The best alcoholic drinks. How to drink with minimal losses? The most harmful alcoholic drink. TOP most harmful alcoholic drinks

It's no secret that excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages is harmful to health. After alcohol toxins enter the body, they turn into a kind of poison that can significantly harm both individual organs and the entire body as a whole.

Of course, all alcohol is harmful, be it strong cognac or low-alcohol martini. In any case, harm cannot be avoided. However, which of the existing alcoholic drinks is the most harmful?


When considering the classification of alcoholic beverages by degree of strength, it is also advisable to determine the amount of consequences (including negative ones) that occur immediately after consumption. Moreover, the volume of consequences does not always correspond to the strength of the drink.

Depending on weight ethyl alcohol contained in the drink are distinguished:

  1. High alcohol (from 65 to 96% vol.) - ethyl alcohol.
  2. Strong drinks (from 30 to 65% vol.) - usually vodka, cognac, whiskey.
  3. Medium alcohol (from 8 to 30% vol.) - various wines, liqueurs.
  4. Low alcohol (up to 8% vol.) - beer, cocktails.

The consequences that occur after consuming drinks depend on many factors: the quality of the primary raw materials, production technology, as well as the duration of aging (if provided for in the recipe).

As already noted, the strength of a drink is not directly related to its harmfulness to human health (although it plays an important role), however, what is important for determining the harmfulness is, first of all, the quantity and quality of what is drunk.

TOP-8 – in increasing order of danger

Any alcohol, even in minimal doses, is harmful to health in one way or another. Some feel negative changes, others do not notice any consequences for the time being. There are several alcoholic drinks that are considered the most harmful to the human body.


This intoxicating drink can look quite deceptive. On the one hand, beer is weak alcoholic drink, which makes it possible to drink quite a lot of it, but instead of severe intoxication, get only pleasant euphoria. But is everything so safe?

Beer is made from barley, adding hops (for flavor) and, in most cases, yeast (to speed up fermentation) during the production process.

Beer is far from the most high-calorie product, such as whiskey. But the peculiarity of the foamy drink is that a person can drink much more of it than any other alcohol-containing drink. That is, one glass of foam contains much more calories than, for example, a shot of whiskey.

Beer is a fairly high-calorie drink, which is why those who abuse this intoxicating product can develop obesity and subsequently problems with the cardiovascular system.

White wine

White wine belongs to the group of medium-alcohol drinks; its strength rarely exceeds 18% vol. Wine production involves processing overripe grapes, which are gradually peeled and seeded. White wine is far from the most high-calorie drink. One glass (175 ml) contains only about 140 kcal.

Important! The calorie content of white wine can be easily determined by its taste - the sweeter it is, the more calories the drink contains.

It is known that white wine producers use special group substances – sulfites. Scientists have found that this substance can lead to a very painful hangover. In addition, sulfites can cause an acute allergic reaction in people who are intolerant.

Red wine

Like white wine, red wine is made from overripe grapes. The difference is that in the production of red wine, both skins and seeds are used equally.

This drink is characterized by aging after production. At a minimum, it should be 2-3 years. After this the wine, which had White color, acquires a brownish or red tint.

Interesting! The calorie content of red wine is 10-15% lower than that of white wine.

The main disadvantage of drinking red wine is the painful hangover. This is due to the fact that, due to the nature of production, red wine contains two types of alcohol - ethanol and methanol. Ethanol enters the liver for processing after methanol and, as a result, remains there for a long time.


Champagne is a sparkling drink that is made by repeatedly fermenting wine.

A frank letter from a reader! Pulled the family out of the hole!
I was on the edge. My husband started drinking almost immediately after our wedding. First, a little at a time, go to a bar after work, go to the garage with a neighbor. I came to my senses when he began to return every day very drunk, he was rude, and drank away his salary. It really got scary when I pushed him for the first time. Me, then my daughter. The next morning he apologized. And so on in a circle: lack of money, debts, swearing, tears and... beatings. And in the morning we apologize. We tried everything, we even coded it. Not to mention conspiracies (we have a grandmother who seemed to pull everyone out, but not my husband). After coding I didn’t drink for six months, everything seemed to get better, we began to live like a normal family. And one day - again, he was late at work (as he said) and dragged himself in the evening on his eyebrows. I still remember my tears that evening. I realized that there was no hope. And after about two or two and a half months, I came across an alcoholic on the Internet. At that moment, I had completely given up, my daughter left us altogether and began to live with a friend. I read about the drug, reviews and descriptions. And, not really hoping, I bought it - there was nothing to lose at all. And what do you think?!! I started adding drops to my husband’s tea in the morning, but he didn’t notice. Three days later I came home on time. Sober!!! A week later I began to look more decent and my health improved. Well, then I admitted to him that I was slipping the drops. When I was sober, I reacted adequately. As a result, I took a course of alcotoxic medication, and for six months now I have had no problem with alcohol, I was promoted at work, and my daughter returned home. I'm afraid to jinx it, but life has become new! Every evening I mentally thank the day when I learned about this miracle remedy! I recommend to everyone! Will save families and even lives! Read about the cure for alcoholism.

