Rent a room for a studio. How to open your own recording studio for business. Basic premises requirements for a recording studio

Once you have what you need …

The next task will be to develop the layout of the room.

Most beginners don't realize how important this step is, but...

A well designed room can play decisive role in the future, predetermining whether everything will go smoothly or whether you will have a lot of problems.

So to save you months of despair...

In this post, I will tell you how to PROPERLY design your recording room.

So, let's begin. First…

STEP 1: Choose the best room

In an ordinary apartment you have2–3 rooms to equip them as a studio.

If you only have one... use it.

Otherwise, you need to make a choice...

And since somerooms are better suited for recording thanother

Here's what I advise you to remember to make the right choice:

4 things to avoid

Choosing a room is not so much about finding positive points, so much about AVOIDING negative ones. In particular,these four:

1. Small spaces

The general rule is: thanmore room, the better .

In large rooms:

  • More space for multiple musicians...
  • More space for an ever-growing collection of equipment and tools

And not to mention that they sound better (but more on that later).

Although beginners prefer the privacy and convenience of small rooms, my advice...

Be smart... and choose a bigger room.

2. Noise

IN Everyday life you forget how much noise surrounds you. But it intensifies in100 timeswhen recorded with a microphone.

Your recordings can easily be ruined by common noise sources such as

  • cars
  • neighbours
  • sewerage
  • birds
  • crickets
  • wind
  • rain

Therefore, pay special attention to rooms that have a lot of external noise, and choosethe quietest rooms with as few neighbors as possible.

In addition to avoiding external noise, it is necessary to remember thatYOUshould not be a source of noise forOTHERS.

Ideally you want a place where:

  • you could make as much noise as you want.
  • any time of the day or night.

But since few rooms meet these criteria...

Some kind of soundproofingMayberequired to create a viable workplace.

3. Poor flooring

A hard floor is ideal for a recording room, e.g.concrete, tiled or parquet.

Carpeted rooms may have problems with2 reasons:

  1. Studios usually get a lot of foot traffic and the carpet quickly becomes unusable..
  2. Carpets absorb high frequencies but transmit low frequencies, which harms acoustics.

If you still need a carpet, for example, for , you can always make a bedsmall rug .

Other problem - loud noise from feet , especially on upper floors. If possible, choose a room downstairs.

4. Poor acoustics

Bedrooms in ordinary apartments look like this:

  • they are small in size,
  • with low ceilings,
  • and parallel plasterboard walls.

Unfortunately for us...

ALL these features NEGATIVELY affect acoustics.

Ideally you needa large room With high ceilings, asymmetrical wallsand a large numberuneven surfaces. However, the chances that you will have such a room are close to ZERO.

They are in professional studios, but only because they invest huge amounts of money on their DESIGN. You, on the other hand, will have to compromise.

Don't expect perfection, just choose the best option for you.

Then you can always improve the sound in the room by adding a littleacoustic treatment (we'll get to that yet ).

But, if possible, it is better to use a room with good natural acoustics, since then you will need to put in less effort.

STEP 2: Remove everything from the room

Once you've chosen a room, it's time to prepare it for your next project.

And before you bring anything new INTO the room, you need to take everything unnecessary FROM it.

  • Clear the floor
  • Remove everything from the walls
  • Remove everything that vibrates

If the room also serves as a bedroom, living room, etc., then you may not be able to remove everything, but everything that CAN be removed SHOULD be removed.

Ready? Let's continue...

STEP 3: Install Acoustic Treatment

Previously, I've covered everything you need to know to plan an acoustic treatment to suit any budget.

Now that you have Empty room, it's time to put your knowledge into practice.

So install the acoustic treatment and come back when you're done.

Classic example of a kit:

  • Auralex Roominator– (Amazon)


Now that you have an empty room with great acoustics, it's time to bring in the equipment.

Because your desk and chair will always be the focal point of your room...

It's wise to start with them.

Let any tables and chairs you have at home be used...

Ideally you need workplace, which would look as professional as possible.

