The healthiest porridge for the stomach. The healthiest porridge for the stomach and intestines. Semolina, pearl barley and barley porridge

Hello dear readers. Everything in a dish is important: nutritional value, taste, ease of preparation, cost, design. A significant place in the modern human diet is occupied by products made from cereals. These are all kinds of side dishes, as well as bakery and confectionery products. There are a lot of these products on store shelves, so it is important to know which ones are the most useful. Especially now, when many are aimed at healthy eating. Let's look at the beneficial properties of cereals. Historically, porridge is a standard dish in our country. They are very affordable and also have a number of useful properties.

What are the benefits of porridge?

— The basis of their composition are carbohydrates, which are absorbed by the body slowly, maintaining a feeling of fullness for a long time.

— Being a plant product, they have rich reserves of fiber, which is important for ensuring high-quality processing of food by the digestive organs and for effectively cleansing the body of decay products.

— The grain contains such valuable compounds as antioxidants, which remove free radicals from circulation in the body, thereby protecting it from their destructive effects.

Due to the different properties of each cereal, you need to determine which cereals are the healthiest, based on your individual characteristics and health status.


Cereal products also contain substances that have no beneficial effects on the body.

Thus, cereals have substantial reserves of starch, which tends to be stored in the body “for later” in the form of fat reserves, and is also capable of triggering a jump in blood glucose levels. The latter property is dangerous not only for diabetics, but also for healthy people, as it can provoke the development of diabetes mellitus.

To minimize this harmful effect, you should wisely approach the choice of cereals for your daily diet.

In this case, you need to pay attention to a special indicator called the glycemic index. It characterizes the degree of influence of the product on the increase in blood glucose concentration. Therefore, preference should be given to those cereals where this value is lower.

Emphasis should be placed on the fact that during the cooking process, the degree of absorption of carbohydrates, and therefore the glycemic index, changes.

The growth of this value depends on the following factors:

— Thermal effect - the longer a dish is cooked over a fire and the higher the heat, the less healthy it becomes.

— Grinding - the more the structure of the product is disrupted, the higher the glycemic index, so it is preferable to use whole or flattened grain rather than ground.

— Additives – artificial flavoring, enhancing the taste and sweetness of the product, the use of milk for cooking leads to a decrease in its value.

Based on this, we can conclude, and it will be absolutely correct, that it is preferable to choose whole grain products, cook food in a double boiler (or use other less convenient steaming methods), do not purchase flavored products, and do not add sugar to dishes.

The glycemic index should also be monitored when trying to normalize your weight. Nutritionists do not recommend excluding carbohydrates from your diet.

But eating foods with a high glycemic index poses the risk of consuming more carbohydrates than is allowed on your diet.

After all, the feeling of fullness is more influenced by the fullness of the stomach than the nutritional value of the food eaten.

With this kind of overeating, the body will end up with unused sugar, which will be stored in reserve.

If you eat foods that have a low glycemic value, then glucose will enter the blood smoothly and the body will have time to use it for its needs. There will be no surplus, which means there will be nothing to store

Vitamins in cereals and nutrients

Cereals are among the gifts of nature, which is why they are so rich in vitamins and mineral compounds, each of which has its own value in terms of providing normal functioning body.

  1. B-vitamins – necessary to provide immune protection, affect carbohydrate metabolism and hematopoiesis, regulate the processes of nervous excitation, and are beneficial for the skin and its derivatives (nails, hair).
  2. Vit. R – strengthens the vascular system, is involved in redox processes, exhibiting antioxidant properties.
  3. Vit. RR – participates in metabolic processes and enzyme synthesis, improves blood microcirculation, exhibits antiallergic properties.
  4. Potassium – regulates acid, water and osmotic balance, maintains conditions for normal muscle work.
  5. Calcium – provides the structure of bones and teeth, regulates processes at the cellular level, and participates in the control of hormonal synthesis.
  6. Iron – provides oxygen exchange and some other processes.
  7. Magnesium – participates in regulation nervous system, necessary for protein and ATP synthesis, involved in enzymatic reactions, provides normal work cardiac and intestinal muscles, blood vessels, gall bladder.
  8. Zinc – takes part in gas exchange, is necessary for the processes of synthesis of hormonal compounds and for ensuring reproductive function in men, exhibits antioxidant properties.
  9. Phosphorus – is part of bone tissue and tooth enamel, necessary for brain activity and kidney function.
  10. Selenium – provides immune reactions, has an antioxidant effect, is important for endocrine and cardiovascular activity.

What are the healthiest porridges - beneficial properties

Porridges are indispensable in dietary nutrition. With their help, various effects are achieved: health improvement, weight loss, weight gain, prevention of exacerbation of diseases, etc.

But they deserve to take pride of place in the daily diet of a healthy person. Cereals are necessary to make your diet complete, varied and balanced. You just need to find out which cereals are the healthiest.

1. Buckwheat porridge

Buckwheat is a truly amazing product. It contains a lot of fiber, vitamins (B-group, E, PP), amino acids and mineral compounds.

She is indispensable for dietary nutrition for weight loss and diabetes (does not cause spikes in blood sugar levels). Also buckwheat porridge It is recommended to include it in a vegetarian diet due to the high content of vegetable proteins in buckwheat grain (up to 18%).

2. Oatmeal

It’s not for nothing that oatmeal is called beauty porridge, because it is distinguished by a rich set of vitamin compounds, micro- and macroelements.

But its additional value lies in its high content of insoluble fiber, which very effectively cleanses the body of cholesterol and the accumulation of toxins.

When choosing a type of cereal for preparing porridge, you should give preference to whole grains and coarse grinding.

That's why it's better to use rolled oats rather than oatmeal. Eating oatmeal has a beneficial effect on health in patients with gastrointestinal tract lesions.

3. Pearl barley and barley porridge

Pearl barley is obtained by processing (grinding) barley grains. This is a whole grain product, unlike yachka, where the raw materials are crushed.

Today, our society has developed a prejudiced attitude towards pearl barley; it has long been classified as government food. But, fortunately, this did not lose its beneficial properties.

It contains a lot of vitamins (B, A, E, K), and more phosphorus than other grains. Barley cleanses blood vessels, increases hemoglobin, and is an antioxidant. Pearl barley has an antiviral effect.

It is involved in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that provides skin elasticity and is the key to the strength of cartilage and tendons.

Pearl barley is a hearty and tasty dish, provided it is prepared correctly. Beforehand, the cereal should be soaked, preferably overnight, rinsed and cooked under steam for a very long time, about six hours.