The calorie content of champagne is related to the sweetness content, just like in any other wine. Very often, during the production process, manufacturers add various syrups to improve the taste of the drink. They tend to be sweet, and, accordingly, their abundance can lead to an unpleasant increase in calories in the final product.

The main disadvantage of champagne is that thanks to the bubbles, alcohol is very quickly absorbed into the blood, thereby accelerating the process of intoxication, and, consequently, leading to all the consequences of this unpleasant effect.


Vodka is the favorite alcoholic drink throughout the post-Soviet space. On the one hand, this is a relatively pure product. Vodka is made from pure alcohol and purified water. No flavorings, sweeteners or dyes are used during the production process.

On the other hand, you need to be careful, since vodka is a product that is often counterfeited. These counterfeits are often of low quality, so the chance of getting poisoned after drinking such a drink is very high.

In addition, vodka is very strong alcohol ny drink. Most cases of alcoholism occur as a result of excessive consumption of vodka.


Whiskey is a strong alcoholic drink obtained as a result of malting different varieties grains, subsequently aged in oak barrels. The strength of whiskey is 60% vol., which is much higher than that of vodka.

There are two main disadvantages of drinking whiskey: a large amount of counterfeit goods on the shelves of Russian stores and a very unpleasant hangover with all the ensuing consequences.

The main problem of almost all whiskey drinkers is the deterioration of brain activity, which affects the functions of movement, speech and vision.


Rum (according to legend, the favorite drink of all pirates) is produced by distilling sugar cane products. After this, the resulting liquid is aged in oak barrels for a long time.

This is a very strong drink, which is why, as a rule, it is either consumed in small quantities or added to cocktails.

The harm of rum is especially noticeable when consumed regularly. large quantities. Because of this, it stops functioning normally. nervous system, and brain cells begin to die.


Cognac is a French type of brandy originally produced in the town of Cognac in the Poitou-Charentes region. Subsequently, Russian producers of brandy based on a French recipe impressed foreign gourmets so much that they allowed their products to be called the proud name “cognac”.

On the one hand, the benefits of cognac can hardly be overestimated, because only 35 milliliters of cognac contains the daily requirement of vitamin C. On the other hand, cognac is a drink that, as a rule, is aged for a long time before drinking. Because of this, a variety of harmful substances are formed in cognac, which, when entering the body, truly poison it.

The body's nervous system suffers, and blood vessels begin to dilate. Doctors strongly recommend drinking cognac in an amount of no more than 50 ml per day.

How to drink alcohol

Of course, drinking any alcohol is harmful to health, but negative consequences can still be minimized if you adhere to several rules:

  1. Before drinking alcohol, you need to eat a hearty meal, preferably high-calorie food. This will prevent the immediate absorption of alcohol into the walls of the stomach, and intoxication will occur gradually.
  2. You need to alternate alcoholic drinks with plain water. This is due to the fact that alcohol very quickly dehydrates the body, which can lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of premature nausea and a painful hangover.
  3. You cannot mix different alcohol-containing drinks, much less “lower the degree” - drink first a stronger drink, and then a less strong one.

By adhering to these simple rules, you can achieve a “softer” and more pleasant intoxication, and in the morning the hangover syndrome will practically not bother you.

Video: what happens if you drink it every day

A visual video about the effect of wine on the body.


Drinking alcohol in any quantity and any strength causes extreme harm to your body. What method will help to avoid the consequences as much as possible? If you want to maintain the health given to you by nature, try to switch to healthy image life, because there are many activities, besides drinking alcohol, that can lift your mood.

Back in ancient times, people learned to produce a wide variety of alcoholic drinks. The list of names includes a huge number of species and varieties. They differ mainly in the raw materials from which they were prepared.

List of low-alcohol alcoholic drinks

. Beer- a low-alcohol drink, obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast. The alcohol content in it is 3-12%

. Champagne- sparkling wine produced by secondary fermentation. Contains 9-20% alcohol.

. Wine- an alcoholic drink obtained by fermentation of yeast and grape juice of various varieties, the names of which are usually present in the name. Alcohol content - 9-20%.

. Vermouth- fortified wine, flavored with spicy and medicinal plants, the main component is wormwood. Fortified wines contain 16-18% alcohol.

. sake- Japanese traditional alcoholic drink. Obtained by fermentation of rice, rice malt and water. The strength of this drink is 14.5-20% vol.


. Tequila. The traditional Mexican product is made from the juice extracted from the heart of the blue agave plant. “Silver” and “Golden” tequila are particularly common alcoholic drinks. The list can be continued with names such as “Sauza”, “Jose Cuervo” or “Sierra”. The best taste is considered to be a drink aged for 4-5 years. Alcohol content 38-40%.

. Sambuca. A strong Italian liqueur based on alcohol and essential oil obtained from anise. The most in demand are white, black and red sambuca. Strength - 38-42%.

. Liqueurs. Strong sweet alcoholic drinks. The list can be divided into 2 categories: cream liqueurs (20-35%), dessert (25-30%) and strong (35-45%).

