Family celebration – Cafe “Autumn Mood. Scenario of the competitive entertainment program "Autumn Cafe"

Venus Yanchurina
Scenario autumn fun V preparatory group"Autumn Cafe"


(entertainment scenario for the preparatory group)

Target: Create a joyful holiday atmosphere with the help of musical, motor, cognitive activity, expanding children's understanding of the seasons « Autumn» , nurturing a sense of beauty, harmony and love for the world around us through music, poetry, and musical rhythmic games.


Develop musical perception (memory, attention, thinking).

To form the musical and motor abilities of children ( development of rhythm, improving coordination of movements, orientation in space).

Activate children's speech through different types musical activity.

Develop emotional responsiveness in children, to form a sense of beauty in children.

Develop communication skills as well as moral quality: kindness, sensitivity, compassion, ability to empathize.


tables decorated like cafe;

autumn leaves ;

cards with images of vegetables and fruits;

fruit basket;

mushrooms for playing 4 varieties;

envelope with prescription;




Dance "Colorful leaves"

A game "Put the puzzle together"

Ditties about vegetables and fruits

A game "Gather the Harvest"

A game "Fun Kitchen"

Dance "Naughty girls"


Song "Oh, what autumn»

General Dance “This dance is easy”

The progress of the holiday

The hall is decorated according to - autumn. The tables are beautifully arranged as in cafe,

and on the tables there is a vase with bouquets of leaves (different: aspen, birch, maple, rowan, oak….).

Children and parents are in group. Teachers give them pre-prepared badges - leaves different trees, and are asked to attach them to clothing.

IN Autumn enters the group.

Autumn: Hello dear guests. I came to you to invite you all to « Autumn cafe» . And to find the way there, we will collect autumn leaves who will show us the way. You are ready? (answers)

Children and parents follow in autumn and collect leaves along the way.

They reach the music hall. There is an inscription on the door « Autumn cafe» . They come in.

Autumn: That's « Autumn cafe» . Look how beautiful it is here. I invite you to dance with the leaves we collected along the way.


(according to the show, at the end of the dance they collect leaves)

Autumn: Guys, what table do you think each of you will sit at? (answers, autumn draws attention to the bouquets decorating the tables). Look at the tables there are vases with autumn leaves. Each bouquet of leaves from different trees. Name them (children take turns calling which tree the leaf is from). Now look, you have a piece of paper attached to your chest, what do you think it’s for? (answers). It's right to find your place at the table.

Presenter: Today is this autumn cafe we were invited by a mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate lady autumn to give everyone your unforgettable, wonderful moments and joyful mood. Yes, yes, yes, indeed autumn- this is not only a time of sadness and sadness - it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn beautiful and elegant all around. And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - motherland always beautiful, attractive, charming! And folk wisdom reads: « Autumn is sad, but life is fun". So let wonderful music sound for you on this October day, and may your fun never end! And to plunge into this cheerful atmosphere, I suggest reading poems about autumn.


Autumn: Thank you for the wonderful poems. Rich autumn harvest. Now we’ll find out what vegetables and fruits parents and children grew. Please note that there are bright envelopes on the tables in front of you. Open them and see what's there (look). There are puzzles there, and now on command you will begin to collect them. Let's see what happens?


Autumn: Well done everyone. The puzzles depict vegetables and fruits. What a rich harvest of vegetables and fruits you have grown. I suggest singing funny ditties about them.


Autumn: And now we need to harvest. And dads and boys will help. Fruits and vegetables mixed. You need to separate them. Your team collects vegetables, and yours collects fruits.


(Boys and dads form teams. They take toy trucks and drag vegetables and fruits)

Autumn: Vegetables and fruits are collected. And now it’s the turn of the girls and mothers.


(Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle is the driver with the ball. He throws the ball to any child and the mother tells the dish that he wants to prepare. The child, having caught the ball, quickly names the vegetable, berry or fruit that is familiar to him, which is needed for this dish)

Autumn: We remembered the composition of the dishes. It's time to cook. There are 4 mothers and all girls left. Our mothers will be the pot makers, and the girls will be the vegetables and fruit makers. Girls, take apart the medallions and see what kind of vegetable or fruit you will turn into. Compote is cooked in 1 pan, borscht in 2, jam in 3, salad in 4.


(Everyone moves to the music, when the music ends, all the products run to their pans)

Presenter: Tired? Dads and boys collected the harvest, girls and mothers prepared delicious dishes.

Autumn: I suggest everyone take a break. Watch the cheerful dance of our playful children.

DANCE "Naughty Girls"

Autumn: I suggest you guess the riddles and fill out the crossword puzzle. And the riddles will be about migratory birds.


(on the slide presentation scanword)

Presenter: There is a palace on the pole,

There's a singer at the door,

And his name is. (Starling)

Autumn: Flies to us with warmth,

It's been a long journey.

Sculpts a house under the window,

Made from grass and clay. (Martin)

Presenter: Lives in forest areas,

And flies away for the winter,

And the neck of that bird is always

Reminds me of the number two! (Swan)

Autumn: If he wants, he will fly straight,

He wants - he hangs in the air,

Falls like a stone from the heights

And in the fields he sings, sings. (Lark)

Presenter: On a thin neck the head

He always swims in the pond.

The wing is covered with feathers.

He has been able to fly for a long time.

He might pinch you.

And we can't touch him.

I'm not afraid of him at all.

It's simple after all. (Wild goose).

Presenter: What great fellows you are. Look, the entire scanword was solved, but the keyword turned out to be - autumn. Of course, we talk all evening about this wonderful time of year. In our cafe has karaoke. I suggest we sing a funny song to you all together.


