Stomach protection tablets. Agents that protect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines. How to protect your stomach from antibiotics

Even if you have not previously adhered to the principles of a healthy diet, it is never too late to start taking care of your stomach, feeding it tasty, not easy and healthy food. This will not only improve the digestion process, but also protect against gastrointestinal diseases.

Avoiding digestive disorders is not that difficult. To do this, you need to watch what and how you eat and make a few simple changes to your lifestyle.

  1. Eat, but don't overeat.
    Eating small, frequent meals can help prevent stomach heaviness, indigestion, and sudden fluctuations in insulin levels, the hormone that controls blood sugar. In addition, large portions stretch the walls of the stomach.
  2. Find time for breakfast.
    If you don't eat breakfast, the body, immersed in a long fast (more than 12 hours), reduces the rate of burning calories throughout the day. Eating a cereal dish, oatmeal, or whole grain toast is the best way to energize your body and replenish your fiber stores.
  3. Go to bed light.
    Try not to eat three hours before bedtime so that the food you eat has time to digest. When you eat before bed, any unburned calories are then converted into fat stores. In addition, the risk of indigestion, heartburn and reflux (when acid from the stomach is thrown back into the esophagus and rises to the throat) increases.
  4. Chew slowly and savor the food.
    When you hastily chew and quickly swallow food, your saliva does not have time to produce the enzymes necessary for proper digestion. Always eat while sitting and chew each bite thoroughly.
  5. Don't exercise after eating.
    After you eat, blood rushes to the stomach, helping the digestion process. Excessive physical activity in a state of satiety “switches the clock”, and blood rushes to the heart, lungs and muscles of the arms and legs. Accordingly, the digestion process is disrupted. Light exercise, such as a leisurely walk, on the contrary, promotes digestion.
  6. Eat vegetables, more vegetables and - for variety - fruits.
    Plant foods are the best source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and natural trace elements. They help prevent the development of heart disease and cancer. Try to include plant foods of different colors in your diet every day: a salad, a side dish of vegetables or vegetable soup will provide the body with the entire necessary range of necessary and beneficial substances.
  7. Once again about the benefits of fiber

    Include it in your diet and you will reduce the risk of constipation, hemorrhoids and serious intestinal diseases. Eat the “right” fiber. Soluble fiber, found in beans, lentils, oatmeal, fruits and vegetables, activates digestion, helps block the absorption of “bad” cholesterol and regulate blood sugar levels. Insoluble fiber - unpolished cereals, grain bread, pasta made from durum flour - “absorbs” water and helps prevent constipation. But don't overdo it! Since too much “rough” food can irritate a sensitive stomach. Normally, it is recommended to eat 20-30 g of fiber per day. To fully absorb fiber, you should drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day; this is also good for peristalsis. Ideally, you should drink a glass of water on an empty stomach, between meals, an hour after meals and before bed.
  8. Less saturated fat!
    Animal (saturated) fats - found in red meat (beef and pork) and processed meats, butter, cream, cheeses, especially hard cheeses, as well as high-fat dairy products and some prepared cakes and cookies - contribute to high cholesterol and the development of cardiovascular diseases.
  9. Check your tolerance.
    Different spices affect everyone differently. Some may worsen symptoms of heartburn, stomach pain, or intestinal upset. At the same time, as research by experts shows, a number of spices (for example, ginger, cumin and red pepper) help improve digestion.
  10. Reduce your consumption of red meat.
    There is a lot of clear evidence that red meat and meat products (such as sausages, bacon and smoked sausage) increase the risk of developing digestive cancer. According to the World Cancer Fund, stomach and intestinal cancer is 20% more common in meat lovers than in vegetarians. If you want to stay healthy, avoid meat products with added preservatives. And if you don’t like life without them, limit your consumption of “harmful foods” to once a week.

Foods that disrupt digestion

In some cases, indigestion, bloating and pain can occur due to a lack of lactase in the body, an enzyme that breaks down milk sugar (lactose) found in dairy products. It’s easy to check: eliminate dairy products from your diet for a week. If the symptoms disappear, you will have to switch to kefir and natural yoghurts. Legumes and cabbage contribute to increased gas formation. It is necessary to limit beer and sweet sodas, apple and grape juices, nuts, raisins. Sorbitol and fructose also contribute to flatulence. Tea, coffee and caffeine-containing drinks can provoke diarrhea, and concentrated juices can irritate the stomach lining, so it is better to dilute them with water. And, in general, clean drinking water should become the main drink during periods of exacerbation.

Three natural helpers

  1. are “good” bacteria, living microorganisms that inhabit the intestinal microflora and have a beneficial effect on human health. These are mainly lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which help restore the balance of intestinal microflora. They are found in natural fermented milk products. But be careful when purchasing: the label of “correct” yogurt should indicate the content of lactic bacteria. And remember that the lifespan of yogurt cultures is no more than 30 days.
  2. Fennel helps relieve cramps and pain in the stomach and intestines. Prepare a fennel infusion: pour 1 teaspoon of seeds mixed with dried herbs with a glass of boiling water, leave for 10 minutes, strain. Take 1/2 cup 2-3 times a day before meals. You can buy fennel in bags and brew according to the instructions.
  3. Peppermint oil helps relieve stomach or intestinal colic, moderate pain, and also reduces cramps, bloating and increased gas formation. Take 6-12 drops per day - with warm water.

Connection between the head and the stomach

We all know the feeling when your stomach feels like it’s “tied in a knot” - when you are nervous, feeling fear, severe anxiety. It is not surprising that the digestive system malfunctions from stress, because our brain is responsible for this. People call it “sensitive stomach,” and experts call it “functional dyspepsia.” Our intestines are entangled in a network of more than 100 million nerve cells that have a direct connection with the brain. Therefore, heartburn, pain and cramps in the abdomen, as well as other temporary problems do not always indicate the presence of serious problems in the gastrointestinal tract. This may be the influence of stress.

Risk factors


If you drink alcohol in moderation, it won't cause much harm, but at the same time, alcohol can reduce the elasticity of the “membrane” that separates the stomach from the esophagus. And this provokes indigestion and heartburn. Try to limit yourself to two glasses of wine (or beer) or two glasses of strong drink per day. And be sure to follow the “dry law” at least 2 days a week.


Without thinking, we drink several cups of tea, coffee, cola and other caffeine-containing drinks a day. And caffeine has the unpleasant property of increasing the acidity of gastric juice, and this provokes the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms as stomach pain and diarrhea. In addition, caffeine inhibits the digestion of carbohydrates, which can impair digestion. If you can't give up coffee completely, limit yourself to one cup a day.


This bad habit increases the risk of peptic ulcers and stomach cancer. Cigarette smoke and tar decay products contain substances that activate the production of gastric juice, which leads to the formation of ulcers in the large intestine. In addition, carcinogenic substances released when tobacco burns are the main provocateurs of cancer.