. Cognac. A strong alcoholic drink based on cognac alcohol obtained by distilling wine. Distillation takes place in special copper stills, the product is subject to subsequent aging in oak barrels for at least two years. After diluting the alcohol with distilled water, it acquires a strength of 42-45%.

. Vodka. Refers to strong drinks with an alcohol content of 35-50%. It is a mixture of water and alcohol, which is made from natural products by fermentation followed by distillation. The most popular drinks: vodka “Absolut”, “Wheat”, “Stolichnaya”.

. Brandy. An alcoholic drink made from fermented grape juice by distillation. The alcohol content in it is 30-50%.

. Gin. A strong alcoholic drink with a unique taste, obtained by distilling wheat alcohol and juniper. To enhance the taste, it may contain natural additives: lemon or orange zest, anise, cinnamon, coriander. The strength of gin is 37.5-50%.

. Whiskey. A strong drink that is made by fermentation, distillation and aging of grains (barley, corn, wheat, etc.). Aged in oak barrels. Contains alcohol in an amount of 40-50%.

. Rum. One of the strongest alcoholic drinks. It is made from alcohol aged in barrels for at least 5 years, due to which it acquires a brown color and a pungent taste. Rum strength varies from 40 to 70%.

. Absinthe. A very strong drink with an alcohol content of 70 to 85%. It is based on alcohol, wormwood extract and a set of herbs such as anise, mint, licorice, calamus and some others.

Here are the main alcoholic drinks. This list is not final; it can be continued with other names. However, they will all be derivatives of the main composition.

Types of alcoholic drinks

All drinks that contain the substance ethanol, also known as alcohol, in varying quantities, are called alcoholic beverages. They are mainly divided into three classes:

3. Strong alcoholic drinks.

Bread kvass. Depending on the manufacturing method, it may contain from 0.5 to 1.5% alcohol. It is prepared on the basis of malt (barley or rye), flour, sugar, water, and has a refreshing taste and bready aroma.

Actually beer. It is made from almost the same components as kvass, but with the addition of hops and yeast. Regular beer contains 3.7-4.5% alcohol, but there is also strong beer, where this percentage rises to 7-9 units.

Kumis, ayran, bilk. Drinks based on fermented milk. May contain up to 4.5% alcohol.

Energy alcoholic drinks. They contain tonic substances: caffeine, guarana extract, cocoa alkaloids, etc. The alcohol content in them ranges from 7-8%.

Second category

Natural grape wines. Depending on the sugar content and the type of main raw material, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, sweet and semi-sweet, as well as white and red. The names of the wines also depend on the grape varieties used: Riesling, Rkatsiteli, Isabella and others.

Natural fruit and berry wines. They can be made from various berries and fruits and are also classified according to sugar content and color.

Special varieties

These include Madeira, vermouth, port, sherry, Cahors, Tokay and others. These wines are made using specific methods and in a specific winemaking region. In Hungary, when making Tokaj, they use a “noble” mold, which allows the berries to dry directly on the vine. In Portugal, Madeira is aged in special solariums under the open sun; in Spain, sherry is matured under a film of yeast.

Table, dessert and fortified wines. The first are prepared using natural fermentation technology, the second are very sweet and flavored, and the third are fortified with alcohol to the desired degree. In color they can all be red, pink and white.

Champagne and other sparkling wines. Of these, French is the most popular, but other countries have equally worthy drinks, for example, Portuguese spumante, Spanish cava or Italian Asti. Sparkling wines have a special appearance, delicate aroma, interesting taste. Their main difference from still wines is their playful bubbles. The color of the drinks can be pink and white, but sometimes there are sparkling red wines. Based on sugar content, they are divided into dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet. The quality of a wine is determined by the number and size of the bubbles, how long they last and, of course, the taste sensation.

These types of alcoholic beverages have a strength of no more than 20% vol.

The third, most extensive category

Vodka. Alcoholic drink, made from grains, containing 40% alcohol. By continuous distillation at one time it was obtained New Product, called Absolut vodka, and its manufacturer - Lare Olsen Smith - was awarded the title of “King of Vodka”. Sometimes this drink is infused with herbs, citrus fruits or nuts. Made using Swedish technology from high-purity alcohol, vodka rightfully occupies one of the first places in the ranking of alcoholic drinks in this category. It is used to prepare various cocktails.

Tinctures bitter. They are obtained by infusing vodka or alcohol with aromatic spices, herbs or roots. The strength is 25-30 degrees, but can rise to 45 degrees, for example, “Pepper”, “Starka” or “Okhotnichya”.

Sweet drinks

Sweet tinctures. They are prepared on the basis of alcohol or vodka, mixing them with fruit drinks and sugar, the content of which can reach 25%, while the alcohol content usually does not exceed 20%. Although some drinks are stronger, for example, the “Excellent” tincture contains 40% alcohol.

Liqueurs. They differ in that they are made from fresh berries or fruits without yeast, but with the addition of strong vodka and a large amount of sugar. These types of alcoholic drinks are very thick and sweet. The name of the liqueurs tells what they are made from: plum, dogwood, strawberry. Although there are strange names: “spotykach”, “casserole”. They contain 20% alcohol and 30-40% sugar.

