Technological map of semi-dry screed. TTK. Installation of a cement-sand floor screed with fiber reinforcement using a mechanized method Technological map for the installation of a concrete floor screed


an object: House



The technological map discusses the issues of installing cement-sand screeds in housing construction. The area of ​​application is recommended, the organization and technology of work, labor protection and safety precautions are developed.


1.1. The technological map applies to work in housing construction on the installation of cement-sand screeds.

1.2. The use of methods of performance and organization of labor in this TTK provides for compliance with the requirements of the norms and rules regulated by SNiP 3.01.01-85* "Organization construction production"; SNiP 3.04.01-87 "Insulating and finishing coatings"; VSN 35-80 (Research Institute Mosstroy) "Instructions for installing floors in residential and public buildings"; SNiP III-4-80 * Safety precautions in construction."


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1.3. The procurement of materials for installing a cement-sand screed should be carried out in full for the entire scope of work.

1.4. The main form of labor organization adopted when constructing a screed is specialized units united in a team. The optimal numerical and qualification composition of the team is determined in each specific case, depending on the volume of work and the degree of mechanization.

1.5. When designing and organizing labor processes for the installation of cement-sand screed Special attention should be given to creating conditions that meet the requirements of regulatory documents and obtaining High Quality screeds as one of essential elements interior decoration buildings.

1.6. Before starting work on installing a cement-sand screed at the site, all general construction and special work which may cause damage to the floor.

1.7. The base on which the cement-sand screed structure is constructed must meet the requirements of SNiP 2.03.13-88 “Floors” and SNiP 3.04.01-87 “Insulating and finishing coatings”.


2.1. Screed device

2.1.1. Screed is a floor element that is used as a leveling layer when uneven surface ceilings, as a layer that creates a slope in floors arranged over the ceiling and as a rigid layer covering non-rigid floor elements (heat and sound insulation layers). The screed must be separated from the main structures by seams that differ from the usual ones and accommodate all deformations of the screed, both vertical and horizontal. Great attention should be paid to the construction of seams during screed installation, since these seams can be any expansion joints or layers in the form of air gaps. In accordance with SNiP 3.04.03-85, a seam is defined as the gap between building structures or details. Any seam contributes to the deformation of the structure as a whole, therefore, depending on its constructive solution and its purpose, it can be open, closed or compacted. There are 3 types of expansion joints according to their functional purpose- separation, temperature and junction seams. Separating seams are permanent structural seams running at the junctions of building structures. These are seams in places where walls adjoin interfloor floors, between floor structures. Such joints are filled with cement-sand mortar. Expansion joints perform a function in addition to dividing seams. When installing screeds, they usually divide the total area into sections up to 40 m in size DIV_ADBLOCK75">

2.1.3. Taking into account the design features of monolithic screeds performed directly on site, before their installation the following preparatory work must be carried out, depending on the type of screed:

cleaning the bases and underlying layers from debris and dust;

laying leveling coverings with a horizontal or inclined surface made of B20 concrete, rigidly connected to the base;

installation of a heat and sound insulating layer under a “floating” screed;

gluing soundproofing pads along the perimeter of the walls in places of future screed to create expansion joints. The base is cleaned before applying the screed; debris and dust are removed with an industrial vacuum cleaner, and the surface is blown compressed air, remove grease stains, seal the gaps between prefabricated interfloor slabs. Leveling layers are carried out if it is necessary to completely level the floor or create slopes; for this purpose, cement-sand mortars and fine-grained concrete intended for constructing screeds are used. The installation of a heat and sound insulation layer is carried out on a flat, clean base by laying foam plastic or mineral, fiberglass on a synthetic basis boards with a density of 50-150 kg/m or fiberglass quilted boards, as well as mineral wool mats stitched and impregnated with a synthetic binder with a density of 100-150 kg /m0 " style="border-collapse:collapse"> The mobility of the cement-sand mortar should correspond to the immersion depth of a standard cone of 4-5 cm, and the mobility of fine-grained concrete should correspond to a cone settlement of 2-4 cm.