Some over-the-counter medications may cause stomach pain or digestive problems. First of all, these are those that contain aspirin or ibuprofen, a number of tranquilizers or antidepressants. Painkillers that contain codeine or its derivatives, as well as iron tablets, can cause constipation, while some antibiotics and antacids (anti-acid agents) can cause diarrhea.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs, NSAIDs) are new generation medications that have anti-inflammatory, antipyretic and analgesic effects. Their mechanism of action is based on blocking certain enzymes (cyclooxygenase, COX), which are responsible for the formation of prostaglandins - chemicals that promote pain, fever, and inflammation.

  • How NSAIDs work
    • When are NSAIDs used?
    • The main advantage of new generation NSAIDs
    • What are new generation NSAIDs?
    • Classification of NSAIDs
    • Dosage selection
    • Side effects
    • Use during pregnancy
    • Movalis
    • Celecoxib
    • Indomethacin
    • Ibuprofen
    • Diclofenac
    • Chondroprotectors - alternative drugs

The word “non-steroidal” in the name of these drugs indicates the fact that medications in this group are not artificial analogues of steroid hormones - powerful anti-inflammatory hormonal drugs. The most popular NSAIDs are diclofenac and ibuprofen.

How NSAIDs work

If analgesics are intended to combat pain, then NSAIDs reduce two unpleasant symptoms of the disease: inflammation and pain. Many drugs in this group are considered non-selective inhibitors of the cyclooxygenase enzyme, which suppress the effects of both of its isoforms (types) - COX-1 and COX-2.

Cyclooxygenase is responsible for the formation of thromboxane and prostaglandins from arachidonic acid, which, in turn, is obtained from cell membrane phospholipids using the enzyme phospholipase A2. Among other functions, prostaglandins are regulators and mediators in the formation of inflammation.

When are NSAIDs used?

Most often, NSAID drugs are used to treat chronic or acute inflammation that is accompanied by pain. Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs have gained great popularity due to their effective treatment of joints.

We list the diseases for which these medications are prescribed:

NSAIDs should not be used during erosive and ulcerative lesions of the gastrointestinal tract, especially during the acute stage, cytopenias, severe renal and liver dysfunction, pregnancy, and individual intolerance. Should be prescribed with caution to patients with asthma, as well as to people who have previously had negative reactions while taking any other NSAIDs.

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: list of NSAIDs for the treatment of joints

Let's consider the most effective and well-known NSAIDs, which are used to treat joints and other diseases when an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory effect is required:

Some medications are weaker, not so aggressive, some are designed for acute arthrosis, if emergency intervention is necessary in order to stop dangerous processes in the body.

The main advantage of new generation NSAIDs

Side effects are observed during prolonged use of NSAIDs (for example, during treatment of osteochondrosis) and consist of damage to the intestinal and stomach mucosa with the formation of bleeding and ulcers. This disadvantage of non-selective NSAIDs was the reason for the creation of a new generation of drugs that block only COX-2 (an inflammatory enzyme) and do not affect the function of COX-1 (a defense enzyme).

That is, new generation drugs have almost no ulcerogenic side effects (damage to the mucous membrane of the digestive system) associated with prolonged use of non-selective NSAIDs, but they increase the chance of thrombotic complications.

The only disadvantage of the new generation of drugs is their high cost, which makes them inaccessible to most people.

What are new generation NSAIDs?

New generation anti-inflammatory nonsteroidal drugs act much more selectively; they inhibit COX-2 to a greater extent, while COX-1 remains almost unaffected. This is what can explain the rather high effectiveness of the drug in combination with a minimum of side effects.

List of effective and popular new generation anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs:

  • Xefocam. A medicine that is based on Lornoxicam. Its characteristic feature is the fact that the drug has an increased ability to relieve pain. In terms of this indicator, it is similar to morphine, but at the same time it does not create addiction and does not have an opiate-like effect on the central nervous system.
  • Movalis. It has an antipyretic, well-defined anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. The main advantage of this drug is that with constant medical supervision it can be used for quite a long time. Meloxicam is produced in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections, in ointments, suppositories and tablets. The tablets of the drug are quite convenient in that they have a long-lasting effect, and it is enough to use one tablet throughout the day.
  • Nimesulide. Used successfully to treat arthritis, vertebrogenic back pain, etc. Normalizes temperature, relieves hyperemia and inflammation. Taking the drug quickly leads to improved mobility and reduced pain. It is also used in the form of an ointment for application to the problem area.
  • Celecoxib. This drug significantly alleviates the patient’s condition with arthrosis, osteochondrosis and other diseases, effectively fights inflammation and perfectly relieves pain. Side effects on the digestive system from the drug are minimal or completely absent.

In cases where long-term use of anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs is not necessary, then older generation drugs are used. However, sometimes this is simply a necessary measure, since not all people can afford a course of treatment with these drugs.

Classification of NSAIDs

Based on their chemical origin, these drugs come in non-acidic and acidic derivatives.

Acidic preparations:

Non-acidic drugs:

  • Sulfonamide derivatives;
  • Alcanons.

At the same time, non-steroidal drugs differ in intensity and type of action - anti-inflammatory, analgesic, combined.

According to the strength of the anti-inflammatory effect of average doses, the drugs are arranged in the following sequence (the most powerful on top):

  • Flurbiprofen;
  • Indomethacin;
  • Piroxicam;
  • Diclofenac sodium;
  • Naproxen;
  • Ketoprofen;
  • Aspirin;
  • Amidopyrine;
  • Ibuprofen.

According to the analgesic effect, the drugs are arranged in the following order:

Most often, the NSAID drugs listed above are used for chronic and acute diseases that are accompanied by inflammation and pain. As a rule, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat joints and relieve pain: injuries, arthrosis, arthritis, etc.

NSAIDs are often used for pain relief for migraines and headaches, renal colic, postoperative pain, dysmenorrhea, etc. Due to their inhibitory effect on prostaglandin synthesis, these drugs also have an antipyretic effect.

Dosage selection

Any medicine new to the patient should be prescribed initially in a minimal dose. If tolerance is normal, the daily dose is increased after a few days.

Therapeutic dosages of NSAIDs are in a wide range, while recently there has been a tendency to increase single and daily doses of drugs that are well tolerated (ibuprofen, naproxen), while maintaining restrictions on the maximum dosage of indomethacin, aspirin, piroxicam, phenylbutazone. In some patients, the therapeutic effect is achieved only with the use of increased doses of NSAIDs.

Side effects

Long-term use of anti-inflammatory drugs in high dosages can cause:

Treatment with NSAIDs must be carried out for the shortest possible time and in minimal doses.