(song lyrics on screen)

Autumn: Thank you, dear guests. With you in mine cafe it became much more fun and comfortable. I have prepared some treats for you (they take out the pie and fruit drink). In the meantime, my assistants are setting the table, I invite everyone to dance.


Autumn: Take a seat at the tables. My treat is ready (sit down, try the treats)

After the meal

Autumn: Thank you very much that you came to mine cafe. I want to say goodbye to you until the next one autumn. I suggest you take a photo as a souvenir.

take pictures, go to group

Khlystova Natalya Viktorovna, Bogacheva Anna Vladimirovna
Educational institution:"Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution" Kindergarten No. 13 “Alyonushka”, Belovo
Brief job description:

Publication date: 2016-11-22 Scenario autumn holiday V middle group"Baba Yaga's Cafe" Khlystova Natalya Viktorovna, Bogacheva Anna Vladimirovna Scenario of an event dedicated to the autumn holiday in kindergarten, for teachers and music directors.

View certificate of publication

Scenario for the autumn holiday in the middle group “Baba Yaga’s Cafe”

Children enter the hall with autumn leaves in their hands.

The sun is too warm
The time for gold has come.
Yellow leaves are flying,
Soon the garden will be bare.
The birds gathered in flocks,
The animals have gone into hibernation,
Whose friends will we not ask?
Came to us, guys,

Children: Autumn!

Leading: I suggest you dance with our beautiful leaves!

Dance: “Autumn, give us colors” music and lyrics : O. Osipova
At the end of the dance, the children squat down (leaves in their hands). A janitor comes out with a broom .

Street cleaner:
Oh, there's a lot of work,
How many leaves have fallen!
I'm in a hurry to sweep,
I'm putting things in order!
I sweep, sweep, sweep,
I'll sweep up the leaves from the path!
(The janitor sweeps with a broom, the children - the leaves “fly away” onto the chairs.)

Street cleaner:
I swept all the paths,
Oh, I'm tired, I'm off to bed.
The janitor sits aside. A child runs out as the breeze.

I am the autumn breeze
I'm flying, my path is long,
I'm flying around the world,
I blow up all the leaves.

Phonogram “The Sound of the Wind”
A child like a breeze runs through the hall, improvising the characteristic dance movements of the image of the wind. The leaf children “fly out” to the middle of the hall. The breeze flies away. The janitor comes out.

Street cleaner:
It's a mess, really.
All the leaves have scattered!
I'll take the broom
I'll collect the leaves again.
I sweep, sweep, sweep,
I'll sweep up the leaves from the path!
The janitor sweeps with a broom, the children's leaves “fly away” onto their chairs. Breeze appears.
Street cleaner:
Oh, you naughty leaves,
Bright and painted!
So that they don’t dare to fly away,
I must catch you all!

Children throw the leaves up (imitate leaf fall), run away to their chairs, leaving the leaves on the carpet.

Street cleaner:
We offer dads, moms,
We'll play a little
Leaves in baskets
Who's quick to collect!
The janitor moves away unnoticed.

Leading: Let's play a game “Who will collect the leaves in the basket faster?”
(The game is played by two to four adults. Children can act as helpers, for example, holding a basket into which the parent will quickly put leaves. The competition may be accompanied by light background music at a moving pace. .)

Presenter: I hear someone coming towards us, probably Autumn.Baba Yaga appears to the music.

Baba Yaga: From, what!!! Made a lot of noise!!! Hello, you are welcome! They showed up without getting dusty, my dears! (Realizes himself) Oh…! Why am I saying this?! Hello, please come in and make yourself comfortable, I’m very glad to see you. I repaired my house, and I opened a cafe in it. And the word went out in the forest: Business lady - that’s me! I was waiting for you all to visit, I baked fly agarics. It’s an amazing time. The holiday is now in the yard. So, you are mine, I’ve been waiting for you! Oh, I forgot to say the most important thing that my cafe is not simple - it’s autumn, and Queen Autumn herself is in a hurry to visit us, bringing us gifts. And you guys, girls and boys. Do you know anything about autumn?

Leading: Listen to Baba Yaga's poems about this amazing time of year.

Children read poetry, Yaga listens .
1 child
If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,
If the birds flew to a distant land,
If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,
This time of year is called autumn.

2 child
Here is a maple leaf on a branch.
Nowadays he is completely like new.
All ruddy and golden.
Where are you going, leaf? Wait.

3 child
In the autumn garden,
By the path
Aspen claps
In the palms.
That's why,
That week,
Her palms turned red.

4 child
It's raining down the street,
Wet road
Lots of drops on the glass
And there's a little heat.

5 child
Like autumn mushrooms
We carry umbrellas
Because in the yard
Autumn has come.

Yaga: I understood everything about autumn. It's cold, the leaves are falling, it's raining. And why should we be happy?

Leading: You can enjoy any time of year and notice the beauty of nature. Nature is especially beautiful in autumn.

Yaga: Autumn is such a sad time of year, even if you cry! Autumn has arrived. Just think! Well, it will pass. We lived without her, and we will live again!

Leading: You, Yaga, are wrong. Autumn is rich in the harvest of vegetables and fruits. The weather in autumn is changeable. If the sun is in the sky, it illuminates the golden and crimson leaves of the trees so beautifully. The soul becomes joyful and cheerful. Listen to what a wonderful song our children know about autumn.

Song: “This is Autumn” music and lyrics by E. Gomonova

Yaga: good song, I really liked it!

Autumn enters the hall to the music, holding a basket.
I'm glad that you have me
Children, respect
Dances, poems,
Greet us with songs!