The mobility of the solution and fine-grained concrete can be increased by introducing into the solution the plasticizing additive C-3, modified with sulfite-yeast mash SDB. When using commercial cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete, they are transported in mortar trucks, and at the site they are loaded into a bunker, from which, using mortar pumps (SO-126, SO-165, SO-157, etc.), they are pumped to the place of laying in the screed along solution workers. In construction conditions for small volumes of work, mobile concrete or mortar mixers SB-101, SB-23A, SB-46B, SB-116A, etc. are used to prepare cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete. In the case of preparing latex-cement-concrete compositions, the mixer is loaded first latex with water, and after mixing them, add dry ingredients, stirring them for 8-10 minutes until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The laid layer is compacted with vibration laths SO-131A, SO-132A, SO-163. In places inaccessible to vibrating slats, the mixture is compacted with light tampers. Immediately after laying and compacting the screed, check the evenness of its surface using a level rule. After the laid mortar or concrete has set to a state where you can walk on the surface, leaving only minor traces, the surface of the coating is grouted using SO-89A, SO-135, SO-170, etc. machines and smoothed with metal trowels. In areas of working seams, the surface is grouted until the joint becomes invisible. A screed made from cement-sand mortars or fine-grained concrete must harden in humid conditions for at least 7-10 days. After the screed has hardened, expansion joints are sealed at the places where it abuts walls, partitions and columns.

2.2.1. Laying concrete.

Divide the surface under the screed into strips about 1 m wide using slats 1.5 to 2 m long and 50 mm wide. The top surface of the slats should be at the same level. Place the concrete starting at the farthest corner and leveling it with a shovel until it is just above the level of the wood slats.

2.2.2. Leveling the concrete.

Level the concrete with a rule strip with a cross-section of 100 by 60 mm and a length of about 1.2 m, moving it along the demarcation strips and towards you. When carrying out construction work, continue laying and leveling concrete in the specified manner, removing the slats between the strips and filling the gaps formed after removing the slats with concrete. After laying each strip, cover it with damp bags or plastic wrap and leave to cure and harden for approximately 4 weeks. During this time, constantly moisten the concrete surface with water.


3.1. The front surface of the installed industrial screed must be flat, horizontal or have a slope in accordance with the design, but not more than 2%. The evenness of the screed is checked with a 2-meter strip.

3.2. The mobility of the cement-sand mortar should correspond to the immersion depth of a standard cone of 4-5 cm, and the mobility of fine-grained concrete should correspond to a cone settlement of 2-4 cm.

3.3. The air temperature at the floor level, the temperature of the underlying layer and the materials being laid must be not lower than 15 °C, but not higher than 30 °C. The temperature difference between the mastic coating and the screed, as well as the ambient air, should not exceed 5 °C. To avoid the appearance of wrinkles on the surface of the coating until it has completely set, it is necessary to protect it from drafts and direct contact with sun rays.

3.4. Continuous coverings are installed on a carefully prepared screed surface made of cement-sand mortar or concrete of class not lower than B15 (M200). The surface of the screed should be free of holes, cracks, and oil stains, and its humidity should not exceed 3%.

3.5. The evenness of the screed is checked with a 2-meter lath; the gap between the surface of the screed and the lath should not exceed 2 mm.


4.1.1. All newly hired workers must undergo introductory safety training and on-the-job training when working with specific mechanisms, tools and materials.

4.1.2. Instruction at the workplace is carried out by a foreman or foreman and is recorded in the production briefing log.

4.1.3. When conducting safety training when working with electrical equipment and power tools, workers must learn the basic principles of the operation of power tools, pass a test on practical work techniques (connecting wires, grounding electrical equipment, turning mechanisms on and off) and the rules for providing first aid to victims of electric shock.

4.2.1. When working in premises, unfilled and unglazed openings must be closed.

4.2.2. Workplaces, passages and driveways must be well lit and ensure free movement of people and equipment. They should not be cluttered with machines, materials, especially boards and boards with protruding nails.

4.2.3. Work on the preparation of mortars, concrete and mastic compositions must be carried out using personal protection(respirators, rubber gloves, aprons, etc.).