Use during pregnancy

It is undesirable to use NSAIDs during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester. Although no direct teratogenic effects are found, it is believed that NSAIDs can cause renal complications in the fetus and premature closure of the ductus arteriosus. There is also information about premature birth. Despite this, aspirin in combination with heparin has been used successfully in women with antiphospholipid syndrome.

Description of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs


It is a leader among non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, has a long duration of action and is approved for long-term use.

It has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use it for rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, and osteoarthritis. Protects cartilage tissue and is not without antipyretic and analgesic properties. Used for headaches and toothaches.

The determination of doses and administration options (suppositories, injections, tablets) depends on the type and severity of the disease.


A COX-2 inhibitor that has a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. When used in therapeutic doses, it has almost no negative effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, since it has a fairly low degree of affinity for COX-1 and, accordingly, does not cause disruption in the synthesis of constitutional prostaglandins.


It is one of the most effective non-hormonal drugs. For arthritis, it reduces joint swelling, relieves pain and has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. When using a medication, you need to be careful, as it has a long list of side effects. In pharmacology, the drug is manufactured under the names Indovis EC, Indovazin, Indocollir, Indotard, Metindol.


It combines the ability to effectively reduce pain and temperature, and is relatively safe, which is why medications based on it can be purchased without a prescription. Ibuprofen is used as an antipyretic drug, including for newborns.

It is not used as often as an anti-inflammatory drug, but the medicine is very popular in rheumatology: it is used to treat osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other joint diseases.

The most popular names include Nurofen, Ibuprom, MIG 400 and 200.


Form of manufacture - capsules, tablets, gel, suppositories, injection solution. This drug for the treatment of joints perfectly combines both a high anti-inflammatory effect and high analgesic activity.

It is manufactured under the names Naklofen, Voltaren, Diklak, Ortofen, Vurdon, Diclonac P, Dolex, Olfen, Clodifen, Dikloberl, etc.

Chondroprotectors - alternative drugs

Very often, chondroprotectors are used to treat joints. People often do not understand the differences between chondroprotectors and NSAIDs. The latter quickly remove pain, but at the same time have many side effects. And chondroprotectors protect cartilage tissue, but they must be used in courses. The most effective chondroprotectors contain two substances - chondroitin and glucosamine.

Anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs are excellent assistants during the treatment of many diseases. But we must not forget that they only remove the negatively impacting symptoms on well-being; diseases are treated directly by other methods and drugs.

Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis: how effective is it?

Arthritis is a term that refers to inflammation in the joints. In case of inflammation of the joint, redness, swelling appears at the site of inflammation, an increase in temperature and pain in the joint are noted. To increase the effectiveness of treatment, methotrexate is used for rheumatoid arthritis.

  • Causes
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostics
  • Treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of chronic arthritis in which inflammation occurs in paired joints (for example, knees, elbows or wrists). It is the symmetry of inflammation that is the hallmark of rheumatoid arthritis.

With this disease, inflammation can affect not only the joints, but also the skin, eyes, blood, lungs, nervous system and even the heart.

Rheumatoid arthritis primarily affects the joints in the hands, although inflammation can occur in almost any joint. When joints become inflamed, symmetry is maintained.

This disease is observed in women 2-3 times more often than in men, but in men it is more severe. Rheumatoid arthritis most often affects middle-aged people, but the disease can develop in older people and children.


No one has yet been able to explain the exact causes of the formation of rheumatoid arthritis. However, it is believed that it can occur through a combination of environmental, genetic and hormonal factors. In this disease, a person's immune system can attack their own joints, tissues, and in some cases, other organs.

Some experts suggest that some bacteria or viruses can force the immune system to attack its own tissues. Smoking is also thought to be a cause of rheumatoid arthritis.

It is believed that the gene that increases the risk of rheumatoid arthritis may be inherited from parents.


The main symptom of rheumatoid arthritis is inflammation of the joints. Typically, inflammation is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Decreased joint mobility. There is a feeling of stiffness in the joints, the range of motion is reduced. Patients complain that joint stiffness is usually felt in the morning. Stiffness and stiffness persist for several hours, after which relief occurs.
  • Edema. Fluid accumulates in the joint cavity. This causes the joint to swell. This factor also contributes to stiffness.
  • Pain. Arthritis often causes pain, since inflammation of the joints can lead to various damage to internal structures.
  • At the site of inflammation, the skin becomes reddened. A local increase in temperature in areas of inflammation is possible.

Due to the fact that other organs and tissues can suffer from inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis are also considered fatigue, weight loss, lack of appetite, muscle pain, and deterioration in well-being.

Complex forms of the disease are characterized by multiple lesions of the body:

  1. With rheumatoid arthritis, lumps (nodules) form under the skin. They may be painful. Most often, such seals appear on the elbows.
  2. If rheumatoid arthritis affects the lungs, then inflammation of the pleural sac occurs. This phenomenon is most often asymptomatic. Shortness of breath may occur.
  3. With rheumatoid arthritis, the joints of the vocal apparatus can be affected, and this can lead to hoarseness.
  4. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause inflammation in the pericardium (the outer lining of the heart). This phenomenon can also be asymptomatic. Chest pain and difficulty breathing may occur. These patients have an increased risk of developing myocardial infarction.
  5. Rheumatoid arthritis can cause eye damage. However, this happens quite rarely - in less than 5% of patients. In this case, patients note dry eyes, redness and soreness.

When the first symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis appear, you should visit a doctor for diagnosis and treatment.

Effect on the human body

When the immune system malfunctions, immune cells can migrate into tissues and joints from the blood. There, these cells produce substances that promote inflammation. The increase in these cells and the substances they secrete destroys the joint and causes irritation and swelling of the synovium (the lining of the joint). When exposed to these factors, fluid begins to accumulate in the joint.

The cartilage gradually wears out, and the distance between the bones decreases. In severe cases, bones may rub against each other.

If a lot of fluid accumulates in a joint, the synovium stretches and can pull away from the bone. This results in damage called bone erosion. The joints may become very swollen, painful and hot.


The diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis is made by a doctor in a clinic after interviewing and examining the patient.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis complain of:

  • stiffness and stiffness of the joint in the morning;
  • symmetry of joint inflammation;
  • the presence of rheumatoid nodes under the skin.

Based on the results of an X-ray examination, rheumatic changes in the joints can be detected.

To diagnose rheumatoid arthritis, a blood test for rheumatoid factor is prescribed. It can be detected in most patients who suffer from this disease. Although in some cases, rheumatoid factor may be present in people who do not suffer from this particular form of the disease. Its presence may also indicate other diseases in the body.

For a more accurate diagnosis, you can conduct a blood test for citrulline antibodies. If the result of this study is positive, there is a high probability of rheumatoid arthritis. If a blood test reveals the presence of antibodies, this indicates that a more severe form of rheumatoid arthritis may develop.