Of course, barley porridge, the particles of which are quite small, cooks much faster. Cautions: use caution if you have high acidity and a tendency to constipation.

4. Millet porridge

To prepare millet porridge, minimally processed whole grains are used, which allows the finished product to retain more of the beneficial properties of the original raw material.

Millet contains a lot of potassium, vitamins (A, PP and B-groups), amino acids, and fiber. Millet porridge prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic formations, helps cleanse the body, and helps absorb vitamins. D.

Contraindications: diabetes mellitus, pancreatitis, thyroid disorders, inflammation of the large intestine, low acidity.

5. Corn porridge

Corn porridge is very filling. It is characterized by a high content of iron, magnesium and calcium compounds. There are vitamins (PP, A, E), sugars, starch, fiber. The product helps strengthen the immune system, cleanses the body, has a beneficial effect on heart function, and is well absorbed.

Cautions: causes a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, can provoke allergic reactions, is contraindicated for pancreatitis and stomach problems.

6. Rice porridge

It is customary for us to use white polished grains. But it does not have a high degree of usefulness. In this regard, it would be preferable to prepare dishes from brown and unrefined rice grains, which are low in calories and have the ability to effectively “expel” toxins from the body.

However, white rice varieties are not so useless. Rice porridge has a low protein content, which makes it a valuable product in the presence of certain diseases. In addition, this product coats the intestinal and stomach mucosa, protecting it from the aggressive effects of digestive juices.

This makes it useful to include rice dishes in the diet if you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract. Rice is also known to help eliminate salts. But this is not only a plus. When using a rice diet for a long time, this point should be taken into account and salt reserves should be replenished in a timely manner.

Rice porridge does not cause allergies. It is also recommended for digestive disorders.

7. Semolina porridge

Semolina porridge is crushed wheat grains. It contains both mineral compounds and vitamins (PP, E, group B), proteins and carbohydrates. But with fiber things are quite bad.

Semolina has many advantages. It is satisfying, easily digestible, cooks very quickly and therefore retains all its usefulness.

This is an excellent dietary dish necessary for people with digestive diseases. In addition, semolina has a positive effect on the functioning of the circulatory system.

But there are also a number of disadvantages here. Thus, semolina is contraindicated if you are overweight. This dish is not recommended for babies of the first year of life. It has a high gluten (gluten) content. Therefore, semolina porridge should not be eaten if you are intolerant to this compound.

Semolina also contains substances that reduce the activity of intestinal villi and inhibit absorption. In this regard, the frequent presence of this dish in the diet causes disruptions in intestinal processes and disruption of the local microflora. Semolina can cause allergies.

Whole grain and crushed cereals (bulgur, arnautka) are also available for sale.

Non-grain porridge

To dilute your daily diet, you can introduce non-traditional, but tasty and healthy porridges made from non-cereal crops.

8. Pea porridge

Everyone knows that legumes contain a large amount of plant protein compounds. This makes them an indispensable product. Especially for vegetarians. Pea porridge is an unusual, but tasty and satisfying dish, rich in proteins, vitamins and minerals.

Contraindications: promotes excessive gas formation, can cause bloating; You should not eat it if you have diabetes, problems with the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, as well as gout.

9. Flax porridge

Flax seed porridge is rich in protein, omega acids and potassium. It has a beneficial effect on the immune system, heart function, digestive organs, normalizes hormonal balance, provides an antioxidant effect, and promotes weight loss. Does not cause allergies and has no special contraindications.

  • The beneficial substances are most concentrated in the upper shells of grains. Therefore, it is better to choose those cereals where the grain kernels remained intact or were crushed into large parts. You should know that cereals are often made from flour, which significantly reduces their value.
  • It is better to buy muesli without additives. Nuts and dried fruits that are mixed with them increase the calorie content and glutemic index of the dish.
  • Porridges cooked in water are healthier than dairy dishes. For example, oatmeal can deactivate cholesterol. But instead, its active components are spent on binding milk fat. And all the cholesterol remains in place.
  • Adding butter and sugar to porridge increases its calorie content. Please note that some breakfast cereal products are fried, flavored and sweetened. This not only reduces the value of the product, but can also contribute to allergic manifestations.
  • To improve the taste and aesthetic appeal of dishes, it is recommended to use berries, fresh and dried fruits, juice, yogurt, curdled milk, sesame seeds, poppy seeds, and nuts. And to add sweetness, it is better to take honey, not sugar, if you are not allergic to it.

What cereals do you eat regularly?

Do you know that not all cereals are equally healthy? It turns out that it can even be harmful! Look at which cereals you should buy and consume, and which ones you should avoid!

Eat right and!

So, what is the healthiest porridge? name 7 valuable foods that are important to include in your diet. And not only for people with health problems and disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. To ensure a balanced, complete diet, you need to regularly eat cereals.


It is considered a leader in nutritional value with a minimum calorie content. Dozens of diets are based on the consumption of buckwheat. It is used in vegetarian diets as a substitute for animal protein, because its composition contains vegetable protein up to 18%. The product is rich in iron and magnesium. These microelements are important for the hematopoietic system and heart function.

Buckwheat should form the basis of nutrition for people suffering from diabetes mellitus. It has a minimal glycemic index, does not increase sugar levels when absorbed by the body, and therefore does not cause sudden spikes. There are cases when eating buckwheat and following a strict diet eliminated the need for insulin.

Buckwheat is not a cereal crop, like most well-known cereals, but herbaceous plants. Its closest “relative” is sorrel, so the caloric content of the product is minimal, up to 90 Kcal per 100 grams of product. It comes from India, where it is called “black rice”.


Oatmeal is made from oats that are subjected to various types of processing. For this porridge, the beneficial properties are determined by the intensity of grinding. The more rude he is, the healthier product. Therefore, it is recommended to include in a healthy diet not oatmeal, which is quick to prepare, but rolled oats. The degree of its mechanical processing is minimal.

Cereals are rich in microelements and vitamins. But its main value lies elsewhere - the abundance of fiber. Grains are composed of insoluble fibers that act like a brush in the intestines. They clean out toxins, simultaneously removing cholesterol and toxic substances. But only a product prepared with water has such healing qualities.

Oatmeal is also necessary for people with gastrointestinal disorders. When and peptic ulcer it reduces the severity of attacks, as it envelops the walls of the stomach with a film of gluten.