Song: “Autumn is a dear guest” music. etc. Oliferova.

I am Golden Autumn, I came to you for the holiday
I brought a basket with riddles for the holiday!
Listen to the riddles, my favorite guys!
Autumn takes leaves from the basket - riddles, and tells them to the children.

1. I emerge from the garden bed, I grow up smartly.

Eat me up guysI'm sorry... (carrot)

2. The hedgehog was surprised in the field:“Here’s a vegetable, a hundred clothes!”

And the little bunny devoured the delicious... (cabbage) with a crunch.

3. He warms his side in the sun, dgives us tomato juice,

People have loved it for a long time,red, ripe... (tomato)

4. Im a pod, beloved home xgood for the brothers in it!

Every brother is green and smooth,Each ball is tasty and sweet. (peas)

Autumn: Well done! All the riddles have been solved! I propose to dance my favorite dance “Rowanushka”.

Yaga: Can I come with you?

Autumn: Of course you can!

Girls' dance: "Rowan kerchiefs - red scarves" .

Yaga: Eat, help yourself - the fly agarics are fresh, I just picked them. I just caught the little frogs from the swamp this morning. Well, take it... Why don't you like my treat?

Autumn. (looks) These are fly agarics, toadstools and frogs...your treat? Well, who meets you like that?

Yaga:But I need helpers in my cafe. So, who will set the table for me and serve clients?

Autumn:So you need Baba Yaga waiters. I can just help you with this! (addresses the children). Guys, now I’ll teach you how to set a table in a cafe. For this we need 2 teams of 7 people. Each table has baskets containing something that you should beautifully lay out on the table. Everyone runs, takes (tablecloth, plate, spoon, fork, knife, mug, food) one item and beautifully places it on the table, then returns to the end of the team. Music is playing. coming game "Waiters" . After the game, the tables are put back in place, and part of the table setting is also removed.

Autumn:Well, Yagusya, you already have assistant waiters. Everyone knows that in the fall all people and forest animals making supplies for the winter. Are you, Yagusenka, ready for winter?

Baba Yaga:Of course, I always have a couple of tasty, juicy fly agarics in stock. Simply delicious.

Autumn:Well, that's not the point. They're inedible. Really, guys? I saw a vegetable garden nearby, there was probably good harvest born.

Game: "Harvest"

Baba Yaga:Yes, a good harvest has ripened. I wish I could have so many fruits and vegetables in my cafe to serve on the table. Eh, now I’d like to fry some potatoes, but with fly agaric mushrooms.....

Autumn:Well, again you are Baba Yaga with your fly agarics. Remember that they are not edible. I have a magic umbrella. Let's play transformation!
Autumn is playing"Magic Umbrella" .

Baba Yaga: Here you go!!! Rain in the fall is not good weather!! (angrily) He will wet all of me, Yagusya, my beauty.

All nature is happy with the rain. The boys and I love watching the rain.
The wind carried the rain cloud far, far away. How many mushrooms grew in the forest after the rain!

Competition program for students in grades 5-7 “Autumn Cafe”

Presenter 1: Ladies and gentlemen!

Presenter 2: We are glad to see you in our “Autumn Cafe” at the celebration of friendship. And today we will have fun and receive only positive emotions.

(Lyrical music sounds)

Presenter 1: It's a sad time! Ouch charm!

I am pleased with your farewell beauty -

I love the lush decay of nature,

In scarlet and gold, dressed forests,

Presenter 2: There is in the initial autumn

A short but wonderful time -

The whole day is like crystal

And the evenings are radiant...

Presenter 1st presenter: Today, our holiday of friendship is dedicated to the golden time of the year. But we will not be discouraged today. After all, every season has its own charm. It is known that many Russian poets loved autumn. To the sound of rain and the rustle of falling leaves, unfading lines of beautiful poems were born.

Leading 2nd: And before we begin our competitive program, we would like to introduce the participating teams

Team 5th grade. _______________________ (applause)

Team 6th grade. _______________________ (applause)

Team 7th grade _______________________ (applause)

Presenter 1: As you have already noticed, our participants have numbers that will help us conduct our competition program today.

And we offer our dear visitors who have number 1, come out here on stage.

Listening to the task: our ancestors had very categorical opinions regarding lazy people and idleness, which were expressed in numerous proverbs about work. “THE DAY IS BORING TILL THE EVENING, WHEN THERE IS NOTHING TO DO GO"- This is exactly what our next competition is called.

Presenter 2: Your task is to reconstruct the confused parts of the proverbs and read the result out loud.

Proverbs for the first team:

To eat fish / and dig mountains.

Lying in one place / God provides.

The ant is small / you have to climb into the water.

The lazy spinner/and the stone is overgrown with moss.

Who gets up early / and doesn’t have a shirt for himself.

Proverbs for the second team:

Finished the job / you can’t even pull a fish out of the pond.

The lazy man knows the holidays / walk boldly.

Working with teeth / laziness spoils it.

Labor feeds a person / but does not remember everyday life.

Without labor / but laziness with the tongue.

Proverbs for the third team:

The bee carries it drop by drop into the hive / will not run away into the forest.

To live idle / to please God and people.

Work is not a wolf / only smoke the sky.

Under a lying stone / and a lot of hay

On a sharp spit / and water will not run.

Presenter 1: Great, you all did a great job.

Leading2nd: Bravo, guys, consider that you have warmed up before the next, very difficult competition, in which you will have to work hard. Participants are now invited to the stage numbers 2, 3 + 1 spectator (7 people in total).

Leading1st: We will show you an impromptu theatrical game « Turnip."