4.2.4. Workers performing work on cement-sand screed must be provided with special clothing (overalls, knee pads, mittens, rubber shoes and gloves).

4.3.1.* Workplaces for installing cement-sand screed must be organized in such a way that there is complete safety in the work.


*Numbering corresponds to the original. - Database manufacturer's note.

4.3.2. When working with mortar mixers, mortar pumps, grinding machines and electrified tools, workers must strictly adhere to safety regulations. Workers who have undergone safety training are allowed to work.

4.3.3. All electrified machines, mechanisms and tools must be in good condition, have securely fastened wooden handles, wires must not have kinks or intersect with other wires.

4.3.4. Cleaning, lubrication and repair of machines, mechanisms and tools are carried out only after they have been stopped and disconnected from the network, excluding accidental supply of voltage (plates, signals, posters).

4.3.5. When working with large amounts of dust (preparing solutions, grinding surfaces), it is necessary to use respirators and safety glasses. When working with machines that have flexible shafts with abrasive wheels, it is necessary to use protective shields, and to reduce dust formation, carry out wet grinding.

4.3.6. In rooms where polymer materials are stored, smoking and work that involves the use of fire or causing sparks must not be performed.

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This article describes the stages of installing a semi-dry floor screed using a mechanized method using specialized equipment, which is intended for mixing the solution and delivering it to the construction site. The technological map for installing a semi-dry screed includes several stages: preparing the base, mixing the solution, installing the screed and caring for it.

Marking the thickness of the screed

The first thing that is done when installing a semi-dry screed is to measure the thickness of the future screed; for this, a laser or water level is used. Using a level, the height of the screed and the future clean floor is applied to the wall. This distance is calculated based on the volume of the screed and the materials used.

The screed level is noted for several reasons, one of which is the maximum possible floor height, that is, the height that some elements in the room allow, for example door sills. In addition, its weight also depends on the thickness of the screed, and for some rooms this is important, since bearing structures buildings have load restrictions. A semi-dry screed is the heaviest of all; the weight of a centimeter screed is 18-20 kilograms per square meter. For example, light types of screeds weigh 14-18 kilograms per square meter, and centimeter self-leveling floors weigh 12-16 kilograms per square meter.

Preparing the base

Problems with screeds usually arise due to poorly prepared foundations. After the cement-sand mixture begins to dry, the entire floor screed, in the process of moisture evaporation, begins to decrease in volume and shrink, but at the same time it firmly adheres to the walls. This should happen with the base of the floor, but in some cases the screed begins to tear away from the ceiling and because of this, voids form between them. In addition, the screed can pull on itself and the fragile upper layer grounds, leading to the same consequences. To avoid the appearance of voids between the ceiling and the cement-sand screed, it is necessary to properly prepare the base of the floor.

Preparing the base for a semi-dry screed begins with clearing away debris and removing all the fittings protruding from the ceiling, the rods of which are bent with a heavy hammer (it is not at all necessary to cut them off at the root, the screed will hide everything). All areas lagging behind the ceiling are removed using a hammer drill. In order for the semi-dry screed to adhere more firmly to the base of the floor, the ceiling is treated grinder. If you decide to make a semi-dry screed yourself, and you do not have special equipment, then you can hollow out nicks on the base of the floor using an ax, which will allow you to remove all the elements lagging behind the ceiling and help the solution to adhere better. But, the installation of semi-dry screed is an important part of construction and repair work, therefore, to create it, it is better to contact a specialized company such as “Express screed”. During installation work, our company uses only the latest equipment from Germany, which allows us to carry out all the work efficiently and in just one day.

After the entire surface of the floor has been tapped with a hammer, processed with a grinding machine and lagging parts have been removed, all large depressions are sealed. For this we use the same cement-sand mortar, which is involved in the construction of the screed, sometimes inexpensive tile adhesive is used. If there is a need to waterproof the floor, then it is better to use tile adhesive, as it has waterproof properties. But, before all the potholes on the floor are sealed, they are treated with a primer or cement milk, if the sealing will be done with cement-sand mortar. If holes will be filled tile adhesive, then a special primer for glue is used for processing.

