Comparative analysis of GSM security alarms. Review of the best new home security alarms Review of home alarms

It’s probably no secret to anyone that those who like to profit from other people’s goods have met (and still meet) always and everywhere in huge numbers. But modern technologies have stepped so far forward that an attacker, even if he knew at least a thousand ways to penetrate private property, would find it quite difficult to carry out his plan. This is due to the fact that complex security solutions have recently appeared that combine quite a lot of capabilities. That's what it is security system for a private home, office, bank, enterprise, etc. Let's consider the most basic aspects regarding the functioning of such devices.

Security systems for a private home: types and general concepts

So, what is such a system? Here it is worth clearly distinguishing the complexity of combining the total management components, monitoring capabilities uninvited guests, types of notification, as well as options for connecting equipment.

Today, there are three main types of such systems:

  • autonomous systems " Smart House»;
  • wired systems;
  • wireless (GSM security systems for a private home or office).

Let's briefly look at each type. But first, a few words about the equipment used.

Equipment used

If you look at it, any security system for a private home, office or enterprise, depending on the degree of complexity and the functions assigned to it, must include several mandatory components: a visual surveillance system or the use of motion sensors, a warning system for an attempted illegal intrusion (sound or light alarm, instant SMS sending to the owner of the house or office), the ability to block an intruder if he has already entered the premises, central control panel and unit uninterruptible power supply in case of a power outage.

It goes without saying that in the simplest case, most only motion sensors are installed. Among their types are the following:

  • passive infrared sensors that respond to thermal radiation;
  • beam infrared sensors with a reaction to the presence of a moving object in the area where the beams intersect;
  • sensors that operate on the basis of the reflection of radio waves sent to a moving object (similar to the reaction of bats);
  • contact magnetic sensors that are triggered when doors are opened;
  • vibration sensors that detect the slightest vibration of the surface on which it is installed (floor, walls, etc.);
  • sensors that detect damage to glass in windows or double-glazed windows;
  • capacitive sensors for metal, triggered when the parameters of the magnetic field around them change;
  • combined systems that include, in addition to the above, functions for detecting gas or water leaks.

Smart Home Systems

Perhaps today, Smart Home systems are the best. With their integrated installation, this includes not only a primitive alarm system for a private home. IN in this case several systems are combined into one. That is, the security function is combined with autonomous control of all devices in the house or cottage.

Again, depending on the complexity, such systems may have video cameras, motion sensors, and controls for gas or water appliances, and are used different ways notifications when any unpleasant situation occurs. As expected, such systems are completely autonomous, but if desired, their owners can connect them to specialized security services. After receiving an alarm signal, a special team goes to the scene to understand the situation and, if necessary, take appropriate measures.

The only drawback is the very high cost of both the system itself and the costs of paying for the services of a security company.

Wired security systems

A wired security system for a private home is the simplest and cheapest. Among the advantages of such systems, judging by numerous reviews from their owners, is that the sensors used do not need to constantly change batteries or charge battery packs.

Naturally, in case of emergency, provision should be made for installing a special uninterruptible power supply unit (similar to how this is done for computers). And it goes without saying that any sensors and cameras can be combined into one system. But it all depends on the needs of the home owner.

Wireless GSM alarm

Using wires for connections often causes legitimate difficulties. What if the house is renovated? After all, to lay cables, for example, in the walls, you will have to redo everything all over again, and this is a cost, and a considerable one at that. That is why many actively use wireless security systems for a private home or office.

There are two worth noting here important features. Firstly, all sensors or IP cameras are connected to the control unit either via Wi-Fi or a specific radio frequency. Secondly, (why they are called GSM systems) an SMS message is sent to a pre-registered number or several mobile phone numbers in case of an emergency or even a video image is broadcast. But such systems are an order of magnitude higher than wired ones.