Liqueurs. Thick, very sweet and strong drinks. They are made by mixing molasses or sugar syrup with alcohol infused with various herbs, spices, with the addition of essential oils and other aromatic substances. There are dessert liqueurs - with an alcohol content of up to 25%, strong - 45% and fruit and berry liqueurs, with an alcohol content of 50%. Any of these varieties requires aging from 3 months to 2 years. The name of the alcoholic beverages indicates what aromatic additives were used in the preparation of the product: “Vanilla”, “Coffee”, “Raspberry”, “Apricot” and so on.

Strong grape drinks

Cognacs. They are made on the basis of cognac spirits, and alcohols are obtained by fermentation of various grape varieties. One of the first places in the line is occupied by Armenian cognac. The most popular is “Ararat”; “Nairi”, “Armenia”, “Yubileiny” are no less famous. Among the French ones, the most popular are “Hennessy”, “Courvoisier”, “Martel”, “Hain”. All cognacs are divided into 3 categories. The first includes ordinary drinks aged for 3 years. The second consists of vintage cognacs, which have a minimum aging period of 6 years. The third includes long-lived drinks, called collection drinks. The shortest aging here is 9 years.

French, Azerbaijani, Russian, Armenian cognac is produced and sold by cognac houses that were founded centuries ago and still dominate the market.

Grappa. Italian vodka based on grape marc, aged in oak or cherry barrels from 6 months to 10 years. The value of the drink depends on the aging period, grape variety and location of the vine. Grappa's relatives are Georgian chacha and South Slavic rakia.

Very strong alcoholic drinks

Absinthe- one of them. Its main component is wormwood extract. Essential oils This plant contains the substance thujone, which is the main component of the drink. The more thujone, the better the absinthe. The price directly depends on the percentage of this substance and on the originality of the drink. Along with wormwood, absinthe includes anise, mint, angelica, licorice and other herbs. Whole wormwood leaves are sometimes placed at the bottom of bottles to confirm the naturalness of the product. Absinthe can contain from 10 to 100% thujone. By the way, the drink is available in two varieties - silver and gold. So, “golden” absinthe, the price of which is always quite high (from 2 to 15 thousand rubles per liter), is prohibited in Europe precisely because of the large amount of the substance mentioned above in it, reaching 100%. The usual color of the drink is emerald green, but it can be yellow, red, brown and even transparent.

Rum. It is prepared by fermentation from residual sugar cane products - syrup and molasses. The quantity and quality of the product depends on the variety and type of raw materials. The following types of rum are distinguished by color: Cuban “Havana”, “Varadero” (light or silver); gold or amber; Jamaican "Captain Morgan" (dark or black); Martinican (made only from cane juice). The strength of rum is 40-75 g.

Strong fruit juice drinks

Calvados. One of the varieties of brandy. To prepare the product, 50 varieties of apples are used, and a pear blend is added for uniqueness. Then the fruit juice is fermented and clarified by double distillation and brought to 70 degrees. Aged in oak or chestnut barrels for 2 to 10 years. Then softened water reduces the strength to 40 o.

Gin, balsam, aquavit, armagnac. They are also included in the third category, because they all contain alcohol. All these are strong alcoholic drinks. Their prices depend on the quality of the alcohol (“Lux”, “Extra”), the strength and age of the drink, the brand and the components. Many contain extracts of aromatic herbs and roots.

Homemade drinks

Homemade moonshine is also a prominent representative of strong alcoholic drinks. Craftsmen make it from different products: it can be berries, apples, apricots or other fruits, wheat, potatoes, rice, any jam. Sugar and yeast must be added to them. All this is fermented. Then, through distillation, a strong drink with an alcohol content of up to 75% is obtained. For greater purity of the product, double distillation can be done. Homemade moonshine is purified from fusel oils and other impurities by filtration, then (optional) it is either infused with various herbs, nuts, spices, or diluted with fruit drinks, essences, and juices. At proper preparation This drink is not inferior in taste to various vodkas and tinctures.

Finally, I would like to remind you of two simple rules, following which, you will be able to maintain health and not get bored in fun company: do not abuse alcohol and do not waste money on low-quality drinks. And then everything will be fine.

And colorful dishes became their calling cards. And if not only France, Italy and Chile are famous for their unsurpassed beer, and great beer is brewed not only in the Czech Republic and Germany, then the famous vodka is associated only with Russia, and sake can only come from Japan. Here, each of which was given to the world by his native country.

10. Limoncello

The climate allows for a large harvest of lemons all year round. No wonder limoncello is national alcoholic drink in Italy. To make it, in addition to alcohol, water and sugar, the zest of lemons is used exclusively from the Femminello variety. The crusts are first infused with alcohol for several days, then water and sugar are added to the infusion. Then the limoncello is filtered. The result is an aromatic drink rich in vitamin C. Rumor has it that this alcoholic drink in Italy You don't have to worry about a hangover.