If there are differences in height on the base of the floor, they are not leveled, this is a waste of time and effort, and all imperfections will be hidden by the screed. As for potholes and holes, they are filled quickly and without much effort, the main thing is that during the process of laying the screed, the mortar does not fall into them. The gaps between the floor slabs and the walls are sealed, even if they are not visible. These places are still rubbed with mortar, since the target may simply not be noticed, and water from the screed will seep into a small crack. After all work, the base is cleared of debris and dust.

Base primer

The primer for preparing the base for the screed is used with the mark “for concrete bases” or “for absorbent surfaces”. To install a cement-sand screed, factory primers from any manufacturer are used. Primer on concrete floors applied with brushes; a roller, as a rule, is not used, as it can miss irregularities. When using those primers that allow drying, apply two layers, if the manufacturer recommends applying the screed only to wet primer, then it is applied directly in front of the screed device.

Installation of beacons

The next stage of installing a semi-dry screed is installing beacons. This part of the whole process can be safely called the most painstaking and, at the same time, the most responsible; the evenness of the entire screed will subsequently depend on the installation of the beacons. For the installation of semi-dry screed, the aluminum rule is used, since the quality of the material and equipment is a significant part of the success of the entire event. The Express Screed company uses only modern equipment and high-quality materials that make it possible to create a perfectly flat floor without cracks or unevenness.

To install a semi-dry screed, as a rule, several rules are used, a long one of two meters and a short one of one meter, especially if the work is carried out in an apartment. The long rule is for large rooms, and the short one is for corridors and other small rooms. If one rule is used, then its length usually corresponds to the width of the room. No longer used for semi-dry screeding wooden rule, since it does not provide the same quality as aluminum.

Beacons for installing semi-dry screeds are mounted in one of three ways:

  • Shtyrev.
  • Mortar.
  • Along metal guides.

Installation of damper connection

A damper connection is installed around the perimeter of the room. Its installation begins with laying the waterproofing layer in such a way that one side of the canvas extends onto the walls just above the level of the future screed, and the other remains on the base of the floor. For these purposes, a two-millimeter polyethylene film, roofing felt, waterproofing material or other waterproofing material is used; it is cut into strips 30-40 centimeters wide. The damper connection is similar to a trough for cement-sand mortar. Tape of waterproofing material is attached to the wall liquid nails every 20-50 centimeters so as not to come off.

This “trough” is glued to roll insulation, cut into strips 8-15 centimeters wide, which is the damper connection between the screed and the walls. A strip of insulation protects the screed from sticking to the wall, thanks to which it will not tear during the drying process. The damper connection protects the screed from temperature-humid expansion during operation.

Mixing the solution

To prepare a semi-dry screed solution, a ratio of cement and sand of 3 to 1 is used. For the Turbosol M-250 equipment, a maximum of 250 kilograms and a minimum of 50 kilograms of solution are mixed at a time (one standard bag of ready-made dry mixture). A different ratio of cement and water (0.34-0.45) is added to each load, approximately 17-24 liters of water at a time.

All components of the solution (cement, water and sand) are mixed in the machine’s hopper in two steps:

  • About 75 kilograms of sand + a bag of cement (kilogram) + a ten-liter bucket of water are loaded.
  • Sand up to 100 kilograms is loaded into the working bunker and + 7-12 liters of water are added. The solution continues to stir for another 4-7 minutes.

Polypropylene fiber is added to the bunker at the rate of 700 grams per cubic meter of finished solution. For a full bunker load, 120-150 grams of polypropylene fiber are added, and the same amount is added for batches of other volumes. Fiber fiber must be added in portions, for each bucket of water there is approximately 60-70 grams of material.

Semi-dry screed technology

To the construction site ready solution for semi-dry screed, it is supplied using a pneumatic transport unit of the Turbosol M-250 equipment. In this case, the submission process should not exceed five minutes. In exceptional cases, when the height of the screed device exceeds 80 meters, and the length of the hose for supplying the solution exceeds 150 meters, the time for transporting the mixture increases to 7-10 minutes.