Patients may have an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). An increase in this indicator indicates the presence of inflammation in the body. There may also be a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the patient's blood.


Treatment can be carried out using several methods. These methods include drug treatment, in particular methotrexate, special physical exercises, proper rest, and possible surgical correction of the damaged joint.

The treatment method is chosen by the attending physician depending on several factors, such as the patient's age, severity of the disease, anamnesis (the patient's medical history) and general health.

With medicinal treatment, medications are prescribed that can alleviate the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. Some medications can reduce the rate of disease progression.

The following remedies can relieve pain and joint stiffness:

  • anti-inflammatory drugs that relieve pain (ibuprofen, naproxen, aspirin);
  • painkillers for external use;
  • corticosteroids (prednisolone);
  • narcotic analgesics. They are used only for complicated forms of rheumatoid arthritis or when other painkillers are insufficiently effective.

Antirheumatic drugs (ARDs) are also often used to treat rheumatoid arthritis.

These drugs can suppress the aggressiveness of the immune system. As a rule, these are immunosuppressants that suppress the intense activity of the immune system (methotrexate, imuran, cytoxan).

When treating rheumatoid arthritis, special physical exercises are prescribed to maintain joint flexibility and strengthen muscles. Such exercises should be done regularly.

During exacerbations of the disease, proper rest and reducing the load on damaged joints are important.

Surgical intervention is indicated in cases where the process of joint damage has become irreversible or when treatment with medications does not bring results.

It is currently impossible to completely get rid of rheumatoid arthritis. With the help of modern drugs, you can only reduce inflammation and improve joint function.


For rheumatoid arthritis, one of the most effective medications is methotrexate. This is a basic drug that is used specifically to protect the joints, since if they are not protected, rheumatoid arthritis can become chronic and then surgical intervention may be required. Methotrexate has been used for this disease for a long time, but its effectiveness was proven by scientists only a few years ago.

The use of methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis has become very popular because this drug is highly effective and has few side effects. However, when treating the disease with methotrexate, you need to have your blood tested regularly.

Despite the fact that it is quite difficult to cure this disease, the use of methotrexate can alleviate the patient's condition, and in some cases can allow the patient to forget about his disease for several years.

Methotrexate is produced in the form of a concentrate, from which a solution for injection can be prepared, as well as in the form of film-coated tablets.

Methotrexate is prescribed orally, intravenously or subcutaneously. The drug works best when taken orally. Intravenous or subcutaneous administration of the drug is prescribed to patients who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The initial dose is determined by the attending physician.

The effect of methotrexate is noticeable within 2-6 weeks after the start of the course. The medicine showed its effectiveness in 80% of the total number of patients.

This drug has a number of contraindications. Its use is impossible in case of hypersensitivity to the drug, alcohol abuse, renal and liver failure, blood dyscrasia, peptic ulcer, and severe chronic infections such as hepatitis, HIV and tuberculosis. The use of the drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation.

A blood test must be done before using this methotrexate.

Folk remedies

There are many traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. However, you need to remember that before using any traditional methods of treating rheumatoid arthritis, you should consult a doctor.

  • You can prepare a composition for rubbing. To do this, mix 150 ml of alcohol (70%), turpentine and olive oil and add 3 ml of camphor.
  • Mix 200 ml of black radish juice, 100 ml of vodka, 150 g. honey, 15 gr. salt. Mix everything thoroughly and rub into joints.
  • To improve metabolism in the body, you need to drink tomato juice.
  • 50 gr. camphor and mustard powder mixed with 100 ml of 70% alcohol. Add 100 gr. well beaten egg white. Rub into joints.

Prevention of rheumatoid arthritis

Prevention is aimed at preventing exacerbations or reducing the rate of progression of the disease.

For arthritis of the knee, hip or ankle joints, the use of a cane is recommended. It will help you maintain proper gait. The cane must be selected depending on height.

Rheumatoid arthritis often affects the joints of the feet. Therefore, you need to pay attention to ensuring that your shoes are comfortable and that the load on your joints is distributed evenly.

To reduce inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis, it is important to follow a diet that includes fish oil. Food should contain a lot of calcium. Therefore, it is important that your diet includes plenty of dairy products.

If the patient has increased body weight, then you should try to reduce it to reduce the load on the joints.

Useful articles:

Radiculitis is an acute inflammatory process, the clinical manifestation of which is pinching of the roots of the spinal nerves formed from them. This disease is often characterized by the manifestation of pain in the lumbar and sacral areas of the back, radiating to the thigh and ankle of the leg.

As a result of acute pain, which intensifies with movement, a person cannot lead his usual lifestyle, work, rest, and thinks about what to inject for radiculitis and what ointments or other medications to use. An attack of acute pain can be controlled with anesthetic drugs and injections.

But the treatment should be comprehensive with the prescription of ointments, tablets, painkillers for radiculitis, injections, as well as other drugs with a different spectrum of effects on the problem area of ​​the back.

How effective are injections for radiculitis?

How effective are injections for radiculitis and back pain, and what drugs are best to use to cure this ailment. Curing radiculitis with injections is justified, since this is the simplest and most effective method of action aimed at reducing pain and reducing the acute inflammatory process in the back area.

You just need to choose the desired mechanism of injection action on the existing lesion, thanks to which the medicines can enter the human body, have the desired therapeutic effect on it and ask the question what is injected for radiculitis. My patients use a proven remedy that allows them to get rid of pain in 2 weeks without much effort.

Treatment with injections can be carried out:

  • Intramuscular administration;
  • Intravenous;
  • Local injection - directly into the focus of the painful area of ​​the spinal region;
  • Intraosseous administration;
  • In the membranes of the spinal cord;

Painkillers and antiphlogistic drugs

The main effect of anesthetic injections is aimed at reducing pain and its complete elimination, as well as normalizing the processes of blood supply to the roots of the spinal nerves. The following medicinal products are divided into groups and have different points of use.

Pharmacological products related to the group of non-steroidal and antiphlogistic (anti-inflammatory) drugs - NSAIDs, which have an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. NSAIDs are aimed at inhibiting an enzyme such as cyclooxygenase, as a result of which acute inflammatory processes are quickly relieved and pain is eliminated.

Pain relief for radiculitis with such non-steroidal drugs gives a good result, especially in combination with an effective analgesic, such as, for example, movalis.

Movalis is a selective drug

Targeted antiphlogistic injections relieve pain after the first use. Due to a decrease in the level of inflammation, the resulting pain is eliminated.

Non-steroidal drugs are divided into selective and non-selective products.

But often these medicinal products reduce the protection of the gastrointestinal tract and contribute to the occurrence of ulcers in it. In connection with this, it is necessary to simultaneously use such means that will protect the gastrointestinal tract. And long-term use of these so-called non-selective agents is not recommended.