So... to find out what I recommend and why, read these two articles:

Classic table example:

  • Studio RTA Producer Station– (Amazon)

Classic example of a chair:

  • Herman Miller Aeron– (Amazon)

STEP 6 : Set up recording areas

Professional studios have the luxury of different rooms for different tasks...

But in your studio, you will most likely have ONE room for EVERYTHING.

Therefore the arrangement will be different.

The general idea is to create TWO zones:

  1. table - area for mixing (for sound engineer)(we have already done this)
  2. recording area (for musicians)(we'll do this now)

The only problem…

Arrangement suitable for recordingothers , usually not suitable for recordingyourself .

But don't worry because there is ready-made solution for all options.

Let's start with this...

Normal arrangement for ONE

For an effective “one-on-one” arrangement…

Most people surround themselves with tools and equipment...

What allows them to besound engineer, And musician at one point.

This approach CAN work...

But its disadvantages are:

  • Too much equipment creates additional reflections, which harms the acoustics.
  • When the computer is placed so close to the microphones, noise from the fans can leak into the recording.

But the most a big problem this arrangement...

Impossibility to remake it for several people. To record others you will have to do a complete rearrangement...

To make it workSomething like this:

Regular DOUBLE arrangement

For recording two or more people

The standard solution is to divide the room into 2 zones.

One of them - for sound engineer

It includes a mixing table and all standard equipment -, etc.

Second zone - for musicians

It contains microphones and any instruments/MIDI controllers that may be required.

The problem with this arrangement…

Although it is suitable forseveralman, she is NOT AT ALL suitable for recording alone.

Because in order to play roles at the same timesound engineer And musician, you will need to run back and forth between these zones... which is not very practical.

Hybrid arrangement

Overall you need...

So that the arrangement is suitable forsingle, and for group records.


In the second zone you will need some kind of “remote control” that, at a minimum...

Allows you to press the “record”, “ playback" And " stop” when you are not at the table.

For years, people have been trying to find a way to do this... and until recently, all the ways sucked.

The earliest variants were individual devices such asFrontier Transit , which were difficult to program and painful to use.

Then when wireless keyboards and mice became more and more advanced, some began to use them.

They quiteworked, but still left much to be desired. And only a few years later someone came up with something really GOOD...

“Remote digital monitoring system”

Much more complex than regular remotes...

Application from the companyEumlab, known as DAW Remote

Offers incomparable functionality comparable to real control panels.

There are other apps, but this is BY WAY the best.

There are 2 versions:

  • DAW Remote- for iPhones and other smartphones.
  • - for iPads and other tablets.

Thanks to this application, you can manage your session yourself and record instruments from anywhere in the room.

For fasteningsthere is an excellent device -IK Multimedia iKlip Expand .

Simply by attaching it to a microphone stand, you can position your iPad the way you want.

And thanks to it, your crowded studio won't need additional racks.

Suitable for iPhoneiKlip Expand Mini .

3 more useful accessories

In order for your studio to becomemore more suitable for solo recording... I recommend the following:

1. Headphone extension cable

When you work alone, you spend a lot of time moving around the room...

And most of this time you are wearing .

The problem is that…

A regular headphone cable is too short and restricts your movement.

Therefore, I recommend an extension cord of at least 6 meters, for example, such .

ATTENTION : Choosing a cable for thisspecialtargets, avoid the cheap ones as they tend to make noise when constantly moving.

2. Second computer monitor

One of the difficult problems when using remote control of the digital control system...

This lack of the same visual feedback, which occurs when you sit at the computer.

But if you have a large monitor hanging on the wall...

You can see what's happening during the session from anywhere in the room, and it's also a great visual aid for others.

The only negative isexpensive, because in addition to a monitor/TV, you will need a computer with several video outputs, for example, a Mac Pro.

Classic example:

  • HP Pavilion monitor -(Amazon)

3. Virtual Instruments/MIDI Controllers

I think we can all agree that in order to record music yourself...

You MUST be a multi-instrumentalist.

But since only a few haverealinstruments to record the whole song...