If at the location of the equipment for preparing and supplying the solution the air temperature is below zero, then a “warmhouse” must be installed. At the same time, the “Turbosol M-250” equipment, even after installing the “heater”, is intended for use only to a level not lower than -10 degrees. If the temperature is below this threshold, screeding work is usually postponed to a more appropriate time.

Semi-dry screed can only be laid in a room with positive air temperatures and the temperature of the materials used is not lower than +5 degrees. In the cold season, the room temperature is measured near windows and doors at a height of half a meter from the base.

The semi-dry screed should not come into contact with the enclosing structures in the room (walls, columns, etc.); for this purpose, damper (soundproofing) tapes are laid.

The semi-dry screed is made immediately of the required thickness, since it serves as the basis for a clean floor.

The minimum thickness of a semi-dry screed must be at least 40 millimeters; in exceptional cases, the local minimum thickness may be 30 millimeters. The maximum thickness is limited only by the load-bearing capacity of the room, but creating a screed thicker than 60-70 millimeters is impractical, it is too heavy. If it is necessary to make a screed of such thickness, the semi-dry screed is replaced with lighter options.

After the prepared cement-sand mortar is delivered to the site where the semi-dry screed is installed, it is evenly distributed on the floor surface between the beacons and leveled with an aluminum rule, which rests on these beacons on both sides.

Grinding of the laid screed is carried out immediately after completion of work, but no more than an hour from the moment the solution is supplied. The grinding process is carried out using a grinding machine with a leveling disc.

For large rooms (more than 45 square meters) a work execution map is prepared, which includes the order of pouring the solution into areas of 10-15 square meters. After the first section is leveled, workers simultaneously begin to grout it and level the second section. In this case, individual sections of the room are not treated, and a 2-3 mm gap at the point of their abutment forms an expansion joint.

Expansion joints of the slab are used for those rooms in which the size of one section exceeds 6 meters. Execution of expansion joints of the slab is carried out in one of two ways:

In the process of grinding the screed, expansion joints 5-7 millimeters wide are made. They are made as follows: the areas where adjacent sections adjoin each other are cleared of crumbled mixture residues with a trowel. After which these joints are rubbed with a small amount of cement-sand mortar. Thanks to this, the appearance of a perfectly flat and uniform surface is achieved.

Screed care

Cover the finished screed plastic film, which ensures the normal reaction of cement and water. Over the next 24 hours, the beacons and screws are removed from the screed, and the holes that appear are sealed and rubbed. The screed is sprayed from a spray bottle and covered again with film. Over the next three days, the screed is checked for cracks and, if necessary, sprayed with water again.

When conducting quality work According to the construction of a semi-dry screed, there should be no gaps in the solution and such a floor is suitable for laying any floor covering. The screed gains half its strength within nine days, after 28 days from the moment of installation it gains 90% of its strength and this indicator is the brand strength, the remaining 10% is gained by the semi-dry screed over the years.

Semi-dry screed is an excellent base for laying any flooring. But the main thing is that it meets all technological requirements; only in this case can we talk about its durability. The Express Screed company gives a three-year guarantee on its work, and in the process of installing semi-dry screeds it uses only modern equipment and high-quality materials. The quality of your screed depends on the choice of company, so trust only professionals.

High-quality and fast installation of semi-dry floor screed
3 year warranty!! The surveyor's visit is free!!
Order daily from 9.00 to 20.00 by phone. 8-495-227-69-29
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  • German quality standard DIN 18560-1 Part 1. General requirements, quality control, work order. Effective as amended 2009-09. The site contains editions 2004-04 Download (PDF, 97KB) Update from 2008-07 Download (PDF, 146KB) Advantages of semi-dry floor screed Price list semi-dry screed Technical map for screed Completed projects on semi-dry floor screed
  • Standard DIN-EN 13813 “Screed material and floor screeds – Screed materials – Properties and requirements”

  • Permissible deviations of floors and walls DIN 18202 Permissible angular deviations of floors and walls DIN 18202:2005-10 Permissible angular deviations of floors and walls DIN 182025.3. “Angular deviations - tolerances” Table 2. The permissible values ​​of deviation from the vertical and horizontal are indicated in millimeters when checking for the corresponding length indicated in meters. # Conditions In mm for a length of ...



