Modern bath design. Design of a dressing room inside a small bathhouse: the best design tips. Interior and interior decoration of the bathhouse: photo gallery

The main rule when laying the coating is to ensure the outflow of water from the bathhouse. Modern builders prefer wood or tiles. The work is not difficult; you can do it yourself. You can use several tips from professionals:

  • Before laying, the wood must be treated with an antiseptic, which will protect against the formation of mold and mildew;
  • when installing tiles, choose a grout with moisture-resistant properties;
  • Wooden grates can be laid on the floor, which should be dried after bath procedures. This will prevent slipping on wet surfaces.

Methods for installing heated floors in a bathhouse

Modern construction involves maximum comfort for humans, including when constructing bath complexes. After all, this is not only an opportunity to take a steam bath, but also to relax. The need for the device arose when they began to be made of concrete, due to the fact that the service life is 3 times higher than that of wooden ones.

You can install both water and. Water ones require preliminary connection and connection to heating equipment. This is not always possible. Therefore, more often the choice is made in favor of the second system.

Electric floors are safe in the bath complex. The system is mounted in a screed. You should first prepare concrete base. It is important to avoid mistakes during installation that will later be impossible to correct. Therefore, the work needs to be transferred to specialists.

You can do it yourself by laying additional thermal insulation from the following materials:

  • mineral wool;
  • expanded clay;
  • felt;
  • polystyrene foam

To do this, you will need to pour 2 layers of concrete, between which thermal insulation should be laid.

Insulation and waterproofing of walls in a bathhouse

Steam rooms are a must. This will help retain useful heat. You can use mineral wool, which is laid on the sheathing. But this is not recommended for stone or concrete walls, since an additional device will be required. The insulation needs to be cut with an allowance of about 5 mm. The joints must be secured after installation. mounting tape. Aluminum foil or polyethylene film is used.

The video below shows the process of interior finishing of the bathhouse.

The nuances of interior decoration with your own hands, clapboard baths

Lining is a favorite and often used material for the interior decoration of baths. Many people love the pine smell in a steam room, but the use of such species is not recommended. The maximum that is possible is to finish the dressing room with pine.

The following tree species are also suitable for lining:

  • cedar;
  • larch;
  • aspen;
  • Linden.

You can lay the boards vertically, horizontally, or make patterns from slats. It is important to lay a foil layer of vapor barrier before work. If desired, the interior decoration of the bathhouse with clapboard can be done with your own hands using a herringbone pattern or, similar to parquet, using clamps. The gaps at the joints are covered with plinths.

Advice! For a steam room, you cannot use material with knots. Their density is higher than that of the array. Under influence high temperatures they will fall out.

Interior and interior decoration of the bathhouse: photo gallery

Modern baths are a whole complex, the layout of which includes not only a steam room and a dressing room with a wash room, but also a font, a swimming pool, a relaxation room with a billiard room, and sleeping places. It all depends on the financial capabilities of the owners and personal preferences. Each of them is subject to special conditions when choosing finishing and filling with furniture:

  • The dressing room is intended for changing clothes, so keeping warm in it is especially important. In addition, the conditions must be comfortable; for this purpose, furniture and clothes hangers should be considered;
  • The steam room is a place for relaxation and enjoyment. The main requirement for materials is environmental friendliness and safety;
  • for finishing the washing room choose practical, resistant to high humidity materials.

Let's take a closer look at their selection with a photo selection of the interior decoration of each bathhouse room.

Design of a steam room in a bathhouse

The steam room is the main room of the bathhouse. As a rule, she small size, which causes certain difficulties during registration. The filling should be stylish, inexpensive and simple, leaving an area for steam to circulate.

For walls and floors, it is optimal to use linings as finishing materials. These are the most environmentally friendly clean materials In addition, they have natural thermal insulation. The ideal option is linden; it is not exposed to high temperatures and retains its pristine purity for a long time. You can combine stone finishing with wood or. For finishing the oven perfect option– natural or fake diamond, brick.

Advice! For the steam room conifers not suitable due to increased resin content. You cannot use chipboard, fiberboard, linoleum as they are toxic when exposed to high temperatures.

Furniture for the steam room should be strong and well polished. Spot lighting should be installed on the ceiling. We suggest you take a look beautiful photos finishing of the sauna inside.