The standard solution is to use combosvirtual instrument/MIDI controller .

Besides the fact that it will savemoney And space

Processing capabilitiesmost virtual instruments - great way compensate for the lack of skill in playing an unfamiliar instrument.

Classic example:

  • Spectrasonics Keyscape -(Amazon)

STEP 7: Connect the equipment

Now that you're readylayout studios...

The next step is connectionequipment.

If you don't have much equipment, connecting it won't be difficult.


As your requirements keep increasing, the complexity of the connection will also increase.

So that everything works for you...

You obliged understand how it all works together.

In recording circles this concept is known as, simply put,

The path that an audio signal takes through equipment, from start to finish.

Now that everything is set up and looking good...

The last step is to set up your studio monitor placement.

Many people believe that simply purchasing an expensive pair of studio monitors...

They will solve the problem of “good monitoring” once and for all.

But in reality... it requires a LOT more.

In addition to a whole bunch of other things that we won’t dwell on now...


The correct placement depends on factors such as:

  • Head position
  • Wall location
  • Location of the acoustic treatment “point”

Needless to say... this topic is much more complex than one might imagine.

To in detailto learn how to arrange studio monitors, read this post:

As you discover perfect place for monitors requires very precise placement, which you may (or not) achieve by placing them on a table.

The last thing to consider is the pairstudio monitor stands .

They can be customizedheight, Audio Recording Basics: A Guide for Home Studio Recorders

There are many among us creative personalities who seek to satisfy their ambitions in one form or another of art. Probably the largest audience of these are musicians. We offer properties that are in our ownership, which can be used by tenants for the purposes we declare after appropriate refurbishment in accordance with their needs.

The basic rental rates do not include VAT and compensation for utility costs, which are determined based on actual consumption.

Basic premises requirements for a recording studio

The modern level of computerization has made sound recording accessible to almost everyone. With a MIDI keyboard, microphone, sound cards and a computer, you can make good quality sound recordings even at home. However, a recording studio is not the same as a room in which the necessary equipment, even professional grade, will be installed. And not every apartment allows you to record sound, because your neighbors can quickly stop your creativity with the help of the police.

Therefore, renting premises for a recording studio is the most the best option for implementation creative projects musicians. If you cover the walls with carpet or foam rubber, you can create quite acceptable conditions for amateur sound recording. If we are talking about a room for a professional recording studio, then some investments will be required related to the combined decoration of walls with materials based on polyurethane foam. They have excellent sound-absorbing properties and can provide a high level of music quality and protection from the sound-piercing power of bass guitars or drum sets.

In terms of finishing, our company provides clients with virtually unlimited possibilities on the implementation of their design ideas. Of course, the exception is structural alteration load-bearing structures buildings and demolition of walls and partitions. If you use high-quality professional equipment in such a room (with subsequent finishing) for a recording studio, then you can even perform a high-quality recording of a symphony orchestra in it.

Advantages of renting premises for a recording studio from the Liral company

We have been providing these services for more than 20 years and build our relationships with clients based on an individual approach to each project. The proposed objects meet all the requirements for this kind of objects:

  • they are located in places remote from sources of powerful external noise (airfields, tram tracks, operating workshops of manufacturing enterprises);
  • there are no sources of radio frequency interference near the proposed facilities;
  • the building design provides a level of acoustic insulation of up to 90 dB;
  • The ceiling height in them is more than 3 meters.

On our website you can choose a room for a recording studio. If your studio becomes a business project, we will offer the option of “studio + office” premises.

Our specialists will help you choose a ready-made, fully soundproofed room. It will be possible to perform high-quality recording of instrumental music, vocals and narration.

An extensive database, responsibility and attentiveness of the Liral Group employees is your chance to find a recording studio for rent at a favorable price.

Those who are involved in the music industry and have a certain weight in it should take on the task of creating their own recording studio. Otherwise, finding clients will be difficult.