    Moscow - 1982

    A typical technological map was developed by the finishing work technology design department of the Mosorgstroy trust (L.K. Nemtsyn, A.N. Strigina) and agreed with the Finishing Works Department of Glavmosstroy (I.G. Kozin).


    1.1. The technological map has been developed for the installation of cement-sand and polymer-cement screeds intended to level the surfaces of the underlying floor element or to give the floor a given slope.

    For monolithic cement-sand screeds intended for parquet and polymer materials, use a solution of a grade not lower than 150.

    Polymer-cement mortar is an ordinary cement-sand mortar containing polyvinyl acetate dispersion (PVAD).

    Screeds absorb all operational loads on the floors.

    The material, thickness and strength of the screeds are determined by the project depending on the type of floor covering, the design of the floors and the purpose of the premises.

    This card provides for a cement-sand screed thickness of 40 mm; polymer cement - 15 mm.


    2.1. Work on installing screeds must be carried out after completion of construction and installation work, during which the screeds may be damaged.

    2.2. The installation of screeds is allowed when the air temperature at floor level and the temperature of the underlying layer is not lower than 5° C, this temperature must be maintained until the screed acquires a strength of at least 50% of the design strength.

    2.3. When installing cement-sand screeds, the following technological operations are performed:

    marking the clean floor;

    installation of lighthouse slats;

    leveling the mortar using a rule moved along the beacons;

    grouting the surface.

    2.4. When installing polymer-cement screeds, the following technological processes are performed:

    cleaning the surface of the underlying layer;

    marking the clean floor;

    priming the base with a 5% polyvinyl acetate dispersion of composition 1: 9 (dispersion: water);

    installation of lighthouse slats;

    supplying the solution to the installation site;

    leveling the mortar using a rule moved along the beacons;

    wetting the screed with the 5th polyvinyl acetate dispersion;

    removing beacons and sealing grooves;

    grouting the surface.

    2.5. The cement-sand mortar is taken into the installation for receiving and transporting hard mortars UPTZhR-2.5.

    The mortar is laid as follows: the mortar is supplied from the installation to the installation site through mortar pipes. A damper is attached to the end of the solution pipe, which is gradually moved by two workers.

    The solution, having passed through the damper, is smoothly placed on the base without impacts.

    2.6. The location for installing the UPTZHR-2.5 and KUSHR-2.7 compressor must be indicated in the work plan. The site on which the installations are located must be planned.

    2.7. Concrete surfaces are thoroughly cleaned of debris and foreign deposits. If there is laitance on the base, it is thoroughly cleaned with metal brushes or scrapers (Fig.).

    Rice. 1. Cleaning the base

    2.8. The polymer cement mortar is prepared as follows: commercial cement-sand mortar is taken into the receiving hopper of the KUSHR-2.7 complex plastering installation. Then 10% polyvinyl acetate dispersion is poured into the hopper in the required quantity (250 liters of PVA dispersion per 1 m 3 of solution). After thorough mixing, the polymer-cement solution is supplied through hoses to the installation site and then applied to the base through a nozzle (Fig.).

    Rice. 2. Primer of the base

    2.9. When installing screeds on a concrete base, the surface of the underlying layer should be moist, but without accumulation of water.

    The gaps between prefabricated floor tiles, the places where they adjoin the walls, as well as installation holes must be sealed with cement-sand mortar of a grade of at least 100 flush with the surface of the slabs.

    2.10. The level of the finished floor is determined by surveyors using a level or water level. It is taken into account that the level of the finished floor must be the same in all rooms of the apartment or part of the floor located between adjacent staircases.

    2.11. The primer is applied to the cleaned base in an even layer using the SO-21A installation (Fig.). The primer composition for priming the base and wetting the screed after applying the solution is prepared at the work site by mixing one part of a 50% PVA dispersion and 4 parts of water.