1st player - turnip; when the presenter says the word “turnip”, the player must say: “Both-na!”

2nd player - grandfather; when the presenter says the word “grandfather,” the player must say: “I would kill him!”

3rd player - grandma; when the presenter says the word “grandmother”, the player must say: “Oh-oh.”

4th player - granddaughter; when the presenter says the word “granddaughter,” the player must say: “I’m not ready yet.”

5th player - Bug's dog; when the presenter says the word “Bug,” the player must say: “Woof-woof.”

6th player - cat; when the presenter says the word "cat", the player must say: "Meow-meow."

7th player - mouse; when the presenter says the word “mouse,” the player must say: “Pee-pee.”

The presenter tells the fairy tale “Turnip”, the participant is voiced.

Grandfather planted (I would kill) turnip (Both on!). The turnip has grown (Both on!) big - very big. Grandfather came(I would kill/) pull the turnip (Both on!), He pulls and pulls, but he can’t pull it out. Grandfather called(I would kill him!) grandma (Oh- Ouch!). Grandma ( O y-oh!) for my grandfather (I would kill him!) grandfather (I would kill him!) for a turnip (Both on!),

Grandma called (Oh- oh!) granddaughter (I'm not ready yet). Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for grandma ( O oh-oh!) grandma (Oh-oh) for my grandfather (I would kill him!) grandfather (I would kill him!) for a turnip (Both on!),

Granddaughter called (I'm not ready yet) Bug (woof-woof). Bug (woof-woof) for Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for grandma (O oh-oh!) grandma (Oh-oh) for my grandfather (I would kill him!) grandfather (I would kill him!) for a turnip (Both on!), they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out...

She called the Bug (woof-woof) and the Cat (Meow-meow). Cat (Meow-meow) for Bug (Woof-woof), Bug (Woof-woof) for Granddaughter grandma (O oh-oh!), grandma (Oh-oh) for my grandfather (I would kill him!) grandfather (I would kill him!) for a turnip (Both on!), they pull and pull, but they can’t pull it out...

The Cat called (meow-meow) the Mouse (Pee-Pee). Mouse (pee-pee) for Cat (meow-meow), Cat (meow-meow) for Bug (woof-woof), Bug (Woof-woof) for Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet), Granddaughter (I'm not ready yet) for grandma (O oh-oh!), grandma (Oh-oh) for my grandfather (I would kill him!) grandfather (I would kill him!) for a turnip (Both on!), They pulled and pulled, and pulled out the turnip.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Presenter 1: Well, now it's the participants' turn at number 4. I will ask the participants to come up to the stage.

We have prepared the following task for you: with your eyes closed, you need to draw a vase with a festive bouquet in it. While the melody is playing, you draw and don’t peep. Once the task is completed you can remove the bandage.

Thanks to our dear participants, you can take your seats in the hall.

The dance group "Alice" prepared a gift for everyone sitting in this hall - the dance "My Marusenka". Meet...

Presenter 2nd: It's time for the participants under number 5.

You have to demonstrate your intellectual abilities.

Which of you is the most thoughtful and quick-witted will be shown in the next competition, which is called "Apple fight" For each correct answer you receive a token. The winner is the one who has large quantity tokens.


Glass shelter of vegetables. (Jar.)

Fruits boiled in syrup. (Jam.)

The result of bee labor. (Honey, wax)

How September, October and November end. (Soft sign.)

Where does autumn begin? (Starting with an "o".)

What do hedgehogs and bears eat in winter? (They are sleeping.)

flower composition. (Bouquet.)

Onion boy. (Cipollino.)

Dehydrated fruits. (Dried fruits.)

Wooden "abode" sauerkraut. (Barrel.)

Grain powder. (Flour.)

Bee house. (Hive.)

Fruits, which berry bush come in black, white and red? (Currants.)

Presenter 1st: I see that we are not bored today, and finally, the finest hour has come for the participants at number 6. I will ask the participants to take the stage.

Now you need to take the contents out of the bag with your eyes closed and determine by touch what it is.

Leading2nd: Now it's time to have some fun, and we invite participants with numbers 7 and 8.

For you, our incomparable participants, a pair competition is announced "DANCE". Now musical compositions will sound for you one after another and you need to show your ability to dance with your partner to a variety of musical compositions.

Presenter 1st: Dear viewers and guests of our cafe, now with your applause you will choose the best couple of our cafe.

Presenter 2nd: : The celebration continues and participants are invited to the stage at numbers 9-10.

Our next competition called "WHAT IS THIS?"

I will name the various products. Your task: indicate what it is. For example, milk is a drink, crucian carp is fish, buckwheat is cereal, etc. You take turns guessing and answering.


Artichoke (vegetable) Cheddar (cheese)

Carp (fish) pistachios (nuts)

Persimmon (fruit) eggplant (vegetable)

Beans (vegetable) boiled pork (meat)

Gobies (fish) blueberries (berry)

Cherry (berry) parsnip (vegetable)

Rice (cereal) melon (vegetable)

Halibut (fish) brawn (meat)

Coconut (nut) mullet (fish)

Kvass (drink) lingonberry (berry)

Kohlrabi (vegetable) cinnamon (spice)

Kumis (drink) parsley (vegetable)

Hazel grouse (bird) kiwi (fruit)

Basturma (meat) lemon (fruit)

Jerusalem artichoke (vegetable)morel (mushroom)

Mead (drink)sterlet (fish)

Presenter 1st: This is how we would have fun until dawn, but it’s time to end our holiday of friendship. But the fun doesn't end, the celebration continues


Presenter 2nd: : Thus, no matter how gloomy the time is in the yard...

rain, fog, gray clouds...