Brief overview of the best manufacturers

As for everything that is now offered to the market, we can highlight several of the most popular manufacturers, both foreign and domestic:

  • Visonic;
  • Optex;
  • Texecom;
  • LifeSOS;
  • Jablotron;
  • Netatmo;
  • Nest;
  • Canary;
  • Honeywell;
  • Piper;
  • Samsung;
  • Kodak;
  • Ademco;
  • "Guardian";
  • "Avalanche";
  • "Granite", etc.

As many have probably already noticed, the list includes Samsung and Kodak. Their systems are mostly focused exclusively on video surveillance using a high-resolution camera with a rotation angle of almost 360 degrees.

It is worth mentioning separately about Honeywell products. In fact, this is not a whole system, but only the main unit (Honeywell Tuxedo Touch), with the help of which monitoring, alarms, and the functioning of heating, gas and water supply systems are carried out.

The products of other manufacturers are aimed at both private consumers and entire enterprises. Among the presented products you can find quite a lot of solutions by type of system.

Security systems for a private home: reviews

But here's what's interesting. Despite high quality products, Western manufacturers, for example, are not particularly popular in Russia. Feedback from owners shows that domestic systems look much more preferable in terms of operation. First and most importantly, they are designed to operate in post-Soviet power grids with a voltage of 220 V (and not 230 or 210 as in Europe or America). In addition, such systems do not turn off during significant voltage surges (in our country +/- 10-15%, in the West - +/- 5% of the nominal value).

On the other hand, systems from Russian developers feel great in conditions of low temperatures or high humidity, although in most cases they are somewhat inferior to their foreign counterparts in terms of functionality, as users note.

It is believed that one of the most interesting is an imported security system for a private home model range Vista from Ademco. In part, it duplicates the products of the Canadian company DSC, but its main feature is the possibility of almost unlimited addition of new equipment and integration, say, even with lawn watering systems or fire alarms.

Among foreign systems, users also note the products of the Israeli company Visonic, which has proven itself to be excellent when installed in cottage villages.

Professional security systems for businesses

The system, when compared with the private sector, is quite complex both in terms of the equipment used and in terms of management.

Based on the fact that production areas can be quite large, hybrid systems from such giants as AXIS COMMUNICATIONS, ASSA ABLOY, BOSCH SECURITY SYSTEMS, etc. are most in demand.

Their solutions in some cases involve the installation of additional repeaters to amplify the signal of the sensors, which makes it possible to increase the distance between them up to 500 m. In addition, it is possible to use not one, but several control panels (units) or special key fobs that allow you to give an alarm signal manually from any place if the main system does not work for any reason.

How to make a security system yourself and is it worth it?

In general, making security systems for a private home with your own hands is not so difficult. But the essence of the issue comes down to choosing the necessary basic and related equipment and connecting it correctly.

Of course, you can order services from a specialized company, but it’s easier to buy everything yourself. It will cost much less. As for the connection, anyone who knows the plus from the minus can connect the devices and the control unit.

Some craftsmen, however, try to solder circuits on their own, but they still can’t do it without professional equipment and fine tuning. So it’s better to buy all the devices separately. For example, the cost the simplest system of two sensors will cost an average of 100-120 dollars, systems a little more complex for a private home - already 300-700 dollars, but conversion into a Smart Home complex can amount to tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars, so think about whether everything is needed this is if such a system is not fully involved.

Telemetrics. 2015

The Russian, CIS and European markets offer a significant number of GSM alarm systems of various brands. Often the cost and characteristics of products are quite similar, and it can be difficult for the consumer to navigate this diversity and identify the characteristics of the device that are important to them.

Company In order to improve the quality of its own products and increase competitiveness, it continuously studies the features of wireless sets presented on the Russian market, including products of its direct competitors - Sapsan-GSM (Sapsan), MEGA-SX, Sentinel, Xital and others.

As part of this, our specialists conducted a small comparative study of the characteristics of some products on the market.