    2.12. The solution is laid along beacons installed on the verified underlying surface, according to the marks made.

    For lighthouses, steel pipes with a diameter of 12.5 mm are used when installing polymer cement screeds and diameter. 31 mm when installing cement-sand screeds. They are installed on mortar marks parallel to the long side of the wall. The first beacon is installed, retreating from the wall by 50 - 60 cm, the rest are placed parallel to the first after 2 - 2.5 m (Fig.).

    Rice. 3. Installation of beacons

    2.13. The solution is laid in strips limited by two adjacent beacons. The solution is laid in strips one at a time. Laying starts from the wall opposite entrance doors and is directed towards the door. The surface of the laid layer of mortar should be 2 - 3 mm higher than the top of the beacons (Fig. and).

    Rice. 4. Supply of mortar using a damper when installing cement-sand screeds

    Rice. 5. Applying the solution with a nozzle when installing polymer-cement screeds

    The laid mortar is leveled in the same plane with the beacons using a rule that is supported by two beacons (Fig. ) and compacted with a vibrating lath. A day after laying the solution, the beacons are removed and the resulting grooves are filled with the solution, carefully rubbing it in with a trowel. The resulting influxes of solution are cleaned off with scrapers.

    Rice. 6. Leveling the solution

    2.14. A freshly laid cement-sand screed is protected from moisture loss until the solution acquires the required strength. To do this, one day after laying it, it is covered with matting and moistened with water for 7 - 10 days at least once a day using the SO-21A installation.

    2.15. When the screed reaches a strength of 25 - 30 kg/cm 2, the surface of the screed is smoothed and rubbed using a SO-89 cement screed grouting machine (Fig.).

    Rice. 7. Grouting the screed

    2.16. Acceptance of work on installation of screeds is carried out in accordance with the requirements of SNiP III-B.14-72 “Floors. Rules for production and acceptance of work":

    cracks, potholes and open seams in screeds are not allowed. Deviation of the thickness of the screeds from the design is allowed only in certain places and should not exceed 10% of the specified thickness;

    the surface of the screeds must be at the level of the specified marks;

    The surface of the screeds must be horizontal or have a specified slope. Horizontalness is checked with a control rod and level;

    The evenness of the surface of the screeds is checked with a two-meter strip, moved in all directions. The gaps between the screed and the batten should not exceed 2 mm;

    moisture content of screeds when installing linoleum floors, PVC tiles, textile coverings, piece parquet, parquet boards and panels should be no more than 5%.

    2.17. Before the start of work on the installation of couplers, the person responsible for their production is obliged to ensure that workers are instructed and the necessary protective clothing and personal protective equipment are issued. When performing work, it is necessary to comply with the safety rules set out in SNiP III-4-80 “Safety in Construction”.

    Particular attention should be paid to the following:

    Persons at least 18 years of age who have passed a medical examination and have certain qualifications are allowed to service installations and mechanisms, knowledgeable about the device and design features of equipment that have a certificate for the right to service them;

    According to the “Rules for the technical operation of consumer electrical installations,” installations must have their own grounding center.

    Before starting work, the driver must:

    carry out an external inspection of the installation, the condition of the entrance to it;

    check the serviceability of electrical wiring and grounding;

    check the alarm system for workplaces.

    During work, the driver is obliged to:

    start and stop supplying the solution only upon a signal from the workplace;

    Apply the solution only after thoroughly mixing it.

    Persons who have undergone special training and have a certificate for the right to operate compressors are allowed to operate and maintain the DK-9M compressor. Pressure gauges and safety valves must be sealed. Maintenance of the SO-89 trowel must be entrusted to a worker familiar with the operating instructions. The machine must be connected to the electrical network by an electrician.

    2.18. Work on installation of cement screeds is carried out by team of 6 people. The composition of the brigade is as follows:

    -“- 4 -“- - 2 (B-2, B-3)

    -“- 3 -“- - 2 (B-4, B-5)

    -“- 2 -“- - 1 (B-6)

    A 5th grade concrete worker installs beacons, applies the solution to the base using a damper; levels the laid mortar using a rule; compacts the solution with a vibrating screed; rubs the surface of the screed using a trowel, controls the quality of the laid screed.