Presenter 1st : But your smiles make it brighter...

more joyful at any time of the year.

And even more so in such a wonderful time of year as golden autumn.

Presenter 2nd: We hope your spirits were lifted at our celebration of friendship.

Presenter 1st: in the “Autumn Cafe”.

Presenter 2nd: All the best to you and see you again!

Presenter 1st: Well, in general, we are not parting with you, everyone can continue to have fun at our autumn disco.

Municipal budget preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten No. 12 in Kalininsk, Saratov region"

Family holiday scenario

V senior group

Cafe"Autumn mood"

Prepared by:

MBDOU teachers

"Kindergarten No. 12


Saratov region"

Frickel E.V.,

year 2013

Target: organizing a joint holiday for children and parents.


Contribute to the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation between children and parents in the process joint activities.

Develop aesthetic taste, a sense of friendship, mutual assistance, the ability to have fun and have fun.

Foster love and respect for parents; good polite attitude towards peers.

Preliminary work: learning poems, proverbs and sayings about autumn, staging songs and round dances, musical games, dances.

Materials and equipment: autumn leaves, baskets, dummies (mushrooms, vegetables and fruits), musical instruments, handkerchiefs and ribbons, vegetable masks, candies with ditties, fake cake, “cocktails” with questions.

Progress of the holiday.

Presenter: Good afternoon, good autumn day, dear friends! We are pleased to welcome you to our cozy cafe “Autumn Mood”

Presenter: Today we were invited to this hall by the romantic, mysterious, enchanting, unpredictable, sedate Lady Autumn to give everyone her last, wonderful moments and a joyful mood.

Presenter: Yes, yes, yes, indeed, autumn is not only a time of sadness and sadness - it is also a time of joy. Why? Because in autumn it is beautiful and elegant all around.

Presenter: And no matter how it is outside - cold or warm - the earth is always beautiful, attractive, charming!

And folk wisdom says: “Autumn is sad, but life is fun.”

So let wonderful music sound for you on this October day, and may your fun never end!

Presenter: So, we are opening our cafe “Autumn Mood”.


  • Autumn brings us to your cafe
  • Today I invited

    So that no one is late

    Autumn asked.

  • And here we are.
  • The hall sparkles.

    Faces are warmed with warmth.

    It's time to open a cafe

    And have fun together.

    Song “Dear autumn rustling”

    Presenter: But where is Autumn?

    What if she forgot the way to us?

    With business, maybe

    Are you a little late?

    Let's call autumn

    Come on, together!

    Together: “Autumn, we are waiting for you to visit”

    Autumn is coming out.

    Autumn: How wonderfully you are having fun!

    Hello, friends.

    On an autumn day, on a wonderful day

    I'm glad to see you.

    I am golden autumn

    My bow to you, friends!

    I've been dreaming for a long time

    I'm talking about meeting you.

    Presenter: Thank you, Autumn, for being with us now.

    And you give us such a bounty of colors.

    We glorify you with songs and poems.

    We admire the beauty of autumn fairy tales.

    We want to please you with poems.

    Guys, come out and read some poems for autumn.


    1.Spun around me

    The rain of leaves is mischievous.

    How good he is!

    Where else can you find something like this?

    Without end and without beginning?

    I began to dance under it,

    We danced like friends -

    Rain of leaves and me.

    2. Autumn is coming

    In our park

    Gives autumn

    Gifts for everyone:

    Red beads - Rowan,

    Pink apron – Aspen,

    Yellow umbrella - Poplars,

    Autumn gives us fruits.

    4. Indian summer has arrived -

    Days of farewell warmth.

    Warmed by the late sun,

    In the crack the fly came to life.

    Sun! What's more beautiful in the world

    After a chilly day?..

    Gossamer light yarn

    Wrapped around a branch.

    Tomorrow the rain will pour down quickly,

    The sun is obscured by a cloud.

    Silver cobwebs

    There are two or three days left to live.

    Have pity, autumn! Give us light!

    Protect from winter darkness!

    Have pity on us, Indian summer:

    These cobwebs are us.

    5. Autumn gives miracles,

    And what kind!

    The forests are depleted

    Gold hats.

    They sit on a tree stump in a crowd

    Red honey mushrooms,

    And the spider is such a trickster! –

    The network is pulling somewhere.

    Rain and withered grass

    In the sleepy most of the night

    Incomprehensible words

    They mumble until the morning.

    6.If the leaves on the trees have turned yellow,

    If the birds have flown to a distant land,

    If the sky is gloomy, if it rains,

    This time of year is called autumn.

    Autumn: Thank you for the wonderful poems.

    Autumn is rich in harvest. Now we’ll find out what vegetables the parents and children grew.

    After solving the riddles, you will see the answers.

    Riddles about vegetables.

    1. A beautiful maiden sits in prison,

    And the braid is on the street. (Carrot).

    2.No windows, no doors,

    The room is full of people. (Cucumber).

    3. Ermoshka stands on one leg,

    He has a hundred clothes on,

    Not sewn, not cut,

    Everything is scarred. (Cabbage).

    4. I also have feathers,

    But I am neither a bird nor a beast,

    I'm the one for you best friend,

    I'm a simple green... (Onion)

    5.Cheeks are pink, nose is white,

    I sit in the dark all day.

    And the shirt is green,

    She's all in the sun. (Radish)

    6.Under the green bushes

    We sit in balls in the ground. (Potato).

    7.Round, red, tasty, rooted in the ground. (Beet).

    8.Growing in the garden

    Green branches,

    Red kids.