Pearl barley

This cereal is a product of grinding barley grains, which formed the basis of the diet of ancient people. It is known that it was the only food consumed by ancient Roman gladiators, since the protein-rich cereal quickly replenishes strength. The famous reformer Tsar Peter I loved pearl barley, but in Rus' the culture of its use was lost quite a long time ago, replaced by wheat.

Today pearl barley is perceived as government, army, and budget porridge. At the same time, it has a lot of useful properties. It contains and is rich in potassium and phosphorus. It also contains fiber, which is important for the proper functioning of the intestines. The problem with modern barley is that people have forgotten how to cook it. Because of this, the ancient cereal, which was consumed on all continents, found itself on the margins of cooking.

Barley must be soaked before boiling. It is necessary to fill it with water for 12 hours, then rinse and boil. Over an open fire, you just need to bring the cereal to a boil, then move the pan to a water bath and simmer under the lid for 6 hours.


Millet is another ancient grain that should be included in a healthy diet. Millet is a product of its minimal processing, so it retains a large amount of valuable fiber. The beneficial properties of this porridge include intensive cleansing of the intestines, the ability to remove toxins and metal salts. Cereals stimulate the cleansing of blood vessels and reduce the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

The product is rich in carbohydrates, which ensures a long-lasting feeling of fullness. Not suitable for nutrition with pancreatitis, since the polysaccharides present in the composition cannot be completely processed by the weakened pancreas. For the same reason, people with diabetes should not consume millet.


Despite the fact that this product is unusual and unusual for our table, it is necessary to use it. Corn has a unique property. It is very filling, so you won’t be able to eat a lot of it. The period of absorption by the body is long, its carbohydrates are broken down over more than 4 hours, providing a gradual supply of energy.

It contains vitamins A, E, PP, a large amount of potassium and magnesium. These microelements are valuable for heart function. It lowers cholesterol and effectively cleanses the intestines, similar to oatmeal.


The product is included in the diet of the planet's billion people. The value of rice cereal is well known in China, India and other countries of East Asia, where it is an essential component of the diet. We perceive rice differently, and not because we don’t know how to cook it. The fact is that we use completely different varieties of it - white, peeled, the value of which is minimal compared to “classic” rice - brown, unpolished.

The latter has highest efficiency in the matter of cleansing the body of toxins. And it has extremely few calories. Our cereal varieties are less productive in this regard and contain more easily accessible carbohydrates. However, they are also necessary for the health of the body, since rice has sorbent qualities, envelops the intestinal walls, and normalizes digestion.


The benefits of this cereal are not widely known; it is not customary for us to cook flaxseed porridge. But it is necessary to get to know it as an amazing source of essential amino acids. It supplies the body with the most valuable substances included in the structure skin, bones, joints. Flax is the fountain of youth.

The cereal also contains vitamins and microelements. The leader among the latter is potassium, which is 7 times more than in the well-known record holder for this component - banana. Flaxseed porridge has a similar effect on the gastrointestinal tract as oatmeal and rice: it coats the mucous membranes with a film and improves digestion.

The most harmful cereals

It is customary to endow porridge with exclusively beneficial properties. However, there are also potential “pests” among them. Nutritionists consider these to be cereals with a high glycemic index, as well as those that have virtually no fiber. They bring “empty calories” to the body. There are several record holders here.

  • Semolina . It is a product of finely ground wheat, so it contains vegetable protein and vitamins in a small volume. However, the main share of its composition (70%) is formed by starch, which should not be consumed by people who are overweight or those who are trying to reduce it. The benefits of semolina porridge in the morning are also exaggerated for children. The cereal contains a complex mucopolysaccharide that a child’s body cannot break down. It also reduces the intensity of movement of intestinal villi, inhibiting digestive activity.
  • White rice . Nutritionists call it an empty source of calories. White rice actually contains a lot of them, but there are practically no vitamins and minerals. Brown, wild and red varieties of this cereal are of high value.
  • Oatmeal instant cooking . Surprisingly, oatmeal can also be harmful. This is the name for finely ground flakes that boil in 5 minutes, or those that can simply be steamed with boiling water. This product contains neither fiber nor other valuable components. The calorie content of oatmeal from a bag of sugar is equivalent to a piece of cake.

Any cereal can be harmful if there is an individual intolerance to it. More than 30% of the world's population suffers from gluten intolerance, and in 1% of people this genetic condition provokes severe consequences after eating gluten-containing cereals. With regular consumption of cereals with gluten (oatmeal, wheat, semolina, pearl barley), celiac disease develops. It manifests itself in persistent digestive disorders with a decrease in the intensity of absorption of nutrients from the intestines.

Gluten is present not only in cereals, but also in products made from them. It is found in bread, pasta, sausage and canned food as additives. There is no cereal protein in buckwheat, rice, corn grits, millet.

Rules for preparing healthy porridges

To get the maximum benefit from a product, it must be selected and prepared correctly. Then the porridge will turn out to be truly healthy. Here are a few subtleties of proper food preparation.

  • The less processing the better.. Any grain contains the main spectrum of useful substances in the upper shells. Therefore, the less of them is lost during production, the more valuable the dish will be. Eat whole-grain oatmeal, unpolished rice, and cereals that only have their kernels crushed: corn, barley (barley).
  • Rinse the cereal. This will rid it of dust and will not wash away any useful substances. The need to wash grains is dictated by basic hygiene.
  • Eat without fat. The advantage of oatmeal, for example, is its ability to bind and remove cholesterol. However, it is completely lost when consumed with milk, since the cereal binds milk fat, and not the fat that settles in your intestines. Other grains with fiber work similarly. For maximum benefits, boil them in water.
  • Use healthy and tasty supplements. Porridge for breakfast will become much tastier if you add raisins, dried apricots, pieces of apples or nuts, sprinkle flax grains, sesame seeds, and garnish with fresh berries. Such components do not increase the calorie content of the dish, but make it more tasty and healthy.

Regularly consume valuable cereals; their benefits and harms are individual and depend on the characteristics of your body. However, the number of healthy cereals is large. And among them you will definitely find those that will delight you with their taste on the everyday table and will not bring unpleasant consequences.

Before you begin to study therapeutic nutrition for gastritis, you need to have a good idea of ​​what kind of disease you mean.