Interior of a wash room in a bathhouse

The wash room can be a separate room in the house or combined with a steam room. In this case, wood finishing is acceptable. High temperatures kill mold. If the washing room is located in a separate room, you should consider exhaust system. With good air circulation, you can choose coniferous species for finishing that are resistant to high humidity.

Advice! Cannot be used for washing synthetic materials that release toxic substances.

Tile is an excellent material for finishing in conditions of high humidity. It is durable, practical, easy to care for. In addition, a wide variety of textures and patterns allows you to choose interesting solutions. In the washing room it is necessary to provide for the installation of shelves, benches or sun loungers. You can put a wooden grate on the floor.

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After the construction of the bathhouse, the turn of finishing work begins. Internal cladding has an aesthetic function and is also used to protect the surfaces of walls, ceilings and floors. The use of furniture in this room will give the interior its own style and a certain completeness. The finishing of the bathhouse inside, a photo of which can be seen on the website, can be done by hand. To do this, you will need to prepare certain materials and become familiar with the technology of conducting installation work.

It is important to select high-quality materials before finishing the inside of the bathhouse. Photos of interiors allow you to choose the appropriate option.

Materials should have the following advantages:

  • resistance to humidity and steam;
  • hygiene and environmental friendliness;
  • durability and strength;
  • aesthetic qualities.

The interior lining cannot be coated with varnish or paint, as such coatings will not allow steam to pass through. Between facing material and the log house should remain a space of 20-30 mm. In some cases, ceramics can be used. This material does not absorb moisture and does not crack. Since something like this flooring cold, then you can lay wood flooring on top.

Helpful advice! It is better to use linden lining. Pine or spruce are not suitable for this room.

How to insulate and insulate walls?

Allows you to see the finishing features of the bathhouse inside the photo. The steam room must first be insulated. In some cases, mineral wool is used, which is laid on the lathing. If the bathhouse is built of stone or concrete, then you can do without it. It is important to properly waterproof the structure. Aluminum foil or even vapor barrier film is best suited for such purposes.

Wall insulation is carried out taking into account certain recommendations:

  • When cutting insulation, allowances of 5 mm must be left. This will ensure high-quality fixation of the material;
  • during installation vapor barrier material it is necessary to maintain the integrity of the membrane and overlap it. In this case, the joints are secured with mounting tape;
  • when working in small spaces You can use thermal insulation boards, which are convenient to install even for one person.

If it is made of brick, then the thickness of the insulation can be about 10 cm. If the wall is made of timber more than 20 cm, then they do not need to be insulated. After completing the finishing, you need to original items decor.

The decoration of the relaxation room inside the bathhouse deserves special attention. Photo interesting solutions can be found on the Internet.

Carry out qualitatively Finishing work Knowledge of some installation subtleties will help:

  • in the steam room it is necessary to raise the floor level 16-25 cm above the washing room. This will prevent it from getting into excess moisture to the steam room;
  • You should prefer edged or tongue-and-groove boards. Both options must be moisture resistant;
  • before cladding, all necessary communications must be carried out;
  • when installing benches and shelves, you should make sure that their edges are rounded;
  • no gaps are left between the boards.

Used for interior decoration natural wood. The walls can be lined with clapboard, especially cedar. An original interior can be created using a block house. These are processed boards that imitate real timber.

Windows and doors should be small to reduce heat loss. Doors must be strong and thick. For internal lining boards without knots are selected.

Execute beautiful finish in the bathhouse you can do it yourself. If you choose high-quality material and follow all installation technologies, you can create a functional and original cladding.

Video: ideas for decorating steam rooms and saunas

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Creating a comfortable bath interior is no less important stage than constructing a building.

In order for all areas of the bathhouse to perform their main functions and meet the requirements of owners and guests, it is necessary to carefully consider the interior design, which includes the correct choice of finishing materials, furniture arrangement, and arrangement of main and auxiliary decorative elements.

The importance of good design

Traditional Russian steam room is cozy place for proper rest, recovery and restoration of vitality. For many people, it successfully replaces a summer cottage or outdoor recreation, so designing a practical interior is of particular importance.

In this building you can easily implement the most daring decisions - use collectible souvenirs or hunting trophies, install your favorite furniture and accessories.

Creating a professional bathhouse design project requires significant investment, but it will quickly pay for itself, giving the owner and guests a pleasant time after hard work.