It is no secret to many that the vast majority of consumer electronics are made in Southeast Asia. At the same time, the quality of this electronics is different and ranges from Hi-End class systems to outright consumer goods. Therefore, you should pay attention to enough important point— some importing companies not only purchase their products in China, but also control the quality of production locally, and also bear warranty obligations in Russia to their customers. In addition, control programs and functionality of devices are adapted to the consumer, a range of additional sensors for devices (gas, smoke, vibration, etc.) is supplied, instructions are translated into Russian. Some companies use their engineering capabilities and develop devices themselves, using production sites in China only for serial production. Today we will talk about such companies.

By functional characteristics All alarms can be divided into three obvious classes.

  1. Autonomous GSM alarms- sensor and device in one housing - you can control only one zone, one room. The quality and reliability of such devices often leaves much to be desired. There is no way to install the device in a room where access to an attacker will be difficult, as a result of which it can be easily disabled.
  2. GSM alarms universal— allow you to connect a large number of different wireless and wired sensors in different rooms object. In addition, you can configure a large number of logical events, as well as control the temperature in the house, various appliances, etc. Such devices can be perfectly used as GSM security alarms for cottages and garages, while at the same time representing a system “ smart home» entry level.
  3. MMS signaling(GSM MMS alarm) - allow you to transmit image or video from an object. The disadvantage of such alarms is the need to constantly connect the device to the Internet via a GPRS/3G/LTE channel or use MMS messages, which in turn leads to unstable operation in areas of poor network reception or at times of network overload, which often happens in dacha areas.

Let's try to understand the offers of the main suppliers of GSM alarms of the most popular, second class.

The table below presents the main, in our opinion, criteria that can help you decide on the choice of GSM alarms for your dacha or apartment.


GSM security alarm



(Opera GSM)

Sapsan (Sapsan)


Availability of electromechanical relay

(In addition to the basic alarm functions, you can control electrical appliances in the house - turn lights, heating, air conditioning on and off)

Possibility of connecting wired discrete sensors

Availability of built-in battery and its type

Allows you to warn when the main power supply is turned off. The premises remain protected even in the absence of electricity.

Working temperature

From −5 + 40 g

up to 24 hours

Working temperature

till 12 o'clock

Working temperature

From −5 + 40 g

(at negative temperature Battery life may decrease dramatically)

till 12 o'clock

External battery supplied

Working temperature

up to 168 hours

Sold for a fee

Working temperature


The presence of a microphone (audio monitoring of what is happening in the room)

Warranty service

Nizhny Novgorod region., Bogorodsky district, Kudma village

St. Petersburg, Leningrad region, Moscow, Moscow region

Availability of status indication on the dashboard

Panic buttons, emergency dialing and SMS

GSM - antenna


Door sensor

Motion Sensor

Remote Control

power unit

Instructions in Russian

there are 2 pieces


12 months

12 months

12 months per block

6 months sensors

90 days for remotes

12 months

12 months

Additional accessories (wireless smoke, gas, glass break, motion detectors)

Some aspects of choice

The consumer, as a rule, chooses a brand that has an adequate price, has been on the market for a long time, and provides warranty service. In addition, today with the development of the Internet and social networks many potential clients They are trying to form their opinion and make a choice, paying attention to reviews of GSM security systems, as well as using word of mouth.

We conducted a study of the offers of the main players in the security alarm market of one, but the most popular class of devices.

All devices have a fairly complete set of characteristics that allow complete control of surveillance objects.

Below are the characteristics that you should first pay attention to when choosing security GSM alarms.

Any driver is concerned about the safety of his car. Moreover, this concerns not only the prevention of possible breakdowns, but also the protection of the vehicle from thefts. This can be ensured with the help of security systems. But what should you pay attention to when choosing a car alarm? Which brands deserve customer trust? Is it possible to secure your car without extra costs? The answers to all these questions will be given by our rating of the best car alarms, which for the convenience of readers is divided into four most popular categories: budget, with auto start, with feedback and devices equipped with a GSM module.