You need to know the enemy by sight

Gastritis is a term derived from the root “gaster”, which means “stomach” in ancient Greek, by adding the suffix “itis”, which always indicates the inflammatory origin of the disease. Simply put, the term means "inflammation of the stomach." It is ubiquitous in modern world a disease directly related to frequent stress, poor diet, addiction to fast food and dry food, and abuse of strong drinks. It can also be caused by infection with special bacteria that have the ability to live and multiply in an acidic gastric environment. Gastritis can be treated, but very often becomes chronic and, with any deviation from the desired lifestyle, immediately makes itself felt by acute or aching pain just below the sternum, belching, heartburn, heaviness in the abdomen and other unpleasant phenomena.

Basic principles of diet for gastritis

As you know, the stomach is one of the main organs that digests food, which means its treatment should begin with proper nutrition. The main cure for gastritis is in a plate on the dining table. For acute and chronic gastritis, three basic principles of diet are observed:

  • mechanical sparing of the gastric mucosa. This means that all foods containing coarse fibers are excluded from the diet. Thus, vegetables are consumed only boiled or baked, cereals are well boiled, the amount of bread is limited, and baked goods are excluded altogether. It is desirable that the food has a homogeneous semi-liquid consistency - then it will interact better with hydrochloric acid, digest faster, without causing stomach overfilling.
  • chemical sparing of the mucous membrane. This principle implies the exclusion of substances that irritate the stomach walls: acids (including fruit), hot spices, spices, alcohol, coffee and strong tea, fats, carbonated drinks.
  • thermal sparing of the stomach. It involves consuming foods at optimal temperature, that is, close to body temperature. Too cold and too hot dishes are excluded.

Food is taken in small portions, about 5-6 times a day. Dinner or lunch should end no later than 1.5-2 hours before bedtime. Breakfast is required.

The benefits of puree soups

With gastritis, dishes that can envelop the mucous membrane become of particular importance, thereby preventing it from coming into contact with hydrochloric acid and reducing irritation. These properties have:

  • jelly
  • viscous porridge
  • puree soups

Kissel is good to use as a main drink; it can easily replace an afternoon snack. Porridge is usually consumed for breakfast because it is quick and easy to prepare and replenishes the body's supply of easily digestible carbohydrates, which is especially needed in the morning. But puree soups are irreplaceable as a first course for lunch or as an independent and fairly complete dinner.

Soup in the form of puree for a patient with gastritis can be prepared using low-fat meat or vegetable broth as a base. In the first case, such a dish will serve additional source protein, it is more filling. But vegetable soups will become a source of essential vitamins. The big advantage of such a product is its quick and easy absorption: the stomach does not need to waste time and energy on the final grinding of food lumps, the process of mixing the food lump with gastric juice is very fast. This is important for gastritis with both high and low acidity:

  • with gastritis with an excess amount of hydrochloric acid, the puree quickly “absorbs” it into itself, partially enveloping the mucous membrane and thereby reducing inflammation;
  • with gastritis with low acidity, quick and complete mixing of the puree-like mass with gastric juice allows you to reduce the amount of hydrochloric acid required to decompose the food bolus - therefore, there is no heaviness and “stagnation” of food.

Puree is the most natural consistency for any dish (even if it’s soup). After all, when eating food, a person must first grind all its ingredients in the oral cavity. And in a puree-like product, all the pieces are already crushed.

Basic cooking rules

1. The main point is chopping all the ingredients from which the soup is made. The oldest method, used by our grandparents, is grinding products, previously crushed with a masher, through a strainer. This cooking option has a number of disadvantages: it takes a lot of time and effort, and it is impossible to chop the meat. More modern way- puree all the ingredients of the soup using a blender or food processor. This procedure is quick and hassle-free, allowing you to mix meat and fish with other ingredients.

2. If the soup is prepared with meat or vegetable broth, then the vegetables are cooked directly in it. In the case where it is allowed to consume only soup cooked in water, the vegetables are prepared separately and then mixed. To prepare meat broth it is allowed to use: a small amount of lean beef, skinless chicken, turkey or rabbit.

3. It is not advisable to overcook vegetables, as this will destroy all the vitamins. Many housewives break this rule, believing that the more boiled the vegetables are, the softer and better the puree soup will be and the more more benefit it will bring with gastritis. This is not true. It is possible that overcooked vegetables will be easier to digest, since the fiber in them will be completely destroyed. However, they will not bring any benefit other than saturating the body with carbohydrates. And with gastritis, it is especially important to replenish the supply of vitamins, since their absorption and production are often disrupted due to inflammation of the stomach.

4. The most beneficial for gastritis will be soups that include broccoli, cauliflower, zucchini or pumpkin. These vegetables have the most delicate fiber and a complete vitamin and mineral composition.

5. For greater viscosity, add rolled oats to the vegetable soup. If desired, you can use millet, rice, wheat cereals: they will give the dish additional calorie content.

6. To give a denser, sour cream-like consistency, add a little toasted wheat flour to the vegetable soup at the end of cooking or carefully add whipped egg white into the foam. In case of chronic gastritis, outside the acute stage, you can pour a little low-fat cream into the soup, but in the acute phase it is better to avoid it. Be sure to limit the amount of butter; it is better to replace it with vegetable oil.

8. Spices, including spices, it is better to exclude it altogether or use it in extremely small doses. Salt should also be limited.

By following these principles, you can choose the most optimal recipes for yourself in terms of composition and method of preparation, and having mastered them, you can easily make your diet, even with a disease such as gastritis, varied and tasty.

Porridges that coat your stomach

At stomach diseases The patient is prescribed drug therapy, which is carried out in combination with proper nutrition. The diet excludes heavy, fatty, fried and peppered foods. The patient's diet should be dominated by steamed and boiled vegetables, meat, as well as cereals that envelop the gastric mucosa: millet, oatmeal, buckwheat, rice. Cereals contain a large amount of vegetable fats, fiber, proteins and microelements necessary for stomach diseases.

Healthy porridges that envelop the stomach

The benefits of porridge for stomach ailments are due to the following factors:

  • there is no need for long chewing;
  • does not irritate the mucous membrane of the organ;
  • digests quickly and does not overload the stomach;
  • Provides the body with healthy carbohydrates, vitamins and vegetable proteins.

Porridge envelops the gastric mucosa and facilitates the course of the disease. Thus, the following cereals should predominate in the patient’s diet: buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, rice, semolina and millet.

Properly prepared porridges can normalize digestion and regulate bowel movements.

Millet porridge is rarely consumed, even despite its usefulness. It has the ability to control the metabolic process, contains vitamin D and a large amount of vitamins B, A, PP. Natural fiber and varieties of starch and amino acids make millet porridge necessary for diseases of the intestines and stomach.