You can design a steam room yourself by carefully studying current trends in the design and decoration of baths and choosing ready-made photo projects on specialized resources.

Features of interior design

terms of Use interior spaces baths are different, therefore they require a competent approach to selection decorative materials and design style. The interior of the bathhouse must meet the requirements of safety, functionality and comfort. Therefore, only high-quality, durable and practical materials resistant to temperature changes and high humidity.

The design of the bathhouse involves the development of a detailed project indicating all functional premises. This is necessary for competent planning each room - steam room, washing room, dressing room, relaxation area.

To properly plan the interior of a bathhouse, it is recommended to consider the following rules:

  1. Suitable for interior surface finishing: wooden lining, tiles, timber, block house, wicker, artificial and natural stone, brick. All materials must be practical, durable, environmentally friendly, have low thermal conductivity, and be resistant to the negative effects of moisture and steam.
  2. To ensure maximum comfort in the bathhouse, wall and ceiling surfaces decorated in soft warm colors.
  3. There should be no sharp objects, corners, or slippery surfaces inside the bathhouse to prevent injury.
  4. For interior design It is not recommended to use elements made of plastic and metal in baths. When exposed to high temperatures, such surfaces pose a danger to human health.
  5. Any bathhouse and sauna involve the use of traditional bath accessories and accessories - brooms, hats, buckets, tubs and other things. Therefore, the interior of the premises is designed so that all accessories have a convenient location.

Interior styles in the bathhouse

Before you start interior design baths, you should understand the basic interior styles.


Traditional for bathhouse design is Russian wooden style. It is characterized by the following features: wood trim, bath accessories and supplies made from natural materials.

Traditional style looks harmonious in wooden buildings with plank floors and ceiling beams.

The central element of the steam room is a Russian stove or heater, which can be decorated with ceramic tiles, decorative plaster or whitewash.

Would be appropriate here wooden tables and chairs, shelves and benches with carved backs, embroidered tablecloths, knitted rugs, brooms on the walls and an antique samovar.


Rustic or country style can be used for furnishing traditional bath made of wood. The premises will look simple, practical, but quite cozy.

The interior can be decorated in country style various countries- French, German, American, Italian, etc. Each of them is characterized by special colors of textiles, decorative elements and bath accessories.

Despite significant differences, any designer identifies several common features rustic style:

  • The presence of light wooden furniture with engraving, carving and polishing.
  • Decorative elements made of ceramics and wood.
  • Linen and cotton textiles.
  • Wall decor made of timber or logs, ceilings- made of beams, floor - boards and ceramic tiles.


The design of the bathhouse interior is characterized by simplicity, accessibility, rigor and compliance with proportions.

Used for interior wall decoration decorative plaster or painting the walls in neutral colors. For Scandinavian style Characteristic features include wooden or wrought iron furniture, simple decorative elements and ergonomic bath accessories.

To give softness and comfort, correct placement is allowed bright accentsstylish jewelry, souvenirs or textiles.



Modern classic style for registration private bath does not lose its relevance. Its characteristic elements are: columns, arches, stucco, statues and multi-level ceilings.

This design allows you to create an individual and original interior with a slight touch of pomp and wealth.

Modern classics are suitable for buildings built from cinder blocks, brick or concrete. In some cases beautiful classic interior can be obtained in bathhouses made of timber or logs.


Best combination modern technologies and unique materials can be traced in the Art Nouveau style. It allows you to create an interesting and unique interior bath rooms with ideal conditions for a comfortable stay.

There is no rigor or geometry of forms here, only abstraction, original accents, unusual color solutions, floral ornament.

A designer approach to the implementation of ideas will help bring the most daring projects to life.

How to create a cozy interior

The traditional layout of a bathhouse includes 3 main rooms: a steam room, a washing block (shower) and a dressing room (locker room). Auxiliary functional premises - a recreation room, a toilet, a kitchen, a swimming pool (font), a garage and a veranda - are the personal choice of the owner of the building.

Waiting room

Used for interior decoration coniferous wood– pine, spruce, as well as natural materials – brick, stone, tile. Design notes of Scandinavian, rustic, ecological and oriental style are appropriate here.

Rest room

For interior decoration, lining made of linden, aspen or oak is used. Suitable as decorative lighting Spotlights installed on the surface of the ceiling or walls. Tile or porcelain tiles are used for floor covering.