Which alarm company is better to choose?

Before considering specific devices, we decided to talk about five well-known manufacturers of car alarms and the reason for their inclusion in our review:

  1. StarLine. One of oldest manufacturers car alarms. The StarLine brand first announced itself back in 1988, and its debut remote security system went on sale just three years later.
  2. Pandora. This year Pandora celebrates its 15th anniversary. And, it is worth recognizing, during this period the manufacturer managed to take a leading position not only in Russia, but also in the world, which is an important reason to trust this company.
  3. SCHER-KHAN. Since 1998, the domestic brand Scher-Knan has been offering convenient and reliable, inexpensive and high-quality alarm systems for vehicles. Its advantages include the ability to operate at any temperature, which is very important for the varied climatic conditions of Russia.
  4. ALLIGATOR. A well-known American manufacturer, which, despite the abundance of competitors, is constantly increasing in popularity. Thus, at the end of 2018, the brand entered the top three in terms of sales in the Russian Federation and the CIS countries.
  5. Pantera. The last, but very honorable place is occupied by Pantera. This brand appeared on the Russian market in the 2000s, immediately displacing more famous manufacturers.

Of course, these are not all worthy brands, and there are a couple more excellent companies on our list. However, first of all, we recommend taking a closer look at these five companies.

The best inexpensive car alarms budget up to 10,000 rubles

If your finances are limited, then you can purchase a good alarm system for up to 10 thousand rubles. However, it is worth understanding that budget car alarms are usually too limited in functionality. Most often, such devices allow you to control the doors, trunk and hood, including sound/light signals during actions car thieves. This is enough if the vehicle is constantly in your field of vision from the windows of your apartment/office. In other cases, choose a more advanced device.

1. StarLine A63 ECO

The rating of the best car alarms priced up to 10,000 rubles begins with a device from the StarLine brand. The A63 ECO model is considered one of the most interesting in the company’s product range. The recommended cost of this device is 5900 rubles. For this amount, the car enthusiast will receive basic capabilities, but if desired, the functionality can be expanded. For this purpose, the alarm system has a LIN/CAN module, which is useful not only for gaining access to control of actuators, but also for additional (two-stage) protection. You can also connect GPS and GSM modules to the A63 ECO. Moreover, the latter will be useful to both owners of devices based on iOS or Android, and Windows Phone users.


  • Branded software for all current operating systems.
  • Easy to expand functionality.
  • Low cost for such a device.
  • Wide possibilities.
  • Shockproof keychain.
  • Warning range up to 2 km.


  • Additional options will be expensive.
  • Poor interference immunity.


Compared to more advanced car safety systems, TOMAHAWK 9.9 is a solution for undemanding drivers. The key fob here has a screen, but is very simple in its capabilities. The shock sensor is not built into the base, but is installed separately. Bypassing the immobilizer or flexible system settings of the model under review are not familiar. But if you want to buy the best alarm system in the budget category, which is quite reliable, supports auto-start, and reliably encrypts the signal, and at a frequency of 868 MHz, then you should take a closer look at TOMAHAWK 9.9. If desired, this alarm can be found for only 4 thousand, which is very modest.


  • Attractive price.
  • Engine autostart support.
  • Excellent set.
  • Non-volatile memory.
  • Two-step car disarming.
  • Effective encryption.


  • Average functionality.

3. SCHER-KHAN Magicar 12

The inexpensive Magicar 12 alarm system was released by SCHER-KHAN in 2014. After such a considerable time, the device has gone through many changes and has not lost its relevance and is purchased by drivers who need a high-quality but affordable security system. As for the price, it starts at 4,750 rubles, and for a device that has a functional key fob with a screen, this is an excellent offer.