Buckwheat has a huge amount of essential amino acids, their number reaches eighteen. This protein dietary product is indicated for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Buckwheat is used to prepare side dishes; at the acute stage, it is boiled and ground. At the remission stage, it is allowed to include buckwheat in meatballs and stuff vegetables with it, and eat it as a separate side dish with a piece of butter.

What are the benefits of oatmeal?

Oatmeal, unlike millet groats, is the most popular dish. Its benefits are due to phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, choline, zinc and a large number of other useful components that make up the cereal. The addictive properties of oatmeal can create protective film on the walls of the stomach, which prevents the impact negative factors to the organ

Oatmeal is cooked in water to a boiled consistency and rubbed through a strainer or whipped with a blender. At the stage of remission of the disease, you can prepare oatmeal with whole milk, adding butter to the dish. Oatmeal is prescribed to the patient from the first days of treatment, as it is able to restore the body's defenses. When the patient's condition improves, he is allowed to add fruit to the oatmeal.

The benefits of semolina porridge

When your stomach hurts, you should exclude heavy meals and include easily digestible foods, such as semolina porridge. It should be cooked until fully cooked and has a semi-liquid consistency. During the acute phase of the disease, semolina is boiled in water without adding salt and oil. Pureed semolina has enveloping effects, is easily digestible and does not cause intestinal spasms, and is used for ulcers and gastritis.


Diseases associated with the stomach and other organs of the digestive system occur in most cases after excessive consumption of harmful foods. Accordingly, treatment mainly consists of proper nutrition. The patient is prescribed different kinds porridge, including rice. The cereal contains eight amino acids, 8 percent protein and does not contain gluten, which contributes to an allergic reaction.

For stomach diseases, rice is used to cook porridge and prepare decoctions that have a strengthening and cleansing effect. In addition, rice is added to meat souffle, fish cutlets and meatballs. Cooked rice in water does not increase gastric secretion; it is allowed both at the stage of remission and during exacerbation of the disease. For diet menu It is better to choose polished white rice, which is boiled and does not irritate the damaged mucous layers of the organ walls.

Pearl barley

Pearl barley has a high nutritional value and is therefore used for stomach diseases. Barley contains amino acids, vitamins A, B, E, PP, phosphorus, manganese, copper, iron and other trace elements, fiber and protein.

A decoction is made from pearl barley, which has a softening effect. Barley porridge is cooked in water until completely boiled, after which it is ground or crushed in a blender. However, pearl barley has contraindications; it is not recommended for use in cases of high acidity of the stomach and in patients with a tendency to constipation and painful gas formation.

Aloe with honey for the stomach in gastroenterological practice

Aloe with honey for the stomach has been used in medicine since the inception of medicine. All recipes belong to the section of alternative medicine. Doctors are ambivalent about this method of treatment, but do not deny the fact of the beneficial effects of honey or aloe on the structures of the stomach and intestines in various diseases. It is worth mentioning that such treatment is more of a preventive nature for chronic forms of gastritis or peptic ulcer, and is used along with drug treatment of acute conditions, during the recovery period after surgery.

Aloe as a medicinal plant

Aloe Vera belongs to medicinal plants, due to the content of many useful substances and microelements in the pulp of the leaves. The plant is widely used in almost all areas of medicine; it is included in many creams, medicinal ointments, medicines for oral use. The leaves, which have a dense gel structure, are of particular value to the plant. Aloe leaf gel for the stomach has the following functions:

  • prevention of peptic ulcer or gastritis;
  • reduction of inflammation, irritation of mucous membranes;
  • elimination of infectious diseases;
  • preventing long-term constipation;
  • alleviation of painful symptoms of hemorrhoids;
  • blood purification;
  • destruction of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines;
  • sclerosis of ulcerative lesions on the gastric mucosa.

Important! Aloe has been valued since ancient times as an ideal remedy for healing cut and burn wounds due to its high antiseptic and disinfecting properties. To enhance the effectiveness of treatment, it is important to properly prepare, store, and combine aloe leaf extract with other beneficial components.

Honey for the stomach

Bee products are not only a delicacy. This is a powerful anti-inflammatory antibacterial agent for various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Alcohol tinctures from propolis and other bee products are natural antibiotics, which are rightfully used in official medicine and occupy not the last place there. Honey has the following beneficial properties for the gastrointestinal tract:

  • normalization of acidity;
  • healing of ulcerative lesions, erosions;
  • pain relief, elimination of inflammation;
  • improvement of intestinal motility;
  • removal of toxins and toxic substances;
  • improvement of metabolic processes;
  • restoration of damaged gastric or intestinal mucosa.

Honey is used to treat stomach ulcers, acute and chronic gastritis, colic, and duodenal ulcers. The presence of high concentrations of iron, manganese and copper in honey allows you to activate digestive processes and enhance the secretion of beneficial enzymes necessary for the proper functioning of all gastrointestinal organs.

Important! Honey is easily digestible human body, due to the optimal ratio of carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins, rarely causes allergic reactions. Honey minimizes Negative influence on the stomach of medications, increases local immunity, promotes rapid recovery after long-term treatment.

Preparing Ingredients

Aloe and honey for the stomach involves ingestion, so it is important to properly prepare raw materials for recipes. Preparation of aloe leaves and selection of honey - important aspects to achieve maximum therapeutic effect. To prepare recipes yourself, you must follow the following rules:

  • freshness and quality of honey (it should not be candied);
  • aloe leaves from the bottom of the trunk, without wormholes or damage;
  • leaf age is more than 3 years (characteristic darkening of leaf tips);
  • Aloe leaves need to be cut with a sharp knife.

Honey can be anything, the main thing is that it is a natural product. Cut aloe leaves are wrapped in a cotton towel or gauze and left in the refrigerator for a week. After a week, the leaves are removed and finely chopped with a ceramic knife. Ceramics will not allow useful substances to oxidize when interacting with a metal blade. The crushed leaves are rolled with a rolling pin, and the resulting juice is poured into a glass container. Only after preparing the juice, honey and other ingredients are added to it for further consumption.

Aloe and Honey Recipes

Recipes for treating the stomach with aloe and honey have multiple variations and can be used by patients of any age. Before preparing recipes, you need to become thoroughly familiar with the ingredients other than aloe and honey. If you are allergic to any components in the recipe, it is contraindicated to take it. Even the most safe way Treatment must be agreed with your doctor to eliminate the risk of complications. If the patient has a burdened clinical history, it is recommended to undergo additional examination and consultation with specialized specialists.