Installing compact wooden and wicker furniture will allow you to fully enjoy your vacation. Often, it is the relaxation room that is connected to an open area in which a gazebo with a barbecue is installed.

Unusual decorative element The room will have a compact fireplace, which will make the room more comfortable and homely.

Steam room arrangement

An integral attribute of any steam room is the stove. Here you can install brick or metal heating equipment of various configurations, taking into account design features premises.

An important element of room design is Entrance door. In the steam room you can install traditional solid doors made of wood or stylish modern ones. Any type of steam room door must open outward.

Shower and pool

To protect yourself from injury, it is recommended to cover the floor with wooden gratings or rubber mats.

To create a thoughtful external and internal appearance of a bathhouse, you need a competent approach to design development, use quality materials, taking into account constructive and functional features each room. Right choice The project will allow you to create a comfortable and presentable bathhouse for complete relaxation and recovery.

The traditional Russian bathhouse has a centuries-old history. While in enlightened Europe royal courts invented perfumes to mask the smell of unwashed bodies and died from lice, our man carried out a weekly washing ritual. Entire families went to the bathhouse without fail on Saturdays. This day was not chosen by chance. On Sunday one should attend church at pure form, and on weekdays the Russian man worked by the sweat of his brow from dawn to dusk and waited for Bath Day.

From the history

Initially wooden building was primitive and they drowned it “black”. The stove did not have a chimney, so the inside of the wall was covered with a dense layer of soot. The interior of the bathhouse of those times left much to be desired, there was no talk of any aesthetics, only functionality mattered. It was not very convenient to steam in such a room, but at that time there was no alternative. Over time, the buildings became more and more monumental. Stoves began to be equipped with chimneys, and the ritual of ablution became more and more complex and overgrown with traditions. For example, in each bathhouse, according to legend, there lived a special “brownie”: an always dirty lover of doing dirty tricks on those who did not butter him with a gift in time.

Despite the main purpose of the building - cleansing the body, people associated it with dirt. Icons were never hung here and fortune telling was carried out, which were considered unclean. The bathhouse was placed on the outskirts, as far as possible from the house: in vegetable gardens and “hollow places.” Requirements fire safety? Not at all, as a dirty building, the bathhouse should not have been in contact with the house. Utensils made from it were never brought into living quarters.

Steam rooms also became popular in Ancient Rome, whose citizens carefully monitored their appearance. On the ruins of a once great empire, the remains of these complexes have been preserved, which speak of the high culture of their creators. In Rome, baths were used not only for washing, but also for holding debates and lively conversations on political and philosophical topics. Now the baths have modern look, and they work on their design no less than on the interior of the house. The building will become a real decoration summer cottage. Vacation home cannot do without this addition, pleasant in every sense. The bathhouse is usually built behind the yard near the recreation area: gazebos, summer kitchen, barbecue and garden. Unfortunately, combining this building with other structures into a single complex is prohibited by regulations that regulate the minimum distance between buildings on private property. IN standard bath It is assumed that there will be three rooms:

  • Steam rooms;
  • Rest rooms or dressing rooms;
  • Wash room.

IN various designs the number of premises can be reduced or supplemented. For example, if there is direct access to a pond or swimming pool, then there is no need for a shower (washing) room. In summer you can take a dip in the cool water, and in winter you can organize a plunge pool in the ice. In some luxury options There may be entire swimming pool complexes inside. In this way, owners provide an alternative to hot “bathing.” On a site, a bathhouse can be not only a separate building, in some cases ( small plot), owners, in order to save space, set up a sauna in their basement, attic or ground floor. Before starting construction, the building design is prepared in advance. Since it is classified as a fire hazard, it would be useful to consult with professionals. Sometimes they build complex two-story structures with a miniature fence, veranda, porch, toilet, billiard room and courtyard. To build such complexes, it is better to contact a professional designer-architect. He will prepare individual project. With their own hands they start construction of more than simple designs. So, let's try to sort out the types of baths, the features of their construction and common mistakes that novice decorators make.