Selective products do not allow existing diseases such as gastritis and gastrointestinal ulcers to worsen. The drugs in this group are:

  • Diclofenac, ketonal, xefocam, movalis.

Movalis is the best analgesic that makes it easy to cope with the symptoms of radiculitis. Injections for radiculitis with Movalis are given intramuscularly up to 4 times a day, without overestimating the duration of the course of treatment. Even the use of these injections, 3 ampoules per day, will be sufficient. Movalis does not act on the stomach enzyme, but at the same time fulfills its intended purpose.

Movalis injections can be used for a long time without worrying about the possible formation of ulcerations of the stomach walls, but it is important to know that its anesthetic effect will decrease.

Novocaine blockades

Blockades using novocaine are an effective and quick way to eliminate pain localized in the back area. For example, injections for lumbar radiculitis are given precisely in this place (lumbar back) by injecting it with a diluted solution of novocaine. Therefore, when the question arises of how to relieve pain from radiculitis, we can confidently recommend the use of novocaine blockade.

The only disadvantage of this method of getting rid of pain is its short-term effect, since after an hour or two the pain can resume with renewed vigor. But still, this remedy is the most common and in demand due to its ability to provide emergency and effective assistance.

Centrally acting muscle relaxants

They also give injections for radiculitis, the name given to mydocalm and sirdalud, which belong to the group of centrally acting muscle relaxants. These drugs relax skeletal muscles and, influencing the central nervous system, reduce nervous excitation in its fibers.

Such products are produced both in tablets and ampoules and are highly effective in treatment.


These medicinal products are classified as hormonal steroid components. Together they influence metabolic processes in the human body and increase the synthesis of antiphlogistic proteins.

These medicinal products increase blood flow in the affected area and reduce the development of inflammatory processes caused by radiculitis. Glucocorticoids can also be considered one of the best remedies for radiculitis - injections that directly affect the affected area.

Such medicinal products include:

  • Hydrocartisone, Kenalog, Dexamethasone.

Vitamins belonging to group "B"

The most important role for the normal functioning of the human body is played by the vitamin B complex. Vitamins are very important, as they are involved in metabolism and are required for the normal functioning of the nervous system.

You can consider the example of a specific vitamin complex:

  • (B 1) – participates in the restoration of damaged nerve fibers;
  • (B 6) – participates in the body’s immune processes;
  • (B 12) - plays an important role in the processes of cell division.

How to treat radiculitis - injections with a vitamin complex contribute to the healing process aimed at eradicating the disease and its symptoms.


Millgamma for radiculitis has excellent analgesic properties and is a combination drug that includes vitamins - “B 1”, “B 6”, “B 12”. But it is an effective medicine for radiculitis, injections, which must be given in a course, and not as a single injection.

It is this remedy that improves the conductivity and vital activity of nerve roots, reduces swelling caused by pinched nerves, and restores its tissue system. What injections help with radiculitis and how to cure it should be decided by a professional in this matter - a medical worker who has repeatedly encountered such an undesirable disease.

After collecting an anamnesis and carefully examining the patient, the specialist must decide the sufficiency of any one non-steroidal drug or in combination with blockades and synthetic opiates.

But in any case, painkillers are prescribed, as well as muscle relaxants and a vitamin B complex.

But as soon as the severity of the symptoms subsides, the doctor will definitely recommend switching from injections to taking tablets and special ointments. And this must be done, as they say, to finish the job - and get rid of such an insidious disease forever.

Treatment of pain in the stomach is based mainly on eliminating its main causative factors. Appropriate emergency measures are taken in situations of severe pain or life-threatening conditions.

In gastroenterological practice, specialists quite often include medications in tablet form in the treatment regimen to help cope with pain affecting the stomach.

Only experienced doctors can make an accurate diagnosis to the patient and tell him what to do and what medications to take.

Causal factors of pain sensations

There are a large number of causative factors that can have a detrimental effect on the stomach, and they all require completely different therapy.

By and large, the occurrence of pain in the abdominal area does not in all situations indicate the presence of a specific disease. Among the main factors of painful sensations are:

  • consumption of a very large amount of food, disruption of intestinal function, increased stress, stress (causing reflex spasms in the stomach), allergic manifestations;
  • entry of bacterial and viral agents into the body (for example, during poisoning), which leads to symptoms such as diarrhea and fever;
  • trauma to the abdominal area;
  • diseases associated with the kidneys, pancreas or liver, creating a false feeling of pain in the abdominal area;
  • reaction to an incorrect and poor diet.

All of the above reasons can significantly affect the functioning of the stomach and provoke the appearance of unpleasant pain, therefore it is necessary to promptly take appropriate measures and decide on the choice of tablets that can relieve pain.

Tablets for stomach pain

Many people ask the question: what to do when your stomach hurts, what pills to take? There are a number of common and available medications that can help relieve stomach pain and cramps.

Below are the most common medications that can be used to relieve stomach pain.


Parietal cells in the walls of the stomach are involved in the production of hydrochloric acid, which helps digest protein in food. The acid is very aggressive for the denaturation of proteins and the digestion process.

Other cells in the stomach create a mucus barrier to protect the stomach itself from its own natural acid.

When the latter bypasses the protective barriers of secreted mucus, pain occurs. Some medications called antacids can prevent the buildup of too much acid.

There are also specific antacids that neutralize the acid. Once the acid returns to normal levels, the pain usually subsides.

If you have gastritis or ulcers, accompanied by heartburn, sour belching and specific pain, you can take medications like:

  • Gastala;
  • Almagel;
  • Anacida;
  • Maaloxa;
  • De-nola.

If after taking these medications you experience unpleasant painful sensations, it is recommended to take one of the enveloping drugs (like Phosphalugel).

If the process is accompanied by diarrhea and flatulence, you need to drink some product like Linex.


Bacteria such as Helicobacter Pylori, E. coli or Clostridium can cause infections in the stomach. According to various studies, H. Pylori bacteria help reduce the level of protective properties of stomach mucus, causing pain from the action of stomach acids.

Intestinal bacterial infections cause intestinal spasms as the intestines try to get rid of the infection. Antibiotic medications to kill bacterial infections help relieve pain from them.

The choice of this type of medication with which you can cope with Helicobacter Pylori is not very large. Which of them are the most effective in fighting bacteria?

Today the most famous medications are of the following types:

  1. Amoxicillin.
  2. Clarithromycin.
  3. Azithromycin.
  4. Levofloxacin.

At the same time, it is known that an acidic environment can deactivate most antibiotics. In addition, certain antibiotic drugs and tablets cannot affect the deep layers of mucus, where the vast majority of bacterial agents are located.