Magicar 12 uses encryption using the Magic Code Pro 3 algorithm. It has medium resistance to hacking, so for more expensive models car, you should choose more reliable systems.

It’s nice that for such a modest amount the driver receives a multifunctional system with a range of up to 2 thousand meters. Like more advanced devices, Magicar 12 boasts a “Comfort” mode (closing all windows when the vehicle is locked). There is also a function “ Free hands", which allows you to turn on automatic disarming when approaching the car.

What I liked:

  • Operates at temperatures up to – 85 to + 50 degrees.
  • Official 5-year manufacturer's warranty.
  • Protection against typical urban radio interference.
  • Impressive range of the key fob.
  • Attractive price.
  • Good functionality.

The best car alarms with feedback

If your budget is not too limited, then it is better to choose an alarm with a feedback function. They allow you not only to secure the car through sound and light signals, but also to receive alerts on the included key fob. The latter can operate at a fairly large distance, which best solutions reaches 2 km. At the same time, feedback alarms often have additional options, such as battery charge monitoring.

1. Pandora DX-91

If you want to provide your vehicle with maximum protection, then it is better to buy a Pandora DX-91 two-way alarm system. It allows you to monitor up to 16 zones, including alerts for wheel theft. It's nice that the device has Bluetooth, which makes it possible to control it via mobile devices based on Android or iOS. Pandora DX-91 is equipped with a key fob with a high-quality OLED display. By the way, the keychain itself is quite compact. This also applies to the base within which the Cortex-M4 processor operates, which allows it to process modern encryption algorithms and also ensures low power consumption.


  • Bluetooth Smart control at a distance of 30-50 meters.
  • The delivery set includes everything necessary for comfortable work.
  • Compact keychain with a screen made using OLED technology.
  • You can use your phone instead of a key fob.
  • It is possible to track the car in real time.
  • Great functionality.
  • Energy efficient.


  • Somewhat overpriced


In second place in the rating of car alarms with feedback is the high-quality security system MOBICAR B from the SCHER-KHAN company. It's high quality and available device with a key fob on which there is a screen for visually displaying basic information. Among available ways mobile devices with iOS (version 8.0 or higher) and Android (version 4.4 or higher) are also available. As for the key fob and the base, data exchange between them occurs at a frequency of 868 MHz, and all commands are encrypted using the AES-128 algorithm, which is considered one of the most reliable.


  • The key fob is equipped with a display
  • Remote configuration of sensors.
  • Easy to use.
  • Possibility of quick setup from your phone.
  • Display of engine operating time.
  • Possibility of autostart (optional).


What should a car alarm system with an impeccable combination of price and quality look like? We are confident that its characteristics, at a minimum, should not be inferior to the PRIZRAK 8L model. This modern device, which has everything that is required from a modern security system. At the same time, the security system costs only 10,500 rubles (recommended price).

The system is equipped with dual-circuit protection with a standard key and a tag key. This provides high level security with full protection against theft.

It is also worth noting that there is a GSM module, and the PRIZRAK alarm system includes a SIM card. The power consumption of 8L is quite modest and amounts to 150 mA in operating mode and 12 mA in standby mode. The complex can function at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 85 and a maximum relative humidity of 95%.


  • Reliable dual-circuit protection.
  • Automatic engine start using a key or software.
  • Compactness of the base and complete keychain.
  • High quality and long warranty.
  • Support for the free telematics service “Dozor”
  • The ideal combination of price and features.
  • There is a possibility of keyless auto start.

The best car alarms with auto start

Formally, this type of security systems refers to models with feedback. However, they have one useful function - remote engine start. It can be produced at the press of a button or under certain conditions (temperature, timer, etc.). This is useful if you always leave home at a certain time and want to get into an already warmed-up cabin. If you do not get benefits from this option, then you can look at alternative solutions presented above.