Recipe No. 1

Before you prepare aloe with honey for the stomach, you need to properly prepare aloe juice. For preparation you will need honey (about 100 g), aloe leaves (about 100 g), purified drinking water (about 50 ml). It is better to choose mature leaves growing on the lower part of the plant trunk. The leaves are washed, cut into large pieces, placed in glass jar and soak in water. The jar with the composition must be placed in a dark place for 5 days. At the end of the period, squeeze out aloe juice through gauze and combine with honey. The composition is consumed one hour before meals. After eating you should eat some butter.

Recipe No. 2

To eliminate constipation due to gastrointestinal diseases or hemorrhoids, you can try the following recipe. To prepare, you will need to squeeze aloe juice (from 500 grams of leaves), combine the juice with red wine (preferably Cahors about 500 ml) and honey (up to 0.5 kg). The entire composition must be placed in a large bottle or glass jar with an airtight lid and left in a dark place for 6-7 days. After preparing the infusion, you need to take ¼ cup before meals. It is recommended to drink the infusion with a large amount of rosehip decoction or plain water.

Recipe No. 3

An effective recipe against stomach ulcers is the following:

  • honey of any kind (about 500 g);
  • aloe leaves (up to 500 g);
  • alcohol 96% (about 100 ml).

Aloe leaves are cut into large pieces, which are mixed with alcohol and honey, and then left for 2 weeks. The finished product is filtered through cheesecloth, squeezing the remaining juice from the leaves. The pure product is poured into a clean tinted glass bottle. Taking the drug requires compliance with the dosage. The product should be consumed 1 tbsp. spoon 40 minutes before meals. The course of treatment is 14 days, after which it is necessary to take a break of 10 days. Before drinking aloe with honey and alcohol, you should consult your doctor.

Recipe No. 4

Combine agave with honey for the stomach in equal proportions and take 1 teaspoon before each meal. The recipe is quite simple, suitable for business people.

Recipe No. 5

Mix aloe and plantain juice, bring to a boil in enamel pan and leave until the concentrated mixture cools. The composition is additionally heated again and infused in a thermos for about 3 hours. Add honey to the cooled mixture and mix thoroughly. Take 2-3 tablespoons before each meal. You need to prepare a little, as the composition is stored in the refrigerator for about 14 days.

Recipe No. 6

To treat chronic gastritis and prevent exacerbations, this recipe is prepared. It is necessary to combine 200 grams of fresh honey, aloe juice and carrot juice in approximately equal proportions. It is better to take carrots from fresh harvested households. This composition is drunk for a long time, about a month. If necessary, the duration of the course can be unlimited.

Recipe No. 7

To make the recipe, you need to mix aloe juice (about 0.25 ml), vodka (0.25 ml), fresh honey (0.25 ml). The composition is poured into an enamel container and infused in a cool place for about 2 months. Drink the tincture 1-2 times a day before meals in the morning. If necessary, you can pre-mix the composition with warm water.

Recipe No. 8

Agave with honey for the stomach helps with digestive disorders. To prepare the recipe you will need linden honey (up to 100 ml) and a glass of Cahors. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed and infused for about 5 days. After preparation, the mixture can be drunk 1 tbsp. spoon before eating. The infusion is stored in the refrigerator in a tightly closed glass container.

Recipe No. 9

Important! Recipes containing alcohol components may not be suitable for people with severe forms of gastrointestinal diseases, in the presence of renal or liver failure, mental disorders, during pregnancy. The balance of risks and expected benefits is always agreed only with the attending physician.

Main contraindications

Treatment of aloe with honey may not be suitable for all patients with gastric or intestinal ulcers. The main contraindications include:

  • allergic reactions of any origin;
  • hypersensitivity to ingredients;
  • the presence of tumors or polyps of any location (benign, oncogenic);
  • arterial hypertension, especially difficult to correct;
  • pregnancy, lactation;
  • mental disorders;
  • early childhood;
  • burdened clinical history of other organs or systems;
  • internal bleeding.

Important! Only a doctor can objectively assess the patient’s somatic status based on test data and instrumental studies. Self-cooking and application of recipes traditional medicine with aloe and honey can be in best case scenario ineffective, and at worst even harmful to health.

If difficulties arise when preparing aloe leaves for subsequent use, as well as in the absence of herbal medicine skills, it is better to resort to alternative methods correcting your own health. The pharmaceutical market today produces ready-made aloe juice, industrially extracted to simplify preparation and use.

Preparation of honey, aloe for stomach treatment:

But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

Mothers, trying to feed their children porridge, talk about its amazing benefits. But is it? Let's try to find out everything about porridge: benefits and harms, what prevails?

Useful properties of cereals

Are porridges healthy? The answer to this question will be positive, because cereals are made from grain crops known for their benefits. It is not for nothing that in Rus' porridge was a symbol of wealth and family prosperity.

Porridges have many beneficial properties:

  • quickly saturate the body, as they are characterized by a high content of fiber, vitamins, vegetable protein and “slow carbohydrates”;
  • at the same time, the calorie content of porridges is low if you do not eat them with butter and sugar;
  • charge the body with the necessary energy;
  • restore the functioning of the digestive system;
  • naturally cleanse the body of waste and toxins;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • make the skin elastic;
  • reduce the risk of carcinogenic formations by 20%.

The properties of porridges are influenced by the type of cereal and the method of its preparation. Depending on the amount of liquid remaining in the porridge, it can be viscous or crumbly.

What cereals are best to eat?

Let's try to find out which cereals are healthy?

Refined and unrefined grains are used to prepare porridges. But since all the useful substances are in the shell, the cereal freed from it loses all the necessary substances. If the cereal is also highly crushed, then it can only supply unnecessary calories to the body. The most purified and ground grain is semolina.

Nutritionists say that porridge with milk is better absorbed than porridge cooked with water. But you need to take skim milk so as not to add extra calories.

To make porridge healthier, sugar is replaced with honey, fruits and berries.

We all know that porridge is healthy. For the Slavs, this is their native food, because previously in the villages the only food they had was porridge, bread and dairy products from their own cow. Nowadays, porridge remains no less popular and healthy, because it is one of the few dishes on the table of a modern person that is rich in fiber and complex carbohydrates necessary for digestion and normal intestinal activity.

Healthy cereals for weight loss

Porridges that contain a lot of fiber are good for weight loss. In first place in the ranking of healthy cereals is buckwheat, which has a beneficial effect on the entire body.