Painkillers such as Aaracetamol and Acetaminophen (the same medicine but with different names in different countries) can be taken to relieve moderate abdominal pain that occurs in waves.

These medications are good ways to reduce the intensity of abdominal pain because they do not irritate the stomach lining, which can cause worsening pain.

Other painkillers, such as Ibuprofen, can irritate the stomach area and make abdominal pain worse. Therefore, it is recommended to consult your doctor before consuming any pill.

Antispasmodic drugs

Sometimes abdominal pain can be caused by contraction of muscles in the digestive system. This type of pain is often described as “colic” or cramping pain.

They are a type of pain that starts and stops suddenly and is due to the contraction and relaxation of muscles in the digestive system.

Any antispasmodic agent works effectively by causing the muscles to relax, thereby providing significant pain relief. Antispasmodics are useful for relieving pain caused by flatulence and irritable bowel syndrome.

For stomach cramps, you can purchase at the pharmacy and take the following medications:

  1. Besalol.
  2. Buskopan.
  3. No-shpa.

Common antispasmodics for abdominal pain consist of Buscopan and Mebeverine. These tablets should be taken only if the stomach hurts intensely and at the same time cramps are felt in it.

Anti-dyspeptic drugs

Diarrhea can cause abdominal pain, especially if it is due to a digestive tract infection. Loperamide hydrochloride is a common drug used to treat acute diarrhea. It has a number of common brand names, including Imodium.

Other medicines

There are many other drugs, as well as various tablets, designed to eliminate specific causative factors of pain in the stomach.

They are prescribed by the attending physician or other medical specialist (for example, a therapist or gastroenterologist).

For pain caused by eating large amounts of food, especially against the background of low acidity or indigestion, medications and tablets are prescribed such as:

  • Mezima forte;
  • Pancreatin;
  • Festala.

If your stomach hurts after taking any pill, there were probably violations in the rules for their use. Before using any tablet, it is recommended to read the instructions, since certain drugs should be taken only after meals, while others must be taken with a large volume of liquid.

If these rules are neglected, drugs in the form of tablets can irritate the stomach and its mucous membrane, which in the future can provoke pain attacks.

Indications and contraindications for the use of tablets

Indications for the use of drugs in tablet form consist of:

  1. High acidity of gastric juice, ulcers affecting the stomach.
  2. Acute or chronic forms of gastritis with high acidity.
  3. Mild forms of food poisoning.
  4. Abdominal cramps.
  5. Damage to the walls of the stomach caused by therapy with medications that irritate the esophagus and stomach.
  6. Spasms caused by stress.
  7. Inflammation in the esophagus.

Contraindications consist of:

  • complex forms of renal function disorders;
  • individual intolerance to medications;
  • often – pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children's age category;
  • bleeding in the stomach.

A drug called No-shpa should not be prescribed during glaucoma or prostate hypertrophy, even if it causes severe stomach pain. In other cases (the presence of severe cramps in the stomach), one tablet will be enough to alleviate the condition.

Drugs in the form of tablets that help eliminate pain in the abdominal area, according to experts, are well tolerated by patients. However, in rare cases, certain patients may experience the following side effects:

  • dyspeptic symptoms, nausea and vomiting, stool disorders, changes in the shade of the tongue, darkening of feces;
  • allergic reactions in the form of swelling, skin rashes.

Side effects are reversible and disappear completely after completion of therapy with tablet drugs.

What to do if pills don't help

Constipation is another common cause of stomach pain and is usually treated with laxatives. Most constipation responds to prescription medications, however, in some cases, more aggressive treatment may be necessary after attempts to relieve the condition have failed.

In certain situations, constipation may require forced evacuation with an enema. The latter is defined as forcing water and stool out of the intestines using an external plastic tube inserted into the rectum.

Enema kits can usually be purchased without a prescription at most stores and pharmacies.

Some abdominal pain may be caused by gas buildup in the stomach. Gas associated with abdominal pain is usually treated with medications that contain simethicone, an active ingredient that reduces the amount of gas in the stomach.

Sometimes one tablet of this medication is enough to eliminate the corresponding symptom.

People who have chronic problems with gas accumulation may take this medication before meals, which may help prevent gas from forming. The accumulation of gas in the stomach and the resulting pain can have many different causes, but they are often the result of overeating or eating too quickly.

In some situations, pain in the stomach may continue even after treatment with medications in the form of tablets for abdominal pain.

Sometimes this indicates the onset of a more serious condition, such as appendicitis, a condition that usually causes severe abdominal pain, often accompanied by vomiting.

Inflammation of appendicitis is a serious disease and, as a rule, requires timely medical attention. If left untreated, the appendix can rupture, which can cause life-threatening complications.

Rennie is the most popular heartburn drug around the world. It was developed in the first half of the 20th century, but has not lost its relevance even now. The combined composition of this medicine allows you to quickly and effectively neutralize the aggressive effect of hydrochloric acid, relieve all symptoms of heartburn and protect the digestive tract.

Composition of the drug

Antacids are a broad group of medications that are used to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. Their main component is a combination of calcium, magnesium and aluminum compounds. The whole group is divided into two large branches: absorbable and non-absorbable antacids.

Rennie for heartburn tablets is an absorbable antacid. They acquired this name for the ability of their components or products obtained in the stomach when interacting with hydrochloric acid to independently dissolve in the blood.

The drug contains two main substances, which by their nature are chemical compounds:

  • Calcium carbonate is a calcium salt of carbonic acid that has a quick (3-5 minutes) neutralizing effect on hydrochloric acid.
  • Magnesium hydroxycarbonate is a magnesium salt of carbonic acid, characterized by a longer but lasting decrease in acidity in the stomach.

Indications for use

Rennie is the best known drug taken in most cases. It is effective for heartburn caused by:

  • drugs for gastritis and ulcers
  • Will folk remedies help against heartburn?
  • after overeating;
  • after eating fatty or spicy foods;
  • after drinking large amounts of coffee or other foods and drinks containing caffeine;
  • due to a stressful situation;
  • in a pregnant woman;
  • after smoking or drinking alcohol;
  • due to taking other medications.

Indications for the use of these tablets are various symptoms resulting from increased acidity of gastric juice and relapse of reflux esophagitis:

  • heartburn;
  • belching sour;
  • episodic stomach pain;
  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • nutritional dyspepsia;
  • dyspepsia in pregnant women.

They can also be used to relieve symptoms of heartburn in gastroesophageal reflux disease, but treatment of its relapses should be comprehensive, including both antacids and proton pump inhibitors, prokinetic agents.

Taking Rennie is ineffective for heartburn that develops against the background of peptic ulcer of the digestive tract, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis. In these cases, pathogenetic therapy of the disease is necessary.