1. StarLine E96 ECO

We have already mentioned products from the StarLine company, and one of the best alarm systems with automatic engine start also belongs to this brand. The E96 ECO model offers the highest reliability, the ability to operate at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 85 degrees and uninterrupted operation in conditions of strong radio interference typical of modern cities. The autonomy is also pleasing, reaching 60 days of active protection.

StarLine E96 ECO has a large range. Under standard conditions, the driver can be 2 km from the car and easily communicate with the alarm.

As for autostart, it is organized as thoughtfully as possible. The driver is asked to choose among several options for turning on the ignition, including not only temperature or a certain time, but also days of the week and even battery drain. It is also possible to configure various scenarios for alarms, seats, mirrors and other vehicle systems.


  • Signal reception range.
  • Unscannable dialog code.
  • Operating temperatures.
  • Functionality.
  • Energy efficient.
  • Ideal for almost any car.
  • High quality components.
  • Reasonable cost.


  • The buttons are a bit stiff.

2. Pantera SPX-2RS

Thanks to unique technology Dual dialogue code security system SPX-2RS from the Panther company is capable of resisting any type of electronic hacking. The system can also boast a good range of 1200 meters (alerts only; for control, the distance should be 2 times less). In this case, the alarm automatically selects the channel with best quality reception.

An excellent two-way car alarm Pantera can remotely measure the temperature in the cabin, configure channels for controlling the trunk or various devices, automatically close/open doors when the engine is turned on/off and allows you to use a number of other useful options. At the same time, the device costs an average of 7,500 rubles, which is an excellent offer for the capabilities of the SPX-2RS.


  • Lots of opportunities for reasonable money.
  • Autorun function.
  • High quality build.
  • Excellent interference protection.
  • 7 security zones.
  • Reasonable price tag.


  • The key fob runs out quickly.
  • Difficulty setting up FLEX channels.

3. Pandora DX-50S

Next up inexpensive solution Pandora from the DX-50 family. The current model of the line boasts modest power consumption of up to 7 mA, which is 3 times less than the previous generation. One of the best car alarms with auto start includes a convenient key fob D-079, which is distinguished by its convenience and built-in display. It uses a frequency of 868 MHz to communicate with the base, which allows it to achieve a greater distance while maintaining high communication stability.

The main unit contains a pair of LIN-CAN interfaces, providing the ability to communicate with several digital vehicle buses. The DX-50S's accelerometer is also commendable, capable of detecting any threat, be it a vehicle being towed, an attempt to break a side window, or a car being jacked up.


  • Recommended price 8950 rubles
  • Security against electronic hacking.
  • Reliability and range of communication with the base.
  • Frequent software updates.
  • Very low power consumption.


  • Cheap plastic key fob.
  • Sometimes the connection fails even close.

The best alarm systems with GSM module

Our rating is completed by the most expensive, but at the same time the most advanced alarm systems for cars - devices with GSM modules. They provide a huge variety of capabilities, but the main advantage of such security systems is the control function via a regular cell phone. This allows you to control the vehicle anywhere in the city and even outside it, and the control is almost unlimited, because it even includes the transmission of sound from the car’s interior.


Almost 2 years after its release, the C-5 model from ALLIGATOR still remains popular among buyers. The system attracts attention with its premium assembly and reasonable price. The popular alarm system features FLEX channels that can be programmed for 12 events including:

  1. starting and stopping the engine;
  2. opening and locking doors;
  3. turning on or off the handbrake;
  4. alarm mode, setting security or canceling it.

The C-5 also has an LCD screen, under which there are a pair of buttons for locking and unlocking the car. Three more keys are on the side. On the display itself you can see basic information, as well as the current time. However, some owners have complained about problems with the screen, so check it before purchasing.


  • The range is 2.5-3 km.
  • Information on the screen is in Russian.
  • High resistance to burglary.
  • Reliable warning system.
  • Gorgeous set of supplies.
  • 868 MHz radio channel with resistance to interference.
  • Easy to program FLEX channels.
  • Monitoring the functioning of the motor.