Equipping a studio for professional recording of classical music or top pop artists costs several tens of millions of dollars. You can open a mid-range studio with one or three control rooms for several million rubles. It is suitable for working with musical groups, for recording advertisements, congratulations, audio books, etc. Some of the premises can be rented out as a rehearsal base.

An hour of work in such a studio for musicians usually costs from 600 to 1,000 rubles; mixing will cost more, 2,500-5,000 rubles. Recording audiobooks is an even more profitable activity: you can earn from 8,000 rubles per hour. Additional services such as restoration of old records can increase turnover. If the workload is good, a recording studio with one control room can have revenue in the amount of 300,000-500,000 rubles per month.


It is better to place a recording studio in a brick building, rather than in reinforced concrete building: Brick reflects sound better. Houses located near railways, above subway lines, near fire stations, police stations and cell towers should be avoided: these objects create noise and interference that may be noticeable in the recording. A studio can be located on any floor of a building; often basements and semi-basements are chosen for studios so that there are fewer neighbors. You should pay attention to the ceiling height: acoustics experts believe that the minimum ceiling height in a studio should be three meters.

Musicians often come to recording sessions with their bulky equipment in cars, so it is advisable to have parking near the studio. To work, you will need two adjacent rooms: a control room (equipment room) - here a sound engineer monitors the recording process - and a tone room where the artists are located. The size of the first room is from 20 m2 to 50 m2, the size of the room for musicians depends on which groups will become clients of the studio. It would also be worth doing small room recreation. Since the location of the studio is not so important, you can save on rent by renting a room not in the city center. It can cost from 50,000 to 150,000 rubles per month.


The recording studio will require serious renovation. Firstly, due to the many electrical appliances, you will have to install reliable wiring. Secondly, you will need to seriously consider soundproofing so as not to disturb your neighbors and so that your neighbors do not disturb you. It is believed that optimal level sound insulation - 80-90 decibels.

Used for sound insulation cement bonded particle board, mineral wool, drywall. For 20 m2 you will need to purchase material for 100,000-150,000 rubles excluding work force. You will need to cut a window in the wall separating the control room from the recording room so that the sound engineer and artists can see each other and exchange lines.


All changes to the structure of the building, including the creation of a hole in the wall, will have to be approved by the BTI. In fact, to start activities, you only need documents from the tax office about the registration of the enterprise. The fire inspectorate will check the materials used in the finishing for compliance fire safety standards. The room will need to be treated with a fire-retardant coating.

Other expenses


You will need a good sound engineer who can help with the choice of equipment and will work with the musicians. We also need an administrator to record artists and maintain order in the studio, and a cleaning lady. Personnel costs can amount to approximately 200,000 rubles per month, most of which will go to the sound engineer.

If you are interested in a question such as music studio space (English music studio room), then you've hit the right target. Any recording studio implies the presence of a specialized room that is prepared for such work. It's about about creating conditions in which sound will not be distorted, lost or muffled. Let's talk about what it should be like music studio space and how important the acoustic atmosphere is.

Our studio is equipped in accordance with all soundproofing rules, we have professional equipment and extensive experience in the field of sound recording. Come visit us and see for yourself!TopZvuk

There are some processes that complicate or disrupt the work of recording music, scoring films, and so on. You might have noticed them when recording material at home. Often this problem can be caused by noises that come from ventilation pipes, external sound factors, structural sounds. All this has a strong impact on quality of transmitted audio signal while recording musical material.

Prices for recording services

ServicePayment methodPrice
Voice recordingHourly750 rub/hour
Recording instrumentsHourly750 rub/hour
Creating Drum PartsHourly750 rub/hour
Mixing and masteringHourly750 rub.
RAP minusFixed3000 rub.
RAP minus "Premium" (with additional effects)Fixed4000 rub
Song with minus "Light" (1 hour of recording + processing without tuning)Fixed2500 rub
Song with minus "Premium" (1 hour of recording + processing and deep tuning)Fixed5000 rub
Creating an arrangementFixedfrom 15,000 rub.
Creating a backing trackFixedFrom 15,000 rub.
Rent a studio without a sound engineerHourly700 rub/hour