Dosage regimen and special instructions

Rennie comes in the form of tablets that need to be chewed rather than taken orally. A significant advantage of the medicine is that there is no course of treatment, since it should be taken only when heartburn or accompanying symptoms appear. The number of tablets per dose is 1–2 pieces.

If after a short period of time the problem recurs, then after 2 hours they can be taken again. It is allowed to use no more than 11 pieces per day.

When using this medicine you should consider:

  • As a result of administration, the acidity of gastric juice decreases, which may affect the absorption of other medications. Therefore, other medications should be taken 1–2 hours before taking it or 1–2 hours after it.
  • The antacid reduces the absorption of some antibiotics, cardiac glycosides, thyroxine, iron, phosphates, and fluorides.
  • In the case of simultaneous use of diuretics that do not remove calcium, it is necessary to monitor the level of this electrolyte in the blood.
  • Signs of an overdose may include nausea, vomiting, and muscle weakness. If they appear, you should stop taking the medication and then consult a doctor.
  • Taking Rennie may increase the risk of kidney stones.

Safe or not?

Chewable tablets are available as a medicine. They have different tastes, differ in the number of pieces in the package and sugar content. Chewable tablet options:

  • Orange, which has a pleasant citrus smell and sweetish taste, is available in 12, 24 and 48 pieces. Contains sucrose.
  • Menthol - with the smell and taste of menthol, there are 12 and 24 pieces per package. Like the previous option, it contains sucrose.
  • Mint has, respectively, the smell and taste of mint. Does not contain sugar, as a result of which it can be used by patients suffering from diabetes and other people who control their sugar intake. Quantity per package – 12, 24, 48.

It should be noted that all three forms can be used during pregnancy and lactation, since in recommended doses the medicine does not have a negative effect on the fetus and child.

But, if you carefully read the composition of the tablets, you can detect the presence of modified corn starch. Thus, the question of safety during pregnancy and lactation remains open for every parent who cares about the health of their children.

The innovative form of release of Rennie in granules is a food supplement. It is available in the form of sachets containing granules. This innovation from the manufacturing company Bayer, according to the instructions, dissolves directly on the tongue in 30 seconds, helping to quickly relieve heartburn. Unlike chewable tablets, the use of granules is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation, as well as with primary hyperparathyroidism, excess vitamin D and other contraindications specified in the tablets.

Side effects and contraindications

Side effects that have been reported with this medication are very rare. They can manifest as an allergic reaction in the form of various rashes, Quincke's edema, and anaphylaxis.

Despite the rare negative effects and fairly high safety of the drug, there are a number of contraindications. These include:

  • Severe renal failure, in which the excretory function is severely impaired.
  • Hypercalcemia, that is, a condition in which the amount of calcium in the blood exceeds the established norm. It can occur with increased leaching from bones or decreased absorption of calcium by bone tissue, increased absorption in the intestines, as well as with renal failure. In this case, tablets containing calcium cannot be taken.
  • Hypophosphatemia, that is, a condition in which the amount of phosphate in the blood is below the established norm. Its development is possible with the abuse of antacids, because aluminum and magnesium have the ability to bind phosphoric acid salts, preventing them from entering the blood.
  • Nephrocalcinosis, which is the deposition of calcium salts in the kidneys.
  • Age up to 12 years.

Deficiency of enzymes involved in the breakdown of sucrose, maltose, fructose, impaired absorption of glucose and galactose (malabsorption). If one of the listed pathologies is present, the use of Rennie is contraindicated, since sugars are included in its composition as excipients. Individual intolerance to the drug.

Sometimes, before taking a drug that only relieves symptoms, you need to think about whether it will delay the solution to a serious problem. It should be borne in mind that early diagnosis of the disease is the key to its successful treatment.

The most commonly used stomach pills

Very often, gastroenterologists prescribe various stomach pills to their patients. The choice of medications is determined by the underlying disease. Some of them protect the organ mucosa from the effects of acid, others reduce the production of gastric juice, others eliminate symptoms (flatulence, pain, vomiting), and others fight microbes.

Types of drugs

Stomach pathology is very common. The most common diseases are ulcers and gastritis. For gastric pathology, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • proton pump blockers;
  • gastroprotectors;
  • antacids;
  • enzyme agents;
  • antiemetic drugs;
  • antimicrobial;
  • painkillers (analgesics, antispasmodics and NSAIDs);
  • prokinetics;
  • adsorbents;
  • agents that reduce bloating;
  • dopamine receptor blockers.

With the development of autoimmune gastritis, glucocorticosteroids can be used. When choosing a medicine, the doctor takes into account the following circumstances:

  • drug tolerance;
  • patient's age;
  • presence of concomitant pathology;
  • interaction of medications with each other;
  • severity of the disease.

Proton pump inhibitors

For gastritis of the stomach with high acidity, proton pump blockers are always prescribed. This group includes the following drugs:

  • Omeprazole;
  • Omez;
  • Pantoprazole;
  • Esomeprazole;
  • Nolpaza;
  • Lansoprazole.

The most famous of them is Omeprazole. It belongs to the 1st generation of proton pump blockers. These medications are used for hyperacid gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux disease and the treatment of NSAIDs to protect the gastric mucosa. Omeprazole inhibits the enzyme responsible for the final phase of the formation of hydrochloric acid in the stomach.

It is a prodrug. In the gastric environment, Omeprazole is converted into an active metabolite. The medicine reduces the volume of gastric juice secreted and reduces the excretion of pepsin. Omeprazole has gastroprotective properties. The medicine is available in capsule form. The drug is used for the following pathologies:

  • gastritis with increased secretion;
  • peptic ulcer;
  • gastropathy that developed while taking NSAIDs;
  • reflux esophagitis.

Contraindications to taking the medication include pregnancy, childhood, intolerance to the drug components, and breastfeeding.


A common symptom of stomach diseases is heartburn. It is caused by increased acidity.

Stomach tablets used as symptomatic medications include antacids.

They are available in the form of suspensions, gels and tablets for oral administration. Antacids, once in the stomach, react with acid, forming neutral compounds.

Tablet antacid medications include:

  • Gastal;
  • Gelusil Lac;
  • Maalox;
  • Alumag;
  • Talcid;
  • Gaviscon.

Some medications are combined (Maalox, Alumag). They have an antacid, choleretic, enveloping and adsorbing effect. Maalox is indicated for the following diseases:

  • acute gastritis;
  • inflammation of the stomach with high acidity;
  • erosions of the gastric mucosa;
  • gastroesophageal reflux;
  • gastric hernia;
  • peptic ulcer during an exacerbation.

Maalox can be taken for stomach pain, heartburn due to the use of alcohol, medications or certain foods. The drug is contraindicated in chronic renal failure, drug intolerance, Alzheimer's disease, low levels of phosphorus in the blood and during pregnancy.