In Georgia, famous for its wine traditions, you can also find a stronger drink. Along with national wine alcoholic drink of Georgia considered the famous chacha. Grape pomace is a waste product from wine production. But it also serves as an excellent raw material for chacha. In addition to pulp, bunches of grapes rejected by winemakers are suitable for the production of chacha. This raw material is distilled twice, producing alcohol whose strength exceeds 80 degrees. After which this grape alcohol is diluted with water and bottled. And if they drink a lot of wine in this country, then chacha is assigned a more modest role. Old-timers in mountain villages traditionally drink a small glass of this drink in the morning in order to increase their vitality. In this hospitable country, tourists have the opportunity to try the national alcoholic drink of Georgia straight from the fountain. In Batumi there is a tower, in the fountain of which the long-lived drink, chacha, flows once a week for 15 minutes.

8. Schnapps

They compete with each other. It's about about beer and schnapps. And if Czech brewers are ready to object to the first point, then schnapps is undoubtedly national alcoholic drink in Germany. In this country, schnapps is prepared from a variety of products. So, grains, potatoes, the most unexpected berries (gooseberries, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, blueberries, strawberries) and fruits are used. 30 degree peach schnapps is especially popular. The fruits are washed and left to ferment for several months. The mixture is then distilled twice. After which the schnapps is not stored in barrels, but is immediately poured into glass bottles. Unlike vodka, which has no foreign flavors, schnapps always has an aftertaste of the product from which it was made. Serve this one alcoholic drink in Germany in a small glass with an apricot slice or a pear slice. Along with the glass, a small fork is offered with which you can catch and eat the “drunk” fruit.

7. Metaxa

Metaxa – original alcoholic drink of Greece, the like of which you will not find anywhere else. In 1888, Spyros Metaxos decided to create a drink worthy of becoming the contents of ancient Greek amphorae. I must say, he succeeded. were appreciated by royalty both in Greece itself and in Russia, Germany, Serbia, and Bulgaria. Metaxa is sometimes compared to brandy, but this is not entirely correct. And although the details of production are still kept in the strictest confidence, some of its features are known. First, dried grapes of three varieties are used. The resulting wine undergoes double distillation, after which it is sent to rest in oak barrels for 3 years. And only then is sweet and aromatic wine made from Muscat berries added to the cognac alcohol. But perhaps the secret of the famous alcoholic drink in Greece is that another component is a composition of aromatic herbs and rose petals. After all the components are combined, Metaxa is sent to another three years. The final touch is cold filtration, when the drink is cooled to -6°C and passed through microfilters in this form.

6. Gin

Despite the fact that gin was invented by Dutch doctors as a medicine, it is now considered national UK alcoholic drink. In England, this product became popular due to the fact that the country had accumulated a surplus of low-quality wheat grain. Such grain was not suitable for making beer, but it could be used to make strong alcoholic drinks. The unique spicy taste of the famous UK alcoholic drink add juniper fruits, which, along with cinnamon, coriander and almonds, are included in the composition of gin. It is not customary to drink this drink undiluted, but it is incredibly popular as part of the most famous and sought-after cocktails in the world. So, by combining vermouth and gin, you can get the famous Martini. And the combination of spicy gin with bitter tonic is familiar to every cocktail lover.

5. Tequila

When creates alcoholic drinks. Grains, potatoes, and berries are used. But what about those in whose lands nothing grows except cacti? That’s right, in such a situation it’s worth taking a closer look at this unpretentious one. This is exactly what the Mexicans living near the city of Tequila did back in the 16th century. For the production of national alcoholic drink of Mexico began to use blue agave juice. Production became so successful that wild agave was no longer enough, and in the 18th century the plant began to be cultivated. Today alcoholic drink of mexico very popular in the world. So, it is included in many popular cocktails. And the way to drink pure tequila, in general, looks like a show. First you need to lick the grains of salt sprinkled on top of your palm between your thumb and forefinger, then you should drink in one gulp. And only then can you snack on a slice of lime.

4. Whiskey

Despite the fact that the Irish attribute the creation of this drink to St. Patrick, the inhabitants of Scotland never tire of proving their exclusive right to be called the inventors of real whiskey. After all, it is they who sacredly honor the traditions of making this truly national alcoholic drink in Scotland. So, to make malt they use only barley, unlike the Irish, who add rye grains. What can we say about the Americans, who take corn as a basis, or the Japanese, with their constant... One more distinctive feature Scotch whiskey is its smoky flavor. The thing is that sprouted grains of barley - malt - are dried using peat smoke. And freshly brewed whiskey is aged in Spanish oak barrels. Moreover the best way containers in which sherry was previously matured are suitable. So famous alcoholic drink of Scotland enriched with taste and aroma. And no one is surprised that one bottle of elite single malt whiskey aged more than a century was sold for $1.4 million in 2010. But the absolute price record of $6.2 million belongs to Isabella’s Islay. And even though the lion's share of the price comes from the decanter, decorated with thousands of diamonds and 300 rubies, there is also no doubt about the quality of the whiskey.

