers. They are typically planted directly in open ground - then they will bloom on time. Provided that the disembarkation deadlines are met.

Planting dahlias in spring (video)

It all starts, of course, with preparing the tubers. These tubers are dug up in the fall and stored until spring, and in the spring they are cleaned of rotten parts, after which the entire unit is divided into parts, each of which consists of two tubers with sprouts. This way you can get a plant with a large supply of vitality, which will produce many buds in the future. If the number of nodules is increased, the shoots will become smaller and will interfere with each other during growth, which will affect the result. The sections of the nodules should be sprinkled with charcoal.

E If at least one of the tubers is damaged or rotten, it can be safely disposed of so as not to expose the rest of the tubers to the risk of infection. Such a tuber is separated with a sharp knife, and healthy nodules are immersed in a weak manganese solution for half an hour.

After this procedure, the tubers are left without action so that they can get used to the surrounding temperature and awaken the growth of new buds. This is done if the sprouts have not yet appeared. Fresh loose soil is mixed with sawdust, thoroughly moistened, and the tubers are sprinkled with this mixture. During this period, containers with tubers are kept in or on outdoors, avoiding direct sunlight. At night they are taken indoors.

Depending on the variety of dahlia, the time for planting it in open ground also varies.

As soon as the temperature outside is stably maintained within 10-15 degrees, the time will come to plant dahlias in open ground. For planting, you can dig small grooves where the tubers will be planted at an equal distance from each other, or holes. The second option is simpler and more convenient to implement.

The distance between the bushes is selected depending on the expected growth of the plants. So, for short dahlias a distance of 30 cm is suitable, and for the tallest ones – 80 cm.

The hole is made 10cm deep. It is not necessary to bury the sprouted tuber too deeply. If the soil is dry, it must be watered right before planting. The nodule is placed horizontally in the hole - this way the dahlia can develop a good root system.

Spring flower care

If you planted dahlias, give them time to adapt and don’t bother them over trifles. Just periodically remove the weeds that pop up nearby - there is no need for competitors for the flowers. Even simple watering is not required from you now. However, in spring there is still enough moisture in the soil. The only exception in the month of May should be made if the weather is too hot and stable. After watering, loosen the soil above the planted tubers so that they receive enough oxygen and can safely grow greenery.

As soon as the seedlings grow, you will have to leave only two sprouts - the strongest and tallest.

Pruning will have to be carried out regularly until flowering - this contributes to the formation of powerful buds.

In spring, you shouldn’t get carried away with fertilizing flowers - there will be enough greenery to grow, but the flowers will be too small.

Photo gallery of dahlia varieties

Here are just a few of the many varieties available on the gardening market.

Variety "Midnight Moon" - pompom dahlias Variety "Lucky Nambre" ("Lucky Number") - spherical dahlias Variety "Mingus Gregory" - lace dahlias Variety "Musette" - decorative dahlias

Some Important Terms

When choosing a location, it is important to remember that shaded areas should be avoided. Dahlias will certainly grow in the shade, but at the same time they will become quite elongated and will bloom poorly. And the tubers will not receive the necessary supply of nutrients and strength, which will be useful next year.

Dahlias are undemanding to the soil, setting only two conditions - a high nutrient content and well-permeable soil.

Another important rule- Although dahlias are not against water, an excess of it will only do harm, and even more so you can’t plant them in places where the water stagnates.

Dahlias do not like neighbors with a highly developed root system. They are able to take the substances necessary for flowers from the soil, depriving dahlias of the opportunity to fully grow and develop.

The place for the dahlia should be sunny, the water should not stagnate on it

Find a place to plant dahlias in the fall. Dig up the soil and add compost or rotted manure. With the onset of spring, the soil is loosened with a pitchfork, and bone meal is added to it. To protect flowers from pests such as wireworms and onion root mites, apply granular insecticides to the soil.

Solution copper sulfate, potassium permanganate or formalin can be used if roses or roses grew in this place before the dahlias fruit crops who have had any illness.

If all conditions are met, dahlias will grow strong, will not waste all their energy on greenery, and will delight you with large buds that will look beautiful both on the site and as a cut. After a successful result, the dahlia will certainly become one of your favorite flowers and will be included in the list of annual plantings.