    I grow in the garden.

    And when I mature,

    They cook a tomato from me,

    They put it in cabbage soup

    And that's how they eat. (Tomatoes)

    9. It dried out in the hot sun

    And it bursts out of the pods..? (peas)

    Presenter: Our harvest is good

    Born thickly.

    And carrots and potatoes,

    White cabbage,

    Red tomato.

    Autumn: Only for some time now

    They start an argument.

    Which of them, from vegetables,

    And tastier and more tender?

    Who with all the diseases

    Will everyone be more useful?

    Presenter: So that there are no quarrels there

    Shall we listen to the conversation?

    Scene "Dispute of vegetables"

    Presenter: Our cafe invites everyone to try our signature “cocktail” of comic questions.

    Questions, questions

    Autumn has thrown us

    They ask for answers,

    They fly like leaves.

    Competition "Cocktail of comic questions"

    Presenter: Well, now we suggest you rest.

    Musicians come out and entertain the guests.


    Presenter: Attention, dear guests! Today we are holding an “Auction” in our cafe. Autumn - seller, guests-buyers.

    Adults and children play.

    Autumn: I'll show you a fruit or vegetable, you name it and tell me what you can cook from it.

    The last person to speak will take this vegetable (fruit).

    Auction “Vegetables and fruits”

    Presenter: And now, my friends.

    It's time to join the circle

    Let's sing a song in autumn,

    Let's start our own round dance.

    Musical game "Autumn round dance"

    Presenter: Golden leaves are falling and flying,

    Golden leaves cover the garden.

    There are many golden leaves on the paths,

    We will collect them and dress up mom.

    Game "Dress up your tree"

    Presenter: Look, I have

    Rowan sprig.

    And in the basket they are

    Beautiful scarves.

    We'll put it on for girls

    Red scarves-

    There will be our girls

    Just like mountain ash.

    Girls' dance "Ryabinki"

    Presenter: You are generous with treats, Autumn.

    What else can you please our guests with?

    Autumn: I have prepared a signature cake for you. And there is a task in it.

    It is necessary to determine by taste what it is made from.

    Competition “Define the taste”

    Presenter: In our autumn cafe, the next surprise awaits you. And again a gift, but not an easy one. In the candies, you will find the last task, this time it is garden ditties.

    These ditties are a pleasure

    Who wouldn't want to sing into a microphone?

    In the hall now we ask for calm,

    Do not interfere with taking the right tone for them.

    « Autumn ditties"

    Presenter: The ditties sang well, they sang well,

    We would really like everything

    So that you clap for us.

    Autumn: You have fun, friends,

    I'm glad to meet you.

    Songs, dances, good -

    I treat you with all my heart!

    You need nuts, fruits, honey -

    Be healthy all year round!

    Presenter: Nature is beautiful in autumn,

    Fragile, and sometimes proud.

    Like any time of year,

    Always brings us joy.

    For beauty and for wealth,

    Which can be shared with anyone.

    For your mischievous character, Autumn!

    We all thank you.


    1. “Scenarios for matinees for preschoolers” N.A. Amirova, O.P. Vlysenko.

    2. “Children’s ditties” by I.D. Ageev.

    3. Magazine “Musical Director” No. 6 2013

    4. Magazine “Musical Palette” No. 5 2010.

    Frickel Elizaveta Viktorovna

    Cafe "Osennyaya Polyanka" invites you

    Evening entertainment scenario

    for older preschoolers and parents.

    Musical director:

    Krupina Elena Nikolaevna.

    MBDOU No. 3 “Chamomile”


    Target: help strengthen relationships between children and parents.


    Create a joyful mood in children from mutual communication;

    Cultivate goodwill and the ability to act together;

    Promote the development of emotional responsiveness;

    Arouse a sustainable interest in music, develop performing skills;

    Promote the development of creative abilities.

    Preliminary work: Learning songs, games and dances; learning a dramatization with parents: “Fairy Tale-Riddle.” Cooking vegetable salads with children.

    Equipment: festive tables for parents, hats of vegetables for children and parents, little house, autumn leaves.

    Parents are sitting at the festive tables, autumn leaves are scattered in the center of the hall. Children run into the hall, stop, scattered around the hall, facing their parents, read poems about autumn.

    They raise the leaves and perform a dance improvisation to the song “Colorful Autumn” by A. Morozova.

    Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests, dear guys! Today, on this autumn day, we are pleased to welcome you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka”. I am glad to introduce you to the owner of the cafe - Golden Autumn. Meet!

    Fanfare sounds, everyone claps their hands, but Autumn does not appear. The presenter makes a sign to stop the music.

    Presenter: Something is wrong here. Somewhere Autumn lingered. Wait a minute, I'll go take a look.(Leaves.)

    Music is heard, Baba Yaga appears from other doors, singing to the music “But I don’t believe it” by E. Osin.

    Yaga (sings): So Grandma Yaga has arrived,

    Everyone says about me that I am strict.

    Even though my leg is bone,

    I'll let you taste my pie.

    Chorus (repeated 2 times):

    And I’ll put a spider in the pie,

    One head of onion, pepper, garlic.

    I'll salt and pepper

    I really want you to like me!

    To lose, Yaga challenges one of the guests or children to dance.

    Yaga. Well, hello to you!(Does a funny curtsy, trips over a tree stump, falls.)

    Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, I caught my foot!

    Even though it was a clear day around, I didn’t see the stump.

    I lost my glasses and fell for morels.

    And without them I’m like without hands, Leshy, help me, my friend!

    Leshy enters.

    Goblin: Here I am! Who called me?