Bath area

It depends on the size of the bath performance characteristics. If the area of ​​the room is calculated incorrectly, then a steam room that is too large will have to be heated for a long time, and the heat will quickly evaporate. When calculating the size of a building, they primarily focus on the steam room. This is the most important room, the rest are just its addition. You should take into account:

  • The number of people who will simultaneously visit the bathhouse.
  • Dimensions and features of the location of the furnace (outside or inside).
  • Fuel type. The best option For uniform heating of the room, a stove and firewood are still considered. However, some use gas and electric heaters, the operational capabilities of which should be comparable to the size of the bath.
  • Number of shelf seats: follows from the first point.

The area also depends on the size of the plot. If the building is too dense, then the bathhouse will turn out to be small, since it must be located at a certain distance from other buildings. Most important nuance- financial capabilities of owners and construction budget. After all, the larger the bathhouse, the more the purchase of materials for it will deplete your wallet.

The optimal size for the average family is considered to be 5x5 (25 sq.m.). In such a building there is room for a medium-sized steam room, a fairly spacious dressing room and even a shower room for one person.

Sauna capacity

The capacity of the bathhouse is perhaps its main characteristic, which must be taken into account at the design stage when preparing the drawing. Layout, location of windows and doorways, communications - all this will be calculated later. The smallest barrel sauna can accommodate two or three people at the same time. Its dimensions on average vary from 2x2 to 3x3 and 3x4 meters. So that a family of four or the same can relax in the bathhouse at the same time small company, then a building measuring 4 by 4 meters is sufficient. 16 sq.m. are classified as optimal sizes, which represent the “golden mean”: construction is not very expensive, and the premises do not resemble cramped closets. For a large number of visitors, spacious bathhouses 6X4 or 5X5 m are equipped. The buildings can be square or rectangular shape. The steam room usually occupies the farthest place, and in front of it there is a relaxation room, dressing room and showers.

Types of baths

Almost every country has its own bath traditions. To an unaccustomed person, many of them may seem exotic. Each type of bathhouse creates its own unique microclimate. You can spend at least a whole day in some, while others recommend visiting no more than once a week due to excessively aggressive conditions that can negate the entire healing effect. The main types include:

  • Russian bath (steam sauna). Usually these are wooden buildings, either made of timber or decorated with rounded boards. Apart from their design and characteristic “scenery,” modern Russian baths bear little resemblance to their ancestors. Traditionally, their hot “heart” is a heater, but recently easier-to-use electric furnaces and gas heaters are increasingly being used. The air in a Russian bath is hot, but humid. Such a situation human body endures with greater difficulty than dry vaping in Finnish sauna. First, the stones with which the stove is lined are heated, and then water is poured onto them, which evaporates instantly. Traditionally, in Russian bathhouses, the steaming process is accompanied by “whispering” of birch brooms over the body. For greater effect, bunches of medicinal herbs are soaked in water: nettle, thyme, chamomile, celandine. IN winter periods the procedure is interrupted by “bathing” in snowdrifts or dousing with ice water. It is recommended to heat a wood-burning stove with birch or alder logs.
  • Finnish bathhouse (sauna with dry air). This type has gained popularity in the West. The average room temperature can reach 100 degrees, and the humidity level does not exceed 20-30%. Thus, vaping occurs due to dry air. You can spend a lot of time in a Finnish sauna, but brooms cannot be used, as you can get severe burns. Based on size, this type of bathhouse is classified into mini-variants and “family” buildings. The first ones can be installed even in your apartment. Ready-made mini-baths are purchased in specialized stores.
  • Roman version. Their standard “package” includes two rooms: a tepidarium and a laconium. In one it’s just warm, and in the other the temperature reaches 70-90 degrees, and you can really sweat. Usually their visits alternate.
  • Hammam (dry air). In this eastern variety You can stay in the baths for at least a whole day. The air is hot and dry, but the temperature is not increased above 50 degrees.
  • Ofuro (water bath). Steaming in barrels of heated water is actively practiced in Japan. Essentially it's just very hot bath unusual shape.

In addition to the above options, more exotic buildings are installed much less frequently: Egyptian sand baths (vertical and horizontal), Czech “beer baths”, Japanese sento (the same ofuro, but for the whole family), Swedish bastu, Indian temazcals, English ones made of hot stones, Moroccan and Indian (ancient) steam rooms.

The type of bath is chosen based on the permissible dimensions. A barrel bathhouse will fit in a small corner of the site, but a Roman washing complex will require a large area.