3. Sake

According to historians, national alcoholic drink of Japan– sake was born before our era. Initially, it could be made exclusively at the imperial court for ritual purposes. Rice grains were simply chewed and then spat into a container in which the sake matured. But already in the Middle Ages, rice began to be crushed mechanically, fermenting it using koji - a special mold fungus. At the same time, sake became truly national alcoholic drink of Japan, since ordinary citizens could also produce and consume it. Professionals insist that it is incorrect to call sake rice vodka or wine. And all because this drink has original technology production, features of use, unique taste and consistency. Sake is one of the few drinks that can be drunk either warmed or chilled. The Japanese prefer sake room temperature, this way all the flavor nuances of a quality drink are revealed. Lower quality sake, however, needs to be warmed up a bit.

2. Cognac

No other country in the world can compare with France in terms of the quantity of iconic alcohol. After all national alcoholic drinks of this country are known even to the most avid teetotaler. The drink from the city of Cognac requires special attention. Only a product produced in this city can be called cognac. All other drinks made using the same technology are usually called brandy. Only 7 varieties are suitable for cognac production white grapes, three of which (Colombard, Uni-Blanc, Folle-Blanche) are the main ones, their content makes up 90% of the total volume. The wine is double distilled and then placed in pre-fired oak barrels. In which the famous alcoholic drink of France at least 2.5 years, ripens, harmonizing taste and color. It is noteworthy that in the country, at the legislative level, it is prohibited to add sugar to the drink; the caramel taste of cognac is transmitted from the oak wood of the barrel. After maturation, cognac spirits are blended, and at this moment the most famous both in the whole world and in France alcoholic drink. Before drinking cognac, experts recommend warming the glass with your palms and then swirling it, saturating it with oxygen. After which you can slowly enjoy the unsurpassed taste of cognac.


In Russia, 70% of the population, depriving others of attention alcoholic drinks, give preference to it. It is known all over the world that national alcoholic drink in Russia is vodka. But this drink is also respected in other countries; how else can one explain the fact that vodka is the best-selling alcohol in the world. Thus, in the USA, due to the high price of imported drinks, the cash flow from the sale of vodka even exceeds the Russian one. In total, more than $50 billion worth of vodka is sold worldwide each year. Historians claim that vodka production in Russia began in the 14th century. It was an elite drink, intended exclusively for the nobility. It is not surprising that in the 18th century, only members of the noble family were allowed to make vodka. True, there was no need to worry about the quality of the product from such distilleries. So, egg whites or milk were used to clean the finished product. For a long time high degree vodka was not lowered to 40 degrees, diluting it with water. The drink was set on fire, and when half the volume burned out, the required strength was obtained. That’s why vodka was called polugar for a long time. Now in charge alcoholic drink of Russia filtered using charcoal, which removes fusel oils from vodka, making it more palatable. The serving temperature also affects the taste of the drink. Do not freeze vodka optimal temperature for her + 10 degrees. But experienced people know that a hearty snack and warm company make it special.

Often the national alcoholic drink of a country can be called part of its cultural traditions. But in in this case getting to know the cultural heritage various countries, it is important to stop in time.

There is no clear opinion which alcoholic drink is the most harmful. However, most agree that the stronger the alcohol, the more negatively its use can affect the functioning of the entire body, and, in particular, the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system.

There are several groups of alcoholic beverages. This classification is based on the strength level. All alcohol is divided as follows:

  1. Strong. Represented by vodka, cognac, whiskey, rum, brandy, tequila. This group also includes sambuca and absinthe.
  2. Medium strength. This category belongs different kinds wine, punch, martini, liqueur, vermouth.
  3. Carbonated drinks with low ethyl alcohol levels. Represented by champagne, sparkling wines, and beer.

Despite the strength, every alcoholic drink poses a serious threat to humans. All of them contain ethyl alcohol, which, if consumed excessively, can lead to gastritis, pancreatic diseases and other pathologies. various systems body.

TOP most harmful alcoholic drinks

Any type of alcohol is dangerous for the body in different ways. Below are the top drinks by degree of harmfulness. We also present data on the severity of the hangover syndrome on a 10-point scale according to the British Medical Association.

10th place - vodka

The list starts, oddly enough, with vodka. She is in last, 8th place, in terms of degree harmful effects on the body. In this case, the quality and dosage of alcohol is decisive.

  • no carbohydrates;
  • simple composition.


Minimum calorie content - there are no sugars in vodka, so its calorie content is minimal and is provided only by the alcohol itself, equal to 7 Kcal per 100 grams. Thus, vodka is one of the most dietary alcoholic drinks. However, this does not mean that it can be abused. It is also not recommended to drink vodka in cocktails.

No harmful additives such as dyes, flavors. In addition, the alcohol undergoes thorough purification.


  • Most often causes poisoning.
  • It is easy to drink, easily diluted with various juices, and therefore it is most often abused.
  • Since this is one of the cheapest and easiest drinks to prepare, it is most often counterfeited. There is a high risk of running into a surrogate.

Hangover syndrome: 3 points out of 10.

9th place - wine

Both white and red wine are classified as medicinal drinks. However, they are such only if they are created naturally, i.e. during the fermentation process of grapes.