The list of stomach pills includes gastroprotectors. These medications protect the organ mucosa from an aggressive environment. The most commonly used gastroprotectors are:

  • De-Nol;
  • Misoprostol;
  • Cytotech.

De-Nol is often included in the complex treatment regimen for gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is produced in the form of film-coated tablets. De-Nol is a bismuth-based drug. The medicine has the following features:

  • effective against Helicobacter pylori bacteria;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • has astringent properties;
  • creates a protective film on the surface of the mucosa and ulcers;
  • increases the synthesis of prostaglandins;
  • reduces pepsin activity.

De-Nod is indicated for ulcers and chronic gastritis in the acute phase and functional dyspepsia. Tablets should not be taken in case of decompensated renal failure, hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as in children, pregnant and nursing mothers. Possible side effects of the drug include nausea, constipation, vomiting, allergic reactions, and encephalopathy.

Other medicines

Tablets for gastritis such as No-shpa, Papaverine, Drotaverine, and Halidor are often used. They are antispasmodics. These medications relieve muscle spasms that cause pain. If Helicobacter bacteria are detected in the body, the following antimicrobial tablets are prescribed:

  • Metronidazole;
  • Furazolidone;
  • Tetracycline;
  • Clarithromycin;
  • Amoxicillin.

Stomach diseases are often accompanied by bloating. To eliminate it, adsorbents (Activated carbon, Gastal), Motilium and Espumisan can be used. In chronic diseases, the digestion process is often disrupted. To improve it, the following enzyme preparations are prescribed:

  • Mezim;
  • Panzinorm;
  • Festal;
  • Digestal;
  • Creon;
  • Enzistal;
  • Pankreoflat.

Enzymes are indicated for gastric secretory insufficiency or achylia (lack of hydrochloric acid). In case of vomiting, tablets such as Motilac, Metoclopramide, Domperidone, Motilium are prescribed. Thus, the list of stomach pills is long.

Painkillers can have a detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract, so you should think in advance about how to protect the stomach when taking non-steroidal drugs to prevent gastrointestinal diseases.

It is important to understand that actions should be taken only after consulting a doctor.

NSAIDs are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs aimed at eliminating the symptoms of acute and chronic pathologies. They exhibit an analgesic effect, relieve inflammation and fever. The mechanisms of action of drugs in this group are aimed at reducing the synthesis of cyclooxygenase, which triggers protective mechanisms in response to pathological processes. Inhibition of cyclooxygenase synthesis leads to suppression of the synthesis of prostaglandins, the most important products of the inflammatory process.

The most famous representative is acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin. Ibuprofen, analgin, movixicam, and ketorolac are widely used. NSAIDs are effective for pain of moderate and mild intensity.

NSAIDs are classified as selective or non-selective. The first group includes drugs that block cyclooxygenase-2 to a greater extent. Non-selective ones block both forms of COX, producing a pronounced systemic effect. Selective NSAIDs are safer for the digestive tract.

Mechanisms of negative impact

There are several mechanisms for the development of NSAID gastropathy:

  • inhibition of the synthesis of the enzyme cyclooxygenase;
  • direct toxic effect;
  • systemic toxic effect.

It is the first mechanism that is of primary importance. As a result of inhibition of the synthesis of protective prostaglandins, the production of cyclooxygenase decreases. Prostaglandins, blocked by NSAIDs, regulate bicarbonate secretion and local blood flow. Bicarbonates, contained in gastric mucus and produced by local glands, protect the mucous membranes of the stomach from the irritating effects of hydrochloric acid and chemicals that penetrate the gastrointestinal tract.

Thus, the drugs block not only the production of inflammatory mediators, but also prostaglandins, which are responsible for the protective mechanisms of the mucous membranes. As a result, the shells become vulnerable to the action of chemicals, including medicinal ones.

Symptoms of gastrointestinal tract damage while taking NSAIDs

Clinical manifestations of gastritis during treatment with non-steroidal drugs vary from patient to patient. In half of the cases, the disease occurs without any symptoms. It is possible to diagnose gastropathy only at the stage of development of complications.

The following symptoms are noted:

  • feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • nausea;
  • pain in the epigastric region;
  • poor appetite;
  • flatulence.

Pain often appears on an empty stomach, at night. Many patients, in the absence of any symptoms, have multiple ulcers and erosions of the mucous membranes. In other cases, the opposite picture is observed - severe symptoms in the absence of endoscopic changes in the mucous membranes of the stomach.

Possible complications

NSAID gastropathy is dangerous because of its complications. The most common complication is perforation of the ulcer and internal bleeding. In the absence of emergency medical care, this condition is dangerous due to hemorrhagic shock and death.

During perforation of the ulcer, the contents of the stomach enter the abdominal cavity with the development of peritonitis. During peritonitis, toxins penetrate into the general bloodstream with the formation of intoxication. Prolonged peritonitis is fraught with blood poisoning.

How to protect your stomach?

The mucous membrane, devoid of bicarbonates and mucus, is susceptible to the toxic effects of chemicals. Therefore, to prevent complications and the development of NSAID gastropathy, it is necessary to follow these rules:

Without a doctor’s recommendation, you should not select an analogue, increase the dose or frequency of taking the drugs. A proper diet that excludes spicy and fatty foods, fast food, strong coffee and alcoholic drinks will also help protect the stomach when taking medications.

Means for protecting the mucous membrane

To protect the stomach when taking NSAIDs, it is necessary to additionally take drugs that stimulate the protective mechanisms of the mucous membranes of the stomach and upper intestines. Such drugs include:

  • Celecoxib;
  • Celebrex;
  • Omeprazole;
  • Omez;
  • Ranitidine;
  • Cimetidine;
  • Famotidine.

These drugs block histamine receptors in the epithelial layer of the gastric mucosa and reduce the passage of hydrochloric acid. Usually used to treat diseases of the digestive tract with high acidity.

Prevention of gastropathy

To prevent drug-induced gastropathy, it is necessary to take painkillers only as prescribed by a doctor and strictly in the dosages prescribed by him. During therapy, you need to avoid foods that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach: spicy, fatty foods, fast food, strong drinks. Eating very hot or cold food is not recommended.

Additional intake of protective drugs will protect the stomach when taking NSAIDs. Among the traditional methods, it is recommended to drink aloe juice on an empty stomach with water or honey, linden honey and propolis. All methods must first be discussed with your doctor.

Drug interactions

Before using any additional products, you should consult your doctor to prevent adverse reactions and serious conditions.

Actions in case of overdose

Symptoms of an overdose of anti-inflammatory drugs include nausea, vomiting, and trembling of the limbs. Possible black stools, vomiting blood, clouding of consciousness. In case of severe vomiting of blood and loss of consciousness, you should immediately seek medical help.

In case of asymptomatic overdose, activated carbon is used. In other cases, treatment is symptomatic.