Interior styles

The style solution is a combination of external design(exterior) and interior decoration(interior). Unlike the design of an apartment or house, a minimum of furniture is used in a simple bathhouse. In the relaxation room, armchairs and sofas are replaced with spacious benches that are installed around the table. In the steam room, even less decor is used. The most common option is rustic style. This interior solution recognizes only simplicity bordering on primitivism. Untreated surfaces and the most “wild” appearance of the building are the calling card of the rustic style. For decoration, carvings are used that adorn the exterior of the house. Baths designed according to the principles French Provence, have a more elegant look. The decoration and surfaces are an imitation of antiquity. In such a room, the furniture is painted white, and the porch is decorated with a bench with a blanket and pillows in a cheerful flower pattern. The antique style is classified as an “ancient” style: it has managed to preserve its characteristics, having passed the test of time. For interior decoration, tiles are used, and the room is decorated with fountains and decorative columns that support the domed vault. You can use antique amphorae and figurines as a highlight of the interior. Country style is characterized by a touch of recklessness. Used in interior and exterior brickwork or its imitation (prohibited in the steam room), metal elements And untreated wood. The strict loft breathes with unobtrusive luxury. The dressing room and rest room are decorated in style: expensive carpets on the floor, pillows on the benches, multi-level lighting, perhaps even a bar counter. The chalet style came down to us from the Alpine slopes: it is simple but elegant. The decor is dominated by rough wood and wide windows, which creates an almost homely feel.

Finishing materials

In Russian baths, steam had a special healing effect due to contact with the interior decoration made of logs. Wood has “breathable” pores that emit a unique aroma when exposed to high humidity. For this reason, bathhouses are not built from coniferous trees, as they emit resin. It is not recommended to use for interior decoration artificial materials which, when heated, can release toxins: PVC panels and tiles, artificial stone, brick, MDF, and chipboard. The latter seem harmless, since they are based on waste from the woodworking industry, but the adhesive that holds the sawdust together can release harmful substances when heated. External walls are clad with clapboards. The interior is finished with thermolipa boards (a special material for baths) or block house. The floor is laid with planks or tiles, and the ceiling is lined with clapboard. To required temperature regime has been preserved in the building for a long time, it is necessary to properly insulate it. For these purposes, three layers of different materials are used:

  • Vapor barrier. Foil insulation is used.
  • Mineral wool. Lightweight and non-flammable material.
  • Waterproofing film.

The resulting layered insulating “cake” is closed finishing materials, which perform a decorative function.


When organizing lighting in a bathhouse, it is necessary to take into account two main features of the microclimate of the building:

  • High humidity;
  • Elevated temperatures.

Moisture is considered a more dangerous “enemy” of wiring, as it can cause a short circuit in the network, which often causes a fire. Light bulbs, switches, wiring and distribution boards selected from special options. In bathhouses, the entire lighting system must be qualitatively protected from the aggressive effects of the internal environment of the building. In the washing room and dressing room you can use ordinary light bulbs, but for the steam room you will have to purchase special sealed ones that will reliably protect the “insides” of the device. The lampshade and parting body must be waterproof. The lighting in the steam room should not be too bright, as this will not promote relaxation.

Steam room

The steam room is the central room of the bathhouse. The main healing process takes place in it and interior design usually begins with it. The furnishings in the steam room are modest. Main element furniture - benches. In primitive versions, they are placed around the perimeter of the steam room. In more complex interiors, multi-tiered compositions are made that allow the whole family to sit comfortably. The central position in the steam room is occupied by the stove, which is decorated to match the overall decoration.

The dressing room can be called a “waiting room.” A couple of benches, a closet or a separate fenced-off dressing room are installed here. Its main task is to prevent cold air from entering the steam room. It serves as a kind of intermediate zone between the street and the main room. In the waiting room, people usually relax while waiting for the room to heat up or for their turn to visit. In more modest options with a lack of space, it is combined with a recreation room.

If you want to create some cozy recreation area on the territory of a private house where you can spend time with friends, then most choose the classic, time-tested option - building a bathhouse. This is where a person can relax, feel relaxed, and chat with friends. In addition, the bathhouse is a place for hygiene procedures, an opportunity to relieve oneself of psychological and moral stress. Relaxing in a bathhouse will improve sleep, normalize blood pressure and remove toxins, which a bathtub or jacuzzi cannot do.