  • If you drink in reasonable quantities, it prevents the occurrence of blood clots and various inflammations.
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood;
  • Contains a natural antioxidant - reservatrol, which is almost absent in white wine. Therefore, the drink is believed to fight aging.
  • Contains not only ethanol, but also methanol. Since the latter is processed after ethyl alcohol, it lingers in our body the longest, which causes an unpleasant hangover if abused.

Hangover severity: 7 points out of 10.



  • Reduces cholesterol levels due to the content of special chemical compounds.


  • White wine contains sulfites that form over time, and sometimes producers add them themselves. It is these substances that cause a rather severe hangover when drinking more than 3 glasses of wine. It is also not uncommon that they become the culprits of various symptoms of allergies, asthma and migraines, thin the enamel on the teeth and cause caries.

Degree of hangover syndrome: 6 points out of 10.

As a result of distillation of alcohol from red wine, brandy is obtained - a famous imported drink. British scientists have found that the longer the exposure, the higher the amount of toxic substances.

8th place - liquor

This alcohol comes in both very strong and medium strength. It has a high sugar content, so it is most often drunk as part of various cocktails. Traditionally, the following types are distinguished:

  1. Strong - from 35 to 45% ethanol and from 30 to 50% sugar.
  2. Dessert - 25-30% alcohol, 25-30% sugar;
  3. Creams - from 15 to 23% alcohol and from 50 to 60% sugar.


  • Taste qualities;
  • Ingredients (often contain beneficial components such as herbs, plant roots, flowers).


  • Often causes allergies and heaviness in the stomach;
  • High calorie content (300-350 Kcal per 100 grams);
  • High sugar content in all types.

7th place - cognac

The alcoholic drink contains a minimal amount of additives. When consumed in moderation, cognac is considered beneficial, as it lowers blood pressure and promotes the death of certain viruses. The total amount of drink taken should not be more than 50 grams per day.

Strong alcohol, a type of brandy (about 40% alcohol). It is valued for its noble taste, which greatly depends on the aging period.


  • Virtually no foreign additives.
  • Stimulates appetite.
  • Dilates blood vessels and normalizes blood pressure.
  • Eliminates stomach cramps.
  • Relieves headaches.

Important! All these benefits are valid with moderate use. Those. for women this is no more than 30 grams per day, for men - no more than 50.


  • It has quite a lot of contraindications, namely: urinary and cholelithiasis, diabetes, hypertension, tendency to alcohol addiction.
  • If consumed excessively, it may have an ambiguous effect on blood pressure and may also lead to hyper- and hypotonic crises.
  • It has a high calorie content (about 240 Kcal per 100 grams of product).

Hangover severity: 8 points out of 10.

6th place - beer

The drink is prepared from barley with the addition of hops and yeast.


  • Low alcohol content - 3-8%.
  • With moderate drinking, it reduces the risk of developing coronary disease heart and diabetes.
  • Beer contains silicon, which helps restore bone mass.
  • Thanks to the drink, aluminum salts, carcinogenic substances, and various toxins are removed from the body.
  • Hair growth and, interestingly, female breast growth due to the content of hops.
  • 500 ml of beer contains ¼ ​​of the daily requirement of vitamin B.
  • Low calorie content (43 Kcal per 100 ml).


  • The purines contained in the drink increase the level of lactate (uric acid), and this, in turn, leads to the deposition of salts in the joints and the development of gout.
  • It is easily digestible, and therefore can inhibit digestion.
  • The cobalt contained in the drink can cause inflammation of the esophagus and stomach.
  • It flushes out of the body, among other things, many useful substances - proteins, fats, carbohydrates and microelements.
  • In men, when abused, it suppresses the production of the main hormone - testosterone, this leads to an increase in the amount of estrogen and gynecomastia (breast growth).
  • In women, on the contrary, their voice becomes rougher and a “beer mustache” may appear.
  • Since beer is easy to drink, it is consumed in large quantities and a standard serving contains many more calories than whiskey or wine.
  • Since the drink is often consumed excessively, there is a high risk of obesity, problems with the heart and blood vessels, and intestines.

  1. Experts believe that the normal daily dosage of the drink for both men and women is no more than 200 grams.
  2. 500 ml of beer is equivalent to 50 grams of vodka.
  3. Among the Scandinavians, beer is an officially approved antidepressant.
  4. Beer alcoholism develops approximately 4 times faster than vodka alcoholism.

Severity of hangover syndrome: 4 points out of 10.

5th place - champagne and sparkling wine

The production process is similar to wine; yeast is added to create a large number of bubbles.


  • Contains antioxidants (tyrosol and caffeic acid), which prevent the resolution of nerve fibers, preventing diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease.
  • It has a bactericidal and restorative effect on the body.
  • Due to content carbon dioxide has a positive effect on blood circulation and the respiratory system.
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, i.e. prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
  • Works as an antidepressant.
  • During research, British scientists found that champagne contains polyphenol. This herbal chemical helps dilate blood vessels and thereby reduces heart tension.