  • There is no immobilizer bypass.

2. PANDECT X-1800

The review of car alarms continues with a rather expensive solution - X-1800 from PANDECT. The recommended cost of this device is an impressive 16,800 rubles. For this amount, the driver will receive the ability to control Bluetooth Smart, which uses software developed for iOS and Android (distance from the car up to 50 meters), as well as the function of automatically removing protection after the owner approaches (Hands Free). Thanks to the advanced hardware platform, PANDECT X-1800 consumes only 10 mAh of energy when security is turned on and GPRS is running. As a nice bonus, we can note support for GPS and GLONASS (optional).


  • Uninterrupted operation.
  • Flexible control algorithms.
  • Control from mobile devices.
  • Accurate motion/shock sensors.
  • High build quality and reliability.
  • Availability of an integrated GSM interface.
  • Built-in multi-system 2XCAN interface.


  • Autostart module must be purchased separately


The DX 90 B security system is one of the most reliable and functional in the premium category. However, its cost is not the highest and is only 12,000 rubles. Of course, this is not the cheapest car alarm with GSM, but it can boast of Bluetooth for control from your phone via mobile software from the manufacturer and a compact key fob that has an OLED display.

If you want to purchase the device along with the installation, then you will have to pay 5 thousand on top for this. But for this you will receive a siren as a gift. But autostart will have to be purchased for another 2,500 rubles, which will not please everyone.

Of course, the alarm system provides wide choose additional functions, including setting a timer, updating software via a radio channel (without a PC), flexible configuration of the system to the individual wishes of the owner, and so on. The manufacturer is also proud to note that the DX 90 B uses advanced encryption algorithms that are 100% protected from existing methods hacking


  • You can control your phone from a distance of about 60 meters.
  • Easy to set up and easy to update firmware.
  • Variety of auxiliary functions.
  • High energy efficiency.
  • Support for cloning technology.
  • Long warranty from the manufacturer.
  • Availability of built-in mini-USB port.
  • High-quality OLED screen and compact key fob.

Which alarm system is better to choose?

Of course, every car enthusiast wants to choose the best device. And it doesn’t matter at all whether you select it yourself or rely on the rating of the best alarm systems for a car, the difficulties when purchasing, without setting clear requirements, will not become less. So, for an inexpensive vehicle that is not often left unattended, you can choose one-way budget security systems from the first category. For more serious requirements, look at the second and third groups. They are quite similar, but if you need remote engine starting functions, then solutions from StarLine, Pantera and Pandora are best suited. Do you want to keep your car under control, regardless of the distance from it? In this case, you need an alarm system with a built-in GSM module.

The main task of any security system is to notify of intrusion into a protected area. The security alarm should go off instantly as soon as an intruder opens the window/door.

There are two types of security systems. The first type works as a repeller: it makes loud sounds to scare the thief and attract the attention of others. The second type of security system transmits an alarm signal to the owner or to the private security console.

Principle of operation

Security alarms with video surveillance are quite complex. IN this system must include sensors, a signal receiving and monitoring device, actuators and cameras. As soon as an intruder makes his way into the protected area, the motion sensor is triggered and transmits information to the control device. This happens within 10 seconds; the normal time interval is 7-15 seconds.

Further, having processed this information, the control device transmits a signal to actuator about the activation of the security system, most often such a device is a siren. Also, at this time, the control and receiving device transmits a signal to a previously installed device, this can be an SMS to your phone about the system being triggered or an alarm signal to the security alarm panel.

Such security systems can operate through several communication channels:

  • Ethernet – transfer of all information between sensors, control device and the owner via the Internet.
  • Radio channel – operation of the entire system and transmission of alerts to security organizations via a dedicated radio channel.
  • GSM – communication is carried out via mobile cellular communications.
  • GTS – telephone communication (more often in older models of security systems).