    Yaga: Hello, hello, my friend – there’s a curl on the top of your head.

    How are you, Leshy? Do you know what's going on around you?

    Goblin: Yesterday I heard from Koshchei - Autumn is coming through the forest.

    The harvest is rich and glorious in a big basket for everyone.

    Yaga: Carries it to everyone? That's no good!

    We will need it ourselves.

    We will take the harvest and store it for the winter.

    Goblin: How can this be done?

    Yaga: Let me show off my mind!

    We will hide behind a bush and attack Autumn.

    Let's tie the basket lengthwise and crosswise, grab it - and run!

    Goblin: Yes, you came up with a bold idea, it’s time for us to start doing business.

    We just need to agree on how to share the harvest?

    Yaga (sly, sarcastic) :

    As friends are supposed to do, we’ll divide everything in half!

    Now hurry into the bushes and sit and don’t squeal!

    They hide behind the bushes. Autumn appears, holding a basket of harvest in her hands. Yaga and Leshy run out, Yaga takes out a rope, runs around, falls, wraps up both Leshy and himself. In the end, Autumn is connected. They look at the basket with the harvest.

    Goblin: What to cook here for future use?

    It's too much for one!

    Yaga: Yes, there is nothing to share here...

    Goblin: What to do? How to be?

    Yaga: I have another plan: hide Autumn in the closet.

    We'll ask for a ransom for her, seven or eight million

    Then we will live and sail to the Canary Islands.

    Baba Yaga takes out paper and a felt-tip pen, writes something, folds the paper in half, and leaves the letter on a stump so that it can be seen. They leave.

    The upset presenter enters.

    Presenter: Guys, I haven’t found Golden Autumn anywhere.(Looks around again and sees a letter.)

    What is it?(Unfolds, reads):

    “We are asking for a ransom for Autumn, seven or eight million.

    Put it in your suitcase and see you at three, madam!”

    Presenter (children): Guys, what happened here?

    Children talk.

    Presenter: What should we do, what should we do?

    So much money, where to get it?

    Children offer different options.

    Presenter: Come on, be quiet, wait a minute, don’t make noise, don’t shout.

    (Rereads the letter).

    There is no mention of money here! Greetings from us!

    We will give them seven or eight million seeds!

    He leaves and returns with a suitcase.

    Yaga, Leshy, arrives, leading the bound Autumn. The presenter comes forward.

    Presenter: Here's a ransom for you, take it, give us back autumn as soon as possible!

    Yaga: (opens a suitcase containing “packets of seeds”):

    Fu-you-well-you-ships! Deceived! Spent it!

    Goblin: Well, are we left with nothing? At least they could carry their legs away.

    Let's crack the seeds and while away the long winter. (Sighs.)

    C'mon, I'm carrying the suitcase myself, goodbye, madam!

    They take the suitcase and leave the hall.

    Autumn: Thank you, friends, for saving me, and also for so cunningly deceiving the villains.

    Presenter: Well, dear friends, we saved Autumn, let’s continue our holiday. Today we invited you to our cafe “Osennyaya Polyanka” to have fun and play. I present to you the owner of the cafe - Golden Autumn.

    Autumn: Hello, dear guests!

    Children: Hello, autumn!

    It's good that you came.

    We, Autumn, will ask you, what did you bring as a gift?

    Autumn: I brought you flour.

    Children: So there will be pies!

    Autumn: I brought you some buckwheat.

    Children: The porridge will be in the oven!

    Autumn: I brought you some vegetables.

    Children: For salads and cabbage soup!

    Autumn: And apples are like honey!

    Children: For jam and compote!

    Autumn: I also brought a full deck of honey...

    Children: You brought apples, you brought honey, you brought bread.

    A good weather you to us. Autumn in store?

    Autumn: Are you happy about the rain?

    Children: We don't want it, we don't need it!

    Autumn : Who gets caught in the rain?

    He's going home now!

    Playing with the rain

    Children dance to cheerful music chosen by the music director, distributed around the hall; as soon as it sounds sound effect“Thunder”, the children run under the umbrella to the Leader, and Autumn splashes water on them from


    After the game, the children sit down.

    They perform the song “Autumn Chest”.

    Presenter: And what are you doing with us today? you will treat yourself to a cafe, Gold autumn?

    Autumn: See for yourself! Here's my fall menu!

    (Gives the presenter a colorfully designed menu)

    Presenter: (looks at the menu) . There is so much! Vegetables, fruits, hot dishes, desserts, and drinks are different. What to choose? My eyes are wide open!

    Autumn: You can try a little of everything.

    Presenter: Guys, guests, will you trust me to make a choice?(Everyone answers.) Then, for your appetite, choose riddles!

    Autumn: Well, try what riddles I have prepared for you.(Make riddles about autumn natural phenomena, months, for example):

      Who walked through the meadows, through the forests, through the fields,
      She prepared supplies for us,
      She hid them in cellars, in bins!
      She said: “Winter will come for me” (autumn)

      Red Egorka fell on the lake,
      He himself did not drown and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

      It flows like an oblique wall,
      And knocks on our windows.
      It's cold, pouring,
      And the gazebos in the garden get wet. (Rain)

      It is unknown where he lives. It will fly and bend the trees.
      If he whistles, the river will tremble, you mischief maker, and you won’t stop. (Wind)

      Following August comes, dances with the falling leaves,
      And he is rich in harvest,
      We know him, of course (September)

      Nature's face is getting darker and darker:
      The gardens have turned black, the forests are becoming bare,
      Bird voices are silent,
      The bear fell into hibernation.
      What month did he come to us? (October)

      The gloomiest month of the year, I want to go home,
      Soon sleepy nature will meet winter. (November)
      Children solve riddles

    Autumn: Well done, we tried all the riddles. Did you like it?(Children answer). Choose your next dish.
    Presenter: For cold appetizers we choose “Sliced ​​Vegetables”.
    Musical scene “Dispute of vegetables”. Children wearing vegetable masks.