It’s quite simple to prepare: take a glass of cereal, put it in a thermos, and pour three glasses of boiling water. You need to do this in the evening, and then by the morning you will have ready-made food for the whole day! It is believed that buckwheat prepared in this way promotes weight loss.

What cereals are good for the stomach?

If you have an ulcer, gastritis or other similar stomach diseases, you simply need to include boiled, so-called “slimy” porridge in your diet. Among them, oatmeal comes first, as it gently envelops the walls of the stomach and eases the course of the disease.

For the same purposes, you can use pearl barley, which needs to be boiled for a long time until soft - it has a good effect on the activity of the entire gastrointestinal tract.

White rice porridge will help normalize digestion and, in particular, get rid of diarrhea. will quickly relieve the symptom and bring the intestines back to normal.

Semolina porridge consists of small particles, and there is practically no useful fiber in it. But it, just like rice porridge, is indicated for those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines.

It is worth noting that the healthiest cereals for breakfast are the same ones, plus buckwheat. It is universal and perfect for feeding the most different people. It contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, and it has an excellent effect on the entire body.

Porridge for breakfast is good not only for the stomach, but also for weight loss: complex carbohydrates create a feeling of fullness for a long time, thanks to which you will do without snacking until lunch and will not pick up extra calories.

The healthiest porridge

Modern man eats very few complex carbohydrates, which saturate the body with fiber and give an energy boost for several hours. Because of this, both the stomach and intestines suffer. From this point of view, the most useful addition to the diet is porridge, because it can compensate for the lack of fiber and normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract.

The most useful porridge for weight loss

The healthiest porridges are those that consist of whole grains, and not, for example, flakes or crushed particles (such as semolina). Due to their high fiber content, consuming them allows you to achieve the following positive effects:

  • porridges are digested for several hours, gradually releasing portions of energy to the body, which is why the feeling of satiety is maintained for a long time;
  • charge with energy, thanks to which a person can easily cope with all tasks;
  • maintain stable blood sugar levels (unlike sweets and white bread, due to which the level rises sharply and sharply supplies, again giving a feeling of hunger);
  • have a fairly low calorie content - in dry cereal there are about 350 kcal, but in porridge - no more than 120 per 100 g of the finished product;
  • any cereal is a good source of vitamins and minerals necessary for the body;
  • Some cereals (for example, buckwheat) contain quite a lot of vegetable protein, making them excellent even for sports diets.

To summarize, the healthiest cereals include buckwheat, pearl barley, brown rice, millet, and oats. Instant cereals, as a rule, are devoid of useful fiber and a large number of useful elements, so it is better to choose traditional, natural cereals.

Many people are interested in what oatmeal is the healthiest? The answer is clear - one that consists of whole grains, and not flakes (like rolled oats). It is recommended not to add sugar, honey, milk and butter to porridges for weight loss, but to improve the taste you can use fruit and a minimal amount of salt.

The healthiest porridges for the stomach

If you decide to lose weight, but at the same time you have stomach problems - gastritis, ulcers and similar diseases, the best option for you would be breakfast in the form of heavily boiled, soft porridge. Soft, jelly-like porridges, such as oatmeal, are perfect for this role. It is considered an ideal dish for all those who suffer from problems with the gastrointestinal tract, and if you cook it without sugar, honey, butter and milk, you can get an excellent dietary product.

The healthiest milk porridge

If you really like milk porridge, but at the same time want to lose weight, it is important to understand simple thing: Milk is extra calories. Thus, the less it is, the healthier the final product. In this regard, we can draw a simple conclusion: prepare porridge without sugar, butter and milk, and you can add a few ingredients directly to the plate to improve the taste: it could be milk of 1.5 - 2.5% fat, a little fruit or spices.

Porridges prepared for a child with butter, sugar, milk, jam - this is an absolutely unsuitable component for the diet of a person losing weight.

The healthiest porridges for pregnant women

If during pregnancy you decide to slightly slow down your rate of weight gain and switch to a lighter diet, try to follow the same principles. All whole grain cereals are good for you, and it is advisable to eat them without unnecessary sweeteners or full-fat milk. Most best option for pregnant women - this is buckwheat and oatmeal cooked in water. You can add vegetables to buckwheat porridge, and fruits to oatmeal, making the dish even more healthy and nutritious.

Today, 80% of the world's population faces stomach pain, bloating, belching, heartburn and other unpleasant facts that are caused by poor diet. As a rule, we start the morning with a cup of coffee on an empty stomach, continue with some fast food for lunch, and at the end of the day, getting home, prepare and consume a hearty and satisfying dinner, rich in carbohydrates and fats. All this not only does not benefit our body, but also harms the digestive system. And getting a whole complex discomfort we begin to think about healthy food for our stomach. Nutritious foods for our stomach are those that contain:

  • proteins that help the body restore damaged cells and eliminate inflammatory processes, heal ulcers;
  • sulfur, which promotes the formation of a substance to provide antioxidant protection to the gastric mucosa;
  • pectin, which improves stomach function and binds toxins;
  • beta-carotene, which helps eliminate toxins and improves peristalsis;
  • Vitamin B6 improves the condition of the colon and prevents the risk of gastrointestinal cancer.
  • vitamin C, which is an antioxidant, allows you to quickly heal damaged areas of the gastric mucosa;
  • vitamin PP, helps normalize gastric juice secretions and prevents diarrhea;
  • folic acid (or vitamin B9). It softens the inflammatory processes of the internal integuments of the gastrointestinal tract.

What foods are good for the stomach?