    Concrete workers of the 3rd - 4th grade clean the surface, seal the holes with mortar, install beacons, moisten the base, level the mortar over the beacons, and rub the surface of the screed with a trowel.

    A 2nd grade concrete worker cleans the surface, fills potholes with mortar, and moves hoses and damper while applying the mortar. The UPTZhR installation is serviced by a machinist who is not part of the concrete crew.

    2.19. The work on installing the polymer-cement screed is carried out by a team of concrete workers of 6 people.

    The composition of the brigade is as follows:

    concrete worker 5th category (foreman) - 1 (B-1)

    -“- 4 -“- - 2 (B-2, B-3)

    -“- 3 -“- - 2 (B-4, B-5)

    -“- 2 -“- - 1 (B-6)

    A 5th grade concrete worker installs beacons, applies the mortar to the base using a nozzle, levels the laid mortar with a rule strip, rubs the surface of the screed, and controls the quality of the laid screed.

    Concrete workers of the 4th category install beacons, prime the base, level the laid mortar with a rule lath, and rub the surface of the screed.

    Concrete workers of the 3rd category prepare a polymer cement mortar and primer composition.

    A 2nd category concrete worker cleans the base surface, takes part in the installation of beacons, and moves hoses during the process of applying the solution.

    2.20. The labor process schedule for the concrete workers' section is given in the appendix.

    2.21. Workplace organization diagrams are shown in Fig. , .

    Rice. 8. Workplace organization diagram

    B 1 and B 2 - concrete workers

    Rice. 9. Workplace organization diagram

    B 1 and B 2 - concrete workers

    1 - rack-rule

    2 - machine for grouting screed


    A. Devices your cement-sand screed

    Output per person-day, m 2 - 60.8

    Labor costs per 100 m 2, man-hour - 13.3

    including on:

    base preparation - 4.7 (UNiR 2-46 No. 1)

    screed device - 4.6 (UNiR 2-46 No. 2)

    screed grouting - 4.0 (TsNIB "Mosstroy")

    B. Floor device imercement screed

    Output per person-day, m 2 - 48.2

    Labor costs per 100 m 2, person-hours - 16.59

    including on:

    preparation of the base - 7.79

    screed device - 4.8 (TsNIB "Mosstroy")

    screed grouting - 4.0


    4.1. Sand (GOST 8736-77, 10268-80), used for mortar when installing screeds, must have a particle size of no more than 5 mm and not contain clay particles more than 3% by weight.

    Portland cement must be of grade no lower than 400. The mobility of the solution is determined using a standard cone - GOST 5802-78.

    Plasticized polyvinyl acetate dispersion PVAD should have a 50% consistency.

    Material consumption per 100 m 2 floor surface:

    plasticized polyvinyl acetate dispersion 5%, kg (when priming the base) - 4

    cement-sand mortar, m - 4.2

    polymer cement mortar, kg - 1552

    4.2. The need for tools, equipment and fixtures is given in Table 1.




    Regulatory document, organization - tracing paper holder

    Installation for transporting hard solutions UPTZhR-2.5

    Compressor DK-9

    Produced by industry

    Complex installation for plastering work KUSHR-2.7

    Experimental mechanical repair plant of the Mosremstroymash association Glavmosmontazhspetsstroy

    Machine for grouting screed SO-89

    Installation SO-21A (for priming the base)

    Vilnius Construction and Finishing Machinery Plant

    Vibrating screed SO-47

    Odessa plant of construction and finishing machines

    Compressor SO-7A

    Vilnius Construction and Finishing Machinery Plant

    Scraper for cleaning the base

    crap. 1233 Mosorgstroy HMS

    Ruler 3 m long (for leveling the mortar)

    crap. TE-275 Orgstroi Ministry of Construction of the ESSR

    Wooden grater

    crap. 1154 Mosorgstroy HMS

    Control rod 2 m long

    crap. TE-276 Orgstroi Ministry of Construction of the ESSR

    LP type shovel (for filling furrows with solution)

    GOST 9523-81

    Solution box

    crap. 69.00.00 UMOR GMS

    Construction level

    GOST 9416-67