    Carrot (runs out, rattling the maracas):
    Answer me honestly.
    I don't need your flattery.
    My main vegetable is carrots!
    I’ll deftly jump right into your mouth!
    I contain vitamin
    Very necessary carotene.
    Garlic (runs out, playing along with the triangle, runs up to the carrot):
    Don't boast about carotene, I - from flu and sore throat.
    For colds and various ailments. Eat me - there will be no pain!
    Beet (runs out, ringing the bell, runs up to the vegetables):

    Don't trust garlic, kids.He is the most bitter in the world.
    I am a beetroot, it’s simply amazing, so rosy and beautiful.
    If you eat beets, all your blood will be cleansed.
    Carrot (incredulously): Is all the blood cleansed?!
    My main vegetable is carrots!
    So the shoot cucumber unexpectedly arrived in time for us.
    Cucumber (runs out, playing along with the tambourine, runs up to the vegetables):

    What? Don't you need a cucumber? Without it, what kind of dinner is it?
    Everyone is happy to add a cucumber to a pickle soup, to a salad!
    Cabbage (runs out, plays along on castanets):
    I am cabbage, all the fat ones! Without me there will be no cabbage soup.
    People like to eat borscht, salad and vinaigrette for lunch.
    And remember, children,
    Onion (runs out, bouncing rumba):
    They say I'm bitter, they say I'm not sweet,
    I am growing with a green arrow in the garden bed.
    I am the most useful - I give you my word on that.
    Eat green onions, you will be healthy!
    To the sound of marching music, Tomato comes out, loudly hitting the drum, and stands in front of the vegetables. .
    Stop the stupid argument. The tomato is the most important!
    He's a handsome guy! I'm not a vegetable, I'm a star!
    Presenter: It’s time to end the dispute, there’s no doubt about it,
    Vegetables are all good for you. All without exception!
    We love you, know that! Play for us in the orchestra!
    Vegetables are performed in the Russian Nar orchestra. melody “Like ours at the gate.” Parents - “waiters” in white aprons and caps bring cut vegetables to the tables.
    Autumn: Now it's time to play.
    Game "Cucumbers and tomatoes"

    Game "Weave". (Team of children, team of parents).
    Children stand in a circle with autumn, which has right hand tomato, and on the left - cucumber. On command, children pass a tomato in a circle to the right, and a cucumber to the left. The first vegetable to return to Autumn wins.
    Presenter: Which salad should we choose? Advise, Autumn!

    Autumn: I adviseSalad “Fairy Tale-Riddle”

    Presenter: What does it mean?

    Autumn: To guess what kind of salad this is, you need to watch a fairy tale that your parents will show you. Do you want it? (Children answer). Then watch and think.

    Parents are given replicas of vegetables or headband masks.


    He is not short, not high, not high, not high.

    There are beets running across the field, across the field.

    Beet runs through the hall and stops near the tower. The rest of the vegetable characters do the same.

    Beet: Who, who lives in the little house
    Who, who, lives in a low place?
    No one. Fine!
    I’ll live and live out the winter.
    He enters and sits in the little mansion. Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,

    Suddenly a potato runs along the pole,
    She stopped at the door and knocked.

    Potato: Who, who lives in the little house,
    Who, who lives in a low place?
    Beet: I am Beet, come live with me,
    He enters and sits in the little mansion. Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
    He is not short, not high, not high.
    Suddenly an onion ran across the field, field,
    He stopped at the door and knocked.

    Onion: Who, who lives in the little house,
    Who, who lives in a low place?
    Vegetables: Enters and sits in the little mansion .

    Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
    He is not short, not high, not high.
    Suddenly a carrot runs along the pole,
    She stopped at the door and knocked.

    Carrot: Who, who lives in the little house,
    Who, who lives in a low place?
    Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, come live with us!
    Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
    He is not short, not high, not high.

    Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, come live with us!
    Autumn: There is a teremok, teremok in the field,
    He is not short, not high, not high.
    Suddenly peas run along the pole,
    He stopped at the door and knocked.

    Polka dots: Who, who lives in the little house,
    Who, who lives in a low place?
    Vegetables: I am Beetroot, I am Potato, I am Onion, I am Carrot, come live with us!
    Autumn: They began to live and live. Conjure at the stove.
    They didn't have any conversations; they were all preparing dinner.
    What did they do? Did you guess it?
    Children : The vinaigrette!
    The characters bring dishes with vinaigrette to the tables.

    Presenter: For main course we choose the Autumn Song soup.
    Song “Autumn, like a red cat” Autumn: It's time to choose drinks. I offer you the Autumn Cloud cocktail.
    Presenter: Did you decorate it with umbrellas?
    Autumn: Certainly!

    Game with umbrellas. Presenter: Guys, what should we choose for dessert?

    Autumn: I offer you a delicious raspberry pie. Do you agree?

    Dance "Let's go through the raspberries to the garden."
    Dear guests and children! Look(turns attention to the tables) how many different delicious treats Autumn has prepared for us! Let's thank her with a beautiful song.

    Song "Beauty Autumn"

    Autumn: Well, what kind festive table without this berry. (Make a riddle about a watermelon).
    Autumn: And now I invite everyone to try my treats!
    General tea drinking, refreshments for children and parents.