Bathhouse interior: design choice

Upon registration bath complex it is necessary to remember that it must include several rooms. In general, their number directly depends on the interior design and financial capabilities of the homeowner.

In the classic version, the bathhouse includes three rooms, namely: a dressing room (dressing room), a shower or washing room and a steam room. In some cases, for example, a Russian bath, steam room and washing room are combined into a single space.

In order to increase the functionality and level of comfort, you can use other rooms, including: a swimming pool, a relaxation room, game room(console or billiards), toilet, kitchen or smoking room. All of them are intended for convenience, have their own functional load, but whether to use them is decided only by the owner of the territory and his wallet.

However, despite all the options and delights, the classic Russian bathhouse, which combines practicality, conciseness and restraint, is still the most popular. To decorate the interior, you need to use wooden benches and couches, a large oak table and various antique decorative items. The only modern items you can use are Russian billiards and a plasma TV.

When decorating the interior of an antique bathhouse in the relaxation room, it is advisable to place objects with embroidery elements, forged parts (candlesticks, etc.), as well as wooden objects with hand carved. For wall decoration, oak or birch brooms and bundles of aromatic herbs are used.

When decorating the inside of a bathhouse with your own hands, an option such as a bathhouse-house is often used. In this case, the building can be used as a guest house, while the recreation room is equipped with a bed and converted into a bedroom. Thanks to this, guests will feel comfortable and free, and the owner of the house will not be disturbed by creating discomfort from their presence. It is best to use a folding sofa rather than a bed, as this will increase the functionality of the space.

The choice of materials for the interior decoration of the bath

When choosing building materials, it is important that they meet the following requirements:

  • Resistant to high temperatures and sudden changes.
  • Moisture resistance.
  • Safety - a person should not have an allergic reaction or burns upon contact with the material.
  • Environmental safety – absence of toxic substances.
  • Hygienic - the material should be easy to maintain and clean.
  • Long service life.
  • High strength and reliability.
  • Attractive appearance.

Steam room finishing

The best material for cladding a steam room is wood, but it is better to give preference to hardwood. The thing is that these types of wood do not heat up, you won’t get burned on them, there is no release of resins, and when ventilated, the material dries quickly, making the formation of fungus impossible.

Types of wood for finishing the steam room:

  • Aspen – classic version for the northern regions of Russia, since the material has a low cost, due to its high strength it is difficult to split, in addition, the wood has bactericidal properties.
  • Linden is an attractive material with a stable color and low heat capacity. Due to this, the tree quickly gains temperature and is safe to touch. Linden also creates a pleasant atmosphere due to its special aroma and has a low price.
  • Abash is a material that is just becoming popular, since it is wood from the African tropics and we still don’t know enough about it. It is best to make shelves from abasha that are resistant to steam and high temperatures, since they hardly heat up.
  • Alder – attractive in appearance and tactility wood material, resistant to steam room conditions. Easy to maintain and clean, low cost.

It must be remembered that wood should never be painted or varnished, since under the influence of high temperatures the coating will release harmful chemicals and odors. When finishing, nails and screws must be carefully hidden, as they heat up and can cause burns. Experts also recommend filling the lining vertically, because the water drains much faster this way.

Waterproof skirting boards will help protect the joint between the walls and the floor. For finishing the floor, it is best to use larch or tiles - the latter option is more preferable, as it is resistant to fungus and is easy to clean. If the tile seems cold, a wooden grate is placed on it, which can be easily removed if necessary.

Finishing the dressing room and sink

It is better not to use wood for lining the sink; preference is given to tiles, since in the shower there is constant contact with water. Tile does not rot, is easy to care for, and for an attractive appearance You can choose special stylish tiles with imitation of natural wood.

As for the dressing room, it is a warm and cozy place, but there are no high temperatures here, so it is allowed to use coniferous wood with a pleasant and healthy aroma.

Among the popular types of wood for finishing the dressing room are:

  • Pine is an attractive and durable material that has a long service life and is the most popular. During use, the wood may change color, becoming a little redder. Also popular is Scandinavian pine, which has a pink tint and annual rings that create a decorative pattern on the walls.
  • Spruce has a homogeneous structure; when dried, it remains solid and does not crack. The color scheme is slightly lighter than pine.
  • Fir is a tree that has properties similar to spruce, but practically does not emit resin.