Negative points

  • Intoxication and absorption of alcohol into the blood occurs much faster due to the presence of bubbles.
  • Champagne does not improve your mood, contrary to popular belief. British scientists have found that the influence of alcohol is only suppressive. Yes, alcohol releases emotions, makes us more talkative, but it suppresses the active functioning of the brain, dulls common sense and does not make us happier.
  • Excessive consumption leads to liver and pancreas diseases. Therefore, it is not recommended for use by people with gastrointestinal pathologies.
  • If abused, it has a negative effect on the central nervous system, increasing the pain threshold.
  • After entering the intestines, champagne provokes rotting of those products that have not been completely digested. The consequence of this is the development of acute poisoning.

Hangover syndrome: 7 points out of 10.

4th place - whiskey

Produced by fermenting barley and wheat. It is first purified and kept in wooden barrels for several years.


Single malt whiskeys contain beneficial ellagic acid, which slows down the growth of malignant tumors. British chemists came to this conclusion in the course of various studies.


Excessive use may result in outbursts of rage, mental disorders, even delirium tremens (delirium tremens).

Since the drink, according to tradition, is drunk undiluted and without a bite, it makes you drunk quite quickly, and the drinker can behave in an unpredictable way.

Since whiskey is stored for a long time, during this time various impurities appear in it, which cause a severe hangover.

Hangover syndrome: 8 points out of 10.

3rd place - brandy

Produced by distilling alcohol from red wine. Expensive varieties of the drink, like whiskey, are aged in wooden barrels, up to several years.


  • Brandy contains a large amount of antioxidants.
  • According to research by scientists from Australia, 35 ml of this drink contains daily norm ascorbic acid.


The most severe hangover possible due to the presence of a large number of impurities. The same poisoning occurs due to the abuse of gin, rum, and, as mentioned above, wine.

Hangover severity: 9 points out of 10.

2nd place - alcoholic cocktails

The combination of substances such as ethyl alcohol, carbonated drink, juice or syrup creates a dangerous mixture. The latter, entering the blood, promotes rapid intoxication and an increase in the amount of sugar. An increase in glucose levels activates the pancreas. The liver begins to neutralize toxic substances that arose during the destruction of ethyl alcohol. At the same time, active absorption of glucose occurs. The urinary system also takes part in the elimination of harmful substances. To ensure the full functioning of internal organs, the heart muscle begins to contract more strongly, pumping blood and ensuring its flow to all systems.

1st place - alcoholic energy drinks

The title of “The most harmful alcoholic drink for the human body” belongs to energy drinks with added alcohol. They are considered the most dangerous. The simultaneous use of energy drinks and strong alcohol causes significant harm to everyone internal organs and structures. The brain is especially affected. Aggression and suicidal tendencies increase significantly. In the course of research by scientists from Canada, it was revealed that caffeine, which has an stimulating effect, suppresses the sedative effect of alcohol. As a result, a person perceives all his actions as normal. In this case, memory lapses and loss of consciousness are possible.


When using alcohol as a regular remedy for everyday stress, it is important to remember that any drink containing alcohol can be addictive. Preventing the development of alcoholism is much easier than treating it. To do this, it is enough to know the safety rules when drinking alcohol.

The world of alcohol today is so multifaceted and interesting that every consumer, if desired, can surround himself with an impressive list of alcoholic products with non-trivial organoleptic properties.

In this article, we will look at the most popular alcoholic drinks, study general statistics by country, and also determine which alcoholic products citizens of a particular state like to consume. Sit back, let's get started!

Did you know? The product is considered one of the most expensive vodkas in the world trademark Oval, decorated with 7 thousand Swarovski crystals. The cost of this alcoholic drink is $6,922.

Nowadays, it is difficult to choose the most popular alcoholic drink in the world, because every year new varieties of beer enter the market, elegant wine assemblages are created, and many products that are stronger and more vibrant in taste are sold.

Thus, the market systematically fluctuates in favor of certain products, without giving clear definitions of which product is actually the most in demand.

At the same time, it is worth highlighting several drinks that are guaranteed to compete for this title. These include:


Austria – wine, beer and schnapps

Local residents are not very fond of strong alcohol and prefer high-quality light alcoholic products. Moreover, they consume these products, often mixing them with other alcoholic drinks and ingredients.

Australia – wine and beer

Local residents love light products and try to give preference to local producers, as they believe that the lightest and most delicate alcoholic products are produced on their continent.

China – liquor, rice vodka and wine

Local consumers have varied tastes. At the same time, excessively strong alcohol is not held in high esteem here, just like light alcohol. The Chinese prefer the “golden” mean.

Japan – sake, whiskey

Residents of this country love alcohol of medium and high strength. Particularly popular are 20 proof sake and Japanese whiskey, whose strength can reach 45-55%.

Did you know? In 2017, at a charity auction held in the United States, a bottle of 2015 Cabernet Sauvignon was purchased for a fabulous $350 thousand.

Treat yourself to exquisite alcohol every day

Each product that is present on the international alcohol scene today is aimed at a specific audience of consumers. Thus, today every taster will be able to choose a spirit that will fully satisfy all his taste and aroma requirements. To do this, it is enough to systematically get acquainted with the products of different countries and manufacturers.

Go right now to the nearest alcohol store and pick up some alcohol that you have not tried before. Do not neglect the opportunity to expand the scope of your own knowledge in the field of alcohol products.