Food Vitamins
squirrels pectin Sulfur WITH beta carotene AT 6 RR AT 9
Daily value for humans
58-117 g 4-15 g 4.5 g 75-100 mg 5 mg 2-5 mg 20 mg 400 mcg
Contents per 100 grams of product
Carrot 1,4 0,7 7 5,1 13 0,2 1,11 10
Broccoli 2,82 89,2 0,386 0,175 1,1071 63
Apple 0,8 1,2 6 10 0,03 0,09 0,6 4
Beans 4,8 19,8 0,029 1,2 58
Leaf salad 1,5 16 15 1,75 0,2 0,9 48
Bananas 1,09 8,7 0,026 0,367 0,665 20
Lean beef 18,6 230 0,4 7,7876 8,4
Oatmeal, rolled oats 12,3 88 0,24 4,6 23
Fish, such as catfish 17,2 180 1,2 0,01 0,12 5,3 17
Rice 2,2 60 0,54 5,3 35
Spinach 2,9 1,1 55 4,5 0,1 1,2 80
Chees Feta 17 4,516
Orange 1 0,7 9 60 0,05 0,07 0,31 5
Mint 3,75 31,8 0,129 1,706 114
Asparagus 1,9 20 0,5 1,4
Peas 5 47,5 25 0,4 0,17 3 20
Black Eyed Peas 2,5 20 0,4 0,2 0,9 36
Soybeans 34,9 244 0,07 0,85 9,7 200
White cabbage 1,8 0,6 37 45 0,02 0,1 0,9 10
Yogurt 1.5% 4,1 27 0,6 0,01 0,05 1,2
Milk, 1.5% 3 29 1,3 0,01 0,05 0,8 5
Millet 11,5 77 0,02 0,52 4,6 40
Kiwi 0,8 15 180 0,09 0,2 0,5 18,5
Honey 0,8 1 2 0,2 0,4 15
Potato 2 0,5 32 20 0,02 0,3 1,8 8
Sour cream 15% 2,6 26 0,4 0,04 0,08 0,6 8,5
Chicken 18,2 186 1,8 0,01 0,5 12,5 4,3
Plum 0,8 0,9 6 10 0,1 0,08 0,7 1,5
Black currant 1,4 1-1,1 181 0,066 0,3
Sea ​​buckthorn 1,2 200 1,5 0,8 0,5 9

Honey has been a folk healer for a long time, and its healing properties also extend to gastrointestinal diseases. It speeds up the digestion process, which is very useful for better absorption of minerals and vitamins. But only real honey, without added sugar, can regulate the acid concentration of gastric juice. Bananas are an indispensable product for ulcers. It envelops the stomach, prevents the formation of new ulcers and heals existing ones. Among the Chinese, rice is considered the most healing food for the stomach. And this is true, because rice contains many complex carbohydrates. It is easily digestible and very nutritious. Potatoes contain enzymes that are beneficial for the stomach. In principle, it can be eaten in any form, even fried, but this will harm your waistline, since this vegetable is very high in calories. The enzymes contained in it are capable of restoring the gastric mucosa.

Oatmeal or rolled oatmeal relieves the stomach of all sorts of diseases. Main advantage oatmeal in the fiber contained, which envelops the stomach and improves its functioning.

Feta cheese is the healthiest for the stomach. It contains many bacteria necessary for the gastrointestinal tract: they fight microorganisms. What makes this cheese so healthy is that unprocessed goat (sheep) milk is used in its preparation. In other cheeses, the milk is usually pasteurized. Millet, or millet, contains a large amount of proteins, sulfur and B vitamins, as well as microelements that are beneficial for the stomach. Apples are the most common fruit in Russia. They can be found in any store, at any market, and even at local garden plots. Both children and adults love apples. They contain many vitamins, minerals and other beneficial substances. In addition, the apple is a record holder for the content of pectin, a plant fiber that helps cleanse the stomach of toxins. Pectin also improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and digestive system, improves intestinal motility. Apples can help prevent constipation and increase appetite. But we must remember that they increase the acidity of the stomach, so people suffering from gastritis with high stomach acidity should be more careful with apples. Leaf lettuce helps provide the body with a large supply of biologically active substances and does not bring additional ballast to the stomach. It contains a lot of beta-carotene, a substitute for vitamin A, which supports the body's defenses, heals stomach ulcers, and treats colitis. Salad, like apples, is rich in pectin. Soybeans and soybeans. Although some people consider this product harmful, it is, on the contrary, dietary. Soybeans contain about 50% pure protein, a large amount of sulfur and are simply record holders in terms of content folic acid. With all this, they have a huge number of useful properties, especially for the gastrointestinal tract.

To maintain the health and strength of the stomach, first of all, you need to establish regular and proper nutrition, using foods that are good for the stomach. These products have been named above. It is also recommended to cleanse the stomach, freeing it from food that it is not able to digest. This can be done with the help of fiber contained in food products, such as bran bread, cereals, fruits and vegetables. It is better to eat meals in small portions, up to seven times a day. Food can be divided into three types: liquid, mushy and solid. The healthiest food for the stomach is liquid and mushy. It is quickly digested, absorbed and leaves the stomach. But hard food, on the contrary, takes a long time to digest and this creates a feeling of heaviness in the stomach; it should be chewed thoroughly. You need to consume more liquid, especially when eating viscous cereals, this can even be done during meals to ensure easy digestion. Those suffering from stomach diseases should opt for foods low in fat. Foods containing a lot of fat lead to increased production of stomach acid, which causes inflammation of the mucous membrane. Low-fat foods include fish, lean meat, legumes and soy products, yogurt, and low-fat milk. More often you need to eat foods containing flavonoids; these antioxidants are found in colorful vegetables and fruits, which have a good effect on the stomach. They can be consumed in the form of salads, seasoned with vegetable oils. They contain a lot of fiber. It is necessary to include them in the daily diet, but provided that there is no peptic ulcer.

Which porridge is the healthiest for digestion and the stomach???? and why???

Victor Plenkin

Each porridge has its own advantages. Semolina porridge is absorbed by the body by 90-99%, oatmeal protects (coats) the walls of the stomach and promotes better digestion, buckwheat strengthens muscle tone and promotes better heat exchange, pearl barley is said to be healthy, but my body does not accept it. In general, we can talk for a long time about the usefulness of each porridge and argue a lot. Although there is no arguing about tastes - it’s everyone’s business...

Natalia Melnikova

One of the healthiest cereals is oatmeal. It has been proven that it makes the intestines work better, and the feeling of fullness lasts for quite a long time. Barley porridge improves memory. It is useful to eat it to prevent atherosclerosis.
– Porridge is an ancient folk medicine for the digestive organs. Their therapeutic effect depends on the method of preparation: porridges can be pureed, liquid, or crumbly. Rice, oatmeal, and pearl barley, when cooked, form a protein-starch “mix” that stimulates gastric secretion. They also have an enveloping, cleansing, and sorbent effect. Doctors recommend porridge for exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic colitis and pancreatitis. And to activate intestinal motor function, you need to eat crumbly porridge


Only polished, steamed rice and semolina are not very good, they are digestible, but the nutritional value is minimal. Everything has been removed and steamed)))
For exhausted people it’s the best - but where are they exhausted?

Which porridge is the most useful in the morning and gives you more strength?

Pavel Lipatenkov

Oatmeal - quickly and for a long time nourishes and warms. Millet contains the most fat - it fills you up faster. May cause heartburn due to hunger.
Buckwheat has a lot of fiber, iron, protein, but is a bit heavy.
